The best copywriting and rewriting exchanges for making money: an overview and tips. What is copywriting and rewriting? Overview of exchanges for writing texts How to learn copywriting? Are there special courses

Greetings, dear readers of the site. People working on various content exchanges know perfectly well what rewriting is and why customers need it. Despite the possible difficulties in writing such a text, this type of work is considered one of the easiest to date.

To better understand the essence of this term, it is necessary to consider it in more depth and detail. Among other things, it is worth paying due attention to the question of who rewriters are, as well as how much it costs to rewrite 1000 characters without spaces.

The concept of rewriting and its difference from copywriting

If we consider the question, what is rewriting in simple words, then this concept can be formulated as follows: rewriting is rewriting someone else's material in your own words.

The author of the source article is not indicated in the completed article. The rewriter has every right to call the text written by him his own. The only thing that can be done is to indicate at the end of the material the sources from which the information was taken.

Rewriting is a day-to-day job, which is why it is so highly valued by talented writers. Of course, it all depends on whether the person works for himself, selling articles to other users, or for one (or several) customers.

Why is this type of work necessary? It's simple: rewriting is a great way to create an absolutely competent and unique text based on material already posted on the Internet on a particular topic. In addition, such a text, as a rule, adapts to the reader, due to which it becomes easier to read, understand and remember.

In general, making money on rewriting is a very interesting type of work. It helps not only to reveal the topic and convey it to a potential reader, but also provides an excellent opportunity for the author himself to learn something new and interesting for himself.

Copywriting and rewriting - the main differences in concepts

Despite the apparent difference, many people do not quite understand the difference between copywriting and rewriting. In order not to get confused, let's consider these concepts separately.

So, as mentioned above, rewriting articles is rewriting other people's texts in your own words. That is, the author finds this or that source text on the Internet, carefully reads and studies it, and then sets out what he has read in a language that is accessible to a simple reader.

For example, many medical articles are often full of all sorts of terms and heavy speech turns. So, a rewriter who is well versed in medical topics adapts the article to a simple person who does not have a special education. Thanks to this, even an ordinary school teacher or a light industry worker (as an example) will be able to fully understand the read article, and remember for himself the most interesting and useful information.

Of course, you can register on several services at once, but be prepared for the fact that the requirements for some of them are very strict. For this reason, you will have to work hard to become one of the employees of one or another copywriting exchange.

If you are a beginner in the field of writing texts of various subjects and genres, however, you have a huge potential and a lot of free time, then for a start you can take special rewriting training courses by clicking on the link:

Such exercises will help you gain valuable knowledge in the field of creating high-quality and unique content, and there is no doubt that they will be useful to you in the future!

There are three key methods of writing a rewrite:

1) Synonym replacement

This method is the simplest - it is enough to replace as many words as possible with synonyms. But the benefits of such articles are not great, since they do not bring much uniqueness. Such a text needs to be brought “to mind”, as a result of time it takes much more.

2) Rearrangement of words

Let's say all the words that you could have already replaced with synonyms, but still the uniqueness is low. In the great abyss global network and without this there is already a huge number of rewritten articles, and even though you crack, you can’t get by with synonyms alone. In this case, you should replace phrases, interpret them in your own way, rebuild phrases, words. You can also change the order of the beginning of a sentence and its ending. At the same time, the meaning does not change, but the uniqueness increases many times.

3) Presentation of the text

We make the presentation of the text in our own words, while maintaining the essence and structure of the original article. Why you need to read the source several times, remember the key points. You can also write down important words and terms on a piece of paper, then start writing. With this approach, 100% uniqueness will be provided to you!

The main types of rewriting

Surface rewriting . This type rewriting is suitable for beginner writers, it is also called simple or ordinary. Its essence lies in replacing words with synonyms, rearranging, changing the endings of sentences. Surface rewriting is the easiest, hence the lowest price.

Deep rewriting. Deep or complex rewriting is a tool for professionals. If the author already has experience in rewriting the text, for example, for half a year, then he should easily cope with this type of work. Deep rewriting involves a thorough study of the source material (one source or several), while no errors are allowed, the text must be compiled according to the rules of syntax, and the given topic is fully disclosed. Deep rewriting services are valued much higher than superficial ones.

