Indicators of the state of industrial aesthetics and production culture. Analysis of the state and improvement of the culture of the production environment

The aesthetics of production consists in maintaining the production environment in conditions that most favorably affect the senses and psychological state of the worker, causing a good mood, promoting high performance, as well as work without injuries and accidents.

The article describes the experience at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "PO Novosibirsk Instrument-Making Plant" in introducing requirements for aesthetics and production culture in the main optical, assembly and electrical installation shops.

The goal of production aesthetics is to maintain the production environment in a state that has the most favorable effect on the senses and psychological state of the worker, causing a good mood, promoting high performance, as well as work without injuries and accidents.

One of the most important elements in creating a healthy working environment is rational color design, which can be created scientifically. informed choice color, taking into account the influence of its basic qualities on the organ of vision, the central nervous system and other systems of the human body. The wide possibilities for regulating the functional state of the systems of the human body are associated with the fact that each stimulus in the visible part of the spectrum affects the organ of vision not only by color tone, determined by wavelength, but also by other color characteristics - saturation and brightness. Therefore, the decision of color design of the production environment and its elements has not only aesthetic, but also economic consequences.

The experience of some factories has shown that painting machines in green-blue and the walls of workshops in light yellow and bluish-green increased the illumination of the room by 10-20%, reduced eye fatigue by 20% and reduced occupational injuries by 10%. When surveying workers, 65% of respondents noted that optimal coloring improves illumination, reduces eye fatigue, increases labor productivity by up to 28% and significantly improves product quality.

When choosing a color and its combinations for the color design of industrial premises, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: the purpose of the object, the painted elements of the room and equipment; type and duration of labor operations; shape, size and location of premises relative to the cardinal directions; technological features of production, the nature of production harmful factors; degree of accuracy of work; lighting characteristics of the room; labor protection requirements; conditions of visual work (quality and color of processed materials).

The color design of production premises should not be designed according to the taste of management or the availability of paint in the warehouse, but according to an artistic design made by an architect or design specialist.

A good addition to the aesthetic design of the premises are green spaces: flowers, herbs, shrubs. However, their type and variety must be determined by a specialist - a botanist, who will be able to assess the possibility and living conditions of green spaces, based on the architectural, construction and technological features of the production environment.

In order to fulfill these requirements, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “PO Novosibirsk Instrument-Making Plant” has a quality management system standard STP AL-45SK06.16-2009 – “Buildings and structures. Maintaining technical and aesthetic condition”, as well as instructions AL0.049.031I-2004 – “Production culture. Procedure for checking the condition in the divisions of the enterprise", instruction AL0.045.788I-01 - "Technological hygiene and production culture in assembly and electrical installation shops", instruction AL0.049.001I-02 - "Technological hygiene and production culture in the optical workshop".

The enterprise standard establishes uniform requirements for maintaining the specified technical and aesthetic condition of industrial buildings and structures and is developed in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.3 of GOST R ISO 9001-2008 and OST 3-5757-84 - “Premises with special conditions production at optical manufacturing enterprises. Design requirements." It systematizes the list necessary work to maintain the required condition of buildings and structures, forms of inspection reports of premises, certificates of readiness of buildings, lists of works on current repairs buildings and structures.

Instruction AL0.049.031I-2004 defines indicators for assessing the state of production culture, in particular:

  • state of organization and cleanliness of workplaces;
  • content technological equipment;
  • sanitary condition of the premises and assigned territory;
  • warehousing and storage of raw materials, materials and finished products.

Indicates that objects of labor, tools, devices, controls, in accordance with technological documentation, must be kept in order:

  • products and parts must be placed in technological containers within the boundaries of the workplace area;
  • there should be no items in the bedside tables that are not related to the work being performed;
  • Shared storage of measuring tools with cutting tools and workpieces is not allowed;
  • It is not allowed to clutter the workplace with items unnecessary for current work;
  • mandatory presence technical documentation at the workplace during the working day, ensuring conditions for its safety.

Instruction AL0.045.788I-01 was developed taking into account the requirements of OST 11 14.3302-87 - “Electronic products. General technical requirements electronic hygiene for clean rooms" and defines the requirements for cleanliness air environment on dustiness, temperature, relative air humidity and production culture in assembly and electrical installation shops and applies to assembly operations, manufacturing electrical components, including microelectronic products, adjustment, configuration, control and testing of devices in rooms with special conditions.

Instruction AL0.049.001I-02 defines the requirements for the cleanliness of the air environment in terms of dust content, temperature, relative air humidity and production standards in the optical workshop and applies to operations machining blanks from optical glass, crystals, joining optical parts by gluing with optical adhesives, applying optical coatings, manufacturing scales and grids by etching, manufacturing scales and grids by photolithography, auxiliary processes in rooms with special conditions, classification of rooms is carried out.

Approved by: Chairman of the trade union committee
______________P.P. Ivanov
"___"__________ G.

General manager
OJSC "Company"
____________ P.P. Petrov

"___"___________ G.

to sum up the state of production culture
in workshops, on sites and measures of liability
work collectives with unsatisfactory results

This provision establishes a unified procedure for assessing the state of production culture at the enterprise, summing up the results and the impact of these results on the amount of material remuneration for the main monthly results of the work of workshops, sections, teams and individual workers.

Purpose of the work

1. Increase the activity and responsibility of enterprise employees in terms of improving production standards, establishing order in workplaces, areas and assigned territories, and increasing technological discipline.
2. Organize systematic control over the culture of work and life.

The procedure for monitoring the state of production culture in the divisions of the enterprise

I. Monitoring the state of production culture is carried out by a commission consisting of:
Chairman P.P. - chairman of the commission;
Deputy Z.Z. - Deputy Chairman of the Commission;

1st group - exercises control over the main production
Ivanov I.I. - senior group;
Petrov P.P. - group member;
Sidorov S.S. - group member;

2nd group - to control the cleanliness and culture of production of support services
Ivanchenko I.I. - senior group;
Petrovchenko P.P. - group member;
Sidorchenko S.S. - member of the group.

