Download a business plan for breeding cattle for meat production. How to start livestock farming: main directions, documents, purchase of equipment, prices

Cattle(abbr. cattle) - farm animals of the “Bulls” subfamily. The main purpose of cattle breeding is the production of meat and the production of skins and sometimes wool. Additional income in each of the main areas there is pedigree breeding with the aim of selling young animals.

Mandatory in any of the directions, you will definitely need agricultural equipment for the preparation and transportation of feed, animals, hand tools, a hayloft, a calf barn, areas for walking and grazing cattle, a barn with stands, thanks to which it becomes more convenient to feed the animals, as well as to carry out control.

You should immediately think about veterinary medicine, since livestock can become ill with very serious and dangerous diseases such as anthrax and various influenzas, in which all livestock are sent to slaughter. Any farmer must monitor the cleanliness of his production premises, pastures and periodically carry out processing required by veterinary medicine.

Depending on the possibility of peasant farming, climatic conditions, as well as requirements for meat, several systems for keeping large animals are used. cattle:

  • Stall-pasture. They are kept indoors in winter (with regular walking in pens), and in summer on pasture. In warm seasons, pen-camps are equipped in which animals are kept. Each cow has access to greens, water, and mineral elements.
  • Stall-walking system. With it, the herd is kept indoors with mandatory daily walks in special runs, platforms, and mechanized installations.

Farmers often build sheds under which bulls and cows rest or hide from the weather.

Breeding bulls for meat

Meat breeds

Because the trend recent years became the breeding of breeds that produce high-quality meat, for example, marbled meat, we will list first meat breeds, which have marbling. Many of them are already being bred by enterprising businessmen in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Aberdeen Angus

This breed is naturally prone to marbling, and proper fattening and care can produce meat of the highest marble category - completely permeated with the thinnest layers of fat, very juicy and tender. Angus gains weight in the region of 1 ton and has a height of up to 1.6 meters. They were bred in Scotland, from where they spread throughout the world, including the CIS countries.


Limousines grow up to 1.5 meters in height and weigh about 1 ton. The meat is very tender, juicy with varying degrees of marbling. It is the most exported among French breeds.


Originally from France, it grows up to 1.5 meters in height and weighs about 1,500 kilograms. The best bulls of this breed have a genetic defect in the form of increased production of the protein myostatin, which is responsible for increasing muscle mass. But it is impossible to carry out selection on this basis. However, normal Charolais also produce excellent marbled and lean meat.


Height is about 1.5 meters, weight is about 1100 kg. Herefords come from England and were bred as meat breeds. It is quite unpretentious, so it occupies one of the most important places in the meat market. When properly fattened, the meat is very well marbled.


It was bred in England and is one of the most common. Shorthorns are characterized by high early maturity. The weight of cows is 500-600 kg, bulls - 800-1000 kg. The meat is very tender, juicy, with fat evenly permeated. The average slaughter yield is around 65%.

Grain and grass fed

This example is suitable for both large farm, and for a small one.

Useful links

  • Codex Alimentarius - Code of Hygienic Practice for Meat developed by FAO
  • Everything related to cattle // Forum, communication between farmers on this topic
  • Project Description
  • Recruitment
  • Description of products and services
  • Cattle breeding technology
  • Production plan
  • Schedule
  • Financial plan
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Do I need permission to open?
        • Similar business ideas:

We present to your attention standard business plan(feasibility study) of the organization farm for raising cattle. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, state support or attracting private investment. Using the example of a farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

We suggest studying a standard business plan for organizing a farm for raising cattle to receive government support. Using the example of a farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

Project Description

The goal of this project is to organize an enterprise for raising cattle in the village of N. The main activity of the organization will be the rearing of young cattle with the subsequent sale of meat to the population and wholesale organizations.

To implement the project, it is planned to receive a subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million rubles as part of the state support program for beginning farmers, conducted by the Ministry agriculture. It is also planned to allocate own funds in the amount of 150 thousand rubles to implement the project. The total cost of the project, according to the business plan, is 1.65 million rubles.

Economic indicators of the project:

  • Net profit per year = 1,280,940 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 52.8%;
  • Project payback = 24 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new subject entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Nth district;
  2. Creation of four new jobs;
  3. Receipt of additional tax payments into the budget of the Nth region.

Which taxation system to choose for organizing a farm raising cattle?

