Sample justification of an enterprise for the purchase of equipment. Example of justification for purchase

When making an acquisition, the company's management is always faced with the question of economic feasibility such an action. And economists must answer this question. Let's look at an example of such an economic calculation in Excel.

Initial data. Enterprise A produces metal structures - greenhouse frames. One of the greenhouse tasks is painting the frame. This service is provided by a third-party company B. The cost of painting one greenhouse frame is 200 rubles. Delivery of the greenhouse frame to enterprise B and back takes place using the transport of enterprise A and adds 15 rubles to the costs. These 15 rubles include: fuel, lubricants, driver and deductions from the driver’s payroll ( We divide the amount of these expenses by the number of frames transported from painting and get 15 rubles). With a production volume of 500 frames per month, the amount of painting costs is 500 * (200 + 15) = 107,500 rubles.

An alternative to cooperative work is buying your own spray booth.

Initial data for the spray booth: the cost of the spray booth is RUB 250,000. The chamber occupies 20 sq. m. This production area will have to be rented additionally. In the same building where the production of enterprise A is located, you can rent a suitable room, but its area is 50 sq.m. Price per square meter - 180 rubles. The total cost of additional rent will be 180*50=9000 rubles. per month. Let's add here the security of the premises (500 rubles) and the cost of electricity for the painting booth - 1500 rubles. per month

A new employee must be hired to work in the paint booth. is 20,000 rubles. Together with deductions from the payroll fund (34%), labor costs will amount to 20,000*(1+0.34)=26,800 rubles. In addition, the employee will need to buy special clothing and personal protective equipment + consumables for work. It will cost about 1000 rubles. per month.

The technology that will be used for painting, and where the costs of consumables are possible, consists of two stages:

  • Stage 1 degreasing. degreasing agent per frame is 0.01 l. Price for 1 liter 250 rub.
  • Stage 2 painting. The paint consumption rate is 0.75 kg per frame. The cost of paint is 100 rubles per kg.

Economic calculation can be done in 2 ways, the results of which will be the same:

  1. Let's calculate how much it will cost to paint a period production program and compare with the costs incurred by the enterprise when ordering this service from enterprise B.
  2. Let's calculate the cost of painting one frame on our own, and compare it with the cost of painting one frame at enterprise V.

According to the first option painting on your own will cost 77,550 rubles per month. And accordingly, the savings per month will be 29,950 rubles. The payback period for the equipment will be 8.5 months. During this time, about 4,200 frames will be produced

According to the second option savings when painting will be 59.9 rubles. Based on this, the production volume that will pay for the equipment is 4174 frames. The company will produce this volume in approximately 8.5 months.

Separately, it is necessary to carry out a spray booth. Greenhouse frames are painted in batches of 5 pieces. Painting one batch takes 1 hour. paint booth is: 8(work shift)*1(number of shifts)*20(number of working days) = 160 hours. The time for painting the production program will be: 500*1/5=100 hours. Thus, it turns out that the company has 160-100 = 60 hours for routine repair and maintenance of equipment and for accepting third-party orders. When accepting third-party painting orders, the payback period for the paint booth is noticeably reduced.

Let's calculate the profit from third-party orders. The price on the market for 1 hour of operation of a paint booth for a third-party organization is 5 (batch) * 200 (the cost of painting the frame at enterprise B) = 1000 rubles. The marginal income from 1 hour of paint booth operation per side is 1000-77.5 (costs of paint and degreasing) * 5 (batch) = 612.5 rubles.

If routine maintenance amounts to 5 hours of working time, then the net time for completing third-party orders will be 60 - 5 = 55 hours. If only half of this time is provided with orders, then additional income will be = 55/2*612.5=16843 rub. Thus, the payback period for fulfilling third-party orders will be 6 months.

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The economic justification is the reason that motivates an organization to undertake a specific project. This concept includes consideration of the benefits that the enterprise will receive as a result of the project. In addition, the business case examines various alternatives and also analyzes the project from a financial and economic point of view. The latter allows you to assess the investment attractiveness of the project. How to write a business case? An example is in this material.

