Product presentation algorithm. Presentation of a new product: a spectacular start is the basis for success Advertising presentation of a product example

If the success of the first two stages of sales depends on communication skills and knowledge. At the presentation stage, knowledge of the product you are selling is necessary. It would be nice to know your competitors this product. Very often, the buyer needs to be convinced that your product is the best on the market, that is, to take the client away from a competitor. In the first two stages of sales, you form a positive emotional mood of the client; during the presentation, you must support it with logic.

The more global knowledge the seller has, the more tools he has to conduct a high-quality presentation of the product. Knowledge is the main weapon of a seller; everyone wants to buy from competent professionals. The seller's knowledge must be greater than the client's knowledge.

Here are the basic rules for conducting a presentation:

  1. Know the product you are selling well. You must learn to connect the features of your product with the benefits for the customer. This tool is called ;
  2. which you are selling. Very often the seller believes that his product is worse than those offered by a competitor. The presentation will not be convincing if the seller himself does not believe in his product;
  3. Sell ​​according to your needs. Name only those benefits that may interest the client. For example, it would be stupid to tell a wealthy client with a need, for example, for comfort, about how much he can save. At the very least, the client will not be interested in hearing about it.
  4. A good presentation of a product to the buyer is a dialogue, not a monologue. I often meet talented salespeople who give a lecture for 10-15 minutes during a presentation. For a presentation to be effective, the client must be involved in it;
  5. Don't just talk, but also show the product. As we know, according to the perception of information, people are divided into and. And only by telling we influence only one group of people. Therefore, if possible, show the product, it is best to let it hold. If the product is not material, prepare visual information(diagrams, graphs, pictures, etc.)
  6. Nonverbal communication. Don't stand there like a statue looking to the side. Success in sales depends on;
  7. Don't be monotonous. There is nothing worse than monotony in a salesperson's voice. To focus on important points use pauses, change the volume of speech, try to speak at the same speed as the client, then it will be easier for him to understand you;
  8. Positive. Charge the client with positivity; adding humor and jokes to the presentation is welcome. Don't be neutral, much less skeptical or negative. We feed off each other's emotions, you must give positive emotions to the client;
  9. Speak in a language that the client understands, do not use without emergency complex terms;
  10. Bring it on. You need to not only explain why your product is better from a logical point of view. But also to convey the emotions that the client will receive from using the product;
  11. Form . This is a very important stage of any sale; the client must know your USP. The seller must be able to convey it to the client. The business must be able to form a USP in the eyes of the employee;

The better the presentation, the less difficulties there will be when dealing with objections and. The presentation should be “tasty”; the client should imagine how he uses the product and enjoys it. Pay attention to point 8. Only with positivity can you overcome what, in my opinion, is the most difficult thing about some clients - this is indifference to you and to the product. In my practice, there have been cases when I sold a product that had previously caused a negative feeling in the client (for example, having bought product X and having received unpleasant memories from it, the client will not want to buy it again) and this negative experience can only be overcome with a good positive charge, which No one will give it except the seller.

Sometimes I hear “this is all good, but I can’t do it” or “all this doesn’t apply in life.” Most unsuccessful salespeople believe in the “golden key”; they think that there are some phrases or benefits that make the client always say “yes”. But this is not true, even the most best sellers They can’t sell to everyone all the time.

How to learn everything that is said above? Learn only by constantly asking: “What in my work can be improved?” Work on yourself, record your sales on a voice recorder, and then listen to them. Practice more, without much practice there will be no success. As a rule, the presentation itself smoothly flows into the next stage of sales -.

Product presentation examples

You can present the product in different ways. Let's look at some techniques for presenting a product to a client.

Presentation on identified needs

Each benefit begins with the words “you said you need XXXXX, our product has such and such a function.” The essence of the method is that you operate more on what the client himself is, his words.

Price fork

For a client who is primarily focused on the price of a product, there is a good presentation tool called . The essence of the method comes down to the fact that the price of the product is compared with other products and, from the point of view of a more favorable price relative to other products, the client is explained that your product is better. There are clients for whom the main thing is to buy at a good price and all they need is to prove the market profitability of your offer.


Giving the customer a feel for the product is very important, so active demonstration is very important. Often the entire sale is based on a demonstration, for example, the famous Kirby vacuum cleaners are sold through a demonstration or. The demonstration is most often used in.

Take my word for it

The technique is very simple, it is more related to working with objections, but often a presentation is built around it. Having heard from a client that price is important to him, for example, you ask the question - “I understand correctly that if I offer you more low price, will you agree? If the client says “yes,” then it’s up to you to offer. If the client says “no,” then you ask “what is most important to you then?”

