The military family as a factor in the socio-pedagogical formation of personality. Social problems of military personnel Military personnel as a special social group

Keywords: social protection, social security, military personnel, military reform. social assistance, social work, social support.

Disputes regarding the assignment and payment of pensions to military personnel and their families, the recovery of overpaid pensions and benefits are resolved by higher authorities in the order of subordination of the pension authorities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Federal service execution of sentences, the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Control of Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances or the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or in court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

There are many problems with pension provision for military personnel in Russia, but most of them are insignificant. The main problem is that today the level of military pensions has decreased and is almost equal to the level of old-age pensions for civilians.

By virtue of current legislation, the level of pensions for military personnel depends on their official salary. It should be noted that in the last three years the level of pay for military personnel has changed significantly, but it has changed due to the introduction of allowances that affect the amount of pensions. As a result, pay increases, but the level of military pensions remains at the same level. At the same time, civilian pensions are growing, which have almost caught up with the level of military pensions, which have always been considered preferential. The problem is complicated by the fact that many military personnel retire at an economically active age (30-40 years), but their lack of civil service and experience in a civilian specialty does not allow them to find a decently paid job. As a result, the pension becomes the main source of income for a pensioner, and many have dependent children. Even if they manage to get a job, this work is mainly related to security activities and is poorly paid.

The Government of the Russian Federation decided to amend the legislation; changes were made to the legislative acts regulating the issues of monetary allowance and food supply for military personnel and employees of some federal bodies executive branch, pension provision for persons who served in military service, who are excluded legal basis for payment or accounting when calculating pensions monetary compensation in return for food rations and cash food compensation, respectively. Now the cost of food rations is not included in the cash allowance taken into account for calculating pensions, but in monetary terms preserved by including it in the salary of a military (special) rank.

Issues of pension provision for military personnel and equivalent categories of persons remained on the sidelines, since at the time when the question of carrying out pension reform arose, the problem of pension provision for military personnel was not clearly defined and the level of military pensions was two or three times higher than the level of pensions for civilians . Now the situation is changing radically, and the so-called civilian pensions are catching up with military pensions in their level. We believe that this should not be allowed, since the pension provision of military personnel must take into account their special legal status.

Thus, guaranteed social security of military personnel and members of their families creates and ensures the prestige of military service and, ultimately, helps resolve the issues of staffing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with professional, well-trained personnel. The success and fate of military reform, the further development of the Armed Forces, their combat effectiveness and the fulfillment of tasks to protect the Fatherland largely depend on the solution to this problem.

List of sources used

1. Molchanova E.V. On the issue of improving pension provision for older citizens. / Modern society, education and science: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Tambov, email. magazine "Scientific Almanac" No. 9 (11), 2015, pp. 1377-1380.
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Scientific article on the topic “Socio-legal problems of military personnel in modern Russia” updated: April 2, 2018 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

