Scenario for a summer folk festival on the street: “Green Christmastide”, “Summer flashed by quickly...”. Entertainment scenario "summer holiday" Small scenarios for the end of summer

This year our stay at the dacha was short. And even before leaving, I began to worry about the question of how to find company for my daughter. Of course, one could rely on the natural course of events. But by the time the children themselves get to know each other and make friends, it will be time for us to leave... Therefore, I decided to spend children's party. The name came about on its own because we were having fun in mid-July. The plot of the holiday is not original - a search for treasure. I’ll tell you how this “eternal theme” looked in our performance.

The preparation didn't take much time. The main prop of the holiday was a “pirate” map. First, I drew with a pencil on an A3 sheet of paper rough plan summer cottage and signed various mysterious names. The bathhouse was called a volcano, the raspberry bushes were called an impenetrable thicket, and so on. The search route was marked with arrows, and in the place of the treasure - in the sandbox - there was a red cross. Then I cut the card into 9 pieces. I drew the map in secret from my daughter, but I still made a mistake. When drawing the map, I had a draft on which I tried to draw arrows and a cross with different felt-tip pens. I forgot to hide this draft, and when my daughter saw it, she immediately shouted: “Yeah, we’ll look for the treasure!”

Together with my daughter, we made and distributed invitations. We had a group of seven children, mostly six or seven years old. My task was to make friends with the children, so there was no competition in the competitions. The introductory word sounded something like this: “Once upon a time, where our dachas used to be, there was a sea. Pirates swam across it and buried a treasure somewhere here. The treasure can be found using a map, but pieces of the map are hidden on nine islands.” The nine islands are nine competitions. All children completed the tasks in turn, after which they received a piece of the map. The piece with the red cross was given out last, so that they would not guess ahead of time where the treasure was.

Each competition island had its own name. I will list them in order:

  1. Marshy- with the help of two small planks you need to get over the “swamp”. Feet can only be placed on planks.
  2. Mysterious- we solve riddles.
  3. Palm- at the dacha sports complex there are “palm leaves” cut out of paper. We need to pick them off. Some “leaves” were easy to pick, others difficult, so the youngest children picked first.
  4. Island of Darkness- you need to draw your portrait with your eyes closed.
  5. Polite- game for attention. You need to follow the leader’s instructions, but only when he says the word “please”. For example: "Please raise your arms up. Please lower your arms down. Extend them quickly to the sides." There is no need to run the last command here.
  6. Fairy- dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip". First, everyone pulls out pieces of paper on which the roles are written. Then we begin to pull the turnip. Everyone really liked this, everyone wanted to play the role of a turnip, so the fairy tale was repeated 3 times, and the last time three girls portrayed a turnip at once. It was very difficult to pull out such a turnip!
  7. Potato- transfer potatoes from one bowl to another using a spoon as quickly as possible.
  8. Island of Wild Animals- We speak the name of the animal into the ear of one of the children. He must show this animal without words, and everyone else must guess who was shown. Guessers can ask questions with "yes" or "no" answers. To my surprise, this competition caused the greatest difficulties. Only simple animals were imagined, but some stood for a long time, not knowing how to show, for example, a cat.
  9. Funny- a face without a nose is drawn on a piece of paper. You need to put the plasticine nose in place with your eyes closed.

And now all the pieces of the map have been obtained. It was not immediately possible to assemble the map from the pieces, since there were many people collecting... Along the route indicated by the arrows, we had to move like a train, holding on to each other. When the brave sailors got to the sandbox, they found a box there, in which for each there was Chupa Chups and chewing gum. The delight of treasure hunters knew no bounds! Loud cheers were heard throughout the garden community...

In conclusion, I will say that our holiday was a success in all respects. Little-known girls and boys turned into my daughter’s friends, who later often came to visit us. And I really enjoyed it...

Shirokovskikh Elena - .

Lyubov Zykova
Scenario for the summer holiday “So summer has come to us”

Target: organizing active recreation for children, creating a positive emotional mood for children at the holiday.

Tasks:- develop healthy lifestyle skills

Develop a sense of rhythm in dancing; dexterity, speed in games

Make you want to play with the heroes

Cultivate friendly relations with each other and with the characters in the script.