How not to give a presentation

In conclusion, I would like to give one piece of advice that still helps me give better presentations. If during the presentation you want to buy from yourself, then most likely you are doing everything right. But to make sure that you are exactly on the right track, recording what you do will help. Only sound is possible, but better video. Sometimes you can see this...

The “big” online business has long had a proven scheme for increasing sales: mechanisms for personal recommendations, “smart” search results that adapt to the user or stimulate sales of a hand-selected product. They try not only to sell the product itself, but also to additionally offer related or similar ones.

Such systems usually do not work with “small” online stores - for example, in a designer handbag store there is unlikely to be anything to recommend “for the load”, thereby increasing the amount in the cart. But in terms of selling the product itself and its “delicious” presentation, there are much more opportunities.

Today we’ll look at what techniques you can use when creating a small ecommerce website. And so as not to get bored, we will choose the brightest and original examples as illustrations.

Method one: win the heart

This method seems to us the least reliable, since the sale must occur strictly at the moment while the user is impressed. Very fast and impulsive. If the price of the issue is more than the user is willing to pay without thinking, he will most likely begin to doubt, and this will cool his emotions.

Example:, A fantastically beautiful shoe site in terms of effects. Music plays in the background as we slowly immerse ourselves in beauty. Ten seconds - and the target user already wants to become part of this beauty.

Example:, website for markers with fruit scents. The site ostensibly appeals to thoughtful adults by formally showing the production process. However, he does this in a “childish” manner, with the help of bright illustrations and fancy drawn mechanisms.

Method two: create the illusion of ownership

The good old gaming mechanism: if you want someone to buy something from you, let them play for free. A sort of virtual demo version of the product. All kinds of online product designers are very suitable for this purpose. They fulfill two goals at once: the user models his own product design and quietly gets used to the idea that this thing already belongs to him.

Example: offers to paint your future bike. The creative process is fascinating: you can repaint everything, right down to the seat and the knitting needles.

Example: - a skateboard designer that is simply fantastic in beauty and functionality. In the center is a user-rotated 3D model.

Method three: show the product “in real life”

One of the main problems of online stores is the inability to try on the product right away. And we’re not just talking about clothes: for example, we all want to know 100% that the sofa will fit into the interior of the room, because most likely it cannot be easily and quickly returned to the store. You can do expensive online fitting rooms, or you can do a high-quality photo shoot with the product. Remember, by the way, these super-stylish IKEA catalogs - this is where you can simultaneously demonstrate the product “in real life” and cross-sell through photo content.

Example: — a store of designer items for the kitchen. You can see excellent photos with examples of how the thing looks in a real environment. Another find: “boring” data like dimensions and materials are displayed in a non-trivial way (click on “show details” in the catalog) and you will see something like this:

Example: — there is a separate promo for each headphone model. Distinctive feature: In addition to the excellent display of materials, the product is shown as part of the image. Each model has its own mood and style.

Method four: identify the user and the lyrical hero

Storytelling, which everyone loves to talk about, but for some reason no one really uses on e-commerce sites and in digital product campaigns. The main criterion for success here: a powerful story with a hero at the center. The hero, of course, uses the promoted product. By the way, the previous example with headphones also applies here.

Example: — probably one of the most powerful storytelling projects in history lately. Honda Civic Type R offers an interactive video on YouTube (by the way, also a trend). By pressing the R key on the keyboard, the user can switch between alternative stories: about an exemplary citizen and a hooligan. Of course, they both drive Hondas.

Example: — promo of fashionable glasses. At the center of the action are models of different types, who have one thing in common: impeccable style. The line of glasses is even called the special term “eyewear,” emphasizing that the product belongs to fashion accessories, and not just glasses.

Method five: kill doubts

When we order a product online, there are always doubts in terms of “will I really get what is in the picture?”, “Are they really making it from the declared eco-friendly materials?” To neutralize such doubts, a demonstration of the work process (for designer items) and a demonstration of the device (for complex mechanisms/gadgets) are excellent.

Example: — the wedding dress atelier demonstrates in detail the entire production process using video. The video conveys the love that the creators put into the dresses and evokes warm feelings in those who watch it.

Example: - one of the most impressive sites wristwatch. Scrolling activates a great story: we see the history of the brand, as well as a detailed demonstration of the workings of the watch movement.

