General manager. Who is the head of the organization - general director or founder

The structure of any enterprise must have a manager. What exactly it is called most often depends on the wishes of the founders and the charter of the enterprise. In the structure of an enterprise, the position of the chief executive officer may be called “director,” “general director,” “manager,” or even “president.” What is the difference? What is the difference between a CEO and a director, and what functional responsibilities does each of them have? Understanding these issues on your own can be difficult. So let's try to do this together.

What's the difference?

So, what is the difference between a CEO and a director? You should not look for a fundamental difference in the names of these positions from a legal point of view. The practical use of concepts is important here.

First of all, the formation of the name of each position is influenced by the organization’s field of activity: business or non-profit activity. Most often it happens like this:

  • the main figure in the structure of a commercial organization is the general director;
  • the leading position in a non-profit organization is simply director;
  • functional manager in a commercial company - director (economics, personnel, public relations, financial, and so on);
  • the same functions in a non-profit organization are assigned to the deputy director.

What is the difference between a general director and a director in a structure, for example, an LLC? Here everything is built according to a slightly different principle. Every limited liability company usually has a board. Each member is called a director, and the board as a whole is called the Board of Directors. Among them, one chief is selected or appointed - the general director of the LLC. It is he who carries out the main strategic management, based on the opinions and wishes of the Board of Directors.

General Director: features of the position

To understand the difference between a general director and a director, let’s try to figure out what exactly this position is.

As we have already found out, the phrase itself is used to designate the main position in the management of a commercial organization. CEO is not necessarily the same as founding director. He may even be a hired employee and not participate at all in the share capital of the organization. Sometimes the title "CEO" is replaced by other terms. Usually this is the president. But this definition is most often used to name the head of a group of companies, while the general director is the sole head of a separate organization.

Who writes the job description?

In accordance with the legislative framework, the General Director is elected in accordance with the decision of the meeting of the Board of Founders. Based on the minutes of the meeting, an order is prepared to appoint a specific person to this position. In addition, the Founders' Council develops a special job description and employment contract. It is worth noting that these documents are not drawn up for a specific person, but specifically for the position itself, regardless of who occupies it. All working conditions and powers of the general director are prescribed there. Only after these documents have been drawn up, an Appointment Order is issued, which is signed by the manager himself. After this, the signature is also placed on the contract and job description.

If we are talking about an LLC created by a group of founders, then the instructions are approved by one of the directors authorized by a general decision of the Board. If there is only one founder of the enterprise, then all decisions are made and approved by him independently. The basis is considered to be the decision to create an LLC, even if he himself is the general director.

Registration requirements

The operating principles of each individual general director may vary depending on the specifics of the enterprise. That is why the job description is being developed. This document reflects all the fundamental operating principles.

A job description usually contains the following sections:

  • basic provisions;
  • list of responsibilities of the general director;
  • rights;

All work is carried out in accordance with this document. Amendments to this instruction are possible only by decision of the Board of Shareholders (founders) of the enterprise.

"General" responsibilities

Regardless of the specifics of the enterprise’s work, several main points can be identified that are prescribed in the job description:

  • The responsibilities of the General Director include general management of the activities of the organization and its employees within the limits of authority specified in the local acts of the LLC. Such acts may include: charter, regulations, collective agreement, employment contract and others. Naturally, compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation is mandatory.
  • Setting up the efficient operation of the company in accordance with the developed production program, as well as with the involvement of all available resources.
  • Maintaining an effective personnel policy that will attract experienced specialists to the enterprise. The main role in selecting employees whose knowledge will contribute to increasing profits and competitiveness also falls on the manager.
  • The responsibilities of the general director include the development and implementation of new long-term plans and ideas that help improve the competitiveness of the enterprise, improve its status and increase profits.
  • Skillful use of the organization's assets to achieve the assigned task.
  • Control in all areas of activity, compliance with legislation.
  • Development of internal acts of the organization in strict compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Representing the interests of the company in interaction with legal entities, individuals, as well as self-government and executive authorities.

The general director also bears financial and legal liability in the framework of administrative or criminal proceedings, compensation for damages in case of violation of the law, as well as damage to the status or property of the company in case of improper performance of his duties.

Who is the director?