Equipment: playground decorated with balls, flags, a computer with music, soap bubbles, 2 large red balls with painted faces, a parachute, 10 small green and red balls, hoops according to the number of children in middle groups, 10 gymnastic sticks, an umbrella, 4 flags of different colors, costumes for the heroes.

The progress of the holiday

Children sit on benches around the sports ground.

Included Summer to the song “Summer” by the Tolmachevy sisters


If there are thunderstorms in the sky

If the grass has bloomed,

If there is dew early in the morning

Blades of grass are bent to the ground...

If warmed by the sun

All the water in the river is to the bottom...

So it's already summer!

So spring is over!

Children read poetry

Child 1. Who what time of year

Do you like nature more?

There is no other answer here:

Summer is the best, of course!

Child 2. You can swim, sunbathe.

And lie on the grass.

Pick flowers for a wreath.

Go to the forest to pick berries

Catching fish in the river.

You can swim in the river,

Gain great strength.

Summer has come to us again,

This is very good!

Child 3. We celebrate the summer holiday

Come visit us

We are always glad to have guests.

Child 4. We celebrate the summer holiday

Festival of the sun, festival of light

The sun, the sun is brighter than gray

The holiday will be more fun.

Rhythmic gymnastics with children junior groups “Everyone plays sports”, senior - "Radiant Sun"

Summer: Dear guys! Today we celebrate your holiday. Do you know which one? (Children's answers) This is a holiday for all children around the world and we have many surprises prepared for you. Music "Long live surprise!"

I have soap bubbles prepared for you, now we will play with them! Searches and doesn't find. -Whose tricks are these? Again the music “Long live surprise!” Dunno and Znayka run in with balloons, vying with each other to say that they saw B Yaga and Leshiy, walk with each other, whisper, laugh and play with soap bubbles.

Summer- Oh, that’s who decided to ruin my holiday!

Znayka– Don’t be sad, we will fix this matter, we offer to play a game with children of middle groups "Pass the ball"!, (funny faces are drawn on the balls, the children pass it to each other in a circle to the music, whoever has the ball at the end of the music, perform the movements specified by the children and the instructor)

Summer and Znayka are stretching the parachute.

Dunno– What a big and beautiful plate! How many sweets will fit in it? Oh, now let's enjoy ourselves!

Znayka– Is it possible to eat on the street, because before eating you need to wash your hands! Yes, this is not a saucer at all, but a parachute. Now my children and I will ride on the carousel.

Summer- It's time to dance. Rhythmic dances "The sun came out" "Bears"

Znayka- Now I’ll tell you riddles, and you’ll guess them.

Riddles for all groups:

1. The meadows are turning green,

There is a rainbow-arc in the sky.

The lake is warmed by the sun:

Everyone is invited to swim. (Summer)

2. You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone is calling you. (Sun)

3. What a wonderful beauty!

painted gate

Showed up on the way!

You can't drive into them,

Neither enter. (Rainbow)

4. Not a beast, not a bird,

The toe is like a knitting needle.

It flies and squeaks,

He sits down and is silent. (Mosquito)

5. Above the flower

Flutters, dances,

He waves a patterned fan. (Butterfly)

6. He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it won’t get into the house.

And I won't go anywhere

As long as he goes. (Rain)

Playing with children of the 1st junior group with an umbrella "Sun and Rain"

The music starts again "Hello surprise"

Attention, attention! A jet flying vehicle of the STUPA-17 system landed with Baba Yaga and Leshi on board. We ask everyone meeting us to prepare.

After finishing the words, Baba Yaga and Leshy ski out. They make a circle around the site and roll up to the summer.

Baba Yaga.- It’s not a joke to come to your holiday, dear children, (rubs his hands,

From far, far away

Here we go on skis (shows) Leshy and Grandma Yaga!

Hi all. (Waves his hand).

Znayka(friendly). - Hello! It's summer now, and you're skiing.

Baba Yaga.- Yes, on skis. And what kind of grandmother am I to you! I am a young and beautiful young lady!

(Takes off his scarf, under which are hidden flirty ponytails with bows in different directions and says)

I am not an ordinary granny,

The old lady has a bone one

There is a leg.

Who meets me in the forest -

Immediately shake!

I use a crutch to crutch

Whoever you want!

Leshiy and I have been friends for a long time,

An old man.

I have 4 teeth

Crochet nose.

