Society's assessment of social significance. The assessment by society or a social group of the social significance of certain positions occupied by people is called

Founder Auguste Comte considered it about society, the space in which people’s lives take place. Without it, life is impossible, which explains the importance of studying this topic.

What does the concept “society” mean? How does it differ from the concepts “country” and “state”, which are used in everyday speech, often as identical?

Country is a geographical concept that denotes a part of the world, a territory that has certain boundaries.

- political organization of society with a certain type of government (monarchy, republic, councils, etc.), bodies and structure of government (authoritarian or democratic).

social organization country that ensures the joint functioning of people. This is a part of the material world isolated from nature, representing a historically developing form of connections and relationships between people in the process of their life.

Many scientists have tried to study society, to determine its nature and essence. The ancient Greek philosopher and scientist understood society as a collection of individuals who united to satisfy their social instincts. Epicurus believed that the main thing in society is social justice as the result of an agreement between people not to harm each other and not to suffer harm.

In Western European social science XVII-XVIII centuries ideologists of the new rising strata of society ( T. Hobbes, J.-J. Rousseau), who opposed religious dogma, was put forward the idea of ​​a social contract, i.e. agreements between people, each of which has sovereign rights to control its own actions. This idea was opposed to the theological approach to organizing society according to the will of God.

Attempts have been made to define society based on the identification of some primary cell of society. So, Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that the family is the most ancient of all societies. She is the likeness of a father, the people are like children, and all those born equal and free, if they alienate their freedom, do so only for their own benefit.

Hegel tried to consider society as a complex system of relations, highlighting as the subject of consideration the so-called, i.e., a society where there is a dependence of everyone on everyone.

The works of one of the founders of scientific sociology were of great importance for the scientific understanding of society O. Konta who believed that the structure of society is determined by the forms of human thinking ( theological, metaphysical and positive). He viewed society itself as a system of elements, which are the family, classes and the state, and the basis is formed by the division of labor between people and their relationships with each other. We find a definition of society close to this in Western European sociology of the 20th century. Yes, y Max Weber, society is a product of the interaction of people as a result of their social actions in the interests of everyone.

T. Parsons defined society as a system of relations between people, the connecting principle of which is norms and values. From the point of view K. Marx, society is a historically developing set of relationships between people, emerging in the process of their joint activities.

Recognizing the approach to society as the relations of individuals, K. Marx, having analyzed the connections and relationships between them, introduced the concepts of “social relations”, “relations of production”, “socio-economic formations” and a number of others. Relations of production, forming social relations, create society, located at one or another specific stage of historical development. Consequently, according to Marx, production relations are the root cause of all human relations and create large social system called society.

According to the ideas of K. Marx, society is the interaction of people. The form of social structure does not depend on their (people's) will. Each form of social structure is generated by a certain stage of development of production forces.

People cannot freely dispose of productive forces, because these forces are the product of people’s previous activities, their energy. But this energy itself is limited by the conditions in which people are placed by the productive forces that have already been conquered, by the form of social structure that existed before them and which is the product of the activity of the previous generation.

American sociologist E. Shils identified the following characteristics of society:

  • it is not an organic part of any larger system;
  • marriages are concluded between representatives of a given community;
  • it is replenished by the children of those people who are members of this community;
  • it has its own territory;
  • it has a self-name and its own history;
  • it has its own control system;
  • it exists longer than the average life expectancy of an individual;
  • unites him general system values, norms, laws, rules.

It is obvious that in all the above definitions, to one degree or another, an approach to society is expressed as an integral system of elements that are in a state of close interconnection. This approach to society is called systemic. The main task of the systems approach in the study of society is to combine various knowledge about society into a coherent system, which could become a unified theory of society.

Played a major role in systemic research of society A. Malinovsky. He believed that society can be viewed as a social system, the elements of which are related to the basic needs of people for food, shelter, protection, and sexual satisfaction. People come together to satisfy their needs. In this process, secondary needs arise for communication, cooperation, and control over conflicts, which contributes to the development of language, norms, and rules of the organization, and this in turn requires coordination, management and integrative institutions.

Life of society

The life of society is carried out in four main areas: economic, social, political and spiritual.

Economic sphere there is a unity of production, specialization and cooperation, consumption, exchange and distribution. It ensures the production of goods necessary to satisfy the material needs of individuals.

