Job description of the chief engineer. Industrial Safety Engineer

In Article 29 of the Law “On industrial safety» legislators give the opportunity to the head of an industrial safety entity (which operates hazardous production facilities (HIF) and/or potentially dangerous objects(POO)) introduce the position of industrial safety engineer into the staff in order to assign him responsibilities for organizing and conducting production control for compliance with industrial safety requirements.

Having studied the provisions of this article of the Law, many managers wished to replenish their staff with such a specialist, however, they did not take into account many important aspects.

Who can be appointed to the position of “industrial safety engineer”

To begin with, you need to clearly understand that “industrial safety engineer” is a position, the qualification requirements for which are contained in the first issue of the ECSD (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of December 30, 1999 No. 159). In particular, this document states that in order to be appointed to this position, an employee must have a special education (namely: higher education in the relevant field (type professional activities)). Such education today can be obtained, for example, at the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, where they train engineers in industrial and fire safety. In the absence of the specified education, specialists cannot be appointed to these positions (including on part-time or part-time basis).

What to do if there is no specialist with such education on the staff of the enterprise, and until the next graduation of young specialists from the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (or until they receive a second higher education relevant employee of the subject) is there still enough time? Who will carry out production control (and this is the responsibility of the head of the subject)? The answer to this question is given in the same Article 29 of the Law, namely: the head of the subject has a choice, i.e. Instead of an industrial safety engineer, you can simply assign the corresponding responsibilities to a responsible person (having a higher technical education in any field and the necessary training).

In what situations will hiring such a specialist be justified? This is, of course, in cases where the subject has many diverse, geographically distant, technically complex, etc. objects subject to control (HIF and/or POO), and, especially when some of these objects belong to HIF I and (or) II hazard types (note that in these cases, according to the Law, this specialist will no longer work in alone, but as part of a structural unit, the so-called “industrial safety service”).

Of course, it is possible to achieve higher quality and full production control at an enterprise by introducing a separate position (“industrial safety engineer”) into the staff, because For this specialist, organizing and conducting production control is his main job. While the assignment of responsibilities for conducting production control to officials is carried out without releasing them from performing their main work (according to their position), i.e. The manager assigns additional duties to such persons, the fulfillment of which is required and extra time, and not every specialist and does not always have such time.

Assess all these points: is an industrial safety engineer needed separately on staff (if so, how much); how many people to appoint responsible for carrying out production control; Only the head of the industrial safety entity or his deputy responsible for organizing industrial safety (as a rule, this is the chief engineer) can appoint only responsible persons or hire several industrial safety engineers. When conducting such an assessment, he must first of all pay attention to the following: whether the appointed (and/or hired) persons will be able to fully and efficiently fulfill their responsibilities for conducting production control. For this purpose, the manager must also take into account the number of public health organizations and/or professional educational institutions, the number of employees working for them, their territorial remoteness and much more.

Pay attention! Legislators do not oblige you to hire an “industrial safety engineer”; they give you a choice in selecting specialists to carry out control, which can be done by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the above factors.

Main functional responsibilities of an industrial safety engineer

Below we will dwell on the main responsibilities of an industrial safety engineer.

These include:

  • actual control over compliance by employees of hazardous production facilities and/or production facilities with industrial safety requirements, incl. control over the timely conduct of necessary tests, technical examinations and technical diagnostics of equipment and devices used at hazardous production facilities and/or industrial production facilities, repair and verification of measuring instruments;
  • development and revision (together with department heads) of industrial safety instructions and other local regulatory legal acts of organizations containing industrial safety requirements;
  • organization and control of training and testing of knowledge of employees of the subject;
  • developing action plans to ensure industrial safety and monitoring their timely and high-quality implementation, including action plans to localize accidents and incidents and eliminate their consequences; as well as monitoring the implementation of measures reflected in the instructions issued by him (or the supervisory authorities);
  • bringing to the attention of employees of HPOs and (or) VETs information about changes in legislation in the field of industrial safety;
  • participation in the technical investigation of the causes of accidents and incidents that occurred in the subject of industrial safety, as well as conducting an analysis of the causes of their occurrence and monitoring the implementation of measures taken based on the results of the investigation, incl. maintaining and storing relevant documents accompanying the investigation (journals, reports, etc.);
  • and a number of other responsibilities (in accordance with the main tasks of production control set out in clause 4.5 of the Model Regulations on the organization and implementation of production control in the field of industrial safety, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of July 15, 2016 N 37).

