How to make production efficient social studies. Secrets of a Profitable Bakery

Production efficiency is the main condition of its activity and the purpose of its organization. It is provided only through effective management. The efficiency of management, as well as production itself, must ensure quality standards; this is the most important criterion by which one can judge not only the current state of affairs in a given production, but also the prospects for its development, the viability and competitiveness of the enterprise.


Include in the enterprise management process senior management manuals. It is in his hands that the ability to develop quality standards is in his hands. of this enterprise and levers that will motivate employees to strictly implement them. These may also be measures of a repressive nature, but they should be used only along with incentive measures.

Personnel and employees must also be included in the management process production and take part in production meetings on issues of improving the quality of products or services provided.

Consumers should also participate in the management of truly efficient production. Ultimately, they are the ones who determine the need for a given product and evaluate its quality. Establish customer feedback and you will always be one step ahead of your competitors.

Ensure quality control of the services, goods or products provided at each production stage. Train mid-level specialists and managers, create an internal audit system.

Analyze factors that may affect the quality of your products. They can be uncontrollable and those that can be controlled. The latter include the normal functioning of equipment, the quality of raw materials, and the qualifications of personnel. Your task is to ensure a decent level of these factors and minimize the influence of uncontrollable ones.

>> Brief conclusions to the chapter


1. Economy how science studies the use of society's limited resources for production material goods in the face of constantly growing needs of people. Economic activity is aimed at solving the key problem for society of the efficient use of limited resources. Rational behavior of the main subjects of the economy - producers and consumers - is one of the conditions for a successful solution to this problem. Application for measurement economic activity various indicators allows you to get an idea of ​​the state, quality and results of economic processes in society.

2. Economic growth - the most important criterion for the progress of the economy and society, its pace allows us to judge the level and quality of life of people. It is possible to reduce the gap between rich and poor countries if the latter understand the goals and methods of economic development, the need for changes in economic life and the structure of the economy. When analyzing factors and ways to achieve economic growth, as well as forecasting economic processes, it is important to take into account the cyclical nature of the development of a modern market economy.

3. The market is an important regulator of economic processes in society. Economic laws of the market and competition contribute to increasing production efficiency and rational use of limited resources. Modern economics - socially oriented mixed economy, in which state and market mechanisms for regulating economic life are simultaneously used.

4. Free enterprise is an important factor in the effective development of the economy and social production. The state is interested in creating favorable legal and social conditions for support and development entrepreneurial activity citizens. The success of an entrepreneur is facilitated by the availability and rational use of various sources of business financing, knowledge of the basics of management and marketing.

5. The state fulfills important economic functions in modern society, influencing economic processes in order to ensure stable development of the economy, its efficiency and achieving economic growth. To do this, it uses, in particular, methods of fiscal and monetary policy, redistributing the social product produced in the country and national income, reducing negative consequences inflation. The role of the state is significant in those areas where the market mechanism shows its failure: regulation of employment and the fight against unemployment, production of public goods, compensation of external effects, social protection population

6. Individual countries are connected with each other by a system of international economic relations. The unification of countries into a single world economy, along with other factors, is facilitated by international trade. The state uses various methods its regulation, applying policies of protectionism or free trade. Currently, many countries are transitioning to open market economy contributes to strengthening the free trade policy and deepening the process of globalization of the world economy.


1. What is the role of economic activity in the life of society?

2. Why is economic growth one of the criteria for the progress of the economy and society?

3. What are the features of market regulation of the economy?

4. How to make production efficient?

5. What is necessary for success in business?

6. What economic problems does a modern state solve?

7. Who regulates cash flows in the economy and how?

8. Why does the economy need a labor market?

9. Why are countries forced to trade with each other?

10. How can producers and consumers make rational economic choices?

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Before talking about how to make production efficient, how to create efficient production, or how to increase the efficiency of existing production, it is necessary, in my opinion, to define what “effective production” is.

And the definition is very simple:

Efficient production, and indeed an effective enterprise in general, is an enterprise that satisfies simple conditions:

  • it earns more.
  • it spends less.

All other indicators are a game of numbers.

