Samsung duos internet does not work. How to turn on the Internet on a Samsung phone: instructions and tips

The full potential of a smartphone can only be unlocked when it has Internet access. This especially applies to such a flagship as Samsung like the Galaxy S3.

The device model is equipped with the latest Android operating system version 4.0.4. And it would be a real crime to use the flagship exclusively for talking on the phone.

Only with the Internet will all its possibilities open up for you and become accessible. social media and popular resources.

But for this you need to know how to set up the Internet on a Samsung Galaxy A3 . And today you will learn how to do this. Moreover, such settings will not take much of your time.

After reading the article, you will learn how to set up the Internet on your smartphone yourself, while saving your money. After all, this is a service in salons mobile communications not cheap.

Setting methods

  1. Order automatic Internet settings from your mobile operator.
  2. Configure yourself manually.
  3. Via Wi-Fi.

First way

Of course, it’s easier than ever to contact your mobile operator. To do this, you just need to call the operator and tell him the model of your gadget. After this, you will be sent automatic settings that you need to save.

In some cases, there are no automatic Internet settings for a specific model.

It also happens when you do not receive settings for regular Internet access, but WAP access (don’t be surprised later on where your money instantly disappears from your account).

Second way

The most reliable way is to set up the Internet on the Samsung Galaxy A3 manually. This is done by entering the access point. And it's quite easy to do.

You can get access points on the website of your mobile operator or by calling.

Then go to “menu”, “settings”, “mobile networks” (the last item may also be in other bookmarks).

Find the “t/d access point menu” and select “create a new access point” on the screen. The name doesn't matter, it can be anything. Proxy – leave the field empty or simply turn it off.

Do not enter anything; at the bottom of the screen, use the touch keys to type “save”.

The access point you created will appear in your APN list. All that remains is to make it active and reboot the smartphone. Done – you have access to the Internet.

Third way

In this case, you will need to make settings in areas where Wi-Fi is available. Find “applications” on the gadget (located in the lower right corner), then “settings”.

Now we need the “wireless connection” item (make sure Wi-Fi is turned on). Choose a network. If it is not added, then you need to add a network (menu - add Wi-Fi network).

The network will ask you for a confirmation key, enter it.

That's it, you can use the Internet and the benefits of the flagship.

3G internet connectionA

Another method that will be useful to you if you are out of reach of Wi-Fi, for example, on the road.

This connection is suitable for those who have no restrictions on Internet use.

If there are restrictions on Internet traffic or you pay for the volume of its use, then avoid watching videos or other large resources.

We do the settings like this. Click “applications”, “settings”, “additional settings”, “mobile networks”. In the last one, check the “mobile data” item.

Setting up an access point. To do this, we remain in the same “menu” and simply find “access points”. We register it (usually it is already registered). If not, see the second method of Internet settings.

That's it. Now you know how you can set up the Internet on the Galaxy A3. I would advise not to stop at one connection.

It is rational to use two, this will give many advantages.

Thus, a 3G connection will allow you to connect to the Internet from any point, but this involves considerable expenses, while Wi-Fi allows you to use free traffic.

We quite often encounter a problem when inexperienced Android smartphone owners are unable to access the Internet. For some this is their first experience using the system, for others they simply don’t know where exactly it turns on. In fact, today we will tell you how to enable mobile internet on Samsung Galaxy A3, if this is your first time holding this gadget in your hands. In 99.9% of cases, the device “picks up” the settings automatically – and only sometimes you have to call your operator and find out manual settings.

We will consider only the first option. Because there is no point in describing the second one - all operators have different settings depending on your country of residence and region. Therefore, to resolve this issue, it is better to contact them directly.

As for the automatic settings that didn’t work, everything is much simpler here. Most likely, Internet access is simply disabled. To activate it, you must pull down the status bar line - a curtain will appear behind it. At the top are the following icons: GPS, Wi-Fi, Screen rotation, Mobile data and others. See if mobile data is activated. If not, just tap the icon once and the Internet will become active within one minute.

