Business ideas worth 100,000 rubles. Business without large investments

Become individual entrepreneur It is possible with a fairly limited budget. To organize profitable business, you don’t need to take out a large loan while leaving your own property as collateral. 100,000 rubles is enough to start, but it’s easy to guess that this amount is not enough to create a profitable activity.

Before you organize your own business, you need to decide on the type of your activity, think about what services or products you will promote on the market, and also carefully plan your expenses.

Cheese production

100,000 thousand rubles will be enough to open a small business producing hard cheese. A high-quality product, cooked in a small container, is in great demand among buyers, so there will be no problems with its sale. To start, you will need to rent a room and purchase special equipment. Many entrepreneurs who specialize in cheese making subsequently engage in breeding cattle, which allows you to obtain raw materials for production and at the same time meat, which can also be sold profitably.

Breeding poultry at home

For 100 thousand you can open a profitable one. To start, you will need to rent a room with heating and ventilation, as well as purchase equipment for raising poultry. You can become familiar with the technology of raising poultry to produce tasty duck meat and eggs by visiting thematic websites and forums on the Internet.

Smoking meat and fish products

Building your own smokehouse will generate income all year round. This profitable type of business is interesting because it does not require huge investments at the start. For 100,000 thousand rubles you can build a spacious smokehouse, and also buy necessary equipment. In addition, there will be enough money to purchase fish or meat products for the first batches of production. Not only residents of the private sector, but also city residents can open this type of activity, however, the smokehouse will have to be located away from the residential complex. In addition, we should not forget that when renting a room, it is necessary to take care of fire safety (for known reasons).

Cotton candy production

With less than 100 thousand rubles you can open a cotton candy production business. The implementation of this idea is quite simple, since it does not require spending money on renting a workshop and expensive equipment. It is enough to buy a machine for making cotton candy and find a place with a lot of people. It’s easy to guess that the largest sales of cotton wool made from powdered sugar are in summer time, holidays and weekends. This type activities can be very profitable if the idea of ​​​​producing delicacies is implemented on the beaches or in the resort area.

Earning money from packaging natural honey

Let's not focus on beneficial properties this product, but obviously honey is in demand all year round. To open your own business, 100,000 rubles will be enough for rent production premises, as well as the purchase of semi-automatic packaging equipment, with which you can process up to 1000 kg of product per work shift. This type of business is suitable for entrepreneurs who have their own apiary, as well as anyone who wants to earn decent money. In practice, packaged honey costs almost half as much as the weight of the product, so the income will not be long in coming. It is necessary to establish sales channels, as well as purchase raw materials for packaging at the best price, which will allow the investment to recoup within 3-4 months.

Grocery packaging – income all year round

The idea of ​​creating a profitable business in the packaging of bulk food products is not new, and 100 thousand is enough to implement it. At first, you can purchase used equipment and rent a room where cereals, pasta and other “bulk” products will be packaged. The main advantages of this type of activity include long shelf life of packaged goods and high consumer demand. The return on investment is on average 5-6 months, and you should expect 60-80% monthly profit.

Sales of newspapers, household goods and services

Along with selling food, a budding entrepreneur can build own business for 100,000 rubles on the sale of various household and household goods that are in certain demand. These could be car accessories, batteries, razors, presses, pyrotechnics, etc. Some trading companies offer popular products from well-known brands at very favorable conditions. Here it is important to organize a retail outlet in crowded places, for example, markets, underground passages, etc.

Advice: This idea of ​​developing your business for 100 thousand rubles can be effectively implemented near passenger stations, where products such as AA batteries, magazines and newspapers, stationery, as well as souvenirs are in demand.

Regarding the provision of various services to the population, it is worth highlighting some ideas, with the proper implementation of which entrepreneurs earn a stable and good income.

Tool rental

For 100 thousand rubles you can start making very good money by renting out power tools for repair and construction work. This equipment is in demand both among professionals and among ordinary people. It will be expensive to purchase expensive equipment for repairs or specific work, but there are many people who want to rent a concrete mixer or a professional hammer drill. Equipment can be purchased very profitably online, after first finding out which companies now specialize in selling professional tools.

