What is a technical translator? Professional technical translation at RusPerevod bureau

With the growth and development of the production sector, the progress of science and education, with the establishment of business relations with foreign partners who produce and supply complex high-precision equipment, it is planned to use and further study technical materials in foreign languages. This may explain the ever-growing demand for translation services provided in this industry.

When translating technical texts, you should understand the complexity and responsibility of this type of work. Therefore, specialists of the highest qualifications, true professionals in this field, are allowed to perform them. Our translation agency offers specialists of the specified level who can translate technical documents of any complexity at the highest level, within the deadlines exactly specified by the customer.

Currently, the translation agency provides translation services in the following areas:

  • Scientific literature and periodicals.
  • Documentation.
  • Equipment passports, certificates and patents.
  • Instructions and user manuals, with all accompanying documentation.
  • Drawings and engineering plans.

There is no point in entrusting technical translations to amateurs, or to those translators who are just starting their careers, since it is impossible to competently translate English technical texts that contain complex scientific terms and abbreviations without having the appropriate special knowledge. It is necessary to take into account that when translating articles or scientific and technical texts, a formal and logical style is implied; accuracy of the wording and the requirements that are used are required. Basic linguistic education alone is far from sufficient for high-quality work with highly specialized material. In this regard, some research and production companies are staffed with specialists who translate documents necessary for the enterprise at a professional level. For small companies, keeping a specialized translator on staff is quite burdensome, which suggests ordering technical translation services from specialized translation agencies.

Calculate cost

We translate:

  • - instructions for equipment
  • - documents on construction projects
  • - specifications
  • - standards and regulations
  • - equipment descriptions
  • - drawings, plans, diagrams

Technical translation is a translation used to exchange specific technical information between people who speak different languages. It is based on a formal-logical style, characterized by precision, unemotionality and impersonality. Therefore, the translator cannot add digressions or paraphrase the text. Areas that fall under the technical category require a deep dive into the topic. The translator must be fully oriented in this area, know its inherent terms, figures of speech, and professional jargon. He must understand what needs to be translated and what can be left behind the scenes without compromising the information content.

Cost of services

Written translation

up to 100 pages per month


455 rub.

495 rub.

525 rub.

languages ​​of Scandinavian countries

555 rub.

670 rub.

605 rub.

625 rub.

695 rub.

835 rub.

1195 rub.

995 rub.

1195 rub.

1195 rub.

1195 rub.

1595 rub.

101-1000 pages per month


main European languages ​​(English, French, German)

405 rub.

languages ​​of other Western European countries

445 rub.

languages ​​of Eastern Europe and CIS countries

475 rub.

languages ​​of Scandinavian countries

505 rub.

languages ​​of Asia and the Middle East

545 rub.

native speaker (main European languages ​​- English, French, German)

545 rub.

native speaker (other Western European countries)

565 rub.

native speaker (Eastern Europe and CIS countries)

625 rub.

native speaker (Scandinavian countries)

755 rub.

native speaker (languages ​​of Asia and the Middle East)

1075 rub.

international level specialist (main European languages ​​- English, French, German)

895 rub.

international specialist (languages ​​of other Western European countries)

1075 rub.

international level specialist (Eastern Europe and CIS countries)

1075 rub.

international level specialist (Scandinavian countries)

1075 rub.

international specialist (languages ​​of Asia and the Middle East)

1435 rub.

over 1000 pages per month


main European languages ​​(English, French, German)

365 rub.

languages ​​of other Western European countries

395 rub.

languages ​​of Eastern Europe and CIS countries

425 rub.

languages ​​of Scandinavian countries

445 rub.

languages ​​of Asia and the Middle East

475 rub.

native speaker (main European languages ​​- English, French, German)

485 rub.

native speaker (other Western European countries)

495 rub.

native speaker (Eastern Europe and CIS countries)

555 rub.

native speaker (Scandinavian countries)

665 rub.

native speaker (languages ​​of Asia and the Middle East)

955 rub.

international level specialist (main European languages ​​- English, French, German)

795 rub.

international specialist (languages ​​of other Western European countries)

955 rub.

international level specialist (Eastern Europe and CIS countries)

955 rub.

international level specialist (Scandinavian countries)

955 rub.

international specialist (languages ​​of Asia and the Middle East)

1275 rub.


Editing, stylistics


specialist editor


300 rub.

editing by a native speaker

300 rub.