Social sphere represent people (clan, tribe, nationality, nation, etc.), various classes (slaves, slave owners, peasants, proletariat, bourgeoisie) and other social groups that have different financial status and attitudes to existing social orders.

Political sphere covers power structures (political parties, political movements) that control people.

Spiritual (cultural) sphere includes philosophical, religious, artistic, legal, political and other views of people, as well as their moods, emotions, ideas about the world around them, traditions, customs, etc.

All of these spheres of society and their elements continuously interact, change, vary, but in the main remain unchanged (invariant). For example, the eras of slavery and our time differ sharply from each other, but at the same time all spheres of society retain the functions assigned to them.

In sociology, there are different approaches to finding foundations choosing priorities in people’s social life(the problem of determinism).

Aristotle also emphasized the extremely important importance government system for the development of society. Identifying the political and social spheres, he viewed man as a “political animal.” Under certain conditions, politics can become a decisive factor that completely controls all other areas of society.

Supporters technological determinism The determining factor of social life is seen in material production, where the nature of labor, technique, and technology determine not only the quantity and quality of material products produced, but also the level of consumption and even the cultural needs of people.

Supporters cultural determinism They believe that the backbone of society consists of generally accepted values ​​and norms, the observance of which will ensure the stability and uniqueness of the society itself. Differences in cultures predetermine differences in the actions of people and in organizations material production, the choice of forms of political organization (in particular, this can be associated with the well-known expression: “Every people has the government that it deserves”).

K. Marx based his concept on determining role economic system , believing that it is the method of production of material life that determines the social, political and spiritual processes in society.

In modern Russian sociological literature there are opposing approaches to solving problems of primacy in the interaction of social spheres of society. Some authors tend to deny this very idea, believing that society can function normally if each of the social spheres consistently fulfills its functional purpose. They proceed from the fact that the hypertrophied “swelling” of one of the social spheres can have a detrimental effect on the fate of the entire society, as well as underestimating the role of each of these spheres. For example, underestimating the role of material production (the economic sphere) leads to a decrease in the level of consumption and an increase in crisis phenomena in society. The erosion of norms and values ​​that govern the behavior of individuals (the social sphere) leads to social entropy, disorder and conflict. Accepting the idea of ​​the primacy of politics over the economy and other social spheres (especially in a totalitarian society) can lead to the collapse of the entire social system. In a healthy social organism, the vital activity of all its spheres is in unity and interconnection.

If unity weakens, the efficiency of society will decrease, up to a change in its essence or even collapse. As an example, let's take the events recent years XX century, which led to the defeat of socialist social relations and the collapse of the USSR.

Society lives and develops according to objective laws unity (of society) with ; ensuring social development; energy concentration; promising activity; unity and struggle of opposites; transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones; negations - negations; compliance of production relations with the level of development of productive forces; dialectical unity of the economic basis and social superstructure; increasing the role of the individual, etc. Violation of the laws of social development is fraught with major cataclysms and large losses.

Whatever goals the subject sets for himself social life, being in the system of public relations, he must obey them. In the history of society, hundreds of wars are known that brought huge losses to it, regardless of the goals of the rulers who unleashed them. Suffice it to recall Napoleon, Hitler, the former US presidents who started the war in Vietnam and Iraq.

Society is an integral social organism and system

Society was likened to a social organism, all parts of which are interdependent, and their functioning is aimed at ensuring its life. All parts of society perform the functions assigned to them to ensure its life: procreation; ensuring normal conditions for the life of its members; creating production, distribution and consumption capabilities; successful activities in all its areas.

Distinctive features of society

Important distinctive feature society advocates him autonomy, which is based on its versatility, ability to create necessary conditions to meet the diverse needs of individuals. Only in society can a person engage in narrowly professional activities and achieve them high efficiency based on the existing division of labor.

Society has self-sufficiency, which allows him to perform main task- provide people with conditions, opportunities, forms of organization of life that facilitate the achievement of personal goals, self-realization as comprehensively developed individuals.

Society has a great integrating force. It provides its members with the opportunity to use habitual patterns of behavior, follow established principles, and subordinates them to generally accepted norms and rules. It isolates those who do not follow them in various ways and means, ranging from the Criminal Code, administrative law to public censure. Essential characteristic of society is the level achieved self-regulation, self-government, which arise and are formed within himself with the help social institutions, which, in turn, are at a historically determined level of maturity.