And one more thing

Nobody forbids combining methods. You just need to keep in mind the only correct attitude: a product website or a small e-commerce site should take advantage of its advantages over its “big” brothers. Play on emotions, and not just tempt with favorable prices and promotions.

Everything you need to know to successfully present your product in sales. Only living, working techniques, proven in practice!

Rule #1: People don't care about the product.

  • We listen to the words - markers client. They tell us about his needs (“small”, “powerful”, “so beautiful”)
  • We combine the product with the client's needs!
  • We translate the product into results and benefits for the client.

People really don't care what new TV the company released. The client is interested in how this TV will help solve the problem of leisure. The dialogue between the seller and the client resembles “putting together a puzzle.” If you were able to select a product to suit the client’s request, or “deploy” your product in the right direction, everything will work out.

Rule No. 2. Language of Benefits

  • The language of use is a speech module.
  • It helps reveal the benefits of a product by separating the feature from the benefit the customer receives.
  • This makes the salesperson's speech clear and understandable to the client.

The diagram looks like this:

For example:

This laptop has a protection function (“3 D” spatial tracking sensor), which will allow you to save your personal data if it falls. (photos, films, music)

During training, I always give an exercise to master this skill. Participants fill out the following table:

The price is open to the buyer. The benefits are often hidden.

The client does not see all the beneficial benefits. The seller's task is to open the benefit and close the price.

This can only be done if you use the Language of Benefit. A sign or characteristic of a product in itself is neither good nor bad. It can be perceived both positively and negatively. Benefit is something that makes life easier, creates comfort, and fulfills needs.

Rule No. 3. “Circle of Argumentation”

  • “Circle of Argumentation” is a speech module that allows you to “link” the client’s need with the product offered.
  • Up to this point, it is assumed that you have used the Question Funnel, and now you are reaping the benefits in the form of the Argumentation Circle.
  • The language of benefit is an integral part of this scheme. We just add the client’s needs in the form of words – markers.

“So, you said that you often go on business trips...” If we consider the “view from above”, then this is the Circle of Argumentation.

And if you imagine it figuratively, it’s like a spiral, when one circle ends, the next one begins. For example, moving to the next circle “And also, you said that you often play online...”

So, circle after circle, we clearly and calmly, addressing the client’s needs, reveal to him all the advantages of our offer. The main thing is not to confuse the client! Pause and monitor the client's emotional reactions.

Rule No. 4. “Read” the model

When you read a book on your own, “to yourself” – your goal is for you to understand the meaning yourself. When, for example, you read a book out loud to a child, or quote something to your colleague, your goal is for the other person to understand you.

So it is with the technique of “reading” the model. This means reading the model “out loud” for the client, revealing all the benefits.

  • The key idea of ​​the model (“what they buy it for”).
  • Functional/emotional benefit. Be able to explain using one or another benefit.
  • Technologies or functional features. "Chips" of the model.
  • "Product Story" “One buyer bought it last month and came and thanked us because...”

Rule No. 5. Key idea (Speech modules)

The key idea is “what they buy for.” Two or three key phrases will help the client understand the main benefits. If you know how to read a model, then you are always ready to communicate - sell!

Example: Toshiba mini NB305 laptop:

  • For those who value freedom and style.
  • Compact, stylish, battery life up to 11 hours.

Methodological materials with models and key ideas are usually available in every company. If not, create it urgently, otherwise sellers will tell such tales of the Vienna Woods that it will not seem enough.

Rule No. 6. Men and women

Men and women are different in almost every way, so why shouldn't they shop differently?

Therefore, you need to remember the main points:

  • Functional/Emotional benefits.
  • Maintaining a 3:1 balance. Men need 3 functional benefits and 1 emotional benefit. It's the opposite for women.
  • Behavior of men and women in the store. Women are process-oriented, while men are result-oriented.

As Paco Underhill, a trade specialist and founder of Evirosell, writes, women really enjoy shopping more: calmly walking through stores, looking at products, comparing quality and prices, talking to sellers, asking them questions, trying on selected items and finally pay for your purchases.

Compared to women, men in stores are like stray bullets. Men move through store aisles faster than women and also spend less time looking at products. In many cases, it's difficult to get their attention to something they didn't intend to buy. Usually they don’t like to ask where the department with the product they need is located, and generally don’t like to ask questions to sellers.

Rule No. 7. “No “walking encyclopedias”

“Walking encyclopedia” is a very scary type of seller. He will overwhelm you with an information avalanche, and those clients who do not manage to escape earlier remain buried under a pile of incomprehensible information.

This is a salesman who loves monologue. It seems to him that he is passing a certification exam for knowledge of the product. AU! We are already selling! And before us is a living person, a buyer.