Opening our own studio

For 100,000 you can organize a profitable business in sewing and repairing clothes. This amount is more than enough to open your own workshop, as well as register an enterprise, rent premises and sewing equipment. As a rule, studios are opened in public buildings, train stations and markets, as well as in places with high traffic. It’s easy to guess that repairing wearable items, tailoring clothes to order and bed linen will always be relevant and in demand. The investment will pay off very quickly, and besides, this type of activity will allow you to earn a stable income and support hired staff.

Simple business on the Internet

The global network has long ceased to be a place where one spends one’s life in front of one’s own computer monitor. If you are interested, the Internet opens up great opportunities for this. You can earn your first money online, for example, by writing articles, creating advertising banners, flash animations, landing pages, multifunctional online stores, etc. Of course, this is possible if a person has a considerable amount of specific knowledge. You should not assume that only programmers and designers can and do earn money online. By investing 100 thousand, you can organize a profitable business by opening your own online store. The future entrepreneur will have to decide on the product category on his own; there are several competitive and at the same time very profitable niches, which include:

  • children's toys;
  • copies and originals of famous brands of men's and women's watches;
  • cosmetics;
  • jewelry and bijouterie;
  • bags, clutches and fashion accessories;
  • stylish men's and women's clothing;
  • mobile phones and gadgets.

About half of the estimated budget will be spent on manufacturing, testing, launching and advertising an online store. The same amount will be required to purchase goods. If you don’t know how to organize an online store, you can contact search engines. Beautiful and profitable idea will build your own business by selling other people's goods through global network. To do this, you need to register on aggregator sites, receive referral links to sell the product and actively promote it. To quickly master the business of traffic arbitrage and selling other people's goods, you need to undergo training at training centers or from webmasters. This is easy to do by typing (again, turning to search engines) the appropriate request. As practice shows, the cost of training varies from 15 to 60 thousand rubles, while the training period (real) lasts 2-3 months, after which the first earnings will begin under the guidance of an experienced teacher. With a certain amount of effort, substantial fees will not take long to arrive.

Installation of terminals for accepting payments

The range of various Fix Price products includes several thousand units, and they can be purchased at the same price. The advantages of this business include:

  • the ability of the entrepreneur to independently compile a product range;
  • guaranteed advertising and promotions;
  • delivery of products within the specified time frame;
  • the possibility of selling goods even after the expiration of the contract;
  • uninterrupted transfer of profits from the company.

As for the initial investment, 100 thousand rubles may not be enough, since you will need to rent shopping pavilion, the area of ​​which will be at least 250 m². In addition, your retail outlet should be located near a large transport junction, in a crowded place, and the store’s signs and promotional products should be clearly visible to potential buyers.


Many people have the rather erroneous opinion that a business can only be created with a large initial capital. This is wrong. There are many ideas, the implementation of which requires only up to 100 thousand rubles, and some of them can be brought to life without investment. Efficiency entrepreneurial activity very often depends on a successfully chosen direction, the businessman’s own ambitions, and sometimes even luck.

What kind of business can you open for 100,000 in order to receive a good income in the coming months?

Own atelier: sewing new clothes, repairing old ones

Today there are very few ateliers that could offer services such as sewing modern and high-quality clothes to order, or repairing old clothes. This niche for forming your own business is practically free. Therefore, having experience in sewing and at least 100 thousand rubles to start, you can completely organize your business in this direction.

Initially, it is possible to start a sewing business in your own apartment. Therefore, all expenses will go towards purchasing the necessary equipment and tools. You can advertise your own business in order to attract customers through your relatives and friends, by putting an advertisement in print, by posting it on bulletin boards in residential areas, or by posting it on the Internet.

Real estate agency

Having this amount and experience in real estate activities, you can organize a real estate agency. This business is associated with the provision of services to the population for the rental of inexpensive, high-quality housing. Available capital up to 100,000 rubles. necessary to open an office, which is recommended to be located in crowded areas.

Today we have few specialists in this area of ​​service, so real estate services are quite in demand on the market.

Photo printing on a ceramic surface

Today, a business such as photo printing on ceramics is gaining popularity. These products are in good demand among consumers. Therefore, anyone who has a small capital available, at least up to 100 thousand rubles, or who is still wondering what business to start, can calmly occupy this niche.