SEO rewriting. SEO rewriting is considered the most profitable view content income. It involves inserting keywords or phrases (issued by customers) into an already retracted article. Those who want to earn remotely by Seo rewriting will have to thoroughly work with their brains, since the keys do not always fit into sentences concisely. Knowledge in SEO optimization will also be useful - the speed of getting a written article into the TOP of a search engine depends on the correct arrangement of keys.

Technical (machine). This type of rewriting is also called automatic. All the work for the rewriter is done by the synonymizer program. Often, the text after machine processing is not readable, since the semantic load is completely absent. It is practically impossible to make money on such a rewrite, although there are some customers for whom readability is not important, but is only interested in the massive filling of their resource with printed characters.

Compiling. Compiling is another kind of work with text. The essence of compilation is the harmonious combination of pieces of text from different sources into a single whole without independent processing of the material, possibly with subsequent transfer for rewriting. The demand for compiling is not great, therefore it is unlikely to make money in this way.

Pros and cons of online earnings by rewriting

Rewriting in our time is very in demand, because the number of sites on the Internet is growing every day and each needs its own unique content.

Consider the pros and cons of online earnings rewriting.

Benefits for the performer:

  • It is not necessary to understand the topic on which you are writing an article. It is still possible to end up with a unique text;
  • when writing articles, the author gains experience and new knowledge in this topic;
  • You can work remotely from home when you have time;
  • the price is set by the author himself (with an independent search for customers).

Benefits for the customer:

  • obtaining unique material;
  • lower cost compared to copyright;
  • when finding a permanent author, a single style of texts on the site.

Cons for the performer:

  • you need to make an effort and allocate time for this, and sometimes a lot of time to write quality material;
  • the need to constantly be in search of sources of information;
  • the Internet has everything, and often, everything has been written for a long time, so it is difficult to make a unique text (something new) from non-unique material in principle.

Cons for the customer:

  • text with 100% uniqueness may not be unique in meaning.

How much can you earn on rewriting?

So, you've decided to get into rewriting. Let's use examples to figure out how much you can really earn on rewriting articles.

For the usual rewriting, mostly beginners are taken, which is why it was called “school” - this is the first stage of professional rewriting and is paid at the lowest prices. In such a rewrite, you can find spelling and punctuation errors, and most importantly, there are inconsistencies in meaning. Such texts are paid on average 20-30 rubles per one thousand characters. Due to the low cost, they are ordered by the creators of all kinds of GS and satellites, who care not about the readability of the text, but about uniqueness.

Earnings depend on the volume and number of texts. For example, if we take at the rate of 30 rubles per 1000 characters, for example, you can write from 1 to 5 articles per day. Minimum: 30 rubles * 1500 characters (medium article) * 1 article (number per day) = 45 rubles per day (315 per week) Maximum: 30 rubles * 5000 characters (long article) * 5 articles (per day) = 150 rubles per article * 5 pieces = 750 rubles per day (5,750 per week).

Examples are relative, someone writes more, someone less. The advantage is that the rewriter dictates his own rules and regulates his own earnings. Rewriting is a job with daily pay.

Deep (high-quality) rewriting of articles is valued higher and paid accordingly. To do this, you need to focus on the quality of the texts, and accordingly understand the given topics. It will not work just mindlessly replacing words. Then you can earn many times more newcomers. On average, experienced rewriters set a price of 40-60 rubles per 1000 characters.

Again, let's count: Minimum: 40 rubles * 1500 characters (medium article) * 1 article (number per day) = 60 rubles per day (420 per week) Maximum: 60 rubles * 5000 characters (long article) * 5 articles (per day) = 300 rubles per article * 5 pieces = 1,500 rubles per day (10,500 per week) Again, everything is very individual and depends on the desire of the author and on the time that the author has.

Therefore, if you want to make money on rewriting articles, think about how long it will take you.

Who can rewrite?

You probably already guessed that almost anyone who has time for this can do rewriting. Article rewriting- a great way to work at home for both students, pensioners, and mums on maternity leave. After all, it basically requires the ability to write correctly and express your thoughts on paper. To start earning by rewriting remotely, you need an Internet connection and a wallet in one of the popular electronic payment systems.