Society as an integral organism has the quality systematic, and all its elements, being closely interconnected, form a social system that makes the attraction and cohesion between the elements of a given material structure stronger.

Part And whole as components of a single system connected inseparable bonds between each other and support each other. At the same time, both elements have relative independence in relation to each other. The stronger the whole is in comparison with its parts, the stronger the pressure of unification. And on the contrary, the stronger the parts are in relation to the system, the weaker it is and the stronger the tendency to separate the whole into its component parts. Therefore, to form a stable system, it is necessary to select appropriate elements and their unity. Moreover, the greater the discrepancy, the stronger the adhesion bonds should be.

The formation of a system is possible both on the natural basis of attraction, and on the suppression and subordination of one part of the system to another, that is, on violence. In this regard, different organic systems are built on different principles. Some systems are based on the dominance of natural connections. Others rely on the dominance of force, others seek to take refuge under the protection of strong structures or exist at their expense, others unite on the basis of unity in the fight against external enemies in the name of the highest freedom of the whole, etc. There are also systems based on cooperation, where force is not plays a significant role. At the same time, there are certain limits beyond which both attraction and repulsion can lead to the death of a given system. And this is natural, since excessive attraction and cohesion pose a threat to the preservation of the diversity of system qualities and thereby weaken the system’s ability to self-develop. On the contrary, strong repulsion undermines the integrity of the system. At the same time, the greater the independence of the parts within the system, the higher their freedom of action in accordance with the potentials inherent in them, the less they have the desire to go beyond its framework and vice versa. That is why the system should be formed only by elements that are more or less homogeneous with each other, and where the tendency of the whole, although dominant, does not contradict the interests of the parts.

The law of every social system is hierarchy of its elements and ensuring optimal self-realization through the most rational construction of its structure in given conditions, as well as maximum use of conditions environment to transform it in accordance with its qualities.

One of the important laws of the organic systemlaw to ensure its integrity, or, in other words, vitality of all elements of the system. Therefore, ensuring the existence of all elements of the system is a condition for the vitality of the system as a whole.

Fundamental Law any material system , ensuring its optimal self-realization, is the law of the priority of the whole over its constituent parts. Therefore, the greater the danger to the existence of the whole, the greater the number of victims from its parts.

Like any organic system in difficult conditions society sacrifices a part in the name of the whole, the main and fundamental. In society as an integral social organism, the common interest is in the foreground under all conditions. However, social development can be carried out the more successfully the more the general interest and the interests of individuals are in harmonious correspondence with each other. Harmonious correspondence between general and individual interests can be achieved only at a relatively high level social development. Until such a stage is reached, either public or personal interest prevails. The more difficult the conditions and the greater the inadequacy of the social and natural components, the more strongly the general interest manifests itself, being realized at the expense and to the detriment of the interests of individuals.

At the same time, the more favorable conditions, which arose either on the basis of the natural environment, or created in the process of production activities of people themselves, especially with other equal conditions The general interest is to a lesser extent realized at the expense of the private.

Like any system, society contains certain strategies for survival, existence and development. Survival strategy comes to the fore in conditions of extreme scarcity material resources, when the system is forced to sacrifice its intensive development in the name of extensive, or more precisely, in the name of universal survival. For survival purposes social system withdraws material resources produced most active part society in favor of those who cannot provide themselves with everything necessary for life.

Such a transition to extensive development and redistribution of material resources, if necessary, occurs not only on a global, but also on a local scale, that is, within small social groups if they find themselves in an extreme situation when funds are extremely insufficient. In such conditions, both the interests of individuals and the interests of society as a whole suffer, since it is deprived of the opportunity to develop intensively.

Otherwise, the social system develops after emerging from an extreme situation, but being in conditions inadequacy of social and natural components. In that case survival strategy is replaced by existence strategies. The strategy of existence is implemented in conditions when a certain minimum of funds arises to provide for everyone and, in addition, there is a certain surplus of them in excess of what is necessary for life. In order to develop the system as a whole, surplus produced funds are withdrawn and they concentrate on decisive areas of social development in in the hands of the most powerful and enterprising. However, other individuals are limited in consumption and are usually content with the minimum. Thus, in unfavorable conditions of existence the general interest makes its way at the expense of the interests of individuals, a clear example of which is the formation and development of Russian society.

2. Personal and social status of a person. Social roles

Status - it is a specific position in the social structure of a group or society, connected to other positions through a system of rights and responsibilities.

