Institute of Molecular Electronics. General Director of JSC Research Institute of Molecular Electronics Gennady Krasnikov was elected to Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Niime and Micron



JSC Research Institute of Molecular Electronics and Mikron Plant - largest producer chips in Russia and the CIS, founded in 1964. The company carries out a full cycle of chip manufacturing, including design, crystal production, assembly and sales. It occupies 28% of the market of microelectronic components for high-tech enterprises in Russia and is the largest Russian exporter of chips.

In 2005, Mikron began an investment program to launch projects unique to Russia:
Transition to the 0.18 micron level in 2006 - strengthening of technological leadership in Russian microelectronics;
Assembly of chip modules for smart cards and electronic documents since spring 2006;
Opening of a new Design Center in May 2005. Reducing design time and increasing the level of complexity of projects. Acting as a development integrator Russian companies in the field of microelectronics.

New production will, among other things, be focused on producing an electronic page for biometric passports.

Board of Directors of JSC NIIME and Mikron, the largest Russian manufacturer of integrated circuits and RFID products, part of industry holding OJSC RTI (AFK Sistema), by its decision, appointed Gulnara Khasyanova as General Director of Micron. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Krasnikov will take the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company. He will also continue to hold the post of General Director of JSC Research Institute of Molecular Electronics.

Under the leadership of Gennady Krasnikov, a scientific and technological breakthrough was successfully achieved at Micron, which today determines the independence of Russia in the field of application element base for modern banking technologies, identification systems, transport and logistics, industrial and special electronics for the defense industry and the space industry. On new ones production lines 180-90-65nm technologies have been successfully delivered and unique electronic products have been put into serial production, defining the current level of the high-tech sector of the Russian economy.

The main task of Gulnara Khasyanova as CEO of Micron will be to expand the scale of the enterprise’s business through the further commercialization of new technological capabilities. “In addition to developing sales of new competitive Micron products on the Russian and global markets, as well as providing Russian design centers with ample opportunities to localize the production of their products at a Russian factory, we plan in the near future to reach a new level in the field of integration. This will be a transition from the traditional serial sale of microcircuits to the development and delivery of complete system solutions, based on domestic microelectronics. I am confident that this approach will not only stimulate the processes of import substitution in the technological sector of the economy, but will also have a significant impact on innovative development Russia,” Gulnara Khasyanova commented on her new appointment.

Gennady Krasnikov, as General Director of JSC Research Institute of Molecular Electronics, will focus on the development of an already established scientific school in the field of research and development of new technologies for creating modern integrated circuits. “The transition to new topological dimensions and ensuring the further development of new products are impossible without the creation of an appropriate scientific and technological base. To solve pressing problems of modern and advanced microelectronics, on the basis of JSC “Research Institute of Molecular Electronics” and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, we have created a consortium - a kind of “alloy” of the scientific and production potential of leading organizations in the industry, the synergy of which will become the basis for the further development of domestic microelectronics and will ensure production new products,” commented Gennady Krasnikov.

The Research Institute of Molecular Electronics (NIIME) and the Mikron plant were created in 1964. for development and industrial production domestic integrated circuits in Zelenograd.

Today JSC NIIME and Mikron is the parent enterprise of the Mikron group of companies. The largest shareholder of NIIME and Mikron JSC is RTI Microelectronics CJSC.

Mikron is the most advanced microelectronics enterprise in Russia in terms of technology and equipment, the largest manufacturer of semiconductor products in the CIS and Eastern Europe. The company produces more than 500 types of microcircuits and semiconductor products. The products of JSC "NIIME and Mikron" are supplied to almost all regions of Russia, the CIS countries, China and the countries of Southeast Asia. About 1,700 people work at Mikron, 43% of employees have higher education, 31 people have a scientific degree.

The strategic goal of the enterprise is to strengthen its position in the domestic market by overcoming the technological gap with global manufacturers and creating modern production microcircuits capable of providing domestic consumers of microelectronics, transport applications, smart cards products that meet the highest requirements.

Since 2006, JSC NIIME and Mikron has been implementing a production modernization project, within the framework of which a unique transfer and development of 180 nm EEPROM technology from the leader of European microelectronics, the No. 5 company in the world STMicroelectronics, was carried out. More than 50 companies from 12 countries of the world acted as suppliers of equipment and materials, and partners in creating infrastructure. Among them are M+W Zander, Air Liquid, Hager+Elsasser, Applied Materials, ASML and others. Today, in the “clean room”, opened in 2007, this technology is used to produce integrated circuits on 200 mm wafers for transport and smart cards, memory chips, prototypes of integrated circuits for social and bank cards, biometric passports.