Where to apply your abilities and take orders?

There are two ways to make money by rewriting texts and articles.

The first way is article exchanges. There are many text exchanges all over the Internet, for example,,, and others. Here it is enough to register (in some cases, pass a literacy test) and create your profile. Working with exchanges guarantees fair wages, although the rates for work are often determined by the system itself.

The second way is an independent search for a customer. These can be webmaster forums (for example, and many others.), copywriters, freelance exchanges. Searching for customers is a more time-consuming method that will not protect you from scammers. However, it will allow you to find regular customers who will provide work for good money.

So, rewriting, as a view, is quite justified. it great start for beginner copywriters. Applying all the above methods of rewriting, as well as showing efficiency, you can not only earn your start-up capital, but also learn how to write unique articles that will be sold at a higher price in the future.

Olga Filippova

Copywriting is an activity that is gaining more and more popularity among freelancers. Everyone needs interesting and competent content. The best copywriting exchanges compete with each other for a spot in the sun. They have the same essence - mediation between performers and customers, but the content and features differ.

Such tactics usually do not bring good results, because. on all exchanges there is a rating, which is gained by hard work. By registering as a performer, you start on any exchange with lower level, gradually climbing to the top of the rankings.

In our review, we will consider the features of the work of the 6 most famous copywriting exchanges and, but successfully working with the authors of sites for 2019, there are more than a dozen.


Exchange an exchange that is known to all copywriters, even those who have never been registered on it. Such fame is due to a powerful uniqueness checker, which is available online to any user.

Entrance to the exchange

There are two sections:

  • copywriting exchange;
  • rewriting exchange.

Free admission. After that, you can immediately start searching for orders.

Scheme of work on

The contractor submits an application for work and waits for a response from the customer. First you have to take cheap orders to increase the rating.

The completed order is immediately sent to the customer for verification. He can accept the article, send it for revision in case of minor errors, or reject your work through arbitration because of poor quality.

Arbitration also resolves all disputes between authors and customers.

The rating on the exchange depends not only on the quantity or quality of completed orders, here you can raise your positions for simple actions such as filling out a questionnaire, adding your photo, reviewing the exchange on a third-party site.

For every 20 minutes of an open page of the site, you will also receive 1 point in the rating. Even for responding to an application or posting an article in the store, you will be awarded points.

You can buy a PRO account with which some privileges will be available. Its price in 2019 is 5990 rubles, but it is possible to purchase a PRO account for shorter periods of time, at least for 1 day.

The commission for the intermediation of the exchange is charged on both sides and depends on the position in the rating:

  • student - 10%,
  • applicant - 9.75%,
  • bachelor - 9.5%,
  • master - 9.25%,
  • graduate student - 9%,
  • candidate - 8.75%,
  • doctor - 8.5,
  • Academician – 8.25%.

Prices are average, "schoolchildren" can start from the bar of 20 rubles. for 1000 characters. The bulk of orders are on average from 35 to 60 rubles per kilometer.

How to withdraw funds

  • WebMoney - 1%,
  • Yandex.Money - 2%,
  • QIWI - 2%,
  • bank card RF - 3%, but not less than 50 rubles
  • Bank card of other states - 4%, but not less than 250 rubles.

Money transfer is carried out within 3 working days. The minimum amount is 100 rubles. Express withdrawals are subject to an additional 5% fee for everyone, including a PRO account.

Penalties and incentives

Penalties are charged for overdue and low-quality work, which the customer refused. In these cases, points are removed from the rating.

There are ample opportunities to increase the rating on the exchange. Every day there is a quiz, by participating in which you can win extra points.

Pros and cons of

Exchange +Exchange -
Free entry to the stock exchangeSpecific design for an amateur
Easily raise your rating by earning extra points on everythingWhen the customer delays the review of the work for 4 days, the article goes to arbitration, which checks it and sends it back for revision or review to the customer.
The exchange is popular, there is a lot of work hereOn other exchanges, in such cases, the order automatically receives the status of completed, and the contractor receives money
Built-in multilateral text checking toolsFirst you have to take cheap orders to increase the rating one of the oldest copywriter exchanges, the criterion "advego nausea" has long been a meme.