Anyone can learn the art of photo printing, and you won’t need much money to purchase equipment to promote your own business. This direction has great prospects in the future. Subsequently, the business can be expanded using the profit received and photo printing can be applied to a wide variety of products. In just a few years of work, it’s possible to grow a small business to a significant scale: open, for example, a design studio.

Shop on wheels

For those who have their own vehicle and an initial capital of 100,000 rubles, there are many ideas for creating individual business. The best option is to open your own store on wheels.

To organize mobile trade, you will need to draw up a certain list of permits and purchase for 100 thousand rubles. goods and you can start trading on wheels.

You can really sell anything, and most importantly, do it in different places. For example, you can deliver to villages far from the city the goods that the villagers need most. This business simultaneously involves the provision of services such as the delivery of certain goods to order in small shops, and also individual clients to the house.

In the city, mobile trade is quite profitable, as it covers the main segment - public catering.

The most effective way to announce your own activities to form a large client base is through Internet resources.

What kind of business can you open for another 100 thousand rubles?

Guinea fowl breeding

For a village, breeding guinea fowl is a rather interesting business idea. This type poultry able to take root in different climatic conditions and does not require special care. Even a novice farmer, whose activities were not previously related to agriculture, can start breeding such birds.

It should be noted that guinea fowl meat is highly valued; it is considered a dietary food. Today, guinea fowl meat is rapidly gaining popularity among consumers, but is in short supply in grocery hypermarkets.

Galvanization of car body parts

Every motorist knows that after a certain period of time, areas damaged by corrosion appear on the body of domestic cars, which contributes to the deterioration of appearance auto. And if you let it develop further, the vehicle will very quickly become unusable.

To prevent this, as well as prevent expensive repairs to your car, you can galvanize the body in advance.

Providing such services is a ready-made niche for starting your own business for that amount. And if you treat your work responsibly and provide only high-quality services, then this business will bring in good money, since today there are many people in need of these services, but there are not enough offers for everyone.

Conclusion: you can safely open a small workshop, for example, in your own garage, then you will only need about 100,000 rubles. for the purchase of equipment and tools.

HOA Manager

In the housing and communal services sector, after the reforms, a new specialty appeared - the manager of the HOA (homeowners' association). Residents of apartment buildings no longer trust public utilities, since the money they collect is very rarely used to improve their housing. Today, residents entrust the collected money to the person they choose from the house. His responsibilities include directing the collected funds to repair the house and improve the surrounding area.

If you have basic understanding of carrying out repair work, then you can also open your own business in this direction by spending about 100 thousand rubles on the purchase of tools and necessary equipment.

The salary itself HOA manager may be low, but over time it is realistic to take on several residential buildings at once for maintenance. It also provides additional income from repair organizations as a commission.

In this business, the main point is to be in touch at any time, to provide assistance with any request from residents. As a result, high trust among apartment owners, respectively permanent employment, more income.

Dispatcher for private doctors

From various types no one is immune from diseases. The disease also does not occur on working days in clinics, when all the doctors are there. You can often get colds on the weekends, holidays. Adults in such a situation first begin to self-medicate, but if their health has not improved by Monday, then they go to see a specialist. This number does not work with small children; you must call a doctor.

Today there are many professional doctors practice private activity, but not every parent knows how to find them at this very moment. The dispatcher of private doctors can answer this question.

Bringing together a patient and a doctor is a business worth up to 100,000 rubles, which is rapidly gaining momentum today. It appeared recently in response to the urgent need to provide services of this nature.

To open your own business in this field of activity, you do not need big money, it is enough to have up to 100 thousand rubles. Entrepreneurial skills, sociability, communication skills and experience in building mutually beneficial relationships will be more useful.

Puppet business

Today, entrepreneurship in children's toys is also quite popular. Such a business can be opened with a small starting capital 100,000 rubles. Today, a large number of Chinese-made dolls are sold on the children's toy market. They are not of high quality or attractive appearance. Many of these toys are not even safe. Therefore, we can say with confidence that beautiful dolls dressed in expensive outfits will be in good demand.

For the independent production of toys today, it is possible to find a lot of different materials on the market, so there will definitely not be any difficulties in purchasing the necessary raw materials, for which 100 thousand rubles is quite enough. The main thing in this matter is to learn the skill of making beautiful, high-quality dolls.

