OJSC ChTPZ corporate. Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant

ChelPipe Group is completing the supply of pipes with three-layer polyethylene coating for the Nord Stream 2 project. In total, for the construction of a gas pipeline that will run along the bottom of the Baltic Sea, the ChelPipe Group in 2016-2018. shipped about 600 thousand tons of large-diameter pipes. The company also became the only supplier of low-temperature large diameter pipes for the construction of the coastal part of the gas pipeline.


ETERNO LLC, an enterprise for the production of stamped and welded pipeline parts using nanostructured materials, was launched on the territory of ChelPipe. It implements advanced approaches in the field of technology, production organization and work culture. The launch of the production of new import-substituting products was given by Russian President Vladimir Putin.


ChelPipe Group has doubled its ceramic flux production capacity by launching the second phase of the project. Now the company can not only provide its own production of large-diameter pipes with “ceramics”, but also sell the surplus to third parties.


Launch of a corporate program for training workers “The Future of White Metallurgy” and construction of an Educational Center on the basis of PNTZ. An agreement on the implementation of a unique training program was concluded between the Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, the Government Sverdlovsk region and Pervouralsk Metallurgical College.


ChelPipe Group is launching a modern workshop for the production of single-seam large-diameter pipes “Vysota 239” and an electric steelmaking complex “Iron Ozone 32”.

ChTPZ acquired 100% of the shares of the Connecting Pipeline Bends plant (SOT CJSC), which produces pipeline bends and assemblies; 100% stake in MSA, a manufacturer of pipeline fittings.


Ceremony to mark the launch of the Finishing Center for the production and processing of oil pipes. The Finishing Center's facilities include a coupling section, a pipe heat treatment line, a pipe end upset section, a pipe non-destructive testing section and a threading line for tubing and casing pipes. The total investment in the project is 6 billion rubles.


ChelPipe Group acquired the company for the purchase and processing of scrap "META" (META LLC) and the company "Rimera" (CJSC "Rimera"), which is engaged in oilfield services and manufacturing oilfield equipment.


The Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant acquires 57% of the share capital of the Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant (JSC PNTZ). In May 2008, ChTPZ increased its stake to 84.5%, and in December 2008, it acquired 100% of the shares of PNTZ.


In 1970–1990, the main workshops were reconstructed, which allowed the enterprise team to increase the annual volume of pipe production. The country is experiencing an increase in demand for pipe products, caused by the restoration and rapid development of the oil and gas complex.


In 1970–1980, the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant achieved the status of the world's largest pipe enterprise with a production volume of up to 3.5 million tons of pipes per year. Pipes manufactured at ChelPipe are used in laying the main pipelines of the country: Druzhba, Bukhara-Ural, Central Asia-Center, Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod, Surgut-Polotsk, Northern Lights, etc.

ChTPZindustrial group metallurgical complex of Russia, is one of the largest domestic companies producing pipe products.

Source http://www.chelpipe.ru/.

The company "" (ChTPZ) is an industrial group of the Russian metallurgical complex, and is one of the largest domestic companies producing pipe products with a total market share of about 20%. The company's revenue exceeds $2 billion; ChTPZ employs about 32,000 people at its factories. One of the ten largest pipe companies in the world. ChTPZ unites enterprises and companies: OJSC Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, OJSC "", the metal trading division of CJSC Trading House "Uraltrubostal", the oil service division represented by the company "".

History of the plant

  • April 3, 1942. The State Defense Committee issues a decree on the construction of the Chelyabinsk pipe-rolling plant on the basis of the evacuated Mariupol plant.
  • October 20, 1942. ChTPZ produces its first products. Large-caliber aerial bombs are sent from ChTPZ workshops to the front line.
  • 1949 ChTPZ is mastering the production of water and gas pipes using continuous furnace welding. For the first time in the country. Throughout the post-war years, the enterprise has been developing rapidly.
  • March 5, 1963. ChTPZ is the first in the world to master the production of large-diameter pipes from two half-cylinders.
  • 1966 The merits of the ChTPZ team in the production of large-diameter pipes are awarded the Order of Lenin, and director Ya.P. Osadchy is awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • 1967 ChTPZ is mastering the production of cold-rolled pipes. Thanks to the cold rolling method, the plant begins producing pipes with increased mechanical properties and geometric dimensions of increased accuracy.
  • 1970–1980 Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant reaches the status of the world's largest pipe plant with a production volume of up to 3.5 million tons of pipes per year. Pipes manufactured at ChelPipe are used in the laying of the country's main pipelines: Druzhba, Bukhara-Ural, Central Asia-Center, Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod, Surgut-Polotsk, Siyanie Severa, etc.
  • 1970–1990. The main workshops are being reconstructed.
  • 2002–2007. The Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant is implementing the decision of the Board of Directors to carry out a set of measures aimed at modernizing equipment and commissioning new capacities. The goal of the program is to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise’s products and production efficiency, and organize the production of products that meet the future requirements of consumers. Over several years, $1.5 billion was invested in the reconstruction and modernization of production.
  • 2004 – production of ceramic flux is mastered (import-substituting production);
  • 2005 - production of large-diameter pipes with a wall up to 22 mm was mastered for the construction of pipelines of all categories in all climatic zones countries (to participate in supplies for the construction of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean oil pipeline); 2000, 2006 – two sections of external anti-corrosion coating for large diameter pipes were launched; 2009 – a section of internal coating of LDP, etc., was introduced.
  • 2010 ChTPZ launched a modern workshop for the production of single-seam LDP (508-1420 mm) used in the construction of main pipelines. The total investment in this ChelPipe project, called “Height 239,” is 21 billion rubles. y. "Height 239" is the first project of domestic "white metallurgy". “White Metallurgy” ChTPZ is a modern metallurgical production based on a combination of production culture, the highest quality of products, environmental safety and appropriate qualifications of employees.


Chapter 1Analysis of the existing process in the organization……………….6

1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise JSC "" and its external and internal environment…………………………………………………….6

1.2 Justification of the influence of the process on the identified problem. Analysis of the current state of the process……………………………………………..27

1.3 Metalological basis for business process reengineering……….33

Chapter 2 Business process design……………………………39

2.1 Conditions for effective implementation of the process………………………..39

2.2 Key idea of ​​the business process stimulation…………………41

2.3 Detailed description of the new process………………………44




Analysis of the activities of OJSC ChTPZ.

ChTPZ- an industrial group of the metallurgical complex of Russia, is one of the largest domestic companies producing pipe products with a total market share of about 20%. The company's revenue exceeds $2 billion; ChTPZ employs about 32,000 people at its factories. One of the ten largest pipe companies in the world. The ChTPZ Group unites enterprises and companies of the ferrous metallurgy: OJSC Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, OJSC Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, the metal trading division of CJSC Trading House Uraltrubostal, the company for the procurement and processing of scrap metal LLC META, the oil service division represented by the company Rimera " (Drawing).

Figure 1 – Operating structure of the ChTPZ group of companies.

The mission of the ChelPipe Group is aimed at comprehensively meeting the needs of Russian and global companies in the fuel and energy complex through the development and supply of integrated solutions for mainline and infield pipeline transport.

