Water outlet device from the heating network chamber. Thermal cameras

Thermal cameras heating networks, used in sewer and gas networks, water supply, thermal chambers are designed for operation in a slightly aggressive environment, used mainly in underground communications.

For stable and uninterrupted operation of heat, gas, sewer and water supply networks, it is imperative to use a thermal chamber, which is made of heavy concrete.

A thermal chamber is used to protect components (joints), as well as sectional valves (valves), compensators, drainage devices, various bends, jumpers and possible weak points on the pipeline. The thermal chamber is intended, among other things, to protect against corrosion of pipelines, as well as to protect the system from adverse effects environment(moisture).

Thermal chamber device

A thermal chamber is, as a rule, a special buried structure consisting of several separate (prefabricated) reinforced concrete structures:

The upper part of the thermal chamber is an inverted glass with a hole;

In the middle part there is a through ring;

In its lower part there is a reinforced concrete glass.

Thermal chambers are a recessed device, which is intended for placement and further maintenance of sewer units, water supply and heating pipelines, representing places with branches, sectional valves (valves), drainage devices, compensators, fixed structures and pipe bends. The thermal chamber is usually made of monolithic concrete, or reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete structures.

What are thermal chambers made of?

Thermal chambers are usually made of high-strength concrete. To do this, chemical admixtures of a specific composition, which have specific properties, are specially introduced into the concrete composition. As a result of the introduction of chemical impurities into the composition of concrete, the necessary physical properties of it are significantly increased, which, as a result, allow the concrete to obtain the required level of protection and strength.

These special structures are mainly used in the construction of utilities, laying sewer networks, heating mains, water supply or gas pipelines.

Thermal chambers are placed underground, as a rule, at a shallow depth, so it is important that the thermal chambers have a sufficient level of strength. Thanks to these protective properties of concrete, the chambers must be resistant to the influence of climatic conditions and low temperatures.

The design of the thermal chamber must be well insulated, i.e. waterproof. The stable and uninterrupted operation of the entire engineering system directly depends on how well the thermal chamber is manufactured and on the serviceability of the high-quality insulation of its communications. It should be taken into account that when carrying out installation work When designing a thermal chamber, it is necessary to pay special attention to its tightness.

In conclusion, we note that the materials used for anti-corrosion protection of the heat pipe, especially its metal structures, must have high strength. The resulting connection must be treated with anti-corrosion protection so that the protective properties are maintained for a long time, ensuring trouble-free operation of the sewer, water supply, or heating pipeline.

When developing waterproofing compositions for coating them on a heat pipe, it should also be taken into account that the resulting insulating coatings must have, at a minimum, increased mechanical strength and must be heat-resistant and elastic.

K category: Water supply and heating

Installation of external heating networks

Water systems. Heated water from a thermal power plant or a district boiler house is supplied to consumers by pumps through external heating networks, which are laid along radial or ring circuits. The beam scheme is the simplest, cheapest and most convenient to use. Its disadvantage is that in the event of an accident, some subscribers will not receive heat. This drawback can be partially eliminated if reserve jumpers are introduced into the beam circuit, connecting individual beams in pairs.

The advantage of the ring circuit is that such heating networks provide heat to consumers from two directions. However, ring networks are more expensive than spoke networks.

Their disadvantage is that it takes a long time to eliminate accidents, since it is more difficult to determine the area of ​​the accident and it is more difficult to switch the valve. In addition, the size of accidents with ring networks is on average larger than with beam networks, since the diameter of the ring is larger than the average diameter of the beam.

Laying heating networks. Networks designed for centralized heat supply industrial enterprises, residential buildings, public buildings, are laid in non-through, semi-through and through channels in common sewers together with other communications and without installing channels. It is allowed to lay heating networks above ground in the territories of industrial enterprises and in territories not subject to development.

Underground ductless laying is used for heating networks with coolant temperatures up to 180° C. Underground laying in non-passable channels, tunnels, general collectors and above-ground laying on low supports is used for heating networks with coolant pressure up to 22 kgf/cm2 and temperatures up to 350° C. Pipelines with a steam pressure of more than 22 kgf/cm2 and a temperature above 350° C are laid on overpasses and high free-standing supports.

Rice. 1. Channel with concrete walls: a - single-cell, b - two-cell; 1 - prefabricated reinforced concrete floor slabs. 2 - cement mortar, 3 - base slabs, 4-wall blocks

The most common method used is to lay heating networks in non-passable channels. As a rule, non-passable channels are made of precast reinforced concrete. For small lengths of thermal routes and small diameters of pipes being laid, non-passable channels are made of clay bricks. Non-pass channels are manufactured as single-cell, double-cell and multi-cell.

