How to change the staffing table in 1s 8.2. Staffing table

When you first open any 1C program, the Startup Assistant is automatically launched: the user can immediately make the initial setup of the information base by simply checking the appropriate boxes. We are interested in how to activate, configure and introduce new staffing table.

ZUP version 3.1 provides three ways to maintain it:

  • It is not kept, so the “Positions” directory is used in personnel records. This is how small commercial firms can keep records, but at the same time they have to generate reports to statistical authorities manually*;
  • In personnel records, the corresponding reference book is used to create a printed copy, which eliminates the need to check whether employees are in compliance with the staff.
  • One or more employees are “attached” to a staffing position. This is the best option for large companies and government agencies.

*In this case, the “Use...” checkbox is not checked, but the following options require that it be checked.

Department settings

We create organizational divisions in the “Settings/Divisions” section.

Let's look at the subdivision display window.

At the top of it is the “Organization” field. If you check the box and select the organization you are interested in, the list will include only its departments. For convenience, the list of departments can be set to three viewing modes by clicking “More”:

  • The “Hierarchical List” will not display all departments, but only the selected ones and those that are higher in the hierarchy.
  • “List” will display all departments in a row, without showing nesting in higher ones;
  • The most convenient option is “Tree”, which shows all the departments and where they are nested.

Setting up positions

To create a new position, click “Create” and enter the positions. Entering their names manually is a simple method, but not optimal.

It is more correct to enter positions through “Selection from OKPDTR”, selecting them from the list of positions.

If a position is selected, it becomes gray and inactive in the list.

Having closed OKPDTR, we will see that the new position is highlighted in bold. That is, the program warns us that this is a new, not yet valid entry.

In order for a position to be used for work, you must open it and enable “Position approved” (from January 1 of the current year). Since version 3.1.5 of the ZUP program, the line “Data for filling out reporting” has been added to the position card:

  • OKPDTR code
  • Check number
  • Category*.

*They are needed when filling out statistics form 57-T, so if you enter new position Simply click on the “Create” button; the reporting will have to be generated manually.

To create a schedule, we “linked” “Division” and “Position” to each other (they can be entered in advance or simultaneously with the creation of elements of our “staff”).


There are two options for maintaining a schedule:

  • Without keeping history*;
  • With change history**.

*View without change history:

**View with change history, with change documents:

Let’s take a closer look at the option with history through the activation “Approve the staffing table with a special document and keep a history of its changes.”

After our actions, changes in the schedule are possible only with the help of special approval documents* and changes, so it will not be possible to simply open a staff unit and change its contents.

*If there are several documents in the list, the previous document can be opened for viewing only, but cannot be edited. To make this possible, you must first disable changes to a later document by canceling posting the document.

Working with positions in the ZUP program

You can enter a new position in the case of maintaining a “staff” without history by checking the “Position has been entered into the staffing table” checkbox and the date from which the position is valid (when the position expires, check the “Position deleted ..." checkbox and the date).

When working with a position (option of maintaining a history of changes), the dates of introduction and exclusion of the position from the staffing table are not active and are highlighted in a pale color, so it is impossible to check the box. The date and checkbox are checked automatically after the “Approval” document (which was mentioned earlier) is posted.

The position itself, entered in the “With change history...” mode, looks like this:

In conclusion, I would like to note that without a history of changes to the staffing table, it is easier to create and edit it, but it is impossible to display a printed form or generate a report as of any date. If, for example, you had two full-time manager positions in your sales department on February 28, and from March 1 you have another position introduced, that is, there will be only three of them. You enter a new position in the same department, but it will be a different position, which will lead to the appearance of a second line. That is, the first line will contain two manager positions, and the second line will contain another similar position. This means that without maintaining a history of staffing changes, you can edit the staffing position Beautiful it won't work.

ATTENTION: similar article on 1C ZUP 2.5 -

Hello, dear visitors. Today we continue to analyze features of accounting in ZUP for beginners and in the next publication we will look at some issues of personnel accounting in the program. Let me remind you that you can find a similar series of articles for users of ZUP version 2.5. So, here are the topics awaiting us today:

  • Let's figure out how to perform in ZUP 3.0 Hiring a new employee: Let’s talk in detail about the “Hiring” document, all its fields and settings
  • What settings are important to make for correct accounting of a new employee: personal income tax deductions, statuses for calculating personal income tax and insurance contributions, and much more
  • Let's talk about options for maintaining the Staffing table: about the document and "Change in staffing"

To reflect the hiring of a new employee, we first need to create that employee. Unfortunately, ZUP 3.0 does not yet have a Hiring assistant, so we will have to create a new employee manually. Go to the menu section Personnel - Employees

Press the button Create and fill out the form provided by the program.