The essence of the concept

The economic justification is reminiscent of the analysis that we conduct when planning some kind of serious purchase. For example, your own car. Let us assume that for this acquisition we can allocate from family budget 35 thousand US dollars. The first step is to find out which automobile concerns produce cars of the class we are interested in. Then we determine the main technical characteristics and agree on the final price with the company that sells these products. But that's not all. How to write a business case? An example in the matter of choosing a payment scheme.

At the same time, there may be another situation when the buyer is primarily interested in the total amount that will have to be paid for new car. This is especially true in a situation where the final price is affected by the amount of interest if we are talking about buying on credit. In this case, it is advisable to choose the option that provides the lowest interest rate. Another way is to look for an offer with the lowest monthly payment. Such an acquisition will allow you to stretch out payments for as long as possible. At the same time, the monthly amount of such a payment will not hit your pocket too much. When implementing financial economic justification attention is paid to similar aspects.

Components of a business case

There are no clear rules documentation economic justification. Its main task, as in the case of a feasibility study of a project, is to determine the material or intangible results of its implementation. Tangible results mean those that can be measured.

Below is a list that gives an idea of ​​those material components that are important in the process of preparing the financial and economic feasibility study of the project. It would be useful to say that not all of them require mandatory documentation. The need to record them on paper depends on the complexity of the project, cost and number of risks for the enterprise.

Material elements of the business case

So, the main material components of the business case include savings, cost reduction, the likelihood of generating ancillary income, an increase in the enterprise's market share, customer satisfaction and flow assessment cash. In addition to the material components of the business case, it must also contain intangible components.

Intangible elements of the business case

These may include probable, but not pre-planned, company costs. Among the main intangible elements of the business case are transition costs, operating costs, transformation of business processes, as well as reorganization affecting company employees. In addition, the intangible components of the business case include recurring benefits. How else can you write a business case? Example below.

Other components of the business case

It should be emphasized that along with the benefits and assessment of cash flow in the EO, it is necessary to pay attention to alternative approaches and methods for implementing a specific project in practice. How to write a business case? An example in the following situation.

It is known that there are a large number of manufacturers of different products on the market. However, each of them sets its own price for its own products. What to choose? An option that is ready-made solution worth 2 million US dollars. Or an alternative solution that involves partial purchasing from a third-party manufacturer and, to some extent, using its own resources?

In fact, aspects of precisely this nature often have to be considered when drawing up an economic feasibility study for an enterprise. Any of the proposed options must include the previously listed tangible and intangible components. At the end of the business case, proposals and conclusions must be stated. In addition, you can add additional materials to it.

The procurement object is an analogue in its own way technical specifications, the effectiveness of the implementation depends on its correct description procurement procedures. The procurement object is a recording of qualitative and quantitative characteristics (standard) that allow it to be identified.

The description of the public procurement object must be extremely objective and specific so that the customer receives the maximum number of relevant proposals and selects the winner. The description must include all available characteristics: functional, quality and technical, as well as its operational properties. It is prohibited to refer to trademarks or trade names and to indicate other requirements that will limit the number of participants.

Sources for creating a description can be:

  1. Previously executed contracts.
  2. Official websites (or other sources of information) of state and municipal bodies.
  3. Regulatory documents, technical norms, standards, regulations and other sets of rules.
  4. Information from published scientific articles in magazines and other sources of information.
  5. Other sources.

There are recommendations for describing the subject of public procurement. They relate to technical and physical indicators, terminology and symbols that are used to describe the purchased goods, works and services. They are installed:

  1. Standards adopted in accordance with 162-FZ of June 29, 2015 “On standardization in Russian Federation».
  2. Technical regulations adopted in accordance with 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On technical regulation”.
  3. Other conditions related to the customer's needs.

Description of the procurement object under 44-FZ, example

Algorithm for justifying the compliance of an object in plan

When creating an order plan and schedule budgetary institutions must provide justification for the order. The procedure was established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 555 of June 5, 2015. The customer independently fills out the columns of the justification form for ordering goods, works and services.

The justification form looks like this.

Let's look at filling out the form with justification step by step.

Cell 1. The serial number is indicated.