Having sufficient capacity for the production of welded and seamless pipes of a wide range, a developed warehouse system, ChelPipe positions itself as an effective universal player in the pipe market of Russia and the CIS countries, specializing in the manufacture of pipe products for all major sectors of the economy.

Today the main products of the company are:

  • electric welded pipes with a diameter of 12 – 76 mm,
  • welded pipes of large diameter 508 - 1422 mm (including with coating: external and internal anti-corrosion, internal smooth),
  • seamless hot-deformed pipes with a diameter of 32 – 550 mm, incl. stainless steel with a diameter of 89 – 159 mm,
  • Seamless cold-deformed pipes with a diameter of 0.3 – 426 mm, incl. stainless steel with a diameter of 0.3 – 426 mm,
  • tubing pipes with a diameter of 60 - 114 mm, casing pipes with a diameter of 114 - 178 mm and 245 - 426 mm, couplings for them,
  • profile pipes,
  • compressed gas cylinders,
  • ceramic fluxes for welding and surfacing.

The strategic goal of the ChelPipe Group is to strengthen its leading position in the Russian pipe market and achieve the position of the main supplier of integrated solutions for the production and transportation of oil and gas.

To achieve these goals, ChelPipe has modernized and reconstructed its existing steel pipe production facilities, installing state-of-the-art equipment at the company's plants. In recent years, the ChelPipe Group has acquired several oil service companies that produce oil production equipment and offer services and equipment for various stages of oil field development; acquired the capacity to produce parts for the construction of main oil and gas pipelines. ChelPipe's entry into the oilfield services market allowed the company to offer the oil and gas complex services for exploration and field development, as well as pipeline design and construction.

Over the past few years, the company has implemented three large investment project– built the Finishing Center and electric steelmaking complex “Iron Ozone 32” at the Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, and one of the largest workshops in Europe for the production of large-diameter pipes “Vysota 239” at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant. These facilities became a breakthrough for the pipe industry; white metallurgy appeared here for the first time in the world.

White metallurgy of ChelPipe is a modern metallurgical production based on a combination of production culture, the highest quality of products, environmental safety and appropriate qualifications of employees. The concept of "White metallurgy" is associated with high-tech areas - medicine, microelectronics, where accuracy and responsibility are priorities, and the staff's work clothes are traditionally white coats. Thanks to the use of the latest technologies, ChelPipe's White Metallurgy destroys one of the most persistent stereotypes in the past: that working with metal cannot in any way be associated with clean clothes and the color white; it traditionally refers to “black”, dirty industries.

The ChelPipe Group initiated a large project in the field of training highly qualified workers, called the “Future of White Metallurgy”. In 2011, together with the government of the Sverdlovsk region, on the basis of the Pervouralsk Metallurgical College, ChelPipe built the most modern Educational Center in the country, whose graduates, thanks to training in a dual system (40% - theory, 60% - practice), receive knowledge in 2-3 working specialties, and in demand at the best metallurgical plants.

In 2015, the Company and the company intend to maintain production volumes at the level of the previous year. At the same time, a combination of factors, such as a sharp increase in prices for raw materials and an increase in the cost of processing in December-January 2014, the inability to simultaneously and fully pass on the rise in prices to consumers, stagnation of the credit market, makes the company’s key task in 2015 to maintain liquidity of operating activities in order to maintain production volumes. Since 2014, the ChelPipe Group has been implementing an efficiency improvement program that involves reducing costs, in particular the consumption coefficient for metal, costs for electricity, gas, other resources and materials; increasing labor productivity, reducing inventories, and optimizing the number of personnel. In addition, as a systemically important company, the ChTPZ group is working with the Government Russian Federation possible options supporting the company using measures provided for in the anti-crisis plan to stabilize the Russian economy.

Table 1 – Consolidated financial indicators ChTPZ group of companies

At the end of 2014, the ChTPZ group suffered about 1.2 billion rubles in losses due to increased exchange rate differences and rising metal prices. The company's loss a year earlier amounted to almost 1.9 billion rubles. Adjusted earnings before taxes, interest, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to 22.7 billion rubles compared to 18.2 billion in 2013, the profitability for this indicator was 17.7 percent.

In 2015, the ChelPipe Group expects a stable situation in the Russian market pipe products. The company intends to maintain production volumes at approximately the 2014 level, primarily through participation in government infrastructure projects for the construction of pipelines.

The activities of the ChTPZ group, of which JSC ChTPZ is a key element, is aimed at comprehensively meeting the needs of Russian and global companies in the fuel and energy complex through the development and supply of integrated solutions for mainline and infield pipeline transport. In accordance with market needs, the company develops existing and introduces new production facilities through the introduction of modern highly efficient technologies. For these purposes, the company attracts highly qualified specialists.

· increasing the efficiency of the management system, developing a strategy management system, developing a project management system, introducing a risk management system;

· development of human resources, implementation of an effective personnel development system, an effective performance assessment system (KPI);

· expanding the product portfolio, increasing the share in high-tech segments, developing the production of additional operations (production of “semi-finished products”);

· increasing customer focus, developing a service system, reducing order fulfillment times, developing sales channels;

· geographical diversification, strengthening positions in the market of CIS countries, full entry into the markets of non-CIS countries;

· increasing operational efficiency, business process reengineering, automation;

· industrial development, “targeted” investments in production, improvement of the quality control system, introduction of a system of continuous improvement.

OJSC ChTPZ is one of largest producers steel pipes on the territory of the Russian Federation, with an annual production volume of about 1 million tons of pipe products. Share of JSC ChTPZ in total shipments Russian manufacturers is 10%. In 2014, the production level of ChTPZ OJSC reached 1 million 368 thousand tons, 1 million 280 thousand tons of steel pipes were shipped to consumers, which exceeds the 2013 figure by 337 thousand tons. A record has been set for the production of large-diameter pipes over the past 20 years - more than 1 million tons. The structure of shipments of JSC ChTPZ in 2014 by type of pipe is shown in the figure.

Figure 2 - Structure of shipments of JSC ChTPZ in 2014 by type of pipes in the Russian Federation

In the assortment structure of JSC ChelPipe's products, the largest share is occupied by large-diameter pipes. Also, a significant part of the shipment is seamless hot-rolled pipes.

The geographical structure of shipment of steel pipes to JSC ChTPZ in 2014 is shown in the figure.

Figure 3 - Geographical structure of shipment of steel pipes to JSC ChTPZ in 2014

The shipment structure of JSC ChTPZ clearly demonstrates that the priority sales area is the domestic market of the Russian Federation.

The main factors that influenced the development of the pipe industry in 2014 are:

· reduction in demand for metal products and end products made from them in almost all industries, excluding certain types of production related to the oil and construction industries;

· reduction in drilling volumes: for the first time in several years, demand from oil and gas industry enterprises decreased;

· a continued decline in prices for all main types of metallurgical raw materials and semi-finished products, with the exception of scrap metal, since 2013.