social soldier adaptation crisis

Social work is providing assistance to social groups that are in difficult life situation, cannot cope with their difficulties on their own and therefore need the assistance of specialists. At first glance, military personnel are in normal social conditions, by the very nature of their activities, recruitment personal qualities, corresponding to this activity, cannot belong to vulnerable segments of the population: these are, as a rule, people of middle age, considered the most favorable, their health condition is under constant professional supervision, representatives of the Armed Forces, one of the most respected social groups, have a high social status , and their financial situation at first glance is very stable. Before considering the complex of problems of people performing military service, it is necessary to determine who belongs to such people. A citizen undergoing military service is a military serviceman and has a legal status determined by law. Military service is a special type civil service citizens in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other troops: border troops; internal troops; government communications troops, providing communications with military command and control authorities; Ukrainian railway troops; civil defense troops, authorities foreign intelligence and federal state security agencies. For those undergoing military service, the composition of military personnel is established: soldiers and sailors; sergeants and foremen; warrant officers and midshipmen; as well as officers: junior, senior, senior. The serviceman’s status, financial situation, and, indirectly, his state of health and family circumstances depend on his membership in one or another unit. Military service can be carried out by conscription for soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, or by contract - for all military personnel. In Ukraine, the soldiers and sergeants of the Armed Forces are recruited primarily by conscription, on the basis of universal conscription, although in recent years Certain actions have been taken to form a professional army and organize the military service of soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen on a voluntary contract basis. Male citizens aged 18 to 27 years who are not entitled to exemption or deferment from conscription are subject to conscription for military service in peacetime. The terms of conscription military service are established by legislators, for those serving under a contract - by contract. The problems of military personnel and their families are caused by the responsibilities assigned to them for the armed defense of the state, which involves performing assigned tasks in any conditions, including with a possible risk to life. This determines the characteristics of the social-role system in which they operate. Functional responsibilities military personnel are strictly regulated. Orders from superiors are not discussed and are subject to strict implementation, regardless of the attitude of the person who receives it to the order. In addition, the serviceman and, in some cases, his family do not have the opportunity to choose their occupation and place of residence. A person undergoing military service is often exposed to unfavorable factors: emotional and physical overload, exposure to noise, vibration, chemical reagents, confined space, constant forced contact with other military personnel, lack of privacy, interpersonal tension, interpersonal conflicts. All problems and crises of Ukrainian society are reflected in the Armed Forces, one of social institutions countries. Thus, a decrease in the quality of health and intelligence of the population leads to the fact that people with serious somatic or mental illnesses enter military service. On the other hand, excessive military loads and poor quality nutrition with pronounced protein and vitamin defects lead to the appearance or exacerbation of various diseases in military personnel. The growth of crime in society, the increase in drug addiction and alcoholism cause an increase in the number of crimes committed by military personnel, and the danger for the military personnel themselves of becoming a victim of crime from their colleagues. One of the acute problems of the modern Ukrainian Armed Forces is the presence of several status systems in its ranks: the official “statutory” system of relationships, determined by general legislation and departmental documents, charters, instructions; the “business” system, that is, informal, but widespread among older soldiers; a status system, according to which power and influence in military groups are distributed depending on membership in a certain territorial or national group. The presence of several status systems is a reflection and symptom of a general social moral and psychological crisis. The consequence of this situation is a decrease in the controllability of military collectives, a decline in discipline, violence to which military personnel are often subjected, the spread of suicide in the Armed Forces, and not only among privates and non-commissioned officers, which, as a rule, is due to “informal” relations in military collectives, but also among the officers. Due to the socio-economic difficulties that the country is experiencing, the payment of salaries to military personnel is delayed, the material and technical supply system is falling apart, and equipment and weapons are becoming obsolete. The universality of military service does not seem justified to society: the majority of the population supports the transition of the Armed Forces to the contract principle of formation and exclusively voluntary military service by citizens. The absence of the right to alternative military service guaranteed by the Constitution, weak legal and social protection of all categories of military personnel, economic and everyday difficulties - all this burdens the moral and psychological well-being of military personnel. The uncertainty of plans for military reform, personnel prospects for military personnel, mass dismissals of officers without providing them with the housing and payments required by law, and difficulties in finding a job after completing military service create another problematic complex of the “transition” period - between the end of military service and adaptation to civilian life. reality. A special group consists of the problems of participants in wars and armed conflicts, and their adaptation to peaceful life. Firstly, persons who were injured or, moreover, who have completely lost their health and ability to work for social functioning, do not currently enjoy an adequate level of social security; they and their families have a whole series material, financial, housing, medical and social problems, for the solution of which neither they themselves nor the state currently have enough resources. Secondly, these military personnel, even those who were not injured in such armed conflicts, are carriers of the so-called “post-traumatic stress syndrome.” Military families experience all the challenges that any family faces, but they also have their own challenges. The family of a conscript is deprived of his earnings - often the main source of income, which, if there is a child, puts the family in a difficult financial situation; the benefit paid in this case does not cover the needs of maintaining the child. But families of conscripts, in turn, have, in accordance with the law, a number of benefits aimed at facilitating their existence until the breadwinner returns from the army. The child benefit for a conscript soldier is set at 1.5 times the minimum wage; the social worker first of all informs them about the availability of these benefits and provides assistance in obtaining them. Unfortunately, since funds from local budgets are most often involved, these benefits are often paid irregularly - in this case, the family of a conscript serviceman can be provided with targeted social assistance, as well as urgent social assistance in the form cash payments or in kind: food, clothing, fuel. Such a family can be considered as a temporarily single-parent family, and therefore social workers, if necessary, must provide assistance to the soldier’s wife in her employment, placement of the child in a nursery preschool, psychological support. Another problem for a military serviceman’s family is poverty, since wages lags behind the rising cost of living, especially the needs of subsistence under conditions of military service, and extra income prohibited by law. Wives of military personnel, even despite the presence higher education, as already mentioned, often cannot get a job due to the limited number of jobs, and unemployment benefits are paid only to a small part of them. All this often leads to the fact that military families find themselves in a situation of social disaster.