II. The commissions determine the level of compliance with technological discipline, cleanliness and production standards on the following points:

1. Organization and maintenance of workplaces; compliance with technical process requirements;

Cleanliness and order in the workplace;
Availability of free and safe passages to workplaces;
Condition of workbenches, cabinets, shelving, their painting;
Warehousing of blanks and finished products.
2. Equipment contents:

Condition of painting and coloring of equipment;
Cleanliness of equipment maintenance
3. Contents of equipment, fixtures, tools and containers:

Container coloring condition;
Condition of workwear;
Instrument storage condition.
4. Natural and artificial lighting:

Compliance with the requirements of lighting rules for the territory, workplaces, spans, areas, warehouses, service and household premises, driveways, passages to buildings, individual rooms;
Availability of unreplaced burnt-out general lighting lamps and signal lamps, their timely disposal;
Maintenance and cleanliness of electrical distribution starting devices and cabinets.
5. Office and household premises:

Testing of production areas, individual workplaces throughout production cycle is carried out according to indicators in accordance with table No. 1, with the exception of areas and workplaces of mechanical repair services, which are tested according to indicators according to the table, and energy repair services are assessed according to the indicators set out in the table.

The results of weekly assessments of cleanliness and production culture by senior groups from the production culture commission are transferred to the leading quality engineer in the form of tables (see appendices).
Based on these results, the leading quality engineer prepares weekly general information to the Director of Technology and Quality for a report to the company's management.

Based on the results of weekly inspections of cleanliness and production standards, the average monthly coefficient (Kch.av) is calculated for each site using the formula: = Kch.1.+ Kch2 + Kch.3 + Kch.4 / 4

The results are the basis for calculating the bonus based on the results of work for the month in accordance with the table (see appendices) for each site or workplace.

For a workshop (service), the average monthly coefficient of cleanliness and culture of production is determined as the arithmetic average coefficient of all sections included in the workshop and is the basis for calculating monthly bonuses for the heads of workshops (services), their deputies, and section heads.

IV. At the end of the month, the leading quality engineer draws up a summary table of the average monthly coefficient for all sections and workshops (appendix) and, signed by the chairman of the commission, submits it to the economic planning department.
The information is used to calculate the bonus based on the main results of work for the month in accordance with the table (see appendix).

V. Individual employees of workshops who are not included in the sections provided for by the structure of the workshop are awarded bonuses based on the results (Kch.av.) for the workshop as a whole.

VI. The notes in the summary tables indicate personal comments regarding the production culture of the heads of workshops, services and independent sections. Ignoring the work of the commission by managers at any level gives the commission the right to personally reduce the amount of the manager’s remuneration for production culture.

Applications. Tables

Under production culture understand the set of regulatory requirements for the technical, economic, organizational and aesthetic level of production. This is a set of material, organizational and spiritual values ​​that determine the level of development of the enterprise.

Achieving a modern level of production culture involves the introduction of advanced equipment and technology, scientific organization labor at each workplace and at the enterprise as a whole, systematically improving working conditions, providing personnel with appropriate living conditions, increasing the professional skills of workers, complying with the requirements of ergonomics, technical aesthetics, ecology, cleanliness and order in production, creating a healthy socio-psychological climate that ensures high organization, labor discipline and creative activity of workers.

Production culture is a set of material, organizational and spiritual values ​​that determine the level of development of the enterprise. A high production culture is an important element of effective management.

The production culture consists of several levels:

    External - specific visible elements: condition and cleanliness of buildings, premises, production tools; applied technologies, technological discipline; qualifications of workers; appearance employees; styles, logo, symbols of the enterprise; level of communication links; used technical means etc.

    Internal: behavioral stereotypes; decision making methods; management style; organizing teamwork, etc.

    Deep (core): value judgments, beliefs of the majority of employees of the enterprise; employees' awareness of a sense of belonging and dedication to a common cause.

8.2.3. Principles of production organization

The system of principles of production organization is understood as their totality, taking into account the relationships and mutual influence between them, creating the necessary conditions for the most effective functioning of the production system in order to achieve a given productivity with the appropriate quality of products.

The purpose of the system of principles is that, in addition to a clear understanding of the nature of the relationships and interdependence of individual principles, it should already at the design stage of production systems provide the necessary prerequisites for its effective functioning.

The basic principles include:




Continuity principle reflects the state of all parties production process and follows from the joint action of a number of other principles. The continuity of the production process can be assessed by the continuity coefficient, determined by the ratio of the total duration of technological operations to the total duration of the production process.

There is also another point of view, when the concept of continuity extends not only to objects, but also to means of labor. In this case, continuity is understood as non-stop or with minimal interruptions movement of objects of labor when the means of labor are fully loaded. In this case, the movement of objects of labor is proposed to be characterized by the coefficient of continuity of movement of objects of labor, and the use of means of labor - by the equipment load factor.

Principle of proportionality. Among the intra-production proportions, the following varieties can be distinguished: proportions between the main and auxiliary equipment by divisions of the enterprise; proportions between the main productions (shops, units); proportions between main production and auxiliary services.

Proportions of the first type for a given production volume make it possible to determine the required composition and capacity of the main and auxiliary equipment that meet the requirements of the selected optimality criterion. The task of determining the necessary proportions of the first type, both at the design stage and in relation to the conditions of an existing enterprise, must be solved together with the task of determining the proportions of the second type (i.e., the proportions between the main productions). This is due to the fact that some auxiliary and maintenance equipment operates at the junction of two main productions and affects the results of both productions (for example, cast iron ladles of a blast furnace shop, steel-pouring compositions of a steel-smelting shop, locomotives, etc.).

