Spices as a business. Trade in spices and seasonings as a profitable business

Many novice businessmen light up with the idea of ​​opening a store, as they find it very promising and profitable.

It is possible that this is so, but today there are a large number of outlets of various kinds around, therefore it will be difficult to win the competition from the regulars.

But maybe you should not start any struggle, but look at the idea of ​​​​opening a store more broadly. Open a spice and seasoning shop - here effective way start a profitable business.

Many will wonder what is so great about the idea of ​​opening a spice and seasoning store. Firstly, this idea looks very promising against the background of the growing interest of the country's population in cooking.

More and more women and men are involved in this niche, and the dishes they prepare require various additives to flavor and enhance the taste.

Secondly, it is worth noting that today it is difficult to find such outlets, and in large supermarkets sometimes there is not even a counter with spices and seasonings. Therefore, a specialized store with a rich assortment of various spices can now become incredibly popular.

Where to start?

One of the most difficult moments of starting your own business is finding the location of your future store. In the case of a retail outlet that will distribute various spices and seasonings, it should be borne in mind that opening far from other commodity outlets would be a big mistake.

It is very rare that people purposefully go after such insignificant goods, so a lone store or a spice stall will not bring the expected profit.

Best Places

Consider the most suitable places to spread your future business:

  • close to a large number of shops;
  • Small pavilion inside the mall;
  • A small shop inside a hypermarket or supermarket;
  • Separate department in a supermarket or hypermarket;
  • Pavilion at the entrance to large supermarkets or hypermarkets.

All of the above location options have one thing in common - they are located in the epicenter or near the epicenter of trade, so they can easily be seen by a large number of people.

This is the main point in opening a spice and condiment store, because the people who come for shopping will, for the most part, want to buy some spices to make their feast more delicious.

In general, the idea is to sell spices and seasonings next to the sale of products with which these additives are very good to use.

If you are interested in how to open a spice and condiment store, then, for sure, one of the important issues will be its appearance.

Most of the experts advise to make the decor of the store in wooden style because it will give a certain charm and also add some kind of magnetic force to attract customers.

The next step to take is to divide the store into departments. It is worth distributing these additives by cuisine or by country (India, Italy, Georgia). It is also worth distributing spices, spices and seasonings. To do this, you must first completely understand how these products differ.

Spices are usually parts of plants (such as root vegetables) and are added to food to enhance flavor and aroma. Spices can be either vegetable or non-vegetable. Spices are also used to enhance the taste of food (salt, vinegar).

Sale of spices and spices

Every year there are fewer and fewer people in our country who believe that there are only two spices in the world: the one in the pepper pot and the one in the salt shaker. In parallel with this, a healthy lifestyle according to oriental methods is gaining popularity: yoga classes, martial arts, proper nutrition systems. In addition, the craze for exotic cuisine and the growing interest in hot and spicy dishes among the population also contributes to an increase in demand for rare spices that can not be found in a standard grocery store.

Therefore, opening a store of oriental spices from India, Iran and Syria may become a rather relevant idea. The cuisine of these countries impresses with a huge selection of various spices and seasonings, many of which are absolutely unknown to the domestic consumer. In addition, the high quality of products imported from these countries is combined with low level prices. Of course, the prospects for opening a highly specialized grocery store may be in doubt, but coffee and tea shops are in demand not only among gourmets, but also among ordinary citizens.

How to open a spice shop

A spice selling area can be small and compact, but the store should be located in a crowded area, such as a mall or supermarket. Spices are considered a related product, so they are most often purchased along with other products. The pavilion can be decorated in an oriental style, which will immediately attract the attention of both lovers of the exotic and fans of good cuisine. It is best to store spices in transparent glass jars. Make sure they are hermetically sealed. Such packaging retains the aroma of spices for a longer time and, at the same time, looks spectacular on the window.