As we can see, the responsibilities of this specialist include not only monitoring compliance with industrial safety requirements at facilities as we understand it, but also a number of other rather labor-intensive activities.

In the next article we will look at the procedure for conducting production control - follow our publications.

At what size of the organization is a labor protection specialist introduced?

When and at what number in the organization is the position of a labor protection specialist introduced?

In any company, small or large, safe working conditions and labor protection for employees must be observed; working conditions must comply with safety requirements and government standards and regulations on labor protection. However, it is quite difficult for an employer to independently organize work on labor protection in accordance with legal requirements. In this article we will talk about what actions the head of an organization should take to create his own labor protection service. remotely, without interruption from production.

When is the creation of a labor protection service necessary?

The law establishes that the obligation to provide safe conditions and labor protection is entrusted to the employer (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and, first of all, the employer himself is responsible for maintaining safe working conditions for his employees and creating a special mechanism for monitoring the implementation of labor protection requirements.

Occupational safety is a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process labor activity and consists of legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

As follows from the above definition, the implementation of a set of measures aimed at providing employees with additional guarantees to ensure safe working conditions is a rather labor-intensive process.

According to the requirements of Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employer engaged in production activities, if the number of employees exceeds 50 people, creates an occupational safety service or introduces the position of an occupational safety specialist.

If the number of employees does not exceed 50 people, the employer independently decides to create an occupational safety service or introduce the position of an occupational safety specialist, taking into account the specifics of its production activities.
If the employer does not have a labor protection service, full-time specialist for labor protection their functions are carried out by the employer - individual entrepreneur(personally), the head of the organization, another employee authorized by the employer, or an organization or specialist providing services in the field of labor protection, engaged by the employer under a civil contract.

Under production activities labor legislation is understood as a set of actions of workers using the means of labor necessary to transform resources into finished products, including production and processing various types raw materials, construction, provision of various types of services (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). By virtue of Art. 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, services include the performance of certain actions or the implementation of certain activities, including in the field of communication services, medical, veterinary, auditing, consulting, information services, training services, tourism services and other services. Based on the above definition, almost any modern company carries out production activities.

The responsibility for creating a labor protection management system is assigned to the head of the organization, and the functions of labor protection for employees, taking into account the number of employees, the specifics and types of activities of the company, can be performed by:

  • separate structural unit;
  • full-time occupational safety specialist;
  • self-director;
  • a person authorized by the manager (based on an order in the order of part-time work or combination of professions);
  • accredited specialized organization (specialist) on the basis of a civil law contract.

If the head of an organization determines the need to create a labor protection service as a structural unit, then one should be guided by the Interindustry Standards, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 22, 2001 No. 10 (hereinafter referred to as the Standards) and Recommendations for organizing the work of the labor protection service in an organization, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 02/08/2000 No. 14 (hereinafter referred to as Recommendations No. 14).

Thus, according to the Standards, in organizations with an average number of employees (in the absence of workers engaged in heavy work or work associated with harmful and dangerous working conditions) up to 700 people, it is enough to have a separate occupational safety specialist(s). In organizations with a larger number, a labor protection bureau is created, consisting of 3–5 employees, or a department consisting of 6 or more employees (clause 3.1.1).

How to create a labor protection service

The manager’s decision to create an occupational safety service as a structural unit or to hire an occupational safety specialist is reflected in the order. Changes are also made to the staffing table if a unit or specialist position was not provided for in the organization’s staff.

