Summary of the educational game “Flies, buzzes, bites. It flies, buzzes, and sinks into your soul. It flies, buzzes, but when it lands, it’s a mystery.

From the series “The Story of One Poem”

If you were lucky enough in your life to rhyme a couple of lines or put together a whole poem, or even several, then you most likely not only know them by heart, but also certainly remember the circumstances under which they arose. Well, if you have written hundreds, thousands of poems, texts, many tens of thousands of stanzas and hundreds of thousands of lines, then there is hardly an author who could trace the connection between the poem and any life circumstances that contributed to the birth of the lines of each work.

Well, what kind of thing can you remember by heart? It’s good, at least that what you wrote immediately pops up when you read it or when it comes down, and you start writing it down. And then - stop! This has already happened?! Something like what happened to Ostap Bender in “The Golden Calf” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov:
“Listen to what I sprinkled last night in the fluctuating light of an electric lamp: “I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty.” Is it really good? Talented? And only at dawn, when the last lines were written, I remembered that this verse had already been written by A. Pushkin. Such a blow from a classic! A?"
Yes, the poet’s heartfelt lines slumbered deep in Ostap’s memory, and during the fever of love, his soul splashed them out.

I admit that I am lucky: I can reproduce two or three of my poems from memory without hesitation and with expression, and from time to time I remember under what circumstances this or that poem was born. And it also happens that a poem begins its own life, separate from me, then, if I become aware of it, I feel the urge to tell about it in the next “Story of One Poem.”

One day, I can even say with absolute certainty that June 21, 1996, because I always mark the date of writing a poem, and in this case it is: 06/21 - 06/24/1996. That is, three days passed from the beginning to the end of the “pangs of creativity.” So, it was on June 21, 1996, I don’t know in what ways, that an old joke began to spin in my head - the riddle of the “glorious era of the heyday of stagnation”:
Question: “It flies and buzzes and doesn’t hit the ass. What is this?"
Answer: “Domestic silent ass-kicker!”

That's it. As they say - simple and tasteful! Where and why some images and thoughts arise is not a question for me, but this ancient riddle undoubtedly gave a buzz to my thoughts, so much so that words themselves began to form, as if deliberately creating a continuous buzz. All words of the poem strictly began with the letter “w”. Well, since it’s buzzing, it’s quite natural that it’s a beetle buzzing. He, I remember, was depicted in the school alphabet next to the big bold letter “F”.

Coleoptera beetle gesticulating
Hot buzzing belly buzzer,
The ground beetle's life is pathetic
Juggling the nodules,

Zhakan gasped, wanting to get married:
- Waiting for the desired ground beetle,
Fatty, waiting, cutesy,
The bug's wife is living muck!

The murmuring, buzzing of a beetle - juira
The ground beetle woman was waiting greedily:
Beetle - groom, beetle - stallion,
Desiring an animal-fat life...

The desire to chew burns the stomach
The burning heat of the animal...

ground beetle
wife of a beetle,
V. Golubchikov
Hof – Reutlingen, 21.06 -24.06.96

(Here, in addition to the date, it is indicated that the place where the poem was written are the two cities of Hof, where I lived and still live, and Reutlingen, where I studied at that time. Then the place of writing can also include all four hundred kilometers of the road between them, overcoming which, I undoubtedly turned not only the steering wheel, but also the rhymes buzzing inside me)

I admit that this was far from my first, but one might say, one of my favorite poems in which all the words begin with the same letter. To depict something meaningful and with a semblance of rhyme in such a strictly defined form, well, of course, without using any aids, such as dictionaries, and so, from the head - a very exciting activity. Moreover, as it turned out, I limited myself more strictly than usual - I did not use prepositions at all unless they began with the corresponding letter.

Since my acquaintance with literature is limited to the modest framework of the school curriculum and independent reading of literature, in which there was no place for philological tomes, I did not hesitate to label this genre as “one-letter poems.” Although this is completely untrue, with the development of the Internet I discovered that I am not alone not only in my fun, but also in its designation. We will assume that this is the popular name for poetry and prose works, designated by learned writers with the term “tautogram”.

