Study and assessment of natural conditions. Assessment of natural and geographical conditions for population life and economic activity

summary other presentations

“Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug” - Nenets camp. Settlement of the territory of the district. Geographical terms. Uralic language family. Species economic activity Khanty High level of development of reindeer husbandry. Khanty dwelling. Farming. Use different sources of geographic information. To acquaint students with the history of the development and study of the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Samoyeds. Selkups. Basic knowledge. Selkup settlements. South Siberian forest-steppe.

“Red Book of the Omsk Region” - Pink Pelican. Sculpin. Mole. Altai mole. Red Book of the Omsk Region. Red Book Russian Federation. Sections of the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Nelma. Eared hedgehog. Black-throated loon. History of the Red Book. Strengthening the independence of local authorities. The Red Books have not been published in all regions of Russia. Siberian sturgeon. The need to protect rare biological species. Pelican curly.

"Ecology of Ugra" - Surface waters. Population size. System of program events. Strategic goals of environmental policy. Atmospheric air. Department of Ecology of the Autonomous Okrug. Environmental policy of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. State of the environment in Surgut. Solid waste movement diagram. Ensuring coordination and interaction. Disposal of solid household waste. Measures of the Government of Ugra.

“Development of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug” - Deductions from oil and gas producing companies. Tax and tariff burden. Dynamics of world oil prices. Dependence of economic development. Main results of implementation. Participation oil companies. Main trends. Basic sector. Internal conditions. Optimization of tax and tariff burden. Scenarios for the socio-economic development of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Migration mobility. Declining share of the population.

"Red Book of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug" - Mushrooms. Regional Red Books. Taimen. Saprotrophic fungi. Fish. Beaver. Introduction to the Red Book of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Gray crane. Tugun. Species of mammals and birds. Lynx. Perch. Study of avifauna. Red Book. Reindeer range. Nelma. Forests.

“Geography of Western Siberia” - Western Siberia. Climate. Forest-steppe and steppe zones. Geographical location. Siberia is generous and rich to everyone. Inland waters. Tundra, occupying the northernmost part of the Tyumen region. About 80% of the area Western Siberia located within the West Siberian Plain. The forest zone of the West Siberian Plain is divided into subzones. Stone berry. At the base of the territory lies a young platform. Neither hit nor fall.

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Target: study the natural conditions of the West Siberian Plain and their impact on the life and way of life of the population.


  • Educational:
    • expand knowledge about the West Siberian Plain - as a large natural complex;
    • to form knowledge about the uniqueness of the natural conditions of the West Siberian Plain.
  • Educational:
    • continue formation
    • skills in working with various sources of information;
    • critical thinking, skills to develop, formulate and defend one’s point of view, support it with scientific knowledge;
    • value-worldview, sociocultural and information competences;
    • develop independent thinking.
  • Educational:
    • to cultivate geographical culture and aesthetic perception of geographical objects, a sense of love for native nature;
    • promote spiritual development and harmonization of the child’s personality;
    • to form the environmental consciousness of schoolchildren;
    • nurturing the skills of creative knowledge acquisition (use of certain logical techniques and methods of creative activity);
    • developing skills for creative application of knowledge (application of acquired knowledge in a new situation).

Methods according to the nature of cognitive activity: explanatory-illustrative, partially search.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity: individual and frontal work.

Methods organization of cognitive activity: conversation, discussion - verbal (audio), analysis of various sources of information.

Equipment: physical map of Russia, computer, projector, presentation prepared using the Mouse Mischief program, video film Galileo.vipysk.729. (2011.04.14.) about the Khanty.

Lesson type: learning new material.


I. Organizational moment

II. Setting learning objectives

Identify the features of the natural conditions of the West Siberian Plain.
Consider the features of life and everyday life of the indigenous population - the Khanty.

III. Updating students' knowledge. Motivation educational activities

– Today we will talk about the natural features of the West Siberian Plain. Show the West Siberian Plain on the map? (The student shows the West Siberian Plain on the map).
The plain has an extremely flat topography with heights of no more than 100 m above sea level. Only in the south and east does the altitude above sea level reach 250 meters. The climate of the region ranges from arctic in the north to temperate continental in the south.

IN: What are the reasons for the continental climate of Western Siberia?

ABOUT: The position, predominantly in temperate latitudes, determined the amount of solar radiation received by the area. The distance from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans determined the continental climate. The flatness of the territory allows cold masses of Arctic air to freely penetrate far to the south from the Kara Sea, and warm air masses from Kazakhstan and Central Asia to penetrate far to the north. Mountains along the periphery fenced off the West Siberian Plain from Atlantic air masses from the west and Central Asian air masses from the southeast.
Due to the flatness of the region and its large extent from north to south, natural zoning is clearly expressed on the territory of Western Siberia. In the north, along the coast of the Arctic Ocean, there is a zone of arctic deserts, it gives way to a zone of tundra and forest-tundra, and then the widest zone in the region - the taiga. Taiga dark coniferous forests of spruce, cedar, fir, larch with islands of pine-larch forests pass to the south into a narrow strip of deciduous forests, forest-steppe and steppe. Soils vary from arctic to steppe black soils. Forest-steppe and steppe with fertile gray and brown forest, chestnut and chernozem soils are heavily plowed. The West Siberian Plain is densely covered with rivers, the largest of which originate in the mountains of Southern Siberia. The main river of the region is the Ob, which flows into the Kara Sea. It is navigable throughout. About 30% of the area is occupied by swamps.
The West Siberian Plain is the richest territory in Russia in natural resources. Here, for a long time, local residents hunted fur-bearing animals and game. The taiga has valuable timber and there is a lot of fish in the rivers. Tundra is a pasture for deer. But the main wealth of Western Siberia is its mineral resources.
The main resources are oil and gas, peat, coal, iron ores. The West Siberian Plain is a unique oil and gas province of the Earth. Industrial oil and gas deposits are distributed here throughout almost the entire 2000-meter section of Mesozoic sediments. The average depth of oil and gas bearing strata in it ranges from 1500m to 2500-3000m. Western Siberia is the main oil production base of the country; it provides over 70% of all-Russian oil and natural gas production.
Searches in the depths of Western Siberia for “black gold” and “blue fuel” made it possible to discover large reserves of iron ore in the north of the Novosibirsk region.
The minerals of Mesozoic deposits also include hot waters with a temperature of 40 to 120 o C and containing dissolved salts of chlorides and carbonates, as well as iodine and bromine. They form a huge artesian basin at a depth of 1000 to 3000 m in the Tyumen, Tomsk, Omsk and Novosibirsk regions.
Thus, the West Siberian Plain is a province rich in water, territorial resources, and vast reserves of oil, gas, and iron ores.
However, despite the fact that Western Siberia is rich in natural resources, their development is difficult.