Cell 2. Indicated identification code in accordance with the selected subject of public procurement, is formed according to the rules of Art. 23 44-FZ, as well as order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 422 dated June 29, 2015.

Cell 3. The name of the item to be ordered is indicated. It may completely coincide with the column “Name of the subject of the contract” from the schedule.

Cell 4. The program within which government procurement is carried out is indicated, for example, state, municipal or targeted.

Cell 5. The program activity is indicated in accordance with the fourth column of the form.

Cell 6. The relationship between government procurement and activities within the framework of the program execution indicated in column 4 is indicated.

Cell 7. Indicates the presence of regulations that establish requirements for certain species goods, works and services or their absence.

Example of justification

A frequent question that arises when it is necessary to provide a justification for the compliance of a procurement object in 2019 is what to write? The customer repeatedly asks them when drawing up an order plan and schedule. Let's answer this question with the help of an example.

Column 3. Translation services public services for registration of acts of civil status and issuance of a hunting license in electronic form. The contract concluded based on the procurement results has the same name.

Column 4. State program Russian Federation “Information Society (2011-2020)”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 313.

Column 5. In accordance with the program from column 4.

Column 6. The purpose or outcome of the purchase is indicated in accordance with the program from column 4.

Column 7. The resolution within the framework of which the procurement is carried out is indicated.

How to make a business case correctly? Recommendations with examples. (10+)

Economic justification. Example

The material is an explanation and addition to the article:
Rationale. Tips for writing
How to write, compose a justification? How to justify the proposed solution?

A business case justifies expenses based on expected increases in revenue or reductions in costs. That is, it is proposed to spend certain money in order to earn more or spend less in the future.

There are two subtleties in the economic justification. Firstly, you need to take into account the fact that money today is more valuable than money over time. Often there is no free money, they have to be borrowed at interest. Even if there is free money, the alternative is to place it on deposit. When deciding to invest this money, we lose the interest that we could earn on the deposit. So we must prove that the effect of the expenses we propose will pay off the interest on the loan or exceed the interest on the deposit. Secondly, we need to prove that the expenses we propose will actually bring the planned income or savings.

I will give an example of an economic justification for automation with comments. All numbers are fictitious.

Economic justification

Project Description

In a cleaning company (a company that cleans clients’ premises), it is proposed to implement automatic system cleaning of premises based on a specialized robot. The capacity of one system module is 200 sq. m/hour, which corresponds to the work of two employees (employees work 40 hours a week, and the module can work 24 hours a day). Electricity consumption - 0.3 kW. It is proposed to introduce 10 such modules.

Initial Investment

The cost of the system is 300 thousand rubles. Financing is planned to be carried out through a loan at 12% per annum.

Current costs

Operating 10 modules will require hiring one employee for administration, programming and system maintenance. The salary of such an employee will be 50 thousand rubles. Taking into account the unified social tax, payroll expenses will amount to about 65 thousand rubles. Interest on the loan will be 30 thousand rubles. Electricity costs will be (at a cost of kWh 5 rubles) about 11 thousand rubles.

Cost savings

The introduction of robotic modules will make it possible to reduce 9 employees involved in manual cleaning of premises. There are currently 10 employees. One must be left to perform delicate operations. Payroll costs for one such employee are 40 thousand rubles. Total savings of 360 thousand rubles.

Additional income

The implementation will double the capacity of the enterprise and attract additional space for maintenance. Taking into account the fact that the enterprise’s monthly income is 600 thousand rubles excluding VAT, the income after implementation will be 1.2 million rubles.

In addition, the risks associated with personnel difficulties, employee disability, and temporary downtime will be reduced. Temporary downtime may occur if one of the clients refuses before attracting a new one. The cost of idle time for a cleaning module is significantly lower than for an employee.

Conclusions. Draft decision

The net effect from the introduction of modules will be 1,454 thousand rubles. It is proposed to approve the decision to purchase and implement the system.


Technical documentation for cleaning modules. Preliminary agreement for a bank loan. Detailed economic calculations.

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Organizational and legal form of the enterprise

Closed joint stock company

Field of activity and industry affiliation

Production and installation of metal structures, construction.