The site is known for its tools for checking and semantic analysis of texts.

Entrance to the exchange

Scheme of work on

Orders are exposed as tenders and applications. Experienced copywriters with an accumulated rating participate in tenders.

The store of finished articles is available after the successful completion of 10 works to order.

On Advego, you need to fulfill 30 orders per week and 200 per month. One application for a job can be left only once every 10 minutes. In the case of revision - everything about everything is given 24 hours.

Exceeding the number of characters in the article is not welcome.

  • amateur - has the right to fulfill only 1 order;
  • specialist - 2 orders at the same time;
  • professional - 3 orders;
  • expert – 4 orders:
  • guru - an unlimited number of orders, for this level it is obligatory to pass a test in the Russian language.

Commission for exchange services - 10% on each side.

Orders of different price categories, for beginners in copywriting from 0.6 to 1.5 $ per kilosign.

How to withdraw funds

  • WebMoney - 0.8%,
  • QIWI - 2%,
  • Bank card - 3%.

Calculations are made in U.E. 3% charge for currency conversion. Money is withdrawn for a very long time - 16 days. For express withdrawal - 5%. The minimum amount is from 5 to 10 $ depending on the wallet.

Penalties and incentives

An order taken into work can be canceled without penalty within 30 minutes.

On the Advego exchange, literary competitions with remuneration are held.

Pros and cons of a rapidly growing popular exchange among beginners with its anti-plagiarism checker.

It's based on the number of orders. But the minimum price for a kilosign of 5 rubles is found only here.

Entrance to the exchange

Admission is free, you just need to register.

Scheme of work on

After registration, you can immediately start working. There are a lot of extremely cheap orders on the exchange, available to completely green beginners.

You need to select an order and submit an application. The customer himself chooses the contractor from among the applicants. There is auto-acceptance if you fit the parameters specified by the customer.

There is a shop of ready articles.

A beginner with a zero rating can raise his status by passing a Russian language test or writing papers for qualification.

Depending on the quality of the qualifying article, you are given from 0 to 3 stars. Each star gives access to the submission of applications for orders with a limit.

The commission for the services of the exchange - 5% on each side - is the lowest among all copywriting exchanges.

Orders of different price categories, a lot of extremely cheap ones from 5 rubles. A lot of work of the middle price category - from 50 to 70 rubles. per kilosign.

How to withdraw funds

  • WebMoney - 2%,
  • QIWI - 2%,
  • Yandex. Money - 1%,
  • Bank card - 4%.

Money is withdrawn within 5 working days. For express withdrawal - 5%. The minimum amount is from 250 rubles.

Penalties and incentives

For overdue work and a customer complaint, the rating is lowered. There is a risk of going negative.

The performer can work on his status, passing testing, qualification and certification.

Pros and cons of— a closed exchange with above-average earnings, but with strict requirements for authors.

Entrance to the exchange

Regular registration is not enough to work on the Turbotext exchange. First you need to fill out a registration form, after passing this procedure, you will find several tests.

  • Russian language test. Walking time - 8 min. In 15 questions, 3 errors are allowed. Transfer is possible after 30 days.
  • An essay on a randomly assigned topic. Themes are nice, general philosophical. A week is given for writing, they will check hard, within 3 days. In case of failure, the work can be rewritten in a month.

While you are passing the tests, you have access to microtasks at a price of 10-15 rubles.

Scheme of work on

With a grade of 4 for writing, you will be given access to orders for rewriting, with a grade of 5, copywriting becomes available. But you need to be prepared for the fact that there may not be work for beginners. All orders are snapped up by more experienced authors.

There is no tender system here, if you see an order, you can immediately take it to work.

There is an unusual "Live" function, you can see who is working on what order at the moment.

The article store becomes available after receiving 300 points in the ranking.

  • beginner - from 22 rubles,
  • basic - from 39 rubles,
  • high - from 86 rubles,
  • professional - from 189 rubles.