IN: What is this connected with?

ABOUT: The main problem of gas and oil development in Western Siberia is difficult natural conditions. Living and working conditions of people are complicated by severe frosts and hurricane winds in the north. The soil in the north is bound by permafrost, which complicates construction. In the summer, a huge number of blood-sucking insects - midges - do not allow people to work in peace, they pester animals. But the main problem of the development of Siberia is the huge areas of marshy swamps.

IN: What do you think is the reason for the high swampiness of the area?

  1. Poorly dissected terrain with low relative heights leads to obstructed drainage surfaces.
  2. Rivers have a slow flow and strong meandering (meanders are radiated in river beds, lengthening the path of the river). In spring, the water level in rivers flowing from south to north rises significantly. The upper reaches are warm and have plenty of water, while the lower reaches are frozen. With low banks, rivers overflow for tens of kilometers and serve as swamping fairways.
  3. Peat contains up to 90% water and contributes to even greater accumulation of water in the swamp, and this leads to a rise in groundwater in areas adjacent to the peat bog and their waterlogging.
  4. Little evaporation due to low amount of solar radiation.

Before the development of the resources of Western Siberia, the peoples of the North lived here for centuries - the Selkups, Nenets, Khanty. They hunted, fished and lived in harmony with nature. The indigenous population of Western Siberia was engaged in hunting and fishing. The inhabitants of the north - the Nenets - roamed with reindeer. Nomadic reindeer herding made it possible to preserve pastures, which were restored only after 10-15 years. Tundra plants grow slowly, summers are too short and cold. The Khanty and Selkups were careful about the nature around them, which provided them with food, clothing, and shelter. Hunters and fishermen lived in low huts, with the roof top insulated with earth. Ice floes served as glass in winter. With the help of a bow, the Selkups hunted squirrels, geese, and ducks. The food was salted fish and dried yukola. Dried fish was ground into flour called porsa. Waste (fish entrails, head bones) was not thrown away, but the fat was melted from it. Their gall bladders were drowned with bile and used to process suede. Glue was made from sturgeon bladders. The glue was used to make a valuable hunting tool - the bow - and in the manufacture of skis. Fish skins were used to make bags in which food was stored. That is, the economy of the indigenous population was waste-free, and there used to be more fish in the rivers than now. Oil workers came and destroyed pastures with the caterpillars of all-terrain vehicles, there were fewer fish in the rivers, and the oil poisoned the fish. Now 2/3 of the population of the entire Eastern macroregion lives in the area, the average density is 6 people. per 1 km 2.

Residents are distributed very unevenly. The southern regions along the Trans-Siberian Railway are the most densely populated. The taiga is inhabited mainly by river valleys; the population density of the tundra is only 0.6 people. per 1 km 2. More than 90% of the population is Russian, representatives of indigenous nationalities also live, but their share is small, for example, the Khanty and Mansi make up only about 1.5% in their national-territorial entities. Urbanization coefficient – ​​71%. The large cities of Western Siberia are located mainly at the intersection of railways and shipping routes. The largest of them are millionaire cities - Novosibirsk and Omsk.

IV. Learning new material

– Now let’s watch a short story about the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia – the Khanty. When viewing, pay attention to the following aspects:

1. What are the features of the life and way of life of the indigenous small peoples of Siberia?
2. What is the main food of small nations?
3. What impact does industrial development have on the livelihoods of small nations?

Watching the video Galileo.vipysk.729.(2011.04.14.) about the Khanty .

V. Consolidation

Student answers to questions:

1. The need for self-sufficiency. Food is obtained by hunting and fishing; clothes and household items are created independently.
2. The main food of small peoples is fish and venison.
3. The extraction of mineral resources reduces the habitat of small peoples, but makes it possible to enjoy some of the benefits of civilization, for example, snowmobiles.


IN: What natural resources is the West Siberian Plain rich in?

ABOUT: The West Siberian Plain is rich in water, territorial resources, oil, gas, peat, and iron ores.

IN: Is it possible to fully exploit the potential of Western Siberia and what is the reason for this?

ABOUT: It is impossible to use the entire resource potential of Western Siberia, since this is hampered by the high swampiness of the region, permafrost in the northern part, harsh climate in winter, and the presence of blood-sucking insects in summer.

VI. Homework

Topic 3. Asian Russia (Eastern macroregion)

Geographical location. Large area of ​​territory and low degree of exploration and development, poor population. The concentration of the bulk of the population in the south.

Diversity of natural conditions. Wealth in natural resources. The focal nature of the location of production, its raw materials, mining focus. Poor development of processing industries. Difficulties in organizing production and life of the population in extreme conditions.