Intra-industrial proportions of the third type (i.e., the proportions between main production and auxiliary production and services) are largely determined by the level of specialization and cooperation across the industry. So, for example, the capacity of repair services at a metallurgical enterprise largely depends on the capacity of specialized repair organizations. The same applies to the capacity for the production of spare parts and replacement equipment.

The principle of rhythm. Rhythm in general refers to the systematic repetition at certain intervals, called the rhythm or tact of the process, of the production process at all its stages, as a result of which a given result is achieved at a given time. This result (i.e. productivity) of the partial process at the i-th stage is determined by the formula:

Рi = ​​(Tif Kзi mi /τ Тi) qi,

Where Pi– productivity of the partial process at the i-th stage;

Tif– actual time work i-th steps;

Kзi– optimal equipment load factor at the i-th stage;

mi– number of service channels at the i-th stage;

τ ti – time of technological operations at the i-th stage for processing one object of labor;

qi – mass of products produced i-th stage in one cycle.

In relation to rhythm, there are the concepts of “rhythm of production”, “rhythm of work”, “rhythm of production”. Some scientists identify them, while others believe that “rhythm of production” combines two concepts - “rhythm of work” and “rhythm of production.”

Rhythmic work should be understood as the alternation in a certain rhythm of each operation (technological, transport, control) at each workplace, on each piece of equipment; under rhythmic production - the release by an enterprise or its division at equal intervals of time of a certain amount of finished products.

The formulation of rhythmicity as the release of an equal amount of products over equal periods of time is quite widespread, but it is only suitable for single-product production systems. In multi-product systems where they produce various types products (grades of steel in steelmaking shops, profile sizes of rolled products), the same equipment for the production of different types of products has different productivity, and therefore, it is objectively not capable of producing equal quantities of products in equal periods of time.

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Federal Agency for Education

Ural State Economic University

Specialty "Economics and Personnel Management"

Control Job

By discipline: “Occupational safety and safety”


Analysis of the state and improvement of the culture of the production environment

Completed by: student

ETR-08, 4th year

Mineeva Marina Rimovna

Ekaterinburg 2011


4. Analysis of lighting of workshops and workplaces. Analysis of visual morbidity associated with insufficient lighting in workplaces

6. Measures for landscaping the territory (including workshop premises), color design, lighting of production premises. Calculate the expected economic efficiency of measures to improve production culture



As you know, the main goal of any commercial enterprise, of which the majority is now, is to make a profit and minimize costs. Owners, heads of organizations and private entrepreneurs strive to ensure that every ruble invested in production brings a certain profit.

Since labor protection is not directly related to the production and sale of products, it is very difficult to calculate the return (effect) from investments in labor protection. In addition, it is necessary to understand that there cannot and should not be any direct profit from labor protection work carried out in the organization. If in the production of goods or services we're talking about about maximizing profits, then when carrying out occupational safety measures we should only talk about minimizing damage (losses) or its complete prevention.

Task modern leader is to learn to anticipate and calculate possible damage from a possible industrial accident, accident or occupational disease. Only then can it - damage - be prevented; it could have been this way, but it did not happen due to the implementation of measures to prevent it. In world practice, it has long been known that an enterprise incurs the largest financial costs due to industrial accidents.

Production culture is a set of labor organization measures aimed at creating a favorable production environment. This is achieved by proper organization of work processes, improvement of workplaces, aesthetic transformation of the environment and the creation of a healthy psychological climate in the team.

Production culture includes ergonomics, production aesthetics and work psychology.

Ergonomics is a science that studies the problems of optimizing the interaction of man with a machine and with the work environment. The task of ergonomics is to make work easier, create maximum comfort and free workers from unnecessary, complicating movements, postures, and operations. To this end, when designing machines, machine tools, tools, products, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the human body (height, weight and other anthropometric data), its shape and position in various poses, the strength and direction of the most physiological movements.

Adaptation of the workplace to the worker must be carried out taking into account the age, gender and individual characteristics of the latter. It is very important that the workplace is designed in such a way that each worker can “fit” them on their own. For many professions, rationalization of working postures is of great importance.

As production processes become automated, the nature of work changes, requiring the creation of a favorable working environment for the workers who manage them. Under these conditions, the importance of ergonomics increases. The goal of automation is not to subordinate man to machine, but to create best conditions his work necessitates a more in-depth study of the patterns of human labor behavior, i.e., studying how he works.

Production aesthetics. She studies the essence and forms of manifestation of aesthetics in the field of technology and the production environment. For the most effective work of workers, a rationally organized production environment is necessary, in which elements that are unacceptable from the point of view of engineering psychology must be eliminated.

The production environment, which is the objective environment of a person, must combine a rational architectural and planning solution, optimal sanitary and hygienic conditions, scientifically based color painting and the creation of highly artistic interiors. When designing, reconstructing or reorganizing enterprises, it is necessary to provide for landscaping (planting green spaces at the main entrances, driveways, around workshop buildings, utility rooms, and recreation areas). Green spaces should not interfere with travel vehicles, disrupt underground communication networks, close light openings of buildings.

The main task of production aesthetics is to study the reaction of the human body to the influence of factors environment, in developing hygienic standards that provide the best working conditions, in carrying out sanitary and hygienic measures that ensure healthy and safe conditions labor. Improving the production environment includes a rational solution of color in the production interior, creating a comfortable air and light climate, reducing noise and vibration levels, equipping comfortable sanitary facilities, providing special clothing, etc.

A special section of production aesthetics is technical aesthetics, the requirements of which must be taken into account when designing new equipment and introducing a scientific organization of labor.