240 rub.


hiring a style specialist

250 rub.


“cleaning” the text for spelling and punctuation, duplication, etc.

210 rub.


150 rub.

over 100 pages

140 rub.

Layout. *

simple layout, formatting

140 rub.

complex layout, involvement of a specialist with knowledge of highly specialized programs

300 rub.


Translation example:

Technical literature is translated for enterprises operating in a variety of fields (construction, telecommunications, information and computer technologies, oil and coal industries, nuclear energy industry, production of aviation and defense equipment and many others).

How is technical translation of text performed?

The client orders a service and submits documentation in paper or electronic form, on audio or video media. Then a team is formed, including a manager, translator, proofreader, editor, quality controller and layout designer, which will carry out the order. The translation is carried out by a specialist familiar with a specific topic.

For each project, a unique glossary is created - a dictionary of highly specialized terms with translation, interpretation and detailed comments. It ensures consistency and correct use of terminology. The text goes through several stages of verification, and at the final stage it is proofread by the production editor. For a more in-depth assessment, various programs are used: Trados, MemoQ, Memsource, Verifika, Xbench and others.

A wide range of additional services are also provided, including documentation layout. It allows you to achieve maximum similarity between the translation and the source text. All text and graphic elements are placed in the same places as in the original. The finished material is transferred to the client in a convenient way, delivery by courier is possible.

The cost of written translation depends on the language pair, number of pages, urgency of the work and other parameters.

The TransLink Bureau unites more than 5,000 specialists. These are not just translators, but professionals in specific fields, so the accuracy of technical translation is guaranteed. They work with 120 languages. When translating text, reliable protection of the information received is ensured: a confidentiality agreement is concluded with the client, special software products and a secure Internet connection are used.

Our company has been certified according to ISO 17100:2015-05 and 9001:2008 standards, as well as in the Military Register system. An FSB license was also obtained to conduct work using information classified as “secret” and “top secret.”

Translation of technical literature can be ordered at the office in Moscow and other cities where the TransLink bureau is present or through the website.

We work with languages:

Translation cost calculator

8 reasons to order technical translation from TransLink

Over the course of its successful activities, the TransLink translation agency has been able to accumulate enough experience and an extensive knowledge base to translate technical documents of any scale and level of complexity.

  1. 14 years on the market

A technological breakthrough, invention, discovery cannot be tied to one country. The same car, officially first designed in 1886 by Karl Benz, was not the first at all. Throughout that decade, newspapers in different European countries were full of articles about how smoking “runaway strollers” were leaving various garages.

And there is still debate about who first created the remote control. The technology is simultaneously patented in the USA, Germany and the UK. The difference in dates is only a few days.

In this regard, the progress of technology and technology can be characterized as an international movement forward. And where representatives of different countries are involved in the case, a special role is played by translation agency – a link of communication between speakers of different languages.

Technical Translation Tools

Everything indicates the high requirements for such a participant in the process - his importance in promoting new technologies, the complexity and even novelty of the material with which he works, the abundance of terminology. Yes, a technical translation specialist must be a master in two areas at once - linguistic and technical. In addition, he must be fluent in the rich technical translation tools:

  • Inversion (rearrangement of words contrary to the rules of grammar), with the help of which important points are highlighted.
  • Terminology in a given area, set out in relevant manuals, reference books, and scientific works.
  • Special forms of language and constructions - passive phrases, impersonal verbs, impersonal definitions, etc.

Responsibility area of ​​a technical translator

The field of science and technology in which it operates technical translator , sets the key features of the result:

  • In the metallurgy, oil and petrochemical industries, a huge number of calculations are used with abbreviations and terms from Latin or old Greek.
  • In the IT field, new concepts appear, which can vary greatly in different languages.
  • In aviation, automotive, and instrument making there is an incredible number of diagrams, drawings, descriptions, and instructions with their own stable structure. Here the priority is the accuracy of presentation without loss of information.

A specialist who performs translation of large texts from English into Russian , must be able to work with a data array and consult reference books. In this case, as when working with short notes, annotations, and project materials, he is required to have exceptional command of both languages ​​and a clear understanding of the area to which the information is devoted. Plus, adherence to the 4 principles of technical translation - impersonality, terminological literacy, accuracy and unemotionality.