Main types of products or services provided

Metal structures, installation of metal structures, construction of industrial buildings and structures, rental of special equipment

Main consumers

Enterprises of various forms of ownership

Availability of equipment in metal structures manufacturing workshop


In the workshop for the production of metal structures on 08/01/11. 24 people work.

Purpose of the feasibility study

The decision to equip the metal structures shop with new equipment was planned by management as a single complex and, although the purchases were significantly extended over time due to significant amounts, the main goal of the event was to modernize and improve the productivity of products as a whole, and reduce the risk of injury to workers.

Reflect the rationale for purchasing equipment:

Crane scales VSK-10000V (up to 10 tons)

Compressor unit S-416M

Semi-automatic welding machine Fast Mig

Combined shear press NG-5222

Machine SuperMax 8 (2.6m) without stand + roller knife

Fast Mig Welding Machine

Bevel remover FS-22

Drilling machine on a magnetic base МВА 100

Crane scales VSK-10000V (up to 10 tons)

CJSC Rosinka purchased crane scales VSK-10000V (up to 10 tons), designed for static weighing of cargo in production premises and outdoors.

Model features

Sampling of tare weight over the entire weighing range

Hold mode

Bright LED indicator

Low Power Mode

Weighing time - no more than 5s.

The scales signal an overload exceeding the LEL by 10%

Charging time for completely discharged batteries is no more than 10 hours

Remote controller remote control on a radio channel with the ability to use service functions

Remote control range - up to 20m

Built-in battery (charger included)

For weight accounting in a warehouse, during loading and unloading operations on a railway track, during the installation of various structures and carrying out technological operations in production, it is very often necessary to determine the weight of a load or structure.

The device is small in size and weight, easily attaches to the hooks of various lifting devices, and, in turn, makes it easy to attach almost any load to its own hook; the scales are equipped with bright LED indicators and remote control devices.

Economic calculation

IN lately The enterprise ZAO "Rosinka" discovered discrepancies in the weight readings of rolled metal products indicated in certificates in accordance with GOST, TU, purchased by us from various suppliers with the actual weight. Moreover, discrepancies occurred in terms of underestimation of the actual weight of the purchased metal products from that reflected in the documents. The management of the enterprise decided to purchase this equipment in order to confirm the correct arrival of materials to the warehouse and its use in production in the future, as well as to confirm the weight of already manufactured metal structures for Customers under concluded contracts.

The purchase of scales will eliminate the need to accept rolled metal based on unconfirmed weight and save on litigation with our Suppliers and Contractors.

Compressor unit S-416M

Relatively small but powerful stationary compressor s416m designed for intensive use in unfavorable production conditions: high humidity, dust and sudden temperature changes. The 11 kW electric motor provides a capacity of up to 1000 liters of compressed air per minute.

The S416M compressor weighs almost half a ton and with a receiver volume of 430 liters, the S416M provides a powerful air flow. The quality of the materials and components of the compressor is also noteworthy; for example, the S416m receiver is made of corrosion-resistant steel with an internal protective coating. Another factor in favor of choosing the C416M compressor is the thoughtful design, which provides not only acceptable appearance, but also ease of management, operation and transportation. If the operating rules are followed, the S416M compressor will serve for a long time, without causing the owners to worry about repairs and will not require additional maintenance costs.


Capacity 1000 l/min

Maximum pressure 10 bar

Receiver volume 430 l

Electric motor 11 kW/380 V

Overall dimensions (mm) 2100Х700Х1480

Weight 480 kg

Type stationary, with pressure switch

Economic calculation

In the process of manufacturing metal structures, the need arises to both protect products from rust, i.e. priming of rolled metal products and their painting.

The existing old compressor for priming/painting metal structures has long outlived its usefulness and is out of order.

Since the cost of priming and painting metal structures is different, calculations will be made in two versions.

The cost of priming metal structures on the side is 700 rubles/ton. The cost of painting metal structures on the side is 2000 rubles/ton. Delivery of rolled metal for priming/painting takes place by transport of the “needing” enterprise and will cost us 25 rubles/km. The average distance for painting rolled metal on one side is about 20 km one way. The loading and loading time for rolled metal products is on average 3 hours.