A Regulation on the Labor Protection Service is being developed, which establishes the goals and objectives of such a service, rights and responsibilities, the procedure for interaction with other departments, as well as job descriptions for labor protection specialists, taking into account the Qualification Directory of positions for managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 (hereinafter referred to as the Directory of Positions).

The directory of positions establishes the following qualification requirements for the position of head of the labor protection service: higher vocational education in the field of training “technosphere safety” or corresponding areas of training to ensure the safety of production activities, or higher professional education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection, work experience in the field of labor protection for at least 5 years.

If the head of an organization with less than 50 employees assigns the responsibilities of a labor protection specialist to himself, then an order is not required, since he is already obliged to ensure safe conditions and labor protection in the organization by virtue of Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Along with occupational safety specialists, the manager must undergo special training in occupational safety and health within the scope of job responsibilities upon entering work within the first month, then as necessary, but at least once every three years (clause 2.3.1, 3.2 The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29).

All employees of the organization are also required to undergo training and knowledge testing on labor protection. For all persons entering work, as well as for employees transferred to another job, the employer or a person authorized by him is obliged to provide instructions on labor protection, organize training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims (Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, measures to ensure compliance with labor protection rules and standards include:

  • issuance of an order on the creation of a labor protection service (introducing the position of OSH Specialist into the staffing table);
  • approval of the Regulations on labor protection and job descriptions for specialists of the labor protection service;
  • development of labor protection instructions for employees of the organization;
  • development and execution of accounting documentation reflecting labor protection activities;.

In each organization, the labor protection service must also develop and maintain the following local documents: logs of registration of introductory briefing on labor protection; training at the workplace (initial, repeated, targeted, unscheduled) on safe labor methods; fire safety briefing log; schedule for annual testing of workers' knowledge of labor protection; log of industrial accidents and much more.

If there are harmful and (or) dangerous factors at the enterprise production environment A list of works of increased danger or performed in dangerous and harmful conditions; List of professions and jobs for which workers need to undergo a medical examination; Logbook for registration of work permits for high-risk work; List of free protective clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment; List of workplaces to be equipped with collective protective equipment; List of distribution of flushing and neutralizing agents; List of positions exempt from on-the-job training; List of positions for the 1st group on electrical safety; List of positions for 2-5th gr. according to EB; List of positions (professions) for passing preliminary and periodic medical examinations etc. etc.

Responsibility for failure to carry out labor protection measures

The head of the organization is responsible for the activities of the service. Employees of the service, in turn, are responsible for fulfilling their job responsibilities as provided for in the Regulations on the Labor Safety Service and job descriptions (clauses 19, 20 of Recommendations No. 14).

If the head of the organization has not assigned labor safety responsibilities to anyone, then in accordance with Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an organization may be punished for an administrative offense in the form of a fine in the amount of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles - for officials and for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days; from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles – for legal entities or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days. An official who has previously been subjected to administrative punishment for a similar offense may be disqualified for a period of one to three years. – this only applies to the absence of an occupational safety specialist. And then for each violation, be it lack of instructions, failure to issue personal protective equipment, lack of medical examination, failure to carry out special medical conditions, for a legal entity - from 80 to 110 tr. for every violation.

Therefore, we recommend that employers who do not have an occupational safety service or at least one occupational safety specialist should start organizing an occupational safety management system in their company in order to avoid violations of labor laws and, as a result, liability.

Good afternoon Tell me, if an organization has more than 150 people, should there be a separate vacancy for an Occupational Health and Safety Engineer? And what should this position be called correctly: Engineer or Specialist?


The obligation for the employer to create a labor protection service or introduce the position of a labor protection specialist is established by Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which such a service is created or a specialist position is introduced in an organization engaged in production activities with more than 50 employees. From this rule of law it follows that in staffing table It is necessary to provide, at a minimum, the position of a labor protection specialist.

From July 1, 2013, the position of labor protection engineer was excluded from the Unified Qualification Directories and the position of labor protection specialist was introduced (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 17, 2012 N 559n). Qualification requirements for this position are given at the end of the answer.

