Why do my husband and I want to open a store selling beer? How to open a beer store? Interview with a business owner Beer wholesale trade pros and cons

Today people have invented a huge number of ideas that make it possible to create own business. This is a kind of philosophy that helps to achieve financial independence from routine work or from government service.

A business is created for the sake of individual enrichment, therefore each of its branches has a huge number of entrepreneurs competing with each other. To overcome the competition, a new player should come up with something of his own, something unique, or add his own flavor to what already exists.

Any business plan begins with an idea, for example, creating a store that will sell beer on tap. IN lately such small businesses projects began to bring big profits, especially on hot days. Such a business has its pros, cons and risks. A store business plan will help you take all these aspects into account. draft beer in 2016, in which it will be possible to consider the main stages and characteristic features that require attention.

So, we can highlight the main steps towards creating your own draft beer store:

  1. The administrative and legal form in which a new enterprise should be registered is an individual enterprise.
  2. Choosing a store location and renting premises.
  3. Registration of cash registers.
  4. Receipt necessary permissions from regulatory services.


A draft beer store will require an impressive amount of necessary equipment, ranging from refrigerators to special taps that will remove beer from cylinders under pressure. It is also necessary to install a special climate control system. In total, all of the above devices and systems will be very expensive. Therefore, it is not worth purchasing your own equipment. This will bring nothing but costs.

The easiest way to get everything necessary equipment is concluding a contract with a specific beer supplier or brewery. Provided that the store will sell only beer of this brand, the supplying company will provide the store with its equipment, because this or that company is interested in increasing sales.

You should use the equipment very carefully, since any breakdowns will have to be repaired out of your own pocket. Once a month you should invite a specialist who will set up the equipment for its correct operation.

Store location

An important point in the business plan for a draft beer store is the choice of location. Sales and demand for the store’s products will directly depend on this factor. There are many entrepreneurs who want to reach the top beer business, “lost” due to wrong choice store location. Therefore, this issue must be approached especially seriously.

The success of a business depends on people's commitment to the store. It is worth remembering one simple rule: people drink beer to relax and have fun. From this we can conclude that a draft beer store should not be opened somewhere in a work or business center. In such places, people will be busy working and not thinking about beer. Such a store would best fit in residential area. People do not work in it, but live. Therefore, in the evening you can see a large crowd of people.

There is no need to use the basement space to place a store there. A basement is a basement. Such a store will never receive permission from fire and sanitary services. Plus, the residents of the house will be extremely unhappy with such a neighborhood, which is located right in the basement of their house.

Territory of the trading platform

Organization trading platform should be the most competent. The store must present itself, then people will want to buy something from it. The store area must be at least 50 square meters. In such territory there is room to expand. Such a store will be able to accommodate more than 40 different types of beer. In addition to beer, the store can sell beer products.

A store that will best satisfy the needs of customers who want to drink beer and eat salted fish will be very popular among residents of a certain area.

Don't forget about the decent design of the store. A person who comes to such a store should not forget why he came, but he should get lost in the amount of goods that are presented on the windows. This effect will be achieved when the interior of the store matches. Special lighting, places for comfortable relaxation, attractive shop windows - all this will contribute to the process of business development.

Required Personnel

Staff for a draft beer store should be recruited through recruitment. Salaried workers must work shifts. The process of organizing the shifts themselves should be decided by the entrepreneur himself.

In the most standard version, the staff should include the following employees:

  1. There must be at least one salesperson on each shift. Therefore, it is better to hire four. Two will work one shift, the other the next. The main task of the seller is to sell beer and monitor the serviceability of the equipment. Thus, the salesperson is the director's eyes and ears.
  2. Security guard. Two people will be enough. Security guards will work primarily at night when the store is closed. However, if the store is open around the clock, the guards will change every other day. Therefore, it is better to hire three people for this position at once.
  3. Cleaner, accountant.

Beer markup

Draft beer will always be much more expensive than its bottled counterpart. This is because draft beer is different in its quality and taste, unlike bottled beer. Therefore, the quality of beer must be constantly monitored. The quality of beer is the key to profit.