The main thing that needs to be entered at the moment is your full name. The remaining personal data can be entered later. After we save the data for the new employee, this data is duplicated in another directory - Individuals(Personnel - see also - Individuals). This directory displays all personal information about employees. In the ZUP 3.0 program, several employees can be assigned to one individual. An example of this is a situation where the same individual works in an organization at his main place of work and on an internal part-time basis. And this is important to understand, because the program monitors the calculation of personal income tax and insurance premiums specifically in the context of individuals, and not Employees.

The next step, after we have introduced an employee, is to issue a Hiring document. We can create this document:

1. Personnel – Hiring, transfer, dismissal – Create. Select from the list provided Hiring (Hiring by list, if we hire several employees on one date).

2. We can also apply for a job from the employee’s personal card: button Complete the document –> Hiring or by clicking on the link Hire.

Now let's fill out the document Hiring.

Date– this is the date of the order.

Number– the program itself will assign it to this document based on the numbers of previous documents; if necessary, you can correct it manually.

Field Employee. If Hiring made from the employee’s personal card, then this field will be filled in automatically, otherwise it must be selected from the directory.

In the field Job title we choose in which position the employee will work.

The next field is Type of employment. There are only 3 in the program possible options types of employment - this is the main place of work, external part-time and internal part-time job. In ZUP 3.0. this information is specified at the hiring level, in ZUP 2.5. – at the employee input level, which was not very convenient. For example, in order to transfer an employee from ZUP 2.5 external part-time job to the main place of work - it was necessary to fire the person and then rehire him. In ZUP 3.0 you need to draw up a document Personnel transfer, in which indicate new look employment.

By the way, you can read in more detail about the difference between ZUP 2.5 and 3.0 in a series of publications:.

Now let's talk about the "Edit" button next to the inscription You are entitled to annual leave... When you click on this button, the “Leave Entitlement” window will open, which will contain the “Basic Leave” due to all employees in the amount of 28 days. If we are satisfied with this, then there is no need to change anything. If an employee has the right to additional leave(for example, Leave for harmful effects), then we need to create this leave (Section Settings – Enterprise – Types of leave). Let's press the button Create.

In the window that opens, enter the desired name for the additional vacation (For example, For irregular working hours, or For harmfulness). Let's check the box that the vacation is annual. Let's enter the number of days of additional vacation.

After we enter a new type of leave into the directory, we can add it to a specific employee in the Hiring document. Click on the link Edit. In the window that opens, click on the button Add and select the additional vacation we need from the list provided.

In our example, the employee will have 28 calendar days of vacation; we will not add additional vacation.

Now let's go to the tab "Payment" document Hiring.

Here you set the planned types of accrual, which will automatically go into the document “Accrual of salaries and contributions” when filling it out (this is the main document in 1C ZUP, with which salaries are calculated monthly). Let’s assign the employee a standard type of accrual “Payment by salary” with a monthly salary of 50,000 rub.

You can also specify on this tab advance payment method to our employee. The program offers us 3 options:

  1. Fixed amount;
  2. Percentage of the tariff;
  3. Calculated for the first half of the month.

If we choose the first or second option, then the advance payment itself will be calculated directly in the document "Vedomosti...". If we choose the third option for calculating the advance, then before the document “Statement ...” you will need to submit another document “Payroll for the first half of the month”. It is this document that will calculate how much advance payment to the employee, depending on his time worked.

Tab Employment contract.

This tab contains the information required to fill out the printed form. Employment contract. To print employment contract– click on the “Print” button. We carry out the Hiring document.

Employee settings in a personal card (Employees directory)

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Let's go back to the employee's personal card (HR - Employees). I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the number of links at the top of the form increased after we processed the document Hiring.

There is a link in the directory form "Personal information". In fact, the data on this tab is actually stored not in the Employees directory, but in the Individuals directory. Above, I already talked about the fact that when creating an Employee, a Individual, so the Personal Data is stored in this Individual.

You should also pay attention to the link “ Income tax." In particular, this is where applications for standard deductions to which the employee is entitled are entered. When entering an application for deductions, you need to pay attention to the month from which the deduction will be provided.