If the number of employees is 150 people, it is necessary to create a labor protection service (in the form of a separate unit or by appointing an appropriate full-time labor protection specialist. Depending on the number of workers you have in hazardous conditions and total number based on the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2001 No. 10, you can calculate whether 1 specialist in this field is enough for you or you need to form a Service in which several people will work.

The head of the organization is responsible for the activities of the service (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    a separate structural unit;

    full-time occupational safety specialist;

    the head of the organization (entrepreneur personally) or other authorized employee;

    a third-party specialized organization that has appropriate accreditation, or a specialist with whom a civil law contract has been concluded.

For more information on each of the options for creating an occupational safety service, see the section below.

Details in the System materials:

    Tasks and functions of the labor protection service

    Among the main tasks of the labor protection service are:

    • control over employees’ compliance with laws and other legal acts on labor protection (including local ones);

      organization of preventive work to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases;

      informing and consulting employees of the organization on labor protection issues.

    To fulfill the assigned tasks, the labor protection service is assigned the following functions:

      organization and methodological management of certification of workplaces, certification of labor protection work and control over their implementation;

      measurement of dangerous and harmful parameters production factors, assessment of injury safety of equipment and devices;

      examination technical condition buildings, mechanisms, devices, collective and individual protective equipment, as well as the condition of sanitary facilities for compliance with labor protection requirements;

      organizing the investigation of industrial accidents and participating in the work of the accident investigation commission;

      assistance in timely training of employees of the organization on labor protection;

      other functions.

    Complete lists of tasks and functions of the labor protection service in the organization are set out in the sections and recommendations approved.

    The head of the organization () is responsible for the activities of the service.

    Options for organizing an occupational safety service

    The labor protection service in an organization can be represented by:

    Occupational Safety and Health Service. Separate division

    If an organization creates a labor protection service in the form of a separate structural unit, it is necessary:

      determine the structure of the service;

      issue an order to create the service;

      approve the job descriptions of its employees;

    Service structure

    According to the structure, the labor protection service in the organization should consist of a staff of specialists headed by its head (recommendations approved). The service reports directly to the head of the organization or, on his behalf, to one of his deputies (approved recommendations).

    The occupational safety service, as a rule, includes employees who have:

      higher professional education in the field of training “technosphere safety” or in a similar field, or higher professional education with the obligatory presence of additional professional education in the field of labor protection;

      work experience in the field of labor protection - for managers and specialists with the category.

    All employees accepted into the service must undergo occupational safety training.

    Such requirements follow from the totality of the provisions approved, recommendations approved.

    Staff number of the service

    To determine the number of employees required for the functioning of the service, you need to consider:

      number of employees working in the organization;

      the nature of working conditions;

      degree of danger of production;

      other factors.

    For calculation staffing level Service employees are recommended to use approved ones. This document contains tables containing data on the number of people who must perform one or another occupational safety function in the organization.

    For example, to find out how many people will be needed to instruct employees, it is necessary to calculate the average monthly number of employees in the organization (Inter-industry standards approved). And in order to determine how many people should be involved in labor safety control in an organization, you need to determine average number of all workers, the number of employees who deal with harmful and difficult working conditions, as well as the number structural divisions organizations (Inter-industry standards approved).

    After calculating the number of employees for all functions, add up these indicators. This will give you the standard number of occupational health and safety employees.

    Then determine the number of staff members of the labor protection service in the organization. To do this, you need to multiply the standard number by the coefficient of planned employee absenteeism during vacation, illness, etc. To calculate, use the formula:

    Take the percentage of planned absenteeism from personnel records documents. In the accounting department or in the economic planning department, statistics on absenteeism are kept based on the analysis of time sheets, where absences for all reasons are recorded.

    This calculation procedure follows from the Interindustry Standards approved.

    Documentation of service creation

    For documentation Creating a labor safety service in an organization will require:

    Occupational Safety and Health Service. Full-time specialist

    If an organization creates a labor protection service by introducing a full-time specialist position, it is necessary:

    An employee hired for the position of occupational safety specialist must undergo training in occupational safety.