Western Siberia. Composition of the region. Geographical location in the west of the Asian part of Russia, between the Urals and Yenisei.

The West Siberian Plain is one of the largest low-lying plains on the globe. Its position on the young Epipaleozoic plate and features of relief formation. Kara Sea. Climate and inland waters. Severe swampiness. Clearly expressed zoning of nature from tundra to steppes. The North Zone and its significance. The dominance of medium-high and high mountains in the south of Western Siberia. Basins separating mountains. Contrast of climatic conditions. Altitudinal zone.

Agroclimatic resources. Assessment of natural conditions for human life and everyday life.

Indigenous peoples (Nenets, Khanty, Mansi, etc.). Disproportions in the area and population of Western Siberia. Scientific centers and future technopolises.

Richness and variety natural resources: mineral, forest, feed, fur, aquatic, fish. The economy is focused on the extraction and processing of its own resources. The petrochemical complex is the basis of the region's economy. Features of its structure and placement. The largest Russian oil and gas companies. Pipeline system. Main directions of oil and gas transportation. Agro-industrial complex: development of territory, agricultural areas and their specialization. Main types of transport. Trans-Siberian Railway, Ob River, Tyumen - Surgut - Yamburg railway. Contemporary issues and prospects for the development of leading sectors of the economy. The main geographical focuses of economic, social and environmental problems in Western Siberia.

Practical work. Study and assessment of the natural conditions of the West Siberian region for human life and everyday life.

North of Eastern Siberia. Composition of the region. Geographical location east of the Yenisei. The role of the Lena River and the Northern Sea Route. Seas: Kara, Laptev, East Siberian. Russian explorers of the northern seas.

Diversity of tectonic structure and relief. Features of the relief and geological structure of the Central Siberian Plateau. Mineral resources: ores of non-ferrous and rare metals, diamonds, hard and brown coal, chemical raw materials. Sharply continental climate, temperature inversion, permafrost. The influence of climate and permafrost on the features of the relief, water network and soil and vegetation cover. Forest resources.

Great Siberian rivers: their water content, nutrition, regime, energy and water resources. Taiga is the main natural zone. Altitudinal zone; steppe basins. Land and agroclimatic resources. Agroindustrial complex: features of structure and development in extreme conditions. Hunting objects and hunting grounds. Other fisheries in the region. The largest nature reserves. The discrepancy between natural resources and human resources, ways to solve it. Indigenous peoples, features of their life and way of life, problems.

Historical features of settlement by Russians. Ostrogi. Discovery of the copper-nickel-cobalt province. Founding of Norilsk.

The fuel and energy complex is the basis of the territory's economy. Angara-Yenisei hydroelectric power station cascade. Development of energy-intensive industries: non-ferrous metallurgy and pulp and paper industry, main centers and development prospects. The role of conversion of military-industrial complex enterprises in the regional economy. Prospects for industrial development.

Features of construction in permafrost conditions. Environmental problems of the area.

Yakut diamonds, Mirny city.

Prospects for transport development of the region. Amur-Yakutsk highway. Water and air transport. The influence of transport routes on population distribution. The largest cultural, historical, industrial, transport centers.

Natural and economic regions: Putorana and the Central Siberian Plateau. The main economic, social and environmental problems of the area.

Practical work. 1. Compilation of characteristics of the Norilsk industrial hub (geographical location, natural conditions and resources, set of industries and their relationships, industrial centers). 2. Assessing the nature of the region from the perspective of human living conditions in rural areas and the city.

Southern Siberia. Composition of the region. Geographical location: in the mountain range of Southern Siberia, along the Trans-Siberian Railway. Transport links with border states: China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Communication with the North along the Yenisei and Lena. BAM

Mountain systems of Southern Siberia. Fold-block mountains: Altai, Salair Ridge, Kuznetsk Alatau, Sayan Mountains. Mountains of the Baikal region and Transbaikalia.

The upper reaches of large Siberian rivers: Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Amur. Hydroenergy significance of rivers. Features and problems of Lake Baikal.

Sharply continental climate. "Pole of Cold" of the Northern Hemisphere. Temperature inversions. Permafrost.

Natural resources: mineral, forest.

Internal differences: Kuznetsk-Altai, Angaro-Yenisei, Transbaikal subdistricts.

Kuznetsk-Altai subdistrict. Stages of settlement and development. Creation of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Kuzbass, its problems. Novosibirsk is a scientific center.

Angaro-Yenisei subdistrict. Kansk-Achinsk basin. Hydro resources. Formation of the Angara-Yenisei thermal power plants and TPK. Settlement of the territory. Migration and labor problems. Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, closed defense centers. Problems of development of the subdistrict.

Transbaikal subdistrict. Mountain systems, earthquakes, Baikal rift zone. Natural resources: non-ferrous and rare earth metals, coal. Buryatia (Ulan-Ude), Chita region. Prospects for the development of the BAM zone.

The main economic, social and environmental problems of the region.

Practical work. Compilation of comparative characteristics of subregions of Southern Siberia.

Far East. Composition of the region. Features of the geographical and geopolitical position: strong meridional elongation, the presence of mainland, peninsular and island parts.

Stages of territory development, Russian explorers in the 17th century, establishment of the Russian-Chinese and Russian-Japanese borders.

Geological youth of the territory. Predominance of mountains. Tectonic mobility of the territory: frequent earthquakes and volcanism, seaquakes, tsunamis. Valley of Geysers, thermal springs. Strip of the Pacific metallogenic belt: deposits of non-ferrous, rare and precious metal ores. The region's area of ​​specialization is the extraction and enrichment of non-ferrous metal ores. Oil and gas fields on Sakhalin and the shelf.