An efficient enterprise is one that earns more and spends less. But how to do this? These questions are brilliantly answered by Goldratt's Theory of Constraints, the implementation of which in enterprises around the world (even Toyota notes this) has already proven this many times.

If these two simple rules are rephrased, it becomes clearer how to do this:

  • this is an enterprise that produces what the market needs.
  • it produces it quickly and on time.
  • it produces it efficiently.
  • it does this with minimal cost (investment).
  • A very simple example that illustrates this:

    Let's assume that you produce a certain product. For simplicity and clarity, let's assume you do it sequentially. That is, according to the principle “produced - sold - produced - sold”, etc. You earn n rubles on each product.

    If the production speed is one week, then you will earn a maximum of 52n rubles per year.

    If the production rate is a month, then you will earn 12n.

    Obviously, increasing production speed is the key to increasing the level of efficiency of production in particular and the enterprise as a whole.

    How much do you spend?

    Let’s say your revenue is 1,000,000. And in your warehouses you have 10,000,000 worth of inventory (+ work in progress). And who said that your inventory cannot be equal to your revenue or even be less?

    There must be reserves. There should not be a lot of them so as not to freeze working capital, there should not be enough of them so that production does not stop because of this.

    How much do you need to spend to earn a ruble? This ratio reflects your performance.

    You can also spend in different ways. Your inventory is your cost. This is money that you have tied up and frozen. Less inventory means lower costs.

    The speed of production is directly related to how much you earn. In other words, production rate is the time you lose before you make money.

    You will say that you cannot influence the speed of production because your machines cannot run faster. It's not about the machines. The point is how many losses you have. Take any of your products into your hands. What is its pure labor intensity (that is, the time of direct processing by machines and people)? Now compare the pure labor intensity with the actual production time of this product. Production speed is not the speed of processing of some part by some machine or by some person. Production speed is the time that passes from the moment the first production task for a product starts until the final product is delivered. The fact that one of your machines processes parts at incredible speed does not change anything. What is important is the speed of not just one section, but the entire production as a whole.

    Let's say your production is a black box. On the one hand, it includes components (raw materials), and on the other hand, the finished product comes out. The time from the first event to the second is the speed of your production. And here everything is not at all as rosy as with the speed of processing a certain semi-finished product by one of the machines during the production process of the product.

    The coefficient reflecting the ratio of pure labor intensity and real production time can be tens, or even hundreds. These can be colossal losses. All these losses lead to a significant increase in work in progress and a decrease in overall production speed and, as a result, efficiency.

    Losses can be divided into several main areas:

    • waiting for a resource (machine, human).
    • waiting for components or related products.
    • losses in logistics.
    • Waiting for resource

      When a part gets to the site, it turns out that the site is occupied by some other task and will not be released soon. This situation is a consequence of incorrect prioritization of tasks. This means that in production there is simply no system that clearly defines in what sequence tasks should be performed on the site. What task in at the moment time is the most important? Which task needs to be completed first, and which can wait?

      Who makes decisions about what task to perform and how? What system does he use? What is the logic behind determining the importance of tasks?

      If there is no such logic, then the necessary tasks will always, as luck would have it, be completed last. They will be somewhere at the bottom.

      Just think about it. Take any area (painting, cutting, drilling, etc.). New tasks are constantly coming to the site. Find out what principle is used to determine the execution sequence? I’m even interested, contact me through my LJ, for example, and tell me. If you have the courage and implement a system of priorities, then later you will tell us what has changed and how.

      Determining the priority of tasks should depend on the labor intensity of the task, the timing of the final product and the availability of components. Each site should simply have a list of tasks, sorted by priority. This system is described in Goldratt's book "The Same Purpose." The priority system should not only determine the currently most important tasks for each site, but also determine which tasks to do no need.

      This is a very simple logic system that is completely resistant to external factors. External factors- this is Murphy, who constantly haunts us all, breaking our plans and violating them. I wrote about something similar. The system works extremely simply. You always need to complete the highest priority task at the moment. If for some reason you cannot complete this task, simply complete the next most important task.

      There is no point in doing a task if at the next site this semi-finished product will still lie for a week, waiting for the arrival of another semi-finished product or components. This approach does not affect production speed in any way. It only affects the growth of work in progress. By completing a task in advance, you not only waste a resource, but also use up components that would be very useful for the task that is actually important to do now. But now there are not enough components (you used them while completing a not so important task), and the next task is waiting for the components...