The machines, mechanisms, and equipment created must ensure the safety of operating personnel; their appearance should be aesthetic, workplace-- convenient, easy to control, noise, light and vibration parameters are within the established standards. In railway transport and transport construction, the basic principles of technical aesthetics are reflected in the standard requirements for safety and industrial sanitation for the designs of rolling stock, machines, etc.

1. Labor production culture at enterprises and its impact on improving quality and reducing product defects

The culture of labor production is a set of means, methods, guidelines, samples and norms of behavior inherent in a certain group of people engaged in joint labor activities. Arustamov E. A. Occupational safety. M.: “Dashkov and K.” 2008. 43p.

Work culture is determined by the cultural level of the employee, his professionalism, education, competence, compliance with discipline (labor and technological), work norms and rules, his attitude to work, diligence, creativity, forms of communication with other people.

Management of labor protection in sectors of the economy or in a certain field of activity is carried out by the relevant federal executive authorities and other governing bodies together with relevant public organizations, such as:

- Ministry of Labor and Social Development

- Occupational Safety and Health Departments

- State Academy of Labor Protection

- All-Russian Center for Occupational Safety and Health

The Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation provides methodological guidance and coordination of work on the development and implementation of federal target programs on occupational safety.

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation - participates in the preparation of federal target programs for improving labor conditions and safety, ensures their financing within the limits of funds provided for in the federal budget;

Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation - participates in the organization, conduct and coordination of research work on the issue of safety and occupational safety;

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - organizes training in occupational safety in educational institutions;

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation - organizes, jointly with the Ministry of Health and Social Development (formerly the Ministry of Labor) of the Russian Federation, the work of a coordinating council for film propaganda of occupational safety issues, as well as the production of videos on occupational safety issues;

State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics - organizes federal state statistical monitoring of the state of conditions and occupational safety in organizations, occupational injuries, occupational diseases and the material costs associated with them, provides the bodies of the state system for managing occupational safety with statistical information in the prescribed manner;

Social Insurance Fund:

Provides compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

Together with the Ministry of Health and Social Development (formerly the Ministry of Labor), the Russian Federation is developing proposals for establishing differentiated basic insurance tariffs for sectors of the economy for insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

Establishes personal discounts and surcharges to the basic insurance rate for specific policyholders;

Participates in accident investigations.

Gosatomnadzor - organizes and carries out state regulation of nuclear and radiation safety on the territory of Russia in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development (formerly the Ministry of Labor) of the Russian Federation - which includes the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, carries out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and control over compliance with sanitary legislation in the field of occupational health and safety in accordance with Federal law“On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”;

Gosstandart of Russia - organizes the development of state standards in the field of occupational safety, accepts and puts them into effect, and maintains their register.

There is a quality management system that is aimed at increasing the level of design and technological preparation of production, increasing the level of qualifications of specialists, and mastering the production of new products with the planned level of quality. The main task of the system is a more thorough design and technological development of products during the preparation of their production through the development of research experimental bases, increasing design and technological unification. Aspects of this system - raising the level of workers and the production process itself are included in the concept of work culture. That is, improving product quality and reducing defects can be achieved by increasing the level of labor production culture.

High level organizational culture often allows you to achieve a significant effect with a relatively modest material and technical base and finances. This effect can be achieved by reducing losses and unproductive costs of working time, applying the most rational techniques and methods of work, implementing a number of measures to increase efficiency, reducing worker fatigue, activating people’s creative abilities, creating new organizational structure, introduction of a situational approach.

2. Analysis of the color design of industrial and domestic areas and equipment of the enterprise

Some colors irritate a person, others calm them down. For example, the color red is exciting, hot, and evokes a conditioned reflex in a person aimed at self-defense. Orange is perceived by people as hot; it warms, invigorates, and stimulates active activity. Yellow - warm, cheerful, conducive to good mood. Green is the color of peace and freshness, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and in combination with yellow has a beneficial effect on mood. Blue and cyan colors are fresh and transparent, seeming light and airy. Under their influence, physical stress decreases, they can regulate the rhythm of breathing and calm the pulse. Black color is gloomy, heavy, and dramatically lowers your mood. White color is cold, monotonous, and can cause apathy.

Based on characteristic associations, the use of color in production is justified. It is carried out in two directions: the creation of a psychophysiologically favorable rational color design of production premises (including equipment) and the use of color as a means of orientation in the production environment, a coded information carrier. The scientifically based use of color in the design of industrial premises reduces fatigue and improves productivity. The use of color as a coded carrier of information about hazards makes it possible to prevent accidents at work.

The basic rules for the color design of industrial premises are as follows: any industrial premises should be light; walls and ceilings should be painted in light colors with relatively low saturation and a high reflectance. It is also necessary to use contrasts between warm and cold tones (if the walls are painted in warm colors, then the equipment is in cold colors, and vice versa). The color scheme of the interior decoration of the room must match climatic zone, orientation to the cardinal points, features of the technological process, etc. Lighting and color design of industrial premises, with the right solution and successful combination, have a beneficial effect on a person’s mood and performance, an increase in labor productivity and a reduction in the number and severity of industrial injuries.

It is necessary to pay attention to the decorative and artistic design of the office. It must be equipped with maximum working comfort and aesthetic expression. A number of colors have the ability to visually change the shape of individual objects and the spatial size of the room. For example, so-called cool tones (dark and saturated colors with a predominance of blue) have the ability to “remove” and “reduce” the surface painted in these colors. Warm tones (with a predominance of red and yellow), on the contrary, seem to “bring closer” the surface painted in such tones. These properties of various color tones underlie the rational color design of production premises and equipment industrial enterprises. For example, for unheated and cold rooms of industrial buildings, it is advisable to paint them in warm colors with a predominance of red and yellow. It is recommended to paint production premises of workshops with high heat generation in cool blue-green colors.