The organizational and legal form of our organization will be a peasant farm (peasant farm). The head of the peasant farm is Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.

The single agricultural tax (USAT) will be used as a taxation system. Tax rate is 6% of profit.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Registration of the peasant farm with the Federal Tax Service has been carried out;
  2. There is an agreement to purchase 60 heads of young cattle from one of the operating farms in the region;
  3. The farmer owns a closed premises in which 30 heads of young cattle are kept. The area of ​​the premises is 550 m2, which makes it possible to keep up to 130 heads of young cattle in a free-stall manner (4 m2 per 1 head).


The farm will consist of 5 people: a project manager, as well as 4 hired workers (general workers).

Description of products and services

The main source of income will be the sale of cattle meat to the population, wholesale organizations and processing enterprises.

Cattle breeding technology

Our technology offers rearing of dairy calves purchased at six months of age until they reach the age of 16-18 months and weigh 400 - 450 kg. Rearing will take place primarily outdoors (pen). The feeding ration will consist mainly of silage, haylage, compound feed, green fodder and root crops. To raise one calf, about 21,000 rubles worth of feed will be spent per year.

For raising cattle meat direction calves will be purchased Simmental breed. This breed has good meat productivity, by the age of 18 months, the bull gains weight from 800 to 1000 kg.

Calves will be purchased at the age of about 6 months at an average price of 15 thousand rubles per head. It is better to purchase calves when they are older and stronger. In this case, the risk of disease is reduced and, with proper feeding, calves gain weight very quickly.

As adult livestock is slaughtered, the farm will purchase young cattle for more effective use production areas.

Download business plan for raising cattle

The main competitors will be similar agricultural producers. products of the region, personal subsidiary plots and larger agricultural production complexes.

It is worth noting that today the demand for high-quality cattle meat remains at a high level. The meat produced by our farm will be environmentally friendly, obtained from natural feed. This suggests that there will be no problems with the sale of manufactured products.

Sales of products

Sales of manufactured products are planned to be carried out in the following areas:

  1. Sale of meat to agricultural processing enterprises. products;
  2. Sales of meat to wholesale organizations;
  3. Sales of meat in the form of outdoor trade, at fairs and retail markets.

Let's move on to calculating the potential annual income of the enterprise.

Bulls purchased at the age of 6 months, with proper nutrition and care, will gain up to 450 kg of live weight in 1 year. With a meat yield of 55%, about 250 kg of marketable meat is obtained from each bull. The wholesale selling price of beef today averages 170 rubles/kg. Total estimated revenue per year from one calf is: 250 kg * 170 rubles/kg. = 42,500.

With the simultaneous raising of 90 heads of cattle per year, the farm will sell about 22,500 kg of marketable meat. The total estimated revenue per year will be 3,825,000 rubles. The farm's monthly turnover will average 318,750 rubles.

However, taking into account the specifics of agricultural production, the sale of the first batch of products will occur only after 9 months of farm operation:

Production plan

The premises for keeping cows and calves will be convenient for servicing livestock, storing feed and manure. A walking area will be located next to the premises. Based on sanitary standards for keeping cattle livestock, the ceiling height in the room will be at least 2.4 m. The floor will be constructed using well-fitted wooden planks. This floor is easy to use and creates good hygienic conditions.

To feed livestock, feeders made of boards 600 mm high and up to 700 mm wide will be installed in the premises; the length of the feeders is about one meter.

The window area of ​​the cattle room will be one tenth of the floor area. The distance from the windows to the floor is 1.3 meters. This arrangement contributes to better penetration of sunlight into the premises for keeping cattle.

For more efficient operation, our farm will follow the basic recommendations for keeping calves:

  1. Constant access of calves to fresh and clean water;
  2. Floors will always be dry with clean bedding;
  3. The walls of the structure will contain warm surfaces made of straw bales for calves to lean against;
  4. The premises for keeping cattle will be well ventilated without unnecessary drafts;
  5. The farm will introduce a strict program of vaccination of animals against various diseases;
  6. All sanitary and hygienic conditions will be maintained in the premises; food and water for animals will be fresh and clean.

In planned staffing table will include 5 people:

The duties of general workers will include feeding livestock, removing manure and other household tasks.

Also, some work processes will be performed by third parties under contracts paid provision services:

  1. Slaughter of livestock. Experienced slaughterers will be hired for these purposes;
  2. Accounting services;
  3. Supply of feed from agricultural producers.