The trend was characteristic throughout the year both for the international market and for the market of the Russian Federation, right up to the sharp fall in the ruble exchange rate. Under the influence of this factor, prices in ruble terms increased by 30% in December, despite the steady downward trend in prices on world markets.

Let us analyze the environmental factors that have a direct impact on OJSC ChelPipe (Table 2).

Table 2 - PEST – analysis of JSC ChTPZ 2014

Political factors Economic forces
1.Unstable political situation in the world; 2. Restriction of the Company’s activities abroad related to the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation. 1. Declining global demand for Russian hydrocarbons and falling world oil prices; 2. A sharp drop in the ruble exchange rate and inflation; 3.Decreased solvency of clients; 4. Sharp increase in prices for raw materials; 5. Stagnation of the credit market; 6. Increasing competition from other pipe manufacturers; 7. Decrease in demand for metal products in almost all industries.
Social factors Technological factors
1. The tendency to expand the service sector in the economy; 2. Decrease in population in the region due to natural decline and migration outflow; 3.High mortality and low life expectancy of the population; 4. Difficult environmental and sanitary-epidemiological situation in the Chelyabinsk region. 1. Popularization of the use of Corporate information systems and CRM systems in production.

The key factors that influenced the Company's activities in 2014 were the unstable political situation in the world, as well as the sharp depreciation of the ruble and inflation. However, as for the domestic market, in 2014, pipe consumption in the Russian Federation increased by 957 thousand tons (+9.8%) compared to 2013. The main drivers of growth were pipeline transport enterprises purchasing pipes for the implementation of new projects, repair and maintenance needs, as well as the construction industry, which was reflected in changes in demand for the corresponding types of pipes.

The share of ChTPZ OJSC in the Russian market increased by 3.3% and amounted to 10.8%, which is the maximum figure over the past 8 years. The situation in the markets where ChTPZ OJSC has the largest presence in 2014 was as follows:

1) Large-diameter pipe market in the Russian Federation Demand for large-diameter pipes increased by 772 thousand tons (+43%) compared to 2013 and amounted to 2.5 million tons. Shipments of JSC ChTPZ to the Russian market amounted to 893 thousand tons, the share of JSC ChTPZ in the Russian market is 35%.

2) Market of seamless hot-rolled pipes in the Russian Federation Consumption of seamless hot-rolled pipes changed slightly (+2.5%), which can be considered consistent with the level of 2013.

The increase in shipments of JSC ChTPZ is more significant (+19%) and is due to the operation of the TPA-140 mill, which was reactivated in June 2013. The share of JSC ChTPZ in the market of seamless hot-rolled pipes in the Russian Federation increased by 1.9%, which is significant in this market.

Shipments of JSC ChelPipe to the CIS countries Shipments of Russian steel pipe manufacturers to the CIS decreased significantly (-34%) compared to 2013. At the same time, the reduction in shipments of large-diameter pipes amounted to 400 thousand tons, or 74%. The increase was ensured by shipments of OCTG pipes and pipes consumed in construction (welded profile and round medium-diameter pipes, which are not an assortment part of OJSC ChelPipe).

The total supplies of JSC ChTPZ to the CIS countries amounted to 117 thousand tons, which is 17% of export shipments of Russian steel pipe manufacturers to the CIS countries. At the same time, the decrease in shipments of large-diameter pipes was higher than the market one (-54%), the increase in shipments of seamless hot-rolled pipes was 50% against the background of an 8% decrease in shipments from Russian manufacturers, and the increase in shipments of casing pipes also exceeded the market indicator.

The performance indicators of JSC ChelPipe in 2014 are the Company’s achievement of its maximum share in the large-diameter pipe market in the Russian Federation over the past 15 years - 35%, as well as an increase in shipment volumes and market share in all segments of its presence in the market of the Russian Federation and CIS countries .

Table 3 - Financial results activities of OJSC ChTPZ

Indicator Indicator value, thousand rubles. Change in indicator
2013 2014 Thousand rubles (group 3-group 2) ±% (gr.4:gr.2) x 100%
1. Revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services 82 721 179 97 184 656 14 463 477 17%
2. Costs of production and sales of products, services, works 75 255 765 82 901 528 7 645 763 10%
3. Profit (loss) from sales (1-2) 7 465 414 14 283 128 6 817 714 91%
4. Profit (loss) from other operations -7 491 393 -11 675 495 -4 184 102 56%
5. EBITDA (earnings before interest and taxes) 5 991 212 8 409 058 2 417 846 40%
6. Change in tax assets and liabilities, income tax -121 313 -1 033 852 -912 539 -752%
7. Net profit (loss) of the reporting period (3+4+6) -147 292 1 573 781 1 721 073 1168%

The increase in sales volumes in 2014 led to an increase in sales revenue by 17% (+14,463,477 thousand rubles) compared to the previous year.

During 2014, the Company received a profit from sales in the amount of 14,283,128 thousand rubles, which is almost twice as much as the results of 2013. This was influenced by changes in the structure of product sales and changes in the structure of contracts.

Due to the increase in exchange rates, especially in the fourth quarter of 2014, a negative exchange rate difference was formed, which increased the loss from other operations by RUB 4,184,102 thousand. compared to 2013. However, record shipments of pipes, especially in the large-diameter pipe segment, allowed the Company to earn money in 2014 net profit in the amount of 1,573,781 thousand rubles.

Table 4 - Indicators of business efficiency of OJSC ChTPZ

Increased production volumes, an increase in the share of large-diameter pipes in the sales structure, optimization of the number of personnel, and changes in the structure of contracts made it possible to almost double the profit from sales per employee. Labor productivity growth in 2014 amounted to 57.94 tons/person, which is 41% more than the level of 2013. Also, all these factors made it possible to increase the return on sales and the net profit margin by 5.7 and 1.8 p/p, respectively.

Non-current assets increased by 2,257,031 thousand rubles. (+3%) mainly due to an increase in the cost of long-term financial investments(+11%, +4,587,651 thousand rubles).

Current assets increased by 6,937,743 thousand rubles. (+17%) due to changes in the following balance sheet items:

· increase in current accounts receivable by 5,108,815 thousand rubles. (+23%), which is due to the high level of pipe shipments in the 4th quarter of 2014, especially in the large-diameter pipe segment;

· increase in the cost of inventories by 5% (RUB 437,050 thousand).

The amount of short-term financial investments during 2014 decreased by 945,828 thousand rubles. (-12%).

Other current assets as of December 31, 2014 increased by RUB 2,337,706 thousand. mainly due to an increase in cash balance.

Characteristics of changes in balance sheet liability items.

Own capital increased by 1,524,156 thousand rubles. (+8%) due to the fact that the Company earned net profit in 2014. Loans and borrowings decreased by 2% (-1,155,613 thousand rubles), incl. the amount of long-term loans and borrowings increased by 10% (+5,862,863 thousand rubles), the amount of short-term loans and borrowings decreased by 55% (-7,018,266 thousand rubles).

The decrease in the total amount of loans and borrowings is explained by the repayment of loans and bond issues in accordance with the schedules under existing loan agreements. The change in the structure of loans and borrowings with an increase in the share of long-term loans is explained by the restructuring of credit debt involving the second tranche of a syndicated loan secured by a state guarantee.