As for mark-up, it is 100% for products of domestic manufacturers and 30% for all other products. But quality is the main thing. If it is missing, then no amount of markup on beer will save the business from decline.

Income and expenses

Statistics show that such a business can be developed if you invest about 1 million rubles in it. Most of the amount will be used to pay rent, and the rest will be used to purchase equipment, furniture and other necessary things. Don't forget that selling beer is a seasonal business. Therefore, in winter it may not bring any profit at all. But let's not talk about sad things.

If we take into account the fact that the equipment will be imported by the beer supply company, then the initial costs can be reduced several times.

As practice shows, such an enterprise pays off after a month of work.


Small beer shops can only be found here. In European countries, people are accustomed to consuming beer exclusively in pubs. You can open a draft beer store business in any city and spend a fairly reasonable amount, which will go towards its promotion. All these features make the beer business industry one of the most popular today. All invested money will already multiply within the first month and will bring excellent profits.

In Russia, more than 11% of beer is sold on tap through shops and small retail outlets. The origin and large-scale development of this business occurred in 2008-2009, when, in the cycle of the economic crisis, shops with a relatively small assortment began to appear like mushrooms after rain. Beer on tap does not undergo pasteurization and is characterized by a brighter and richer taste than bottled beer. Therefore, every year it finds more and more admirers, and also makes many entrepreneurs who build businesses in this field successful.

The beer industry is one of the fastest-growing industries, even during a crisis—over the past 20 years, this segment has grown approximately 6 times. This development was partially facilitated by the state, motivating a reduction in the consumption of strong alcoholic drinks - cognac, vodka, etc. As a result, today ¾ of alcohol comes from beer. There is also an emerging trend in the growth of draft beer outlets - these are separate buildings and departments in shopping and entertainment centers.

What does it take to open a beer store?

Before opening any direction in business (for example,) you need to calculate all the main and additional expenses, analyze consumer market, assess the level of competition, how much it costs to open a draft beer store, as well as the risks and disadvantages of the business.

Algorithm for opening a draft beer store:

  • financial calculations, drawing up a business plan;
  • discovery and construction of a development strategy;
  • choosing a store format to open;
  • registration of permit package of documents;
  • searching for a place, concluding a lease agreement;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • selecting a supplier and concluding an agreement for periodic supplies;
  • personnel search, conclusion of employment contracts;
  • advertising;
  • opening of a draft beer store.

Advice: selling draft beer is a seasonal business. Income in summer period exceeds this figure in winter by 4-5 times.

Since the shelf life of a live foam drink does not exceed 7 days, it is necessary to ensure sales within this period so that the product does not have to be thrown away and suffer losses.

It is recommended to start with small volumes - 18-25 varieties are enough. The entire assortment should be divided into 4 sectors, each of which should contain 3-5 proposed options for an intoxicating drink. For some buyers, it is important how much beer costs, while others are willing to pay a lot, but only for their favorite variety. Analyze carefully consumer demand, after 4-6 months the product range can be adjusted. A year later, the owner has a clear picture of which varieties sell better.

It is also advisable to offer snacks with foamy drinks - dried fish and squid, suluguni cheese, smoked pig ears, chips, crackers, nuts, etc. This makes it possible to double the bill. There is a great alternative for beginners - . In this case, some of the organizational issues will fall on the shoulders of the partner, and you will have the opportunity to work with a well-known brand and get an established business process scheme.

Open a draft beer store: where to start?

The main thing is to open a place with a high traffic rate. Draft beer stores are local - they are located at the intersection of busy roads, near the entrances to supermarkets, department stores, metro stations, that is, places with large crowds of people. Due to the small space, since the foamy drink is sold to take away, you can quickly recoup even the most expensive rent and achieve a stable income already in 2016.

There are also outlets with a small number of seats, similar to a pub. They are located over a larger area and require the installation of a bar counter and chairs.