Toys must be made in a distinctive price range for different segments of the population. More expensive exclusive toys are best made to order. And to sell goods, you can open an online store on the Internet.

If someone convinces you that he knows perfectly well how to earn 100,000 in a month, moreover, he says that he already has such an income, and does not invest a penny and does practically nothing - do not believe this person. Most likely, you are dealing with a scammer. Soon he will ask you to deposit a certain amount, “to get started,” and after you fulfill his requirements, he will disappear. And not only will you not be able to earn a hundred thousand, but you will also lose your last penny. Today, such schemes do not work as clearly as before. Many people know about the deception and are in no hurry to send their money to nowhere. Nevertheless, there are still enough naive people, and there are still many who are puzzling over the question of where to earn 100,000 a month without making any special efforts.

Without difficulty...

While searching for an answer to the burning question: “How to earn 100,000 rubles in a month?”, many for some reason think that they can find a dust-free occupation that will bring the desired profit without any physical movements on the part of its recipient. Remember: this doesn't happen. Unfortunately, today the opportunity to make money on the Internet confuses many people: stories about old women and blondes famously withdrawing millions from Forex, and schoolchildren easily beating venerable casinos and driving around in Cadillacs only encourage the search and cause a greedy gleam in the eyes. However, believe me: these are all just stories. To get something, you need to work. And sometimes even study extra. Every day. And very diligently. And look less at the Internet. Because not everyone can earn the coveted sum with five zeros there. Yes, there are such people. But they worked long and hard towards their goal, sometimes without resting for days and constantly updating their knowledge and skills.

Main options

An interesting phenomenon: for many who are looking for where and how to make money, for some reason 100,000 a month is exactly the most acceptable amount. Probably, this is exactly how much, in the understanding of our people, is needed in order not to deny oneself anything. Be that as it may, such a desire evokes only respect, but there are three main ways for its implementation. If you work for the benefit of the state or some private company, are considered a good specialist, but do not receive the coveted hundred thousand, it is advisable to think about changing jobs and find another one with more suitable pay. True, in practice this is quite difficult to implement, if only because there are not many such vacancies, in any case, much less than there are people willing to fill them. Well, you need to work on yourself, perhaps even study further, in order to become a truly highly qualified specialist.

The second option is to work for days. In addition to your main job, find a few more jobs with good pay and work, work, work... Perhaps one day you will be able to collect everything you earned in a month and hold one hundred thousand in your hands. True, most likely, most of them will have to be spent on medicine, since at this rate you won’t last long.

And the third option, which is at the moment it is most expedient to consider it as a way to really get real earnings- open your own business. And this is not necessarily some kind of big enterprise. Since it is quite possible to earn money honestly, including the desired amount, even on the Internet. But, of course, without clicking on the links.

Let's go back to the Internet

How to earn 100,000 rubles per month on the World Wide Web? Create your own website and fill it with really worthwhile content. True, you shouldn’t think that it’s enough to use any free constructor, launch your brainchild and expect the money to flow like a river. You will have to work long and hard, paying first of all attention to the quality of all components of the site - from the domain and appearance to the content. But if everything works out, you can be sure: you not only found effective way, how to earn money honestly, but also received an excellent tool for creating income that will feed you for the rest of your life.

Of course, this is not the only option. If you have a commercial streak, you can try to found your own online casino, follow in the footsteps of the founders of Facebook, VKontakte and other similar projects and come up with your own, open a bookmaker’s office, or even create a game. But this still requires certain talents. But to do business in real life Almost anyone can. We will tell you below how and how much you can earn by becoming an entrepreneur.


Since it is quite difficult to make money in the city today by opening your own business due to the fact that many niches have been occupied for a long time and firmly, in some cases a novice businessman should use the services of a well-known brand. Or, in market terms, buy a franchise. You buy a ready-made business model with a full package of documents and, for a percentage of the proceeds, start working under a well-known brand. For example, open the same McDonald's. The company that sold the franchise will not only help at first, but will also provide training and advertising. That is, you don’t have to come up with anything yourself, everything has already been done for you. It is enough just to comply with all the conditions and work diligently. And then the question of how to earn 100,000 rubles in a month can be removed from the agenda. Moreover, the bar can simply be raised.