Accounts payable as of December 31, 2014 increased by 68% (+ RUB 8,895,128 thousand).

Table 5 – Indicators financial stability, liquidity and capital efficiency

2014 is characterized by improving liquidity indicators, maintaining the level of financial stability and a slight decrease in the ratio of borrowed and equity funds.

Let's consider the organizational structure of the Company (Table).

Table 6 – Organizational structure of OJSC ChTPZ

Shop Full name
Number Name
TPC No. 1 Pipe rolling shop No. 1
TPC No. 2 Pipe rolling shop No. 2
TPP "Height 239" Pipe electric welding shop “Vysota 239”
TPC No. 5 Pipe rolling shop No. 5
TESTS No. 6 Pipe electric welding shop No. 6
OOS and PS Department of Environmental Protection and Industrial Sanitation
RMC Mechanical repair shop
Z/U Factory management
LC Foundry
TSC Thermal power shop
Spanish center Testing center “Trubotest”
ZhDC Railway workshop
CIT AND SNK Workshop for measuring equipment and non-destructive testing equipment
TsPKF Ceramic flux production workshop
OASR Emergency Department – rescue work
CTK Technical control workshop
TsSH Warehouse workshop
Q&R Research and Development Center
OTD Technical Diagnostics Department
OPT Production Technology Department
SFZ and OK Physical protection and objective control service
PCC Design shop
IC Engineering workshop
DUP TPP "Vysota 239" Management Department of the Pipe Electric Welding Shop “Vysota 239”
FM ChTPZ Branch of ChTPZ Moscow
FP ChelPipe Branch of ChelPipe, Pervouralsk

The above workshops and departments are structural divisions Companies whose managers report to the General Director (Chairman of the Board) - Alexander Dmitrievich Grubman. The highest management body of OJSC ChTPZ is located on the territory of the Plant Management. The structure of management and control bodies is presented in the Figure.

Figure 4– Structure of the Company’s management and control bodies

Table 7– Personnel structure of OJSC ChTPZ by gender

Shop Men Women Total
Number Name Quantity % Quantity %
TPC No. 1
TPC No. 2
TPP "Height 239" 76,7 23,3
TPC No. 5
OOS and PS
Spanish center
SFZ and OK
DUP TPP "Vysota 239"
FP ChelPipe
TOTAL 63,3 36,7

From the data in the table we can conclude that the production shops employ mostly men, which is due to the specifics of the plant’s activities.

Now let’s analyze the strengths, weaknesses and neutrals of ChTPZ OJSC (Table 8).

Table 8 – SNW analysis of OJSC ChelPipe for 2014

Factors Grade
-1 -2 -3
Planning system
Strategic alliances
Enterprise strategy
Training system
System of motivation and stimulation of work
Adaptation system
Staff turnover -2
Personnel qualifications
Organizational structure of the enterprise
State of labor protection
Number of personnel
Organizational culture
Marketing system
Range of products
Sales volumes
Customer Focus
Territorial location
Production areas
Production volumes
Product quality
Level of technical equipment
Financial stability -2
Order fulfillment times
Supplier dependency -3
Dependence on main customers -3
IT systems

The company has a well-developed planning system, because the bulk of its products are made to order. Thus, JSC ChTPZ is highly dependent on its suppliers and main customers, such as Gazprom, Transneft, Lukoil, etc.

The predominant type of organizational culture at an enterprise is the hierarchical type. It coincides with the linear-functional organizational structure of the Company and includes such concepts as reliability of supplies and main schedules, job security and ensuring long-term predictability.

The enterprise strategy is written for five years in advance and includes multi-directional activities. Over the course of five years, the company plans to continue financial recovery and systematically reduce its debt burden, which will allow it to invest in the technological development of ChelPipe in accordance with market needs. In the production of industrial pipes, oil and gas pipelines and OCTG, measures are primarily planned aimed at expanding the product line, including through the development of import-substituting products. In the LDP segment, where the company has world-class technology that allows it to produce products of the highest quality, the main strategic initiatives are aimed at expanding sales channels and geography of supplies.

In all segments, the company’s efforts will be aimed at improving customer service, including increasing

supply discipline, improvement of logistics processes and development of new services for customers .

The company has a well-developed employee adaptation system, which includes Welcome trainings and tours of the plant. A voluntary health insurance program is being implemented, and various social services are provided to employees and members of their families (recreation centers, sports schools and Palaces of Culture). However, staff turnover rates are significantly higher than the industry average (10%).

Let's combine all of the above into the SWOT matrix (Table 9).

Table 9 - SWOT analysis of OJSC ChTPZ for 2014

Opportunities: 1. Expanding the product portfolio, increasing the share in high-tech segments; 2.Increasing customer focus, reducing order execution times, developing sales channels; 3. Business process reengineering, automation; 4.Development of human resources, implementation of an effective personnel development system and an effective performance evaluation system (KPI). Threats: 1. Restriction of the Company’s activities abroad related to the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation; 2. A sharp drop in the ruble exchange rate and inflation; 3. Sharp increase in prices for raw materials; 4. Decrease in demand for metal products in almost all industries.
Strengths: 1. JSC ChTPZ is one of the largest producers of steel pipes in the Russian Federation, market share is about 10%; 2. Possession of a sufficient number of capacities for the production of welded and seamless pipes of a wide range and a developed system of warehouses; 3.R&D, production automation; 4.High customer focus and quality control. SIV: -R&D and modernization of production will help expand the company’s product portfolio, increase its share in high-tech segments and successfully reengineer business processes; -Image, high customer focus and quality control will help in attracting new customers and developing sales channels. SIU: -Continuous R&D can give an enterprise new competitive advantages in the market. This will also help reduce production costs, thereby reducing the pressure of factors such as high prices for raw materials, the depreciation of the ruble, and inflation.
Weaknesses: 1. Lack of employee loyalty to the company and high staff turnover; 2. Harmful and dangerous working conditions in many production workshops. 3. Low financial stability due to a large number of debt obligations. SLV: -The introduction of effective systems for the development and assessment of personnel performance will help reduce staff turnover, optimize the number of personnel, and also increase labor productivity; -Automation of production will reduce the influence of harmful and dangerous factors, which will have a positive effect on the loyalty of employees towards the organization. SLU: -It is necessary to reduce production costs while maintaining production volumes, and also to systematically reduce the debt burden. -It is necessary to expand the product line, including through the development of import-substituting products

Currently, the company is aimed at strengthening its financial stability and increasing operational efficiency, and in the long term it intends to expand its market share, including in high-tech segments, through constant research and development. However, the success of an enterprise's development largely depends on its employees. Taking into account the statistics on the reasons for dismissals and the indicators of staff turnover at OJSC ChelPipe, we can talk about an incorrect system of motivation and labor stimulation at the enterprise.