3. Analysis of landscaping of industrial and domestic areas, workshops and enterprise territory

The main functions of green spaces can be called:

sanitary and hygienic;


decorative and artistic.

Air purity is characterized by negatively charged ions, since the carriers of positively charged ions are ions of smoke, vapor, and dust that pollute the air.

An essential qualitative feature of the oxygen produced by green spaces is its saturation with ions that carry a negative charge, which is where the beneficial effect of vegetation on the state of the human body is manifested. The number of light ions in 1 cm 3 of air above forests is 2000-3000, in an industrial area - 200-400, in a closed, crowded room - 25-100. Thus, an increase in the number of plantings on an industrial area and in interior spaces helps to improve air quality, which is important given the high degree of pollution at industrial facilities.

Air ionization is affected by both the degree of greening and the natural composition of plants. The best air ionizers are mixed coniferous and deciduous plantings. Pine plantations only in maturity have a beneficial effect on its ionization, since due to turpentine vapors released by young weeds, the concentration of light ions in the atmosphere decreases. Volatile substances from flowering plants also contribute to an increase in the concentration of light ions in the air. The ones that most contribute to increasing the concentration of light ions in the air are white acacia, Karelian birch, red and English oak, white and weeping willow, silver and red maple, Siberian larch, Siberian fir, rowan, common lilac, black poplar.

The sanitary and hygienic properties of plants also include their ability to release special volatile organic compounds called phytoncides, which kill pathogenic bacteria or delay their development. These properties become especially valuable in city conditions, where the air contains 10 times more pathogenic bacteria than the air in fields and forests.

Insufficient landscaping on the enterprise premises leads to increased noise pollution.

Noise not only injures, but also depresses the psyche, destroys health, reducing a person’s physical and mental abilities. Studies have shown that the nature of the disturbances in the functions of the human body caused by noise is identical to the disturbances caused by the action of certain toxic drugs.

Different plant species have different noise protection abilities. According to research, coniferous species (spruce and pine) compared to deciduous species (trees and shrubs) regulate noise better. As you move 50 meters away from the highway, deciduous tree plantations (acacia, poplar, oak) reduce the sound level by 4.2 dB, deciduous shrubs by 6 dB, spruce by 7 dB and pine by 9 dB.

Studies have shown that hardwoods can absorb up to 25% of sound energy, and reflect and dissipate 74% of it. The best conifers in this regard are spruce and fir; from deciduous trees - linden, hornbeam and others.

The noise protection function to a certain extent depends on landscaping techniques. Single-row planting of trees with a hedge of bushes 10 meters wide reduces the noise level by 3-4 dB; the same planting, but a two-row planting 20-30 meters wide - by 6-8 dB, a 3-4-row planting 25-30 meters wide - by 8-10 dB, a boulevard 70 meters wide with row and group planting of trees and shrubs - by 10-14 dB; multi-row planting or green area 100 meters wide - by 12-15 dB.

A high effect of noise protection is achieved by placing green spaces near sources of noise and at the same time the protected object.

Plants not only fulfill their biological and ecological function; their diversity and colorfulness always “pleases the eye” of a person. A change of environment after long, monotonous work helps relieve physical stress and calm the nervous system. The green color of the plantings especially contributes to this.

4. Analysis of workplace lighting. Analysis of visual morbidity associated with insufficient lighting in workplaces

There are several types of room lighting Belov S.V., Ilnitskaya A.V., Kozyakov A.F. Life safety. M.: “Higher School” 1999. 92 p. . There are: natural lighting, which can be side - carried out through light openings in external walls, top - through aeration and skylights, openings in the roof and ceilings, combined - a combination of side and top lighting; artificial lighting, which comes in two types - general and combined. The general lighting system is used in rooms where the same type of work is carried out throughout the entire area (foundry, welding, galvanizing shops), as well as in administrative, office and warehouses. If, when performing precise visual work, the equipment creates shadows or the working surfaces are located vertically, then local lighting is used. The combination of local and general lighting is called combined.

The main task of industrial lighting is to maintain illumination in the workplace that corresponds to the nature of visual work. Increasing the illumination of the working surface improves the visibility of objects by increasing their brightness, increases the speed of distinguishing parts, which affects the growth of labor productivity. But increasing productivity by increasing lighting has its limit, after which labor efficiency remains at the same level. This limit depends on the type of activity. For example, on a car assembly line it is 100 lux.

When organizing industrial lighting, it is necessary to ensure uniform distribution of brightness on the working surface and surrounding objects. Shifting your gaze from a brightly lit to a dimly lit surface forces the eye to re-adapt, which leads to visual fatigue and a decrease in work efficiency. To increase the uniformity of natural lighting, combined lighting is used. Light coloring of walls, ceilings and equipment promotes uniform distribution of brightness in the field of vision of the worker.

The characteristics of visual work are determined by the smallest size of the object of discrimination (for example, when working with instruments, the thickness of the scale graduation line; when drawing, the thickness of the thinnest line). Depending on the size of the object of discrimination, all types of work associated with visual tension are divided into eight categories, which in turn, depending on the background and the contrast of the object with the background, are divided into four subcategories.

Artificial lighting is standardized by quantitative (minimum illumination E min) and qualitative indicators (indicators of glare and discomfort, illumination pulsation coefficient kE). Separate standardization of artificial lighting has been adopted depending on the light sources used and the lighting system. Standard illuminance value for gas-discharge lamps with other equal conditions due to their greater light output, it is higher than for incandescent lamps. With combined lighting, the share of general lighting should be at least 10% of the standardized illumination. This value must be at least 150 lux for gas-discharge lamps and 50 lux for incandescent lamps. To limit the glare of general lighting fixtures in industrial premises, the glare indicator should not exceed 20-80 units, depending on the duration and level of visual work.