Let’s take the average production volume of metal structures for 2010.

Let's round it up and take 60 tons on average per month.

Let's make a calculation based on one month, if carried out work on the Side.

Stages of work

60 tons x 700 rubles/ton = 42,000 rubles. with VAT

60 tons x 2000 rubles/ton = 120,000 rubles. with VAT


20 km x 25 rub. \km = 500 rub. x 3 trips* x 2 (round trip) = 3000 rub. with VAT

Loading and unloading

3 hours x 3 flights x 2000 rubles/hour = 18,000 rubles.

Total cost:

63,000 rub. With VAT

141,000 rub. with VAT

We will make the calculation if we do it ourselves

Stages of work

For priming metal structures

For painting metal structures

Payroll of a painter

RUB 18,864 (average wages in the metal manufacturing workshop in 2010)

Insurance premiums -30.9% -

Materials, of which

14578 rub. , of which:

Soil GF-021 - 3.48 kg/t (standard) x 60 t x 60.7 rub./kg = 12,674 rub.

Solvent - 0.58 kg\t (standard) x 60 t x 54.7 rub./kg = 1904 rub.

RUB 29,058, of which:

Paint 5.5 kg x 60 tons x 80 rub.\kg (on average) = 26,400 rub.

Solvent - 0.81 kg\t (standard) x 60 t x 54.7 rub./kg = 2658 rub.

Overalls (mittens)


11 kW/hour x 8 hours x 21 work/day = 1848 kW/month x 2.9 rubles. /kW = 5359 rub.

Compressor damping

RUB 2,992.37

RUB 2,992.37

RUR 48,621.37 without VAT

60109 rub. without VAT

Total cost:

RUB 57,373 with VAT

RUB 74,460 with VAT

Thus, the purchase of a compressor unit pays for itself within a maximum of 12.6 months, reduces the company’s costs, and also increases labor productivity.

Semi-automatic welding machine Fast Mig, Welding machine Fast Mig

Until the acquisition of the above equipment, Rosinka CJSC performed welding manually, which is already the last century in this type of work. This affects both the quality of the products (evenness, strength of seams) and its productivity.

A semi-automatic welding machine is a specialized welding installation that, using a consumable electrode, performs mechanized welding in a shielding gas shell. Technological feature This installation is characterized by uninterrupted wire supply, which ensures long-term continuous operation. Such devices have high resistance to heat. There is a function spot welding metals with electronic time adjustment. To provide a protective gas environment, mixtures of carbon dioxide with argon, helium, as well as pure CO2 are used. Gas can be supplied from cylinders or from a centralized semi-automatic system through special hoses.

The panel functions allow the operator to control the arc at any distance directly from the welding site. These features include power and arc length control, memory channels, gas check, wire drawing, 2- or 4-stroke selection, hot start, crater fill, and additional MMA and MatchLog functions. The MXF67 has a tough, durable, shockproof dual-layer plastic housing that allows it to be used in the harshest operating conditions. workshop equipment machine

As a result, we have a reliable welding seam of metal structures from root to front. And also:


relatively light weight;


easy to transport;

do not require special storage conditions.

Thus, in 2011, the company has already produced an average of 94.5 tons per month, and the table shows the dynamics of production in 2012, thanks, among other things, to this acquisition.

Combined shear press NG-5222

Designed for strip cutting; rolled sections up to 1000 mm against the stop; sections of angle, circle, channel, I-beam, reinforcement; punching triangular and rectangular grooves; punching holes of round, rectangular, square and any other shape. All operations are carried out on the same machine, which ensures flexible and economical processing of rolled products. The design of the shear press and many options for additional equipment allow the shear press to be used for processing rolled products of various profiles and different parameters.


Nominal press force, kN

Dimensions of processed rolled products, mm: thickness x strip width

Diameter of circle / side of square

Equilateral angle, cut at an angle: 90o

Largest profile: I-beam/channel

Hole to be punched, mm: diameter/material thickness

Dimensions of rectangular grooves to be punched, mm: thickness


Electric motor power, kW

Dimensions, mm: length

Weight, kg

CJSC Rosinka already had machines that performed the functions of this equipment. The difference is that the existing sheet metal shears and vertical drilling machine for the production of metal structures were completely loaded and could not perform the functions of smaller-scale work. The needs of the metal products production market required more complex technological solutions.