Income from the previous place of work is also set here. If an employee has not been working in our organization since the beginning of the year, you can use this link to enter information about his income at his previous place of work. This data will be used to correctly track the income limit when applying personal income tax deductions.

The employee’s personal card also contains a link Insurance. Information for the correct calculation of insurance premiums is provided here.

Accruals and deductions. This link displays all planned accruals and planned deductions. All payroll documents are also displayed here. By clicking the “History” button you can view a very convenient report “History of changes in wages” He will talk about how the employee’s Planned accruals changed.

Absences. Here you can view all of the employee’s absences from the workplace, including if the employee was on vacation or sick leave.

Payments and cost accounting. On this tab, you set the method of payment to the employee, if this method differs from the payment option specified in the organization settings. Also here you set the method of accounting for salaries, if it differs from the method that is set for the organization or division.

Setting up the staffing table in ZUP 3.0

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Now let's look at what options for maintaining the Staffing table are available in 1C ZUP 3.0. IN in this example The staffing table is not maintained at all in the program. In the Hiring document, the position was taken from the Positions directory, and not from the Staffing directory.

In order to show the difference between accounting without a staffing table and using a staffing table, we will set the appropriate settings. Let me remind you that before at this moment staffing was NOT maintained.

Settings – Personnel records – Setting up staffing.

Put a tick Staffing is maintained.Press Apply and close.

If after this setting we go to the document Hiring, then we will see that now the Position field refers not to the Positions directory, but to the Staffing directory (Personnel - Staffing).

Once we have checked the box “Staffing is underway” in the personnel records settings, then in the “Staffing table” directory, Staffing units were automatically created corresponding to the current staffing arrangement of working employees.

Now let's look at the issue of maintaining staffing history. In this accounting option, the staffing table is maintained WITHOUT a history of changes, i.e. if for some reason we need, for example, to change the salary for this staffing unit, then we simply go to the Staffing List and change the salary. We will not be able to indicate from what date the salary of the staff unit changed.

If we need the staffing history, then in this case, in the HR accounting settings, check the box “There is a history of changes in the staffing table”(Settings – Personnel records – Setting up staffing).

After we began to keep track of the history of staffing, we had a magazine “ Change of staffing"(Personnel – Staffing – Changes in staffing). A document appeared in this journal "Approval of staffing". It is this document that enters the initial information about the staffing table. The document was filled out automatically based on the current staffing.

If the accrual in the ZUP is 3.0. starts on November 1, then in this document all information about the staffing table must also be entered as of November 1.

Consider a small example to see how the History of staffing changes is taken into account. For example, from January 1, according to the staffing unit, there is an increase in Salary and the number of rates. Create a document " Change of staffing» (Journal Change of staffing table - Create - Change of staffing table).

Double-click on the salary amount and change it.

If we need to add a new position to the staffing table, click on the button "Add position."

Fill in the fields Division, Position and add accrual (in our example we added Payment according to salary).

Thanks to the fact that we have indicated from what date this document will be changed (field "Date modified") we can maintain staffing history.

Let's check this in the report. Let's go to Personnel - Personnel reports. There are a number of reports for viewing the Staffing table.

Let's look at an example of the report Staffing table (T3). As we can see, as of November 1, 2015, we have one staffing unit - the director.

Now we will make a report as of 01/01/2016, when we entered the document Change of staffing.

In this report we see that there are already 2 positions in the staffing table and the salary for the position of Director has increased.

That’s all for today, in the next publication we will look at the issues of payroll calculation in the program

For proper organization workplaces at the enterprise it is necessary to maintain a staffing table. This document contains comprehensive information about the number of employees in the organization and available positions. It also indicates the amount of remuneration for the position with all due allowances, if any are available in accordance with the law or provided for by the specifics of the organization’s activities.

Like any other document, the “Staffing Schedule” has a certain list of functions. The main ones are:

    Possibility of organizing staff working hours.

    Calculation of monthly salaries for employees.

    Official registration of newly hired employees.

    Drawing up rules internal regulations day.

    Transfer of registered employees from one position to another, etc.

Changing the staffing table in 1C

In the program "1C: Salary and HR Management 8" ed. 3.1. The ability to maintain a staffing table is supported, both without a change history and with it - documents on approval and change of the staffing table are available.

Let's consider the option of maintaining a staffing table with a history of changes, since it is in this mode that indexation of the staffing table and remuneration of the organization's employees is available.