    Occupational Safety and Health Service. Head of organization (entrepreneur)

    If the organization does not have a separate division of the labor protection service or a full-time specialist, their functions can be performed by the head of the organization (entrepreneur personally) or an employee authorized by him ().

    Departmental regulations may establish a different procedure for performing labor protection functions.

    In this case you will need:

      Occupational Safety and Health Service. Third party organization (specialist)

      If the organization does not have a separate division of the labor protection service or a full-time specialist, you can enter into an agreement with a third-party contractor (performer). It could be:

      • specialized organization;

        a specialist engaged under a civil law contract.

      The list includes the following types of services:

        performing the functions of an occupational safety service (occupational safety specialist) for an employer whose number of employees does not exceed 50 people;

        carrying out certification of workplaces according to working conditions;

        training employers and their employees on labor protection issues.

      The provision of these services by non-accredited organizations is prohibited. This is stated in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 1, 2010 No. 205n.

      Specialized organizations must undergo state accreditation by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (Rules approved). Accreditation at the regional level (in particular, in the form of certification, licensing) is not recognized by the state. Such explanations are contained in.

      Thus, when concluding an agreement with a third-party organization, make sure that it has state accreditation - is included in the register of accredited organizations. There are three ways to view this register:

        request an extract from the register from the organization with which the contract is concluded;

        independently request an extract from the register from the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (information is provided free of charge);

        check the availability of accreditation by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (the website provides information on both accredited and non-accredited organizations).

      This order follows from paragraphs and the Rules approved.

      In the contract, specify all the conditions for the functioning of the occupational safety service (occupational safety specialist). The same agreement should also include issues of liability for violations committed. This right to the customer of services is granted by Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

      An approximate form of an agreement with a specialized organization (specialist) for labor protection is given in.

      Ivan Shklovets,

      deputy head Federal service on labor and employment

      2. Legal basis:







      In accordance with subclause 5.2.52 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 321 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 28, Art. 2898; 2005, N 2, art. 162; 2006, art. 2080; art. 1036; art. 2713; , Art. 5337; Art. 2009; Art. 378; Art. 1427; , 4088; art. 5350; art. 394; art. 3167; Art. 4251; Art. 4574; Art. 7104; Art. 1935; Art. 2294; , Art. 3494, Art. 4985; Art. 6659; Art. 2012, Art. 1790)

      1. Approve the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Specialists Carrying Out Work in the Field of Labor Protection” in accordance with the Appendix.

      Acting Minister



      to the order of the Ministry

      health and social

      development of the Russian Federation



      "Qualification characteristics of specialist positions,

      carrying out work in the field of labor protection"


      1. Section "Qualification characteristics of positions of specialists carrying out work in the field of labor protection" of the Unified qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees (hereinafter - EKS) is intended to resolve issues related to regulation labor relations, ensuring an effective system for managing personnel carrying out work in the field of labor protection in organizations of any legal form and form of ownership.

      The qualification characteristics contained in the section “Qualification characteristics of positions of specialists carrying out work in the field of labor protection” of the EKS (hereinafter referred to as qualification characteristics) are intended to facilitate the correct selection and placement of personnel, improvement of their qualifications, rational division of labor, creation of an effective mechanism for delineating functions and powers and responsibility of employees, as well as the establishment of uniform approaches to determining their job responsibilities and qualification requirements for them.

      2. Qualification characteristics can be used as regulatory documents or serve as the basis for the development of job descriptions containing a specific list of job responsibilities of employees, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, as well as their rights and responsibilities. If necessary, job responsibilities included in the qualification characteristics of a certain position can be distributed among several performers.

      When developing job descriptions, it is allowed to clarify the list of works that are characteristic of the corresponding position in specific organizational and technical conditions.

      3. Qualification characteristics Each post has three sections.

      In the section " Job responsibilities"the main ones are installed labor functions, which can be entrusted in whole or in part to the employee holding this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of the work, allowing for optimal specialization of the employee.