The exchange is focused on the fact that the customer is always right. If you don't like your work, chances are you won't get paid. Commission for exchange services - 20% is charged only from the contractor.

How to withdraw funds

  • WebMoney - 0.8%,
  • QIWI - 1.5%,
  • Bank card - 4%.

Money is withdrawn on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the day. For express withdrawal - 7%. The minimum amount for electronic wallets is 50 rubles, for bank cards - 500 rubles.

Penalties and incentives

Pros and cons of a relatively new closed exchange, positioning itself as a platform for quality content. The feature of this exchange is a free copywriting school for those who have passed entrance tests.

Entrance to the exchange

Copywriters who have passed the entrance exams are allowed to work on the stock exchange.

  • Russian language test. Walking time - 15 minutes. 30 questions. The threshold for passing is 75 points. Delivery only after 3 months.
  • Article on a given topic, which moderators check manually.
90% of applicants are eliminated. The exchange positions itself as a place where only the best authors work.

Scheme of work on ContentMonster

After successfully passing the entrance examinations, the author fills out his profile and starts searching for orders. Seeing an interesting order, the author must leave a request with a description of why he is suitable for the role of the performer.

After the approval of your candidacy, you must write the work on time, strictly observing the terms of reference, check the text on any anti-plagiarizer (there is its own Monster Antiplagiat Online program) and send it to the customer.

  • newbie,
  • advanced,
  • experienced,
  • pro,
  • master.

With a large number of fines, you can go to a negative rating level. The growth of positions is influenced by literacy grades and customer ratings.

In reviews of the Content Monster exchange, they often write about unjustified and unfair rating downgrades by moderators.

Arbitration in most cases acts on the side of customers.

There is no store of ready-made articles.

Commission for exchange services - 20% is charged only from the contractor. At the same time, the author sees the price already taking into account the commission.

How to withdraw funds

  • WebMoney - 0.8%,
  • QIWI - 1.5%,
  • Bank card - 3%, but not less than 50 rubles.

Money is withdrawn on Mondays and Fridays from 1 to 3 working days. Instant payout is estimated at 5%. The minimum amount for electronic wallets is 150 rubles, for bank cards - 100 rubles.

Penalties and incentives

Penalized for overdue deadlines, refusals to pay by the customer, failure to complete revisions, negative feedback customer.

Points are awarded according to the scheme of 10 units for 1 dollar earned on the exchange. For registered copywriters, a mastery school with lessons and tests is open. After training, a certificate and a distinctive badge in the profile are issued. Education is free.

Pros and cons of an exchange for experienced copywriters with a very strict selection system.

Entrance to the exchange

3 entrance tests:

  1. The classic 4-choice spelling and punctuation test. The number of attempts is not limited, 1 mistake - you need to start over. The test time is 5 minutes.
  2. An essay for 2-3 thousand characters and several sentences with direct occurrence of crooked keys. Although restrictions on style are not set, the text with vernacular will not work. 2 attempts, the second in 7 days. After the second unsuccessful attempt, you are blocked without the right to restore your account. In case of successful completion of the 2nd round, it is required to fill out a profile - photo, personal information, etc.
  3. Test for knowledge of the rules of the exchange without time limits.

Scheme of work on Miratext

You have access to the list of orders, some of them can be taken immediately, without waiting for the consent of the customer, in other cases, the customer selects the contractor from the applicants who have submitted applications.

It is possible to sell finished articles.

All articles are checked by a staff editor before being sent to the customer, who evaluates your work. The fate of the copywriter on the stock exchange and even the size of the commission depends on his decision. If the score is less than 5 points, the commission charged to the author remains 20%.

There is arbitration that resolves disputes between authors and editors or customers.

Commission for the customer - 0%, for the contractor - 20%.

Rates are high. 60-70 rubles/kiloznak earns a copywriter of the average hand.

How to withdraw funds

  • WebMoney - 3%,
  • Yandex.Money - 1.5%,
  • QIWI - 1.5%,
  • Bank card - 2%.

Within 1 business day, no amount limit.

Penalties and incentives

You can leave work within 30 minutes. without penalty, with an indication of the reason.

There is also a reward system.