It is very important to properly organize the marketing system. In addition to a store providing retail sales you need to look for wholesale buyers, among restaurants, cafes, hotels. Spectrum is essential for competitive advantage additional services. They can be gift packaging, taking orders by phone and the Internet, or organizing a delivery service. Some

stores as an advertising move to attract customers sell seasonings by weight from 1 gram. For this, special ultra-precise scales are used. The vast majority of buyers will prefer packaging from 10 grams, but the very possibility of sampling the minimum amount of expensive seasonings should attract people's attention.

The purchase of the initial batch of goods will require at least 2-3 thousand dollars. plus shipping costs. In addition, the total cost of rent, sign production, purchase of commercial equipment and packaging will need at least another 5-6 thousand dollars. The margin in this segment is heterogeneous and ranges from 50 to 100%. These indicators make it possible to talk about the return on investment in no more than a year.

Just think: only 3-4 decades ago, for most people in our country, only 2 main seasonings were available - salt and pepper. And how many different ways to improve the taste of your dish are there now? Several hundred! It is almost impossible to fit everything on the shelves of an ordinary supermarket. Meanwhile, the demand for such goods is quite considerable, and the existing proposals in retail often unable to satisfy the customer. Therefore, I decided today to talk about how to open a spice and seasoning store.

Stores with a narrow focus on the sale of goods, in Lately became very popular: coffee shops, fish shops, alcohol stores, etc., including spice and seasoning shops. The advantages of such formats are obvious:
  • Much smaller financial injections at the start of a business, in comparison with standard projects.
  • Expandability trade line of products.
  • Staff reduction by attracting only 1-2 specialists of the chosen specialization.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:200,000-1,000,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:from 100 thousand people
Situation in the industry:supply market is not saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 1.5-2 years

It is much easier for a highly specialized store to compete with huge super- and hypermarkets, where you can find literally everything: from a sewing needle to a refrigerator. Moreover, many analysts argue that in the near future, a highly specialized outlet format will remain the only one that can work without fear of "burning out."

Why is the demand for spices and seasonings growing?

Before moving on to the “technical” side of the question, you need to find out if the demand for seasonings and spices is growing, what factors it depends on, and is there a future for this business at all?

The development of international relations, the ability to make tourist trips around the world, the emergence of the Internet - all this contributes to a kind of blurring of borders between peoples. Now you can easily learn the customs and traditions of other countries, including getting to know their cuisines. Who wouldn't want to cook something special for their household - from the recipes of the East or the West, to show off their culinary skills? And perhaps this is often only by adding seasonings or spices to food that grow exactly in that point on the globe.

There are hundreds, thousands of dishes that use certain seasonings and spices, or mixtures thereof. At the same time, dozens of different culinary schools and courses are being opened that teach the art of cooking. The conclusion suggests itself: the prospects for this business are excellent, and over time, the market for seasonings and spices promises to only develop.

This is interesting: it is believed that men cook better than women, because they have more developed receptors responsible for the sensation of taste of food. That is why most famous chefs are male.

What seasonings and spices to trade?

The range of seasonings and spices is so wide that it is simply impossible to list it in one article. In addition, certain seasonings can be perfectly combined with one dish. And absolutely not to approach another. Therefore, when selling your product, I recommend giving advice to buyers. Better yet, print a small brochure that will provide information on the combination of dishes and seasonings, like the table that I suggest you read.

Well, and, of course, it is worth taking some time to get to know each other personally. various types seasonings and spices - read special literature, "dig" on the Internet. There are seasonings that can reduce the feeling of hunger, or vice versa - rekindle it; promoting weight loss, increasing potency, having medicinal properties - any spice dealer should know such subtleties by heart.

The assortment of your store may not be limited to seasonings and spices in the form in which it is represented by the majority of buyers - a bulk product. This category also includes various sauces, ketchups, nuts, vegetable oils, vinegars, etc. So even in a narrow niche of products there is room for development.

Where is the best place to open a shop?

The format of the area on which you organize trade depends on your initial capital. This can be either a stand-alone building or a removable pavilion in a shopping center, or a simple tray or stand that will display product samples (this option is considered by many business experts to be the most preferable). It is important that seasonings and spices by themselves are not an independent dish, but only an addition to them.