The cost of these services will be about 150 thousand rubles per year.


The list of events and their cost for opening an enterprise are presented in the form of a calendar plan:

In total, the activities to open the farm will take 96 days and 1.65 million rubles will be spent.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators economic efficiency organizations.

Total farm expenses are presented in the following table:

In total, the enterprise’s total expenses per month will be 202,000 rubles.

The structure of annual costs, according to the business plan, is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main expenses of a farm are the cost of purchasing feed - 53% of total expenses per year. In second place are the costs of payment wages farm workers - 20% of total costs.

The calculation of gross and net profit is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses of the enterprise:

How much can you earn from cattle breeding?

Net profit based on annual sales of farm products will be 1,280,940 rubles. The profitability of a farm raising cattle is 52.8%. Taking into account the achievement of the project revenue indicators of the farm, the initial investment will pay off after 2 years of operation of the farm.

The organization will make tax contributions to various levels of the budget of the Ulyanovsk region up to 182,460 rubles per year.

We recommend download business plan for raising cattle, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

Starting a cattle breeding business is necessary by determining the goals and scale of production. Cattle is a diversified business selling meat, milk, wool, skins, as well as breeding and selling young animals. Next, you need to build appropriate farms with all the necessary equipment for breeding animals. The best option for this purpose would be the territory of an abandoned farm far from highways. Before starting construction, you must register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, as well as obtain permits. After this, you can purchase livestock, medicines and hire animal care staff. If you want to earn income in a simpler way, you need to invest your money correctly. Today you can make money on real estate, cars, and business. Join the investor club and learn how to manage your money, as well as look for new opportunities for self-realization. You may need much less money than to organize cattle work.

How much money do you need to start a business?

Starting a cattle breeding business with little investment will not work. Farming requires significant starting investments, amounting to several million rubles or more. The main costs will go to:

  • Receipt permitting documentation: 50 thousand rubles.
  • Renting territory and carrying out repair work on the premises: 400-800 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase necessary equipment: from 1 million rubles.
  • Purchase of livestock, feed and medicines: 2 million rubles.
  • Salary to farm care staff: 200 thousand rubles per month.

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Which equipment to choose

To effectively run a cattle breeding business, you will need to purchase a lot of equipment:

  • Tractors for transporting feed and manure.
  • Mowers, rakes, tedders and other attachments for making hay.
  • Vehicles for transporting products to the sales market: meat, milk, etc.
  • Additional equipment: containers for milk and meat, agricultural tools, etc.

What documents are needed to open

You can start selling your business only after registering legal entity in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depends on production volumes. To do this, you will need a passport, a photocopy of the ID code, and a receipt for state payment. duties and indication of the corresponding OKVED codes. To sell meat and milk to wholesale buyers, animals must undergo a veterinary examination.

There is an opinion that “living well” in a village is much more difficult than in a city. In fact, this is far from true, because you can achieve success in any area, the main thing is to choose the right direction.

From time immemorial, the village lived from livestock and crop production. Today, when we are in the 21st century, absolutely nothing has changed. This publication will discuss one of the most promising areas of business for rural areas, which involves raising cattle for meat.

So, the first thing that worries the future livestock breeder is the procedure for officially registering his business:

  • When working “big”, it is unlikely that you will be able to hide from the long arm of the law, so it is better to contact the tax office and complete all the necessary procedures for.
  • Also, for the successful sale of goods in bulk, you cannot do without a quality certificate, the absence of which will certainly become a stumbling block for cooperation with serious organizations (meat processing plants, restaurants, supermarkets, etc.).

In principle, these are the two main “papers” necessary for the legal conduct of this type of activity, but since legislation tends to constantly change, it is better to clarify the list of all necessary documents with the same tax or district administration.

Required areas and premises

Before purchasing calves, it is important to take care of their future habitat. Here you need to understand that fattening cattle takes a lot of time; accordingly, the animals will experience both severe frosts and sultry heat. An ordinary shed can cope with cold weather, and it is not necessary to have heating in it, the main thing is the absence of drafts and moisture.

The room temperature should not fall below -10 degrees.

In the summer, a special paddock with a canopy and a place for walking is used. The design of the facility must certainly include a feeding trough and a pitched floor, thanks to which all waste will be collected in a pan (a linear depression the width of the entire pen).