I'm on a diet

For many years

I eat fly agarics

I can use a cat, I can use a mouse,

I can fly like a dove

I can be a beautiful girl

Sing songs in a round dance!

Dunno-Where are the soap bubbles?

Goblin– We don’t know anything about them

Dunno- Well, okay, okay, Grandma Yaga. Since you have come to visit us, we invite you to stay with us for the holiday. Look how many children and adults have gathered. The guys show their prowess and strength, compete and play.

Baba Yaga.- Oh, a holiday! That means they were invited. (points to the children) What about us? Why were we such athletes ignored? A?

Znayka- What can you do, Grandma Yaga?

Tell me in order:

Do you exercise often?

Do you play sports?

Do you temper yourself with water?

Baba Yaga. - Oh, I’m studying, studying, studying, guys. (Pretends to be doing exercises, then sees sports equipment and runs up to it).

And I know, I know, as a great athlete, what these interesting things are called. (Picks up soft green and red balls.)

These are apples. (Tries to bite them).

They don't bite something. Strange. Guys, what are these apples?

Children- These are balls.

Playing with older children “Who will pass the ball faster!”(with small balls passing them in a column

(Picks up a rope, tries to put it on himself, nothing works, he confuses himself and Leshy).

So, so, why is it all so abnormal with you (scratching the back of his head in puzzlement)

Znayka- Grandma, everything with us is the most normal, the most real. You don't

don't worry, our guys will show you how to use them.

Leshy.- Well, show me, show me quickly.

Tug of War with middle school children

Russian folk game "Kalechina Malechina" with children of older groups" - each player is given a gymnastic stick 40-50 cm long. The stick is placed with one end on the open palm of the hand. The second hand holds the stick in the middle. The children begin to pronounce the words in chorus: Malechina-kalechina! How many hours are left until evening? After these words, the hand holding the stick is removed. Children begin to count: one, two, three...! Who can hold the stick in the palm of their hand longer?

Playing with middle school children "Sun"- first, with the help of a counting rhyme or as directed by the teacher, a leader is selected. Children stand in a circle, inside of which there is a leader - Sunny with 4-6 hoops in his hands. Children walk in a circle and pronounce the words in chorus (the leader, Sunny, places hoops inside the circle): Sunny, sunshine, take a walk by the river! Sunshine, sunshine, scatter the rings! After the last words, children in groups of 3-5 run up to the hoops, take them in their hands and raise them above their heads. They walk around the hoops, saying the words: We will collect the rings, we will take the golden ones! We'll ride, play, and return it to you again! At the end of the words, the children put the hoops on the floor (ground) and run in a circle one after another. At the leader's signal (whistle or clap), the children must return to their hoops and raise them above their heads. The last team to lift the hoop is eliminated from the game. The game continues until one team remains.

Game "The most attentive" with children of younger groups (flags of different colors, each color corresponds to a movement)

Baba Yaga.- Well, okay (waves his hand) we are kind today. So be it, we’ll give you soap bubbles if you dance

Rhythmic dance "Pens-pen"

Baba Yaga- Yes, well done you guys

We looked at you.

The results are very indicative,

You are all simply wonderful athletes.

Games with soap bubbles.

Baba Yaga and Leshy leave.

Summer, Znayka and Dunno give children treats and offer games on the asphalt

Thank you for your attention!

Elena Karataeva

Holiday scenario" Hello, Summer!"

Target: to induce a joyful mood in children.

To instill in children respect for each other, to be able to show kind qualities towards others.

Equipment for the event:

Music center, disc with recordings,

Decorations at the venues where it will be held holiday: balls, large flowers.

Route sheets with route descriptions

Toys: hare, fox


Presenter, Aunt Arina, bear Mikhail Potapych, Summer, buffoons Kiryushka and Vanyushka.

Progress of the event.

All children line up on the playground at the main entrance.

The recording is playing "Birdsong"

Presenter: Do you hear?

The birds are singing loudly.

Children laugh loudly...

This is ours summer has come!

You see?

The freckled sun smiles at everyone around,

The wind plays with green grass,

The children held hands and danced in circles...

This is ours summer has come!

Children dance in circles “There’s viburnum on the mountain”


What's happened summer?

That's a lot of light

This is a field, this is a forest,

This is a thousand miracles!