(Wikipedia says: “A tautogram is a literary form: a text in which all words begin with the same letter. It is more common in poetry, but is also known in prose. As a rule, it is of a playful, comic nature...”)

It is clear that the poem does not pretend to be a literary revelation, innovation of rhymes, etc., but when reading it in front of an audience, I invariably see how the eyes of the listeners open in surprise, how joyfully they smile and deafeningly applaud after the passionate, nail-driven, tough ending. Sometimes, at the end of the performance, listeners, like me, struck by the fervor of versification, enthusiastically recited to me their tautogramic impromptus, born to the buzz of a beetle.

Of course, living in Germany, I also have to speak to the local public, but I don’t even try to translate the essence of the poem to them, I simply invite them to listen to it. This is all the more interesting and unusual for them, since in German there is no letter “zh” at all. Once, at a speech in Nuremberg, one of the representatives local population As a joke, he said questioningly: “What about the word “chocolate?” Exaggeratedly pronouncing it so that it sounded like “jocolate”. But no matter how you pronounce “chocolate”, it is written in German: “Schokolade”, with an “s” (es), since in German there is no letter “sh”, but only the sound “sh”, denoted in writing by three letters "sch". Yes, and composing a tautogram in German is quite problematic, since it necessarily uses articles and obligatory prepositions. So, in best case scenario, in German you can construct a tautogram of no more than five to six, even ten, words. In short, the German audience is simply screaming and, one might say, rolling on the floor from the growing and incessant buzzing that is unusual for the ear. Knowing this indispensable effect, I usually read “The Beetle” at the conclusion of a speech.

Meanwhile, the international web of the Internet has firmly entered into life, and on one of literary competitions, conducted by a serious literary portal, naturally in the “humor and irony” section, I dared to send “Bug”. My simple poem didn’t even make it to the shortlist, but still received a furious review from a famous humorist and joker. It was nice. Well, indeed, there is no sense of humor here, and irony is a subtle thing, sometimes to the point of being elusive. But, be that as it may, it became clear to me that not everyone was delighted with my annoying buzzing.

But one day on the same site, under the auspices of a more cheerful organization, a fuss began around “one-letter poems”, which smoothly grew into a competition. Since I had already exhibited the “Beetle,” I considered it unethical to participate in the competition, gladly posting a pile of previously unpublished tautograms, and entered it out of competition. The response here and the many buzzing reviews were quite in line with my expectations. Moreover, the organizer of the competition, when summing up the results enthusiastically, threatened to compile a whole book of all the letters of the alphabet from the “masterpieces” presented by the authors.

Nowadays it’s easier not to think of how easy it is to check whether such a book exists on the Internet by asking some buzzing line, at least the first one: “A Coleoptera beetle gesticulating...” Which, over the years, I somehow did. The promised publication did not turn up, but the Internet showed me a book or a collection of tautograms under the own name of the organizer of that fun competition.
“Well done!” I thought and began to scroll through the creation from “A” to the letter “F”, and did not look further. What she wrote in my favorite letter is given below, naturally, in quotation marks, since it is not mine.


The picturesque searing heat in Zhukovsky was buzzing with beetles and ground beetles. The women were waiting for the grooms. We were waiting for life.

The brutal heat fried our bellies. Juggling their nodules, the suitors desired Zhigulevsky's slurry. Chewed gum. They ate zhakanami. They cruelly burned life.

The cutesy women buzzed with buzzers. They gestured. We were waiting for the life we ​​wanted. Marry! Marry!


Coleoptera beetles stung women. In Zhukovsky there lived residential fat women. They lived and lived. They were waiting for victims. They pitied cruel animals - veiny stallion suitors.”