Sociologists distinguish two types of status: personal and acquired. Personal status is the position of a person that he occupies in the so-called small, or primary, group, depending on how his individual qualities are assessed in it. On the other hand, in the process of interaction with other individuals, each person performs certain social functions that determine his social status.

Social status is called general position an individual or social group in society associated with a certain set of rights and obligations. Social statuses can be prescribed and acquired (achieved). The first category includes nationality, place of birth, social origin, etc., the second - profession, education, etc.

In any society there is a certain hierarchy of statuses, which represents the basis of its stratification. Certain statuses are prestigious, others are the opposite. Prestige is society’s assessment of the social significance of a particular status, enshrined in culture and public opinion. This hierarchy is formed under the influence of two factors:

a) the real usefulness of those social functions that a person performs;

b) a value system characteristic of a given society.

If the prestige of any statuses is unreasonably overestimated or, conversely, underestimated, it is usually said that there is a loss of status balance. A society in which there is a similar tendency to lose this balance is unable to ensure its normal functioning. Authority must be distinguished from prestige. Authority is the degree to which society recognizes the dignity of an individual, a particular person.

The social status of an individual primarily influences his behavior. Knowing the social status of a person, you can easily determine most of the qualities that he possesses, as well as predict the actions that he will carry out. Such expected behavior of a person, associated with the status that he has, is usually called social role. A social role actually represents a certain pattern of behavior recognized as appropriate for people of a given status in a given society. In fact, the role provides a model showing exactly how an individual should act in a given situation. Roles vary in degree of formalization: some are very clearly defined, for example in military organizations, others are very vague. A social role can be assigned to a person either formally (for example, in a legislative act), or it can also be of an informal nature.

Any individual is a reflection of the totality of social relations of his era. Therefore, each person has not one but a whole set of social roles that he plays in society. Their combination is called the role system. Such a variety of social roles can cause internal conflict of the individual (if some of the social roles contradict each other).

Scientists offer various classifications of social roles. Among the latter, as a rule, there are the so-called main (basic) social roles. These include:

a) the role of a worker;

b) the role of the owner;

c) the role of the consumer;

d) the role of a citizen;

d) the role of a family member.

However, despite the fact that the behavior of an individual is largely determined by the status that it occupies and the roles that it plays in society, it (the individual) nevertheless retains its autonomy and has a certain freedom of choice. And although in modern society there is a tendency towards unification and standardization of personality, its complete leveling, fortunately, does not occur. An individual has the opportunity to choose from a variety of social statuses and roles offered to him by society, those that allow him to better realize his plans and use his abilities as effectively as possible. A person’s acceptance of a particular social role is influenced by both social conditions and his biological and personal characteristics (health status, gender, age, temperament, etc.). Any role prescription outlines only a general pattern of human behavior, offering the choice of ways for the individual to carry it out.

1) socialization of the individual

2) differentiation of society

3) social status

4) prestige

Of the listed factors influencing a person’s social status, name one that is objective in nature, that is, does not depend on his desire

1) social origin

2) education

3) skill level

4) profession

8. Are the following statements true?

A. Social adaptation is the process of a person’s adaptation to a changing social environment using various social means.

B. For the successful socialization of an individual, adaptation has no significance.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Acquired is the status

1) daughter 3) Russian

2) melancholic 4) businessman

10. Representatives of which social group could say: “We are not completely strangers everywhere, we are not completely our own everywhere.”

1) political elite 3) marginalized

2) industrial workers 4) farmers

11. What status is prescribed?

1) driver

2) student

3) man

4) deputy

Social roles.

  1. Are the following statements true?

A. The social role determines the model of behavior in a given situation.

B. All social roles are formally assigned to a person.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

The totality of functions acquired and performed by a person and the corresponding patterns of behavior constitute the content of his

1) rights in society

2) social role

3) duties to society

4) competence

3. Are the following judgments about a person’s social roles true?

A. A person’s social roles are determined by his social status.

B. There are no differences between the concepts of “social role” and “social status”.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Princess Olga established the amount of tribute for the Drevlyans and Novgorodians. In this historical fact it manifested itself

1) social origin

2) social adaptation

3) social mobility

4) social role

Inequality and social stratification.