According to beer business experts, the coverage radius of one point is approximately 350-400 meters. It is important that this particular place has a high degree of traffic. For the calculation, you should take into account both the residents of the area and the people who pass by.

After choosing a location, you need to take care of the visibility of the store - order a bright sign, place signs. You should not place a store near your competitors - these are the same points of draft beer, universal kiosks, bars.

Since in every city the center is overcrowded with similar establishments, sleeping areas remain vacant - an excellent option for accommodation. This is a minimal number of competitors, relatively low rent and a stable flow throughout the day. According to experts, a student residence located nearby can increase sales by 30%.

But do not forget about the restricted areas, which include educational, medical and sports institutions.

It is unprofitable to open a store from scratch near business centers and business districts. It is unlikely that anyone will want to buy an intoxicating drink during the working day; the bulk of visitors will appear only after the end of the working day. More relevant in this place.

The supermarket will also become a big competitor, since many people find it easier to buy bottled beer while shopping than to go elsewhere for draft beer. In addition, spill points are often already located at the outlet. If the sale in them is not carried out by you, then only a variety of varieties will help increase the number of visitors.

Equipment for a draft beer store

Equipment can be purchased independently or rented - it depends on the availability of start-up capital and the foresight of the strategy.

You can enter into a long-term contract with a specific supplier. As a rule, most distributors supply their own equipment, sometimes even taking care of advertising and staff training.

In order to open a draft beer store from scratch, you need to purchase equipment:

  • cooler – a device for maintaining a stable level of liquid temperature (approximately +5º);
  • stand for placing filling taps;
  • bar counter or counter;
  • containers for transportation and storage - kegs;
  • column – a mechanism for dispensing a drink;
  • drip tray;
  • defoamers;
  • hoses;
  • gas cylinders for displacing liquid from the keg;
  • reducer for pressure support;
  • refrigeration chambers;
  • showcases for selling related products - snacks, dried fish, etc.

Beer store decoration

List permitting documentation depends on the place where trade will be conducted. Without completing a full package of documents, you should not open a point, since inspection authorities can quickly close it until the circumstances are clarified, which will arouse suspicion among residents of the area. Therefore, on the opening day, all documentation must be ready - from the seller’s health record to.

Basic list for store design:

  • permission to trade from the local administration (if you want to open a point on the street);
  • sales permit (if you plan to open an outlet in a shopping or entertainment center);
  • conclusion of the SES authorities;
  • fire inspection report;
  • lease agreement;
  • employment contract with staff;
  • workers' health records.

The owners of most points of this format are registered as individual entrepreneurs - the registration procedure will not take more than 5 working days, but a minimum.

In order to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological authorities, you need to use non-toxic paint or tiles to decorate the walls. Lighting should be both natural and artificial, floors should be waterproof. The draft beer store must have good ventilation. Wet cleaning must be carried out daily; cleanliness is the main criterion when analyzing SES organs, as with.

To obtain a permit from the fire inspectorate, the following requirements must be met:

  1. the presence of an emergency exit, the doors of which must be opened from the outside;
  2. availability of instructions on measures fire safety;
  3. conducting one-time training on fire safety measures for all workers;
  4. availability of an evacuation plan and signs with the fire department number;
  5. presence of fire sensors.

How to keep records in a draft beer store?

“It’s not beer that ruins people...it’s its accounting and sales that ruin people,” joke experienced beer market players.

A draft beer store from scratch is a fairly new discovery in the field of sales. For ease of record keeping, it is recommended to choose automated computer systems. Most points from the moment of opening are installed by automated trade equipment, some people buy it after the start-up costs are covered.

The store owner needs to choose a program that will record transactions performed, take into account income and expenses, and also create a customer loyalty program.

Seller's technology:

  • accepting an order from the buyer;
  • beer bottling;
  • search for the ordered variety from the proposed list in a special program;
  • sending labels for printing;
  • gluing a label to a bottle;
  • barcode scanning;
  • settlement with the buyer;
  • printing a check.