As we have already found out, in some cases the term “director” may be identical to that discussed above. However, in Russian practice it is most often used:

  • to designate the position of a person responsible for the development of one of the functional areas of the business (commercial, financial, development director, human resources director);
  • to designate the main managerial position in non-profit organizations (school director, park director, museum director).

In the latter case, the phrase “deputy director” is used to designate the head of a functional area. Although, of course, there are plenty of deputies in commercial structures.


The responsibilities of a director typically include:

  • organization and effective operation of all structural divisions;
  • increasing the profitability of the company;
  • approval of the staffing table;
  • establishing bonuses and allowances for employees;
  • ensuring fulfillment of obligations to suppliers, creditors and customers;
  • delegation of control of certain areas of activity to heads of divisions and branches;
  • control over the operation of the enterprise structure;
  • ensuring compliance with the regime of saving financial and labor resources.

The director's responsibilities also include:

  • drawing up a master plan for the enterprise’s production and its development;
  • development of the organization’s budget for the year, quarter;
  • monitoring the accounting of expenditures and receipts of funds, use of materials;
  • monitoring compliance with financial discipline;
  • compliance with timely submission of reports to the relevant authorities.

What is the difference between a general director’s instruction and a simple director’s instruction?

If the structure of an enterprise requires the presence of both a general director and directors of areas, their job descriptions differ radically. The differences primarily lie in the delegation of authority and level of responsibility.

  • The general director represents the interests of the enterprise as a whole, and the director only within the framework of his division and powers.
  • The director in this case is appointed not by a decision of the Board of Shareholders, but simply by an Order of the General Director.
  • If there is a general director, there may be several director positions.
  • The general director controls and adjusts the activities of the entire organization as a whole, and the director only controls a separate area, for example, the financial part or sales.

Peculiarities of a director’s activities in different areas of business

Despite the fact that every leadership position provides approximately the same powers, different areas of economic activity have their own characteristics. Therefore, in order to hold the position of director or general director in a particular area of ​​business, you need to have some specific skills.

  • In medical organizations, for example, it is impossible to do without special education.
  • The general director in the field of trade or provision of services must thoroughly know the legislation in the field of consumer protection.
  • The general director of a security company must have the opportunity to directly interact with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • In the housing and communal services sector, the manager must not only personally receive citizens, but also closely interact with suppliers of raw materials to provide the population with high-quality heat, water, electricity, and so on.

In general, everywhere has its own specifics, and the position of director or general director is not only a fancy word and a lot of authority, but also a huge responsibility. Moreover, the louder the word, the greater the responsibility.

General manager- is the head of the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

The General Director is responsible for the safety and effective use of the enterprise's property, for the consequences of decisions made, and the financial and economic results of the Company's activities.

The functions of the general director are to generally manage the production and economic activities of the company.

It is the general director who bears full responsibility for all decisions made, for the results of the enterprise’s activities and the safety of its property.

Requirements for the General Director

The main requirements for the General Director are as follows:

    availability of higher education (often required in economics, law or relevant to the company’s work profile);

    Having experience in a managerial position, usually at least two years;

    having work experience in a field relevant to the company’s activities;

    knowledge of regulations and legislation;

    Confident use of a personal computer.

Functions of the General Director

The General Director of the Company is assigned the following functions:

    ensuring compliance with the law in the Company's activities;

    management of the financial and economic activities of the Company in accordance with the Charter of the Company;

    organizing the work of the Company in order to achieve effective interaction between all structural divisions of the Company;

    execution of instructions from the general meeting of shareholders and the Board of Directors of the Company.

Job responsibilities of the General Director

The General Director is assigned the following job responsibilities:

    management of the financial and economic activities of the Company;

    organization of work in order to implement effective interaction between the Company’s divisions;

    ensuring the fulfillment of all obligations of the Company to creditors;

    organizing accounting, ensuring the preparation of all forms of reporting;

    approval of the Company's staffing table, job descriptions for the Company's employees;

    taking measures to provide the Company with qualified personnel;

    taking measures to provide the Company with all necessary property;

    ensuring the safety of the Company's property;

    ensuring the protection of the Company's interests in court;

    implementation of a set of measures to monitor compliance by the Company's employees with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, internal regulatory documents of the Company and job responsibilities;

    implementation of a set of measures to control the implementation of decisions of the general meeting of shareholders and the Board of Directors of the Company;

    provision of information and reporting on the activities of the Company to the general meeting of shareholders, the Board of Directors and auditors of the Company.