In Fig. 1, 2, 3 show the designs of non-passable channels of types made of prefabricated blocks and slabs.

The outer surfaces of walls and ceilings of heating channels when laying heating networks outside the groundwater zone must be covered with bitumen insulation; when laying heating networks in the groundwater zone, drainage must be installed to lower the groundwater level along the route.

Rice. 2. Non-pass channels of the KL type: a - single-cell, b - two-cell; 1 - tray element, 2 - sand preparation, 3 - floor slab, 4 - cement dowel, 5 - sand

In Fig. 250, and shows the most common scheme for laying heating networks in non-passable channels. The heating network consists of two pipelines, supply / and return 4. For heat pipelines, seamless pipes are used - electric welded and water-gas (gas).

Electric-welded steel pipes can be used with a coolant with a pressure of up to 16 kgf/cm2 and a temperature of up to 300 °C, and water-gas pipes with a coolant with a pressure of up to 10 kgf/cm2 and a temperature of up to 100 °C.

When laid underground, pipes are most reliably protected from various atmospheric influences and mechanical damage. Therefore, in the USSR, heat pipes are mainly laid underground in channels and covered with insulation. For fastening, the pipelines are placed on supports. The base of the channel is made of concrete; the side walls and ceiling are reinforced concrete.

Rice. 3. Non-pass channels of the KLS type: a - single-cell, b - two-cell; 1 - reinforced concrete tray element, 2 - I-beam, 3 - sand preparation, 4 - sand, 5 - cement dowel

In Fig. 4, b shows a passage channel for a large number of pipes. These channels have large cross sections, allowing maintenance personnel to monitor and repair the pipeline. Pipes are laid in passage channels mainly in the territories of large industrial enterprises and at the outlets of heat pipelines from powerful thermal power plants. The walls of passage channels are made of reinforced concrete, rubble concrete or brick; The covering of passage channels, as a rule, is made of prefabricated reinforced concrete.

In the passage channels it is necessary to arrange a tray for water drainage. The slope of the canal bottom towards the water drainage site must be at least 0.002.
Support structures for pipes located in passage channels are made of steel beams, cantilevered into the walls or mounted on racks. The pipes are laid on supports and covered with insulation. The height of the passage channel should be about 2000 mm, the width of the passage should be at least 700 mm.

When laying heating networks without ducts (Fig. 4, c), no structures are built to enclose pipelines. The pipes are pre-coated with a layer of anti-corrosion varnish, insulated, laid at the bottom of the trench and filled with peat, filled with foam concrete or protected from heat loss with other thermal insulation and covered with soil.

Rice. 4. Laying heating networks

Recently, a more industrial solution for thermal insulation has begun to be used for ductless installation of heating networks. For this purpose, monolithic bitumen-perlite insulation is used, the design of which is a steel pipe coated with a primer with a layer of bitumen-perlite thermal insulation applied on it, on top of which two layers of fiberglass and YUKL bitumen mastic are applied.

The thickness of bitumen perlite insulation is determined by thermomechanical calculation depending on the diameter of the pipes. Before installing bitumen-perlite insulation, the outer surface of the metal pipe must be cleaned of dirt, rust and painted with a primer of the following composition:
petroleum bitumen -3-4 c. including kerosene or gasoline -6-7 c. h.

Bitumen-perlite insulation is carried out at the factory, and pipes are supplied for construction insulated.

At construction sites, butt joints are insulated in places where pipes are turned and bent expansion joints are installed.

Thermal insulation of the joints of pipes and bends is carried out using bitumen shells or by applying hot bitumen mass to the joint.
Heating networks are also laid locally (Fig. 4, e).

Pipelines in channels are laid on movable or fixed supports. Movable supports serve to transfer the weight of heat pipes to supporting structures and ensure pipe movements that occur as a result of changes in their length with changes in coolant temperature. Movable supports can be sliding or roller.

Rice. 4. Supports: a - sliding, b - roller. in - motionless

Sliding supports (Fig. 5, a) are used in cases where the base for the supports can be made strong enough to withstand heavy loads. Otherwise, they resort to roller supports (Fig. 5, b), which create smaller horizontal loads. Therefore, when laying pipes of significant diameter in tunnels, roller supports should be installed on frames or on masts.

To distribute pipeline extensions between expansion joints and ensure uniform operation the latter are installed with fixed supports (Fig. 4, c). In the chambers of underground channels and during above-ground installations, fixed supports are made in the form of metal structures, welded or bolted to pipes. These structures are embedded in foundations, walls and channel ceilings.