Discrepancy between area and population. Uneven population distribution. The relative youth of the population. Migration, demand for labor resources. Indigenous peoples: life, culture, traditions, problems.

Monsoon climate of the Pacific coast. Climatic contrasts of north and south. Great density and full flow of the river network. Floods and floods. Hydro resources and hydroelectric power stations. The influence of the coastal position on the shift of the boundaries of natural zones to the south. Gigantism of plants. Characteristics of the tundra and forest zone. The Ussuri taiga is a unique natural complex. Logging and pulp and paper production. The wealth of the Pacific seas in biological resources. Salmon fish. Fish processing complex. Prospects for the development and problems of the ocean economy in the east of the region.

Auxiliary industries: electric power industry, oil refining, ship repair. Branches of the military-industrial complex. Transport network of the Far East. Favorable soil and agroclimatic resources in the south of the territory. Agro-industrial complex. The Far East in the Asia-Pacific region. Integration with Asia-Pacific countries. Problems of free economic zones. Intradistrict differences and cities. Vladivostok is a commercial, industrial, cultural and scientific center of the Far East. The main economic, social and environmental problems of the region.

Practical work. 1. Identification on the map of industrial, transport, scientific, business, financial, defense centers of the Far East. 2. Educational discussion: free economic zones of the Far East - problems and development prospects.

Topic 4.Russia in modern timesworld

Russia and CIS countries. Geography of the new foreign countries. Assessment of their historical, economic and ethnocultural ties with Russia. Relations between Russia and other countries of the world.

The assimilation of educational material is realized using the main groups teaching methods and their combinations:

    Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities: verbal (story, educational lecture, conversation), visual (illustrative and demonstration), practical, problem-search under the guidance of a teacher and independent work of students.

    Methods of stimulating and motivating educational activities: educational games, business games.

    Methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational activities: individual survey, frontal survey, sample control, written work.

The degree of activity and independence of students increases with the use of explanatory and illustrative, partly search (heuristic), problem presentation, research teaching methods.

The following are used teaching aids:

    educational visual aids (tables, posters, maps, etc.),

    organizational and pedagogical means (cards, tickets, handouts).

    ICT and office resources

Planned results:

    Name and (or) show:

    subject of study of Russian geography;

    basic means and methods for obtaining geographic information:

    subjects of the Russian Federation;

    border states;

    features of the geographical location, size of the territory, length of the sea and land borders of Russia;

    time zone boundaries:

    main geological eras, structures of the earth's crust, seismically hazardous areas;

    climate-forming factors, weather features in cyclones and anticyclones;

    distribution of the country's rivers among ocean basins;

    main areas of modern glaciation and large glaciers:

    zonal types of soils, their main properties, examples of land reclamation in different zones and regions;

    main types of natural resources and examples of their rational and irrational use;

    the most important natural and economic objects of the country, including centers: industrial, transport, scientific and information, financial, trade, recreational, cultural and historical, areas of new development, old industrial and depressed:

    peoples, most common languages, religions;

    examples of rational and irrational production location;

    objects of the World cultural and natural heritage of Russia (UNESCO list);

    areas exposed to natural disasters (droughts, floods, mudflows, earthquakes, etc.);

    ecologically unfavorable regions of Russia:

    routes and territories of discoverers and explorers of Russian territory.

2. Determine (measure):

    geographical location of objects;

    differences in zone time between territories;

    weather according to a synoptic map;

    parameters of natural and socio-economic objects and phenomena according to various sources of information.

3. Describe:

    geographical location of the country, individual regions and geographical objects, its types (economic-geographical, geopolitical, etc.);

    images of natural and economic objects, including one of the areas of new industrial, agricultural, urban, transport or recreational construction;

    features of life and religion of individual peoples.

4. Explain:

    the role of geographical knowledge in solving socio-economic and environmental problems

  • the influence of geographical location on the characteristics of nature, economy and life of the population of Russia;

    formation and placement of relief forms, patterns of placement of the largest mineral deposits;

    the formation of atmospheric fronts, cyclones and anticyclones, their influence on weather conditions, the formation of smog;

    the influence of climate on human life, everyday life, and economic activities;

    how to make a weather forecast;

    distribution of permafrost, its impact on the state of natural complexes and human development of the territory;

    soil-forming processes, features of the flora and fauna of natural zones;

    reasons for the occurrence of hazardous natural phenomena, their spread throughout the country;

    diversity of natural complexes in the country;

    differences in natural population growth, its growth rate and the level of urbanization of individual territories, migration directions, formation and development of various forms of urban and rural settlement;

    changes in proportions between spheres, sectors, inter-industry complexes and industries in the structure of the economy, features of the location of the main sectors of the economy and the main specialization of regions, factors and conditions for the location of enterprises;

    features of nature, population, economy of individual regions, differences in the levels of their socio-economic development;

    the role of the geographical factor in the development of human society using the example of the Russian Federation;

    the uniqueness and universal value of natural and cultural monuments;

    reasons for changes in natural and economic complexes of regions;

    features of tools, means of transportation, housing, types of economic activity that arose as a result of human adaptation to environment in different geographical conditions;

    explain the causes of geographical phenomena based on the application of the concepts: “geological chronology”; “cyclone”, “anticyclone”, “solar radiation”, “evaporation”, “evaporation”; "reclamation": "agglomeration"; "metropolis"; " labor resources"; "concentration"; "specialization"; “cooperation”; “combination”; “fuel and energy balance”; “intensive” and “extensive” ways of economic development.

