The laziest man on earth. The laziest people

Post by request: ateist66

Request text:"Let's start with!)) 10 laziest people. "...." This is for starters.)))"

Laziness(from lat. lenus- calm, slow, lethargic) - absence or lack of hard work, preference for free time labor activity. Traditionally regarded as a vice, since a lazy person is considered to be a freeloader on society. In conditions of intense work, “laziness” can be a natural need for rest.

Lazy people:

The laziest fireman.

You can definitely be called the laziest person if you walk your dog while sitting in the car.

Too lazy to put on stamps. At the bottom right of the letter is the inscription: “ Sorry, but I didn't have time to buy stamps” and a coin, which is due to the worker who completes this difficult task for her.

The laziest child in the world in line for fast food.

I don’t even know what to call this photo)

The laziest creative beggar in the world. The inscription on the cardboard reads: “INVISIBLE + HOMELESS!
My name is Frank Jenkinson.
I'm poor, I live on the streets and I'm invisible.
Please give me treatment. God bless you

The person who did this can definitely claim to be the laziest road worker.

He was too lazy to drink beer, so he had a child.

Why get dressed in the morning if you're already in pajamas?

Some ideas from the laziest lawn mower.

The escalator at the entrance to the gym... Oh my God, what kind of idiot came up with that? I'm afraid to even think what's inside.

The laziest surfer in the world.

The workplace of any webmaster, believe me, laziness is in their blood.

Too lazy to protest!

The line between laziness and genius, oddly enough, is incredibly thin. All of these people are familiar with the term “thinking outside the box”, thereby making their lives a little easier. Looks quite resourceful, I think. Indeed, the ideas of these geniuses can sometimes solve your problems, and they will do it in a very fun way! I'm definitely inspired!

1. Home-made candlestick, if you are too lazy to go to the store for it.

2. And why was this guy so embarrassed? His friend is just a genius!

3. Even tan + favorite cocktail = easy!

4. Too lazy to raise your head? Glasses help.

5. Because sometimes even putting on socks is a very problematic activity.

6. Even birds are sometimes too lazy to fly.

7. This has happened to all of us at least once in our lives.

8. Talking on the phone can be so tiring...

9. It’s too early to throw away the empty roll! There's room for at least two more.

10. What to do if you are thirsty but too lazy to wash the glass.

11. This is how you can eat without dirtying your plate.

12. I only had the strength to order a chair. All that remains is to find the strength to collect it. In the meantime, you can sit like this for a couple of weeks. Why not a chair? It says “chair”.

13. This may not be the safest way to save time.

14. And who came up with this expression - “Standing at the stove”? What stupidity! You can sit, after all.

15. I wonder what’s easier: getting up and picking up the phone or poking it with a pencil so as not to get up?

16. It's not laziness! This is a new version of the game "House of Cards" - Trash House.

17. Lazy driver? No! Just a trash can along the way.

18. I’m just too lazy to aim at the hole in the trash can - it’s so tiny...

19. I'm not lazy, I just can't choose which roll to put in the holder. Let it hang like this for now.

20. It can be unsafe at a gas station, so it’s better not to get out of the car.

21. Sometimes a change of perspective is simply necessary.

22. Why sleep on a sheet if you can simply vacuum the bed later.

23. No, you're not afraid of the dark, you're just lazy.

24. Cheaper than a canoe.

25. Why turn the wheels by hand if there is a lawn mower in the garage?

This is how you can do things that you are simply too lazy to do. The main thing is don’t be lazy to share this article on VKontakte with your friends. Button below.

Work, family, children, cleaning... When to relax here? But sometimes we all want, as they say, to give up on everything and just do nothing. Or at least make your life a little easier where possible. For example, come up with a new way to walk your dog without making any effort. Or sit in line instead of standing in it. These people are clearly familiar with the concept of laziness, because they are not only lazy, but also inventive.

(Total 17 photos)

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1. Walking your dog every day is so hard.

3. This is inventive, because holding a glass in your hands is so tiring.

4. Brave fellow!

5. Double fuel consumption, but your legs don’t ache. And the back too.

6. Too far.

7. Why haven’t others thought of this yet?

8. There was no time to open the package, and the door support would still work for its intended purpose.

9. Ingenious, but what about the dangerous interaction between tape and display?

10. Now this is super laziness!

11. Why sweat and get a chair, which then needs to be assembled, if you can sit directly on the box?

Laziness is inherent in every person to a greater or lesser extent. We are used to viewing this character trait as a bad habit that drags a person down. But what if our belief has nothing to do with reality? What if laziness is what helps people succeed? Many of us wouldn't mind this approach. First, let's look at history.

Many famous people were too lazy

If we look at examples of outstanding scientists, great thinkers and artists, we will find many lazy celebrities. So, for example, the founding father evolutionary theory Charles Darwin was known as a rare sloth. Teachers and parents were very saddened by his progress in school. They say that Darwin fell asleep right in the middle of the lesson. The future scientist ran away from training in college to go fishing. As a child he shot crows, and as an adult he preferred to spend his time in pubs. Even as a scientist, Charles Darwin could spend years creating his works.

It is curious that the future Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill showed the worst academic results among his classmates. He did not deign to go to college, was indifferent to sports and all his free time preferred to spend it in a rocking chair. This did not stop him from becoming one of the most prominent politicians of his time and receiving Nobel Prize according to literature.

