Regulations on the exhibition and sale of creative works of teachers. Regulations on the exhibition-competition of creative works of children, teachers and parents “Winter’s Tale”


about school competitions, exhibitions creative works Oh

1.General provisions

School competitions and exhibitions are held for all classes. Voluntary class groups, individual school students, as well as parents and representatives of the creative intelligentsia take part in them public organizations cities.

2.Goals and objectives

2.1. The purpose of holding exhibitions and competitions is to attract teenagers to cultural leisure activities.

2.2. Objectives of holding competitions and exhibitions:

Instilling skills in participating in creative exhibitions, competitions, and public events;

Instilling rules of etiquette and cultural behavior in public places;

Development of creativity, ingenuity, imagination in students;

Removing unwanted mental and emotional complexes;

Increasing the traditions of the school, district, city.

3.Management of competitions and exhibitions

3.1. The planning and organization of the event is carried out by the deputy director for educational and educational work together with representatives of the school’s children’s organization. As a result joint activities a regulation is developed on the planned event, which reflects the purpose, place, means, forms and methods of the competition or exhibition.

3.2. To familiarize the school community with preparations for competitions and exhibitions, a stand with information is set up.

3.3. The preparation and organization of participation of class groups for participation in competitions and exhibitions is carried out by the class teacher, the class activist and the school counselor.

3.4. To sum up the results of participation in competitions and exhibitions, a jury is created, which includes representatives of the school administration and children's association.

3.5. Invited persons can take part in summing up the results of competitions and exhibitions: writers, artists, poets, etc. (depending on the focus of the exhibitions and competitions).

4.Organization of competitions and exhibitions of creative works

4.1. School-wide competitions and exhibitions are held during the academic year in the form of nominations.

4.2. Competitions and exhibitions are held in two rounds:

1st round: Participants submit their nominations and materials;

Round 2: Participants put forward their ideas and defend them.

4.3. Criteria for evaluating the results of competitions and exhibitions:

ü Interest;

ü Forms of collective activity

5. Determination and awarding of winners.

5.1.During the 2nd round, the jury works.

5.2. The winners are awarded diplomas and valuable gifts for

school-wide line.

5.3.Winners school competitions and exhibitions are participants in citywide competitions and exhibitions in nominations.




117593, Moscow, Solovyiny proezd, building 4, building 3, tel. 426-79-00

on holding the V school exhibition-competition of creative works of students and their families, teachers and employees of the educational institution

"Spring mood"

1. General provisions

1.1. This provision determines the procedure and regulations for holding the V school exhibition-competition “Spring Mood” (hereinafter referred to as the Exhibition).

1.2. The exhibition is announced by the State educational institution of secondary secondary school № 693.

1.3. Preparation and holding of the Exhibition is carried out by the State educational institution, secondary school No. 693.

1.4. A creative organizing committee is being created to organize and conduct the Exhibition.

1.5. The exhibition is open for participation in its organization interested parties and other educational institutions.

1.6. Information about the Exhibition is posted on the websitewww. school

2. Goals and objectives of the Exhibition

2.1. The exhibition is held in order to identify gifted children and their families and create conditions for the support and development of children's artistic and aesthetic creativity, as well as to distract children from computer addiction.

2.2. The main objectives of the Exhibition: to familiarize children and adolescents with the creative achievements of other families, to exchange creative experiences among the families of students at the educational institution.

3. Time and stages of the Exhibition

3.1. The exhibition is held in stages from April 12, 2010 to April 28, 2010.

3.2. The exhibition is organized in two stages: qualifying and competitive.

3.3. Qualifying stage: from April 12, 2010 to April 19, 2010. Nominations (individual and group):

Decorative and applied arts;

Fine Arts;

Photographic art.

3.4. Competition stage: from April 20, 2010 to April 28, 2010 (exact dates and times will be announced additionally).

3.5. At the end of each qualifying day, the results are announced.

3.7. The venue for the qualifying stage is the technology room (1-17) of the State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 693; competitive stage - hall of the 1st floor of State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 693.

3.8. The Organizing Committee of the Exhibition reserves the right to clarify the dates and location of the exhibition after the end of the acceptance of creative works.

4. Participants of the Exhibition, procedure for submitting works

4.1. Creative works of children and adults are allowed to participate in the Exhibition. Participation in the Exhibition is free.

4.2. The age of the Exhibition participants is not limited, the number of works (individual, group) is not limited.

4.3. To participate in the qualifying stage, creative works in decorative, applied and fine arts are accepted by submitting an oral application for participation to the organizing committee. Participants will be additionally informed about the results of the selection of works by members of the organizing committee.

4.4. Allowed to participate in the competition stage are: best works

4.5. Nominations that do not participate in the qualifying stage take part immediately in the competitive stage.

4.6. The application for participation in the Exhibition is consent with the terms of this Regulation.

5. Main content (program) of the Exhibition

5.1. The content of the Exhibition is determined in accordance with its goals and objectives.

6. Exhibition Management

6.1. The management of the Exhibition is carried out by the administration and technology teachers of the educational institution.