      Waiting for components

      One of the most unpleasant moments in production. You have everything: machine resources and people. But there are no components. Sometimes procurement can take weeks. This is a blow to production speed. Perhaps it is the wait for components that can have the greatest effect in terms of increasing production time.

      To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to support the components. This must also be a system. One component has a buffer in the amount of 10 pcs., but the second one also has 10 pcs. Consumption occurred in both places. The first one has five left in stock, and the second one has only 2 pieces left. Replenishing the buffer of the second component has a higher priority. This means that the purchasing department must also work according to a clear system. Not only should there be no “just because” or “just in case” purchases, but all purchases must be carried out in strict accordance with the priorities of needs. First of all, you need to buy what is most needed now. Ask your buyers why they are buying this now or why they are buying this now and not in a week? What system do they use to determine what and when to buy?

      But you can expect not only purchased components at the site, but also manufactured ones. It is wrong when a semi-finished product arrives at the site and then lies there for a week waiting for the second one. If the company has a clear priority system based on labor intensity and deadlines, then this should not happen. And it won't.

      Losses in logistics

      I have personally observed how the logistics movements of a product during the production process are not optimal. The production process should be like a flow. It comes in on one side and comes out on the other. But it does not enter in the middle, then goes to the end, then to the second floor, then returns to the end of the first floor, then to the beginning, and ends again in the middle.

      And the transfer of semi-finished products between sites occurs through a warehouse, from which you can only pick up the next day, having first filled out an application and waited until the warehouseman is free. Well, you know those storekeepers - “I have enough to do without you,” as they say.

      5 steps

      The Theory of Constraints (in particular, in the book “The Same Goal” or “Goal 1”) describes five main steps, the application of which will take any production to a fundamentally different level. Subsequently, these five steps even received the common name “5 steps”.

      Step 1

      Find the bottleneck. Find your guy with a backpack from Goldratt's "That Purpose". I think this is not the most difficult task. The bottleneck link is the one that has the most work in front of it (work in progress, blanks, no matter what). It may happen that you have “heaps” in front of many production areas. This means that the weakest is the one in front of which there is the largest pile. But this is not always the case. Heaps can be heterogeneous in essence (in front of the plots there are blanks that are completely different in essence). Then it's more difficult. But don't despair and don't break your head. Just designate one of these spots as weak. The system will then correct you and help you determine this location accurately.

      Step 2

      Take advantage of opportunities weak link to the maximum. The weak link should not work “for the warehouse”, only “for orders”. Eliminate downtime of the weak link as much as possible. Minimize changeovers, shift changes and anything that stops this link. There is an opportunity to outsource some of the work of the weak link - give it up.

      Step 3

      Coordinate and subordinate all other links to the weak one.

      All areas of the production flow must operate at the rhythm of the bottleneck.

      Step 4

      Increase bottleneck throughput.

      Step 5

      Go back to step #1.


Entrepreneurs for the most part realize that organizing production is a responsible step that requires serious preparation. To achieve the necessary profitability indicators, you need to carefully plan the enterprise’s activities at every stage - from searching for suppliers of raw materials to sales finished products. But provide for everything possible options development of events is impossible, and therefore the influence of external or internal factors sometimes leads to an unexpected decrease in profit for the business owner.

In such circumstances, the entrepreneur inevitably has a question: how to make production profitable? Obviously, the easiest way is to initially choose an area of ​​activity that is in demand and popular with clients, and then try to maintain your position by implementing a balanced and thoughtful management strategy. However, practice shows that thanks to properly carried out optimization measures, the profitability of almost any enterprise can be significantly increased, while a frivolous attitude to this issue can bring even the most profitable business to the brink of bankruptcy.

How to improve production efficiency?