When lighting industrial premises with gas-discharge lamps powered by alternating current of industrial frequency 50 Hz, the pulsation depth should not exceed 10-20%, depending on the nature of the work performed. When determining the illumination standard, one should also take into account a number of conditions that necessitate an increase in the level of illumination, selected according to the characteristics of visual work. An increase in illumination should be provided, for example, if there is an increased risk of injury. In some cases, the illumination level should be reduced, for example, when people stay indoors for a short time.

Natural lighting is characterized by the fact that the created illumination varies depending on the time of day, year, and meteorological conditions. Therefore, a relative value is adopted as a criterion for assessing natural lighting - the coefficient of natural illumination KEO, which does not depend on the above parameters. KEO is the ratio of illumination at a given point inside the room Evn to the simultaneous value of external horizontal illumination En, created by the light of a completely open sky, expressed as a percentage, i.e. KEO = 100 E in / E in. Separate standardization of KEO for side and top natural lighting has been adopted. With side lighting, the minimum KEO value within the working area is normalized, which must be ensured at points farthest from the window; in rooms with overhead and combined lighting - according to the average KEO within the working area.

The normalized value of KEO, taking into account the characteristics of visual work, the lighting system, the area where buildings are located on the territory of the country e n = KEO ts, where KEO - the coefficient of natural illumination is determined by the Building codes and regulations of the Russian Federation: Natural and artificial lighting. 1996 SNiP 23-05-95; t is the light climate coefficient, determined depending on the area where the building is located in the country; c is the climate sunshine coefficient, determined depending on the orientation of the building relative to the cardinal points.

There are several vision diseases associated with insufficient lighting in the workplace.

Progressive myopia, or myopia, is the most common eye disease. Occurs when there is insufficient illumination of the workplace, long work with small objects, when working with computer equipment (prolonged eye strain makes blinking less frequent, which dries out the cornea, worsening its elasticity). A complication is that without corrective glasses the patient is forced to work at close distances from objects, which can cause strabismus. With myopia, vision deterioration occurs, in severe cases- degenerative changes in the choroid and retina of the eye. Measures to prevent vision loss include organizing the workplace, alternating work and rest, and using glasses.

Asthenopia (visual fatigue) can occur when unfavorable factors influence the activity of one or both apparatuses. To a much greater extent this applies to the oculomotor system.

A decrease in the performance of the motor system when moving the gaze from one object to another at different distances, or observing moving objects occurs if visual work takes place in low light conditions.

Symptoms of visual and sometimes general fatigue manifest themselves in subjective sensations: when reading or looking at objects at close range, small details begin to “blur”, letters and lines sometimes “fog up”, there is a stinging and aching pain in the eyes, pain in the temples, appears photophobia.

production color landscaping lighting

5. Identification of aesthetically unfavorable areas and workplaces

The workplace is the primary link in the production and technological structure of the enterprise, in which the production process, its maintenance and management are carried out. The efficiency of using labor itself, tools and means of production and, accordingly, labor productivity, the cost of output, its quality and many other economic indicators of the functioning of the enterprise largely depend on how workplaces are organized.

Each workplace has its own specific characteristics associated with the peculiarities of the organization of the production process and the variety of forms of specific labor. The state of workplaces and their organization directly determine the level of labor organization in the enterprise. In addition, the organization of the workplace directly shapes the environment in which the employee is constantly located at work, which affects his well-being, mood, performance and, ultimately, labor productivity.

It's no secret that one of the most important elements of employee motivation is the comfort and convenience of the office space. Surveys conducted by HeadHunter and Healthy Office specialists showed that more than 90% of respondents note a direct connection between the convenience of the workplace and the quality and efficiency of their work. At the same time, 47% of respondents noted that in comfortable conditions their well-being improves and work tasks are completed better. For 44% of employees, a comfortable workplace improves their mood and allows them to better concentrate and decide professional tasks. 35% of respondents indicated that comfortable conditions indicate that management cares about employees. And only 2% of respondents do not believe in the importance of such a factor as a comfortable workplace, and believe that other aspects of corporate life are much more important.

Almost all respondents (90%) noted that the convenience of the workplace to one degree or another affects the quality and efficiency of their work. At the same time, 47% of respondents indicated that thanks to a comfortable workplace, their well-being improves and they do their job better. And for 35% of respondents, a conveniently organized workplace means that “the management cares about the employee,” that the company “needs” him.

As it turned out, a comfortable chair affects the performance of 66% of respondents; among them, 33% noted that comfortable furniture “greatly influences” the effectiveness of their professional activities.

For a comfortable work process, respondents consider it important to organize a comfortable office space, which is of greater importance for office workers than such less significant factors as lighting, ventilation and air conditioning, lunches in the office, etc.

48% of respondents are only partially satisfied with the convenience of the workplace; 32% are completely satisfied with it, in contrast to 17% who are dissatisfied.

On average, 46% of respondents find their chair comfortable, but 41% find their work furniture uncomfortable.

A comfortable workplace for employees is not just a comfortable chair, but also a well-organized environment: furniture that does not interfere with movement, a comfortable workplace where everything is at hand.

The organization of the workplace is a material basis that ensures the efficient use of equipment and labor. To achieve this, technical, organizational, economic and ergonomic requirements are imposed on the workplace.

Ergonomic requirements take place when designing equipment, technological and organizational equipment, and workplace layout. This also includes aesthetic factors - architectural and planning solutions of the interior and exterior, aesthetically expressive shape and color of work equipment, workwear, appropriate design of recreation areas, etc.

Ergonomics studies the influence on the functional state and performance of a person various factors production environment. The latter are taken into account when designing equipment, organizational and technological equipment, and when justifying the layout of workplaces. The correct layout should provide, first of all, for such placement of the employee in the workplace area and such an arrangement in it of objects used in the process of work that would provide the most convenient working posture; the shortest and most convenient movement zones; the least tiring positions of the body, arms, legs and head during long repetition of certain movements. Secondly, the influence of aesthetic indicators is studied.

