Does Internet speed depend on the SIM card? How does Internet speed depend on the modem?

You can find useful utilities online that improve the performance of your smartphone. Users often ask questions about how to speed up the Internet on Android, what applications allow you to control traffic, which affects the performance of the system as a whole. There is a solution for these problems too.

Using programs

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt=" acceleration productivity" width="300" height="171"> !} Internet Speed ​​Master is a simple and convenient application that allows you to adjust the data transfer speed. It can be downloaded in the public domain both on Google Play and the App Store. The user can carefully configure system parameters and optimize the operation of Internet services. The main advantage of this program is the ability to interact with files without root rights.

Viatun- an interesting and easy-to-use utility that is supported in EDGE, 3G, 4G and even WiFi networks. The operating principle of Viatun is similar to programs that are responsible for traffic compression. An interesting feature of this utility is that it encrypts data and hides the user’s real IP.

Internet Booster- an easy-to-use program that optimizes data transfer work by cleaning temporary files. There is a version without root rights, just press “speed up” and reboot your smartphone.

Browser settings

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Google_Chrome" width="100" height="100"> !} You can optimize the operation of programs on Android yourself without installing additional utilities. Famous Google browser Chrome has advanced settings that each user can change depending on their preferences. This browser loads and functions on both phones and tablets. In order to configure the mobile browser, it is necessary.

For wired Internet, the speed promised by the provider is the channel capacity at the “last mile”. Typically, the actual speed of wired Internet providers is close to the advertised speed. In relation to mobile networks, the “last mile” is a radio channel, and the speed does not always correspond to that stated in the 3GPP standard (100 - 150 Mbit/s). Below is information about factors affecting speed mobile internet on an LTE network.

1.Category mobile device.
At the time of the launch of LTE technologies in the CIS, mobile devices were sold with support for Category 4. If the Internet provider acts as a data channel, then the width of this channel at the phone input is 150.8 Mbit/s.

2. Bandwidth. Each antenna of a mobile device can receive a signal with a frequency bandwidth of 20 MHz. The tower can allocate frequency bands of 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz and 20 MHz. To separate the bands from each other, 10% of the band width (except for the 1.4MHz band) acts as a border zone; no information is transmitted along it. Thus, the maximum frequency channel width of a mobile device is 2 * (20Mhz * 90%) = 36 Mhz.

3. Resource block (RB)- a unit of transmission resource in an LTE channel, consisting of 12 sub-frequency intervals occupied during a time interval (TS - 0.5 ms). The total RB frequency band is 180 kHz. Therefore, the number of RBs in the maximum frequency range is 36Mhz / 180kHz = 200.

4. Resource element (RE)- the smallest data transmission unit in DL and UL mode. The required frequency band is 15 kHz. During the time TS - 0.5 ms, the antenna can transmit 7 RE in the 15 kHz range (in case of bad conditions, this number is 6). 1 RB = 12 * 7 = 84 RE. With the maximum channel width, you can transmit 200RB * 84RE = 16800RE in TS time - 0.5 ms.

5. Modulation. Depending on the type of modulation, different amounts of information can be transmitted in one RE. With modulation type QPSK - 2bit; 16QAM - 4bit; 64QAM - 6 bit. The choice of modulation depends on the coverage signal level. At 64QAM speed: 16800RE * 6 * 2000TS = 201600000 bit/s = 201.6 Mbit/s. 25% of all transmitted information is used to control the physical layer and data transfer layer. Therefore the resulting speed is 201.6Mbit/s * 75% ~ 150Mbit/s

BUT, in the CIS there is no operator that can simultaneously allocate 2 20 MHz bands and the signal quality leaves much to be desired. Additional overhead from IP packets, temporary interference in the radio channel, and the influence of other subscribers nearby only worsen the speed stated in the standard. If the operator has a 15 MHz spectrum available, then only three people at the same time will be able to download (be able to) at a speed of 18.3Mbit/s within one tower, and this is with an ideal signal.

(the graph shows the data transmission rate of one antenna depending on the selected range and modulation type).

Technologies such as carrier aggregation (CA) allow the subscriber to allocate several spaced frequency bands from those available to the operator, while (amount of information)/Hz remains a constant value. The peculiarities of economic trends and rules in the post-Soviet space force owners of LTE networks to increase the number of subscribers by expanding coverage. In developed countries, operators have similar frequency bands, but when planning they use microcell, picocell, femtocell to improve signal quality. Currently operating in the CIS countries LTE networks do not have much better performance than HSDPA networks. The only mechanism for increasing Internet speed is improving coverage and optimizing the use of radio resources.

To connect to the Internet from almost any corner inhabited by human civilization, you can use 3G networks. They are ideal for those people who travel a lot and do not like to sit still. Stationary users often resort to them if there is no possibility of connecting to cable data networks, or such a connection is too expensive.

3G modem - usually inserted into a USB port and has a slot for installing a SIM card. The speed of connecting to the Internet via a 3G modem largely depends on the strength of the network signal at the connection location.