MiraCupcakes is a system of bonuses that are awarded for every 100 rubles of an order rated by the editor at 5.

Pros and cons

Exchange +Exchange -
Rigid selection eliminates competitors dumping on free exchanges (students, schoolchildren, illiterate and irresponsible copywriters)Very strict selection at the entrance
System of bonuses and rewards for good authorsPicky editors, hard to get a 5
Responsive technical supportIt is easy to fly out of the exchange without the right to recover if you get scores of 2 and 3 several times in a row
Very fast withdrawalHighly high percent commissions

Top 6 Best Copywriting Exchanges: Comparison Table

NameEntranceExchange Commission
From the author/
from the customer
Average price range per 1000 charactersLevel of copywriters
TextopenDepends on status
10-8,25 %
35-60 rub.beginning,
Advegoopen10 % / 10 % 35-60 rub.beginning,
Etxtopen5 % / 5% 20-60 rub.beginning,
literacy test
20 % / 0 % 40-90 rub.intermediate, advanced
literacy test
20 % / 0 % 40-60 rub.intermediate, advanced
literacy test
exchange knowledge test
20 % / 0 % 60-70 rub.intermediate, advanced

Comparing copywriting exchanges, everyone chooses the best platform for work.

See, just an example - here is the article for a psychology website, I received 300 rubles for it. I wrote for about an hour.

Rewriting is a very common activity on the Internet.
The essence of the work of a rewriter in rewriting ready texts for sale on special exchanges, or, in my case, directly to the customer.
Texts can be taken from the Internet, newspapers, magazines and even from videos. The main task of the rewriter is to rewrite the selected text and make it unique, while retaining the meaning and information contained in it. Remember how in your school years you wrote a presentation in the Russian language lessons.

To become a rewriter, you need two desires: to work and earn. As well as four qualities of character: diligence, patience, perseverance, perseverance. You need a computer, the Internet, and, most importantly, you need to have the following skills:

  1. write correctly with correct punctuation.
  2. Express the same idea in different words.
  3. skillfully select synonyms for words.
  4. make several simple sentences out of complex sentences.
  5. from several simple sentences to make one complex one.
  6. to formulate thoughts clearly, clearly, in public phrases.

If you have all the above qualities of character, tools and skills, then you can safely proceed, register on the exchange Etxt and start working. If you have any questions, please refer to my instructions. It will be more difficult for those who do not have Russian language literacy at their best. But if you have a strong desire, perseverance and hard work, you can also achieve great success in this field. In any case, you do not lose anything, but only gain: learn to write without errors, express your thoughts correctly, improve the culture of speech and, of course, earn money.

Where to start in order to earn the first money on rewriting?

The task of a conscientious rewriter is to strive to ensure that the cherished figure is as close as possible to 100%.

If the program indicates the lack of uniqueness, do not despair, increase it, try to refine the text. Practice on anti-plagiarism until you reach at least 85/90.

And only after that you can try to sell your first article. Before getting to the site, your article will be checked by a moderator. Be prepared for the fact that it can be returned for revision. The reasons for the return can be different: spelling errors, incorrect placement of words in the text, and so on.
Exchanges offer rewriters two options for activity:

  1. Write articles on topics that interest you and set your price, put up for sale.
  2. Write articles on topics specified by the customer, for the price assigned to him.

In the first case, you have to wait for someone to pay attention to your article and buy it.

To attract attention and find a buyer faster:

  • write articles on topics that are in demand;
  • create effective titles for your articles;
  • do not overestimate the price, but do not put too little, appreciate your work.

In the second case, with the exact execution of the order, earnings are guaranteed. But the difficulty is that the customer sets a deadline for the execution of his order. There is always a risk, especially for an inexperienced beginner, to miss the deadline and lose the order. Even worse, if your article is returned for revision, and you do not have time to correct it before the end of the deadline. As a result, you will let the customer down. On the forums and in the reviews you can find a lot of complaints about this. It is often written that orders are first accepted by rewriters, and then a refusal is received. To prevent this from happening to you:

  • take orders with the longest lead time;
  • take orders only on topics in which you are well versed;
  • if you are not friends with discipline, but want to be a rewriter, it is better to work according to the first option;
  • do not take on short-term orders when you have a difficult or nervous situation at home (for example, a child is sick or guests have arrived).

