An essay about the importance of helping those in need. Essay on the Importance of Helping Those in Need That you are feeling unhappy may stem from untested mental health.

Elizaveta Babanova

Every person sooner or later asks the question “How to find happiness?”

But what is “happiness”?

For some people this is the ability to be in a state of “here and now”, for others it is the achievement of set goals, for others it is a fleeting illusion accompanied by crystal ringing at the festive table.

When was the last time you felt truly happy? How long did this condition last? What caused it?

According to my observations, the era is now ending when most people strive only for material success, without puzzling themselves with the question of the meaning of life.

In its place comes an era in which harmonious development a person will be possible only with the help of revealing himself as his own.

In this new era, every person will understand why and for what he lives. Everyone will have the opportunity to realize their destiny, which will ultimately lead them to a feeling of happiness.

Have you already formulated what happiness is for you?

Then I will share my vision, although you probably already understand what the meaning of this word is for me. Finding happiness for me means realizing my potential in the spiritual and material world.

Realization in the immaterial world is an understanding of the meaning of life, following the laws of nature and a feeling of unity with God.

Realization in the material world is the ability to bring maximum benefit to society through one’s work.


Let's analyze whether there is a difference in what religions and business teach.

In religion, “use” is called service. Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, Mahatma Gandhi and other great spiritual leaders saw the meaning of life in serving people.

In business, this is called such a difficult-to-translate expression from English as “value creation”, or “value creation”.

All brilliant entrepreneurs and managers unanimously repeat that the most main task business that will lead him to success is to create unsurpassed value in his service or product.

If we talk in simple language, the main goal of business is to bring maximum benefit to the maximum number of people.

When we buy high-quality goods, such as a great car, a perfectly functioning computer, a comfortable home, etc., we receive great value from the manufacturer.

And only those businesses that set as their goal creating value for us, and not “making money,” have a chance for long-term success.

By the way, the lack of feeling of benefit from my work was the main reason why I quit my job at a multibillion-dollar investment fund.

My material ambitions were satisfied, but the intangible component of the work - the feeling that my work was benefiting humanity - was absent.

Now that I'm taking over new project, I ask myself: “Is this the best investment of my resources?

Is there any other type of activity that will bring profit? O greater benefit to people and fill me with happiness?


If you want to find happiness, look for opportunities to benefit people. The greater the scale of your activities, the more happiness you will receive as a reward.

To feel the taste of real happiness, you should not wait for grandiose projects.

Just as a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, the path to happiness begins with small deeds.

Look for where you can be of service and put your heart into projects that can improve the lives of others. And then happiness will cease to be an illusory dream for you, it will take permanent place in your life.

Each of us can benefit - from general directors corporations to salespeople who can brighten a customer's day with their smile. Having received warm service, the client will return again and again, knowing that this is the place where he will receive a charge of positive energy. Only those businesses that can leave a sweet aftertaste after receiving money from customers can be successful in the new era.

By the way, my free online video course “” was created for those who want to introduce new creative habits into their lives and become happier.

What benefit do you bring to humanity by doing your business? Share, what profession are you working in, and how does your work help other people?

If you find it difficult to imagine your life outside material assets, Deepak Chopra will reveal seven ways to change your life once and for all and find true happiness.

One of the most positive outlooks on life is the ability to see a hidden opportunity in every obstacle. Even if you are not in the extreme category of homeless or unemployed, simply watching the evening news brings with it a lot of negativity: from shortages to terrorism. What if we try to find a common root in problems and try to discern new opportunities?

The problem is that we do not know how to be happy unconditionally.

The American way of life (it's the same with most countries) dictates that happiness comes from things that go out of fashion very quickly:

  • You will be happy if you consume as much as possible;
  • You will only be happy when you have money. And the more, the better;
  • You will be happy if you can distract yourself with video games, the Internet, watching movies and TV shows;
  • You will be happy if you love the “right” person, build a family in your own home, which you pay for from a stable salary.

The current economic downturn has affected all of these factors, but even before it happened, high percentage undermined divorces traditional model families, frequent job changes became increasingly common, and levels of depression, aggression and drug use continued to rise steadily. In addition to all of the above, there is an indicator that the level of stress has increased in the lives of each of us.