What to do to prevent this from happening:

  • Observe the client's reactions. The client is more likely to be “alive” or “dead”
  • Take breaks.
  • “Do you know how to check?” 1 minute test. This is a simple criterion that is so memorable that the buyer will be able to tell others about it. As if revealing secret information for the client: “Do you know how to distinguish a good conditioner from a bad one?”, “Do you know how to check that this is genuine leather?” It would also be nice if the buyer could check the product for compliance with the standard using a test that is not difficult for him.
  • Give the product into your hands. Include the Client in the presentation. “The Puppy Effect.” Test drives for cars are based on this.
  • “How did you feel?” Summary question. Otherwise, redundancy of arguments arises and the intonation of the last phrase hangs.

Rule No. 8. Eliminate “Harmful Words”!

13 Aug Sales presentation. 9 tips that will make your presentation selling. Sales techniques and techniques

Hello, dear colleagues and friends. In this article I want to work with you on a very relevant and interesting topic in sales. This topic is.

When you talk about your product, it's all a presentation. But very often managers, and even heads of the sales department, talk about their product so unconvincingly that the client no longer has any desire to buy it. And managers, especially inexperienced ones, often do this - they go to the boss and say: “You know, our product is not selling. The price is not the same, the conditions are not the same, the terms are not the same, and so on.”

There have been cases when we followed managers' lead and we made the product better. They lowered prices, organized some promotions, and the like. Do you think sales have changed?

Very often - haven't changed at all. Because it wasn't about the product, it was about presentation skills.

How to make a presentation selling and interesting? How to motivate a client to take a targeted action?

Sales presentation. Chip 1. Red button

What does the red button mean? Every client you talk to has something in your specific offering -most important, most significant, most valuablefor him. This is the red button.

When you communicate with a client, you must understand what is most important and significant for this particular client.

Yes, other characteristics matter too. But there is a certain core, the most important thing. And, if you are a good salesman, if you learn to grasp what this red button is for the client, you will have a truly selling presentation.

Don’t present everything, but only the most important things.. Your presentation should revolve around this red button.

How do you understand when you communicate with a client what is most meaningful to him?

If you read the article , then you know Linda Richardson's advice: learn to listen. The most important thing you must do islisten to the client. Listen and hear.

This is often where the error occurs. A manager, when he listens to some information from a client, and understands that for him, for the manager, it is not significant - he concludes that the client just voiced it and does not pay much attention to it. And herein lies the big mistake.

If the client said it, said it out loud, it means it matters to him.Record the words and phrases that the client says - and then use them in the presentation. This is a foolproof way to build your sales presentation around the red button.

Sales presentation. Chip 2. We are you

Inexperienced managers oftenbuild a presentation around themselves. They come to the client or call him, or correspond on social networks - it doesn’t matter. And they say: how good we are - we, we, we...

Sometimes this is given an apt name - "Mooing". That is, to say “We” all the time, to talk all the time about us, about the company. “We are so wonderful.” "We have good product, he is in great demand." “We have a very long history as a company.” And so on.

Translate all phrases into the “language of BENEFIT” - that is, say “You”, talk about the client.Not “We have 100 types of products in stock,” but “You can receive more than 100 types of products at any time.”

This is the simplest trick. It may even be obvious to you, but, unfortunately, many managers do not know or do not use this trick.

Check your presentation. Translate it into the “language of BENEFIT”. Get rid of the "Mooing". And you will have a strong, selling presentation.

Do the same with your scripts, sales on social networks - wherever possible, say and write “You”.

Sales presentation. Chip 3. Characteristics - benefits - emotions

A good sales presentation should be built in an ascending line.

First you saycharacteristicssome kind of product.

Then you addbenefit.

And you finish emotions.

How does this work? For example, I need to sell you one of my webinars. Perhaps even free - that is, not to sell, but to invite you. I periodically conduct such free webinars - you can find out when the next one will be by going to .

Features and Benefits

One of the characteristics of a webinar is its duration. I can tell you: “The duration of the webinar is 1 hour.” This -characteristic.

How can this characteristic be used to makebenefit? I can say: “The duration of the webinar is 1 hour.During this hour we will analyze in detail step by step plan development commercial offer. You will learn 1, 2, 3 steps that will help you create a commercial proposal ". Do you feel how I moved from characteristics to benefits? I’m talking about you, what you will receive, and sharing some specifics.

How to add emotion? Often even advanced managers have no emotions in their presentations. They listed the features, added the benefits, and that was it.