The creator of Capital, Karl Marx, in his youth lived on his mother’s income, had fun and did not want to work at all. Having met Friedrich Engels, he found a new benefactor. The wild life continued. However, a well-known study on political economy literally turned the established views of mankind upside down.

This list can be continued indefinitely. Contemporaries talk about the laziness of Einstein, Mendeleev, Picasso, Newton and others. Nevertheless, each of them managed to achieve stratospheric heights in their field. This proves the theory that great lazy people can go further than their contemporaries. Sometimes this trait can very well turn into an advantage. Below we will outline several reasons.

These people are inventive

When it comes to organizing work, sloths are overly creative. They see no point in wasting time on unnecessary things, trying to quickly do what they love. It was lazy workers who came up with labor optimization and automation. Therefore they can be considered driving force scientific and technological progress. Nothing irritates a sloth more than endlessly repeating monotonous work.

These people always strive to simplify their lives. Some of them did not want to dig the beds with a shovel, and the craftsman invented a special device. Someone didn’t want to waste time cleaning the apartment - so they came up with a vacuum cleaner. What if all great inventions were invented by lazy people?

They are enterprising

Become entrepreneurs and lead major projects Mercantile calculation allows them to do so. Why waste time working a nine-to-five job when you can win big? There are always a lot of ideas in their heads, because the brain is not clogged with an excessive number of assignments and responsibilities. It is important for them that the work is not boring, and that the result of the work is guaranteed.

They know when to rest

The more energy you expend, the less likely you are to accomplish a big task. Lazy people know the importance of good rest and accumulation of strength before the decisive push. People who are stressed all the time age earlier and lose their memory. Scientists have also made assumptions in this regard. As they age, people who try to torture themselves with exercise suffer the devastating effects of exercise on their health. Therefore, if you are lazy, relax and sleep until lunch.

These people don't know stress

Sloths are never in a hurry, so they don’t get into stressful situations. They wait until the last minute before starting a task. And it’s great to have more worries and do your job calmly.

They see the target well

A lazy person knows how to prioritize and focus on the main goal. He easily separates the wheat from the chaff and does not allow other people to interfere with his plans. Why waste time and pay attention to the priorities of third parties when you can devote these moments to yourself? As a result, without distractions, these people achieve results even faster. Of course, after all, behind the main goal, another one awaits them: a whole sea of ​​relaxation!

They can't be stupid

In fact, to be lazy at work, you need a remarkable mind and ingenuity. You have to do everything: do nothing for a while, and cope with all the assignments. All employees are divided into smart and stupid, lazy and meticulous. If you are smart and lazy, you can almost certainly become an effective worker.

They are friendly with modern technologies

To make life easier lazy people use many modern technologies, mobile applications and programs that allow you to complete a task much faster. The sloth first learns a shortcut, then - best way his achievements. Creating a document on paper and then getting the resolution approved by the editor, manager and lawyer is too time-consuming. It is much easier to print a sample in electronic form and receive signatures by mail.


American professor Arnold Ludwig analyzed more than one thousand people who achieved the greatest success in life. The conclusion was stunning: in addition to being genetically gifted, these people must be able to waste time. This may sound like a paradox for our age and way of life. However, Albert Einstein argued that boredom is an excellent tool for developing imagination and creativity.

Scientists have concluded that people with a high level of intelligence prefer to lead a sedentary lifestyle. But which came first - the egg or the chicken? Is laziness the cause of a high IQ? Or does intelligence turn people into lazy people?

Laziness is the engine of progress

Lazy people have made so many inventions to make their lives even easier!

One day a lazy man got tired of going hunting with other men from the tribe. He tamed wild cattle and made a fence for them. After that, there was always milk and meat in the house. Well, so as not to have to engage in gathering, the lazy man planted vegetables and cereals near his house on fertile soil.

H so as not to walk, lEntyai invented a cart with attachment to cattle. Cows were not suitable for these purposes, and then the horse had to be domesticated.But the horse also required care, and so the lazy man unscrewed two wheels from the cart and placed them one after the other.The bicycle was born. Soon pedaling became tiresome. “I can make it even easier,” thought the lazy man. And he invented the car project.

Then the lazy man decided that reading books and newspapers took a lot of energy; it was much easier to watch changing pictures with sound. The television was born. For complete comfort, he came up with a remote control so that you don’t have to get up every time to change the channel. To quickly find necessary information, he invented the Internet and shared it with all his friends, of whom there were several billion, and every year there were more and more.

Lazy Guy shared his philosophy with the world, and that’s it more people were fired up with a desire to make their lives better. Televisions, cars, computers, smartphones - all inventions had to be complicated so that later they would become, on the contrary, simpler. Paradox!

Then the lazy man, tired of many thousands of years of work, lay down in the damp earth, sighed and said: “It turns out that being lazy is not so easy.”

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Scientists have been trying for decades to explain a mysterious phenomenon: why people with a high level of physical activity, as a rule, have low intelligence, while lazy and sedentary people have high intelligence.

For another experiment, researchers from Florida Gulf Coast University invited 60 students and observed their lifestyle, habits and free time activities for a long time.

Once again, the results showed that students with low IQs are the most active. They are constantly looking for activities and entertainment. Lazy students, on the contrary, do not need permanent employment. And this leads to certain thoughts...

The solution to the phenomenon could have been in plain sight all these years. “Perhaps people sitting on the couch like to think,” the scientists stated. Everything ingenious once again turned out to be terribly simple.