Types of technical translation

In a global sense, technical translation means one of two things:

  • Work with special scientific and technical materials - manuals, reference books, diagrams, drawings, etc.
  • Professional translation of technical texts – the relevant part of the contract for the production or supply of equipment, instructions, annotations, design packages.

In both directions, translation can be oral or written, full or partial. In the latter case, we are talking about abstract, annotative “translations” of material from one language to another with adaptation, according to accepted standards, of scientific terminology.

Price for translation of technical texts

An expert approach is the basis of technical translation. It sets the quality of the result, but makes it very difficult to place cost emphasis. Yes, we can't say for sure how much does translation into english cost? any technical text. But we can guarantee that our price will be justified by the quality and speed of the result.

Because the success of the entire enterprise depends on the timing of the translation - the launch of new equipment, the conclusion of a trade contract, the development of investments. We understand this, and our customers have already appreciated it.

The agency provides technical translation of texts of any complexity. The offer is valid for individuals and legal entities. For individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, we are ready to provide related documents.

A team of translators is working to complete the assigned task. Each performer has sufficient knowledge and experience specific to the specifics of the document being processed. The translation of a scientific article or technical documentation will be completed while preserving the terminology used. All processes described in the text will be conveyed with accuracy sufficient for correct perception in the successor language.

The finished text is sent to the editorial department and undergoes a thorough check. If necessary, the material is corrected and finalized by the agency editor.

We have the best prices for technical translation

Professional technical translation of documentation requires appropriate qualifications in the subject area and linguistic skills in terminology. Engineers and developers do not always have a sufficient level of knowledge to independently translate text into English, German, French and other languages ​​of the world. A technical translation agency in Moscow is always ready to take on the responsibility of accurately interpreting information for foreign language users.

What areas do we specialize in?

  • Aviation and defense technology
  • Metallurgy
  • Information and computer technologies
  • Telecommunications
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Electrical and thermal engineering
  • Household devices
  • Other technical

Translation of technical documentation

Our company's arsenal includes translation services of all forms of technical documents.

    Operating instructions, manuals

    Technical descriptions, certificates and specifications

    Scientific publications and articles

    Drawings, diagrams, illustrations

Export and import of equipment, according to the rules, is accompanied by instructions in the user’s language. The accuracy of translation directly affects the further safety of equipment operation. Therefore, native speakers with specialized engineering education and knowledge of industry specifics are involved as editors in the bureau.

Technical translation of documentation is carried out on standard forms. Accurate transfer of terminology and full compliance with the requirements of regulatory authorities. The final document is certified by the seal of the bureau or by a notary, depending on the formal requirements of the law.

The exchange of experience between technical specialists contributes to progress and the achievement of scientific breakthroughs in all areas of human activity. Our company promotes the dissemination of accumulated knowledge between Russian and foreign specialists, supporting high-quality communication without distorting the meaning and terminology.

This type involves the use of specialized software for working with graphic formats. The translation is performed while preserving the font, size, location and other properties of the text.

Patent translation is interdisciplinary in nature and is at the intersection of technical and legal translation. In this regard, lawyers specializing in patent law are additionally involved in the work, which is important for high-quality translation and interpretation of documentation.

We guarantee high-quality technical translation

We do not make mistakes, maintain full compliance with the original, write clear and competent text

  • 1 A highly specialized specialist from our bureau works on each translation. Translators have work experience and specialized education in the required field. The specialist understands the topic and correctly translates any terms, abbreviations, acronyms.
  • 2 The text is translated by native speakers. Only they can make the finished text easy to read and understandable for residents of the desired country. These people know the language perfectly and will convey all the information without distortion.
  • 3 The translation is checked by an editor and a proofreader. The editor understands the topic of technical translation and checks the text for compliance with the original, removes all inaccuracies, and improves readability. The proofreader reads the text so that there are no errors left in it.
  • 4 We comply with the terms. Each term has only one translation option. This makes the text easier to understand and eliminates misunderstanding. This document is easy to work with for both specialists and ordinary users.

The reliability of the translation of technical texts in our agency is achieved through the use of a multi-level proofreading system. Linguists, lawyers, technical specialists from various fields, including native speakers, participate in the work on the order. It is not possible to offer a similar level of quality at a low price to an amateur, so you can only rely on the services of certified specialists. In addition, our company offers individual conditions for expedited order fulfillment (urgency rates are calculated separately).