Emotion and call to action

If I were to addemotionin inviting you to a webinar, it would sound something like this: “The duration of the webinar is 1 hour. During this hour, we will analyze in detail the step-by-step plan for developing a commercial proposal. You will learn 1, 2, 3 steps that will help you create a commercial proposal.And at the end of the webinar, you may have a desire to take your old commercial proposal and either throw it away altogether or radically rework it. Because you will have a complete understanding of how to write a truly catchy and selling commercial proposal. In just 60 minutes. Register for the webinar and you will find out «.

You can see how the presentation was carried out - progressively, from characteristic to benefit, and from benefit to emotion. And please noteAdded a call to action at the very end.

Many people lack a call to action in their presentation. Also, instead of calling, you can use involving the client in a conversation and asking a question. But after emotions, it is the call to action that works well.

See if you have this transition in increasing order: characteristic - benefit - emotion. If not, be sure to think about what emotions you can evoke in the client. And then your sales presentation will become really good.

Sales presentation. Chip 4. “Tee” technique

If you are interested in fishing, or have at least seen fishing hooks, you have an idea of ​​what a “tee” is - a treble hook.

The Tee technique means that your sales presentation should address the interests of at least three parties - we're talking about B2B sales. This:

  • Benefits for the company (business)
  • Benefits for the decision maker with whom you communicate
  • Benefits for other company employees

This is especially true if you present your product to the top officials of the company - managers, owners. In addition to the benefits for business, you must indicate some benefit personally for the decision maker - I’m not talking about kickbacks, bribes, and the like. No, you must show that the decision maker also personally receives something. For example, this could be some convenient functionality specifically for management. This could be removing some routine tasks. These may be some additional guarantees. And so on - depending on what you are selling.

What does the decision maker get? What do other company employees receive, how does your product affect them? What does the business as a whole get?

If your sales presentation answers all these three questions, if your presentation has bait for all these three hooks, it will become more convincing, more interesting for the client. And all this will be taken into account when making a decision.

Sales presentation. Tip 5. More feedback!

Very often, when managers present their product - especially over the phone - they simply conduct their monologue, trying to tell everything about the product.

But there is absolutely no need to tell everything. First, you remember that the presentation needs to be built around the “red button” - the most important thing for the client.

Secondly, if you tell the client everything,it loads and stops receiving information.

Therefore, do not burden the client with a monologue. Ask more engaging questions.

For example, let's return to the webinar presentation. I say: “You will learn a step-by-step plan for drawing up a commercial proposal. By the way, Ivan Ivanovich, do you use commercial offers?”

That is, I ask an engaging question. The client is engaged, and after that I move on to the next part of the presentation - and then ask for feedback again.

Unfortunately, in my experience, it is very common for managers to not ask for feedback at all. They simply present and at the end ask: “Well, how do you like it?” And the client answers: “Well, I don’t know. We have to think." And this is where the presentation ends.

Check your presentation. Think about how often you ask for feedback. When you tell a client something, ask a question, ask for feedback. And your presentation will become selling.

Sales presentation. Tip 6. Social proof - social proof

If you are involved in marketing, then most likely you are familiar with this concept. In the article I talked about the power of social proof.

To enhance your presentation -show that your product is already being used.

Unfortunately, here in Russia, the sales profession initially has a bad reputation - I won’t say it’s undeserved. And when customers communicate with sellers, they initiallysellers are not trusted.

If the seller says: “Ivan Ivanovich, our product is the best on the market!” How will the client react to this? Of course, he will think: “I see, praise your product, it’s your job.”

Or the seller will say: “Ivan Ivanovich, there are a lot of products on the market, I myself monitor the ratings. By the way, our product was recognized by such and such a rating as one of the best.” Agree, in this casethere will be more trust in these words.

As you can see, the same idea - “our product is the best” - was said in different words. But in the second case the sellerreferred to the available evidence.

So be sure to check what social proof you are using. These may be links to reviews, articles, expert opinions, ratings, and the like. Your sales presentation will be much better using social proof.

Sales presentation. Tip 7. Reducing client fears

Your sales presentation must be sure to alleviate the client's fears. In my course There is a lesson called “4 client fears that prevent you from closing a deal.”

It is not customary to talk about fears.And clients very often do not voice these fears to you. Most of the time, they don't talk about it.But that doesn't mean clients don't think about it..

What is the point of this feature? Think about what stops clients, what are they afraid of? Write these fears down on a separate piece of paper - and dispel these fears in your presentation.

