The world is not without good people. Lyudmila Getmanchuk - the world is not without good dragons A friend is known in need

A post about those who do good and change the world for the better without further ado ">A post about those who do good and change the world for the better without further ado " alt=" The world is not without good peopleA post about those who do good and change the world for the better without further ado">

You can talk and write a lot about good, but it is best to create it, as the heroes of this post did. Some might call their actions heroism, self-sacrifice, even recklessness. Although this is just a manifestation of humanity. They did not remain indifferent, could not pass by, or simply fulfilled their duty. When we are no longer surprised by such actions, we will rise to a higher level!


The dog, named Shep, has arthritis. To alleviate the dog’s suffering at least a little, every day his owner John took Shep to the lake. John took the dog in his arms and went deep into the water. The water finally allowed the dog to relax so much that the pain subsided and Shep could calmly take a nap on his owner’s chest. Shep passed away at the age of 20 in 2013.


Window cleaners dressed as superheroes surprise children at a hospital during their work in Alabama.


A man spotted a duck stuck in the frozen water of a lake in Norway. The unfortunate woman was helplessly clinging to life. Risking his own life, he jumped into the icy water and pulled the duck onto land.


Two more brave and caring guys from Norway saved a lamb that fell into the river.


An elderly man had a heart attack while clearing snow from his driveway. The paramedics took him to the hospital and then came back and shoveled the snow for him. For an uncleaned area near a house in the USA, there is a fine. So the paramedics took pity on the old man, saving him from a possible fine.


Fans give their wheelchair-bound friend the opportunity to watch a Korn concert in Moscow.


A man saves a drowning kitten with his umbrella.


A notice on the door of a dry cleaner: "If you are unemployed and need your clothes cleaned for an interview. We will clean them for free."


The firefighters did not abandon the unfortunate animals and saved them from a terrible death.


During a cycling race in Australia, athletes stopped to give a drink to a koala who was dying of thirst. Humanity comes before victory!


Jacqueline Kiplimo helps a disabled runner finish the marathon in Taiwan. This cost her first place.

    1 the world is not without good people


    ♦ “How are you managing without your husband?” She [the woman] turned to face Gregory. A blush appeared on her dark cheekbones, and reddish sparkles flashed and went out in her eyes. "What are you talking about?" - “About this very thing.” She pulled the handkerchief from her lips and said drawlingly: “Well, this is enough goodness! The world is not without good people...” (Sholokhov 5). "But how d"you make out with no husband?" She turned to face Grigory. A flush played on her brown cheeks and tiny reddish sparks flared and died in her eyes. "What are you getting at?" "What d"you think?" She pulled the kerchief away from her lips and drawn, "Oh, there"s plenty of that! There"s still a few kind folk in the world..." (5a).

    2 the world is not without good people


    lit. the world is not without good people; cf. all the keys hang not at one man's girdle

    3 the world is not without good people

    4 the world is not without good people


    ♦ “How are you managing without your husband?” She [the woman] turned to face Gregory. A blush appeared on her dark cheekbones, and reddish sparkles flashed and went out in her eyes. "What are you talking about?" - “About this very thing.” She pulled the scarf from her lips and said drawlingly: “Well, this is enough goodness! The world is not without good people...” (Sholokhov 5). "But how d"you make out with no husband?" She turned to face Grigory. A flush played on her brown cheeks and tiny reddish sparks flared and died in her eyes. "What are you getting at?" "What d"you think?" She pulled the kerchief away from her lips and drawn, "Oh, there"s plenty of that! There"s still a few kind folk in the world..." (5a).

See also in other dictionaries:

    The world is not without good people- The world (in the world) is not without good people. There is a lot of mercy in people (and twice as much daring). God did not find the enemy, but good people will be found (ironically). Wed. Not without good souls in the world Someone will take you to Moscow, You will be at the university... Nekrasov. Schoolboy... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    the world (in the world) is not without good people- There is a lot of mercy in people (and twice as much daring). God did not find the enemy, but good people will be found (ironic) Cf. Not without good souls in the world Someone will take you to Moscow, You will be at the university... Nekrasov. Schoolboy. Wed. Who are you?.. Move the tore, your honor...

