Mandatory vaccination of food service workers. Mandatory requirements for food production workers





Tests for a medical record - what vaccinations and tests are needed for a medical record?

When talking about what vaccinations are needed for a medical book, one cannot ignore the question of what this document represents. This is a small blue book on which the Rospotrebnadzor emblem is clearly visible. Actually, it is this federal organization that is responsible for recording and issuing these documents. Each book is different from the others in its own way. unique number entered into the relevant register. In order to undergo all vaccinations for a medical record, as well as other formalities and receive the document in hand, you need to be patient for 7-10 days.

Each profession has its own list in the “permit”

A medical book is a document that serves as a kind of access to the workplace for people of the most different professions. They have one thing in common: they are all employed in the service sector - be it

  • train conductor;
  • kindergarten teacher,
  • cook in the dining room kitchen;
  • airline stewardess;
  • medical worker;
  • college teacher;
  • minibus driver.

Each of these people, before receiving this “passport”, must undergo tests and vaccinations for a medical book in full. Moreover, for each profession their list may be different. That is why it is so important to know, for example, what vaccinations should be given in medical care. book.

Official document – ​​in a specialized institution

In order to get a 100% result, and with it the treasured document in hand, you need to know: in addition to specialized state medical institutions, other organizations can offer services for issuing such documents. However, having found out, for example, the list of tests in the SES for a medical book, paid money and even received the required “crusts” in your hands, you can get into trouble. Because an official document is only one issued by an institution included in the relevant list of Rospotrebnadzor. It is in such an organization, by the way, that you can find out for sure, and the tests you need for your medical book in 2019, they will definitely be in the know!

Pros, cons and must-check boxes

When going for the coveted “permit”, you should take into account that private organizations do their work faster and with a higher level of service. However, government agencies There is also a plus: as a rule, prices here are lower than those of a private owner.

Regardless of what tests you need to pass for a medical record and what form of ownership the company you contacted has, there are uniform rules for all holders of the required document. These rules, among others, explain what tests and vaccinations need to be taken for a health certificate, regardless of profession. In this list:

  • therapeutic examination;
  • passing a fluorography room;
  • a statement about what vaccinations you have received (this certificate is also called a vaccination certificate).

In public catering - one, for drivers - another

Now let's figure out what tests are needed for a medical book in public catering, as well as for an employee engaged in food industry or food retailer. In addition to the above, for official admission you will need information about:

You will learn how to test for staphylococcus for your medical record when you visit the appropriate specialist. And in addition to the above information, your “crusts” must necessarily contain the results of examinations by doctors such as:

  • psychiatrist;
  • dermatologist;
  • dentist.

Vaccinations required for chefs

Any list of tests for a medical record must be supplemented with information about vaccinations. After all, if a person is not vaccinated, for example, against diphtheria, then by contracting this disease and transmitting it through airborne droplets, he can infect others. Therefore, the appropriate vaccination is given to workers employed in catering, transport and trade - once every 10 years.

The following vaccination will protect a person from measles, but it is only relevant for workers under 35 years of age. Moreover, such vaccinations are required mainly for all those whose field of activity is working with children.

Against measles and ADS-M - vaccinations that are given to those employed in the service sector, hotel business and pharmacy business. ADS-M is the name of the adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus vaccine, which is also given once every 10 years. Pharmacists must also be vaccinated against diphtheria.

In addition to those mentioned above, you should be vaccinated against tetanus; hairdressers and beauty salon workers undergo this procedure.

The total cost of all the costs that you will have to incur to get your hands on the treasured document is 1.5–2 thousand rubles.

Today people talk about vaccination often. Basically, the battles are about the benefits or harms of vaccinations, that is, purely in the medical plane. However, the issue also has a legal aspect. Recently, an employer I know told me that after another inspection he was fined for... absence preventive vaccinations against influenza and revaccination against measles for staff. The fine was not very high - within 30 thousand rubles, but unexpected. An analysis of judicial practice has shown that over the past five years, the imposition of such fines has become the norm. Let's figure out whether the employer is really obliged to monitor the “vaccinations” of employees, and, if so, in what case?