Please note that calves rapidly gain weight during this period of the year, and in order not to jeopardize their health, regular walking is necessary. It is carried out until puberty; further trips to pasture are fraught with consequences: minimum – a skirmish between bulls, maximum – physical damage to the person responsible for the procedure. This requirement should not be neglected, because animals that are constantly in a stall become inadequate and aggressive.

The required area for keeping 10 bulls, based on the fact that 10-11 m2 per head, is about two acres of land. In total, the cost of the square meters themselves and total costs for all building materials will be about 100-150 thousand rubles. Of course, erecting buildings will require a lot of time, effort, and most importantly, desire.


  • The diet of a healthy bull consists of a wide variety of ingredients, mainly grains and melons, as well as herbs. The last point requires special attention; it will take a lot to feed even 10 heads. That is, such volumes cannot be prepared with an ordinary scythe, so you cannot do without a gas mower (7 thousand rubles).
  • Naturally, transporting grass will require transport; even an ordinary car with an equipped trailer will do.
  • If the future farm will be located in an ordinary private yard, in order to avoid conflicts with neighbors due to an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to organize waste removal outside the populated area. The fact that such material also acts as a fertilizer practically eliminates the possibility of any problems arising at this stage.
  • Of course, the ideal would be to buy a tractor, but this is quite serious investment, which will almost double the total budget of money allocated for the project. But with the help of such equipment and the presence of various attachments and carriages, it will be possible to transport the cargo and harvest the crop, much faster and more efficiently than this can be done with a conventional machine.
  • Also, do not forget about processing grain crops (wheat, barley, corn, etc.); an ordinary mini-mill will help turn them into flour; you can buy it at any market.
  • Of course, such common tools in rural areas as hoes, shovels and pitchforks must be prepared in advance, because they will be used every day.

Selecting a breed and purchasing animals

It is best to carry out a transaction at the end of winter or early spring, because then by next winter it will be possible to calculate the first profit. It is important to find a decent farm where all the livestock are kept in optimal conditions, which significantly reduces the likelihood of any infections in the animal’s body.

As mentioned earlier, it is not recommended for beginners to start with a large herd, 10 goals will be enough to start with. In this case, it is quite possible to purchase domestic calves, which have proven themselves much better than farm calves.

To find people willing to sell bulls, you will have to improvise, or, as an option, post advertisements in nearby settlements.

The breed plays a key role when choosing an animal; it determines how long it will take the calf to gain the required weight. Moreover, each of existing species differs in care, as well as in the taste of meat. The best option is fast-growing meat breeds. The most popular of them are as follows:

  • Charolais.
  • White-headed.
  • Simmentalskaya.
  • Hereford.

The age of the animal at the time of purchase determines its final cost. So, the cheapest option is to purchase an individual up to 10 days old, but in this case the risk of losing the money invested increases significantly. The fact is that until the age of one month, a small bull feeds exclusively on milk (about 8-10 liters per day), therefore, if there is no cow on the farm (although a goat will do for this purpose), it is better to refuse such an acquisition.

Of course, everyone knows about the existence of powdered milk, which can replace a natural product. But again, this is to some extent a risk of getting a weakly growing animal, because not a single concentrate can replace cow's milk. Whatever it is, the best option is to buy one-month-old calves who by this age are already accustomed to regular food.

Care, feeding, breeding and slaughter

If you have decided to save money and purchase newborn bulls, you need to be prepared to care for them around the clock during the first month of life. Calves need to be fed milk or milk substitute three times a day; it is better to create a schedule and stick to it on an ongoing basis.

The most common problem with this procedure is the bull’s reluctance to eat on his own. Therefore, you will have to stock up on a regular baby feeding bottle with a nipple and practically force the liquid down your throat. However, after a week, when the animal understands that it is not poison that is being given, it will begin to drink from the bucket on its own.

A calf begins to be accustomed to grass at one month of age; under no circumstances should a freshly cut plant be used for these purposes.

A young body is not able to digest such heavy food, which can lead to diarrhea, and this is an alarming sign. More than 50% of bull calves that begin to lay eggs do not survive, so at first they put hay or straw in the feeder. At the same age, the calf begins to add feed to the milk and gradually replace the milk with water.

At the moment when animals get used to such food, they can safely be taken out to pasture, but there are also some nuances here:

  • Walking should be done after the dew has evaporated.
  • Do not leave individuals in the open sun.
  • Give them water in a timely manner.