Instead of ignoring these trends, why not look at the root of all problems and realize that we need a new way to be happy. What lies behind divorce, terrorism, unemployment and buying a new TV? Yes only that when happiness depends on external factors, it is vulnerable.

The new way to be happy is based on the following principles:

1. Life must have a purpose.

When you go towards your goal, inner happiness develops. Everyone's life should have meaning, and how more people around are inspired by this meaning, the better. What destroys happiness more than anything else? Loneliness and emptiness that result from feelings that your life is meaningless. Millions of people live with the motto: “Family is the main thing,” but this is not true. Meaning and purpose are the main thing.

Where to look for meaning? Here is a standard list, choose what is in tune with your soul.

- Job;

- Love;

— Giving (ability and willingness to help);

— Personal growth;

— Hobbies, recreation;

— Study, education;

- Creation;

- Friendship.

Most people choose a few options, such as family, friends, hobbies and work, and hope that this will be enough. But what about higher values ​​that provide more stable, secure happiness? Among them you can choose love, personal growth, ability to help. After all, if you ignore them, your happiness may evaporate when your friends leave or you lose your job. You risk being left with an “empty nest” when the children grow up and create own families. Install more high values(preferably right now), and then your future will not depend so much on external changes.

2. The inner feeling of happiness cannot be ignored.

We often hear the phrase “Inner feeling of happiness” that it has lost its meaning for us. Means mass media They propagate that the feeling of happiness will come to us with a thin waist, correctly selected cosmetics, well-groomed hair and indispensable youth. However, true happiness can be measured. If you are comfortable being in the company of yourself, you don't need anyone, you don't do anything to distract your thoughts and at the same time you feel happy - you have achieved true inner happiness. It is characterized by a feeling of security, the understanding that you are enough, and the achievement of mental peace and tranquility. Sometimes this state can be expressed in one phrase: “You are truly happy if it is enough for you to just be here and now.”

3. The basis of daily happiness is relationships, not consumption.

The world's leading economy encourages us to consume more and better, newer and more expensive. Neither you nor I can change this fact, but we can see the world through glossy promises. Products will not make us happier. Just like money won't do it. Research shows that once we reach the level of income needed to meet daily needs, our income begins to decrease. Neither rich people nor lottery winners are happier than most of us. In both cases, too much money leads to psychological imbalances such as anxiety, greed, and the fear of not having enough money.

It is much more important to have genuine relationships that reflect your true self. Of course, this is more difficult than buying a new computer or a more powerful car, because it is actually more difficult. But only relationships can bring inner fulfillment; expensive things can only hide emptiness.

4. Instead of distractions, fill your time with activities that make your heart grow.

Distractions are great for passing time, but the more time you spend on the Internet or playing video games, the less time you have for what really matters. We all know that filling the heart with emotions is very important, but it requires a lot of time and attention. As children, we relied on our parents to be involved in our lives. And in this knowledge there was security, we could play and remain carefree. But when we grow up, no one can replace our heart and its needs. By “heart” I mean emotional fullness, compassion, kindness, closeness – the full spectrum of life’s emotions. Distraction will never bring these qualities into your life, and they are the most important components of a happy life.

5. You can find your corner of fearlessness, which will not be touched by crises and worries.

Modern life is characterized by instant communication and its global reach. On the one hand, this is good, but also these achievements of civilization fill the lives of each of us with great fears. We live in a world where strangers hundreds of miles away can harm us. There is no absolute safety anywhere except within ourselves. We don't have many options to reduce the causes of anxiety: bad people and trouble was always around. But each of us can manage our own fears, worries and anxiety. Security is within us, and if we can find it, then no amount of trouble or bad people can destroy it.

6. You can find inner peace that is immune to stress.

We all know that life is full of stress, but most of us think that it is an external element, such as traffic jams, work stress, naughty children, etc. stress is actually the answer. How you react to the outside world matters more than the external stimulus. The zone of peace is within you, the inner corner of the world. Once you find it and learn to use it, external stress will never make you its hostage. This does not mean that stress will cease to exist altogether, just that you will have a different reaction to it. You will know what to fix, what to put up with, and what to simply close your eyes to. This is a very important skill for achieving your own happiness.