You are not required to be vaccinated, but should you get vaccinated?

You may be asking, what is the connection between vaccinations and the employer? Isn’t it the right of every person to decide for himself whether to get vaccinated or not?

And you will be right, since paragraph 1 of Art. 5 of the Federal Law of September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ "" provides for the right of a citizen to refuse preventive vaccinations. No one has the right to force a person to get vaccinated against influenza, measles or any other disease. What liability is there for the employer in this case?

Perhaps this question was asked at Moscow-McDonald's JSC after receiving an order from Rospotrebnadzor, which required the society to comply with sanitary standards and vaccinate employees. During the inspection, over 30 workers were identified who lacked information about immunization against measles and diphtheria, which was what needed to be “corrected.” The society appealed to arbitration court, challenging the order, but the court sided with the regulatory authority ().

Indeed, workers, like any other citizens, have the right to refuse vaccination, but, on the other hand, the law does not legal entities and individual entrepreneur when implementing entrepreneurial activity, operation of buildings, structures, provision of services and performance of work are obliged to comply with sanitary standards. Employers are obliged to provide safe working conditions for employees (,), provide services, carry out work and produce products that are safe for consumers and other persons (Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”) .

And this is impossible without the involvement of the employer in carrying out sanitary and anti-epidemiological (preventive) measures in order to prevent the mass incidence of infectious diseases that can cause significant harm to the health and life of citizens. Therefore, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are entrusted with the obligation to develop and carry out these activities, including vaccination as an integral part of the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases (Article 1 of the Federal Law of September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ "", Article 1 of the Federal Law of 30 March 1999 No. 52-FZ "").

Thus, the presence or absence of vaccination from the employee’s “personal space” turns into a problem and concern for the employer, who must track the employee’s vaccination. If an employee of such an employer is at risk of contracting a dangerous disease due to refusal to be vaccinated, then the life and health of other employees are at risk (which creates dangerous working conditions), clients and third parties who may be associated with the employer are called into question. the quality of the products, services or work it produces.

And here we immediately face a dilemma - on the one hand, vaccination is voluntary and a citizen has the right to refuse vaccination, on the other hand, the employer is obliged to take part in the immunization of infectious diseases, which is not fully possible without vaccination of employees. Does this mean that the employee must be forced to get vaccinated?

Reluctance does not exempt you from vaccination or are all employees required to get vaccinated?

First of all, it is worth noting that not every employer should monitor the vaccination status of employees, since not all types of activities are associated with the risk of the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases, and not all employees are “covered” by vaccination.

At the legislative level, a list of jobs and categories of workers who are subject to preventive vaccination are established. Therefore, employers are advised to periodically monitor changes in relevant regulations. It's about, first of all, about:

a) a list of works, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of infectious diseases and requires mandatory preventive vaccinations, which is established;

b) the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the vaccination calendar for epidemic indications ().

These regulatory legal acts complement each other, since the list does not specify what specific types of vaccinations employees should have, but only indicates in which case vaccination is mandatory. At the same time, some types of work “fall under vaccination” only if they are carried out in an area unfavorable for infections common to humans and animals, or products from such an area are processed. The boundaries of such a zone may change depending on the epidemiological situation and the identification of foci of the disease (for example, tick-borne viral encephalitis, anthrax, etc., see for example,).

These include, for example, the following works:

a) for logging, clearing and landscaping of forests, health and recreation areas for the population;

b) in organizations for the procurement, storage, processing of raw materials and livestock products obtained from farms unfavorable for infections, as well as for the procurement, storage and processing of agricultural products in territories unfavorable for infections;

c) agricultural, construction and other work on excavation and movement of soil, procurement, fishing, geological, survey, expedition, deratization and disinfestation work, etc.

Other types of work are subject to vaccination regardless of the territory where they are carried out. For example, works:

a) on catching and keeping stray animals;

b) maintenance of sewerage structures, equipment and networks;

c) with patients with infectious diseases;

d) in organizations carrying out educational activities etc.

