Presentation on the topic: children's musical instruments. Presentation on the topic “Professional construction tools for preschool children Download presentation tools for preschoolers

Natalya Molostvolova
Presentation "Musical Instruments"

Presentation on the topic: « Musical instruments"

COMPLETED: Musical hand. Molostvolova N. V.

Kindergarten No. 2 "Rainbow" in Ozinki, Saratov region.

Everyone in Russia is in love with the mischievous three strings.


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All the kids did their best and guessed all the riddles!

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child – technologies that ensure the mental and social health of a preschool child. These include: technologies for psychological or psychological-pedagogical support of child development in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. The main task of these technologies is to ensure emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family. Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education By the nature of the activity, they distinguish: private (highly specialized) health-saving technologies and complex (integrated). By area of ​​activity, private health-saving technologies are divided into: medical (technologies for disease prevention, correction and rehabilitation of somatic health, sanitary and hygienic activities), educational (information, training and educational), social (technologies for a healthy and safe lifestyle, prevention and correction deviant behavior) psychological (technologies for prevention and psychocorrection of psychological deviations of a personal and intellectual nature). Integrated health-saving technologies include: technology for complex disease prevention, correction and rehabilitation of health (physical education, health and valeology); educational technologies, promoting health; technologies that shape healthy image life.

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Presentation on the topic: CHILDREN'S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS

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CLAVES CLAVES - Cuban folk percussion instrument, two ebony sticks of different thicknesses. According to legend, these sticks symbolize Man and Woman. When playing, sticks are struck against each other, while the fingers of the left hand, holding the stick that is being struck, are folded in a special way to create a kind of resonator. A wide variety of rhythmic patterns can be played on the harpsichord.

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WOODEN BOX or WOOD BLOCK is one of the most common percussion musical instruments with an indefinite pitch. The sound of the instrument is a characteristic clicking sound. It is a rectangular block of ringing, well-dried wood. On one side, closer to the top of the block, a deep slot about 1 cm wide is hollowed out. The instrument is played with wooden or plastic sticks. Depending on the size of the box, the sound may be higher or lower, so composers often use several wood blocks that sound different. The prototype of the modern orchestral instrument is common among the peoples of the Far East, Africa and South America.

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cymbals cymbals are a percussion musical instrument with an indefinite pitch. Plates have been known since ancient times, found in China, India, and later in Greece and Turkey. They are a convex disk made of special alloys by casting and subsequent forging. There is a hole in the center of the plate intended for securing the instrument to a special stand or for attaching a belt. Among the main playing techniques: striking with various sticks and mallets, hitting cymbals against each other, playing with a bow.

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TRIANGLE TRIANGLE - a percussion musical instrument in the form of a metal rod (usually steel or aluminum) bent in the shape of a triangle. One of the corners is left open (the ends of the rod almost touch). The triangle belongs to instruments with an indefinite pitch and has a brilliant and bright timbre. As a rule, he is assigned simple rhythmic figures and tremolo. The triangle is suspended from one of the corners on a thin wire or braid, which is held in the hand or attached to a music stand. The triangle is hit with a metal (less often wooden) stick. Since the end of the 18th century, the triangle has been one of the main percussion instruments of the symphony orchestra. In the works of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven it was used to imitate the so-called "Janissary music". One of the first works in which the triangle was assigned a rather responsible independent part was Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 1.

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SPOONS WOODEN SPOONS are used in the Slavic tradition as a musical instrument. The game set ranges from 3 to 5 spoons, sometimes of different sizes. The sound is produced by striking the back sides of the scoops against each other. The timbre of the sound depends on the method of sound production. Typically, one performer uses three spoons, two of which are placed between the fingers of the left hand, and the third is taken in the right. The blows are made with the third spoon, two at a time in the left hand. Usually, for convenience, blows are made on the hand or knee. Sometimes bells are hung from the spoons.

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Tambourine Tambourine is a percussion musical instrument of indefinite pitch, consisting of a leather membrane stretched over a wooden rim. Some types of tambourines have metal bells attached to them, which begin to ring when the performer strikes the membrane of the tambourine, rubs it, or shakes the entire instrument.

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RATTLE RATCHET is a folk musical instrument, idiophone, replacing hand clapping. The ratchets consist of a set of 18 - 20 thin planks (usually oak) 16 - 18 cm long. They are connected to each other by a thick rope threaded through the holes in the upper part of the planks. To separate the planks between them, small wooden plates approximately 2 cm wide are inserted at the top. There is another ratchet design - a rectangular box with a wooden gear placed inside, attached to a small handle. A slot is made in one of the walls of this box, in the hole of which a thin elastic wooden or metal plate is fixedly fixed. The ratchet holds the rope with both hands, sharp or smooth movements allow you to make different sounds. In this case, the hands are at the level of the chest, head, and sometimes raised to attract attention with their appearance.

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BELLS BELLS are a percussion musical instrument with a certain pitch. The instrument has a light ringing timbre in the piano, brilliant and bright in the forte. Bells come in two varieties: simple and keyboard. Simple bells are a set of chromatically tuned metal plates placed in two rows on a trapezoidal wooden frame. The arrangement of the records on them is similar to the arrangement of white and black piano keys. The range of bells used is from the third octave to the fifth octave, and on some instruments it is wider. Conventional bells are played with two small metal mallets or wooden sticks. In keyboard bells, the records are enclosed in a case like a small piano, where there is a simple hammer mechanism that transmits blows from the keys to the records (this mechanism is similar to the celesta mechanism). Keyboard bells are technically more flexible than simple bells, but they are inferior in terms of purity of timbre.