Rice. 5. Bent expansion joints

To absorb thermal expansions and unload pipes from< температурных напряжений на теплосети устанавливают гнутые и, сальниковые компенсаторы.
Bent expansion joints (Fig. 5) U- and S-shaped, made from pipes and bends (bent, steeply curved and welded) for pipelines with a diameter of 25 to 1000 mm. These expansion joints are installed in non-passable channels, when inspection of laid pipelines is impossible, as well as in buildings with channelless installation. Bent expansion joints work reliably and do not require supervision. The permissible bending radius of pipes during the manufacture of expansion joints depends on the diameter of the pipe and the thickness of its wall. Normal bending radii are 3.5-4.5 times the outer diameter of the pipe.

Bent U-shaped expansion joints are placed in niches. The dimensions of the niche in height coincide with the dimensions of the channel, and in plan they are determined by the dimensions of the compensator and the gaps necessary for the free movement of the compensator during temperature deformation. The niches where the compensators are installed are covered with reinforced concrete slabs.

Stuffing box expansion joints are manufactured one-sided (Fig. 6, a) and double-sided (Fig. 6, b) for pressures up to 16 kgf/cm2 for pipes with a diameter of 100 to 1000 mm.

Rice. 6. Stuffing box compensators: a - one-sided, b - two-sided; 1 - body, 2 - glass, 3 - flanges

The compensating capacity of stuffing box compensators is taken according to table. 1.

Table 1
Characteristics of stuffing box expansion joints

Stuffing box expansion joints have small dimensions, high compensating capacity and offer little resistance to flowing water. They consist of a body with a flange on a widened front part. A movable glass with a flange is inserted into the compensator body for installing the compensator on the pipeline.

To prevent the stuffing box compensator from leaking coolant between the rings, stuffing box packing is placed in the gap between the body and the glass. The stuffing box is compressed by a flange liner using studs screwed into the compensator body. Compensators are attached to fixed supports.

In Fig. 7 shows a chamber for installing valves on heating networks. When laying heating networks underground, rectangular underground chambers are installed to service shut-off valves. Network branches to consumers are laid in the chambers.

Hot water is supplied to the building through a conduit laid on the right side of the channel. The supply and return pipelines are installed on supports and covered with insulation.

The walls of the chambers are made of bricks, blocks or panels, the floors are prefabricated from reinforced concrete in the form of ribbed or flat slabs, the bottom of the chamber is made of concrete. Entrance to the cells is through cast iron hatches. To descend into the chamber under the hatches, staples are sealed into the walls. The height of the chamber must be at least 1800 mm. The width is chosen so that the passages between the walls and pipes are at least 500 mm.

Rice. 7. Chamber for installing valves on heating networks: 1 - branch of the supply main pipeline, 2 - branch of the return main pipeline, 3 - chamber, 4 - parallel valves, 5 - pipeline supports, 6 - return main pipeline, 7 - supply main pipeline

- Installation of external heating networks

Used in heating, sewer and water supply networks. They are usually in demand in underground communications. In the production of structures, heavy ones are used - unreinforced and reinforced. The purpose of the TC is to protect pipeline joints from corrosion, protect and maintain pipeline fittings (valves, drain and air valves), stuffing box expansion joints, and drainage devices.

Main Features

Typically, a chamber for heating networks is a buried monolithic or prefabricated structure; the assembly of prefabricated structures includes several concrete elements:

  • the upper part is an inverted glass with a hole;
  • middle – ring;
  • the bottom one is a glass made of reinforced concrete.

Such reinforced concrete structures, placed at shallow depths, are reliably waterproofed with metal insulation or waterproofing, which provides reliable protection from the effects of groundwater, storm water, and melt water.

Waterproofing materials are characterized by mechanical strength, elasticity and heat resistance. The dimensions of typical chambers for heating networks, wall panels, foundation blocks, floor slabs are regulated by series 3.903 KL-13. The dimensions of structures and their structural elements are chosen in such a way as to conveniently and safely service thermal mechanical equipment.

In addition to structures made of rectangular links, reinforced concrete rings with an internal diameter of 1.5-2.0 m can be used for the installation of a heating system. The design includes three types of components: rings without holes and with holes for passing pipes, floor slabs. External surfaces are insulated with hot bitumen.

Design features

The thermal chamber can be accessed through special hatches. Their number in rectangular structures depends on the internal area:

  • up to 6 m 2 - at least two;
  • more than 6 m 2 - at least four.

A ladder is installed under each hatch, designed for convenient descent of personnel. Hatches are often equipped with locks to prevent unauthorized entry. The bottom of the chamber is inclined to one of the corners, at least 200 mm. A pit for collecting water is placed in this corner. To prevent flooding during emergency situations, especially when servicing pipelines of significant diameter, a drainage system is provided that is diverted outside the TC.