Network Marketing

Some people, upon hearing this phrase, immediately begin to wince. And completely in vain. History knows many examples when people engaged in this type of activity became millionaires. Start small. At least from the sale of the same cosmetics. Register as an individual entrepreneur, open your small office, gather a team and take action! For example, the same “Oriflame” often rewards its directors (read: entrepreneurs who sell the company’s products on an ongoing basis) with all kinds of bonuses, the amount of which is very impressive. Plus earnings from sales. Here is the coveted hundred thousand. And perhaps more. The company respects its employees and does everything possible to help them grow and develop.

Become a mediator

If you consider yourself a proactive and purposeful person, try providing mediation services. Today there are a lot of people who have a lot of their own ideas, projects and inventions, but, for one reason or another, do not know what to do with them. And no less than those who need fresh injections into their business. Become a link between them. Find and sell other people's ideas to companies for a certain percentage. Not a very simple type of activity, of course, but nevertheless one that allows you to get real income.

Own business

And yet it’s calmer and safer to open your own, albeit small, business. And there is no need to be afraid of competition. You just need to approach the question wisely and try to find free niche. And there are many options. And it’s not at all necessary to open a chic restaurant or an expensive boutique. You can do anything you want, even going as far as selling handmade items, for example, hand-painted plates and cups, beaded crafts, and jewelry. If you are a true master, then over time you will have no end to clients, and your earnings will reach the coveted figure with five zeros.

You can make great money by offering services on the market. Open a repair shop for, say, bicycles, or your own hairdresser. You never know... For greater clarity, here are a few examples of great business ideas.

Sale of pizza

Try home delivery of pizza at first. An excellent option that does not require a large room or huge financial investments. All you need to do is be able to cook well, have a car and advertise yourself accordingly.

Become an Aibolit dispatcher

Unfortunately, such a concept as a “family doctor” is not yet very common among us. However, people would like to have access to quality medical services both day and night. Create your own agreement with doctors and provide yourself with an appropriate database of their database and advertising. Of course, at first you will have to go around the clinics, handing out business cards and posters, but then, when the patients understand that through you they can actually call you at any time. good specialist, orders will simply flow like a river.

If you know how to sew...

Then open a clothing repair shop. And certainly with a visit to your home to pick up the order. Believe me, there will be no end to customers. Clothes repair is a service that is extremely in demand today. At the same time, you can also add sewing curtains, receiving and handing over clothes to dry cleaning. Naturally, you won’t earn a million in a month, but over time you can definitely count on earning 100 thousand.

And these are not all types of small businesses that can be opened by a city entrepreneur.

Yes, it’s elementary! Especially if you have a base like your own home or dacha. You can put a large stationary greenhouse on the site and grow herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes, and flowers in it all year round for sale. Conclude an agreement with a cafe, restaurant, supermarket or entrepreneur in the market and supply them with your products. An excellent option for those who do not know how to earn 100,000 rubles per month in the village. Or you can even become a farmer. And grow potatoes, cabbage, and carrots on an industrial scale. Or start breeding pigs, horses, ostriches, finally. The dairy farm also brings in good income. In general, there are a lot of options.

If you don’t want to work on the land, open your own auto shop. Buy a sales trailer and travel around the villages, offering villagers not only to purchase essential goods from you, but also to pre-order certain products. A very good type of business that will definitely bring the required profit.

How else can you make money in the village? Rent some land and plant an orchard. If you approach the issue wisely and choose the right seedlings, then within a few years it is quite possible to get your first harvest. The implementation of which will begin to generate profit.


So, let’s summarize our conversation about how to earn 100,000 rubles in a month. Is this possible? As it turned out, yes! However, nothing surprising, since the amount is quite reasonable, even not reaching two thousand dollars today. Everything can work out. But on one condition: you need to remember that no one will ring the doorbell every month and just give you an envelope with a hundred thousand rubles. To earn something, you need to work. And only then can you expect that there will always be prosperity in your home.

The purchase of existing organizations is becoming increasingly popular among entrepreneurs. But not everyone has the opportunity to acquire companies that require large investments. Today, entrepreneurs have an excellent prospect of purchasing a ready-made business up to 100 thousand rubles.