      The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other documents, methods and means that the employee must use when performing job duties.

      The section "Qualification Requirements" defines the level vocational training employee necessary to perform job duties, and work experience requirements.

      4. Job responsibilities, knowledge requirements and qualifications of deputy heads of structural divisions are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the corresponding positions of managers.

      5. Persons who do not have special training or work experience established in the section “Qualification Requirements”, but have sufficient practical experience and perform their job duties efficiently and in full, on the recommendation of the certification commission, are appointed to the appropriate positions in the same way, as well as persons who have special training and work experience.



      Job responsibilities. Organizes and coordinates labor protection work in the organization. Organizes, participates in the development and controls the functioning of the occupational safety management system in the organization in accordance with state regulatory requirements for occupational safety, with the goals and objectives of the organization, recommendations of interstate and national standards in the field of safety and labor protection. Determines and systematically adjusts the directions of development of the professional risk management system in the organization based on monitoring changes in legislation and best practices in the field of labor protection, as well as based on the modernization of technical equipment, goals and objectives of the organization. Organizes monitoring of compliance in the structural divisions of the organization with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection, carrying out preventive work to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases, implementation of measures aimed at creating healthy and safe working conditions in the organization, providing employees with established compensation for working conditions. Organizes informing employees about the state of labor conditions and labor protection in the workplace, existing professional risks, compensation due to employees for hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions and other special working conditions and personal protective equipment, as well as measures to protecting workers from exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors. Organizes control over the timeliness and completeness of provision of employees of the organization with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, milk and other equivalent food products. Organizes monitoring of the condition and serviceability of individual and collective protective equipment. Identifies the need for training of workers in the field of labor protection based on state regulatory requirements for labor protection, as well as labor protection requirements established by rules and instructions on labor protection, controls the conduct of briefings (introductory, initial, repeated, unscheduled, targeted) of employees on labor protection issues . Monitors the execution of the organization’s budget in the field of labor protection and evaluates the effectiveness of use financial resources in terms of achieving the set goals and objectives. Develops proposals to improve the effectiveness of measures to improve working conditions and labor protection. Monitors the targeted use of funds for the implementation of measures to improve working conditions and safety. Takes part in the work of the commission for certification of workplaces for working conditions, organizes the interaction of members of the certification commission for certification of workplaces for working conditions, created in the organization in the prescribed manner. Participates in the development of sections collective agreement in terms of preparing measures to improve labor conditions and safety in the organization, as well as the rights and responsibilities of employees and management of the organization in the field of compliance with labor safety requirements, controls the work on preparing proposals from the structural divisions of the organization for inclusion in the plan of measures to improve labor conditions and safety. Organizes and participates in the work to determine the contingent of workers subject to mandatory preliminary hiring tests and periodic medical examinations, pre-trip (post-trip) and pre-shift (post-shift) inspections. Provides methodological assistance to the heads of the organization's structural divisions in the development of new and revision of existing labor protection instructions, as well as in the preparation of training programs for workers in safe techniques and work methods. Organizes preparation work technical assignments for the provision of services in the field of labor protection, the supply of personal and collective protective equipment, as well as the assessment of proposals received from suppliers of individual and collective protective equipment for their supply. Organizes and participates in the investigation of industrial accidents and occupational diseases, analysis of the causes of industrial injuries, occupational diseases, and in the development of measures to prevent them. Carries out the development of measures to increase the level of employee interest in improving working conditions and safety. Organizes and participates together with other structural divisions of the organization in the development of plans and programs to improve working conditions and safety, eliminate or minimize occupational risks. Organizes monitoring of compliance with labor protection requirements, safe techniques and work methods during internships for students of institutions of secondary and higher vocational education and labor training for schoolchildren. Organizes and controls the timely preparation and submission of reports in the established form. Manages labor safety employees.