Companies that optimize these processes and can be used when opening and operating a draft beer store from scratch:

  • "MiniSoft";
  • "TapVisor";
  • Microinvest, etc.

Beer store design

Design of a draft beer store – important point. Simply making repairs and arranging furniture is not an option. It is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere that will correspond to the intended theme and give visitors comfort.

Among the large number of beer outlets, when developing a design, the task is to stand out among competitors. This can be done by an original and unique interior, room design, general style, finishing materials and paraphernalia.

To match the specifics of the store, you can decorate the room in dark pastel colors, use rough wooden furniture, and artistic plaster on the walls. An important design element is attributes. These can be wooden barrels, dark-colored wood, thematic paintings, hop ornaments, etc. The lighting in such places is muted. As a rule, the rays are directed towards the product, while other corners and the interior remain dark.

Also today, many draft beer stores have deviated from the main theme when developing their design and have opened bright, spacious rooms with the addition of red, orange or blue colors. As a result, the room appears visually larger and has a feeling of cleanliness and comfort. Large windows, a standardized interior and a huge number of lamps make the draft beer store bright, light and unforgettable.

A big role in design development belongs not only to the interior, but also to the sign. It should be concise, bright and memorable. You can place original or standard signs around the store that will guide people and encourage them to make a purchase.

How to promote a draft beer store?

When choosing advertising and marketing moves, it is worth starting from the specifics of the business. What is relevant for most areas may not produce results in the beer business. For example, advertising on television, radio, placing advertisements in print media will be expensive, but will not give the expected effect.

In addition to signage, interior design and theming, good marketing ploy may become outdoor advertising - banners in the area of ​​placement.

Advice: It’s hard to believe – but even the name of a draft beer store affects sales volume. It is important to come up with a short, concise and original name that is quickly remembered.

Experienced players in the beer business effective method called audio advertising. Any promotion or lucrative offer is announced to passersby through a megaphone. The main thing is to do such events periodically, otherwise the residents of neighboring houses will hate you.

Everyone approaches the issue of discounts differently. Some experts do not advise handing out discount cards “right and left”, since in winter the store can expect losses. Other popular outlets boldly introduce discount and savings cards to attract customers.

Also, the marketing issue can be resolved with the beer supplier. Many of them provide advertising paraphernalia with their logo for free - these can be ashtrays, coasters for glasses, etc.

How much does it cost to open a draft beer store?

The threshold for entering a beer outlet starts from 300 thousand rubles. Start-up investments depend on the region of location, store format, and types of beer supplied.

Let's consider sample business plan for opening a draft beer store from scratch:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurs, registration of permits – 10 thousand rubles;
  • rental payments – 40 thousand rubles. per month;
  • carrying out repair and finishing work - 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of beer equipment – ​​180 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods (beer plus snacks) – 100 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – 10 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (2 salespeople) – 40 thousand rubles.

Based on calculations, in order to open a draft beer store from scratch, you need to spend 460 thousand rubles. Every month the expenses will be about 250 thousand rubles.

This means that daily revenue should not be less than 9 thousand rubles. If average bill will be 300 rubles, it is enough to serve 30 customers. It's not much.

Is it profitable to open a draft beer store?

Draft beer is a popular product. Opening a store selling it from scratch is great in a metropolis. The markup level varies between 50-100%.

Since this business is seasonal, recoup starting investments only possible in warm weather. Experts advise opening a store from scratch in early spring so that by the beginning of summer the store will be well known. The initial costs can be recouped in the first summer month. In winter, many points simply close because the business becomes unprofitable. In this case, it is important to retain the right to rent the premises. Sometimes it is more profitable to pay rent in non-working months than to then start all over again and spend money on advertising in a new location.

Calculation of project payback:

  • the average cost of a liter of draft beer is 60 rubles;
  • average turnover per day (in summer) – 250-300 liters;
  • The average monthly turnover will be 450-540 thousand rubles.

As can be seen from the calculations, the payback period for the project will be 1-1.5 summer months.