An example of social stratification along political lines is

the following characteristics of the state of N.:

1) there are wealthy and poor segments of the population

2) incomes of the population are differentiated

3) layers of managers and managed are distinguished

4) social groups are distinguished by the type of their activity

  1. In the country of N., the opportunity to get a good education is determined by a person’s income level. This is an example

1) social stability

2) social inequality

3) social mobility

4) socialization

  1. What kind of society is characterized by stratification?

1) only industrial 3) only feudal

2) only medieval 4) anyone

  1. The guarantee of social stability is the growth of numbers

1) Marginal people 3) hired workers

2) Middle class 4) bourgeoisie

Restrictions on receiving education based on nationality are

1) genocide 3) nationalization

2) discrimination 4) socialization

The criterion for stratification of society can be

1) commitment political ideology

2) membership in political party

3) income level

4) development of personal abilities

7. Social inequality is

1) division by gender and age

2) social conditions under which people have different opportunities to enjoy social benefits

3) all changes occurring in society

4) different levels of development of mental abilities

8. Social stratification- This

1) system of criteria for social stratification

2) type of political activity

3) the opportunity to participate in government

4) the opportunity to obtain a new status

Economic problems are not the only difficulties the state faces. Another area is social problems.

These factors are closely interrelated and are found to one degree or another in any country. Below IQReview prepared an analysis, highlighting and describing current social problems in Russia and their impact on the lives of citizens.

What are social problems?

According to Wikipedia, social problems are situations, events and conditions that directly or indirectly negatively affect a citizen from the point of view of society. At first, the term (“social problem”) referred only to the uneven distribution of wealth. It began to be used at the beginning of the 19th (19th) century, in Western Europe.

The list of problems has changed and continues to change over time along with:

    changes in circumstances (economic, social, political);

    And changes in living standards citizens;

    changes in citizens' sentiments.

Types and classification

U s As if all problems can be divided into:

    Socio-economic. This includes all factors related to finances and material conditions.

    Social and household. They include factors related to providing citizens with affordable housing, living conditions, and financial difficulties of young and large families.

    Socio-psychological. Include factors related to family and internal relationships between relatives. This also includes family conflicts, domestic violence, infidelity, and divorce.

    Socio-political problems. This includes the arms race, regional and state conflicts, and the increase in violence in individual countries and the world as a whole. This also applies to conflicts on religious or ethnic grounds.

E If we give a different formulation, the classification of problems will look like this:

    Between social groups.

    Between classes.

    Between individuals.

    Between social systems.

TO global problems include the following factors:

    Demographic. Globally, it is associated with the overall growth of the planet's population. In a number of states it concerns the decline in the number of inhabitants.

    Food. Concerns the need to provide residents with food.

    Energy. Concerns the need to provide the planet's population with energy.

    Ecological. Concerns environmental pollution and waste disposal.

List of major problems in Russia and the world

Current social problems are the same all over the world. The difference is that in some countries some problems are more acute, while others are less severe. In some states, some social problems are practically absent: the percentage of their manifestations is very small.

Now let's give a list. Current social problems today are:

    Alcoholism, drug addiction (both among adults and minors).

    Banditry, crime - both for children and adults, terrorism, prostitution, extremism.

    Homelessness, violations of children's rights, abortion, child abandonment.

    Fascism, conflicts arising on religious, national, ethnic grounds.

    Inequality between classes of residents (when one part of the citizens is poor and the other is rich).

    Unemployment, poverty, insufficient wages.

    Disability (high number of disabled people relatively total number population), attitude towards citizens with disabilities.

    Demographic crisis: high mortality, low birth rate, high number of emigrated citizens, large percentage of pensioners and elderly citizens.

    Environmental pollution, the possibility of a man-made disaster.

    Health status: increased incidence, epidemics, high chance of infection.

    Social inequality, infringement of certain categories of citizens.

    Corruption (does not depend on the level of economic development - it can manifest itself in both poor and rich countries).


    Suicide (high number of cases relative to population size).

    Restriction of citizens' rights, suppression of freedom of speech and movement.

    Low level of education, lack of specialists.

Population of Russia

The full list of these problems is most clearly manifested in third world countries. In addition to their acute manifestation, in such states there is also no system for solving them completely (or works ineffectively). That is, no one is trying to influence the situation. As a result, a harmful situation can progress and last for years and even decades.

In more developed countries, these problems also exist, but they are felt much less strongly.