Almost all entrepreneurs know in theory how to make the production of services and goods efficient: for this it is necessary to achieve maximum profits while minimizing costs. It would seem that the most in a simple way increasing profitability is strict economy, but after reaching a certain limit it begins to bring only harm to the enterprise. Therefore, the problem must be solved comprehensively, using all available ways optimizations:
  1. The search for suppliers should be ongoing. New companies often appear on the market and try to attract customers with favorable conditions;
  2. When choosing equipment, you need to give preference to used foreign lines. Foreign users carefully follow the operating rules, so the condition of such machines may be close to factory;
  3. It is necessary to constantly optimize staffing to reduce payroll costs. It is recommended to outsource non-core operations, as well as attract cheap labor for performing simple routine work;
  4. Machines should not be idle. Since production can be made efficient only with continuous operation of the equipment, it is advisable to hire additional employees to organize shift work;
  5. To motivate staff, a combined form of remuneration should be established - for example, in the form of a small rate and a bonus that the worker receives only when the production plan is fulfilled;
  6. It is necessary to locate production as close as possible to sources of raw materials and places of sale of products. This way you can reduce transport costs;
  7. To reduce the cost of products, it is necessary to reduce their material consumption, replace individual components with cheaper analogues, and try to reduce the amount of waste;
  8. The introduction of energy-saving technologies, reducing electricity and fuel consumption also helps to minimize overhead costs;
  9. When considering how production can be made profitable, attention should be paid to policies for reusing resources through recycling, recycling and recovery;
  10. To reduce operating costs, it is necessary to liquidate, sell or lease unnecessary or rarely used fixed assets;
  11. Increased production capacity can be achieved through modernization and renewal technological lines, installation of automatic machines.

What kind of production is profitable to open?

Studying the most profitable directions business, you can see that a high level of profitability is typical for the production of goods that are in massive demand by private buyers.

These include:

  • Food;
  • Clothing and accessories;
  • Textiles for the home;
  • Cabinet, upholstered and country furniture;
  • Construction and finishing materials;
  • Children's toys and attractions;
  • Products for animals;
  • Souvenir products.

Moreover, small enterprises often perform better than large factories. economic indicators. The reason for this phenomenon is simple: such business entities usually do not have excess funds, and therefore cannot afford to maintain unnecessary assets, hire a large number of support staff and misuse resources.


Why is food production so profitable? The need for food is the most important for any person, therefore eggs, dairy and bakery products, meat and fish, oil and vegetables are in demand regardless of the state of the economy and political situation. Moreover, even exotic and unusual goods for domestic consumers sometimes become in demand and find their buyers.

In this business you can always find free niches: despite the high level of competition, a manufacturer of high-quality and inexpensive products will certainly take its place in the market. Also in lately There is an increase in citizens' interest in healthy eating, which leads to an increase in the popularity of small enterprises that are guaranteed to comply with technology and use only organic raw materials. What kind of production is profitable to open:

  1. . Due to the introduction of sanctions on the import of dairy products, vacant niches have appeared on the domestic market. Therefore, there is a growing demand for products made in small cheese factories using artisanal methods, according to foreign or old domestic recipes;
  2. Baking cakes. Large factories that produce standard cakes from inexpensive raw materials cannot satisfy the market need for high-quality exclusive desserts. For this reason, small-scale production of cakes from natural ingredients to order or in small batches becomes profitable;
  3. Production of pasta. Pasta, popular due to its wide range and affordable prices, can be found on the tables of absolutely all categories of consumers. Both budget products and expensive ones made according to special recipes are in demand;
  4. Production of smoked meats. Is it profitable to produce smoked meat, fish and sausages as a small business? Of course: large factories massively use technological process liquid smoke and other surrogates, which significantly worsen the taste and quality of the finished product.

Clothing and accessories

With a decrease in income, citizens begin to switch en masse from branded goods to high-quality products of domestic production: this fact inspires aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start sewing clothes. However, opening a sewing workshop requires thorough preparation, since numerous tailors who previously worked in different studios are also trying to fill this niche. To compete with them, you need not only entrepreneurial, but also creative qualities.