During this period, the dangers to the calf’s health become much less, and additional ingredients can be introduced into its diet:

  • Carrot.
  • Fodder beets.
  • Potato.
  • Salt.
  • Corn without fruit.
  • Melons, etc.

Of course, you can get by with just grass and mixed feed, but then you shouldn’t expect maximum weight gain. There is no need to believe those who claim the need for castration; it is reliably known that uncastrated bulls grow faster (+15-20 kg in 1 year).

With this diet, calves are kept up to the age of 1-1.5 years, after which slaughter is carried out. This process is not for the faint of heart and requires certain skills, so it is better to involve a professional. Those who decide to carry out the procedure themselves will have to stun the animal with a heavy object (a sledgehammer or the back of an ax), and then cut its neck.

Next, use a sharp knife to carefully remove the skin so that no meat remains on it. Of course, you need to try not to damage the skin itself, which also costs money. Finally, the stomach and other entrails are removed from the carcass and divided into four parts using an ax, after first separating the head and hooves. It is in this form that the meat is sent for sale.

Product sales channels

The final part of this business project is the sale of meat. Here it must be said that the product is in great demand among consumers, so finding your client will not be so difficult. Of course, if the livestock exceeds the size of 5-10 heads, it is unrealistic to realize such volumes in rural areas. Although there is always the option of handing over live weight calves to butchers, this will significantly affect the final profit (-30%).

In order to get the maximum, you need to either trade yourself, or find companies that supply products from the same butchers.

The first thing to consider is the additional costs of transporting meat to the point of sale. If you have your own transport, they are not that big. There are plenty of options for trading yourself. This could be any market with a rented retail outlet or even an ordinary alley; in general, any place with a large crowd of people and without strict legal requirements.

However, it is much easier, and most often more efficient, to supply meat in bulk to various establishments and organizations. And to find such a client, you will have to show not only persistence, but also bold marketing moves.

Total costs and profits

An approximate calculation looks like this:

  • Rent of land and construction of buildings – 100-150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment, including a lawn mower and a mini-mill (without tractor) – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Animals themselves (10 heads) – about 100 thousand rubles.
  • Feed – 100-150 thousand rubles. for all livestock.

The total is about 350-450 thousand rubles. Based on the calculation that the average weight of calves will be 250-350 kg, the cost of one individual will be 45-55 thousand rubles, and ten - 450-550 thousand rubles. respectively.

Thus, the business pays for itself in the first year of its existence and already in the second year it produces a net profit of just under half a million rubles.

Video material about animal breeding

In the following video you can clearly see the organization of a business using the example of a peasant farm:

  • Product Description
  • Marketing Plan
  • Production plan
    • Milk
    • Meat
  • Schedule
  • Financial plan
  • Which equipment to choose
        • Similar business ideas:

We propose to consider a business plan for cattle breeding using the example of a small farm in the Ulyanovsk region. This business plan can be used as a feasibility study for agricultural activities. enterprises when receiving a bank loan or participating in government support.

Description of the cattle breeding project

We bring to your attention a feasibility study for the creation of a small enterprise for breeding cattle.

The goal of the project is to breed beef and dairy cattle for subsequent agricultural sales. products to the population in the form of milk and meat.

The production of this type of product is a promising direction, since the meat products market is one of largest markets food products. Meat products are in constant demand both among the population and among organizations when purchasing meat products for further processing.

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Where to start implementing the project

  1. Construction of premises for livestock breeding;
  2. Purchase of young animals for meat and dairy production;
  3. Raising and breeding animals for the purpose of obtaining finished product in the form of milk and meat;
  4. Implementation finished products(milk and meat) to the population.

To implement the project, it is planned to attract credit funds in the amount of 650 thousand rubles. The entire amount of the loan received will be used for the purchase of fixed assets and the construction of premises for keeping livestock.

How much money do you need to start a cattle breeding business?

No.NameAmount, rub.
1 Construction of an industrial premises 30m*6m (incl.)170 000
1.1 Expanded clay concrete blocks (3 thousand pieces)90 000
1.2 Sand (10t)4 000
1.3 Cement (50 bags)14 000
1.4 Lumber (5 cubic meters) and roofing40 000
1.5 Crushed stone (10t)12 000
1.6 Construction work10 000
2 Cows, 5 heads250 000
3 Young cattle (bulls), 12 heads170 000
4 Feed (barley, oats, hay, straw) for 12 months60 000
TOTAL650 000

To implement production activities the enterprise was registered as an individual entrepreneurship.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering this business?