      Must know: laws and other regulations in the field of labor protection; state regulatory requirements for labor protection; international treaties in the field of labor protection, ratified Russian Federation; national and interstate standards in the field of occupational safety and health; labor protection requirements established by labor protection rules and instructions; record keeping and methodological documents on labor protection issues; procedure for assessing the level of professional risk; the basics of planning measures to improve working conditions and assessing their effectiveness; production and organizational structure of the organization, basic technological processes and production modes: types of equipment used and rules of its operation; methods for studying working conditions in the workplace; basic methods for reducing the impact of harmful production factors on the human body; psychophysiological requirements for employees; rules and means of monitoring compliance of the technical condition of equipment with the requirements for safe work; procedure for conducting accident investigations; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of labor protection; the procedure and timing for reporting on the implementation of labor protection measures; fundamentals of economics and budgeting, organization of production, labor and management.

      Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of training "Technosphere Safety" or corresponding areas of training (specialties) in ensuring the safety of industrial activities, or higher professional education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection, work experience in the field of labor protection of at least 5 years .


      Job responsibilities. Participates in the organization and coordination of labor protection work in the organization. Participates in the development and monitoring of the functioning of the occupational safety management system in the organization in accordance with state regulatory requirements for occupational safety, with the goals and objectives of the organization, recommendations of interstate and national standards in the field of occupational safety and health. Uch

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We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a chief engineer, sample 2019/2020. Job description of the chief engineer should include the following sections: general position, job responsibilities of the chief engineer, rights of the chief engineer, responsibility of the chief engineer.

The job description of the chief engineer should reflect the following points:

Job responsibilities of the chief engineer

1) Job responsibilities. Determines the technical policy and directions of technical development of the enterprise in the conditions market economy, ways of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing production, the level of specialization and diversification of production for the future. Ensures the necessary level of technical preparation of production and its constant growth, increasing production efficiency and labor productivity, reducing costs (material, financial, labor), rational use of production resources, high quality and competitiveness of manufactured products, works or services, compliance of manufactured products with existing ones state standards, technical conditions and technical aesthetic requirements, as well as their reliability and durability. In accordance with the approved business plans of the enterprise for the medium and long term, he manages the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise, preventing harmful effects production at environment, careful use natural resources, creating safe working conditions and improving the technical culture of production. Organizes the development and implementation of implementation plans new technology and technology, carrying out organizational and technical activities, research and development work. Ensures the effectiveness of design solutions, timely and high-quality production preparation, technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment, achieving high quality products in the process of its development and production. Based on modern achievements of science and technology, the results of patent research, as well as best practices, taking into account market conditions, organizes work to improve the range and quality, improve and update manufactured products, work (services), equipment and technology, and create fundamentally new competitive types of products , on the design and implementation of complex mechanization and automation equipment into production technological processes, control and testing of high-performance specialized equipment, development of standards for the labor intensity of products and standards for the consumption of materials for their production, consistent implementation of the economy regime and cost reduction.

The chief engineer must know

2) Chief Engineer When performing his duties, he must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial-economic activities of the enterprise, federal, regional and local authorities state power and management, determining priority directions for the development of the economy and the relevant industry; organizational and administrative documents and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activities of the enterprise; profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure; prospects for technical, economic and social development of the industry and business plan of the enterprise; production capacity of the enterprise; production technology of the enterprise's products; the procedure for drawing up and approving plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise; market methods management and enterprise management; the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts; scientific and technical achievements in the relevant industry and the experience of leading enterprises; economics and organization of production, labor and management; basics of environmental legislation; basics of labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

3) Qualification Requirements. Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty leadership positions in the relevant sector of the enterprise for at least 5 years.

1. General provisions

1. The chief engineer belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in his specialty in management positions in the relevant sector of the enterprise for at least 5 years is accepted for the position of chief engineer.