Therefore, the location of the outlet should be just near such stores or in supermarkets that sell just the “main” products - semi-finished products, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, etc. It is this factor that you need to consider when choosing the location of your store.

Most seasonings and spices are small bulk goods, which, when exposed to humid air for a long time, lose not only their taste, but also their presentation. Therefore, one more point that you should pay attention to is the cleanliness, dryness, and ventilation of the room, especially if the product is not displayed in a hermetically sealed container.

Store decoration

The first thing a customer faces when deciding whether or not to enter a store is its name. How to come up with an attractive name for your store can be found in this.

The interior design of the “spice shop” should correspond to the “spirit” of the product being sold. Hewn shelves made of natural dark wood, wrought iron elements, coarse fabric should give the impression of the exotic of those countries from which the goods were brought.

If the sale will be carried out from a tray or from a stand, also use natural wood in the design. This will subconsciously tell the buyer about the naturalness of the product. “In the theme” there will also be soft oriental music sounding from the speakers on the territory of the store.

All seasonings and spices are best divided into groups:

  • By countries of the world where they come from: India, China, Turkey, Italy, etc.
  • By food category for which they are intended: for meat, for fish, for fruits, etc.

How exactly to share is up to you. Each seasoning container must be signed and have a description of its qualities.

Another nuance is the container in which the goods will be displayed on the showcase. There are only 2 options here:

  1. Trays. The advantages of such containers are in a spectacular presentation to customers, the disadvantages are in the non-tightness of the container, which will lose the taste of the product. In addition, the mixed flavor of a dozen spices, which is not always pleasant, is unlikely to please the neighbors in the trade and certainly will not attract buyers.
  2. tightly closed glass jars. This is perhaps the best option. The effect of serving seasonings to the buyer is not lost, and the disadvantages inherent in the trays are solved by a sealed lid.

The sale of seasonings and spices can be carried out both in packaged form - bags of 3, 5, 10, or more grams, and "by weight". Of course, this will require accurate electronic scales.

Where to get goods for sale

As always, the issue of supply is the most painful for start-up entrepreneurs. Although, with the development of tourism, it is no longer as acute as a few years ago. To begin with, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the price list of wholesale suppliers in our country, then do the same in other states.

Still, most of the various plants from which seasonings and spices are prepared grow in the East. In our current conditions of sanctions imposed on Russia by Europe, this even plays into the hands of the described project - we are now “friends” with the East.

There are no restrictions on the import of such goods into the country, so you can order direct deliveries from abroad, as an opportunity - with tourists, or go for them yourself. So, for example, my friend, who has an online store selling products for weight loss, regularly travels to India every six months to buy his goods. At the same time, it is possible to relax.

Attachments: from 300 000 rubles

Payback: from 6 months

Opening a store that specializes in the sale of any one type of product may seem like an unnecessary risk. We live in an era of huge supermarkets, on the shelves of which even a picky buyer can find anything. However, this is not the case at all. An example of this is thriving tea shops, coffee shops, as well as points of sale of elite and rare types of spices and seasonings. Every now and then the cuisines of various exotic countries come into fashion. And this means an increase in demand for rare spices, often not represented in the assortment of ordinary stores.

This article talks about where to start building a business like a spice shop, how much you need to spend the initial investment, as well as the expected risks and features.

business concept

Potential buyers of spices and seasonings are both restaurants and cafes, as well as ordinary citizens who are fond of cooking or simply want to diversify their menu. Perhaps not all types of seasonings will be in the same demand, but when opening such a business, you should carefully consider the assortment so that each buyer can find everything they need.

Spices are an expensive commodity, used in small quantities. It will be sold literally in grams, which means that large areas for storage and sale of products will not be required.

Here you need knowledge and the ability to tell customers how, for what and in what quantity this or that seasoning is used.

What is required for implementation?

One of the most advantageous options for the location of the point of sale will be a small kiosk or pavilion in a supermarket. Buying regular household products, potential customers are more likely to pay attention to spices as a by-product.