In 2012, in partnership with the state corporation RUSNANO, a project was implemented to create, on the basis of JSC NIIME and Mikron, a production line of integrated circuits based on nanoelectronic technology with design standards of 90 nm on wafers with a diameter of 200 mm. The technological partner of the project is STMicroelectronics. The launch of a new line allowed us to increase production capacity The plant doubled to 36 thousand plates with a diameter of 200 mm per year.
In 2014, JSC NIIME and Mikron completed the development of its own technology for creating integrated circuits using 65 nanometer topology and plans to begin their mass production in 2015.

Mikron has a powerful scientific and engineering school. Every year, 15-20% of the company's revenue comes from research and development; about 400 people are involved in this area of ​​work. 12 employees previously worked abroad, 120 people were trained at the most modern factories in the USA, Europe and Japan. Two academicians (of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences) and four corresponding members were formed at Mikron.

The company has about 400 customers in Russia and 100 abroad, collaborating on an ongoing basis with more than 60 industry and academic research institutes and design centers.

JSC NIIME and Mikron has implemented and maintains a quality management system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. In 2008, Mikron was the first Russian manufacturers microelectronics certified production according to the standards of the Environmental Management System ISO 14001 and the Energy Management System ISO 50001-2011. The production site and laboratory base of Micron play the role of the core around which the Russian “Silicon Valley” is being revived.


The parent company of the Micron group of companies has a powerful R&D center that collaborates on an ongoing basis with more than 60 research centers, technical universities and design centers. Today at research center micro- and nanoelectronics with a modern experimental and computing base employs more than 400 people. Every year, R&D accounts for about 15% of the enterprise’s revenue, which corresponds to world practice innovative business. JSC NIIME and Mikron is creating a modern infrastructure for the design of complex integrated circuits of the “system on a chip” type, which is necessary not only for Mikron, but also for other design centers in Russia.

The main directions of research and development of JSC NIIME and Mikron:

1. Research and development of micro- and nanoelectronics element base

EEPROM, CMOS 180-90 nm – transistors, non-volatile memory elements

Field emission nanostructures

Element base of radiation-hard CMOS VLSI based on silicon-on-insulator structures

Microwave BiCMOS VLSI element base based on Si-Ge heterostructures

Mastering methods of instrument-technological modeling of a new element base

Development of element base for field emission micro-nanoelectronics (FEM)

Main characteristics of the developments:

Electron transport is ballistic: it is carried out in a vacuum, so there is no loss of speed and power during collisions in the transport medium

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Mikron, General manager JSC "NIIME", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Mikron, General Director of JSC NIIME, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Graduate of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology in 1981.
Since 1981 (consecutively) engineer, leading engineer, module head, workshop manager, deputy general director,
Since 1991 - General Director of JSC NIIME and Mikron, General Director of JSC NIIME (since 2011, separated into a separate subsidiary).
In 1999-2003 - General Director of the Scientific Center Concern
In 2005-2012, he was the head of the Microelectronic Solutions business area at OJSC Sitronics.
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1997), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2008) in the Department of Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies, Honorary Doctor of the Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2015), full member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences named after. A.M. Prokhorova.
Author and co-author of more than 300 scientific papers in domestic and foreign peer-reviewed publications, four scientific monographs and more than 40 copyright certificates and patents.
Head of the interdepartmental Council of Chief Designers for the electronic component base of the Russian Federation, served on the Presidential Council Russian Federation on science and education, member of the Advisory Scientific Council of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Physical and chemical foundations of semiconductor materials science", co-chairman of the expert Council on innovation activity and implementation of high technology State Duma Russian Federation, member of 2 expert advice for the award of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology, is a member of the EMEA Leadership Council - the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA).
Heads the basic department of “micro and nanoelectronics” at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (SU) and the basic department “Submicron VLSI technology” at the National Research University “MIET”, manages the training of highly qualified specialists in current and promising directions nano- and microelectronics.
Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Electronic technology. Series "Microelectronics", member of the editorial board of the magazines "Microelectronics", "Electronics. Science. Technology. Business", "Nano- and microsystem technology".
Awarded the Order of Honor (1999), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2008), the Order of Friendship (2014), the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2014), two awards of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (1999, 2009), a medal UNESCO “For contribution to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology” (2016).

General Director of PJSC Mikron

General Director of PJSC Mikron

In 1992, she graduated from the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics MTUSI with a degree in Economics and Management in Communications, engineer-economist. In 1996, she graduated from the Duke University Communications Executive Development Program. In 1997-2002 completed an internship at the following companies: Deutsche Telecom, France Telecom, Telstra. In 2015, she graduated from the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Completed professional retraining under the program “Marketing and Production in Digital Media. Advanced". Candidate of Economic Sciences.
1992-2003 - marketing specialist, head of the marketing department, head of the marketing department and securities, Head of the Business Development Department at OJSC Rostelecom, Moscow Intercity and International Telephone branch.
2003-2005 - Head of the Marketing Department, Deputy Commercial Director, Deputy General Director - Commercial Director of OJSC Rostelecom. 2005-2007 - Deputy General Director for commercial activities OJSC Interregional Transit Telecom.
2007-2011 - General Director of Sky Link CJSC.
2011-present - Executive Director of the Union of Operators mobile communications LTE.
2014-2016 - President of Sistema Mass Media OJSC.
Since January 2016 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sistema Mass Media OJSC.
January-April 2016 - Appointed First Deputy General Director of JSC NIIME and Mikron.
April 27, 2016 - Appointed as General Director of PJSC Mikron.