6.2. The Organizing Committee of the Exhibition is created by the management of the Educational Institution.

6.3. The organizing committee includes the administration and technology teachers of the educational institution.

6.4. The leadership of the organizing committee is carried out by the director of GOU Secondary School No. 693.

6.5. Organizing Committee of the Exhibition:

  1. accepts applications for participation in the Exhibition, organizes examination of works and determines the composition of participants;
  2. determines the program, dates and location of the Exhibition;
  3. establishes the number of nominations and approves the conditions of participation in the Exhibition;
  4. reserves the right to remove the applicant participant for violation of these Regulations and violation of moral and ethical standards;
  5. represents the winners of the Exhibition for the participation of their creative works in competitions at various levels;
  6. attracts sponsors, organizes advertising activities, ensures compliance with the rights of Exhibition participants in accordance with these Regulations.

7. Procedure and regulations for evaluating the creative works of Exhibition participants

7.1. The evaluation of competition works is carried out by spectator secret voting.

7.3. The executive secretary of the organizing committee monitors the counting of votes and compliance by Exhibition participants with the requirements of these Regulations.

7.4. The finalists and winners of the Exhibition are determined based on the following indicators:

  1. level of skill, quality, culture and technique of work execution;
  2. originality and compliance with the stated topic and age of the participants;
  3. integrity of work.

8. Awarding the winners

8.1. In accordance with the number of votes received for their work, participants can be awarded the titles “Exhibition Laureate”, “Exhibition Diplomat”, and also in each nomination – “Exhibition Grand Prix”.

8.2. All participants are given diplomas.

8.3. In each nomination there are: 3 laureates.

9. Additional information about the conditions of the Exhibition

9.1. Registration of visitors begins no earlier than 1 hour before the opening of the Exhibition.

9.2. According to the rules fire safety It is prohibited to display fire hazardous items, including pyrotechnics, candles, torches, sparklers, and decorations that do not comply with fire safety standards.

9.3. Video and photography are carried out during the Exhibition. These materials can be used in products mass media and in global network Internet.

9.4. Participants who win the Exhibition take part in presenting the Exhibition at various conferences and round tables(by mutual agreement of the parties) related to the presentation of the Exhibition.

9.5. For any questions you may have, please contact the Exhibition Organizing Committee, as well as the websitewww. school


Regulations on the exhibition-competition of creative works« Winter's Tale»

children, teachers and parents.

New Year's holiday is magical fairy tale, which we create ourselves!

On the eve of the New Year, we invite you to take part in creative exhibition-competition« Winter's Tale» , which will help you and your children plunge into the magical, fairy world of winter, as well as exhibition aimed at awakening cognitive motivation and artistic and aesthetic development children and adults.

1. General provisions:

1.1. Present position regulates the procedure, goals, conditions, requirements, timing of exhibition-competition« Winter's Tale» (hereinafter - Exhibition)

in MBDOU No. 3 "Birch" Azov region (hereinafter referred to as DOU).

1.2. Exhibition carried out on the basis of the thematic principle of planning and organization educational activities at the preschool educational institution.

2. Goal and objectives exhibitions:

2.1. Exhibition carried out with the aim of attracting adults and children to create a festive atmosphere on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, as well as comprehensive artistic and aesthetic development children and adults.

2.2. Tasks exhibitions:

Attracting attention parents to children -"to the younger generation" through joint practical creative activity;

Formation and development of children's creativity, fine motor skills, color perception;

Cultivating artistic taste and interest in making crafts with your own hands;

Formation children preschoolers' interest in productive activities;

Development children's feelings of joy and satisfaction from the results of joint creativity with parents;

Stimulation creative activity of children and adults.

3. Participants exhibitions:

3.1. To participate in teachers are invited to the exhibition, parents and everyone's children age groups DOW.

4. Procedure exhibitions:

4.1. The exhibition is organized by the pedagogical team in the hall of the preschool educational institution following the results of thematic weeks and on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

4.2. For each age group are provided joint creative work between children and parents, as well as teachers and children when conducting organized educational activities.

4.3. IN works The use of non-traditional techniques is encouraged.

5. Nominations exhibitions:

5.1. Exhibition be carried out according to the following nominations:

* "Cheerful Snowman"

* "Good Grandfather Frost"

* "Snow Maiden"

6. Requirements for creative works:

6.1. All work must correspond to the themes of the nominations exhibitions.

6.2. On exhibition- the competition accepts only homemade ones work:

The craft must be voluminous and made from waste material: plastic bottles, tinsel, wire, paper, etc.;

TO work it is necessary to attach a cover sheet indicating the full name of the author, the name of the group;

Welcome work using non-traditional techniques;

Christmas decoration can be used to decorate the composition.

6.3. Evaluation criteria works:

- creative the individuality and skill of the author;


Artistic and bright design;

Novelty and originality of execution.

7. Venue and timing exhibitions:

7.1. All creative works are collected by teachers age groups of preschool educational institutions.

7.2. Pedagogical organized by the team exhibition in the hall of the preschool educational institution from those presented works.

7.3. Dates: from December 15, 2015 until December 30, 2015

8. Jury exhibition-competition

8.1. The competition jury is selected teaching staff.

8.2. The jury consists of five people.

9. Summing up exhibitions:

9.1. All participants exhibitions receive a participant's diploma

9.2. Participants who provided the best work evaluated by a jury and awarded certificates.

Thanks a lot creative families of our preschool educational institution and teaching staff!

Happy New Year!

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