7. A healthy body means a healthy mind.

We've been ignoring for decades healthy image life and disease prevention, although during this time their value has not decreased. In reality, our body wants us to be happy, so it constantly sends us signals of both contentment and distress. By not paying attention to them, we deprive ourselves of our main ally in the struggle for happiness. I'm not saying that you should drop everything, buy a gym membership and start jogging (although this is also a positive lifestyle change). Your body doesn't have to be thin, pretty, or athletic for you to be happy. It speaks to you and you must listen to it. Everything you do in search of inner happiness requires the participation of the body - the mind does not live in separate division. You will not be able to force yourself to go on a strict diet, exercise and meditate until your body is comfortable with it. Wellness is the union of mind and body. I suggest you work on this alliance. Distractions prevent us from thinking about the mind; consumption takes us away from thoughts about the body. I bring this up because the mind and body are not at peace with each other. But, nevertheless, mutual peace is their natural state. A healthy body will make you happy because it will support you in everything.

As a summary, I would like to say that integrity is a key concept in the search for inner happiness. This article briefly outlines the new principles of its acquisition. After spending so much time trying to find happiness the old ways - not always successful - you must realize that There are new ways that can change your life right now.

Start using them today.

Who said that achieving happiness is difficult? The following ways to experience joy, big and small, prove that happiness can be experienced every day and quite simply. Here you go tips for happiness.

1) Wake up before sunrise and enjoy the sunrise. This is guaranteed to lift your spirits and help you gain a boost of energy.

2) Prepare something sweet. Bake your favorite pie or other baked goods, make candies from chocolate, nuts and dried fruits. Whatever you cook, this activity will captivate you, and the result of your efforts will lift your spirits. In addition, you can go to visit a friend with prepared cookies, muffins or sweets, for example.

3) Get a pet.

4) Give up everything you don’t want to do for a long time. These are bad habits, people you don't like, a boring TV series or book. Don't burden yourself with unnecessary things.

5) Offer your help to those in need.

6) Create a vision board. Attach images of what you want to have to whatman paper or a plywood board. These can be both spiritual and material desires. You should constantly look at what you think will make you happy.

7) Take part in a photo shoot.

8) Arrange a fasting day for your body.

9) Spend the day with your friend's child while they do their own thing.

10) Make a bird feeder, hang it near your window and don’t forget to add food to it every day.

11) Rearrange your room, and perhaps the whole house. Even changes in the interior can bring new sensations into your life. It is possible that these may be feelings of happiness.

12) Go to the bathhouse or have a spa treatment at home.

13) Change your hairstyle

14) Feel like a carefree child: turn on a cartoon, put on pajamas or some bright clothes, drink tea with sweets.

15) Experience a sports match. While rooting for your favorite team, you can scream as much as you want. With a scream you will throw out all the negative emotions from your mind.

16) Plant a flower and watch it grow every day.

17) Go for a walk on the weekend.

18) Watch some comedy, parodist performance or any humorous program. Cheer yourself up.

19) Organize home karaoke. Sing your favorite songs with all your heart.

20) Do something you love.

21) Take up your favorite hobby. Go to the gym, to the sports section, to dancing, to the pool - anywhere, where you will feel satisfied and good.

22) Take walks more often. Breathe fresh air and dream.

23) Fight all your fears. Look for any ways to do this, but you must overcome everything that gives you mental discomfort.

24) Go ice skating, roller skating, or skiing.

25) Remember often the moments when you felt happy.


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Do you want to become happy? Certainly! Otherwise, why were we given this life? Every person, one way or another, strives to achieve this desired, sometimes elusive state. Someone is chasing him, falls and rises, approaches and falls behind again. And for some, happiness is a constant companion in life: wherever a person goes, there it is. Oh, how I want happiness! But what is it? What does it look like? What does it consist of? And how to buy it?