To be honest, making money copywriting is real. Here is the main secret in relation - you should be pinned to write. If the process of writing seems difficult, although this is a mistake, monotonous, although this is relative, then first you need to get rid of these sensations.

To write well, quickly and, as a result, profitably, you need practice, you need work and development. After a while, you yourself will feel that writing is easy and interesting, especially when you get paid for it. Subscribe to my blog updates Facebook group Let's learn this art together.

I hope the article was useful for you and you get the most out of it. My project tries to provide all the information about the activities of rewriters and copywriters, those who make a living writing texts. You'll find information about article exchanges where you can register and get started, instructions on how to work on them, and how to write different types of articles. And a lot of things.

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Today, many people know such concepts as "copywriting" and "rewriting". What they have in common is that it is the work of creating unique texts. Only copywriting is writing new content, and rewriting is changing what has already been written before. But why puzzle, come up with a new text, when a lot of articles have already been written on the Internet on almost any topic. You just need to pick the best options and redo them. This will save a lot of writing time creating good content.

Work as a rewriter

What is the essence of the work of a rewriter

Every day, Internet resources are being created that need high-quality content on their topics. Therefore, the services of a copywriter and rewriter are in demand today, because it is these specialists who create an original and competent text that will carry maximum useful information.

Even the most complex information will be processed and presented by the rewriter so that it becomes more attractive to readers. Based on this article, he will make two or even more completely different articles. If you have certain skills and constantly develop, you can make pretty good money on it.

Almost every person who knows at least a little Russian, knows how to write correctly, can become a rewriter. You also need to be creative, diligent, hardworking, attentive to details.

Rewriting - real online earnings

To write high-quality texts, earn money by rewriting, you need to have the following basic skills:

  1. It is good to know the Russian language, the rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  2. Be able to form your thoughts, select synonyms, retell one phrase in different words.
  3. Use headings, subheadings, paragraphs, quotes, tips, in other words, structure the text correctly so that it is better perceived by the reader.
  4. Build simple sentences that are easy to understand.
  5. Use a minimum of meaningless information (water), formulate thoughts clearly and understandably.

So, the main task of a rewriter is the ability to convey the meaning of the source material so that it changes and becomes 100% unique. Of course, this is not easy to achieve, because every day there is more and more information on various topics on the Internet. It may also be that the text, which is written independently from scratch, will turn out to be plagiarism. This is especially true when writing on current topics.

What are the main types of rewriting

There are several types of rewriting, but the main ones are:

  • Simple. You need to change one article to another. The contractor receives a ready-made article on a specific topic. It needs to be redone so that the meaning is preserved, but at the same time it becomes unique. To do this, you need to change the words in the original article to synonyms, swap them, etc. Thus, simple rewriting is a reworked finished material.
  • Difficult. From several finished articles, you need to make one unique one. The contractor receives 2 or more finished articles that he needs to work through in order to get one new one from them. At the same time, the structure of the text changes completely, but it is also important here to preserve the original meaning of the source material. Complex rewriting is as close as possible to copywriting.
  • Translation. Translation of the text into different languages, for example, from English into Russian, is also considered rewriting, while the meaning of the source material must be preserved.

How to get started

Earning sites will help you start your journey in rewriting - special content exchanges, where the likelihood of falling for a scammer is minimized. After choosing and registering on the exchange, you can start searching for an order.

Rewriting is a creative and interesting job

Having received an order for rewriting the text, you need to find an online service for the selection of synonyms, which will help to greatly simplify the work. Choose for yourself a convenient service with which it will be comfortable to work further. To find a synonym for a word, you just need to drive it into the search bar on such a service.

The material received from the customer must be rewritten, changing the words in it as much as possible, they can also be interchanged.

Important! When the new text is ready, check it for uniqueness. To do this, many exchanges have online services, some offer to download the program. If the verified material is of good uniqueness (as a rule, customers require 95% or more), you can safely submit it for verification.