Let me give you a simple example: there is one travel company, with which we built sales. They were recruiting a group for a tour - a trip around the world.

When we analyzed successful and unsuccessful transactions, we saw one interesting thing. Some clients refused to buy a round the world tour because they thought the group would be mostly young people. Clients wanted their travel companions to be older, quieter people - and thought that they would not fit into the group.

This became clear later, after listening to calls and making follow-up calls. And the manager lost this client because he did not recognize this fear and could not overcome it. If a representative of a travel agency had caught this fear, this doubt that the client would not fit into the group, then he could have reflected in the presentation: that their groups are different, that the participants are absolutely not attached to each other, they can plan their own day, and so on .

As a result, because this fear was not addressed, the company lost tens of thousands of dollars on such clients.

Therefore, at the preparation stage, think -what fears does the client have, and how can they be dispelled?in your sales presentation.

Sales presentation. Tip 8. Use visualization

Be sure to use visualization - photographs, images, diagrams - anything that can illustrate your product.

Visual materials for a sales presentation are bestprepare in advance, before meeting with the client. As a last resort -draw during a meeting.

If you are subscribed to myInstagram , You saw how many books I recently ordered.

And among them was “Draw to Win” by Dan Roem, just on the topic of visualization. There is a whole chapter in it about selling with the help of drawings. A well-known fact that few people think about isWe receive 90% of information through vision. And our brain is best suited for processing visual images.

Remember now how you convey thoughts visually?

It happens that the client is simply sent a commercial proposal in the form of text in Word. No diagrams, no drawings, no photographs. That is, in general, there is nothing visual in such a commercial proposal. And the same bare text is brought to the meeting.

At one time, I developed a formula for creating an effective commercial proposal - you can read about it in the article One very important component is visual design. It is important to beautifully package your ideas and meanings, your selling text. After all, this significantly increases not only the likelihood of reading your commercial, but also, according to the results of our experiments, allows you to increase average bill transactions.

Therefore, your sales presentation should be illustrated. Show your client diagrams, graphs, images and photographs of your product. Draw yourself during the presentation - even simple circles, squares and triangles with arrows will enliven your communication with the client.

Sales presentation. Tip 9. Simple and easy step

Divide your purchasing process into several simple steps. Often we try to sell global cooperation right away - andyou need to sell a simple and easy step.I regularly talk about this in various videos on myYoutube channel , in articles on my blog on the It’s Time to Grow website - so, most likely, you are already familiar with this method and apply it. But if you don’t use it, then do it.

Sometimes, in the comments under mineReal calls , they write - “Well, of course, you’re offering such delicious freebies that it’s stupid to refuse.” But this is the sales trick.Offer something that the client would be foolish to refuse.

You have something that you can offer the client. It could be:

  • “Let’s just do the math to compare...”
  • “Let’s make a rough layout with you...”
  • “Let me now send you such and such useful materials...”

And the like.

Thus, You can make progress - forward to the deal - with a simple and easy step at the end of the presentation.

Even if you already want to conclude an agreement, you can say: “Ivan Ivanovich, let’s take your details now, we will prepare a draft agreement and agree with you.”

This is a less stressful step for the client. You can say: “If you are not satisfied with some conditions, you can always reconsider them. Let's start now."

With this approachprobability of deal closingand success of your presentationincreases by multiples.

Lead magnets

Now I often work with clients within the framework of the MRP program - . We are building sales departments and we are approaching sales in a completely new way, including cold calling.

How do you usually make calls? They call and offer some kind of cooperation. We do things differently now. We have developed a line of lead magnets. This is something free - but at the same time, useful and valuable for the client.

And this works very well in cold calling. That is, you are calling with the goal of sending this lead magnet to the client. Some useful selection of materials. Some diagrams. Some interesting ideas for his business with your products. And so on, there can be many options here.

And, under this pretext, you qualify the client and build further sales with him.

As you can see, the “Simple and Easy Step” feature works both in the presentation itself, directly in the communication process, and in general, in the sales system.

Sales presentation. Conclusion

Dear friends,I prepared for you . Many readers and viewers from myYoutube channel They collect such cheat sheets and mind maps. Download and use in your work when communicating with clients.

I thank you for your attention to this article. I hope you learned something useful from it, and with the help of these tips your sales presentation will become stronger and more effective.

Write your questions and suggestions in the comments on my pages

17 Jul Sales stages: Presentation. 6 presentation boosters

Hello friends. Most of you know that all stages of sales are important: the presentation will be much more difficult without identifying needs, and without working with objections, it is unlikely that the deal will be closed at all. That's why you know The work at each stage is revealed in detail.