Laureate of a number of industry ratings “Top 1000” Russian managers» Association of Russian Managers (TOP-3 2008), rating of leading managers of the ICT industry-2008 (TOP-50 Agency of Political and Economic Communications APEC), Rating "Echo of Moscow" 100 most influential women in Russia (2011), most influential business women in Russia (TOP-50 of the magazine "Finance" (2008, 2010), TOP-100 of the magazine "Company" (ID Rodionova, 2010), "200 most professional commercial directors Russia-2003" (TOP-20), "100 most professional careers in business and government" of the Association of Managers of Russia and the newspaper "Kommersant" (2000-2004), etc.

First Deputy General Director - Chief Operating Officer of PJSC Mikron

First Deputy General Director - Chief Operating Officer of PJSC Mikron

Born on July 10, 1976 in the village of Seryshevo, Seryshevsky district, Amur region.
In 1998 he graduated from the Air Force Engineering Academy. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky, specialty " Automated systems management", electronics engineer.
From August 1993 to June 1999 he served in the Russian Armed Forces.
He began his career in October 1999 as a software engineer at Telmos CJSC; from November 2002 to June 2007 he worked as a software development specialist, system architect, group leader, and department head at VimpelCom OJSC.
From June 2007 to December 2008 – Director of information technology CJSC "Sky Link"
From December 2008 to April 2016, he successively held positions as head of a number of large companies telecommunications and communications:
12.2008 - 02.2010 General Director, Deputy. General Director - Director of the branch of Astarta CJSC
02.2010 - 04.2011 General Director of OJSC Moscow Cellular Communications
06.2011 - 08.2012 Regional Director OJSC "Vympel-Communications"

09.2012 - 05.2014 General Director of Amedia TV
05.2014 - 02.2015 General Director of MTS - Satellite TV
02.2015 - 04.2016 Chairman of the Board of Directors of Orion Express
In April 2016, he was appointed to the position of First Deputy General Director – operating director JSC "NIIME and Mikron".

Deputy General Director for Business Development of PJSC Mikron

Born February 17, 1967.

Deputy General Director for Business Development of PJSC Mikron

Born February 17, 1967.
In 1988, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Automation, Telemechanics and Communications in Railway Transport, railway engineer - electrician.
1988 – 1991 Engineer-operator of the Specialized construction and installation train
1991 – 2000 Measurement and protection engineer, head of the linear technical workshop, chief engineer, First Deputy Director of the Voskresensky Telecommunications Center - a branch of OJSC Electrosvyaz in the Moscow Region
2000 – 2001 Director for Business Development in Russia at Schmid Telecom
2001–2003 Head of Department, Director of the Integrated Sales Department of OJSC Russian Telecommunications Network
2003 – 2012 Director, Deputy General Director of the Central Branch of OJSC Rostelecom, First Deputy General Director, Senior Vice President of OJSC Rostelecom
2012 – 2012 General Director of IN-INFOCOM LLC
2015 – 2016 Executive Director of Telecom-Zashchita LLC
In May 2016, he was appointed Deputy General Director for Business Development of JSC NIIME and Mikron.

Deputy General Director for Production of PJSC Mikron

Deputy General Director for Production of PJSC Mikron

Born on May 24, 1975 in Tambov.
Higher education, graduated from Moscow State University in 1997 state institute electronic engineering (TU) with a degree in “Design and technology of electronic computing devices”, engineer.
He began his career at JSC NIIME and Mikron in 1997 as a young specialist after graduating from the institute. He worked as a process engineer, deputy shop manager, and shop manager.
From March 2005 to October 2005 he held the position of director of crystal production
In October 2005, due to the reorganization of production, he was appointed to the position of workshop manager, which he held until October 2009.
From October 2009 to May 2016, he held the position of head of crystal production.
In May 2016, he was appointed Deputy General Director for Production.

Deputy General Director for Finance and Investments of PJSC Mikron

Born February 8, 1973.

Deputy General Director for Finance and Investments of PJSC Mikron

Born February 8, 1973.
In 1995 he graduated from the Faculty of Automation and Informatics of Lipetsk State Technical University. In 1999 - Lipetsk branch of the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics, majoring in economics.
Previously, he worked at the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and in one of the businesses of the Renova Group of Companies at leadership positions V financial services companies. For high achievements he was awarded the highest corporate awards. In 2014-2015, he was Executive Vice President of RFP group, Khabarovsk. Since 02.2017, he has been appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Finance and Investments of PJSC Micron.

Deputy General Director for Communications Management of PJSC Mikron