Target social work in helping military personnel in the general view is to restore the physical and mental strength of military personnel, adjust their personal attitudes, teaching them to be tolerant of forced communication with others; introduce elements of social justice into the subordination relationships characteristic of military service. Social work with military personnel is carried out both directly in the Armed Forces and in society as a whole. It would be wrong to think that in the army it is the responsibility of only deputy commanders for working with personnel. Of course, it is they who are primarily obliged to deal with the social protection of military personnel, just like military psychologists, lawyers, and specialists from military medical institutions. However, combatant commanders and leaders of any rank must also ensure, within their competence, the social security of the military personnel subordinate to them and their families. One of the tasks is to observe all the rights and benefits that are due to military personnel in accordance with current legislation, to ensure such social and living conditions that do not destroy the health and performance of people performing military service. The objectives of social work with military personnel serving under contract are social and legal counseling on all issues related to their rights and opportunities before and after dismissal, the rights of their family members, protection of their interests before the command of the unit, higher authorities, authorities local authorities. In case of violation of such rights, the social work officer sends information about this in the order of subordination and facilitates the restoration of rights. His responsibilities include explaining to military personnel and members of their families the regulatory framework for resolving conflict situations, providing assistance in contacting authorities competent to resolve the conflict. Important role plays social and pedagogical assistance to children of military personnel, conducting pedagogical correction in order to eliminate learning difficulties, eliminate educational defects, and social readaptation of children and adolescents with problems. The system of children's military sports camps, clubs and circles has considerable educational potential, helping to revive in adolescents the idea of ​​the high social status of military service and respect for the work of their parents. One of the functions of social work in the Armed Forces is to provide favorable social, living and socio-ecological conditions for military personnel. Improving working and living conditions for military personnel, eliminating anthropogenic pollution environment, will undoubtedly contribute to increasing the working capacity of military personnel and their abilities for social functioning. One of the important functions of social work is the development of social communications, the elimination of interpersonal tension, conflict, and the unity of military teams. For this purpose, conflict management procedures, mediation technologies, group therapy methods in the form of conversations, games, communication training and teaching communication skills, identifying the psychological compatibility or incompatibility of people with disabilities are used to recruit the most viable or stable teams. Thus, it should be noted that socio-economic work, the organization of self-help and mutual assistance of military families, the development of elements of small production, and cooperative forms of labor can make a certain contribution to improving the situation of military personnel and their families. Organizers of social work can perform the functions of consultants and managers, intermediaries in contacts of associations and unions of military wives with social protection authorities, medical institutions, other bodies and institutions. To alleviate tension in military families and prevent conflicts or crisis situations, the development of a special system of family counseling and family therapy is of great importance. In cases of living far from large cities, the presence of such a service will be the only opportunity for military families to receive professional help in stabilizing the family. Cultural and leisure activities in the Armed Forces are perhaps of much greater importance than in other spheres of life. It provides an opportunity not only for recreation and restoration of lost strength, but also for team unity, breaking the monotony of military service, and exercising freedom. Social worker monitors the regularity and equal access of everyone to cultural and leisure activities, promotes wider involvement of everyone in them, and provides appropriate equipment and inventory.