The following is usually installed in the chamber of thermal and other utility networks:

  • valves on forward and return pipes;
  • fittings for pressure gauges and pressure gauges;
  • fittings for thermometers.

The bottom is a soil foundation; in structures of large area it is made of reinforced concrete beams.

Thermal cameras are an important part of engineering networks, serving to maintain and protect underground communication nodes at various ambient temperatures and humidity.

We produce and offer products:

Special protective structures required when laying utilities, gas and heat pipelines, water supply and sewer networks.

Thermal cameras and their applications

To protect important areas of the pipeline that are exposed to danger, such as joints and valves, expansion joints, bends, drainage devices and jumpers, a series thermal chamber is required. Its main purpose is to protect pipelines and the entire system from corrosion and environmental humidity.

The thermal chamber is a specialized in-depth structure made of heavy concrete, composed of the following products:

  • an inverted glass with a hole at the top;
  • rings in the middle;
  • reinforced concrete glass below.

In the manufacture of products, concrete with special high-strength properties is used, which are given to it by special chemical additives.

The stability of the engineering system directly depends on the quality of the thermal chamber, its insulating properties, tightness and water resistance.

Dimensions and specifications of thermal chambers

High-quality thermal cameras guarantee efficient and uninterrupted operation of gas pipelines and heating mains. At the junctions of the heating main they are placed in increments not exceeding 150 - 200 meters.

The classification of thermal chamber sizes looks like this:

  • TK 1.8 x 1.8 x 2.0;
  • TK 2.5 x 4.0 x 2.0;
  • TK 2.5 x 4.0 x 4.0;
  • TK 2.6 x 2.6 x 2.0;
  • TK 3.0 x 3.0 x 2.0;
  • TK 4.0 x 4.0 x 2.0;
  • TK 4.0 x 4.0 x 4.0;
  • TK 4.0 x 5.5 x 2.0;
  • TK 4.0 x 5.5 x 4.0.

In non-standard cases, it is possible to manufacture structures with individual dimensions.

In the production of thermal chambers, only high-grade concrete with water resistance ratings of at least W 4 and frost resistance of more than F 150 is used. Strict compliance with GOST requirements in installation ensures the reliability of the thermal chamber in operation.

Thermal chamber device

A typical structure is made up of two or three reinforced concrete blocks - the lower TDK, the middle TC and the upper TKP.

The thermal chamber is calculated so that the required strength is ensured by a weight that is not too high, making it possible to change or repair it.

Its lower block is a reinforced concrete ring with a bottom and side holes for the passage of highways. The middle one is a regular through ring, the top one is an inverted ring with a bottom similar to the bottom one. There is a hole in the chamber lid that allows workers access.

In addition to reinforced concrete, you can use brick or monoconcrete, which is often used to create the bottom of the chamber. The slope of the bottom is very important, which should not be less than 5 cm towards the receiver, which, for ease of operation, is led directly to the storm drain.

To provide extra strength, the thermal chamber circuit uses special reinforcement made from the highest quality carbon steel. TO technical properties In addition to strength and water resistance, it is worth mentioning the special frost resistance of thermal chambers.

The blocks that make up the chamber are connected by embedded parts.

Types of thermal chambers, depending on the design need, are solid or with rectangular holes.

Waterproofing of thermal chambers and the need for its use

The bottom of the chamber is covered with a waterproofing layer of bitumen components, the thickness of which depends on the level of groundwater. If a high level of water resistance is required, the waterproofing is supplemented with special plaster admixtures.

The installation of thermal chambers on heating networks and underground communications in some areas, for example, intersections of highways or pressure control points, creates special reinforced concrete chambers of heating networks for carrying out diagnostic or repair work.

Types of waterproofing

The need for anti-corrosion treatment of the thermal chamber to ensure the preservation of the protective properties and trouble-free operation of the heating network, sewage system and water supply system deserves special attention.

Waterproofing compounds for heat pipe coatings have heat resistance, elasticity and increased strength.

If communications are carried out outside groundwater, then coating insulation and adhesive waterproofing of thermal chambers are performed. In the case of laying communications in close proximity to groundwater, adhesive waterproofing is used 0.5 m above the groundwater level.

Waterproofing materials

The outer surface of the bottom and walls of thermal chambers in the case of close groundwater, regardless of the built-in associated drainage, is supplemented with adhesive waterproofing made of bitumen roll material. The required number of layers of these materials is established by the project.