Perhaps the reasons for violations of PVTR and employee dissatisfaction with their work lie in unsatisfactory relationships in the team and with management, or in the lack of prospects for career growth, in an unevenly distributed workload, etc. An employee who is not satisfied with his work will not be effective and may even cause damage to his organization, expressed, for example, in an increase in the percentage of defects, non-compliance with production standards, violation of discipline and much more.

Dissatisfied employees do not stay in their jobs for long, and the organization again has to spend time and money filling vacancies, instead of spending it on its development. The same thing happens at OJSC ChTPZ.

1.2 Justification of the influence of the process on the identified problem. Analysis of the labor incentive system in TPP No. 1.

Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant was founded on October 20, 1942. During the Great Patriotic War a strategic decision was made to relocate hundreds of factories from the south and west of the country to the Urals and Siberia. Among the enterprises that changed their southern registration to the Ural one was the Mariupol Pipe Plant. In 1941 - 1944, the construction of pipe rolling shop No. 1 took place. In 1976 - 1980, reconstruction was carried out, aimed at expanding the range of products. The following measures were taken: expansion of pipe rolling shop No. 1. In the 1990s, production was modernized in order to improve the quality of large-diameter seamless pipes in workshop No. 1.

Currently, the workshop is undergoing a large-scale reconstruction aimed at improving the quality of products related to the pipe finishing line. The measures taken should improve the quality of the original metal, internal and external welds, geometric parameters of pipes, processing of pipe ends, anti-corrosion and heat treatment, coating, painting and packaging. Today, pipe rolling shop No. 1 is one of the busiest workshops of the plant in terms of the number of orders.

Analysis of personnel indicators of TPC No. 1.

Personnel indicators for workshop No. 1 are provided in Appendix A. The number of employees was established when compiling staffing table. At the same time, the content and volume of work, the qualifications of workers were taken into account. The total number of workers in the workshop in 2014 was: is 890 people, of which: workers - 625 people; managers – 133 people; specialists – 124 people; employees - 8 people.

Data on the personnel structure of TPP No. 1 by gender are presented in Fig. 4

Figure 4 - Personnel structure by gender.

Data in Fig. 4 indicate the predominance of men in the organization. In 2012, the number of working men was 60%, and the number of women was 40%. In 2013, these indicators changed slightly, i.e. the number of women decreased by 3%, which is 43%. In 2014, these indicators are 70% of men and 30% of women.

Data on the salary level of personnel at TPP No. 1 are presented in Fig. 5

Figure 5 - Salary level.

From Fig. 5 it is clear that in 2013 the number of workers with higher education was 22%, which is 12% more than in 2012, and 7% more than in 2014. Secondary specialized education prevails among 50% of employees in 2013, which is 17% more than in 2014.

The level of education of employees of TPP No. 1 is quite high. Most workers have higher, secondary and secondary specialized education.

The most popular dialing method is JSC ChTPZ is the distribution of information about an opening vacancy with the invitation of qualified workers within the enterprise. These could be employees from other departments, workshops, divisions who could improve their skills or improve their financial situation. The second popular method of hiring is bringing workers by relatives, acquaintances, and friends.

Hiring for JSC ChTPZ is carried out on the basis of a concluded employment contract in writing in two copies - one for each party and with a probationary period lasting from one to six months, depending on the position.

The first step to making a worker as productive as possible is vocational guidance and social adaptation in a team. Wherever the employee gets a job, be it a department or a workshop, he is introduced to working conditions, the work process, the staff, the workshop (department). They inform him about how much he will receive, what are the real chances for promotion and increase in remuneration, what level of productivity is considered sufficient by his colleagues at work.

Also, based on the results of work, the employee can be promoted, which allows him to satisfy the desire for success, self-expression, and recognition. Transfer from one job to another in order to use the employee more effectively in other positions or to expand his experience.

Table 10 shows an analysis of the movement of workers at TPP No. 1 in the period from 2012 to 2014

Table 10 - analysis of the movement of workers at TPP No. 1

An analysis of the movement of workers showed that average number employees in 2014 decreased by 77 people compared to 2013 and by 14 people compared to 2012. The number of voluntarily dismissed workers in 2014 decreased by 77 people compared to 2013. The number of people admitted in 2013 increased by 1 person than in 2012 and by 10 people than in 2014. The number of employees who worked the entire year in 2013 increased by 16 people compared to 2012 and decreased by 77 people in 2014.

The reduction in numbers is due to the introduction of new machinery and equipment, which replaces the actions of an employee, as well as a program to consolidate the powers from two employees to one.

Analysis financial incentives labor of personnel at the enterprise.

In the system of material incentives, the main forms are wages, bonuses, benefits and rewards.

Real wages consist of two parts:

The permanent (main part), which includes the salary for the position held;

Variable (bonus) part, which includes various types of bonuses:

· monthly rewards (bonuses);

· remuneration for length of service (in accordance with length of service);

· extra pay for night shifts;

· additional payments for holidays (double);

· financial assistance for vacation

· for fulfilling the duties of a temporarily absent employee, expanding the service area, combining professions, for increasing the volume of work - 10% - 20%.

The main condition for bonuses for personnel is the availability of actual savings obtained as a result of high-quality and timely implementation of cost management program activities, and timely submission of reports. The source of bonus payment is a special bonus fund, formed in the amount of 35% of the total actual savings obtained as a result of the implementation of specific measures to reduce costs (expenses). To ensure the effectiveness of bonuses, the size of the bonus for reducing costs should interest employees in receiving savings. The actual contribution of an employee (group of employees) to cost savings is determined by the value of the labor participation rate (LCR). Bonuses for saving fuel and energy resources at TPP No. 1 56.35% of the cost of actually saved fuel is allocated to the incentive fund for saving fuel and economic resources for bonuses to personnel, of which 6.83% is allocated for bonuses to management personnel of OJSC ChelPipe.

Bonuses for fuel economy are based on quarterly performance results. The bonus fund for fuel economy is accrued at the station and distributed between departments in proportion to the accrued wage fund using labor contribution coefficients. To determine the amount of remuneration, a single scale is established for all categories of employees of TPP No. 1, depending on continuous work experience. Payment of remuneration based on the results of work for the year is made from the wage fund, with costs allocated to the cost of production and to the consumption fund formed from profit (Table 11).