There are clouds in the sky

This is a fast river

These are bright flowers

This is the blue of heights.

There are 100 roads in the world

For baby feet.

To our festive We have invited you to the site.

Sun Festival, holiday summer starts now!

Dance with canvases

Children come to the center and read poems about summer.

1. I love your bright light!

All: Summer!

You are the best in the world!

All: Summer!

Open the doors to a fairy tale!

All: Summer!

Give me a smile!

All: Summer!

And with the warmth of June the whole earth is warmed

Defense Day in the world of young children!

3. We meet summer holiday,

Sun Festival, holiday of light.

Come visit us.

We are always glad to have guests.

4. The first day of colorful summer

He brought us together, friends.

Sun Festival, holiday of light,

Holiday of happiness and goodness!

A song is being performed « Hello, summer (lyrics by E. Alexandrova, music by E. Kremer)

Children congratulates head of kindergarten


Dear guys, now we will go on a trip with you, and so that you don’t get lost, you will receive route sheets along which you will travel. (junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups receive a route sheet)

Well, I'll check your readiness.

So, I see all the teams are ready.

The doors were closed

Brakes checked

The engines started

And let's go...

(Stations: "Player", "Sports", "Mystery", "Dance"

Children walk along the routes one after another at a calm pace.

Music is playing.

station "Player".

Aunt Arina Hello, Guys! My name is Aunt Arina. Guys, I want to meet you. Let's play a game.

Game: "Let's get acquainted"

The game is being played “Do you know?”

Do you know how mosquitoes ring?

How do flies buzz?

How do birds sing in the forest?

Does the cuckoo scream at the bitch?

How do frogs croak?

How do puppies yap?

How do small children cry?

How do happy hares jump?

Game with a fox

Children sing and imitate movements.

Along the forest lawn

The bunnies ran away

These are the bunnies

Bunnies are runaways!

The bunnies sat in a circle

Digging a root with a paw

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies!

Here the Fox is running

Red-haired sister

Looking for where the bunnies are?

Running bunnies!

(The fox catches up with the hares)

Game "A steam locomotive has arrived"

The locomotive has arrived!

What did he bring with him?

He is tired, he is deaf and dumb,

He brought a trailer. With what?

With stompers (stomp)

With firecrackers (clap)

With flashing lights (blink their eyes to each other)

With moos (moo)

With chants (shouting)

With hugs (hug)

With smiles (smile)

With laughers (laugh)

With jumping ropes (jumping)

With squats (squats)

Aunt Arina. Thanks guys! What a great fellow you are!

Educator: And we are going with you to the next station "Sports"

The doors were closed

Brakes checked

The engines started

And let's go...

On "Sporty" At the station, the guys are greeted by buffoons Kiryushka and Vanyushka.

Kiryushka: Hello, Hello!

Vanyushka: We are glad to welcome you!

Kiryushka:So many bright smiles

We see it on their faces now.

Vanyushka: Today the holiday brought us together:

Not a fair, not a carnival!

First summer day of the year

He won't let his children get into trouble.

Now, guys, let's all turn into funny monkeys.


We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

Puff out our cheeks

Jumping on your toes

And even to each other

We'll show you the tongues.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's put our finger to our temple.

Let's stick out our ears,

Ponytail on top of head.

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

When I say the number 3,

Everyone, freeze with grimaces!

Children perform movements according to the text, and then count that: 1-2-3 – freeze with funny grimaces

Game "Dwarves and Giants"

Educator: It's time to say goodbye to Kiryushka and Vanyushka. They're waiting for us at the station "Mystery"

The doors were closed

Brakes checked

The engines started

And let's go...

Station "Mystery"

Music is playing. Appears Summer. She is dressed in a bright green sundress. There is a wreath of flowers on the head. Summer, smiling sweetly, slowly spins to the sounds of the song.

Summer: Hello, my dears, hello my dears. How I miss you. Oh, my scarlet flowers, my ripe berries, how big and beautiful you have all become. Real princes and princesses. I came to you to amuse you holiday. Did you recognize me?

I’ll tell you a riddle now, and you’ll tell me who I am.

Long-awaited! Desired!

With mosquitoes and rain!

Tanned! Rosy!

With strawberries and mushrooms!