The vaccination calendar, unlike the list, specifically indicates what type of vaccination a certain category of workers should have. The national calendar of preventive vaccinations is general and applies to a certain category of workers, regardless of their territory of residence. The vaccination calendar for epidemic indications establishes the types of vaccinations that are given to employees, depending on the territory of work; or if the work involves an increased risk of contracting a specific disease.

For example, vaccinations against influenza and measles are “general”.

Employees are subject to flu vaccination:

b) transport and utilities.

Vaccinations and revaccinations against measles for workers:

a) educational and medical organizations;

b) transport and utilities;

c) employed in trade, social sphere;

d) working on a rotational basis;

e) as well as employees of state control bodies at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation.

Vaccination and revaccination against measles is carried out only if the employee has not previously had measles, has not been vaccinated, was vaccinated once, or the employee does not have information about immunization.

The vaccination calendar for epidemic indications establishes the types of vaccinations depending on the territory of work and the category of work (whether there is a risk of contracting a specific disease).

Thus, vaccination against tick-borne viral encephalitis, as well as tularemia, is given to persons who work in areas unfavorable for encephalitis or tularemia, and are employed in:

a) construction and agricultural work;

b) work on excavation and movement of soil;

c) logging work and work on improvement of health and recreation areas for the population, etc.

Veterinarians, gamekeepers, foresters, and workers who maintain animals are vaccinated against rabies.

Against viral hepatitis A - medical workers, public service workers employed in food industry enterprises, as well as those servicing water supply and sewerage facilities, equipment and networks.

Ignoring vaccinations by an employer for epidemic reasons may serve as a basis for administrative liability (), although other practices also occur when, for example, the court considered that the issue of vaccination against tularemia was strictly within the competence of health authorities during a disease outbreak ().

Meanwhile, in any case of judicial practice (and everything depends on the specific circumstances of the case), the employer may find himself at risk of being held liable. Therefore, focus, first of all, on the categories of work and workers who are eligible for vaccination regardless of the territory where the work is performed (teachers, trade workers, etc.); for the rest, you can consult with Rospotrebnadzor and GIT.

Refusal under pain of punishment

However, what about the right to refuse vaccinations? Does an employer have the right to force an employee to get vaccinated?

No, he does not have the right to force, but at the same time he can and even must remove such an employee from work, and refuse to hire the applicant (clause 2 of article 5 of the Federal Law of September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ ""). That is, the employer is obliged to take measures to comply with the requirements of the law, which is why employers usually lose when challenging regulations or bringing them to administrative responsibility by regulatory authorities.

For example, the court in the above example with McDonald's indicated that the order does not oblige the applicant in any case to ensure that its employees are vaccinated against dysentery and hepatitis, but indicates that it takes measures aimed at complying with the provisions of sanitary legislation, including , and for society to respect the right of citizens to refuse preventive vaccinations. The company did not submit evidence indicating that measures were taken to comply with sanitary legislation in this part (including documents confirming employees’ refusal to receive preventive vaccinations).

That is, in order to avoid liability, the employer must confirm that he:

a) demanded that employees comply with the requirements of the law regarding vaccination (this can be done in different ways up to the sending of written notification);

b) received from employees who refused vaccination a written refusal to undergo vaccination;

c) suspended workers who were not vaccinated from work. It is worth noting that the employer does not have the right to bring the employee to disciplinary liability, since the employee does not commit disciplinary offense, refusing vaccination, in the sense, but is exercising his legal right to evade vaccination.

Suspension is carried out in the order until the employee undergoes vaccination without retaining the employee wages. Such removal “due to vaccination”, if the procedure is followed, is usually recognized by the court as legal (for example, the Appeal ruling of the Yaroslavl Regional Court of November 22, 2012 in case No. 33-5976/2012).

But keep in mind that not every employee of an organization whose activities fall under the “vaccination calendar” can be suspended from work. For example, the court declared illegal the dismissal of an employee for refusing to get vaccinated against influenza, since although she works in a clinic, but in her job responsibilities work with patients with infectious diseases is not included, and, therefore, it “does not fall” into the list approved by the government (Appeal Determination Supreme Court Republic of Komi dated July 16, 2015 in case No. 33-3452/2015).