    Assess and forecast:

    natural resource potential of the country, region;

    environmental situation in the country, region

    changes in natural and socio-economic objects under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors;

    changes in population, changes in the ratio of urban and rural populations, development of the system of urban settlements;

    development and problems of the economy of the country's regions, one's region and one's locality

Mandatory practical work to be completed in the course “Geography of Russia. Nature, population, economy"

8th grade

    “Comparative characteristics of state enterprises of Russia, the USA and Canada.” Designation on the contour map of Russia's neighboring countries.

    “Determination of standard time for different populated cities in Russia”

    “Analysis of the administrative-territorial division of Russia”

    “Identification of the relationship between the structure of the earth’s crust, relief and minerals”

    “Drawing up a layout of a climate map based on given values”

    “Assessment of the climate of the Russian region as a factor in the economy and living conditions of people”

    “Comparative characteristics of rivers in the European and Asian parts of the country”

    “Determination of the relationship between land waters, relief and climate”

    “Assessing the provision of water resources in the country’s territories”

    “Characteristics of soil resources in your area”

    “Characteristics of natural economic zones. Relationships and interdependence of the components of nature and human life and economic activity using the example of one of the natural-economic zones.”

    “Comparative characteristics of the age and sex composition of the population of Russian regions”

    “Characteristics of the characteristics of the population movement in Russia”

9th grade

    “Analysis of economic maps to determine the types of territorial structure of the economy”

    “Comparison of the natural resource potential of different regions of Russia”

    “Compilation of characteristics of one of the oil basins using maps and statistical materials”

    “Compilation of characteristics of one of the coal basins using maps and statistical materials”

    “Identification of the main areas for the location of labor-intensive and metal-intensive mechanical engineering industries using maps”

    “Identification from maps and ecological and climatic indicators of areas for growing grain and industrial crops”

    “Identification of main livestock production areas”

    "Designation on the contour natural map, geographical areas, constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Comparison of them according to various indicators (size of territory, borders, population, etc.)

    “Comprehensive characteristics of an economic region using the example of the Urals”

    “Identification and analysis of conditions for the development of the economy of the region’s districts”

    “Comparison of regional gas resources and its impact on nature, people’s lives and economies”

    “Identification of the level of socio-economic development of Russia and Russia’s place in the world based on the analysis of various sources of information”

Criteria and norms for assessing students’ knowledge:

Verbal response.

Rating "5"" is put if the student:

    Demonstrates deep and complete knowledge and understanding of the entire scope of program material; a complete understanding of the essence of the concepts, phenomena and patterns, theories, relationships under consideration;

    Able to compose a complete and correct answer based on the material studied; highlight the main points, independently confirm the answer with specific examples and facts; independently and reasonedly make analyses, generalizations, and conclusions. Establish interdisciplinary (based on previously acquired knowledge) and intradisciplinary connections, creatively apply acquired knowledge in an unfamiliar situation. Consistently, clearly, coherently, reasonably and accurately present educational material; give an answer in a logical sequence using accepted terminology; draw your own conclusions; formulate a precise definition and interpretation of basic concepts, laws, theories; When answering, do not repeat the text of the textbook verbatim; present the material in literary language; Answer the teacher’s additional questions correctly and thoroughly. Independently and rationally use visual aids, reference materials, textbooks, additional literature, primary sources; apply a system of symbols when keeping notes accompanying the answer; use to prove conclusions from observations and experiments;

    Independently, confidently and accurately applies acquired knowledge to solve problems at a creative level; makes no more than one defect, which is easily corrected at the request of the teacher; has the necessary skills to work with instruments, drawings, diagrams and graphs accompanying the answer; the records accompanying the response meet the requirements

    good knowledge of the map and its use, correct solution of geographical problems.

Rating "4" is given if the student:

    Demonstrates knowledge of all studied program material. Gives a complete and correct answer based on the theories studied; minor errors and shortcomings in the reproduction of the studied material, definitions of concepts were incomplete, minor inaccuracies in the use of scientific terms or in conclusions and generalizations from observations and experiments; presents the material in a certain logical sequence, while making one minor mistake or no more than two shortcomings and can correct them independently if requested or with a little help from the teacher; basically mastered the educational material; supports the answer with specific examples; correctly answers additional questions from the teacher.

    Able to independently identify the main points in the studied material; based on facts and examples, generalize, draw conclusions, and establish intra-subject connections. Apply acquired knowledge in practice in a modified situation, observe the basic rules of the culture of oral speech and accompanying written language, use scientific terms;

    Basically, the definitions of concepts are given correctly and scientific terms are used;

    The answer is independent;

    Presence of inaccuracies in the presentation of geographical material;

    The definitions of concepts are incomplete, there are minor violations of the sequence of presentation, minor inaccuracies in the use of scientific terms or in conclusions and generalizations;

    Coherent and consistent presentation; with the help of the teacher’s leading questions, the gaps made are filled in;

    The presence of specific ideas and elementary real concepts of the studied geographical phenomena;

    Understanding of basic geographic relationships;

    Knowledge of the map and ability to use it;

    When solving geographical problems, minor mistakes were made.

Rating "3" is given if the student:

    Has mastered the main content of the educational material, has gaps in mastering the material that do not prevent further mastery of the program material;

    The material is presented fragmentarily, not always consistently;

    Shows the insufficiency of certain knowledge and skills; Poorly argues conclusions and generalizations and makes mistakes in them.

    Made mistakes and inaccuracies in the use of scientific terminology, did not provide clear enough definitions of concepts;

    Did not use conclusions and generalizations from observations, facts, experiments as evidence or made mistakes when presenting them;

    Has difficulty applying the knowledge needed to solve different types of problems, explaining specific phenomena based on theories and laws, or confirming specific examples practical application theories;

    Answers the teacher’s questions incompletely (missing the main point), or reproduces the content of the textbook text, but does not sufficiently understand individual provisions that are important in this text;

    Reveals insufficient understanding of certain provisions when reproducing the textbook text (records, primary sources) or answers the teacher’s questions incompletely, making one or two gross mistakes.