With a warm river, copses and potatoes from the fire

What a wonderful time? What a wonderful time?




Right! I - Summer.

If there are thunderstorms in the sky,

If the grass has bloomed,

If there is dew early in the morning

Blades of grass are bent to the ground,

If in the groves above the viburnum

Until the night the hum of bees,

If warmed by the sun

All the water in the river to the bottom

So this is already summer!

This means spring is over.

Guys, do you like to solve riddles?

Summer: Listen to what riddles I have prepared for you.

We will weave wreaths in summer

For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,

For Alyonka, two Natashas.

All wreaths are from... (daisies)

In May - yellow, and in June -

He's a fluffy ball.

We blew on him a little -

Soared... (dandelion)

Look at the fence

The queen of the garden blossomed.

Not a tulip or a mimosa,

And there's a beauty in thorns (rose)

Let's decorate in summer

Flower beds, parks, flower beds

We are our carrot color.

And we're called (marigold)

Hedgehog in a grove, near a hummock

He says to the bear:

“Do you see the blue flowers?

This … (forget-me-nots)


What great fellows you are, and you know summer riddles!

Music plays and a bear with a blue ball appears and sings a song “I’m a cloud, a cloud, and not a bear at all.”

Bear. Hey guys!

Here, you naughty girls!

Come on over, kids!

Everyone get together here!

The best in the world it's time to continue the holiday!

From the forest thicket I came to you holiday, walked for a long time, tired. I’ll sit on a tree stump and rest a little. He sits down and falls asleep.

The game is being played "At the Bear's Forest"


And now you, people,

Join the round dance

Let's play a fun game

"If life is fun".

Game "If life is fun".

Educator: Thank you very much, Mikhail Potapych! Low bow to you, Summer is red!

We need to say goodbye to you and hit the road. Next stop "Dance"

The doors were closed

Brakes checked

The engines started

And let's go...

Station "Dance"

Presenter: I invite everyone to a round dance,

In a multi-colored round dance,

The sun spun in the sky -

Come out and dance, people!

Music is playing. Children perform movements behind the leader, each time the movements become faster.

All teams return with route sheets to the station "Dance"


It's always nice to dance.

This is, in general, understandable.

Turn on the music

We announce dancing!

Are the kids all here?

The disco has begun!

Children are dancing.


Now take the crayons

And draw, write on the asphalt,

What is needed for happiness.

Let in your drawings will:

Happiness, sun, friendship.

Music is playing "Song about Summer". Children draw on the asphalt.

Presenter: Ours has come to an end holiday. I wish you health and excellent summer holiday! Summer We have prepared gifts for you that you will find on our sites. And now, goodbye children! See you again!

Children go to their playgrounds, where they find sweet prizes.

Holiday scenario for students in grades 1-2 at the school summer camp “Hello, Summer”

Prepared by: Tanacha Valentina Vasilievna, primary school teacher of Kuznetsovo-Mikhailovskaya secondary school of І-ІІІ levels
Target: create a festive atmosphere and a joyful mood for children.
Presenter 1
Hello, hello, hello!
We are glad to welcome everyone!
Presenter 2
Today we celebrate the summer holiday,
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
Presenter 1
Dear kids!
Girls and boys!
Summer! Summer is coming to us!
(Music sounds, Summer comes out)

Good afternoon, my friends!
Are you all tired of waiting for me?
Hello summer! Hello summer!
All the kids are waiting for you.
Child 1. We've been waiting for summer for a long time
We studied well!
All the time we dreamed
When will it come!
Child 2.
Adults and children know:
Summer - best time years on the planet!
Summer is the time of year
Nature pleases you in summer:
Flowers are blooming
The fruits are pouring.
The berries are ripe in the field,
The nightingale trills.
Warm days, with all my heart,
The kids are very happy.

Presenter 1 And guys, summer means a lot of sunshine.
Summer: Yes! I have enough sun for everyone. Where was it hidden? Guys, let's call him.
(Sunny appears.)