In order for this option to be available in this program, you must go to the “ Settings” – “Personnel records” – link "Setting up staffing" and check two boxes: “Staffing is underway” And “A history of staffing changes is being maintained”. You also need to check the box “Employee earnings are being indexed”. You can do this by going to the " Settings – “Payroll”. After the settings have been completed, you can create or change the staffing table from the section “ Personnel” – “Staffing table”.

Let's assume that you already have a staffing table that needs to be indexed starting in the new year. To do this, you need to go to the section “ Personnel” – “Staffing table” – “Staffing table” and click the link « Change the current staffing table" or go to the section " Personnel” – “Staffing table” – “Changes to the staffing table” and by the button " Create" open new document « ».

Next, in the tabular part of the document that opens, you should select the indexed positions of your staffing table by clicking on the button “ Change position" and in the form that opens, select the positions in which you need to make changes in wages (to select all positions at once, you must press the key combination Ctrl + A on your keyboard). Next, click on the " Fill in the indicators" indicate the indicators whose values ​​need to be indexed by multiplying them by the indexation coefficient. The document should be processed, but you should not close it, because you have indexed only the staffing table itself, and you also need to make sure that the salaries of employees who work in the indexed positions of your staffing table are increased when calculating wages. To do this, in the lower right corner of the document you need to click on the button “ Change employee accruals", after which the document “ Changing planned accruals" The document is filled out automatically, according to the current staffing arrangement of employees working in the indexed positions, and by default the “ Take into account as indexation of earnings". You should check that the document is completed, then enter it and close it. From this document it is possible to print " Order on indexation of earnings."

Approval of staffing

It should be noted that if the changes made to the staffing table are fundamental, then it is worth using the document “ Approval of staffing." As a rule, this rarely happens when the leadership of an organization changes or its structure changes. In all other cases, it is necessary to make changes to the staffing table using the document “ Change of staffing».

The staffing table is not mandatory, but quite an important document for the organization, because on the basis of it you can analyze the number of occupied and vacant positions received wages employees, you can also fire an employee and hire a new one. In the program “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”, ed. 3.1, is accrued to employees based on the staffing table.

Staffing in 1C ZUP is an integral part of working with personnel at any enterprise. Let's look at this step by step instructions the following points: where it is located, how to coordinate it, how to set up, create, change the salary and staffing table in the 1C ZUP 8.3 program.

The 1C ZUP program allows you to flexibly customize the use of staffing. To do this, go to the section panel in “Settings”, click the “Human Resources” link, then in the HR settings form that opens, click “Staffing settings”.

A window will open where you can enable or disable the following options: maintaining a staffing table, automatically checking personnel documents, history of changes, using such features as a “fork” of salaries and allowances, ranks and categories, booking positions, as well as the method of displaying allowances.

Approval of staffing

To find the staffing table in 1C ZUP, you need to go to the “Main” or “Personnel” sections. If no positions have been approved yet, the tab that opens will look like this:

Click the “Approve staffing” link. The program created a document “Approval of the staffing table”, where you need to indicate the month and date and then add positions using the corresponding button. Each position indicates the department, position, work schedule, and the number of units (rates).

In the tabular part “Payment” we enter accruals and salary indicators; on the “Additional” tab you can enter text information about the nature of the work, and also indicate the required additional leave.

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We save the position by clicking the “OK” button, after which it appears in the line of our document “Approval of the staffing table”. When all positions have been entered, the document must be posted - this can be done using the “Post” or “Post and Close” buttons.

From the document, using the “Print” button, you can print both the order for approval of the staffing table and the staffing table itself according to unified form T-3.

After posting the document, the staffing tab took on a different look. The table displays positions indicating for each of them the division, position, number of units and date of approval, and new command links have appeared in the header. By clicking the link “Documents that changed the staffing table” you can open the log of documents with which changes were recorded.

If we now open the “Positions” directory in the program (see sections “Personnel” and “Settings”), we will see that the positions for which staffing positions have been entered now have a mark on the entry and its date. Moreover, those positions that have not yet been entered into the staffing table will be displayed in the directory only if the “Show new positions” checkbox is selected.

Editing the staffing table

If the staffing table that has already been entered into the program needs to be edited (for example, to correct an error), then on the staffing table tab you need to click the link “Open the document that approved the current staffing table.” The previously entered document will open, it is available for making the necessary changes.