In Russia, the key negative factors are poverty and low salaries, even for specialists of a narrow profile and in demand professions.

Less serious are the following social problems:

    High level of corruption, “nepotism”, promotion of “our own”. It can be traced in all structures.

    Unemployment, lack of jobs in the regions.


    Domestic violence.

The rest of the social problems in the Russian Federation are mostly a consequence of these factors, and to one degree or another depend on them.

Brief statistics

Social problems Russia in numbers has the following indicators (for 2016):

    Alcoholism. Among about 5 million are alcoholics (of which 6% are minors).

    Addiction. There are about 3 million citizens who regularly use drugs. Among them, 60% are aged 16-30 years, 20% are minors, 20% are citizens over 30 years old.

    Crime. 2.16 million crimes were registered (10% lower than in 2015). Among them, 44% were cases of theft of other people's property. Every second crime was committed by persons who had previously violated the law, and every third was committed while intoxicated.

    Corruption. The Russian Federation is one of the countries with a high level of corruption. The most corrupt industries are social sphere(medicine, housing and communal services), law enforcement agencies and some government organizations(land distribution, government orders and government procurement, certification).

    Unemployment. The unemployed are 4.1 million (compared to 2015, there is a decline in unemployment by 0.4%).

    Inflation: 5.4% (in 2015 it exceeded 12%).

    Abortion. In 2015, 447 thousand abortions were performed at the request of women. According to statistics, the number of abortions in the Russian Federation has been steadily decreasing over the past two decades. For comparison: in 1995, 2.76 million abortions were performed in the Russian Federation.

    Suicides. Per 100 thousand citizens - 15.4 (as of 2016). This is the lowest figure since 1960. In the “nineties”, the Russian Federation ranked second in the world in terms of the number of suicides, in 2013 - fourteenth, in 2016 - thirtieth. About 22% of suicides, according to statistics, are committed by citizens aged 40-49 years, and men are 6 times more likely than women.

    Conflicts on ethnic grounds. Due to the multi-ethnic composition of the population of the Russian Federation, conflicts on national and religious grounds arise frequently. They mainly occur in large cities (where large diasporas of other nationalities live) and in cities located close to the southern borders.

    Domestic violence. Statistics on this type of crime are complicated by the fact that about 60-70% of cases are not brought to law enforcement agencies, and about 97% of cases do not reach court. According to rough estimates, about a quarter of all families are at risk (domestic violence is present to one degree or another).

    Homelessness. The exact number of street children in the country has not been established; according to rough estimates, it is several thousand. There are about 72 thousand children of various ages in orphanages. More than 500 thousand children are complete orphans, but are being raised in other families.

    Prostitution. In 2014, according to rough estimates, the number of employees in this industry was about 3 million.

    State of health. Out of 188 countries, the Russian Federation is in 119th place in terms of the health of its citizens. There are about 1.5 million HIV-infected citizens. About 300 thousand citizens die from cancer every year. Tuberculosis statistics: 9 cases per 100 thousand population. In general, the assessment of the situation is below average.

    Social inequality. According to official statistics around the world, the Russian Federation’s ranking in the list of countries is high, but far from the “leaders” (in which inequality is most pronounced).

    Demographic situation. Since 2010, the population has been growing steadily. As of the beginning of 2017, it amounts to 146,804,372 citizens. From 1996 to 2009 inclusive, there was a demographic crisis: the population was steadily declining (from 148.291 million in 1996 to 141.9 million in 2009). The situation is more complicated with the age of the nation: the number of pensioners (at the end of 2016) is almost 43 million (that is, almost a third of the total number).

    Disability. As of 2015, there were almost 13 million disabled people in the Russian Federation. Among them are 605 thousand disabled children (under the age of 18).

    Poverty. According to Rosstat, 21.4 million Russians (14.6% of the total population) can be considered poor. In fact, this figure is much higher, since (by which the amount of poverty is calculated) it is much lower than the real amount needed to live. According to various estimates, from 40 to 70 million citizens live below the poverty line (that is, slightly less than half).

Poverty level in Russia

Relationship between individual factors

Almost all problems are closely interrelated and usually develop not independently, but in a complex manner.

Larger and more serious factors “pull” several related problems:

    An increase in unemployment leads to poverty, an increase in crime, prostitution, social inequality, and a demographic crisis.

    An increase in the number of alcoholics and drug addicts leads to an increase in crime, prostitution, domestic violence, early mortality, suicide, and an increase in morbidity statistics.