Presenter 1: Hello, Sunny! We are very glad to see you.
Sun: I - bright sun,
I put a candle in everyone’s window,
To be good weather,
So that children grow year after year.
Presenter 2: Of course, Sunny. Well, what a summer without you. We really need your rays.
Sun: My rays, guys, are not simple. Follow my ray of light and you will find something interesting. (The sun throws his ray - a ribbon with a task on it).
-It contains my mysteries,
Guess them guys!
1. Flowers bloomed in the garden,
There are already mushrooms in the forest,
Thunder rumbles somewhere
It's come... (Summer.)
2. These three brothers
Very similar, even too similar.
And heat and rain,
And long days. (Months of summer)
3.You warm the whole world
And you don’t know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you... (Sun)
4. Shirt on the street,
In the hut there is a sleeve (Ray of the sun)
Well done, guys!
Sun: Here's the next ray of light for you guys.
Presenter 1:
The summer sun is warming.
In the field and in the forest
Flowers bloomed:
White chamomile, pink porridge,
Buttercup is a yellow flower,
Blue cornflower.
(Music sounds. Children perform a flower dance)
Sun: My next ray of light is not simple, but magical.
(Summer takes out her magic wand.)
-Come closer, close your eyes and repeat the magic words after me - cribli, crabli, boom!
Summer:(Music sounds) What miracles! We found ourselves in a fairy tale.
Game “Guess the fairy tale from the musical fragment”
Sun: Here, guys, is my magic path for you (throws its ray.)
Summer: Let's smile together!
Let's plunge into the world of the game with you!
If you agree, say "Yes"
-Are you in a good mood? (yes)
-Shall we sing and dance? (yes)
-play different games? (yes)
-Are we going to offend each other? (no)
-Are we starting to dance? (Yes)
-I ask everyone to stand up and repeat the movements after me. (Various music plays)
Repeat game “Repeat after me”
Summer: Good as the sun is shining!
Children are having fun these days.
We'll follow the ray
We’ll find something interesting! (they find the box).
Game “Guess by touch”
Sun: Take the next ray
“Start the song marathon”
Summer: Let's remember the songs in which the Sun appears. I'll start, and you sing along! (Songs “I draw the sun”, “It’s raining outside, it’s slush outside...”, “Let there always be sunshine.”..
Well done, guys!
Sang together, from the heart!
Presenter 2: The sun showed us the paths with its rays, and now we need to return these rays to it. Let's play a game with Sunny.
Game "Bring back the sun's rays." (With music, you need to return all the rays to the sun.)
All the kids love us!
It's a shame, but it's time for us to go!
Summer Thank you, dear guys, for the warm and joyful welcome. It's time for us to return home. You sang, played well, and greeted us.
Presenter 1:
Our holiday ends
Summer and holidays are starting!
Song "It's a fun time for the holidays"

In the summer, many children go to camps, where they can relax in nature, gain strength and communicate with peers.

Interest groups work here, various quizzes and competitions are held, hikes are organized, evenings around the fire, and concerts are organized. You can bet on them funny scenes from the life of the camp that the kids like so much.

Funny children's scenes at summer camp

The first short skit for the camp, which is role-played, involves a counselor and several guys.

– I propose to draw up a plan for the detachment’s activities for the week. I need to present him at a meeting tomorrow.
“We don’t need any plan, we just want to take a walk in the forest and go to the river and sing songs by the fire.”
- How is this not necessary?! You can't do it without a plan.
- OK. We will think a little and decide...

Everyone falls silent, then Seryozha says:
– You can have a poetry evening.
- Ooooh! Great idea!
- Well, yes, for example, I know several poems.
Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
The poodle went with him,
jumping over the fence.
Ivan, like a log,
fell into a swamp
And the poodle drowned in the river like an axe.

- And I like this:
The British love to eat PUDDING for breakfast,
Because PUDDING is a very tasty BLUING.
Anyone who loves PUDDING and often goes to HOSTING,
There is no such thing as HOODING, but only THICKING.
– I also know poetry. Here, for example:
Don't be shy, don't be timid:
If they offend you, hit them in the face!
- Great! And they dedicated the following poems to me:
The rose withers from the frost,
The rose withers from the rain,
And my friend Olya
It will never fade!

– So, we have one item in the program. But this is not enough! We need more.
- I came up with it! Write: a group trip to the zoo.
- Well, you bent it! From here to the zoo it takes about two hours by transport.
- There’s no need to go anywhere. We go to the canteen every day. And there is a real zoo: Vasya is always getting dirty like a pig, and Lesha is jumping between tables like a monkey in search of food.