Perhaps the well-known Russian proverb that someone has the same thoughts is quite appropriate here? But still, in the Russian language there are at least three hundred words starting with the letter “zh”, not a lot, but there is a choice. I wanted to be upset when I saw painfully familiar phrases, but I thought about how great the power of words is! It is great that the word remains in the reader’s memory and emerges from it in its originality, when the reader becomes a writer. I also remembered Tyutchev’s textbook: “We are not given the opportunity to predict how our word will respond...”

I admit that a strange feeling of joy came over me when I finished reading “Victims of the Heat.” A very strange, unusual, previously unexperienced feeling of joy, even more of a joyful surprise and with astonishment of understanding that my word remains in other people’s souls and lives in them, like their own, born and born into the world!

Sagdeeva Guzaliya
Abstract educational game“Flies, buzzes, bites”

« flies, buzzes, bites».


Formation of knowledge about the world of insects.


Remember the general concept "insects";

Clarify children's knowledge about the characteristic features of insects,

adaptability to living conditions;

Develop curiosity and attention;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Materials and equipment: illustrations of forest, meadow, pond; flowers, blue

fabric, models - beehive, anthill; cut pictures with the image

insects, tape recorder, audio recording "Sounds of Nature", images


Progress of the lesson:

The group is decorated with islands - a forest, a flowering meadow, a pond.

Pinocchio comes to the children's lesson.

Pinocchio: “Guys, Malvina gave me a task with which I cannot

cope with. I have to tell you who insects are, where they live, what

eat. And I don’t even know who insects are or what they look like. You

will you help me?

Educator: Well, let's help Pinocchio? (children's answer)

Then I suggest to the guys and you Pinocchio to go on a journey.

We are walking through flowering meadows (regular walking one after another)

And we’ll collect bouquets of flowers (bending forward)

Somewhere behind the high mountains (raise our hands up)

Let's walk the stream over the pebbles (walking on toes)

If we encounter ravines, we will go around the ravines (walking backwards)

If we meet snags, we’ll crawl under the snags (walking on all fours)

Step by step, little by little (walking on toes)

Together we go on a hike (regular walking in place)

Educator: So you and I found ourselves in a clearing. Let's listen to the sounds.

What do you hear? (children's answers) grasshopper chirping, bees buzzing,

butterflies fluttering

There are cut-out pictures in the clearing

Educator: Guys, what are these pictures? (children's answers)

Children collect parts of the pictures and determine that it is a butterfly, a grasshopper,

bee, ladybug.

Educator: Guys, what do these insects eat? (children's answers)

Educator: Pinocchio, do you know what benefits these insects bring?

Guys, who knows what these insects are called and how they are useful?

The teacher shows a picture of insects (children's answers)

The teacher summarizes the children's answers and invites Pinocchio to play

game "Paired pictures" Match the insects with the matching picture.

Pinocchio makes mistakes, the children correct them.

Educator: Well, Pinocchio, did you remember everything?

Pinocchio: Yes, thanks to the guys I know about some insects.

The children follow each other like a snake and end up on another island.

(there is a blue cloth on the floor, an audio recording of water noise, croaking

Educator: Guys, where do you think we are? (children's answers)

Pinocchio: So, are there insects near the pond?

Educator: Yes, Pinocchio, there is. Guys, who knows what insects

live near bodies of water? (children's answers) Are these insects beneficial?

(children's answers)

The teacher invites the children and Pinocchio to play a game

"The Fourth Wheel"

The teacher asks riddles, and the answers are pictures,

lying on the table, having guessed the riddle, the children find the image


There's a bustle in the forest near the stump, running around:

The working people are busy all day long. (ant)

He prepares the nets like a fisherman,

But he never catches fish. (spider)

Not a bird, but a flyer

With a trunk, not an elephant,

Nobody tame

And she sits on us. (fly)

In a clearing near the fir trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

And there are a million residents there. (anthill)

Educator: Now let's sum it up results:

The teacher asks the children questions

What do all insects have in common? (head, chest, abdomen, 6 legs)

Name the beneficial insects?

Name the harmful insects?