In the system of measures for organizing a workplace, its aesthetics are of significant importance. When designing workplaces, a distinction is made between external and internal aesthetics. External consists in its appearance in relation to adjacent workplaces in the department, to the workplace of the manager (foreman, foreman, head of department, etc.), to passages, passages, driveways, entrances. It is advisable to carry out the design of external aesthetics for all workplaces included in the department at once. The initial data for such a layout is the production area allocated for the location of the department’s personnel.

In this case, one should be guided by building codes and regulations, sanitary design standards, and labor safety standards.

The internal aesthetics of the workplace is the placement of technological equipment and tools in the work area, tool cabinets and bedside tables, the correct arrangement of workpieces and parts in the workplace. It should provide a comfortable working posture, short and low-fatigue movements, uniform and, if possible, simultaneous performance of labor movements with both hands.

The internal aesthetics of the workplace should provide such an operational space in which the worker can freely form work zones, taking into account the reach zones for various working postures, both in the horizontal and vertical planes.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the adopted building modules, established norms of distances between equipment and building elements depending on the size and type of equipment, sanitary and hygienic standards, safety standards, and anthropometric data about the performers.

6. Measures for landscaping the territory (including workshop premises), color design, lighting of production premises

Calculate the expected economic efficiency of measures to improve production culture.

Landscaping work, as a rule, includes landscaping (including planting flower beds, laying out lawns), paving paths, equipping parking lots, installing benches, fences, fountains, etc.

As a result of landscaping work, the organization forms improvement objects, which, depending on their purpose, relate either to external improvement objects or to fixed assets used by the organization to carry out its main activities. When landscaping enterprises, the territory should, if possible, be fenced with green spaces. Household part it is advisable to separate the yard from the production, directly related to production premises(supplying workshops with raw materials and issuing finished products). The territory of the enterprise must be covered with asphalt or paved, especially the part adjacent to the production and warehouse premises.

The unpaved and unreplaced part of the territory must be landscaped. Enterprises are provided with water from a central source of drinking water supply and are equipped with an extensive water supply network. Sometimes it is advisable to use two water supply systems - drinking and technical.

Businesses must be drained; if there is a city sewer, they join the latter. On the territory of sewer enterprises, it is necessary to equip sewer latrines, and on the territory of non-sewered enterprises, tightly closed latrines with a waterproof cesspool. Enterprises must have special containers for collecting waste that are waterproof and inaccessible to flies and rodents, as well as transport for systematic removal of waste from the territory of the enterprise. The dry waste bin must be made of waterproof material and have a tight seal. A yard restroom, a trash can and a waste box must be installed in the utility yard of the enterprise, at a distance of no closer than 20-25 m from the production premises.

The socio-economic efficiency of territory improvement measures is characterized by a system of general and specific indicators. Methodological recommendations for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects. Official publication. M., “Economics”, 2000, 94 p. .

General indicators that are common to all improvement projects include:

1) national economic discounted economic effect (integral income, discounted, economic effect (Hereinafter, the term “efficiency” refers to the entire complex of basic indicators characterizing socio-economic and socio-ecological results);

2) net present value;

3) payback period;

4) profitability index (profitability index, profitability, efficiency of capital investments).

To evaluate projects, other indicators are used that reflect industry and functional specifics, the parity of which may change. Determining general indicators requires calculating a number of partial indicators.

Summary indicators are calculated for the entire period of development and use of project results. For this purpose, the billing period, billing year, and calculation step are determined. Depending on the rate of change in indicators, calculations can be carried out by month, quarter, or year. In the calculation year (year of obtaining results), a quarter or a year can be taken as a calculation step, in subsequent years - a year.

To calculate the socio-economic effect, the method of absolute or comparative effectiveness can be used. When using the absolute efficiency method, a full calculation of the expected results (volume of work, prices), calculation of the full cost, active and passive parts of fixed assets, calculation of losses, changes in economic results for the consumer will be required.

For individual components of the efficiency calculation, such as social and environmental costs and results, changes in the value of working capital, and associated results, the incremental method is used: the calculation takes into account the difference in cost indicators with a “+” or “-” sign.

The main indicator of project efficiency is net present value (integral effect, accumulated discounted effect, profit).

Net present value (NPV) characterizes the excess of cash receipts over total costs reduced to a single point in time. This is the real income that a specific project can provide during the billing period. NPV is calculated using the formula:

where: P ti - expected inflow of funds for the i-th step of calculation (revenue from sales), rub.;

Z ti - costs of production and sales of products for the i-th calculation step, rub.;

T - calculation period (calculation horizon), years;

a i is the discount factor (the interest rate used to recalculate future income streams into a single current value).

At each step of the project implementation, the cost result is calculated - the balance between the inflow of cash receipts and the outflow equal to production costs. A positive NPV value for the billing period is a condition for the economic feasibility of the project. When comparing alternative options The best option is the one with the maximum NPV.

The cost assessment of the social and environmental effect from the implementation of a project of measures for landscaping is taken into account in the NPV value, subject to documentary confirmation of the achieved result.

The production discounted socio-economic effect is the result of comparing the costs of production, transportation, foreign trade activities and the expected results that a given project can produce over an effective period of use without taking into account losses for organizational and other reasons. It characterizes the potential effectiveness of socio-economic consequences from the point of view of the interests of the national economy of the republic and is calculated by summing up the net present value and the underaccounted national economic effect (or part of it, if it is achieved as a result of the implementation of several projects).

This indicator is necessary at the stage of choosing strategic directions of technical and commercial activities, when determining the pricing policy, and to assess the results of the work of participants in the development and implementation of the project.