    Poor knowledge of geographical nomenclature, lack of practical skills in the field of geography (inability to use a compass, scale, etc.);

    Geographical ideas are poor, formalistic knowledge predominates;

    Knowledge of the map is insufficient, the display on it is confusing;

    Only with the help of leading questions does the student grasp geographic connections.

Rating "2" is given if the student:

    Did not assimilate and did not reveal the main content of the material;

    Does not draw conclusions or generalizations.

    Does not know or understand a significant or major part of the program material within the limits of the questions posed;

    Has poorly formed and incomplete knowledge and does not know how to apply it to solving specific questions and problems according to the model;

    When answering (one question), he makes more than two gross mistakes, which he cannot correct even with the help of a teacher.

    There are serious errors in using the card.

A grade of "1" is given if the student:

    Cannot answer any of the questions asked;

    Didn't fully understand the material .

Note. At the end of the student’s oral response, the teacher gives a brief analysis of the answer and announces a motivated assessment. It is possible to involve other students to analyze the answer, self-analysis, and offer an assessment.

Assessing the quality of practical and independent work in geography.

Mark "5"

Practical or independent work completed in full in compliance with the required sequence. The students worked completely independently: they selected the sources of knowledge necessary to carry out the proposed work, demonstrated the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for carrying out practical and independent work.

The work is neatly presented in a form that is optimal for recording the results.

The form of recording materials can be proposed by the teacher or chosen by the students themselves.

Mark "4"

Practical or independent work is completed by students in full and independently.

Deviations from the required execution sequence are allowed without affecting the correctness of the final result (rearranging points of the standard plan when characterizing individual territories or countries, etc.).

Sources of knowledge indicated by the teacher were used, including pages of the atlas, tables from the appendix to the textbook, pages from statistical collections. The work demonstrated knowledge of basic theoretical material and mastery of the skills necessary to perform the work independently.

Inaccuracies and negligence in the presentation of work results are allowed.

Mark "3"

Practical work is completed and documented by students with the help of a teacher or by well-prepared students who have already performed “excellently” this work students. A lot of time was spent on completing the work (you can give the opportunity to complete the work at home). Students showed knowledge of theoretical material, but experienced difficulties when working independently with atlas maps, statistical materials, and geographical tools.

Mark "2"

It is exhibited in the case when students were not prepared to perform this work. The results obtained do not allow us to draw correct conclusions and are completely at odds with the stated goal. Poor knowledge of theoretical material and lack of necessary skills were revealed. Guidance and assistance from the teacher and well-prepared students are ineffective due to poor preparation of the student.

8th grade

    Textbook “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade." V.P. Dronov, L.E. Savelyeva. Moscow, Education, 2009.

    Exercise book “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade." E.Yu. Mishnyaeva, N.V. Olkhovaya, S.V. Bannikov. Moscow, Enlightenment, 2011

    Examiner's notebook “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade." V.V. Barabanov. Moscow, Education, 2010.

    Illustrated atlas “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8-9 grade." V.P. Dronov. Moscow, Education, 2010.

    Contour maps “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade." O.G. Kotlyar. Moscow, Education, 2010.

    Lesson thematic planning “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade." Author-compiler: N.V. Tarasov / edited by V.P. Dronova. Moscow, Education, 2009.

9th grade

    Textbook “Geography. Russia: Nature. Population. Economy" V.P. Dronov, L.E. Savelyeva. Moscow, Education, 2010.

    Exercise book “Geography. Russia: Nature. Population. Economy" E.S. Khodova, N.V. Alder. Moscow, Education, 2010.

    Examiner's notebook “Geography. Russia: Nature. Population. Economy" V.V. Barabanov. Moscow, Education, 2010.

    Illustrated atlas “Geography. Russia: Nature. Population. Farming. 8-9 grade" V.P. Dronov. Moscow, Education, 2006.

    Contour maps “Geography. Russia: Nature. Population. Farming. 9th grade” Moscow, Education, 2010.

    Lesson thematic planning “Geography. Russia: Nature. Population. Farming. 9th grade" N.V. Alder. Moscow, Education, 2010.

    Geography. Navigator. Materials to help the teacher. 6-9 grades. Manual for teachers of general education institutions. Edited by V.P. Dronova. Moscow, Enlightenment, 2009

Further reading:

1. Dronov V.P. geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade: textbook for general education. institutions/V.P. Dronov, L.E. Savelyeva; Ross. acad. Sciences, Ross. acad. education, publishing house "Enlightenment". – M.: Education, 2008. – 159 p. (Spheres)

Digital educational resources:

1. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius.

2. Geography of Russia. Nature and population. Multimedia textbook on geography for grade 8. Authors: Dronov V.P., Savelyeva L.E., Pyatunin V.B.

3. Geography lessons from Cyril and Methodius.

4. Great Encyclopedia of Russia. Nature and geography of Russia.

Internet resources:

1. - section "Geography" in the Wikipedia encyclopedia (free encyclopedia).

Geography Russia: Nature, population, farming. 8 Class. - M.: Bustard, 2010. 2. Sirotin V.I. Geography Russia. 8 Class. Working notebook with a set of contour maps. – M.: Bustard, 2011. 3. Geography Russia. 8th grade...

  • Explanatory note This work program is compiled on the basis of: standard of basic general education in geography (basic level) 2008

    Explanatory note

    Explanatory note This working program compiled on the basis of: the standard of basic general education in geography (basic level...