I will note, however, that, in my opinion, the court’s decision was “on the brink”, since in addition to the list of works, which simply indicates the types of activities during which preventive vaccinations are given, one must also be guided by the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, where medical workers are listed without breakdown into subtypes of their activities. Meanwhile, the employer should take into account such judicial practice and focus, first of all, on the list.

If the employer fails to comply with the above algorithm of actions, he may be brought to administrative responsibility, in particular, and (or) issue an order (make a submission) to eliminate the violations. This conclusion is confirmed judicial practice( , ). In this case, the employer may be required to organize vaccination at the workplace ().

Moreover, employers who employ employees who are subject to mandatory vaccination are required to send lists of employees annually (in September-October) to medical and preventive organizations for the purpose of planning vaccination activities (), and for evading this, the organization or individual entrepreneur may be subject to prosecution administrative liability (Decision of the St. Petersburg City Court dated April 11, 2017 No. 12-402/2017 in case No. 5-28/2017).


1. The employer is obligated to monitor whether its employees are subject to mandatory vaccination. This will be helped by both studying the legislation, in particular the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, and seeking clarification from the territorial offices of Rospotrebnadzor or GIT.

2. If there are such employees, it is necessary to organize conditions for their vaccination (providing a free paid day, organizing vaccination at the workplace, organized delivery to a medical organization for vaccination, etc.). To do this, either a written order is issued to carry out mass vaccination in the organization, or employees are notified in writing of the need to be vaccinated, for example, against the flu. At the same time, employees are guaranteed the preservation of average earnings (applied by analogy) when providing a special day to employees or organized vaccination in a medical organization. Vaccination is usually free of charge. government programs. However, the employer has the right to purchase a more expensive vaccine for employees under an agreement with medical organization.

3. If an employee refuses to undergo vaccination, obtain from him a written statement (application, refusal) indicating the reason (for example, “reluctance” or “presence of a medical contraindication”). Remember that the employee is not required to describe his motives in detail.

4. After this, remove the employee from work (), but you do not have the right to bring him to disciplinary liability. With the consent of the employee, he can be transferred to perform another job (or to another location), if in this case vaccination is not required (in accordance with the procedure). In the absence of such consent, the transfer is not carried out.

Vaccinations for a health record are a prerequisite for any employment. For many enterprises, only a registration sheet will be required, but for some institutions it is necessary to complete a complete medical examination.

Each employee must have a special medical record. It indicates when the medical examination took place and the absence of possible illnesses. A medical book is a document in which, when filled out, a stamp is placed indicating permission to work. For many enterprises and organizations, this is one of the main criteria when hiring.

When is a health certificate required?

This document is required for:

  • Catering and food industry workers.
  • Public transport drivers.
  • For workers in the service sector (hotels, hotels).
  • Masters in beauty salons (cosmetologists, hairdressers, manicurists).
  • Medical workers.
  • Education workers.

Every employer must ensure that its employees have mandatory vaccinations. This is the key to the health of employees and the people around them. Regardless of the field of activity. Very often people have a question about what vaccinations are needed for a health certificate, because every job requires additional and mandatory vaccinations.

Therefore, those who work directly with people, as well as food industry workers, must be vaccinated.
Sanknizhka for working with food products must have two mandatory vaccination notes: measles and diphtheria. In addition to food industry workers, such vaccines should be available to:

  • drivers vehicles, controllers, flight attendants;
  • utility workers;
  • medical staff;
  • school teachers and kindergarten teachers;
  • sanitary standards and maintaining a sanitary record are especially strict for people working with products. This is reasonable from the point of view that there is any threat of infecting a large number of people through food.

The same reason is the main one for medical workers. There is a high risk of infecting people in medical institution, and to avoid this, you need to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner.
A health certificate is required to work in a kindergarten or school, because children are most susceptible to various diseases.

Basic vaccinations

Diphtheria is a disease that is transmitted directly through the air and is considered dangerous for workers in any field. For employees in the food industry, transportation and trade diphtheria vaccinations done once every 10 years. Measles disease is typical for people under 35 years of age, so vaccination is mandatory for workers in all fields who are younger than this age. This type of vaccination is mandatory for those who are in constant contact with children.