3. The chief engineer is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The chief engineer must know:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial-economic activities of the enterprise, resolutions of federal, regional and local government authorities and management, defining priority directions for the development of the economy and the relevant industry;
  • organizational and administrative documents and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activities of the enterprise;
  • profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure;
  • prospects for technical, economic and social development of the industry and business plan of the enterprise;
  • production capacity of the enterprise;
  • production technology of the enterprise's products;
  • the procedure for drawing up and approving plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise;
  • market methods of business and enterprise management;
  • the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts;
  • scientific and technical achievements in the relevant industry and the experience of leading enterprises;
  • economics and organization of production, labor and management;
  • basics of environmental legislation;
  • basics of labor legislation;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the chief engineer is guided by:

6. The chief engineer reports directly to the director of the organization, as well as _____ (specify position).

7. During the absence of the chief engineer (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of the chief engineer

Chief Engineer:

1. Determines the technical policy and directions of technical development of the enterprise in a market economy, ways of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing production, the level of specialization and diversification of production for the future.

2. Ensures the necessary level of technical preparation of production and its constant growth, increasing production efficiency and labor productivity, reducing costs (material, financial, labor), rational use of production resources, high quality and competitiveness of manufactured products, works or services, compliance of manufactured products with existing ones state standards, technical conditions and technical aesthetic requirements, as well as their reliability and durability.

3. In accordance with the approved business plans of the enterprise for the medium and long term, manages the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise, preventing the harmful effects of production on the environment, careful use of natural resources, creating safe working conditions and improving the technical culture of production.

4. Organizes the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new equipment and technology, carrying out organizational and technical activities, research and development work.

5. Ensures the effectiveness of design solutions, timely and high-quality preparation of production, technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment, achieving high quality products in the process of its development and production.

6. Based on modern achievements of science and technology, the results of patent research, as well as best practices, taking into account market conditions, organizes work to improve the range and quality, improve and update manufactured products, work (services), equipment and technology, create fundamentally new competitive types of products, on the design and implementation of means of complex mechanization and automation of technological processes, control and testing of high-performance specialized equipment, the development of standards for the labor intensity of products and standards for the consumption of materials for their production, the consistent implementation of savings and cost reduction.

7. Monitors compliance with design, engineering and technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision.

8. Ensures timely preparation of technical documentation (drawings, specifications, technical specifications, technological maps).

9. Concludes with research, design (engineering and technological) organizations and higher education institutions educational institutions contracts for the development of new equipment and production technology, projects for the reconstruction of the enterprise, its divisions, renovation and modernization of equipment, comprehensive mechanization and automation production processes, automated systems production management, monitors their development, organizes the review and implementation of technical re-equipment projects developed by third-party organizations, and draws up applications for the purchase of equipment on leasing terms.

10. Coordinates work on issues of patent and invention activity, unification, standardization and certification of products, certification and rationalization of jobs, metrological support, mechanical and energy maintenance of production.

11. Takes measures to improve the organization of production, labor and management based on the introduction of the latest technical and telecommunication means for performing engineering and management work.

12. Organizes scientific research and experiments, testing of new equipment and technology, as well as work in the field of scientific and technical information, rationalization and invention, dissemination of advanced production experience.

13. Carries out work to protect the priority of implemented scientific and technical solutions, prepare materials for their patenting, obtaining licenses and intellectual property rights.

14. Organizes training and advanced training for workers and engineers and ensures continuous improvement of personnel training.

15. Manages the activities of the technical services of the enterprise, monitors the results of their work, the state of labor and production discipline in subordinate departments.

16. He is the first deputy director of the enterprise and is responsible for the results and efficiency of production activities.

17. Complies with internal labor regulations and other local regulations organizations.

18. Internal rules and occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection standards.

19. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

20. Performs within limits employment contract orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.

3. Rights of the chief engineer

The chief engineer has the right:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

  • to improve work related to those provided for in this instructions and duties,
  • on the encouragement of distinguished employees subordinate to him,
  • on bringing to material and disciplinary liability the employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including providing organizational and technical conditions and registration established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the chief engineer

The chief engineer is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper execution or failure to fulfill their job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage organizations - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description for chief engineer - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of the chief engineer, rights of the chief engineer, responsibility of the chief engineer.