If you ask the question completely different people about what they associate with such a concept as happiness, the answers will be strikingly different:




Don't know,

So that there is no war,

So that lessons are not asked,

Get a chocolate bar

Go pick mushrooms

Snuggle up with your beloved dog

A rare flower grown with my own hands,

We can go on forever. Why? Yes, because happiness is different for everyone! That's why it is found in different ways! Each of us can tame happiness. Yes, yes, everyone. What is needed for this? Oddly enough, but quite a bit: we just need to develop the ability to enjoy every moment of our life, learn to enjoy what is around us, appreciate those around us, see the amazing in simple things.

And one more thing: send positive rays of your happiness into the world (remember the phrase from the Soviet song: “... when you are happy, share your happiness with others”). Anyone who sincerely considers himself a happy person fills every day he lives with this amazing feeling and generously shares it with others. Remember how, after communicating with such a person, you were charged with positive energy, you wanted to do something very, very good. This is because they shared a piece of happiness with you!

Are all ways to achieve happiness good? No, not all. Let us remember the world-famous phrase: “You cannot build happiness on someone else’s misfortune.” It contains a very wise idea that the natural need to be happy should not be realized at the expense of the suffering of others. In the event that those who value moral principles unintentionally caused this or that harm to others, the resulting happiness will not bring any satisfaction and delight, since it will be accompanied by strong remorse and in the end the person will understand that he does not need such happiness at all.

But there is another category of people who intentionally and consciously commit actions in order to get their cherished happiness into their thirsty hands. For this they are ready to sacrifice literally anyone. But let's not forget one simple truth of life, which has proven its worth over the centuries: pain and suffering inflicted on others, as a rule, in one way or another is returned to the one who began the destructive actions. Therefore, it is useful to remember this from time to time and think carefully: is it necessary to acquire happiness in such a destructive and dangerous way? After all, it turns out that such a person stole happiness from someone else.

Imagine a situation if in the distant future happiness can actually be bought, since it is simply vital for everyone! You come to a pharmacy or, for example, to a store and ask for a portion of happiness, you pay money. Many modern people today are already losing the ability to sincerely enjoy life, wasting their energy on maintaining, first of all, their physical shell and its satisfaction, experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome and stress. What will happen in the future? No, not real, it will be store-bought happiness.

Happiness is in the human soul. This means it is close, always close to us. Our task is to find a way to it. Someone finds it very quickly, and such a person considers himself happy from childhood, and even when experiencing adversity, treats them wisely, turning suffering into experience. And the other one will only understand after many years that all this time, when he was searching, striving, trying, he was already happy. And only after losing something or someone does a person reevaluate his life and actions.

Happiness lives next to us. It is elusive when a person persistently strives to get it and malleable when he invites it with a smile every day. If you keep happiness on a tight leash, afraid that it will leave you, it will wither. Let happiness go free - and it will always be with you.

Happiness cannot be acquired, but it can be found by creating and cultivating it ourselves. And again the simple truth: “If you want to be happy, be happy”!

Hello, dear friends!

The state of happiness is a powerful motivator! It’s worth remembering yourself at the moment of victory or a long-awaited miracle: problems fade into the background, horizons and prospects seem feasible, and the day looks wonderful!

But what to do when your soul is cloudy and your hands give up? Work is not inspiring, existing benefits and ambitions are fading, and the future does not seem welcoming! Do you feel familiar? At the same time, there is a state when there is no reason for negativity, but the long-awaited lightness still does not come! Lack of happiness and satisfaction from the world borders on signs of apathy, or seasonal melancholy, and this leads to stress.

What to do in this case? You need to learn to quickly replace gray clouds with positive thinking! How to find happiness and live to the maximum? Thanks to what methods can you systematically warm up the sparkle in your eyes so that every moment passes joyfully? It is to these questions that I devote today’s article.

Happiness from life

Life is not an easy thing! It is full of surprises, lessons and precious experiences. It is happiness that is the measure of your own understanding of life. The brighter and more rainbow it is, the more favorable the Universe is. In order to find happiness from the outside, you need to make an effort and find it inside yourself!