At the initial stage, an enterprise should not try to capture the widest possible segment or enter into competition with well-known brands: such a policy requires attracting huge resources and having experience in managing them. It is better to highlight a fairly narrow niche in the average price target audience, for which the quality of the product is more important than the logo on the tag. Which production is profitable in Russia:

1. Sewing workshop. Consumers are no longer delighted with Chinese or Polish products that sellers import en masse: the quality of such products leaves much to be desired, and the sizes do not meet standards. Against this background, good quality, inexpensive clothing made in local factories looks advantageous;

2. Sewing bags. When studying which production is the most profitable, it should be noted that every woman buys one or two new bags every year. Men also show interest in business briefcases, backpacks and travel suitcases. An addition to such a purchase will be made in a similar style:

  • Purses and wallets;
  • Cosmetics bags;
  • Key holders, glasses cases;
  • Cases for mobile devices.

3. Sewing leather gloves. Gloves are used not only to protect against the cold, but also as a fashion accessory. In addition, special gloves are periodically purchased by athletes, motorcyclists and cyclists. To manufacture such products, a large area and expensive machines are not needed;

4. Making leather belts. Is the production of leather belts profitable? There is an abundance of cheap Chinese and expensive European products on the market, while the middle segment is less than half full. Exclusive products are also in certain demand. self made.

Home textiles

Home textiles are a variety of fabric products intended for use in everyday life. This category includes towels, bed linen, tablecloths, covers and bedspreads, blankets, curtains and decorative draperies. According to buyers, such products should combine the original appearance, functionality and practicality: the housewife is unlikely to like a napkin that does not absorb moisture well, or a towel that fades when washed.

Planning the organization textile production, you must first study the needs of the customers for whom it will be designed. Thus, in small settlements people prefer to focus exclusively on low price. In large cities, on the contrary, cost is a secondary factor, second in importance to high quality. The most popular, of course, is the average price niche, however, due to high competition, it is quite difficult for a newcomer to take a place in it. What kind of production is profitable to open in Russia:

1. Making decorative pillows. Decorative pillows can easily be used in interior design in almost any style. In addition, bright and original products are used as gifts.

On small production you can sew:

  • Pillows for decorating furniture;
  • Souvenir pillows with images and inscriptions;
  • Branded pillows for hotels;
  • Pillows in the shape of objects or letters.

1. Production of eurofences. When choosing a method for fencing their plots, owners of private houses prefer inexpensive construction materials that have an attractive appearance. Eurofences have these properties, the production of which requires only a vibrating table, a concrete mixer and a welding machine;

2. Production of aerated concrete blocks. Due to their low weight, high strength and good thermal insulation, aerated concrete blocks are widely used in construction. Similar - business with minimal investment, which does not require complex tools and technologies;

3. Production of foam plastic. Polystyrene foam is the most popular heat-insulating material, which combines low price, light weight and durability. These characteristics determine its use for:

  • Insulation of building structures and floors;
  • Manufacturing of decorative elements;
  • Insulation of pipelines, heating mains;
  • Packaging of food, electronics and medical products.

Manufacturing of SIP panels. This enclosing structure consists of two sheets of corrugated board or OSB, between which polystyrene foam insulation is glued. As a business, it involves the use of SIP panels as the main elements of walls and ceilings.

Toys and attractions

Structure studies Russian market toys show that in almost all its segments there are no signs of shortages, and the variety of products is sufficient to satisfy any consumer wishes. At the same time, the share of domestic producers in this industry does not exceed 15%. The remaining parts are high-quality, but expensive products from well-known world brands (40%), and cheap Chinese crafts made from raw materials of dubious origin (45%).

Many parents demonstrate a willingness to buy toys in the mid-price segment produced by domestic entrepreneurs, but most often they do not find what they are looking for on the shelves. The problems here lie in the boring design and limited range, only occasionally replenished with interesting new products. Therefore, business prospects for manufacturing original and high-quality products from safe materials seem obvious. What mini-production is profitable to open:

1. Sewing toys based on children's sketches. This idea is quite difficult to implement, since for each product you have to make your own patterns and patterns. However, parents who want to please their child with a character sewn from his design are unlikely to refuse to spend 3,000–5,000 rubles on such a toy;

2. Sewing anti-stress toys. The toys are made of elastic fabric and filled with grainy material, so they are pleasant to wrinkle and deform. Why does this production, profitable for small businesses, attract entrepreneurs? Mainly due to the simplicity of the technology and the high markup on finished products;

3. Production of wooden toys. In the past, wood was widely used to make toys, but with the development of plastic processing technologies, it has gone out of fashion. Today this material is becoming relevant again because:

  • The tree is environmentally friendly and harmless to children;
  • Toys are produced in small series with exclusive designs;
  • In terms of strength, wood is not inferior to plastic, but in terms of tactile sensations it is superior to it.