Ready business up to 100,000 rubles

To buy a ready-made business, you first need to choose the area in which you will develop. Today, you can purchase a business up to 100,000 rubles in Moscow and other regions of Russia in the following areas:

  • online stores;
  • vending;
  • IT and Internet;
  • liquor stores;
  • hotel reservation services;
  • fitness centers;
  • hairdressing salons.

If you decide to buy an existing business, you will need to find out the reasons for the sale (unprofitability of the organization, the owner moving to another city, family circumstances, need for finance), the presence of competitors, whether anyone else has information about the sale, the number of owners, the year of opening and much more.

A ready-made business up to 100,000 rubles in Moscow and the regions is popular among entrepreneurs. There is no need to prepare documents yourself, develop product sales channels and look for suppliers. In addition, the buyer of the business receives an already operating company that generates stable income.


So, if you have decided to buy ready business in Moscow or the regions, you need to study the catalog of offers, which you can find on our specialized portal on the Internet. We present to your attention options of various price categories and industries. For example, a hairdressing salon can cost 100,000 rubles, and a cleaning company can cost up to 80,000 rubles.

According to statistics, purchasing a ready-made enterprise requires much less capital investment than starting from scratch. However, it is important to understand that each type of entrepreneurial activity is work that requires special attention, a lot of effort and patience.

In this material:

Opening a business with a budget of 100,000 rubles is not as difficult as it seems. In the modern world, you can start your own business even without any investment. But, as practice shows, one hundred thousand is the minimum amount of initial capital that will allow the business to quickly pay for itself and begin to generate significant income.

The amount of 100 thousand rubles is quite small by business standards, so you need to carefully choose a business project and carefully plan all the costs of its creation.

First of all, a business project must clearly answer the questions: what goods or services will be offered to customers, how much demand are they in the market? Secondly, you need to evaluate your competitors and develop a strategy and tactics to fight for your customer. And only after that begin planning expenses and actions to open a business.

Selling goods

Traditionally, one of the most popular areas in which a novice entrepreneur with a limited budget can develop. An amount of 100 thousand is not enough to rent a mini-store and purchase a minimum product range, unless you agree with the supplier on a trade credit or payment for the goods received after its sale.

However, this money may be quite enough to rent a small kiosk or organize one or more mobile retail outlets. These could be:

  • tents selling newspapers and magazines, ice cream, soft drinks, accessories, jewelry, small household goods;
  • rented auto shops selling dairy or meat products, bread and bakery products;
  • visiting retail outlets for the sale of goods everyday needs in villages and towns.

To fit into a small budget, all the necessary equipment will have to be rented or purchased used. Most likely, at first the entrepreneur will have to work behind the counter independently.

Please note that in addition to registration costs individual entrepreneurship, the business plan should include expenses for obtaining a trade license, undergoing a mandatory medical examination, and obtaining permits from the SES.

Tailoring services

After trade, this is perhaps the second most popular and relevant area of ​​entrepreneurship that does not require high capital investments. According to the experience of most craftsmen working in the field of individual tailoring, a budget of 100,000 rubles is quite enough to organize a workshop with a hired staff of several people.

For a studio, a small room is usually rented in shopping centers or clothing stores. For a sewing workshop, you can use your apartment as a premises. Cost of renting or purchasing new equipment, registration legal entity and the cost of paying staff falls within the budget of 100,000 rubles.

Financial transactions

You can open and financial business for 100,000 rubles. For example, purchase your own terminal. New device costs from 60 thousand rubles. An old one in good condition can be bought for 30 thousand. The internal structure of the terminal is not much more complicated than usual home computer, so a person who understands technology and electronics can easily maintain and repair it himself.

A budget of 100 thousand rubles is enough to purchase 1-3 terminals and register a legal entity. It is necessary to talk with the owner of the premises about installing your device and enter into agreements with organizations to which clients’ money will be transferred.

Income from such a business will be deducted in the form of a transfer commission. The amount of the commission depends entirely on the appetites of the terminal owner. Almost everything mobile operators and many other organizations return to the entrepreneur 5-10% of the money that clients transfer to them, allowing the terminal owner to minimize the commission.