Draft beer store as a business: reviews

Beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who managed to open a draft beer store from scratch generally express positive reviews. Most of them literally “live” their business, highlighting a whole culture of drinking live draft beer.

It is recommended not to be afraid of competition, which is now abundant in every city. If such a large number of points are functioning, it means that there is a demand for the product, and they can be squeezed out by finding new places (it only seems at first glance that there are no such places left) or by offering a wider range. “If there is beer, there will be buyers,” says Sergei Rozhkov, owner of a draft beer store from Yekaterinburg.

It is also noteworthy that many managed to open a business without their own investments. If you build a competent business plan and are confident in the profitability of the project, you can get credit funds and quickly repay the loan.

Negative reviews about this business can only be received in winter. If from November to February (the most crisis time) the point “goes to zero” - the profit received pays off monthly expenses, it's better not to close the place. If the store is operating at a loss, operations can be stopped for a period of crisis.

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Opening a draft beer store is a profitable business if you approach everyone responsibly organizational issues. The profitability of the project largely depends on the choice of location. Despite the fact that the business is in the seasonal category, high demand in warm weather can quickly recoup the initial investment and ensure work during the winter months. Also important when organizing is the design of the premises, general style, preparation and collection of permits and the search for a reliable supplier.

Can a person who has never done business start his own business literally from scratch? What does it take to become a successful businessman? Is it now possible to find your niche in a market segment that seems to have been filled for a long time?

Our interlocutor, Sergey Rozhnov, owner of a draft beer store in Yekaterinburg, will tell you about this and more.

– Sergey, why beer? The choice of this drink in stores is huge; weren’t you afraid to enter into a confrontation with the giants?

– If you approach the organization of the matter correctly, then there will be no confrontation. Our business, of course, intersects with retail sales, but still these are, as they say in Odessa, “two big differences.”

It may seem that canned or bottled beer and our product are aimed at the same audience. But in reality this is not entirely true. The difference is in the perception of the drink itself.

We offer a higher quality product. And, naturally, it costs more. Customers especially come to us not just to sip beer, but to get a drink that is different from the store-bought one.

True, an increasing portion of our sales comes from takeaway sales, but for this we had to work hard to get people to believe in us, to “educate” our clients, to prove our level.

From the very beginning, it was necessary to maintain the brand so that the buyer understood that he was not paying money in vain, and to maintain the image of a certain “luxury”.

How to open a draft beer store correctly?

– How did it all begin? Where did the idea come from, because to the untrained eye it may seem that the market is full, and it is quite difficult to carve out a niche in it.

– It’s very simple – I love beer, and good beer.

We have many similar points in our city, there is even a whole chain of beer stores.

But there was nothing like this in our area, and it was inconvenient to go somewhere special.

And, in the end, I thought that there are not so few amateurs like me.

I know that, for example, beer stores in Moscow can be found almost every step, which means they find their customers.

Therefore, I began to find out how much it costs to open a beer store, what is required for this, search on the Internet for the interiors of beer stores, information about equipment. All this ultimately ended with the opening of our draft beer store at the beginning of 2014.

– The beer store business, like any other business, requires an initial investment. At first I thought about buying a beer business. There are companies that have been involved in the beer business for a long time.

They have experience, an established supplier base, they offer a business plan for any beer bar, and they train staff. In general, they offer a ready-made beer business. The sale of beer stores brings them their main income.

That’s why I first thought of opening a beer store as a franchise, but in the end I abandoned this idea because I found an option to get a loan specifically for my own business. But, in general, a beer store franchise is a rather interesting proposition.

– Have you invested your funds?

- No, I took out a loan. It turned out that this is not so difficult, but without a well-developed business plan they will not give you money. It is worth considering that a business plan is not just expenses and possible income calculated in a column, but a document with a serious justification, drawn up by specialists.

At first I tried to compose it myself, but I realized that such projects are better left to professionals. As a result, I decided to order a business plan for a beer store and was not disappointed at all.