In cases where the requirements for water resistance are increased, in addition to the standard external lining waterproofing, additional plaster cement-sand internal waterproofing of thermal chambers is used. Such additional waterproofing is applied in large volumes using the shotcrete method.

For thermal cameras, a certain numbering is adopted, indicated on the communications plan in order to avoid blocking it during construction or laying roads. Heating network failures can cause flooding of areas, soil deformation and building collapses. Such accidents are dangerous due to spills of hot water, so heating network chambers must be provided with access.

Reinforced concrete thermal chambers are high-strength special-purpose products that are used when laying underground communications: water supply systems, sewerage systems and gas networks. Thermal chambers, or as they are also called heating chambers, are used to accommodate heat pipeline units, as well as equipment that requires constant maintenance during operation and, if necessary, repair. In addition, cameras are used to interface pipes of different sizes and intersect them.

The following equipment is installed in thermal chambers: valves, stuffing box expansion joints, drainage and air devices, instrumentation and other equipment. Branches to consumers and fixed supports are also installed in the chambers.

The main areas in which thermal cameras are used are civil, housing and engineering construction. The high strength of these makes it possible to protect underground communications from adverse environmental factors, vibrations from vehicles passing over the pipeline, soil pressure, as well as from unauthorized or accidental entry of humans and animals. Heating network chambers have increased strength and waterproofing.

Thermal chambers are immersed to a maximum design depth of 4 m. The depth of the top of the chamber floor is assumed to be at least 0.3 m. To drain random water along the bottom of the chambers, a slope with a cement-sand screed is created, directed towards the pits. In damp soils, accompanying drainage is laid along the heat pipeline line so that the groundwater level does not rise above 1 m from the bottom of the chambers.

Depending on design features Thermal cameras are divided into two types:

  • chambers made of prefabricated blocks;
  • chambers made of prefabricated slabs and panels.

Reinforced concrete thermal chambers made of prefabricated blocks consist of the following elements:

  • upper block of the VBK chamber. The upper part of the chamber, which is an inverted box. The top surface of the block may have one or more round holes for passage into the chamber, on the side surfaces - one or more round or rectangular holes for passage of pipes;
  • middle block of the SBK chamber. A through square ring, on the side surfaces of which there may be holes or openings for passing pipes;
  • lower block of the NSC chamber. The box with an open top is the bottom of the heating chamber.
  • middle panels of the SPK chamber. Rectangular slabs, allowing the construction of chambers of various heights, can be used instead of medium blocks;
  • upper plates of the military-industrial complex chamber. They are used in conjunction with the middle panels of the chambers and act as floor slabs for the chambers. The slabs have holes for access to communications and equipment.

Thermal chambers made of prefabricated slabs and panels include the following elements:

  • chamber floor slabs P. Perform the function of a chamber cover. They have round holes for access to communications and equipment;
  • wall panels of PS, PSU chambers. Rectangular slabs for designing chambers of various widths and heights;
  • foundation blocks of chambers F, FU. Serves as the bottom of the chamber. They have grooves for installing wall slabs;
  • chamber beams B. They are installed on wall slabs and serve as a support for the chamber floor slabs.

In dry soil, the lower blocks of the chambers are installed on a sand leveling layer 10 cm thick, and when installed in wet soil, on a concrete preparation 10 cm thick. The middle and upper blocks are installed on a cement mortar of 1/3 composition. The blocks and panels are secured to each other using overlay parts welded to the embedded parts of the blocks.

Thermal chambers are manufactured in accordance with series 3.903 KL-13 “Heat supply. Prefabricated reinforced concrete chambers on heating networks.”

The material from which the thermal chambers are made is hydraulic concrete. The compressive strength class of concrete is B22.5. The tempering strength of concrete is taken to be no lower than 70% of the design strength. The concrete class for frost resistance is assigned to F150, and for water resistance - W4.

Reinforced concrete thermal chambers are reinforced with welded mesh and frames made of hot-rolled steel rods of the following classes: A-I and A-III - for chambers made of prefabricated blocks; A-I, A-II and A-III - for chambers made of prefabricated slabs and panels. For ease of installation of prefabricated products, lifting loops are made of smooth reinforcing steel of class A-I.

Reinforced concrete thermal chambers are marked with an alphanumeric designation. The brand of thermal cameras contains numbers characterizing the overall dimensions - length, width and height in meters. Prefabricated chamber blocks contain letters indicating the position of the blocks in the chamber (NBK - lower chamber block, SBK - middle chamber block, VBK - upper chamber block), and numbers indicating the main dimensions of the chamber where the block is installed - length, width and height in meters. The presence of hatches or holes in the blocks is indicated by the size of these holes in the denominator.