  1. It is better to choose material (sources of information) from those resources that are little known and not very popular. Texts from the first pages search engines, as a rule, have already been rewritten many times. It is better to look for such sites or blogs that have just appeared and are not strongly promoted.
  2. It is better to understand one or more popular topics, and not to take on everything in a row. Becoming a pro at one thing, you can provide yourself with regular orders in large quantities.
  3. When rewriting, it is not necessary to rewrite one article, even if the customer provided the source material. You can work through several articles, taking from them the most interesting and useful information.
  4. The written article needs to be checked not only for uniqueness, but also for spelling and punctuation. For this, there are special services on the Internet. Also, the article must be re-read to remove possible typos, unfinished sentences, etc.

Creating unique content is a great way to make money online

Today, when copywriting is a popular service, many people try to pass off rewriting, which is far from always the highest quality, as a copywriter in order to earn more. It is better to make high-quality rewriting of several articles than to lose your credibility with customers later.

The best exchanges for copywriters


Offers Better conditions where you can find rewriting - one of the best earning sites for beginners. Work can be selected immediately, without waiting for the customer to approve the application and select the contractor.

The average price for 1000 characters is 20-80 rubles, which is pretty good for a user taking the first steps in copywriting.

To start working here, you need to pass a test, write an article with key queries and answer questions about the rules of working on the exchange. It may not be possible to go through all these stages the first time, but there are an unlimited number of attempts to pass testing.

Exchange Etext

Copywriting exchange with a huge number of orders. It is not difficult to take a job, despite the fact that the right to choose from among the users who submitted the application belongs to the customer.

This exchange is perfect for getting started, but the fees are quite low. So, for 1000 rubles, beginners can get 5-20 rubles. As the rating increases, you can qualify for more expensive orders. You can sell your finished articles through the exchange store.

You can register on the exchange for free, there is no testing here, so you can work immediately after registration. content exchange

Exchange Turbotext

The level of earnings on this exchange is quite high. To start working on it, you need to go through the registration procedure and testing for knowledge of the Russian language, as well as write a short essay on a specific topic.

Work on writing texts and translation. If there are finished articles, they can be sold. But the main drawback of the exchange is that a commission of 20% of the order price is withheld from the contractor.


Popular content exchange with many positive feedback. There are no orders here where 1000 signs cost less than 20 rubles. The cost of orders increases depending on the growth of the rating. After registration, you need to pass testing and write an essay. Time for testing is limited.

Exchange Monica

Quite a young exchange, which has already become popular. It is not difficult to work here, you do not need to look for orders and wait for the approval of your candidacy. After choosing the order you like, you can start its execution. The editor will check and accept the order or send it for revision. The cost of 1000 characters for beginners is 40-60 rubles.

To get started, you need to register and pass a test in Russian. After that, attach your work on the chosen topic. You will also have to write a short text explaining why your articles will be interesting and useful.

Exchange Workzilla

The best exchange for beginners. After a simple registration procedure and correctly filling in the data in the profile, you can choose the work option you like and wait until the customer chooses as a contractor.

After writing the work will be checked by the customer. If the check is passed, the frozen money is transferred to the account. Payment for all tasks goes through the service.

How much can you earn on rewriting?

Rewriting will be a profitable business if you approach it responsibly, devoting a significant amount of time and effort. This is not passive income, and the amount of earnings depends directly on the person himself and the efforts made.

At first, you will have to work hard, devote a lot of time to work, but gradually the skills and abilities in creating unique and high-quality content will develop.

At first, the payment will be low (about 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters) in order to gain experience, rating, customer reviews and create a portfolio. This way you can find regular customers. As professionalism grows, the level of income will increase.

Real earnings online

You can earn as a rewriter for 1000 characters of written text from 5 to 200 rubles, but the rate can be higher. Depending on the subject, the requirements for the order and the printing speed of the rewriter, the prices will be different.

Important! A novice rewriter can earn about $ 100 per month, as he develops in this area, income can be higher than $ 300-400 per month.

Writing articles for money is a decent way of working that can bring in a very good income on the Internet. You should not expect that money will rain down, because rewriting is a complex, monotonous and rather laborious process, especially at the initial stage. If you constantly develop, improve skills, you can reach a high level of profit.