Making trampolines. As a business idea, it seems promising mainly due to the simplicity of the technology and growing demand from customers disappointed in the low quality of Chinese products.

The most popular are:

  • Inflatable air trampolines;
  • Inflatable slides;
  • Inflatable advertising figures.

Pet products

Business in this area is characterized by fairly broad opportunities and a large number of types of products suitable for production. For example, you can realize your ideas in the segment of products for pets - cats, dogs, fish, birds and other small pets. It is obvious that the owners, trying to create the most comfortable living conditions for them, willingly spend money on special food, accessories, furniture and hygiene products.

No less interesting and promising direction the production of goods for businessmen engaged in farming and industrial breeding of poultry and animals is presented. The needs of such enterprises for feeders, drinkers, cage batteries, heating and ventilation systems, mixed feed and other similar products significantly exceed the volumes typical of the private market.

What kind of production is profitable for a small business to engage in:

1. Production of food for pets. This food does not need to be prepared, which greatly simplifies the process of feeding a pet. Canned food is made mainly from heat-treated and crushed offal, and dry food is made from meat processing waste with the addition of plant components and vitamins;

2. Making furniture for animals. Pet owners try to provide their pets not only with quality feeding, but also with a comfortable existence in an apartment. Which goods are profitable to produce:

  • Mattresses, rugs and hammocks for cats and dogs;
  • Houses for cats and kennels for dogs;
  • Multi-level play structures for cats;
  • Reduced options for regular furniture for any pets;
  • Scratching post.

3. Production of compound feed. The idea is designed to meet the needs of businessmen involved in livestock, poultry and fish farming. They are often forced to order the delivery of compound feed from afar, since there are no producers of quality products in the immediate vicinity of the farms;

4. Manufacturing of mesh cells. Metal cages are purchased mainly by farmers and owners of private household plots raising birds and animals. When choosing which production to open in 2020, you can study the demand among residents of nearby villages and start making such cages in your garage.

Souvenir products

The souvenir business includes a huge number of areas belonging to one of two categories - advertising or consumer. The first unites various goods used in the activities of enterprises and equipped with the customer’s branding - image, promotional souvenirs and gifts for managers. The second is gift, tourist and commemorative items, as well as handmade souvenirs purchased by ordinary citizens for personal purposes.

Thanks to this diversity, both large players producing products for corporate customers and private workshops producing gifts in small batches can find their place in the souvenir business. The industry is constantly evolving, so new technologies, complex multifunctional machines and modern composite materials are becoming available to enterprises of all sizes.

Which production is profitable now:

  • Printing on mugs or T-shirts. Thanks to thermal transfer printing technology, such souvenirs can be made even in single copies. It only takes a few minutes to apply an image, so when a center opens in a high-traffic location, the order is completed directly in front of the client;
  • Making souvenir magnets. In any small business the most profitable production should be based on the mass production and availability of the product. Thus, unusual souvenir magnets made of vinyl, wood, ceramics and rubber are in great demand as gifts for friends and souvenirs for tourists;
  • Production of photocrystals. To make a crystal, a picture, photograph or company logo is printed on a transparent film, which is then glued to the back of thick glass. This idea can be implemented with small investments and a minimum set of equipment;
  • Making business cards from wood. Represents a new production in Russia in 2020, which may become popular due to the increased availability of laser engraving machines. To get additional profit, you need to make not only business cards, but also postcards and wedding invitations.


In addition to those described above, there are hundreds and thousands of other business areas, each of which, with the right approach, can become very profitable. For example, the manufacture of polycarbonate greenhouses or the production of metal fasteners can bring significant profits to an entrepreneur determined to succeed.

Of course, the organization production activities seems difficult for beginners: the owner of such a company must simultaneously know the secrets of technology and the rules for operating equipment, understand personnel management and be able to sell. However, numerous examples of efficiently operating enterprises show that this large-scale task is completely solvable.