An amount of 100,000 rubles is enough to start a business issuing short-term loans to people in need. The loan size usually does not exceed 10-20 thousand, and the term is 2-3 weeks. The main document guaranteeing the return of money is the borrower's receipt. An additional guarantor for repayment of the loan can be the collateral of jewelry, securities, household appliances, etc.

Entrepreneurs who issue loans charge quite high interest rates- from 1 to 3% per day, but they still try to ensure that the fee does not exceed that in pawn shops. The risk of non-repayment is low, since not everyone wants to contact collection services over several thousand rubles, and is included as a percentage of the profit from bona fide borrowers. All this must be calculated in advance and included in your business plan.

The payback and profitability of such a business for 100,000 rubles is high, and it can be expanded by attracting investors at interest rates significantly higher than bank ones.

Internet business

When choosing which business to open with 100,000 rubles, many choose Internet projects.

Opportunities for entrepreneurship in this area are wider, since initial costs do not involve the purchase or rental of space and equipment.

Online stores are often a popular business idea for 100,000 rubles. For half this amount you can purchase a mid-level website store to order from professionals. A business plan for an online store should include expenses for the initial assortment, promotion and advertising of the site. The average payback period is a year.

Those who don’t want to get involved with selling anything may like ideas for 100,000 rubles to create a blog or a thematic website. The specified initial capital is enough to order its production, initial content filling and promotion from professionals. When the site reaches a certain level of the number of visitors, you can offer advertisers the placement of paid advertising. The cost of this advertising will depend on the popularity of the site, determined by the number of visits per day, month or year.

Fans of financial transactions will like the idea of ​​​​creating an exchange office that exchanges electronic money for real money and vice versa. The cost of creating an automated exchange site varies from 15 to 45 thousand. The bulk of the initial capital will go towards reserves for each currency and payment system.

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Investments: Investments 3,800,000 - 5,000,000 ₽

G.Bar is the most large network beauty bars in the world, which serves more than 60 thousand clients and provides more than 140 thousand services annually. The G.Bar network includes 6 own beauty bars (Kyiv, Moscow) and 21 franchised ones in the world, including Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Cyprus, and the USA. The company was founded in 2015 and provides…

Investments: Investments 1,490,000 - 3,490,000 ₽

The BestWay Car Service Network is a network of body and mechanic repair stations, which was founded in November 2014. Facts: Over 4 years, we opened 14 stations in 8 regions of Russia - in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Dzerzhinsk. In 2017, the group’s cash turnover amounted to 211 million rubles. In 2018...

Investments: Investments 1,350,000 - 6,500,000 ₽

VodaTeplo® – sales, design, installation, warranty and service maintenance of heating systems, water supply, water treatment, drainage, smoke removal, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical safety, video surveillance, systems smart home" As well as plumbing, equipment for baths and saunas, fireplaces, bath accessories, equipment for swimming pools and swimming pools, chemicals for swimming pools and much more. VodaTeplo® - engineering systems. The most recognizable brand in our industry!!!…

Investment: Investment 300,000 ₽

The YAGE company was founded in 2017. The founder is Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kalinkovich, who has 10 years of experience in creating and developing franchising businesses, the founder of the first online driving school in Russia. Area of ​​activity – automation of preparation for the Unified State Exam/Overview. The main goal of the company is to improve the overall level of exam passing and score results through an accessible online service. Development plans include...

Investments: Investments 299,000 - 1,500,000 ₽

Since 2015, our team has been actively studying the Korean cosmetics market. And we discovered some very interesting information. Korean cosmetics, with all its obvious advantages over other competitors, occupies only 2% Russian market. Seeing the prospects, we selected several of the highest quality and attractive brands Urban Dollkiss, Baviphat, Urban city, Dr.119 and successfully sold 2 franchises. Year of work...

Investments: Investments 200,000 - 600,000 ₽

Courier service SAMPOST has been actively working in the field of cargo transportation and express delivery of documents and parcels throughout Russia, the CIS countries and the world for more than 13 years. We gained valuable experience, developed optimal routes and work algorithms. This allows us to reduce the time and cost of shipments for our customers. Experience and thorough knowledge of the market allow us to provide our partners with efficient algorithm openings and...

Investments: Investments 35,000 - 500,000 ₽