    there are some good people in the world- the light (in the world) is not without good people. There is a lot of mercy in people (and twice as daring). God did not find the enemy, but good people will be found (ironic) Cf. Not without good souls in the world Someone will take you to Moscow, You will be at the university... Nekrasov. Schoolboy. Wed. Who are you? ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    LIGHT Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    LIGHT- (1) LIGHT (1) light, m. 1. only units. Radiant energy perceived by the eye and making the surrounding world accessible to vision and visible. Interference of light. Refraction of light. Streams of light. The speed of light is 300,000 km per second. Treatment with blue... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    light- LIGHT, a (u), husband. 1. Radiant energy, making the world around us visible; electromagnetic waves in the frequency range perceived by the eye. Solnechny village Electric s. S. from the lantern. S. truth (translated). The face was illuminated with inner light (translated: ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Russia. Russian language and Russian literature: History of Russian literature- The history of Russian literature, for the convenience of viewing the main phenomena of its development, can be divided into three periods: I from the first monuments to the Tatar yoke; II until the end of the 17th century; III to our time. In reality, these periods are not sharply... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

The day before, when I was returning home after a day of work, I saw in the door of my entrance a soiled piece of notebook paper with a line, on which was written in large letters: “Dear residents of the house! Yesterday at nine o'clock in the morning 400 rubles were lost near the entrance. In case someone picked them up, please bring them to apartment ten to Galina Grigorievna. Thank you in advance."

At that moment, it was as if the ground had gone out from under my feet, and my heart began to pound at a frantic rhythm because I remember and have known Galina Grigorievna, or Grandma Galya, since childhood. Galina Grigorievna’s husband died when the children were still very small, and the children live in different cities. Nevertheless, Baba Galya, given her rather advanced age, is beautiful, pleasant, despite life’s difficulties, she did not give up, she often looked after the children, and it also happened that she looked after me. In our yard, everyone knew her very well, loved, respected and treated her with respect.

And then an idea came to me, what if I take these 400 rubles to her, since for me this is not such a huge amount, but for an elderly pensioner woman this is a sufficient amount with which she can buy something necessary, with these thoughts I took the required amount from my purse and knocked on the door of the apartment where Baba Galya lived.

Suddenly, after knocking on the door, the grandmother approached the door with small but loud enough steps and opened the door. Seeing that this was Galina Grigorievna, I immediately handed her four hundred rubles. Suddenly, to my surprise, Baba Galina began to spread her arms and say:

- Oh, Svetochka, you are my Svetochka, what are you all doing? Today, you are probably the tenth person who brings me money.

- Baba Galina, take it, I beg you. After all, you lost them near our entrance, I walked past, saw and picked them up. True, I found it!

- Sveta! With a raised tone, Baba Galya. - Take the money away, I told someone, let’s go and have some tea and pies together. After some time, Baba Galya led me into a clean kitchen, a small kitchen room, and served me a cup of tea with a plate with a beautiful rim, from which there was simply a wonderful smell of freshly baked homemade pies. Then Grandma Galina remembered that she didn’t lock the door, taking advantage of the moment when she went to lock the door, she decided to leave her the money, I quietly put it under a beautiful scarf where the pies were laid out. Having thanked me, I had already put on my shoes and, leaving the apartment, Galina Grigorievna shouted after me:

- Svetochka, my dear, do a good deed, remove the notice from the entrance door. That's not my ad!

I see in the morning there is a completely different notice hanging in the entrance, which says: “Dear neighbors! Many thanks for your help. You are welcome to come to me for cake and tea in the evening. Baba Galina."

Lyudmila Getmanchuk

The world is not without good dragons

Everything flows, everything changes


Lars! Are you awake? - the prince entered, forgetting to knock, and froze at the entrance. I thought that His Highness could easily wait five minutes, and did not interrupt the training, which was already coming to an end. Dima unceremoniously crossed my bedroom, walked around me in an arc so as not to get hit on the head with a sword, and sat down in a chair near the window. Having finished the set of exercises, I put the swords on the table, took several deep breaths, regaining my breath, and glanced at the papers lying on the prince’s lap. Ignoring Dima’s questioning glance, he went into the bathroom to wash off the sweat and change clothes.

Beautiful... - he said when I appeared at the door. - Do you do this every morning? Why haven't I seen it before?

Because before, Your Highness, you did not allow yourself to burst into my bedroom without knocking. And by the way, good morning!