It is important to consider the design of the trading space. The sign and the interior should be attractive at first glance and give a clear idea of ​​what kind of goods you offer.

You can systematize spices by country of origin. So the store will have a series of Indian, Chinese, Italian spices. Undoubtedly, ready-made seasoning mixes suitable for certain dishes will be in demand.

They sell spices, usually by weight. Packages from 10 grams are the most common option. However, giving customers the opportunity to purchase a minimum amount (from 1 gram) per sample will increase loyalty, and customers will definitely return. Accurate scales are required to weigh the smallest volumes.

As packaging, you can use small bags of different sizes, label stickers containing not only the name, but also brief instructions for using the seasoning.

To store the sold product, it is best to use tightly closed transparent glass jars. In addition to convenience and safety, rows of such jars with multi-colored filling will look aesthetically pleasing on the shelves and organically fit into the interior of the store. It is not recommended to store spices in open form (in trays or pallets). In this case, the product will quickly deteriorate.

Regular customers will be pleased to receive a discount card. Spices are a necessary but expensive commodity. Therefore, it is worth considering a loyalty program. Usually, Discount card issued when buying goods for a certain amount. For example, from 1000 rubles. Various bonuses, promotions and sales will also help attract new customers and keep regular ones. This will also be facilitated by its own website, as well as advertising distributed through restaurants and cooking courses.

One of the most important tasks at the stage of business planning is to find suppliers of quality products. When buying small lots, it is advantageous to use the services of domestic wholesalers who have the necessary certificates.

To officially conduct business, you will need to register your activities, that is, open an IP.

The entrepreneur himself can serve customers at the initial stage. However, in the case of business expansion and the formation of a chain of stores, it will be necessary to think about expanding the staff. When selecting staff, it is best to opt for candidates who already have experience in sales and are ready to study product information in a short time. When choosing a product such as spices, competent advice from the seller is very important.

Step by step start instructions

The main stages of the launch of the store will be:

  1. Market analysis, potential buyers, identification of competitors, search for suppliers.
  2. Drawing up a business plan and seeking funding.
  3. IP registration.
  4. Finding and renting suitable premises.
  5. Purchase of commercial equipment (showcases, scales, cash register, packaging, storage containers, etc.).
  6. Purchase of goods for sale.
  7. Recruitment.
  8. Organization of advertising and promotion.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

Despite the small scale, this species business will still require financial investments. For each entrepreneur, their amount will differ depending on the city in which the enterprise opens, what area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises will be chosen for the store, on the assortment, as well as on the selected types of advertising and promotion. For a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe financial costs that accompany opening your own business selling spices, we present the average figures.

To purchase the first batch of goods, an entrepreneur will need approximately 80 thousand rubles. Business registration, rent retail space, the purchase of the necessary commercial equipment will cost at least 100 thousand rubles. You should also take into account the costs of purchasing containers for storage and packaging, manufacturing signs, promotional products, websites and other costs.

The total amount of start-up capital required to open a spice shop will be about 300 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

With the opening of the store, permanent monthly expenses. Their amount will depend on the scale of the business and a number of other factors, such as the location of the outlet, the number of staff, etc.

Monthly cost items will include:

  • rent commercial premises and utility bills - 25,000;
  • staff salary - 40,000;
  • advertising expenses - 10,000.

Total - 55,000 rubles.

How much can you earn?

One small spice shop may well bring in 50 thousand rubles of monthly net profit.

Payback periods

With stable sales, the business will pay off in 6 months.

Business features

The organization of a spice shop, for all its simplicity, has a number of features. You should study the rules for storing products in order to avoid damage to expensive goods. Not all packaging will be safe. When forming an assortment, one should take into account which spices can potentially find application, and which ones will not be in demand. This will help save money and not buy obviously slow-moving goods. And of course, the entrepreneur himself must understand his product. It may take some time to study the necessary information, but the results will not be long in coming.


Selling spices is a fairly profitable and uncomplicated type of business. Such products are always in demand, the demand for it practically does not change during the year. Investments required to open own store are relatively small, and the required knowledge is minimal and can be easily acquired.