– It’s better to call this event a joint trip to the circus, it will be more accurate.
- What, in your opinion, am I a circus performer, or what?
– I’m the artist! I'm cooler!
Vasya (shows Lesha his fist):
- Oh, right? No, I'm cooler! I'll give you some right now!
– Don’t even dream! I do boxing, so I don’t touch the weak. But if you want, I can show you a few tricks.
The boys slowly approach each other until their foreheads touch each other. The counselor stands next to him and blows the whistle:
– The fight ended in a draw. Friendship has won!

Katya (to the counselor):
- Well, have you indicated all the events?
- Almost. All that remains is to include a boxing competition in the plan. So, we already have several points.
-And now we can go for a walk in the forest?
- And go to the river?
- Well, yes, now everyone is free.

The guys sing:
- If it takes a long, long, long time,
If it's long along the path,
If it's long along the path
Stomp, ride and run,
Of course, then of course,
That's probably true, true,
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,
You will end up in the camp.
Ah-ah-ah, there are trees in the camp
Such a height
Ah-ah-ah, in the camp site
This is the width.
Ah-ah-ah, there are counselors and children here,
Ah-ah-ah, there is fun, laughter and wind.
Here, of course, I and all my friends!..

- ABOUT! I’ll put one more event on the plan – a choir club lesson...

Ideas for summer camp skits can vary. Such miniatures can be based on various fairy tales. For example, funny scene about life in the camp, you can act out the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command.”

On the stage is the bed on which Emelya sleeps. A counselor comes up to him with a bucket and mop and tries to wake him up.
- Emelyushka, get up, you are on duty today!
He doesn't answer.

The counselor tries to wake up Emelya again, and finally shouts:
“If you don’t wake up and wash the floor now, you’ll be left without lunch and even without dinner!”
The counselor leaves. Emelya gets up, walks with a bucket to the edge of the stage and scoops up water with the bucket.

The voice of a pike is heard:
- Oh, Emelyushka, you caught me in my misfortune! Let me go, good fellow, I will fulfill any request of yours. Just say: “According to the pike’s command, according to my desire” - and everything will come true.
Emelya scratches the back of her head, then lets go of the pike and returns to her place.
- Well, maybe I can do it... At the behest of the pike, according to my desire - let the floor be clean!

Music starts playing, a cleaning lady appears and washes the floor. At this time, the hero of the scene, legs crossed, sits down on the bed.
- Great! Well, according to the pike’s command, according to my desire, let them bring me lunch and dinner right away.
The cook comes out and feeds Emelya to the music, tying a napkin for him.

– I’ve waited for my time! Now I won’t do anything, and everyone will dance with me! At the behest of the pike, at my desire, let the counselors dance the lezginka in front of me!
Music sounds, counselors appear and perform this dance.
- Now let the disco begin, and the most beautiful girl at the camp!

A counselor dressed as a girl approaches Emelya, grabs him by the hand and drags him along. The guy fights back, but then the cook comes out with a saucepan and begins to feed him from a ladle, then the cleaning lady appears and begins to wash Emelya with a mop.
He shouts:
- Something went wrong!.. At the behest of the pike, at my will - let everything remain as before!

All the characters in this scene, except Emelya, leave. He remains alone in the room, lies down on the bed and covers his head with a pillow.
The counselor appears:
“So you’re still sleeping and haven’t done anything yet?”
Emelya jumps up:
– I’ll be there now, I’ll be quick!
He takes a mop and starts cleaning.

A skit about summer for children in a camp can be staged based on the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear.”

The girl Masha, who was relaxing at a summer camp, went into the forest and got lost. She met a Bear who decided to eat her. But Masha screamed loudly:
“I need to be taken to the camp urgently, otherwise I’ll be late for the dining room!” – and the Bear retreated.

He invited her to catch Kolobok for lunch, who had left his grandparents and also got lost in the forest. But Masha refused and asked the Bear if he was oriented to the cardinal directions.
– Do you know which side is north?
-What is north? – the Bear is surprised.
– I was lucky to meet the Ignorant Bear! – Masha laments.
- Don’t call me names, otherwise I’ll still eat you! - says the Bear.

But Masha squeals so loudly that he decides to take her to the camp.
“You better go to your people, otherwise your screams will keep my ears ringing for another week,” he says and leads Masha to the camp.