    An increase in crime entails increased corruption and prostitution.

T social andeconomic problems. In case of prolonged the decline of the state’s economy will be exacerbated by the following negative factors, along the chain:

    Declining living standards and incomes.

    Rising unemployment.

    Increase in crime.

    Exacerbation of the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction - as citizens in difficult situations often resort to alcohol and drugs to distract themselves.

    Increased incidence of domestic violence.

    A decrease in the birth rate - since whenLow income families do not have enough money to provide for their children.

    The deterioration of the population's health is due to cheap food, lack of funds for treatment and medicine, and difficult working conditions.

Reasons for appearance

Current social problems are a consequence arising from various causes. Each problem individually appears due to certain conditions. Often one problem is a consequence of another, since they are all closely interrelated.

If we consider groups of problems, the reasons for their occurrence include:

    Demographic, family problems. Arise due to low level prosperity of the population, unemployment, low level of medical care, lack of social programs (or their low quality) aimed at supporting families with children.

    Crime. It is growing due to high unemployment, alcoholism and drug addiction, and poor work of law enforcement agencies.

    Fascism and conflicts arising on religious, national or ethnic grounds. Manifests itself due to the presence in a certain area of ​​two or more different social groups. Also, the reason may be historical background, due to which some groups are aggressive towards others.

    Corruption. Arises due to weak control on the part of the state, lack of public control over the activities of government agencies on the part of the population (or the lack of reaction from law enforcement agencies).

    Poor health status of the population, high percentage disability. It arises due to insufficient funding for medicine, low living standards, poor environmental conditions, outdated production technologies, alcoholism and drug addiction.

    Social inequality. It arises due to the large difference between the living conditions of different groups of the population (in income levels, opportunities, benefits).

Violence statistics

It is possible to highlight common factors that lead to the development and progression of problems:

    Weak control of the state apparatus, slow (or ineffective) response to emerging problems (or its absence at all).

    Insufficiently effective work of law enforcement and other control bodies.

    Insufficiently effective work of educational institutions.

    Poor state of the economy as a whole.

    High population density.

    Change too fast(technological progress, rapidly changing fashion trends), which leads to the development of a consumer behavior model when the population strives to have all the fashionable goods, spending money on it. Also in this case, people are easily susceptible to advertising and other information received from external sources.

Ways to fight and prevention

Statistics show that solving social problems forever and everywhere is impossible. It is possible to partially reduce their manifestation, down to a minimum.

Moreover, measures taken to solve some social problems can lead to the emergence of other negative phenomena. For example, in the 30s of the last century, the Soviet Union actively began to fight unemployment. Its level fell: new jobs began to be created for citizens in construction, industry and the agricultural sector. However, this led to ineffective employment and heavy manual labor.

Before you start fighting the problem, you need to carry it out detailed analysis. It should include:

    Scale: what territory (city, region, etc.) the factor covers.

    “Target audience”: which segments of the population and age categories feel its influence.

    How dangerous is the situation?

    What problems and factors accompany its appearance.

    Which problem is the key from the complex (for example, alcoholism is one of the main causes of deteriorating health, increased crime, and domestic violence).

After the “diagnosis”, the authorities must develop a set of measures aimed at combating negative factors. Solving social problems may include:

    Enlightenment " target audience" The population must be aware of the current situation and its development, as well as the consequences it entails. For example, if we're talking about on the fight against drug addiction, it is necessary to regularly bring to the attention of the population information about the consequences of drug use, as well as about crimes committed while intoxicated.

    Development of measures aimed at solving key and related problems.

    Strengthening control over the situation, regular monitoring of dynamics. It is necessary to track in which direction the statistics are changing and at what rate the changes are occurring.

    If possible, tighten responsibility. For example, if we are talking about drug addiction, then the sentences for distribution and production of substances should be increased.

Modern measures to combat each problem separately are always an individual task. The same negative factor will manifest itself differently in each country.

Representatives of all levels of government, regulatory bodies and government agencies - from deputies - should take part in the fight (prevention) State Duma and up to . The media should not stand aside either. Their task is to inform the population of the current situation, its changes and possible consequences.

Social problems of Russia (video)


- English evaluation, social; German Bewertung, soziale. Approval or disapproval expressed by a group, organization or society towards its members in response to the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of demands placed on them.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009

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