I received a business loan from a bank, but with a guarantee from the Entrepreneurship Support Center. Banks approve such financing without any hesitation and do not require collateral.

Photo of a micro-store on the street. Innovators, Moscow trading network Pint. Photo by Vladimir Markov, correspondent for the Russian start-up website

And the rate turns out to be almost equal to the Central Bank refinancing rate. And this, even after its increase, turns out to be very profitable. But, I repeat, I was able to receive such a state guarantee only after I provided detailed business plan beer bar.

Another issue that needs to be resolved when opening a draft beer bar store at the very initial stage is the premises.

There are three options for selling draft beer: your own premises, renting part of the space in a large grocery store or supermarket, something like an “on-site” option - either a stationary stall or a stall “on wheels”, in a special trailer.

I was lucky that at the same time I was looking for a place to rent, a small grocery store closed and the owner was looking for new tenants. The option of renting space in a supermarket was also considered, but at that time the proposed cost per square meter was high for me.

Photo of a micro-store selling beer on Vernadsky Ave., Moscow, of the Litra retail chain. Photo by Vladimir Markov, correspondent for the Russian start-up website

Well, I didn’t seriously consider “street” trading. Firstly, from the very beginning it did not coincide with the ultimate goal - the creation, in a certain sense, of a luxury beer store.

Secondly, the calculation was for a different clientele, or rather, for us to be perceived differently. And thirdly, the beer business largely depends on the time of year, and offering draft beer on the street in winter Yekaterinburg is an anecdotal idea.

In general, location largely determines whether your enterprise will be successful or not. A beer store must be connected to people. Expensive live beer is not only accepted in the bar itself, but is also bought to be enjoyed at home.

Another nuance - not always a large flow of people can give you potential buyer. For example, the store is located near the metro or in the same shopping center. Yes, a person can come in and drink a glass of beer, but he would prefer to take the bottled beer sold nearby.

But own or rented premises are not always suitable for such a business. Firstly, you must have a second way out - these are fire safety requirements.

And, secondly, the presence of a toilet is mandatory - not only for the sake of the requirements of the sanitation station, but also for the convenience of clients. Otherwise, you also risk becoming an enemy of the residents of all the houses located nearby.

By the way, in the current conditions, many already equipped retail outlets will close, so I think special problems there shouldn't be any problem with finding suitable premises. Most likely, the owners themselves will look for tenants.

Beer business - what documents are needed

– How many documents were required?

– When you first encounter such things, everything seems very difficult. In reality, it's not all that scary. You can prepare documents for opening a beer store yourself, or you can contact companies that offer assistance in these matters.

In this case, you will not only draw up a Charter, but also go through the full formalization procedure. What is required from the future business owner:

  • Complete the enterprise registration procedure or individual entrepreneur. Here the choice is yours, there are pros and cons in both cases, but it is better to base it on the tax rate. By the way, you can get advice either from the same Entrepreneurship Support Center or from the company that prepares the package of documents;
  • Open a bank account;
  • Conclude a rental agreement for the premises;
  • Purchase and register cash register, conclude a contract for its maintenance.
  • Get in sales department city ​​or district administration permission to trade;
  • Wait for the visit of firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological station and get their signatures on the necessary documents.

Decoration, advertising, design of a draft beer store

– How did you resolve the issue of room decoration and advertising?

– Decorating a beer store is a very important stage. Simply arranging furniture and making cosmetic repairs is not enough. It is necessary to create a certain atmosphere; not only the comfort of visitors, but also how they will feel in your establishment depends on it.

Again, it is better to turn to specialists. Despite the fact that you will have to pay for their services, a professionally designed interior of a draft beer store will more than pay for itself.

It was a little easier for me in this matter - my wife, a designer by profession, helped. Before that, she looked at how beer store design is most often done; photos can be found in the portfolios of design companies.

The furniture was made to order according to our sketches. Finding a company that produces such things turned out to be quite easy, especially since the interior of a beer bar does not involve the use of expensive materials; the main requirement, in my opinion, is naturalness; the interior of a beer store will not require large investments.