The prince did not pay attention to my remark, but only grinned, anticipating fun. Don’t feed him bread, let him pin the old elf, that is, me:

Good, good! I brought you letters, they just arrived. One,” he raised his eyebrows in surprise, “came with a diplomatic mail from Illinador, and the second,” there was a significant pause, during which the prince strenuously pretended to carefully study the return address, “also not local, from Asia Tarino, hmm, I didn’t know that she was from Broslavia. How interesting... did she return to her homeland? - He turned the letter over in his hands, but was in no hurry to give it away, pretending not to notice my outstretched hand.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t hold back my happy smile, although I was a little annoyed by the knowledge of those around me about my relationship with Asya. To be honest, we weren’t hiding, so our meetings remained a secret for exactly one week, and then, as it seemed to me, the whole city, or at least the whole Academy, already knew about us. I coughed, and finally received letters with the words:

Okay, I won't bother you, enjoy. You have half an hour.

I knew that Asya was from Broslavia. The first month of summer became the happiest in my life precisely because Asya was nearby. We met almost every day, despite my work and her diploma, for the defense of which she was preparing in her free time from our meetings. But all good things come to an end. So we had to part ways - Asya got a job as a clerk in the mayor's office of the small town of Kalin in the south of Broslavia, not far from the border with the principality of Asir, and left. She didn’t want to lose her place for the dubious pleasure of being with me. I understand everything, the position of a bodyguard requires a constant presence next to the heir, and, after the prince returned to the palace, we met only once - on the night before her departure.

Asya, a girl with multi-colored pigtails... I went to the window, broke the seal and took out a piece of paper covered in large handwriting from a slightly wrinkled envelope.

I devoured the short letter in a minute. She’s doing well, she likes her job, and the town is quiet, not at all like Kersov.

Well, no more braids. First of all, Asya was advised to put her hair in order, and she unbraided it and dyed it in her native dark chestnut color. She can’t get used to walking in dresses, she always steps on the hem, the student’s robe was shorter, and Asya always wore trousers underneath, but here the bosses demand that she dress modestly and decently. I smiled, knowing full well how Asya hates the word “decent”!

The good news was a service apartment, albeit consisting of one room and a kitchen, and Asya is simply happy, after five years of living in a hostel, in the same room with two neighbors, to receive, if not her own, but separate housing. True, the only furnishings she has so far are a bed with an old mattress, but her first salary is coming soon, and maybe her parents will help, send a couple of gold pieces for the arrangement.

She refused to take money from me, arguing that I had just gotten a job and did not give in to persuasion. But this is not a problem, I think Dmitry can help me pull off a small scam - sending Asya money under the guise of financial assistance to Academy graduates. I don’t think that the rector will refuse such a small thing to the heir to the throne.

"Lars, I miss you..."

Me too, honey, me too...

I opened the second letter when I had dealt with my emotions. But, probably, Dima heard something through our mental connection, no, not my thoughts, most likely, the echoes of my melancholy broke through the hastily built shields, because he opened the door slightly and asked:

Are you okay?

Yes, Your Highness, I will be ready in five minutes.

Highness snorted and disappeared. I grinned - I again had a lecture on the topic “How many times have I asked not to call me that when we are alone!”

I expected an order from the ruler, but everything turned out to be much more prosaic and, at the same time, more pleasant. I don’t know how Cass managed to use the diplomatic mail, but the letter turned out to be from him.

Cass wrote that the tiles were not just allowed, but officially ordered to get married, and that Triss, our commander, was the first to find a wife, and now walks around with a stupid smile on his face. And they were also taken off all the tinctures, and, after a short illness, they again began to perform their duties - then I remembered how I was broken in captivity by the Drow Lord, and sympathized with the young tile. Cassus and Atres were assigned to the Ruler’s son, Kertosiril, and since the heir’s visit to Levonia is planned soon, we will have the opportunity to see each other. The visit is scheduled for the beginning of September, the purpose of which is unknown to Kass, but he thinks that it is matchmaking, since after a serious conversation with the Ruler - even the tiles were put out the door - the heir let off steam for a long time in the training room.

Most good news the tiles were given permission to communicate with their families, and Cass was simply happy, he found out that he has a mother and father, and also a younger sister, whose name is Larina, and she is simply beautiful.

Family... I lived for so long with the thought that I had no one that I got scared, and something ached in my chest. What if they died long ago or, what’s even worse, forgot about me.

After all, precisely because the hope of recognizing them lived in my heart, I always peered intently into the faces of the yellow-eyed Illins when I met. Trying to find... similarities?

The latest news was the arrival of two hundred and fifty drow in Illinador. They were placed in an empty barracks where the tiles had previously lived. There are so few of us left; there were enough rooms for the black-haired ones. I reacted to this event almost calmly, especially since Dmitry and I were present at the tournament organized by Oteron in order to select the best to be sent to Illinador. It must be said honestly that the drow performed well, and there were many to choose from.