Rights of the General Director

The General Director has the right:

    draw up and sign documents within their competence;

    make decisions within their competence;

    represent the interests of the Company in relations with third parties;

    terminate and conclude business contracts, including employment contracts, on behalf of the Company;

    open current accounts of the Company in banks;

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Anyone looking for a job has more than once come across advertisements with fabulous salaries and the key phrase “CEO wanted.” The responsibilities of this main character in any company seem simple to many: he sometimes appears in the office, rewards the best, fires the worst. And then he goes somewhere on vacation for the company's profit. In fact, all this is just the visible part of the iceberg called “the responsibilities of the CEO.” Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Without any embellishment, the busiest person in the company with the largest range of diverse functions and the highest degree of responsibility is the CEO. His responsibilities, in essence, combine everything that other employees must do, plus responsibility for the activities of each of them and the company as a whole.

How to become a general?

By the way, the general director, in most cases, is the same employee, invited by the owner of the company to this high position, thanks to his work experience and professional skills. However, you can “grow up” to this chair in your own team. Here you are a manager, then a senior manager, a marketer, a development director and, finally, a general director. At the same time, your responsibilities will expand. However, for those who want to make a career, this is precisely what is attractive.

General manager. Responsibilities

So, what should this versatile person be able to do? general director represent a very expanded range:

Management of the company in the broad and narrow senses of the word;

Coordination of the activities of all departments (and if there are branches and branches, including those located in other cities and countries): from the selection and hiring of employees to making a decision on their dismissal;

Making decisions on the introduction of certain innovations/changes in work/areas of activity, etc.;

Development of the company both horizontally and vertically (expanding activities, improving the quality of services provided, opening new offices and branches, etc.);

Organization of uninterrupted and efficient work of all departments;

Increase in turnover/sales volumes, etc.;

Settlement of legal, economic and other aspects of the company’s work;

Representation of the company’s interests at various levels (negotiations, conclusion of transactions, signing of certain types of contracts, etc.);

It goes without saying that all of the above points are just a brief summary of the CEO’s job responsibilities, and each of them implies a detailed list of tasks.

What should a CEO know?

The responsibilities of the general director imply that he has a number of knowledge, skills and abilities. Depending on the specifics of the activities of each specific company, this list may vary, but the basic requirements remain the same for all areas. The CEO must know:

Legislation and regulatory framework relating to the area as well as general provisions;

Tax, environmental, labor legislation;

Regulations of federal, regional and local authorities, one way or another affecting the area in which the company operates;

The specifics of production (service provision) that the company is engaged in;

Relevant and related industries;

Methodology for managing production and non-production processes;

Personnel management methodology.

And also have considerable experience in leadership positions, be able to multitask and be clearly aware of the degree of responsibility for all of your actions or inactions.

Despite the abundance and variety of affairs that a general director must deal with, this position is very interesting and allows an ambitious employee to fully realize his potential, receiving not only profit from his work, but also emotional and psychological satisfaction.

The name of the position of the head of the organization is specified in the constituent documents and in connection with the regulatory reflection of the sole management body.

The principle of designating the head of an enterprise and the construction of his labor relations with the company depends on a number of factors and functional areas of the company, as well as on the scale of production or other activities.

Description of the director's position

A director, as a rule, is a person appointed in a non-profit structure who has a number of management, supervisory, representative and other functions to manage the organization.

The director's key responsibilities and area of ​​responsibility are directly related to the company's activities. For example:

  • The head of the transport organization ensures the safety of transportation and the creation of conditions for the work and rest regime of drivers. In some cases, it is responsible for licensing activities and providing special vehicles.
  • In the field of public catering, the head of a canteen or plant is personally responsible for the quality of food preparation, compliance with technology, sanitary standards, and product safety.

Under his leadership, a collectively developed development strategy for the organization’s profile is implemented, production and economic plans are implemented, and financial and economic issues are resolved.

He appoints deputies for the management of various areas of activity, delegates powers to officials for the management of branches, representative offices, divisions, and sites.

Deputy managers are appointed in both non-profit and commercial structures; there are no restrictions on the use of this position. The following job designations have become common: Deputy Director

  • on development;
  • on educational work;
  • on scientific and methodological work;
  • public relations;
  • on the administrative and economic part;
  • for general questions, etc.