Man is a multifaceted creature. And what we want doesn’t always lead us to a euphoric mood. In summer you want winter, on a hot day you want rain. And when what you want falls into your hands, it is very difficult to stop at the right moment and say: “Hurray! I'm happy!".

An inspiring feeling resides in every person, but it is not always easy to use it. There are weaknesses that prevent you from seeing the good in the current situation, focusing on the negative aspects in life. What prevents a person from fully feeling happiness in his soul?

Barriers to happiness

  • Critical attitude towards the world (bias, high standards);
  • distrust of people and the world (“Everyone wants to hurt me”);
  • victim position (“I’m so unhappy!..”);
  • removal of responsibility (“Everyone is to blame, but not me!”);
  • low self-esteem (“I don’t deserve to be treated well”);
  • fear of difficulties (“I can’t help it...”);
  • attachment to the material world (“I will be happy when I buy this dress or car!”);
  • envy;
  • live in the future or the past;
  • the role of a constant whiner (“Everything is bad... And always!”)
  • lack of gratitude (“I take the gifts of fate for granted”).

It is these qualities that do not allow people to enjoy themselves and the world. A woman's true happiness is impossible without flexibility and acceptance of herself, as well as other people! Allow yourself to become a better person and eliminate all reasons to turn to negativity for help.

Additionally, in other articles we will talk in more detail about finding female happiness, but now I suggest you familiarize yourself with 5 important tips to help you change your mind in a new way.

Principles of “cultivating” happiness

Honest answers

Very often we chase invented images and ideals, missing the opportunity to enjoy the moment. This applies to both the work field and happiness in your personal life. Most of us absolutely do not know what actions or events make us feel harmony and inspiration?

You need to find the strength to stop and ask yourself: “Am I happy?” I recommend that you create a notebook and write in it every day, answering simple questions:

  1. How many times a day did I experience a state of happiness?
  2. What exactly makes me happy?
  3. What can I do now to have more moments like this?

Here and now!

The principle of life “here and now” helps to set priorities and understand what is happening. Try to be attentive to what is happening in front of your eyes? The ability to see positive little things allows you to collect a holistic picture of a happy attitude.

When was the last time you looked at the clouds while lying on the grass? When did you really get involved in a game with a child, imagining yourself as a pirate? These little joys help a person realize the importance of every minute. By learning to notice them on a bad day, you can keep your spirits up without getting overwhelmed!

It is very important not to get hung up on the material world, believe me, happiness is not hidden in it! The euphoria of buying things will last for seconds, and then again bring you closer to the feeling of emptiness.

You can learn more about how the happiness paradox works in this video!

Don't exaggerate the importance of difficulties

Be sure that you are already happy! If you tend to experience stress painfully, immersing yourself in it headlong, you run the risk of focusing on the negative. You need to switch gears, distract yourself from bad thoughts that can poison the entire day.

Take your child as an example: he fell, cried, and a minute later we smile again! Find the positive moments in the most difficult situations, stringing them on top of malicious or offended phrases, like beads. Turn big troubles into small troubles. This is the key to a happy life!

Control of emotions

Frequent mood swings are familiar to many! And at the same time, this is not a reason to justify their lack of happiness in the soul! It is extremely important to learn to understand your feelings and be able to control them at the right time. Excessive temper leads to irreversible consequences and a deterioration in the quality of communication with people.

Try not to conduct important business in a bad mood and not take it out on your loved ones. Find out the cause of your bad mood and try to eliminate the root of the evil. Ask yourself a direct question: “What can I do now to correct what happened?” If you have tried all the methods, there is only one thing left to do - change your approach to the situation and calm down!

Zone of personal space and responsibility

Happiness in the family helps a person overcome all everyday adversities! And it is very important to make every effort to ensure that your fortress is built on a solid foundation and has strong walls. Don't try to make changes to someone else's settings!

The important rule is to strive to change yourself, not others! When you begin to adhere to this principle, your life together will become calmer, more harmonious and more correct. After all, it is impossible to avoid conflicts when constantly imposing your opinion on the quality of life on another!

This is the finishing point!

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