You seriously need to think about what the name of the beer store will be. You can also study the signs of beer stores - there are quite a few photos on the Internet. You yourself understand that from appearance The success of your establishment will largely depend on its attractiveness, especially in the first stages.

The most effective advertising move is outdoor advertising (back to the same signs) and advertising in the area where the store is located. Thematic design of the external display window and facade, the memorable bright name of the draft beer store, and bright lighting in the dark are effective.

Immediately after the opening, you can carry out “local” advertising, for example, distributing discount cards to the first visitors or residents of the area. By the way, the issue of discounts can be resolved in different ways.

We issue cards not based on the accumulation of a certain amount, but to clients in whom we feel “prospect”, thus turning them into regular visitors. Can you come up with an original name for discount card, for example, “nice customer card... to a good person...", etc. This way our visitors receive not only small savings, but also good attitude to the establishment itself.

The issue with advertising can be resolved with the help of the product supplier. Very often, distributors provide promotional products for free, including ashtrays and mug coasters (of which you need to stock up in large quantities - many visitors take them with them as souvenirs).

So we set up an open area with tables next to the store, and the sun and rain umbrellas were branded, with the manufacturer’s logos. We have exactly the same logos on window awnings and blinds.

By the way, this helped with solving the smoking issue. Many beer bars saw a significant drop in revenue after the ban on smoking in public places - it is customary for us to combine cigarettes and beer.

For us, this did not become a problem, because anyone in the summer can sit in an open area where smoking is allowed, and in the cold season they can simply go out here for a smoke break.

An oldie, but a great example: Miestins beer store chain

Assortment, equipment for a draft beer store

– Speaking of suppliers, where do you buy beer and how do you create your assortment?

– The assortment determines both the clientele and revenue. But, first of all, a lot depends on how much usable space you have. So, approximately, on 5 square meters you can install 6 taps, and on 10 square meters, respectively, 12.

Selling 20-25 varieties at one point is considered ideal. However, we settled on a slightly smaller quantity and now offer 15 different varieties.

Enlarge too much trade assortment sometimes it is not profitable. The fact is that we are selling a truly living product that spoils quite quickly.

And if you don’t sell it out on time, you’ll just have to throw out the beer.

Our store offers several domestic varieties, imported beer, with fairly well-promoted brands (many buyers do not want to experiment and prefer what they have heard of).

At the same time, you can buy beer from us that is rarely found anywhere - we found private small breweries and now they supply us with exclusive brands.

But we also have the most ordinary bottled beer, but not as a main product, but as an addition to the draft beer. And, of course, you must have a certain set of snacks.

Naturally, the beer business requires a large amount of equipment: refrigeration units, coolers, dispensers and towers, defoamers and much more.

At first we used the offer from beer suppliers.

They offered free equipment along with their goods. Renting equipment for a beer store is a good option to start with.

But later it becomes not very convenient, since you have to create an assortment based only on what such a supplier offers.

As a result, we decided to purchase equipment for beer stores as our own. This required new investments, so we had to take out a loan again. But the second time the procedure was even easier.

We found a company that supplies any equipment for leasing, again turned to an already familiar company involved in drawing up business plans, and without any problems we received the necessary amount from the bank. Now we decide for ourselves what, when and how much to offer to our clients.

What is the best equipment to buy for a beer store?

– How was the issue with personnel resolved?

– This is one of the difficulties for any beginning businessman. At first it seems that it would be best to hire someone you have known for a long time, friends or even relatives.

But almost immediately you understand that nothing good will come from such an undertaking. Almost every one of these “workers” considers himself entitled to violate discipline, take time off from work, or ask for an increase in salary.

Another problem is the request to hire a son, nephew, son-in-law, or just a good friend. But what about it? If one of your friends or relatives works for you, then why can’t the rest?

At the same time, almost none of those with whom I started knew the specifics of the business, did not know how to communicate with visitors or handle equipment, although working in a draft beer store requires a certain approach.