Computer performance and a number of other factors have a much smaller impact on this. Since in some cases the quality of the Internet connection leaves much to be desired, users are faced with the acute problem of how to improve the speed of a 3G modem.

Increasing 3G modem speed

  1. The low speed of a 3G modem is sometimes due to the fact that its characteristics do not quite match the data transmission parameters that the operator’s network can provide. For example, the question of increasing the speed of a 3G modem may arise when the modem itself is designed for a maximum of 3.6 MB per second, while the network supports 7 MB per second. If this is your case, then replace the 3G modem, this will improve the speed of your Internet connection. It is best to purchase a modem from the operator whose services you use for mobile access to the network.
  2. In some cases, the low speed of a 3G modem is due to the fact that the computer is running games, a media player and other applications that heavily load the processor. If after closing all these programs there is no increase in the speed of the 3G modem, try restarting the computer.
  3. Make sure the SIM card is installed correctly in the 3G modem. Remove the modem from the USB port, remove SIM card and carefully insert it back. Now connect your 3G modem to your laptop and check if the speed improves.
  4. Another effective answer to the question of how to improve the speed of a 3G modem is to move the computer to another room, closer to a window or door. Check where the operator's signal reaches its maximum strength. Indoors, the signal from 3G networks is often much weaker than outdoors.
  5. Remove the modem from the computer port and insert it again. This will force the system to reconfigure the network connection settings, and possibly increase the connection speed. Restarting your computer can have a similar effect.

Notes: During peak network load hours, the Internet connection speed usually decreases, as the operator is forced to share the available capacity among everyone. Peak hours may vary between operators and locations (concentration of offices, residential area, countryside). If you are annoyed by low 3G Internet speeds, try not to go online during peak load times.

Quality of services provided Internet access is largely due to the successful actions of providers. It is they who are responsible for ensuring the quality of the so-called “last mile” to any subscriber (the term “last mile” means the channel that connects the final (or client) hardware equipment to the provider’s base). Provider companies must constantly work to expand external channels on the Internet. They can constantly monitor (track) the situation for the occurrence and prevention of emergencies and emergency situations in their areas of responsibility. Also, it is the providers who provide subscribers with not only the technical capabilities of connecting to Internet networks. They sell “access services”, while providing their clients with support and offering new modern features and quite attractive services.

However, great responsibility for ensuring high-quality speed on the Internet lies with the subscriber. The vast majority of providers decline responsibility for the correct settings of subscriber computer equipment. Speed ​​characteristics will largely depend on this factor. Internet connections. Because when equal conditions good, competent configuration of subscribers’ computers is the key to fast, and most importantly, trouble-free access using this particular computer.

What factors for the end user have a decisive influence on the speed of Internet access? To understand, you need to consider factors that subscribers themselves can control and configure. This information is not exhaustive and does not serve complete guide in setting all parameters. It only focuses clients’ attention on the most sensitive and significant points that need to be taken into account to create the most favorable conditions obtaining high speed values ​​for Internet access.

So, the speed of your Internet connection may depend on: network loads, the introduction of all possible viruses or similar programs, failures in operating system settings and correct operation of hardware, intermediate equipment (User devices -, ), time, place, different weather conditions .

Now about each of them in more detail.

Let's start with network loads. In the case when there are 120 users at the same time on the base station who are downloading movies, accordingly, the speed of your Internet connection during normal surfing will become very low, since all the channels are already occupied with “good” things.

Secondly, the presence of a virus and a similar program, as well as a program that filters

traffic that has the ability to limit channel width, antivirus with built-in filters, programs for peer-to-peer networks. This point is of particular importance for ensuring not only high speeds on the Internet, but is also directly related to general security computer and the data on it.

The next point is setting up the operating system, ensuring sufficient correctness in the operation of the hardware. In any operating system, settings for working with the Internet are associated with complex issues of their administration. Given this, they should be left as they were set by the manufacturers or adjusted only by experienced users who understand all the consequences of these actions. This fact applies primarily to the types of Windows operating systems, which are considered to be the most common among most Internet clients.

A few words about intermediate equipment (User devices -). A trivial example is the establishment of a connection at one time and at a single point in space with different speeds at different devices There are many tests comparing modem parameters. For example, when testing HSDPA modems and the Huawei E220 model, the first one won, providing more high speed computer connected to it. This is explained by the presence of a special information encryption algorithm and external retractable. Although you shouldn’t hope that the same Internet connection will work the same in the same places.

Qualified configuration of these types of hardware (modems) can also affect the connection speed, since modems are the intermediate links between subscriber computers and provider networks. In addition, it is recommended to regularly update everything software Your modem. For example, one of the new firmware updates for declares an increase in connection performance due to optimization of firmware codes.

Category time and place. The level of access speed depends quite strongly on the place and time when users try to access the network. During the daytime, on weekdays, for example, in the center of large cities, the load on wireless network more than on weekends or in the evening. Don't expect it to be the same internet connection will work the same in the same places.