Main activity individual entrepreneur By OKVED code 01.2 - livestock.

Which tax system to choose for cattle breeding

The simplified taxation system (STS) was chosen as the taxation system - 6% of gross income.

At the beginning of the project, the following livestock will be purchased:

  1. Cows aged 24 months - 5 heads;
  2. Young cattle (bulls) aged 6 months - 12 heads;

A total of 17 goals.

The main part of the feed will be purchased from farmers. processing enterprises at retail prices. The rest of the feed (hay and straw) will be partially procured by the individual entrepreneur.

The production activities of the farm will be carried out with the involvement of 2 hired workers for general laborer positions.

Table No. 1: Planned staffing

Job titleNumber of employees, peopleSalary, rub./month.Total, rub.
Handyman2 10 000 20 000
TOTAL2 20 000

Product Description

The project provides for the purchase of young cattle from third-party organizations with further raising of the livestock on the farm and the sale of meat and dairy products.

The activities of our farm will be divided into 3 stages:

  1. purchase of young animals (up to 6 months old);
  2. animal care;
  3. sale of the resulting products - meat and milk.

To obtain high milk yield, it is planned to purchase a highly productive black-and-white breed for dairy production. This breed of cow is capable of producing about 8,000 liters of milk with a fat content of 3.5 - 4% or 20 liters of milk per day during the lactation period (305 days). Live weight adult cow from 450 to 600 kg. In one calendar year, a cow consumes an average of 18 tons of feed.

To raise beef cattle, calves of the Simmental breed will be purchased. This breed of cattle is characterized by increased meat productivity; by the age of 18 months, the bull gains weight from 850 to 1100 kg.

The cattle feeding diet will include:

  • Compound feed;
  • Straw;
  • Hay;
  • Haylage;
  • Roots;
  • Beet;
  • Potato;
  • Cake and meal.

Marketing Plan

The main competitors of our farm will be similar producers, personal subsidiary plots, peasant farms and larger agricultural production complexes.

Sales of manufactured products are planned to be carried out in the following areas:

  1. Sales of products to retail outlets Dimitrovgrad, in particular at the “meat market”;
  2. Sales of meat and milk in the locality at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur;
  3. Sale of manufactured products in small wholesale to reseller organizations;
  4. Sale of products in the form of exit trade (from a car) in neighboring settlements.

Sales of products will be carried out at prices:

  • Beef retail: 250 rub./kg;
  • Beef wholesale: 170 rub./kg;
  • Milk retail: 35 rub./l.;
  • Milk wholesale: 24 rub./kg.

It is planned to sell up to 2250 liters per month. milk and 350 kg of meat, or:

  1. Retail milk - 1000 kg;
  2. Wholesale milk - 1250 kg;
  3. Retail meat - 150 kg;
  4. Meat wholesale - 200 kg.

Production plan

To determine the main economic indicators of the enterprise, we will calculate the planned expenses and income of our economy.

To grow and maintain 1 head per month, an average of 1.5 tons of feed (hay, straw, grain) is required. One a day adult cow eats about 50 kg of food. The average cost of a feed ration (50 kg) per day is 80 rubles, per month - 2400 rubles per head. To maintain 17 heads per month, an average of 41,000 rubles will be spent.

In total, the total monthly costs will be 79,000 rubles.

How much can you earn from this business?

Let's move on to calculating the monthly gross income of the farm.


On average, one cow produces 20 liters of milk per day. For the first 2 months, 10 liters of milk will be used to feed the calves. Subsequently, all milk is used for sale. Considering that 2 months are allocated for calving, the planned volume of milk sales per year will be 5400 liters per cow:

  1. 30 days*20 liters/day*8 months=4800 liters
  2. 30 days*10 liters/day*2 months=600 liters

Accordingly, from 5 heads per year you can get up to 27,000 liters of milk.


Bulls purchased at the age of 6 months, with proper nutrition and care, will gain up to 500 kg of live weight in 1 year; with a meat yield of 70%, the yield is about 350 kg each.

Accordingly, from 12 heads you can get up to 4200 kg of marketable meat.