What do insects do in winter?

What insect lives in a hive?

What insect chirps?

What is the name of the ant's house?

What do butterflies eat?

The teacher plays the game "What's he doing?"

Educator: Well, our journey has come to an end, you

did you like it? (children's answers)

Pinocchio: And now I can tell Malvina about insects. Thank you,

Everyone is returning from their walk.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation “What to do if a child bites” 1. Observe the child who is biting carefully. You need to try to find out in what situation the child is ready to bite. More often.

Consultation for parents “What to do if a child bites?” At the age of 2 years, children may bite an adult or other children out of a desire to control the actions of another person, or because of a problem.

OD for the application “A rocket flies into space” Objectives: To clarify children’s knowledge about the concepts of “space”, “spaceship”, and about planet Earth. Give.

Abstract of GCD on plasticineography “The plane is flying” Objectives: To teach children to form an object on a plane, consisting of several parts, to achieve.

Summary of an educational game with elements of sports exercises “Journey through the Galaxy. Rescue of aliens" I Program content: Continue introducing space objects; clarify children's knowledge about the stars, expand their horizons and knowledge of children.

A bullet flies and buzzes; I'm on the side - she's behind me, I'm on the other side - she's behind me; I fell into a bush - she grabbed me in the forehead; I grab my hand - but it’s a beetle!

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  • - a bond with simultaneous repayment, the repayment of which is made at once, simultaneously, on a set date, without the possibility of early repayment...

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  • - a solid projectile used for shooting from handguns...

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  • - the head part of a combat cartridge for small arms, as well as for hunting and sporting weapons. P. for small arms are divided into ordinary and special...

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  • - the head of a live cartridge for small arms, hunting and sporting weapons. They are divided into ordinary and special...

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  • - female a lead ball, or a foal in the entire barrel, for shooting from a rifle and pistol; also the core of a small cannon or buckshot, weighing less than a pound. Pouring, casting bullets, telling tall tales. The bullet is stupid, the bayonet is great...

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  • - - and, female A small projectile enclosed in a cartridge for firing from shotguns, rifles, machine guns, and revolvers. Tracer p. Razryvnaya p. Armor-piercing p. Fly out with a bullet. The bullet is stupid, but the bayonet is great...

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Riddles can be created about any subject. After all, each object or phenomenon has its own characteristics inherent only to it. In riddles, these signs are presented in an allegorical form. Therefore, riddles differ from the description of an object. The description directly leads a person to understand the essence of the object. The riddle needs to be guessed by transferring the indicated signs to the properties of a specific object.

Guess the riddle

As an example, we can take the riddle “not a bird, but flying, not a beetle, but buzzing.” In this case, the hidden object is compared to a beetle, that is, an insect that can fly. Therefore, when solving a riddle, you need to proceed from the indicated meaning. The guessing process should be presented as follows:

  • The riddle contains an indication of two main characteristics of the riddled object. First of all, it indicates the ability to fly like a bird. In addition, the object emits a buzzing sound characteristic of flying beetles. After all, beetles can fly too;
  • The riddle refers to birds and beetles that can fly. It is important to note that other living beings do not have this ability. That is, the riddle contains an exhaustive list of creatures capable of flying. This means that the answer cannot lie in pointing to an animal or insect;
  • The answer should be sought among objects of inanimate nature. Among such objects, only airplanes or helicopters can fly. At the same time, they are characterized by a buzzing sound that they make when flying. Therefore, airplanes and helicopters are similar to beetles and birds.

Thus, the correct answer to the riddle will be “plane, helicopter.” There are no other objects of inanimate nature that have the ability to fly and produce a characteristic buzzing sound.

How the riddle was created

This riddle is created based on the characteristics of airplanes or helicopters. After all, their ability to fly makes them similar to birds. And the buzzing sounds like beetles. Therefore, the properties of living objects are transferred to an inanimate object. Accordingly, when guessing, you need to select an object that will correspond to the characteristics specified in the riddle.