Economic calculation

Thanks to this acquisition, the following agreements were concluded and executed:

With Stalker LLC - in the amount of RUB 1,476,593. - production of 25,027 tons of embedded parts.

With Rimma LLC - agreement No. 65 dated January 26, 2012. with three additional agreements totaling RUB 6,739,850. and agreement No. 89 dated January 27, 2012. in the amount of RUB 5,019,000. - production 127.9 tons +95.6 tons.

Work under the first contract was carried out using existing equipment and new shear presses NG-5222. The marginal income from the project amounted to 140 thousand rubles. , with a profitability of 11.4%. The marginal income from the second contract amounted to more than 2 million rubles, with a profitability of already 23%.

Thus, the total marginal income received is RUB 2,240,000. more than paid for the purchase of press shears in the amount of 395,000 rubles. with VAT.

MachineSuperMax8(2.6m) without stand+ roller blade

Features of the sheet bending machine TARSO “SUPER MAX 08”:

uniform clamping of the material along the entire length thanks to frequently located clamping beams eliminates “sagging” during bending and cutting does not damage the structure and surface of the material during bending (design with a floating axis Moving Pivot Hinge™) extremely simple design ensures exceptional reliability fast, reliable material clamping excellent mobility combined with strength and increased wear resistance, high precision of the parts made due to the rigidity of the structure; bending of increased complexity, including 180°! Equally effective work indoors and outdoors


Thickness of processed materials: galvanized steel - 1 mm, sheet aluminum - 1.5;

50 cm entry depth with 6.0 cm opening - the largest in the industry;

A 33% increase in bending force makes this machine the most powerful portable sheet metal bending machine available;

The design of lightweight anodized alloys and hardened steel provides it with maximum power, strength and mobility;

Double transfer ribs provide additional clamping force;

Revolutionary clamping mechanism increases bending power without damaging materials;

Deformation-resistant load-bearing C-shaped supports with reinforcing ribs to increase bending power;

Ergonomic working handles give the machine additional power;

Trapezoidal post with a wide support platform provides maximum stability;

The set includes an adjustable roller blade “Max Cut-Off” and a repair kit;

Reinforced workbench design with the ability to be fixed to the workshop floor.

Economic calculation

For the installation of wall and roof panels, additional elements in the form of flashings are required. Before purchasing the machine, when concluding an agreement with the Customer for the installation of wall and roof panels, Rosinka CJSC had to place an order on the side for the purchase of additional elements.

Let's compare the cost of services for 1 m2 of additional elements.

Cost of work per 1 m2 of additional elements ordered on the Side.

The cost of 1 m2 of additional elements, depending on the complexity, is from 400 rubles per m2 to 600 rubles per m2 (with materials, delivery)

We will calculate the work per 1 m2 if we carry it out on our own

Let's take a simple production

Stages of work


Payroll worker

125 x 0.4 = 50 rub.

125 rubles per hour - the average hourly rate of a worker, 20 minutes are required for 1 m2 of additional work (0.4 hours)

Insurance premiums -30.9%

Materials, of which

42.37 rub. x 3.53 kg = 149.56 rubles.

Galvanized sheet painted 0.45 - 50,000 RUR\t with VAT, 3.53 kg per 1m2

Overalls (mittens)

Machine depreciation

1592.72 rubles: 166 hours x 0.4 hours = 3.8 rubles.

RUB 1,592.72 per month

228.81 excluding VAT

Total cost:

270 rub. with VAT

Savings from 130, rub. for 1 m2 (400 rubles - 270 rubles) of additional elements.

Based on this, the production volume that will pay for the equipment will be 1229 m2 of products (159,750 rubles. Including VAT: 130 rubles).