  • Work program subject: Geography of Russia. Nature and population. Economy and geographical areas Class 8

    Work program

    Year EXPLANATORY NOTE Geography Russia. Nature And population. Farm and economic regions. edited by A.I. Alekseev, 136 hours 8-9 classes Geography Russia studied at 8-9 classes, and on...

  • The natural conditions and natural resources of any country are, as a rule, the main component of the potential, determining the country's development opportunities. For their comprehensive regional study, a standard characterization plan is used: relief, climate, water, soil, vegetation, fauna, natural areas etc. In addition to the general object of study, comprehensive regional studies examines the relationships between holistic nature, economy and population.

    To determine natural conditions, resources and the natural environment in regional studies, you need to start from a system of concepts related to the sphere of interaction between society and nature, the main of which are the concepts of “nature”, "geographical Obolon ka", "geographical environment of society", "natural", "environment".

    Natural resources- these are components of nature that, at a given level of development of productive forces, are used or can be used as means of production (objects and means of labor) and consumer goods.

    Natural resources can be used:

    As means of labor (land, waterways, water for irrigation)

    As energy sources (fuel resources, energy of water flows, wind)

    As raw materials and materials (mineral raw materials, forest reserves, process water resources);

    As consumer goods (fruits of wild plants, industrial fauna, drinking water).

    Natural resources are classified:

    According to the criterion of natural genesis, highlighting mineral, water, land, biological, climatic resources;

    By method of use, based on the polyteconomic distribution of resources into sources of means of production and consumer goods with subsequent detailing.

    According to the main ways of using nature, five groups of industries and types of economic activity are distinguished: 1) resource use industries - agriculture, forestry, water management and hydropower, which use nature as a means of production; 2) extractive industries, water consumption and crafts that use nature as a source finished items labor and consumption; 3) manufacturing industries, infrastructure, public utilities, which use nature to locate their production and store waste; 4) recreation, healthcare and sports, the livelihoods of the population (especially rural) who use nature as a living condition; 5) areas of experimental conservation management, science, which use nature as a testing ground for research, to preserve it for future generations.

    Assessment of natural conditions and resources

    Assessment is a special form of reflection of reality. Value is the place of an object in social practice. In science, there are descriptive (descriptive) and evaluative studies. Descriptive scientific laws describe cause-and-effect relationships in nature and society without evaluating them. And evaluative studies provide characteristics, determine what is good, bad or indifferent for a person. In economic and social geography there are both descriptive and value judgments.

    Thus, an assessment is a subjective image of objective reality, that is, it reflects the interaction of the subject and objective reality (object).

    In scientific and practical activities related to solving social and economic problems, important role plays the concept of choice, which is formed on the basis of assessments. It is possible to define such concepts as natural conditions, resources and environment only taking into account who or what they are used for, therefore, their assessment is based on knowledge of both the object (nature) and the subject.

    In the logic of assessments, there are four components: subject; object;

    character; warp.

    Let's look at the connections between these components:

    Subject-object. Depending on the tasks of social life

    The following rating systems are distinguished:

    1) natural complex - technical system(technological assessment)

    2) natural complex - economics (economic assessment)

    3) natural complex - man (medico-biological, socio-ecological, aesthetic, recreational assessments).

    Character. Assessments are divided into absolute and comparative. To formulate the former, for example, the terms “good”, “bad” are used, and to formulate comparative assessments - “better”, “worse”.

    Warp. Characterizing the position (scientific basis) on which the evaluative consideration is based. For example, by the mid-50s. Naturalistic assessments were common in studies of natural conditions and resources. The legitimacy of the monetary valuation of natural resources was denied, since it was believed that nature lies outside the labor process and is not a product of labor. Obviously, the gifts of nature do not require labor, but their processing and storage requires significant labor costs. Therefore, monetary valuation of natural resources is possible and necessary.

    Naturalistic assessments have been replaced by technological ones, according to which, for example, the forest is primarily a source of wood. The dominance of technological assessments is explained by the fact that technological, natural connections predominated in the country's economy, and there were practically no cost relations; there were no market mechanisms capable of ensuring the relatively rational use of natural resources.

    With market relations and concern for the long-term consequences of using nature, various types economic (cost) estimates: 1) based on the calculation of rent; 2) at the cost of restoration of natural resources and the natural environment; 3) by the volume of expenses for research, development and operation.

    The value of natural resources, according to ecologists and some economists, does not coincide with the categories of cost or price. It must be a historical category, related to social needs, the level of development of the productive forces, scientific and technological progress, and come from strategic interests. Proponents of adaptation theory approach the problem even more radically, believing that the parameters of planned economic growth need to be adapted to nature, taking into account the natural, including environmental, capacity of the territory, and not transform nature in accordance with the requirements of this growth.

    The state of the natural environment in Russia has an unfavorable (favorable) impact on health, living and labor activity population. The zoning of the territory was carried out according to the degree of manifestation of the main natural factors - cold, heat, moisture, terrain altitude, natural phenomena.

    Zonal factors (indicators): astronomical (length of day and night); radiation (ultraviolet deficiency-excess); cold (the sum of negative air temperatures, the duration of the period with temperatures below -30°C, the duration of the heating period); frozen (thickness of the seasonally thawed layer); thermal (duration of the frost-free period, the sum of temperatures for a period with stable temperatures above +10°C); humidity of the territory (vegetation index); wind (Hill wet wind cooling index); variability (standard deviation of daily pressure values).

    Azonal factors (indicators): mountain (terrain); swampiness (relative swampiness of territories); natural phenomena (, floods,).

    The natural living conditions of the population are characterized by a quantitative integral assessment (in the form of points). The given gradations of points reflect changes in the degree of unfavorability (favourability) of natural conditions for life.