Therefore, this vaccination is given annually to educational and medical workers. In cases where the vaccination was done on time and this is indicated in the book, the person does not need to be isolated during the epidemic. The measles vaccine may not be prescribed only in case of individual intolerance to the components, as well as in case of possible pregnancy in women under 35 years of age.

Important! In addition to workers in education and medicine, employees of beauty salons, pharmacies and various hotels and hotels are vaccinated against measles. Pharmacists definitely need vaccination against diphtheria and measles, because people with various diseases most often turn to them.

Tetanus- one of the most insidious diseases. A small wound that can easily become infected can lead to serious consequences. In these cases, hairdressers and beauty salon employees must have a health certificate and vaccinations.

Hepatitis B vaccine. Such vaccination is mandatory when working in the field of education and medicine. The vaccination is done once every six months. It must be carried out by everyone, without fail, except for people with heart failure and individual characteristics of the body. About vaccination against hepatitis A a separate topic.

Vaccination against dysentery. Dysentery bacteria can severely affect the intestines and its mucous membranes. For people whose work involves frequent travel to countries with low sanitary levels, such vaccination is mandatory. This applies to: flight attendants, pilots, as well as people working in the media.

Every doctor, when vaccinating, must take into account individual characteristics the patient’s body, as well as the characteristics of the immune system. Therefore, it is very important to vaccinate in a medical facility where there are high-quality, certified vaccines (not to be confused with certificate). Otherwise, this will lead to undesirable consequences. Modern medicine uses the highest quality vaccinations that are safe for everyone.

Where and how to apply for a health certificate

You can register a health record at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Center. Vaccinations can be carried out at the nearest medical facility or private clinic. The attending physician should advise on the necessary vaccinations, as well as the possible consequences of their implementation.
To register the document, you will need a passport, additional photographs, as well as an extract from work, with the help of which you will be assigned a list of mandatory vaccines. The following must be noted in the health book:

  1. Intestinal infections (which can very often be transmitted by airborne droplets).
  2. Tests for typhoid fever (if necessary, vaccination Vianvacom).
  3. Examination by a dermatovenerologist (syphilis, Candida fungi).
  4. Fluorography.
  5. Examination by a therapist.
  6. For food industry workers, they are also tested for the presence of staphylococcus.

After the examination, the therapist prescribes mandatory vaccination. After which, the passage of the sanitary commission is considered completed. For each individual type of activity, passing the commission can vary from 3 months to 1 year. For food industry workers, vaccination should be carried out once a year, depending on the type of vaccination.

The medical book is kept by the employer, who monitors the timely completion of the examination by employees. For some workers, additional tests are required: HIV, hepatitis C, B, as well as visits to the dentist and otolaryngologist. Not worth it refuse vaccination, because this is the key to your health and the safety of others. The presence of this document and necessary vaccinations will protect you from possible diseases.

To ensure the health and life of education workers, the Russian Ministry of Health has issued a number of decrees on measures to prevent infectious diseases. The main important method of prevention is vaccination. Its timing is regulated by the national calendar of scheduled vaccinations. What mandatory vaccinations exist for employees of educational institutions, including kindergarten and is it possible to refuse vaccination? Let's look at these questions.

Legal basis for mandatory vaccination of education workers. Vaccination of education workers is carried out on the basis of regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Ministry of Health.

  1. Order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated March 21, 2014 No. 125-H approves the national vaccination calendar. According to the order, all education workers must be vaccinated against infectious diseases, as they are at high risk of infection due to the large number of contacts.
  2. Federal law dated September 17, 1998 No. 157 “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases.” According to this decree, all education workers must undergo mandatory vaccination against infections, unless they have contraindications.
  3. Federal Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011 on protecting the health of the population of Russia. It states that every employee must consent to vaccination if he has no contraindications.
  4. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 825, issued on July 15, 1999, published a list of works associated with the risk of infection. The list includes work in all types of educational institutions. According to this resolution, education workers are subject to mandatory vaccination against a number of infections.
  5. According to the resolution of Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 257, every citizen has the right to vaccination. Immunization of workers in the education system is paid for and carried out by the employer as part of the Vaccination Calendar. Vaccination is carried out in state, municipal or private medical institutions.