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KUGIKLY KUGIKLY is a wind musical instrument, a Russian type of multi-barrel flute, known to science as the “Pan flute”. This instrument is widespread in different parts, each nation has its own name for it. Among the Russians, Pan Gasri was the first to draw attention to the flute, who gave a very inaccurate description of it under the name flute or svirelka. Dmitryukov wrote about kugikl in the Moscow Telegraph magazine in 1831. Throughout the 19th century. In the literature, from time to time there is evidence of playing the kugikl, especially in the territory of the Kursk province. Cugicles are a set of hollow tubes of various lengths and diameters with an open upper end and a closed lower end. This tool was usually made from the stems of kugi (reeds), reeds, bamboo, etc., with the stem knot serving as the bottom. A kugicle set usually consists of 3-5 tubes of the same diameter, but of different lengths. The tubes of the instrument are not fastened together, which allows them to be changed depending on the required tuning. The upper, open ends of the tool are located on the same line. Bringing them to the mouth and moving them (or the head) from side to side, they blow on the edges of the slices, usually producing short, jerky sounds.

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DRUM DRUM is a percussion musical instrument, membranophone. Distributed among most peoples. It consists of a hollow cylindrical wooden (or metal) resonator body or frame, onto which membranes are stretched on one or both sides. The relative pitch of the sound can be adjusted by the tension of the membranes. The sound is produced by striking the membrane with a wooden mallet with a soft tip, a stick, hands, and sometimes by friction. The existence of drums is known to exist in ancient Sumer around 3000 BC. During excavations in Mesopotamia, some of the oldest percussion instruments were found, made in the form of small cylinders, the origin of which dates back to the third millennium BC. Since ancient times, the drum has been used as a signaling instrument, as well as to accompany ritual dances, military processions, and religious ceremonies. Drums came to modern Europe from the Middle East. The prototype of the snare (military) drum was borrowed from the Arabs in Spain and Palestine. The long history of the development of the instrument is evidenced by the wide variety of its types today. Drums of various shapes and sizes are known.

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SVIRELI SVIRELI - Russian double-barreled wind instrument; a type of double-barreled longitudinal flute. One of the trunks is usually 300-350 mm long, the second - 450-470 mm. At the upper end of the barrel there is a whistle device, at the lower part there are 3 side holes for changing the pitch of sounds. The trunks are tuned to each other in a fourth and give a generally diatonic scale in the volume of a seventh. In everyday language, pipes are often called wind instruments such as single-barreled or double-barreled flutes.

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DUDKI DUDKA is a Russian folk musical wind instrument, consisting of elderberry reeds or reeds and having several side holes, and a mouthpiece for blowing. There are double pipes: two folded tubes are blown through one common mouthpiece. Archaeological excavations indicate that bone pipes were played long before our era. In ethnographic materials of the 18th and 19th centuries. wooden and reed pipes are mentioned. A wooden pipe can be cut from a branch or made from lathe. A whistle is cut out at the end or a pity is inserted. Holes are burned or drilled in the pipe. In a reed pipe or pity pipe, the tongue is cut directly on it. The sound is peculiar, sharp.

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WHISTLES WHISTLE – a children's toy whistle. Whistles have their origins deep in antiquity and are found again in modern times. They found embodiment in the genre Dymkovo toys- craftsmen sculpted them in the shape of birds, goats and lambs and gave them to children for holidays or sold them at large fairs. A hole was made in the toys (usually in the tail) through which one had to blow, and then a soft, but at the same time slightly sharp sound was produced.

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Musical instruments in kindergarten

Musical instruments Musical instruments are objects with the help of which various musical sounds are produced to perform a piece of music. Musical instruments are:

Keyboard musical instruments Synthesizer Piano Accordion Grand piano Keyboard musical instruments are instruments in which sound is produced using a system of levers and controlled using keys arranged in a certain order and making up the keyboard of the instrument.

Wind musical instruments Horn Trumpet Saxophone Flute Wind musical instruments are musical instruments that are wooden, metal and other tubes of various designs and shapes that produce musical sounds as a result of vibrations of the air column enclosed in them.

Stringed musical instruments Harp Guitar Balalaika Violin A stringed musical instrument is a musical instrument in which the source of sound is the vibrations of the strings.

Percussion musical instruments Metallophone Tambourine Drum Xylophone Percussion musical instruments - a group of musical instruments, the sound of which is extracted by striking or shaking, shaking [hammers, beaters, sticks, etc.] on a sounding body (membrane, metal, wood, etc.)

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Pochinskaya Evgenia
Presentation for a lesson on speech development on the topic “Working tools”

This presentation is designed for use with older children. preschool age and can be used by both speech therapist and teachers of speech therapy and general development groups.

Equipment: presentation; coloring pages with images of tools (small format).

Target: development of coherent monologue speech.


1. Activate and enrich the subject vocabulary on the topic “Working tools”.

2. Exercise children in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

3. Continue teaching children to write descriptive stories about objects.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Children take their seats, the speech therapist begins the presentation (slides No. 1-18).

2. Main part

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Giant and Dwarf” (slides No. 19 - 24)

(formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes).

Then the teacher informs the children that the gnome and the giant have prepared gifts for them, but in order to receive them, they need to describe this instrument

3. Summary of the lesson (slide No. 27).

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