In addition, from the posted document “Approval of the staffing table”, you can, if necessary, enter a new document to change the planned accruals of employees by clicking the appropriate button:

How to change staffing and salaries in 1C 8.3 ZUP

If you need to register a change in the staffing table in 1C ZUP, you should click the link “Change the current staffing table”:

A new program document will be created, called “Change of staffing”. After specifying a division, the document will display the current positions for this division. Each position can be opened for change or closed using the corresponding button.

In addition, it is possible to add new positions in the same way as in “Approval of staffing”.

Having appreciated the convenience of the 1C program, we are sometimes surprised when we do not find the forms we need. So, many are looking for staffing in 1C Accounting 8.3. Is it there? Let's figure it out.

From the article you will learn:

  • what is staffing and why is it needed;
  • is there a mandatory form for staffing;
  • what forms and reports does 1C have in the personnel section.

Staffing - personnel document, reflecting the structure and size of the organization by divisions and positions. It allows you to plan the personnel composition of the enterprise and its wage fund (hereinafter - payroll).

The staffing table is the planned structure of positions, and not the actual one, since it reflects both occupied positions and vacancies. When all vacancies are filled, the actual staffing structure and numbers coincide with the staffing table.

Hiring an employee for a position not included in the staffing table is unacceptable ().

IN Labor Code The staffing table is mentioned only indirectly when it comes to the position occupied by an employee in accordance with the staffing table (Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). What follows from this:

  • staffing is necessary;
  • The position held by the employee must be included in it.

It will definitely be needed when:

  • checks:
    • Labor Inspectorate;
    • Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service;
  • in court on labor disputes and proceedings with controllers.

Lack of staffing may result in prosecution as a violation of regulations. labor law ().

Those found guilty face a warning or a fine (Part 1 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • from 30,000 to 50,000 rub. - for legal entities;
  • from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. - for individual entrepreneurs;
  • from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. - for officials.

Staffing form

A convenient form of staffing table () is given in Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1. Although this form has not been mandatory since 2013, many organizations adhere to it: there are no approved mandatory details for this document, and the form we are used to contains all the necessary information that inspectors expect to see in the staffing table.

  • structural divisions;
  • positions;
  • number of staff units;
  • salaries (tariff rates);
  • allowances;
  • monthly payroll.

How often does staffing need to be approved?

Since the preparation and maintenance of the staffing table is not regulated, it is impossible to give clear recommendations on this issue.

Changes and additions may be made to the staffing schedule throughout the year. For convenience, so as not to accumulate changing documents, at the end of the year you can approve a new staffing table for next year, which will take into account all the changes of the past.

If the staffing table is completely revised, a new one can be approved in the middle of the year (for example, with a large-scale staff reduction).

Where can I find the staffing table in Accounting 8.3?

In 1C 8.3 Accounting, the staffing table is not created. This form not provided there. However, you can use the report to draw up the staffing table Staff members .

If you apply the default settings, the report Staff members will look like:

Thus, the report contains the following information about employees who are actually working on the date specified in the report:

  • job title;
  • salary;
  • date of admission;
  • work phone;
  • date of birth (and even the number of days remaining until it).

To create a staffing table, you may find the following fields useful:

  • Subdivision ;
  • Employee ;
  • Job title ;
  • Tariff rate .

Field Tariff rate contains the amount for all monthly payments to the employee specified in the documents Hiring or Personnel transfer . It is not possible to obtain a detailed list of all additional payments and allowances for a specific position.

If you need information about employees who held vacant positions today, you can remove unnecessary settings, and then additional information about dismissed employees will be displayed.

To draw up a staffing table in 1C Accounting 8.3, we will generate a report on full-time employees as of 01/01/2019.

In 2018, all positions in the state were filled. On December 31, 2018, the Network Installation Master resigned. As of January 1, 2019, this position is vacant.

Report Staff members is in the section Salaries and personnel – Personnel records – HR reports.

In the form that opens, make the following settings.

Report header

Fill in the fields:

  • Date- the date for which the report is required, in the example 01.01.2019 ;
  • Organization - select from the drop-down list if there is more than one organization in the database.

Click on the button Settings and go to the report settings menu Staff members . Selecting the report type Advanced .


On the tab Selections remove the check mark from the field Group Or so that the list includes not only currently employed employees, but also dismissed employees.

Fields and sorting

On the tab Fields and sorting remove the extra checkboxes to display the field, leaving:

  • Subdivision ;
  • Employee ;
  • Job title ;
  • Tariff rate ;
  • Date of admission ;
  • Date of dismissal .

We will leave the settings on the remaining tabs unchanged. The report will look like this.