Is it possible to refuse vaccination?

Based on the Federal Law issued on September 17, 1998 under Article 5, an educator may refuse vaccinations and medical intervention. However, the same law talks about the consequences of refusal.

  1. Failure to vaccinate teachers may result in dismissal or refusal to hire.
  2. Lack of vaccinations will be the reason for refusal of admission to an educational or health institution.
  3. In the absence of calendar vaccinations, education specialists will not be able to travel to foreign countries. Besides mandatory vaccinations governments, some countries require additional entry for epidemic reasons.

By labor legislation supervisor educational institution who provided the work bears administrative responsibility for the sanitary and epidemiological condition educational institution. If a teacher who has not been immunized gets sick with any infection and infects children and other employees with it, then he himself and the head of the institution may be brought to justice. And even if an education worker did not infect anyone, and did not get sick himself, the next check may reveal that he did not get vaccinated. In this case, the punishment of the employee and his employer will be qualified for violation of health protection orders, labor and sanitary-epidemiological legislation. But after vaccination, the education worker will be reinstated in his position.

Vaccination rights

Vaccinations are provided free of charge at the expense of the state or the employer of private organizations.

Before vaccination, education employees, if necessary, have the right to medical examination, and on the day of vaccination - for a medical examination. Vaccination is not done if, upon examination, there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If a teacher cannot vaccinate due to contraindications, he must write a written refusal justifying the medical withdrawal. The list of available contraindications is contained in the resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor dated July 10, 2008. The refusal is signed by the employee and the doctor, and provided to the head of the clinic or the head of the institution.

If complications arise after vaccination or disability occurs, then within the framework of the state guarantee program, free medical care, as well as government compensation in minimal amounts. In some cases, an increase in pension is provided.

Vaccinations required for education workers

Teachers and educators are part of the decreed population, which is particularly at risk of infection. The list of mandatory vaccinations for education workers is as follows.

  1. An annual flu vaccination is mandatory for education workers.
  2. Every 10 years, revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is carried out.
  3. The measles vaccination is given to education employees under the age of 35. But only if they have not had measles, were not previously vaccinated or do not have information about it.
  4. Vaccination against rubella is given to women under 25 years of age, if they have not had rubella, have not been vaccinated against it, or do not have information about it.
  5. Education workers aged 18 to 55 years are subject to immunization against hepatitis B, if they have not previously had hepatitis and have not been vaccinated against it.
  6. For employees preschool education Also vaccinated against hepatitis A and Sonne dysentery. The same vaccinations are given to employees of kindergartens and closed institutions (orphanages, boarding schools).
  7. According to epidemic indications, vaccinations are carried out in the event of a threat or outbreak of polio and shigellosis infections.

What vaccines are used for education workers?

Immunization of education workers is carried out with vaccines provided for in the Russian Vaccination Calendar.

  1. Russian vaccines “Grippol” and “Grippol plus” are used for vaccination against influenza. Alternative vaccines can also be used: Vaxigrip or Influvac.
  2. For vaccination against measles, according to the Vaccination Calendar, the Russian LCV (live measles vaccine) is used. The vaccination is given once to employees who have not had measles and have not previously been vaccinated against it.
  3. To prevent rubella, the “Live attenuated rubella vaccine” is used. In addition, the associated American MMR vaccine and the English Priorix vaccine are used against measles and rubella.
  4. Education workers are vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus with the ADS-M vaccine once every 10 years.
  5. For immunization against hepatitis B, the Combitech, Engerix B and GEP-A+B-in-VAK vaccines are used.
  6. For vaccination against hepatitis A, Havrix 1440 manufactured in Great Britain and the Russian GEP-A-in-VAK are used.
  7. To prevent Sonne dysentery, the Shigellvac vaccine is used.

To summarize, let us recall the main theses. For education workers, vaccinations are mandatory and necessary. Immunization is provided free of charge at the expense of the state or employer. It is possible to refuse vaccination, but this entails undesirable consequences. Vaccinations are done with vaccines with minimal side effects, but in case of complications, medical care is provided at the expense of the state.