Table No. 3 Average monthly revenue of the farm

No.NamePrice per kg, rub.Sales volume per month, kg.Revenue per month, rub.Revenue per year, rub.
1 Milk at retail35 1000 35 000 420 000
2 Milk wholesale24 1250 30 000 360 000
3 Meat at retail250 150 37 500 450 000
4 Meat wholesale170 200 34 000 408 000
TOTALXX136 500 1 638 000*

In total, the total monthly revenue will be 1,638,000 rubles.

* For ease of calculation, sales volumes are indicated by month. However, in the financial forecast, for the first time, meat will not be sold for several months (unlike milk), but as the young animals grow, the entire volume of meat will be sold. As a result, the proceeds received from the sale of meat will cover all previous costs of maintaining the animals, and the remainder of the funds will be our profit.


To implement the project it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

Table No. 4 Project implementation schedule

N p/pName of the project stagestart dateEnd dateStage cost
1 Construction of a production facility01.05.2013 01.07.2013 170 000
2 Purchase of young cattle01.07.2013 15.07.2013 420 000
3 Purchase of feed01.07.2013 15.07.2013 60 000
4 Start of activity15.07.2013

It is planned that milk sales will begin in the fall of 2013. The sale of the first batch of meat is planned for the summer of 2014.

Financial plan

To organize a farm, investments in the amount of 650 thousand rubles will be required. A bank loan will be issued for these purposes.

The main expenses of a farm will be the cost of raising animals, that is, for feed - 41 thousand rubles per month. The second largest expense item is the payment of wages to two workers - 20 thousand rubles. per month.

Based on the above data, it is possible to calculate the main indicators of economic efficiency of the farm.

How much can you ultimately earn from cattle production?

Net profit based on annual sales of milk and meat will be 556,720 rubles.

Farm profitability = 58,7% Project payback at these rates it will be 14 months.

What can you do right now?

Download the premium business plan for cattle breeding with quality guarantee

This is a full-fledged, finished project, and not a school essay. There are no such projects in the public domain. Contents of a business plan for cattle production:
  1. Confidentiality
  2. Resume
  3. Project implementation stages
  4. Object characteristics
  5. Marketing Plan
  6. Technical and economic data of equipment
  7. Financial plan
  8. Risk assessment
  9. Financial and economic justification for investments
  10. Conclusions

Which equipment to choose

  • Tractors for transporting feed and removing manure from barns.
  • Various attachments for tractors necessary for collecting and preparing hay: mowers, rakes, tedders, plows, etc.
  • Gazelle for transporting dairy and meat products to the market.

In addition to the basic equipment, it is also necessary to purchase milk cans, shovels, forks and other agricultural tools.

What documents are needed to open

Raise cattle in commercial purposes To sell meat and milk, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on production volumes and the number of co-founders. Documents required for registration of an individual entrepreneur: an application certified by a notary, a photocopy of the passport and ID code, a receipt for payment of the state duty, as well as an indication of the required OKVED codes. After this, a veterinary examination of the animals will also be required in order to be able to sell meat and milk on the market.

Do I need permission to open?

To open a farm, you will need to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate and sanitary-epidemiological station. In addition, you need to open the front color on the communication and select optimal shape taxation.

It is better to focus cattle breeding on the production of two types of products: milk and meat. To sell milk, the best option would be to enter into a wholesale distribution agreement with nearby dairies. This way you can always supply fresh goods to the market, regardless of the amount of milk produced. To sell milk at retail, we recommend considering the option with selling milk through a milk machine.

Additionally, you can organize the production of skins, wool, and young animals. Also remember that success in the cattle business lies primarily in the health of the animal, so hiring a full-time cattle breeder and veterinarian is a must. It is better to start a business with a small farm, and gradually invest the money received in its expansion. This will allow you to better feel the market, coordinate contact with the consumer and amortize start-up costs.

How to increase your chances of success before the project starts

Before you finally decide on which breeding business to start, pay attention to other business plans, it is better to invest a little time and a small amount of money on detailed research now than to sadly think about who needs my products later.

4 ready-made business plans for breeding that you can download right now

See also several similar premium business plans:

  • Business plan for breeding sheep, goats, rams
  • Poultry farming business plan
  • Ostrich breeding business plan
  • Rabbit Farm Business Plan

Any business requires registration and accounting:

  • Open an individual entrepreneur for free without leaving home (online)
  • How to do basic bookkeeping and submit reports via the Internet without a staff of accountants, using an online service