To calculate this indicator, in addition to data on the expected net present value for the calculation period, it is necessary to determine the amount of the underaccounted socio-economic effect, which includes:

- the result of social and environmental changes (if not taken into account when calculating the NPV);

- related results in related industries;

- lost inflow of funds from the sale of products at prices below competitive ones (characterizes the losses of the national economy for organizational and other reasons).

The basis for calculating the lost inflow of funds is the difference between the competitive price and the real one. For projects for which products are sold at competitive prices and there are no changes in associated results and other components, the national economic discounted effect is equal to net present value.

The condition for determining the comparative effectiveness of projects is the achievement of useful results. There may be cases when the compared options do not provide identical useful results. In such cases, it is necessary to provide options for additional means and methods for eliminating existing deviations. Social, environmental, political and other results that cannot be assessed are considered as additional performance indicators and are taken into account when making the final decision.

At the request of the authorities public administration To justify the feasibility of government financial support, budgetary efficiency is calculated. When calculating the influx of funds (result), the following are taken into account: - taxes, fees, duties, contributions to trust funds in accordance with current legislation; - income from licensing, competitions, tenders for exploration, construction and operation of facilities provided for by the project; - payments to repay loans; - commission payments for support of foreign loans; - dividends on state-owned shares and other securities related to the project.

Costs (outflow of funds) include: - budget funds presented in the form of an investment loan; - budget funds provided free of charge (subsidies); - budget subsidies; - tax benefits in accordance with current legislation.

The results (inflows) or costs (outflows) include the difference values ​​of funds allocated from the budget for the resettlement and employment of citizens; payment of benefits, etc. (if such activities are provided for by the project). When determining indicators, it is necessary to take into account the time factor.

When implementing large-scale projects with the participation of foreign organizations, the integral production discounted economic effect is calculated. To calculate the costs of results for all types of products, goods and services, world prices are used. To recalculate labor costs in world prices, use a coefficient equal to

where: I n - conversion factor;

PC m - total cost of the consumer basket in world prices, rub.;

PC n - total cost of PC in national prices, rub.

The payback period is the period (measured in years and months) from which the initial investments and other one-time costs associated with the Project are covered by the total results. The payback period is considered to be the point in time in the calculation period after which the effect indicator becomes a positive number. The repayment period for one-time costs is determined by sequential addition of the amount of income (P ti - 3 ti) until the moment when the amount received is equal to the amount of one-time costs.

The payback period can be determined from a different starting point: from the beginning of the project, from the date of commissioning of the first start-up complex, from the end of the period of development of the design capacity.

If the payback period of a project is longer than the accepted limit, then in the absence of other advantages important for the national economy of the republic, it is excluded from the list of projects requiring financial support from the state.

The projects being developed may provide the same amount of income, but the investments for their implementation will be different. Therefore, a relative indicator of efficiency (profitability) is calculated, characterizing the savings attributable to one ruble of investment. The profitability index (PI) is calculated as follows:

where: ID - profitability index, effect per unit of investment;

Р ti - expected inflow of funds for the i-th calculation step, rub.,

Z ti - costs of implementing the project without one-time costs and capital investments for the 1st step of calculation, rub.;

ti and tp are the serial number of the 1st calculation step and the calculation year, respectively.

If ID>E, then this means that the profitability (profitability) of the project exceeds the pre-selected standard; the project is stable if it exceeds 1.2. A profitability index close to E indicates that the project is not highly resistant to possible fluctuations in income and expenses; production of such products is doubtful.

To assess the sustainability of the project, the internal rate of return (IRR) is determined. It represents a discount rate that ensures equality in the value of expected cash outflows and expected cash inflows for each year of the accounting period.

If IRR>E, NPV will occur, the project is effective if IRR<Е, проект неэффективен. В случаях, когда сравнение альтернативных проектов по ЧДД и ВНД приводит к противоположным результатам, предпочтение отдается проекту с большим показателем ЧДД. Показатель постоянной нормы дисконта - величина субъективная, поэтому при анализе и отборе проектов целесообразно определять величину ЧДД при нескольких ставках дисконта.

The economic efficiency of labor protection measures is the ratio of the useful result (improving labor protection conditions) to the costs of labor protection measures. Effective costs are those that contribute most to achieving the goal. Quantitative indicators of economic efficiency, which make it possible to determine the magnitude of the effect and select the best option for solving the problem, are divided into natural and cost ones.

Natural indicators (characterize, for example, a reduction in industrial injuries) are used in comparison with cost indicators to determine the “price” of solving a problem.

Cost indicators make it possible to compare indicators of the economic result (effect) obtained as a result of labor protection measures with the costs incurred.

Indicators of economic effect can be: savings in compensation payments for victims; reduction in the amount of the insurance premium as a result of receiving a discount on insurance rates for social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases; increasing labor productivity.

List of sources used

1. Arustamov E.A. Labor protection. M.: “Dashkov and K” 2008. 587 p.

2. Life safety. M.: Higher School, 1999, 361 p.

3. Belov S.V., Ilnitskaya A.V., Kozyakov A.F. Life safety. M.: “Higher School” 1999. 448 p.

4. Devislov V.A. Labor protection. M.: Forum-Infra, 2003. 129 p.

5. Methodological recommendations for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects. Official publication. M., “Economics”, 2000, 94 p.

6. Labor protection: organization and management / ed. Rusaka O.N. St. Petersburg: Profession, 2002. 351 p.

7. Ochakova A.I. and others. Scientific organization and labor regulation at enterprises. M.: Radio and communications. 2001. 371 p.

8. Pashuto V.P. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise. Minsk. 2001. 72 p.

9. Construction norms and rules of the Russian Federation. Natural and artificial lighting. 1996. SNiP 23-05-95.

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