Table 10 - Data on payment of remuneration in TPC No. 1

Remuneration for length of service is paid to employees of TPP No. 1 on a monthly basis depending on continuous length of service in the following amounts (Table 12)

Table 11 - Data on payment of remuneration for length of service in TPC No. 1

Amount of remuneration in shares of official salary (monthly tariff rate taking into account IV)
With continuous length of service giving the right to receive compensation for long service Year Month
From 1 to 3 years 0,5 0,042
From 3 to 5 years 0,6 0,050
From 5 to 10 years 0,8 0,067
From 10 to 15 years 0,9 0,075
From 15 to 20 years 1,1 0,092
From 20 to 25 years 1,4 0,117
Over 25 years 1,5 0,125
The fundamental principles of social and personnel work of TPC No. 1 are: · the intensive nature of the formation and use of human resources, obtaining the highest returns from employees, ensuring the effective organization of their work and safety, and continuous improvement of their qualifications; · Creation necessary conditions for effective professional and personal development personnel in order to ensure its functioning at a high level in the conditions of · practical implementation of the principles of social partnership and mutual responsibility of the parties in relations between representatives of the employer and representatives of employees; · further social development of the team, taking into account the interests of all workers in order to improve the standard of living of workers and members of their families; creation of a system of social and labor rights and guarantees that form the consciousness of corporate affiliation and attractiveness of the enterprise; · improving the work of the veteran and youth organizations of the enterprise in order to ensure personnel renewal in combination with their continuity, achieving positive staff stability, and preserving traditions; · constant dynamic development of the personnel management system that meets the strategic and current goals of the enterprise, based on the development of progressive effective systems of personnel motivation (material and intangible), optimization and redistribution of human resources within the enterprise. Modern social policy pursued at TPC No. 1 is focused on the availability of social benefits. Material costs for the social sphere are growing every year:

1) Employees who have worked at the enterprise for less than 5 years and have proven themselves with conscientious work and high labor discipline are paid one-time financial assistance:

· in connection with their reaching 50 years of age - in the amount of 0.5 tariff rates (taking into account individual remuneration),

· 55 years (Women) and 60 years (Men) – in the amount of the tariff rate (taking into account individual remuneration).

2) Pays annually one-time financial assistance in the amount of 1000 rubles on “Metallurgist Day” to employees and non-working pensioners awarded (having knowledge), starting from next year after awarding (title conferment):

· Government awards for labor achievements (orders);

· Certificate of Honor of the Republic of Tatarstan (Diploma of Honor of the Supreme Council of the TASSR);

· “Honored metallurgist of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and former CIS republics

3) Provides one-time financial assistance to employees retiring due to old age, disability due to a general illness, work injury, occupational disease, a pension on preferential terms, a proven track record of conscientious work and high labor discipline, with a total length of service in the industry:

· from 5 to 10 years - 0.5 tariff rate (including individual remuneration);

· from 10 to 15 years - 1.5 tariff rates (including individual remuneration);

· from 15 to 20 years - 2.0 tariff rate (including individual remuneration);

· from 20 to 25 years - 3.0 tariff rate (including individual remuneration);

· from 25 to 30 years - 4.0 tariff rate (including individual remuneration);

· from 30 to 40 years - 5.0 tariff rate (including individual remuneration);

· over 40 years - 6.0 tariff rate (including individual remuneration).

4) Pays a one-time bonus to employees who have proven themselves to be conscientious work and high labor discipline, and who have worked in the industry without interruption in total: -

· 25 years - 1.0 tariff rate (including individual remuneration);

· 30 years - 1.5 tariff rates (including individual remuneration);

· 35 years - 1.75 tariff rates (including individual remuneration);

· 40 years - 2.0 tariff rate (including individual remuneration);

· 45 years - 2.5 tariff rates (including individual remuneration);

· 50 years - 3.0 tariff rate (including individual remuneration).

5) Pays incentives to employees in a lump sum with rewarding (assigning a title, declaring gratitude), rub. (Table 12)

Table 11 - Data on one-time payments with awards in TPC No. 1

6) Pays monthly financial assistance from the company’s funds to women on maternity leave under the age of 1.5 years, in the amount of 500 rubles in addition to the childcare allowance social insurance, and for women on maternity leave aged 1.5 to 3 years – in the amount of 665 rubles.

7) Provides quarterly financial assistance (one minimum wage in the Russian Federation) to children of enterprise workers who died at work, who have not reached the age of 18, and if they are studying full-time in educational institutions of all types, then until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach 23 years of age.

Caring for the health of the company's employees comes first. Today, all employees, in addition to compulsory medical insurance, are covered by additional medical insurance through ASKO Insurance Group LLC. Mandatory medical examinations, treatment is prescribed and provided within the limits of the insured amount - 7,000 rubles. Today, in TPC No. 1, 15 employees are engaged in health improvement in the health center, and this happens every month. The cost of the trip is paid by the company. The favorable location of the Izumrud sanatorium has made it a favorite place for rest and recovery of the health of the company's employees and their family members.

For 10 months a year, the company's employees are cordially welcomed to rest and recuperate at the Ural Gems sanatorium (Anapa). 10% is paid by the employee, the rest by the company.

Free visits to the sanatorium for pensioners are organized annually. In 2014, free rest and treatment were organized for 20 pensioners of the enterprise, WWII veterans, home front workers, and veterans. 15 veterans of the enterprise improved their health in the Izumrud sanatorium-preventorium

“Mother and Child” tours to the Lesnaya Skazka recreation center are in particular demand.

In 2014, children's recreation was organized in the children's health camp "Elanchik".

In 2014, 12 children of workshop workers recovered their health on the shore of Gelendzhik Bay on the Black Sea.

ChTPZ Provides the issuance of workwear, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment.

Provides employees with free soap or lubricant and disinfectant according to established standards for work involving pollution or exposure to harmful substances.

Provides milk or other equivalent food products to workers under hazardous working conditions.

Ensures the operation of the first aid station and specialized medical offices, systematically replenishes first aid kits in the departments, conducts vaccinations to prevent mass diseases. The management of the enterprise pays great attention to physical culture and sports.

The company's employees participate in various competitions, supporting the organization's sporting traditions. For 6 years, competitions in 8 sports have been held among work teams and production commanders. Teams that receive prizes are encouraged with cash prizes, diplomas, and gifts.

It has become a good tradition to hold a children's drawing competition "Metallurgy through the eyes of our children", held "to coincide with Metallurgist Day. All works were posted on the website corporate portal JSC "ChTPZ" The results were summed up by portal visitors by voting. The best works decorated the foyer of the Department on the eve of the professional holiday.

For the New Year, all children receive (free) New Year's gifts and have the opportunity to participate in festive New Year's events.

To improve the living conditions of employees, the company takes part in the Social Mortgage program.

ChelPipe takes care of its pensioners - energy veterans, participants in the Great Patriotic War, and home front workers. They receive “nominal” pensions, payments for the Day of the Elderly - 500 rubles, quarterly additional payments to the pension - 800 rubles.

On the Day of the Elderly, festive events, concerts, gala dinners, and visits to patients at home and in the hospital are organized. Quarterly pays incentives to the deputy chairmen of the Veterans Council of the enterprise in the amount of 400 rubles.

Traditionally, various events are held for Victory Day: meetings of veterans, ceremonial meetings, laying wreaths and flowers at monuments to the fallen, etc. Financial assistance is provided in apartment repairs, one-time provision of transportation, and telephone installations.

The results of the study of the material incentive system based on the analysis of internal documentation, conversations and the questionnaire method showed that all respondents were satisfied with the working conditions. The study included 25 people. An example of a questionnaire in the Appendix????.

Analysis of staff responses showed that 8 people need advanced training and career growth, but they do not have the opportunity for this, 4 people improved their skills by studying in Chelyabinsk. 19 people are satisfied with the level of wages, 6 people believe that wages are low compared to other enterprises.

Based on the theories of classical scientific management (Frederick Taylor, Frank Gilbreth, Harry Grant, etc.), the enterprise personnel are largely interested in work, their material reward is closely related to the results of their work.