In practice, in small limited liability companies with a minimum number of employees, there is a combination of a director and a founder in one person, who additionally performs the role of an accountant or HR clerk. In such cases, they become one not through a competition or as a result of elections of the general meeting, but through self-appointment.

General Director Job Description

A person representing the sole management body of a commercial firm, most often a joint stock company or limited liability company, is appointed general director. He may be the owner, co-owner of the business or, conversely, not have a share in the capital of the company, but be an employee.

This designation of the position of a key figure is typical for developed multi-level structures, including several separate divisions.

Each independent enterprise or branch, representative office included in the united group of companies is headed by a director responsible for the work of the constituent unit.

Subordinate to the general director there may be several directors vested with powers within the framework of the regulations on the structural unit and a power of attorney to exercise management in any area. So, for example, in practice we often find executive director, technical director, development director, financial director, branch director, commercial director, etc. In fact, they are functional managers in areas of activity.

The title of CEO can be replaced by the laconic “president”. This definition of management emphasizes the status and image of a large company or holding, and the election of an honorary person.

Differences between them

From a legal point of view no fundamental differences between the names of top officials in the management of organizations. In the qualification directories, the positions of director, managing director and general director are designated as variant titles in a single group of enterprise managers.

True differences in the use of terms appear in practice.

You should pay attention to the scope of the company's activities. In business, the key figure is more often referred to as the CEO; in non-profit organizations, the director.

The number of people in the organization and the hierarchy of various levels also influence the name of the leader. In small companies, the team is traditionally headed by a director. In large industry institutions, groups of companies, corporations or holdings, the sole management body is represented by the general director.

When concluding transactions and signing contracts, you should pay attention to the powers of the person representing the company, no matter what his name is. The rights of the manager must be reflected in the constituent documents of the organization or in the power of attorney issued to him.

The activities of the General Director of the OJSC are aimed at increasing the funds used in circulation. Providing annual profits for subsequent distribution as dividends among all shareholders is also part of his professional interests. The share of each shareholder is determined on the basis of an approved resolution adopted by the general meeting of shareholders.

The procedure for appointing the general director of a joint stock company

The only body authorized to appoint a person to the specified position is the general meeting of shareholders (GMS). One of the members of the Board of Directors (BoD) of the OJSC has the right to apply for this vacancy. The charter of a legal entity plays an important role here. It is acceptable that the CEO may be the chairman of the board of directors. A contract must be concluded with the person appointed to this position. It sets out the rights and obligations of the parties. All provisions of the contract are approved by a collegial decision of the general meeting of shareholders.

Rules for concluding a contract

The last point deserves special attention. Shareholders often ignore it. Lawyers say there is no direct rule governing this issue. Despite this, it is better to approve all the requirements and nuances of the contract in advance. This will allow greater control over the performance of the general director of the OJSC. Separately, the contract specifies the limits of competence, rights and obligations.

The procedure and amount of remuneration are specified in the document. You should not omit the list of grounds for early termination of the contract in the document. In the event that the General Director cannot (or is not able to) permanently or temporarily perform official duties, a repeated meeting of the members of the board of directors is necessary. Their task is to select an interim executor. In the event that a temporary inability to perform direct official duties has developed into a permanent one, the board of directors at the next meeting raises the issue of appointing a new general director.

Features of termination of a concluded contract

In the event that a person appointed to this position is removed from it by decision of the board of directors, he is required to submit a report on the work done. This is done within the time frame specified in the contract he signed.

The task of the Board of Directors is to transfer to the General Director certain rights necessary for the performance of direct official duties.

All instructions and orders of the General Director are binding for all company personnel. Legislation does not allow the board of directors to limit the powers of the specified position. In this case, the board of directors may make a proposal to recall the general director.

His duty is to strictly implement the decisions approved by the general meeting of shareholders. The director performs all actions on behalf of an open joint stock company without a power of attorney. He has the right to represent the interests of a legal entity on domestic and international platforms. In addition, the General Director manages the property and funds of the company. The procedure for this is regulated by the charter and decisions of the general meeting.

Throughout his entire activity, the manager issues orders and makes decisions regarding the operational activities of the company. Responsibilities for implementing the decisions of the general director rest with the board. With mandatory agreement with the manager, the Council appoints members of the board.