Slow Internet, what to do?

So, you have turned on mobile Internet on Samsung Galaxy A3, but it's too slow. What to do? There are several options here - the signal is unstable. For example, you are in a basement or in the subway. In this case, just go outside and everything will return to normal.

Option two. "Mode activated" GSM only" To correct the situation, go to the menu " Settings”, "Other networks” and look for the item there " Network mode" Tap on it once and change the value to “GSM / WCDMA”.

Activating an Internet connection on Samsung mobile phones is no different from activating it on any other phone. The fact is that the operator, at your request, determines what model of device you have and sends automatic settings. To order them, each operator has a special number.


  • To order Internet settings, MTS subscribers have access to a free number 0876 (it is intended for calls), as well as number 1234, to which you can send a blank SMS message (that is, without any text). You can also order automatic settings from the company’s official website (visit the appropriate section and enter your mobile phone number in the special field).
  • Telecom operator Beeline provides two types of Internet activation to its subscribers. The first of them, carried out via GPRS, can be ordered by sending a USSD request *110*181#. To connect the second one, dial the special command *110*111# on the telephone keyboard and press the call button.
  • Regardless of the model and brand of their mobile phone, users of the Megafon network can order automatic Internet settings at any time directly on the main page of the operator’s official website. You must first click on the tab called “Phones”, then select “Internet settings, GPRS and WAP”. Next, fill out the request form that appears.
  • Setting up the Internet on your phone is available in Megafon and by sending SMS. Type the text of the message "1" and send it to number 5049. In addition, using the same number you can receive WAP and MMS settings. To do this, instead of “1”, enter the numbers “2” or “3”, respectively. In addition, you have two more numbers available to you: 05049 and 05190.
  • Using the Megafon subscriber service, you can also order automatic Internet connection settings: just call the short number 0500 (if you are calling from a mobile phone) or 502-5500 (if you are calling from a landline). Setting up the Internet is always possible in any communication shop or customer support office.
  • Set up internet on samsung galaxy.

    In this article, I decided to talk in general terms about how to set up the Internet on mobile phones, or rather Samsung smartphones - Samsung Galaxy.

    Galaxy is a whole series of smartphones that run on the Android operating system.

    Therefore, the settings on all devices are very similar to each other. And most importantly, it doesn’t take up much of your time.

    I would like to say the following - after reading this article, you will not only receive useful information for yourself and learn how to set up the Internet yourself, but also save your money.

    I think it’s no secret to anyone that if they set up Internet access for you in a mobile phone store, they’ll charge you quite a bit of money.

    So, there are 2 ways to set up the Internet.

    Order automatic settings from your operator.

    This is a pretty simple method, you just need to call your operator, name your phone model and it will send you automatic settings that you need to save on your smartphone. But it often happens that the operator does not have automatic settings for your model, or even worse, the operator sends you settings not for traditional Internet access, but for WAP access, and you simply lose space (say, the megabytes that you have in your account) at astronomical speed money begins to disappear. Therefore, I still recommend the second method of setting up the Internet.

    Set up the Internet on the Samsung Galaxy manually - by entering the access point.

    And so this method is that you need to enter the settings into the phone yourself. Don't be alarmed, all you need to do is just enter the access point.

    You can get it either on your operator’s website or from the operator itself.

    Important: for some operators t/d is not necessary, just write the word - internet,

    And so we go to the phone menu, settings and look for the mobile sets menu.

    This item can be either directly in the settings menu or in other tabs.

    You can enter any name;

    Access point (APN) – your t/d, for example,

    Proxy – turn it off or just leave the field empty;

    Now the t/d you created appears in the APN list, make it active, reboot the phone and use the Internet.

    If you would like to receive step-by-step setup Internet connection specifically for your Sansung Galaxy model, you can write about this in the comments, and in our next articles we will definitely describe the setup process specifically for your smartphone.