Financial incentives are the only basis for high production performance.

Analysis of non-material incentives for personnel at ChelPipe.

In TPC No. 1 during 2012-2014. A lot of work has been done to stimulate certain categories of personnel to increase labor productivity, improve the quality of products and labor.

Social, moral and non-monetary incentives for workers are combined in the collective section

About the company

ChTPZ Group- an industrial group of the metallurgical complex of Russia, is one of the largest domestic companies producing pipe products with a total market share of about 17%.

The company's revenue exceeds $2 billion, and about 25,000 people work at the ChelPipe Group's plants. One of the ten largest pipe companies in the world.


The ChTPZ Group unites enterprises and companies of the ferrous metallurgy: Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, a warehouse complex that sells the Group’s pipe products in the regions, the META scrap metal procurement and processing company; enterprises for the production of trunk equipment SOT, ETERNO, MSA (Czech Republic); The oil service business is represented by the Rimera Group of Companies.

Production capacity ChTPZ groups are located in large industrial centers of Russia, and oil service assets are concentrated in close proximity to fields in the main oil-producing regions of the country; the company also includes an enterprise located in the European Union.

Today, ChelPipe Group’s products, technologies, and employee qualifications meet the highest modern standards, and are often several years ahead of market requirements.

High-tech projects, the highest level of production and corporate culture, high social responsibility of the group’s shareholders contributed to the emergence of a unique corporate philosophy in the company White metallurgy– philosophy of transformation of personality, work environment, production space and society. White metallurgy contributes to achieving high results and is one of the key competitive advantages ChelPipe Group.


By sharing the ideas of White Metallurgy - the philosophy of transformation - we bring success and prosperity to clients and society.

The company's highest values ​​are health, reliability, belonging, creation and achievement. All of them are equal in rights and are aimed at the main thing for which we work - to achieve the well-being of people, individuals - our employees, clients, our children and families.

Clients and projects

Having sufficient capacity for the production of welded and seamless pipes of a wide range, a developed warehouse system, ChelPipe positions itself as an effective universal player in the pipe market of Russia and the CIS countries, specializing in the manufacture of pipe products for all major sectors of the economy.

Among the company's clients are the largest Russian companies Fuel and energy complex: Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Transneft, Rosneft, SIBUR, NOVATEK, Surgutneftegaz, Bashneft, Lukoil and others.

Over 70% of existing domestic pipelines are laid from Chelyabinsk large-diameter pipes: the Bukhara - Ural, Central Asia - Center gas pipelines,

"Northern Lights"; oil pipelines "Druzhba", "Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean".

Among the projects recent years, where ChelPipe pipes were shipped: gas pipelines Nord Stream 2, Power of Siberia, Southern Corridor, Bovanenkovo ​​- Ukhta, Beineu - Bozoy - Shymkent, Central Asia - China, oil pipelines Zapolyarye - Purpe ", "Purpe - Samotlor", "Kuyumba - Taishet", development of the oil and gas condensate field named after. V. Filanovsky, construction of a product pipeline from the Purovsky condensate processing plant to Tobolsk-Neftekhim. ChelPipe pipes were used in the construction of sports facilities for the 2014 Olympics and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.


1942 -

The predecessor of the ChTPZ Group was a state-owned enterprise - the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, founded in 1942 on the basis of the Mariupol Pipe Plant evacuated to Chelyabinsk. On October 20, 1942, the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant produced its first products.

1949 -

For the first time in the country, the plant mastered the production of water and gas pipes using the method of continuous furnace welding.

1956 -

Production of large diameter pipes has begun.

1970 -

In the 1970s, ChTPZ was the largest pipe plant in the world, producing 3.3 - 3.5 million tons of pipe products per year.

1993 -

In May 1993, in accordance with the privatization program, the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant was transformed into an open joint stock company and subsequently privatized.

2004 -

In 2004, the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant acquired 57% of the share capital of the Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant (JSC PNTZ).

2008 -

In May 2008, ChTPZ increased its share to 84.5%, and in December 2008 acquired 100% of the shares of PNTZ.
During the period 2008-2009. ChTPZ acquired the company for the purchase and processing of scrap "META" (META LLC) to provide raw materials for the production of steel for its new electric furnace melting complex in Pervouralsk.
In 2008, ChTPZ acquired 68% of the capital of the Rimera company (CJSC Rimera) and its subsidiaries, which are engaged in oilfield services and the manufacture of oilfield equipment. In November 2008, ChTPZ increased the authorized capital of the Rimera company, as a result of which its share increased to 99.9%.

2010 -

ChTPZ acquired 100% of the shares of the Connecting Pipeline Bends plant (SOT CJSC), which produces pipeline bends and assemblies.
In 2010, ChTPZ acquired 100% of the capital of the Magnitogorsk Mechanical Assembly Works Plant (MZMZ OJSC), a manufacturer of steeply curved bends.
In 2010, ChTPZ acquired 100% of the shares of MSA, a company that produces pipeline fittings.

Opportunities for youth
at ChelPipe Group enterprises

The ChelPipe Group is one of the 10 largest pipe companies in the world, unique in its philosophy of White Metallurgy. If you want to work at a prestigious company, are ready to develop and lead this business forward, join the ChelPipe Group: there are always opportunities for talented schoolchildren, students and young professionals.

6 reasons why you should start a career at ChelPipe Group

Professional and career growth, allowing you to take a position in the state within 1–2 years - up to the head of a production site or manager in the ChelPipe Group office Large-scale projects breakthrough technologies and a modern approach that breaks stereotypes about metallurgy Designer interiors, modern workshops and spotlessly clean uniforms Working with experts in their field Respect and support of the team, focus on people and pleasure in work Comfortable working conditions, flexible schedule, competitive salary, regular bonuses, good benefits package

What does it mean to be a White Metallurgist?

Be involved in everything that happens in the company

“I am a graduate student at the Ural Federal University and work in my specialty - I am undergoing an internship as a process engineer in the department of new steel grades and heat treatment. I have the opportunity to combine full-time study with work, gradually becoming involved in all processes. I work on various projects and contribute to the development of the company. Now I am confident in my future, because I am actively developing in one of the largest metallurgical enterprises in Russia.”

Egor Popov, trainee of the technical directorate of PNTZ

Constantly grow

“Currently, it is very important to have the necessary amount of up-to-date information. The ChTPZ group of companies is one of the few that invests a huge amount of resources in the development of its employees. During the six-month internship, I gained invaluable experience, knowledge and skills that are not taught at universities. An internship at ChelPipe is an opportunity to find yourself in a professional activity!”

Alexandra Voronova, trainee of the commercial directorate of ChTPZ

Work in bright, modern and technological interiors

“The company’s interior embodies the essence of White Metallurgy, ensuring harmonious relationships in the team and successful productive work. Light and neutral colors, together with high-quality lighting of the workplace, charge you with energy for the whole working day, and modern technology improves the work process, helping to get the job done faster and with better quality.”