Bevel remover FS-22

Medium-sized chamfer remover FS-22 with manual feed, for large volumes of work. Portable and very productive unit for chamfering up to 22 mm wide from straight edges and pipes from 600 mm in diameter. Allows you to trim the edge of the sheet. When equipped with an additional guide device, it can chamfer the end of a pipe with a diameter of 200 mm or more. Chamfering is carried out quickly and cleanly - minimal noise level and 9 times more high speed chamfering, compared to angle grinders; there are no emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, as when grinding a chamfer or its gas-plasma cutting; no changes are made to the structure and chemical composition of the metal when processing the edge. In this case, the chamfer can remove up to 600 m of chamfer from the edge of a steel sheet. The chamfer is equipped with automatic overload protection and a residual current device (RCD), which maximizes the level of electrical safety.

Another important advantage, in our opinion, is that with this chamfer remover all the necessary adjustments to the angles and width of the chamfer are performed without the use of keys. Processing speed at maximum load is about 100 cm/min. The service life of the TC plates is up to 600 meters. Designed for chamfering straight sections. Adjustment of the width and angle of the chamfer is carried out using handles.


Economic calculation

At ZAO Rosinka, work on chamfering metal is included in the work on the manufacture of metal structures. Since wages for a workshop worker when performing this type of work will be accrued in any of the presented options, let’s consider the costs associated with providing the process itself.

Calculation of work for removing edges (chamfers) from a 6-meter sheet (0.5 hours of work)

Material savings 96%! As they say, no comments needed!

In addition, the worker performing operations on the bevel remover controls the processing process, simply monitoring the indicators on the equipment, and is not in a bent state with a gas cutter, which improves quality labor process and reduces the risk of injury when performing work duties.

Drilling machine on a magnetic base МВА 100

Magnetic drilling machineMBA 100 designed for drilling and processing holes, cutting threads in holes up to M 30 in conditions where work with conventional stationary machines is impossible. Portable magnetic drilling machine is ideal for working in industrial production, in the production and installation of metal structures, for the repair of large machines and equipment at construction sites. Magnetic machines are indispensable for work in the field, in the construction of bridge structures, in the construction of tanks, pipelines and the shipbuilding industry.

The MVA 100 drilling machine is designed for heavy-duty work involving drilling a large number of holes. Powerful 1800-Watt motor with 4-speed gearbox and slip clutch to ensure long drill life and operator safety. The tripod provides reliable fastening to metal structures with a force of 2.5 tons.


Drilling range Core drill 12-100

Twist drill, mm 1-32

Countersink, mm 100

Drill feed, mm 200

Engine power, W 1700

Speed ​​1 b/load, rpm 110

Speed ​​2 b/load, rpm 175

Speed ​​3 b/load, rpm 245

Speed ​​4 b/load, rpm 385

Morse spindle No. 3

Standard Weldon 19 holder

Magnet clamping force, N 25000

Magnet dimensions, H x W x D, mm 60 x 94 x 200

Machine dimensions, H x W x D, mm 540 x 220 x 370

Weight, kg 22

Economic calculation

A drilling machine on a magnetic base MVA 100 was purchased to secure obligations under an agreement concluded with OJSC Almaz in the amount of 10,000,000 rubles. - production of 200 tons.

The planned amount of marginal income is about 1 million rubles.

Of course, some of the metal structures will be manufactured using existing equipment. But the cost of purchasing the machine in the amount of 73,280 rubles. including VAT will definitely pay off at the end of the project.

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    Initial data and technical specifications machine; development of an electrical circuit. Calculation of power of electric motors of drives. Justification for the choice of electrical control devices and starting protection equipment. Installation and adjustment of electrical equipment of the machine.

    course work, added 08/23/2013

    Feasibility study of the developed plant, workshop and site for processing crop products. Studying technological process and organization of buckwheat processing. Calculation of the area and number of floors of the plant, the amount of equipment.

    course work, added 11/19/2014

    Analysis of the design of modern metal-cutting machines, their purpose and technical characteristics. Nodes and types of movement, calculation of basic elements. Justification of the type of machine guides and choice of material. Instructions for operation and maintenance of the machine.

    course work, added 06/05/2012

    Design of the basic radial drilling machine 2M554; characteristics of the existing level of technology for processing parts and its modernization. Feasibility study for the design of a CNC machine for processing a truck hub.