    Extreme climatic conditions

    Climate extremes are the most important factor in people’s living conditions, since they create the preconditions for the occurrence of emergency situations. The readiness of society to reduce their consequences depends on knowledge of the combinations of possible climatic extremes in a given area. Extremely high or low temperatures, strong winds, and intense precipitation are selected as the main indicators. Areas with maximum water equivalents (the maximum seasonal water equivalent on the long-term average exceeds 200 mm) have been identified, which are also a factor contributing to the occurrence of dangerous climatic and hydrological phenomena. The proposed zoning is based on combinations of extremes observed in one or another territory, without taking into account their coincidence or discrepancy in time.

    Extremely high temperatures threaten stressful thermal loads on the human body, which cannot be removed even by a full range of hygienic and urban planning measures (clothing, territory planning, irrigation, landscaping, etc.). During periods of high temperatures, which in Russian conditions are usually accompanied by a lack of precipitation, there is a threat of droughts, as well as vegetation (forest, peat, steppe) and other fires. As a criterion for high temperatures for zoning, the long-term average number of days per year (equal to or more than 5 days) with a maximum temperature exceeding or equal to +30°C was selected. Extremely high summer temperatures are observed in more than a third of Russia's territory (33.5%).

    Extremely low temperatures threaten frostbite for people in the open air, disrupt building operating systems and equipment operating conditions, and lead to deep freezing of the soil. The criterion for extremely low temperatures is the average (with a probability of once every 2 years) of the annual absolute temperature minimums (- 40°C) and below. Areas with extremely low temperatures in winter cover approximately three-quarters of the country's territory (74.3%).

    Extremely intense precipitation threatens difficult-to-predict rain floods on rivers, flooding of urban areas due to overflow of drainage systems, flooding leading to the death of plants and soil washout, road erosion, landslides, and storm mudflows. The probability of occurrence of precipitation equal to or exceeding 50 mm/day no less than once every 10 years is accepted as a criterion for zoning. Extreme precipitation is observed in one fifth of the country's territory (22.1%).

    Extremely strong winds threaten to disrupt communications (power lines, etc.), tear off roofs of buildings, uproot trees, cause dangerous storms on the water, etc. Such a wind intensifies the effect of cold on the human body and dries out the soil during hot dry winds. Particularly strong winds occur during the passage of intense convective clouds on cold fronts over a warm surface. Wind squalls and hurricanes can cause loss of life. The probability of recording wind speeds of 20 m/s or higher at least once every 10 years during one of the meteorological observation periods was chosen as a criterion for zoning. Extremely strong winds are observed in almost half of the country (47.9%).

    The diversity of Russia's natural conditions determines the existence on its territory of 50 geographical regions where all 16 possible combinations of four types of extremes occur (one, two, three or all four, including their complete absence). Regions with a homogeneous set of climatic extremes are identified at a considerable distance from each other and often differ in average climatic characteristics. The identified areas are heterogeneous in size - from covering several million square kilometers to areas of the first tens of thousands of square kilometers and less.

    Zoning of the territory of the North of Russia

    The life activity of the population of the Russian North is influenced by many unfavorable factors of a natural, medical-biological and socio-economic nature. According to their significance for humans, the most important is natural-climatic discomfort, which reflects the adverse impact of the natural environment on human health, his residence and work activity.
    The North of Russia includes a subpolar territory with increasing natural and climatic discomfort with latitude. Indicators of the natural-climatic factor worsen in the direction from threshold (northern) values ​​on the southern border of the territory to high latitudes. Totality threshold indicators form the southern border of the North. The criterion for determining threshold northern indicators are zonal landscapes according to the classification of A.G. Isachenko, in which a period with uncomfortable living conditions predominates throughout the year.

    The landscape approach was also used to differentiate the territory of the Russian North into zones of natural and climatic discomfort. The absolutely uncomfortable zone includes arctic, mountain and northern landscapes. Forest-tundra, northern taiga, middle taiga, East Siberian, mountain landscapes in the middle taiga represent an extremely uncomfortable zone. And finally, the northern part of the central taiga Eastern European and Western Siberian, southern taiga Central Siberian, mountain landscapes in the southern taiga of Eastern Siberia form the discomfort zone of the North.

    An absolutely uncomfortable zone is characterized by a polar night, a period with ultraviolet deficiency of about 6–7 months, a sum of negative temperatures from 1400 to 7000°C, a period with temperatures below –30°C from 5 to 170 days, a period with air temperatures below 5°C – more than 300 days, the spread of a continuous zone in the Asian part and intermittent in the European part and its weak thawing, the highest Bodman weather severity index (more than 5 points).

    In the extreme discomfort zone, the day length is less than 3 hours in early January. The period with ultraviolet deficiency is reduced to 5–6 months. The sum of negative temperatures increases in the western part of the zone to 1600°C and decreases to 5100°C. The period with temperatures below –30°C ranges from 5 to 130 days. The period with air temperatures below 5°C is reduced to 265-300 days. In the European part of the zone there is island permafrost, and in the Asian part there is discontinuous permafrost. The thickness of the seasonally thawed layer increases to 1 m. The Bodman index ranges from 4 to 5 points.

    In the discomfort zone, the length of the day increases in early January to 4–5 hours. The period with ultraviolet deficiency is reduced to 4–5 months. The sum of negative temperatures decreases in the western part of the zone to 1000°C, and in Eastern Siberia to 3800°C. The period with temperatures below –30°C ranges from 5 to 90 days. The period with air temperatures below 5°C is reduced to 245–265 days. In the Asian part of the zone, island permafrost predominates. The thickness of the seasonally thawed layer reaches 1–2 m. The Bodman index is in the range of 3.5–4.0 points.