Dmitry Koplenkov, trainee of the technical directorate of ChTPZ

Develop comprehensively

“It’s great to have an internship at such a large company! ChTPZ and PNTZ produce various products, so getting to know the main divisions of the Group is a unique chance to learn more about the production process. The development program includes many trainings and the development of your own project with the support of an experienced mentor. This is an opportunity to gain valuable experience and contribute to process improvement.”

Alexander Krasnotalov, trainee of the technical directorate of ChTPZ

Be healthy

“ChelPipe, like many large companies, has its own values. One of the most important values ​​is the health of employees. Our company constantly strives to modernize production: this reduces the impact of harmful factors and improves working conditions. ChelPipe annually organizes various sports and cultural events for its employees. This helps maintain good physical fitness of employees and an emotional, friendly atmosphere in the company, and forms a cohesive team.”

Dmitry Sokolov, intern in the technical directorate of PNTZ

Feel the support of the company

“The company gave me the opportunity to deeply study the theoretical basis of procurement and immerse myself in the process at the beginning of my career. During my internship, I am implementing my own project to improve the procurement process with the support of an experienced manager. Already now I am building my future in partnership with a strong company!”

Anton Zhiyanov, trainee of the commercial directorate of PNTZ

What programs does ChelPipe Group offer?

"Generation ChTPZ". Internship program in Chelyabinsk and Pervouralsk

If you are an aspiring metallurgist, IT specialist, engineer, student or graduate of a technical specialty, ready to develop in the pipe industry, work in a modern high-tech production, pay attention to this internship program.

You will receive intensive training, development and defense of your own metallurgical project, and the opportunity to join the main staff of the company in 1–2 years.

"Generation ChTPZ". Internship program in Moscow

If you are interested in business development, are a final year student, or have recently graduated from a university in a technical or business field, this internship is for you. You will collaborate with top management and leading clients of the company, grow as a professional in 1-2 years under the guidance of a mentor, develop your own business solution and be able to join the staff of ChelPipe Group even before the end of the program.

"The Future of White Metallurgy"

“The Future of White Metallurgy” is a project for schoolchildren, by participating in which they will receive secondary vocational and higher education in specialized specialties. The training will take place at the workshops of ChelPipe Group enterprises without interrupting production. You will receive a profession that is in demand, and the best graduates will join the company's staff.

You can study for a master's degree, work at a prestigious enterprise and lead innovative projects at the same time. The leadership program of the ChelPipe Group on the basis of NUST MISIS will allow you to combine higher education with real practice in one of the 10 best pipe companies in the world, which created the philosophy of White Metallurgy.

"Generation ChelPipe" Internship program in Chelyabinsk and Pervouralsk

Start your career at ChelPipe Group, defend your own metallurgical project, become a leader and join the company’s staff in 1–2 years.

The program is open in Yekaterinburg (Pervouralsk) and Chelyabinsk.

This program is for you if:

  • You are an aspiring metallurgist and specialize in metal forming, metal cutting, welding technology, metal science, chemistry or steelmaking
  • Or you are studying engineering or technical specialty and are ready to develop in the pipe industry
  • Or you are a young IT specialist and are interested in working with complex information systems and high-tech equipment
  • You are a senior undergraduate or graduate student or a recent graduate with little work experience
  • Are you willing to work 20 hours a week?
  • You have excellent technical knowledge, a good GPA at university, teamwork skills and a desire to achieve results in everything

"Generation ChelPipe" Internship program in Moscow

ChelPipe Group is looking for talented interns who are ready to develop the business and lead the company forward. Rapid professional growth, international experience and cooperation with the company's top management are just a small part of what awaits you during the internship.

The program is open in Moscow.

"The Future of White Metallurgy"

This project is for those who want to receive secondary vocational and higher specialized education or take advanced training courses: schoolchildren and specialists with little experience in the industry.

“The Future of White Metallurgy” will help you obtain a technical specialty and a sought-after profession in metallurgical production.

The main emphasis will be on practice in the company's workshops - the most modern and innovative in the industry.

“The Future of White Metallurgy” was created jointly with the Pervouralsk Metallurgical College and the Ural Federal University. B.N. Yeltsin.

Here's what awaits you on the project:

  • Hands-on and on-the-job training
  • Experienced mentor, respect and support of the team
  • Internal practice at the enterprises of the ChTPZ Group, external - at the production of OJSC Tatneft and OJSC Gazprom
  • Good social package and scholarship for students with excellent grades
  • Active student life, sports and dance sections
  • Service in a sponsored military unit
  • Opportunity to get hired

Leadership program of the ChelPipe Group on the basis of the master's program at NUST MISIS

During the program, you will become familiar with modern technologies and industry trends under the guidance of professors from NUST MISIS and experts from the ChTPZ Group. Throughout master's program you will be supported financially, and upon completion of your training, employment is guaranteed.

Why you should apply to the leadership program:

  1. High-quality and modern dual education. The program combines theoretical training and development of applied skills. Students will work on real problems at Chelyabinsk Pipe Plant, and at the end of their studies they will defend a master’s thesis on current topics in modern metallurgy.
  2. Practice at advanced industrial facilities. Students will work at the enterprises of the ChelPipe Group, a leader and innovator in the Russian metallurgical market. They will be able to take an inside look at the industry and apply the acquired knowledge in their work.
  3. Financial support during your studies. Excellent and good students will receive a scholarship of up to 25 thousand rubles from the ChelPipe Group. In addition, the company organizes accommodation for students during training and internship, and also pays travel expenses on business trips.

So that students can concentrate entirely on their studies, the ChelPipe Group and NUST MISIS took upon themselves the solution of all other issues:

  1. Scholarship ChelPipe will pay a scholarship of 25,000 rubles to excellent students and 20,000 to good students. In addition, successful students have the opportunity to receive additional government scholarships or grants.
  2. Accommodation All students are provided with a hostel in Moscow.
  3. Compensation of expenses The company compensates students for relocation and transportation expenses during business trips.
  4. Guaranteed employment All graduates of the program will receive a two-year contract from ChelPipe and will be able to start a career at the enterprise in Yekaterinburg or Chelyabinsk.

“Among the employees of our company there are dozens of NUST MISIS graduates, including at high leadership positions. Cooperation with leading Russian universities is part of our company’s strategy to train highly qualified specialists for the metallurgical industry. We are confident that the signing " road map“will strengthen and expand our interaction with the university on the implementation of joint educational projects.”

Boris Kovalenkov, General Director of ChelPipe Group

Social policy

Carrying out a balanced, responsible social policy is one of the priority areas for the development of pipe enterprises of the ChelPipe Group. Implementation of target social programs is permanent. Factory employees and their families can be confident in the future, having an impressive package of social guarantees.

Since 2001, the Group has been implementing a voluntary health insurance program for employees (VHI), thanks to which pipe workers are provided with high-quality medical care, can receive treatment in the modern clinic “All Medicine”, improve their health in the sanatorium-preventorium “Izumrud”.

ChelPipe Group annually provides financial support to the Company’s employees at the birth of children, financial assistance in difficult life situations, pays bonuses for holidays, and provides compensation and benefits under the “Young Family” program.