A citizen undergoing regular service is a military serviceman and has a legal status determined by law.
Military service is a special type of public service of citizens in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops (border troops; internal troops; government communications troops providing communication with military authorities; railway troops of the Russian Federation; civil defense troops), foreign intelligence agencies and federal bodies State Security (Law Russian Federation"ABOUT military duty and military service", section. VI, art. 35). v
The problems of military personnel (and their families) are caused by the responsibilities assigned to them for the armed defense of the state, which involves performing assigned tasks in any conditions, including with a possible risk to life. This determines the characteristics of the social-role system in which they operate. The functional responsibilities of military personnel are strictly regulated, and the subordination structure is strictly hierarchical. Orders from superiors are not discussed and are subject to strict implementation, regardless of the attitude of the person who receives it to the order. In addition, the serviceman (and in some cases his family) does not have the opportunity to choose his occupation and place of residence. A person undergoing military service is often exposed to adverse factors: emotional and physical overload, exposure to noise, vibration, chemical reagents, confined space, monotony, sensory deprivation, constant forced contact with other military personnel, lack of privacy, interpersonal tension, interpersonal conflicts.
All problems and crises Russian society are reflected in the Armed Forces, one of the country's social institutions. Thus, a decrease in the quality of health and intelligence of the population leads to the fact that people with serious somatic or mental illnesses enter military service (on the other hand, unbearable military loads, poor-quality nutrition with pronounced protein and vitamin deficiency lead to the appearance or exacerbation of various diseases in military personnel ); The growth of crime in society, the increase in drug addiction and alcoholism determine the increase in the number of crimes committed by military personnel, and the danger for the military personnel themselves of becoming a victim of crime from their colleagues.
One of the acute problems of the modern Russian Armed Forces is the presence of several status systems in its ranks: the official (formal) “statutory” system of relationships, determined by general legislation and departmental documents (statutes, instructions, etc.); "grandfather" system, i.e. informal, but nevertheless widespread priority of old-time soldiers, imposed by themselves, and oppression and humiliation of new recruits; “compatriot” status system, according to which power and influence in military groups are distributed depending on belonging to a certain territorial or national group. The presence of several status systems is a reflection of the anomie characteristic of modern society, i.e. the collapse of previous value systems, and a symptom of a general social moral and psychological crisis. The consequence of this situation is a decrease in the controllability of military collectives, a decline in discipline, violence to which military personnel are often subjected, the spread of suicide in the Armed Forces, and not only among privates and non-commissioned officers, which is usually due to “informal” relations in military collectives, but also among officers Due to the socio-economic difficulties that the country is experiencing, the payment of salaries to military personnel is delayed, the material and technical supply system is falling apart, and equipment and weapons are becoming obsolete. The collapse of the previous ideological system, in which the Armed Forces occupied one of the leading places as a symbol of statehood, patriotism, the sacred duty of defending the Fatherland from external enemies, the absence of other values ​​that were supposed to replace the previous ones, are the cause of the moral and psychological crisis of many military personnel, the feeling they feel the aimlessness of their activities, the decline in the prestige of military service, mass evasion of conscription into the army, the uncertainty of military personnel about the stability of their existence and their future.
The universality of military service does not seem justified to society: the majority of the population supports the transition of the Armed Forces to the contract principle of formation and exclusively voluntary military service by citizens. The absence of the right to alternative military service guaranteed by the Constitution, weak legal and social protection of all categories of military personnel, economic and everyday difficulties - all this burdens the moral and psychological well-being of military personnel.
The uncertainty of plans for military reform, personnel prospects for military personnel, mass dismissals of officers without providing them with the housing and payments required by law, and difficulties in finding a job after completing military service create another problematic complex of the “transition” period - between the end of military service and adaptation to civilian life. reality.
A special group consists of the problems of participants in wars and armed conflicts, and their readaptation to peaceful life. Firstly, persons who were injured or, moreover, who have completely lost their health, ability to work, or the ability to socially function, do not currently enjoy an adequate level of social security; they and their families have a whole range of material, financial, housing, medical and social problems, which neither they nor the state currently have enough resources to solve.
Secondly, these military personnel, even those who were not injured in such armed conflicts, are carriers of the so-called “post-traumatic stress syndrome.”
Military families experience all the challenges that any family faces, but they also have their own challenges. Thus, the family of a conscript serviceman is deprived of his earnings - often the main source of income, which, if there is a child, puts the family in a difficult financial situation; the benefit paid in this case does not cover the needs of maintaining the child.
The resources of the family of a contract soldier are involved in maintaining defense capability along with the personal resources of the serviceman himself, ensuring to a large extent his health and performance. However, the family does not receive adequate compensation for these resources. The family follows the soldier to his destination, where difficulties often arise due to the lack of employment opportunities for the wife, and the climate is often unfavorable for children. Repeated moves of a serviceman's family to a new place of service force children to adapt each time to new school and the new team. Existing in a military camp, fenced off from the outside world, can give rise to a syndrome of socio-psychological deprivation of military personnel and members of their families.
Another problem for a military serviceman’s family is low income, since his wages lag behind the rising cost of living, especially the specific needs of existence in the conditions of military service, and additional earnings are prohibited by law. Wives of military personnel, even despite having a higher education, as already mentioned, often cannot get a job due to the limited number of jobs, and unemployment benefits are paid only to a small part of them. All this often leads to the fact that military families find themselves in a situation of social disaster.

Job Description

The purpose of this work is to identify the main social problems of military personnel and their families.
1. Study the literature on the research problem.
2. Identify the main problems of military personnel and their families.

Chapter I. Military personnel and their families as a special social group.
1.1.Military service and its specifics......……………………………………………………...6
1.2.The fall in the prestige of the army and the deterioration in the social stability of military personnel.....………………..………………………………….……8
1.3. The uniqueness of relationships in the family of a serviceman………..9
Chapter II. The main social problems of military personnel and their families.
2.1 Specifics of social problems of military personnel……………....14
2.2 Research data on some social problems of military personnel and their families… ……..……………………………......22
2.3.Technology of social work with military personnel and members of their families………………………………………………………………………………….29
2.4. Basic methods of social work with military personnel and members of their families………………………………………………………....34