At one time, spices and spices were considered such an expensive and rare luxury that they were used for payment or exchange. Of course, today their value is not so high. However, the spice business can be a really lucrative business. Therefore, many novice businessmen are interested in questions about what documents are needed to open a retail outlet, as well as what are the specifics of such sales.

Is the spice business profitable?

A few decades ago, the assortment of spices in the kitchen of the hostess was reduced to salt and pepper. Today, in the countries of the post-Soviet space, the amount of knowledge about spices has increased significantly. They are used almost everywhere.

Indeed, in large and small cities, sushi bars and other establishments offering dishes of oriental cuisine are constantly opening. In addition, a variety of culinary programs and shows are broadcast on TV, revealing all the secrets of famous chefs of Eastern, Mediterranean and European cuisine.

And if the inhabitants of some countries do not imagine their daily table without spices, then in our country their popularity is just beginning to grow. That is why the spice business can become really profitable. According to studies, its profitability is 100%. You just need to have a small start-up capital and the right approach to creating and developing your own business.

What documents are required to open a store?

Of course, if you are going to open a spice and seasoning store, then you are primarily interested in a package of official documents.

First you need to register with the tax office. You can register as individual entrepreneur or create a limited liability company (this is beneficial if you are going to cooperate with large firms, open new points of sale, or are not the only owner of the store).

A sales license is not required in this case. On the other hand, to start trading, you will need permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station (checking the premises and storage conditions for products).

Where to rent a room?

Of course, the location of your business is of great importance. Spices and seasonings are what people most of the time buy along with their food. Therefore, the best option for the location of the store is a shopping center or a supermarket where customers can stop by on their way.

In addition, you can rent a room near the same supermarkets or shopping centers. It will be beneficial to open a shop in the market or near a large grocery store.

Shop of spices and seasonings: how to register?

If you have already rented a room, then you are probably interested in the question of how to arrange it. Remember that good food is usually associated with comfort, so do your best to create a calm, relaxing atmosphere for your customers. And since most people associate spicy smells with the East, you can add a little appropriate color to the design.

Create optimal lighting, decorate the walls with photos of spices and plants, arrange several pots of plants in the room. You can arrange several stands by placing information about the most popular spices on them, grouping them by country or describing the dishes in which they are used.

Do not forget about the shelves and racks that you will definitely need in order to display the goods. It's no secret that spices are sold in open stalls in the eastern markets. Of course, you can place several of these trays so that customers can better see or smell the future purchase. But these spices will wear off quickly.

The bulk of the goods should be stored in hermetically sealed glass jars or plastic containers - this increases the shelf life to almost two years. You can buy additional equipment, for example, for grinding peppercorns, etc.

In most cases, spices are sold in plastic bags of 5-10 grams - this is a standard serving. But you can also encourage customers to buy smaller amounts, especially if they've never used the seasoning before. This will help create a trusting and warm relationship with customers. But do not forget that in this case you will also need ultra-precise scales.

Where to get goods and how to sell them?

In fact, in your city or district, most likely, there is a wholesale supplier of spices - it is convenient to buy from such companies, since they have well-established trade relations with producing countries and have documents confirming the quality of goods. By the way, some spices can be grown independently - this does not require a lot of space, even ordinary pots for ornamental plants will do. Of course, it will take much longer.

If you are interested in the question of how to open a spice and seasoning store, then you should know that the profit will depend primarily on how much customers like your store. You and all working staff (if any) should know everything about your own product: in which country it is grown, for which dishes it is used, how to store it properly, etc. And you should willingly share this information with clients.

By the way, if we are talking about dishes, you can hire a person who will make various mixtures of spices with his own hands. If a famous chef talks about some mysterious secret cooking, then in most cases he has in mind a unique combination of spices.

Try to provide a similar benefit to your customers. Create several versatile blends to different varieties meat, desserts, fish, salads, etc. You can also offer the service of creating a unique combination on an individual order.