However, it is the presentation that is considered by many to be the main and main stage of sales. When you present a solution, it is important to make sure that the person wants to use this solution. They can help you with this 6 presentation boosters Your solution from the course .

1. Emotions

Characteristic - benefit - emotion

The first way to strengthen your presentation is to add emotion. Often in trainings they are taught not to present the characteristics of a product that it has, but to present the benefits for the client.

For example, a credit card with a limit of 100,000 rubles. This is a characteristic. What's the benefit of this? “Ivan Ivanovich, this means that you will always have 100,000 rubles in your pocket for unforeseen expenses.” Thus,product characteristics turned into benefits for the client.

But today this is not enough. And to really enhance your presentation, add emotion.Convert the benefit into an emotion that the customer can feel.

Phrases such as “Imagine”, “You can feel” work well here - that is, something that reaches the emotional level.

For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, the limit on this card is 100,000 rubles. This means that you will always have 100,000 rubles in your wallet for unexpected expenses. Imagine - you went on a trip and came across an interesting sale - but you didn’t have cash with you in the required currency. You took out this card, purchased everything - and returned the money during the grace period, without overpaying the bank! At the same time, you ended up with the necessary things that you wanted to buy.”

Or: “Ivan Ivanovich, with this card there is no point in you wondering whether you have money in your wallet or not, because with this card you can pay in any store in the world, and, naturally, in any store in our country.”

That is, you are selling an emotion. And it immediately strengthens your presentation.

Meet the client's needs

This formula: characteristic - benefit - emotion acquires special power when it is based on the needs of the client. Therefore, I repeat - all stages of sales are important: the presentation should not take place without identifying needs.

In the process of clarifying the situation, you capture these needs, and if it is important for the client, for example, to save or earn money - that is, to receive some kind of material benefit, then in your presentation you talk about those characteristics that will give him this benefit.

For example, the same 100,000 rubles on the card can give the client some profit. “Ivan Ivanovich, you always have 100,000 rubles on your card. Now you don't have to worry about money. For example, you find yourself in a store in another country, you see a sale there - and there is the very thing that you have long wanted to buy, with a 30% discount! And you, using our card, buy this item, save 30% - and return the money to the bank during the grace period, without any overpayments!”

Thus, you have satisfied the client’s need for savings on an emotional level. There is such a wonderful phrase:

2. Replace “I” with “You.”

In other words, stop talking about you, your company, and talk more about the client, what does it mean for the client. This is the so-called benefit language.

For example, instead of saying: “Ivan Ivanovich, we issue loans for up to 5 years,” you say: “Ivan Ivanovich, you can get a loan from us for a convenient period of up to 5 years. What time period is more convenient for you?”

Thus, we change the pronoun “I” to the pronoun “You”. You should develop this into a skill, into automaticity. That is, so that you say a sentence not in the style of “We have prepared, we offer, we have been on the market for a long time” - but like this:

  • You can be confident in us, in our quality, because we have been on the market for a long time
  • You will receive proven products, because hundreds of customers have already received this and you can do it too.

When you talk about a client, sincerely empathize with him, act in his interests, want to help him - the client feels it. He opens up, begins to trust you - and then all subsequent stages of sales: presentation, working with objections and closing the deal become much easier.

3. Selling stories

Stories have enormous power. It is the stories that you tell the client that are remembered best, and the clients retell these stories to their friends, acquaintances, colleagues, their family, and so on.

Like I said in the video5 techniques for closing deals on mine Youtube channel You can add a selling story to any sales stage: presentation, identifying needs, closing a deal - almost everything.

Therefore, when you present something, add a story element. For example, if you are talking about a credit card, tell how that card helped someone. “Ivan Ivanovich, we had a client, he doubted for a long time whether to issue him a credit card or not. Then I decided to do it anyway, just in case. And, surprisingly, when he came to us again 2 months later, he said that this credit card really saved him, in a situation where he had not even hoped for it. He went abroad, he ran out of cash, the card was at hand - and helped him resolve some issues.”

That is, You tell a story, not just list the features and benefits of the product. You can also tell stories about how you implemented a similar project with a client. For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, you know, when I conducted training in a similar company, we were faced with the fact that the managers had a dislike for the new product. We overcame it in such and such a way” - and, when you tell a story, people also see you as an expert. He sees that you have already worked with something similar. That you already have successful cases that you have already solved. And, accordingly, the level of trust in you increases.