Expert opinion

Danilina Olga

Head of Technical Translation Department

1. Technical translation should be trusted only to trusted specialists. An ordinary translator cannot know all the terms and understand every topic. If he makes a mistake or writes something wrong, your reputation will suffer.

Therefore, for each translation we select a specialist with specialized education and experience in the relevant field.

2. It is important to use quantities correctly so that your audience is comfortable. For example, in the USA distance is measured in miles, and in Russia - in kilometers. If you indicate miles in a Russian-language document, the reader will have to convert them to kilometers using a calculator.

We will find out for which audience the translation is needed. We advise which values ​​to use for a specific country and specific readers.

3. Technical text may have a complex structure: tables, graphs, illustrations, multi-column layout. We not only translate the document, but also type it up while maintaining the original structure.

4. If a specialist is working on a lengthy document, he may use several translation options for the same term. As a result, the document is difficult to read and confusion arises.

We compile a terminological dictionary for each project and stick to it. Each term, abbreviation, abbreviation has only one translation. Therefore, it is easy for readers to understand.

You receive a text ready for publication

Based on the results of the work of a group of experts, the client receives a ready-to-use document with formatting and graphic materials preserved. In addition, all types of certification are possible in our office.

At the Prof Lingua agency you can order technical translation of texts on a variety of topics. This service is used by people associated with the work of industrial, manufacturing and other enterprises, which, due to their activities, constantly cooperate with other companies around the world.

Our center’s specialists can offer high-quality technical translation from English and many other languages ​​(in total, we work in 54 different areas). As for this category of work, we use our most qualified personnel to implement it. Competent specialists, both technical and linguistic, will be involved in solving the problem. Thanks to this approach, the quality of the service also improves.

Translations of technical texts: what industries we work with

Prof Lingua covers a fairly wide range of activities of various manufacturing companies. The special knowledge possessed by the staff of our bureau allows us to provide high-quality translation in the following areas:

  • mechanical engineering production;
  • light and heavy industry;
  • production of aviation equipment;
  • rocket and space industry.

The service of professional technical translation is quite widely in demand when it comes to:

  • oil industry;
  • enterprises related to energy and gas supplies;
  • construction.

Technical translations from English into Russian of various medical documents are also in demand. In all areas of science - chemistry, mathematics, physics and others - we also constantly have to face the need to adapt this or that text for perception by foreigners.

In other words, when translating technical documentation, work is carried out with:

  • operating instructions intended for users;
  • reports, presentations, abstracts;
  • utility plans;
  • drawings, specifications and diagrams;
  • various patent documents;
  • technical conditions.

Profile knowledge in any of the above areas allows the office staff to quickly and efficiently work on tasks of any complexity.

How much can technical translation of documents cost?

Especially for our clients, we have developed the most transparent system of remuneration for the center’s specialists.

There are three main tariffs at your service:

  • Basic
  • Business
  • Extra.

Within each of them, you get a unique opportunity to use the experience and specialized knowledge of the agency’s employees at the most favorable prices. Thus, the cost of technical translation from English into Russian will be from 1 rub. up to 4 rub. per word. Countries of Northern, Eastern and Central Europe, as well as CIS countries, will cost up to 9 rubles per word. When working with the languages ​​of the Far East, the maximum price is 15 rubles.

By contacting Prof Lingua, you can always count on the following advantages:

  • free basic layout and trial scientific and technical translation;
  • meeting the tightest possible deadlines;
  • universality of services provided - we work in all formats.

Do you need to adapt a large text? There is no need to worry about upcoming financial expenses. Even when working with large orders, the bureau guarantees minimum prices.

How to order a technical translation

You should send your application to our email address. After which your task will be carefully analyzed and a commercial proposal will be drawn up based on this.

At this stage, the technical translation agency Prof Lingua offers the customer several tariff plans with optimal conditions and terms. After you choose the appropriate option in terms of cost and completion time, we begin work.

Do not forget that in order to provide even better service, you should clarify several important points in advance. For example:

  • whether the marking is transliterated when translating technical texts from English into Russian, or remains in the original language;
  • be sure to focus on particularly important paragraphs or points;
  • abbreviations, screenshots and other working aspects - everything will be left “as is” or adapted to the rules of a foreign language at the request of the client.

Contact the Prof Lingua bureau in Moscow for technical translation, and also take advantage of a range of other services with legalization and the opportunity to have documents certified by a notary.