Stories are a great presentation enhancer that you should definitely use. Stories sell. Think now what stories you can tell your clients, and at what specific stages of sales: presentation or identification of needs - you can add these stories.

Photo from TOP-30 for Bank: analysis of sales stages

4. Mini-disadvantages of your product

If everything is perfect for you, the client thinks: “There’s some kind of catch here. They want to deceive me! Everything can’t be perfect, like in a fairy tale!” Therefore, do not expect any additional objections and doubts from the client - add mini-disadvantages of your solution to your presentation. It should be something really small that doesn't change the impression of your product, but adds some element of honesty to your sales.

For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, bank card has undoubted advantages - it is free, it contains a certain limit cash, there is a very good rate for using bank credit funds. But there is a small drawback - we won’t make this card for you in a day, you need to order it. About 7-10 days are required for production and delivery, and you will be able to receive it after this time. Are these terms suitable for you?” - and we ask a question, taking the client a little aside.

Thus, we have listed many advantages, and a small, most likely insignificant for the client, disadvantage. You yourself must understand what will be a minor disadvantage for the client and what will be a significant one, based on the needs that you have identified.

The “Mini-Disadvantages” technique works better at subsequent stages of sales: the presentation helps to anticipate the client’s objections, making it easier to work with them. But it also increases your credibility - as I wrote in the article — the client sees that you approach your work carefully, you know what problems he may encounter and you are ready to solve these problems in advance.

5. Requirements and Limitations (TR)

The Requirements and Constraints technique is a great way to enhance your presentation. You can tell the client: “Ivan Ivanovich, the product is cool, the product is good, but it is not created for all clients. It was created for those clients who open a deposit with us. You have a deposit, you are of suitable age - so we can apply for it for you.”

Or: “Ivan Ivanovich, we are selling home internet. Internet is very good: high speed, small subscription fee. But not all houses in our city are connected yet. Let me check on the computer, is your house connected? Great, your home is connected, we can provide the Internet to you.”

And the client is already beginning to evaluate himself, from the point of view of whether he corresponds to the product or not? He becomes more involved, and, accordingly, the value of your product for customers increases. As they say, often we choose not from what we really want to have, but from what we are afraid of losing. This is why this principle works well.

Obviously, for maintenance technicians it is important to correctly carry out the previous stages of sales: the presentation of the product will look ridiculous if the client cannot use this product. As I wrote in the article — not every client is your client. Get to know the client, his needs, his situation - and then you can use the maintenance technique to its full potential. And the results will not keep you waiting.

When I sold consumer loans at the bank, I said: “Yes, we have excellent conditions. But you yourself understand that we cannot extend these conditions to everyone. Now, if you meet such and such requirements,” he voiced the requirements, “Then you and I can try to work under this preferential program.” And after the presentation there was a queue. There was a queue of those who met the requirements.

As you can see, the Requirements and Constraints technique is very powerful, and I recommend that you use it.

6. Neutral attitude of the seller towards the sale

As strange as it may sound, the seller's neutral attitude towards the sale also strengthens the presentation. The more interested you are in selling something, the more you show it to the client, the more your persistence and obsession causes him to be rejected. As I wroteVKontakte :

Why do so many of us have negative attitudes towards salespeople and sales in general? Because we still often come across sellers who don’t listen or hear us AT ALL, and try to sell us something of their own.

This is why it is important to show a neutral attitude. If the client doesn’t buy, if the product doesn’t suit him, nothing fatal will happen, and you won’t grieve for a week after this conversation.

For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, many clients are now choosing this product, but I don’t know if it is suitable in your situation. Let me ask you a few questions, then it will become clear right away.”

The client understands that you will not push him now, you will not intrusively try to sell him something. This will be a conversation on equal terms, a neutral attitude, the client will open up - and your presentation will ultimately become more effective.


Improve your presentation

Take your presentation, record the main points and see what can be strengthened and improved right now. So that the next time you present your solution, it will undoubtedly lead to the client realizing: yes, he needs your solution.

I also recommend that you watch the free video course . You will learn how to establish trust with a client so that he understands that your product will really help meet his needs, that it will be beneficial for him to make a deal with you.

Don’t forget about the following stages of sales: presentation is not the end of the deal

Very often, sellers, especially beginners, focus on the presentation and forget about the next stages of sales: the presentation is done, they exhale - and just wait for the client’s reaction, miss the initiative, and do not close the deal. Try not to make this mistake. Focus on completing the deal, on closing it.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Subscribe to my Youtube channel- There are a lot of interesting videos there. Write your questions and suggestions in the comments on my pages