As a result, almost all the staff changed during the year, and now I have experienced bartenders and waiters. They help very well special courses advanced training, where employees receive the necessary knowledge and skills.

Beer store business plan for 2015, is it needed?

I started the business a year ago and, naturally, the prices were completely different then. But you can roughly calculate how much it will cost to open a beer store in 2015. In many ways, the amount of investment depends on the city in which you will open, on the rental price, on existing demand and other factors.

I’ll give you the numbers I came across myself:

Renting the premises cost one and a half thousand rubles per square meter, in addition, we had to invest in turning the premises into a beer store: decoration, signage, etc. - all this cost a little more than 100 thousand rubles.

At first, as I already said, we rented equipment for the beer store from a supplier, but furniture for visitors, a counter, and other parts had to be made to order - about 80 thousand.

It is immediately worth considering wages, you will have to pay it before you receive any income. The staff can be calculated from the available amount. By the way, it’s worth deciding how you will pay your employees and whether their earnings depend on sales volume. Naturally, I did not take into account tips - this is their personal income.

It is impossible to start without goods, and no one will give a trade loan to a start-up enterprise, so, at a minimum, count another 80-100 thousand.

Also, it's better to pay for a business plan, legal services etc. – 25-30 thousand rubles.

Of course, there will be other costs that may seem small, but add up to a significant amount. As a result, opening a business cost me about 500 thousand rubles.

Reading reviews on the Internet from owners of draft beer stores, I found out that in smaller cities it is quite possible to invest 250-300 thousand (with a small area and a small number of staff), and in Moscow it is advisable to have about 1-1.5 million on hand.

Now about what worries anyone who opens a draft beer store – profit

The markup on expensive imported beer is approximately 30%; on domestic beer it can reach up to 100%. On average, the price increase for a beer keg is no less than 2 thousand rubles, and in terms of per liter – 60-250 rubles in income per liter.

Monthly costs are approximately 250 thousand rubles (it is impossible to say exactly, it depends on many factors). That is, in order to recoup the business, you need to earn at least 9 thousand rubles a day. With a minimum order of 300 rubles (and it is usually higher), 30 buyers are enough. This is quite a bit, you will agree.

It’s also worth considering that we are, in a sense, a seasonal business – in the summer people drink more beer. But if you can create a pleasant atmosphere in the room, and the drink itself is of really high quality, then the winter decline in buyers will be almost unnoticeable.

– Sergey, as I understand, you are pleased with the result. Is there a desire to expand or, perhaps, new ideas have appeared?

- There are ideas. And I’m also thinking about expanding my business. The plans include creating a small beer restaurant with its own brewery. We ourselves will be able to produce those drinks that will be in demand and create a menu for them.

Another idea is an online store of draft beer. In addition to the fact that this can become an additional source of income, it is also quite possible to create a beer business forum, advertise promotions in draft beer stores, and promote a particular brand. In addition, the forum provides an opportunity to receive reviews, suggestions, etc. for our beer business.

I am sure that I will succeed. In just a year, I gained a lot of experience and learned so much about beer and running a business that it’s just a shame that all this knowledge did not remain unused.


“It’s not beer that kills people, it’s water that kills people.”

The beer business is profitable if you approach it wisely. Draft beer is the most popular product. Various names are invented for a store selling beer, “World of Beer”, “Beerfirst”, “BeerPab”, “Beer Palette”, here, as long as your imagination is enough to come up with a combination of words so that the consumer remembers the connection of your store with beer.

Consumer psychology

People in the country drink, although they talk about the dangers of alcohol, but consumers relax, relax by drinking beer in the company or with a friend, or maybe in the evening after working day, and of course, holidays are profitable days for the beer business.

The consumer wants to drink high-quality and tasty beer, and preferably foreign beer, since it is better, according to the consumer. When buying beer, the consumer will have a desire to buy something to go with the beer; when opening a store, do not forget about related products.

Here, someone likes and prefers something, someone during the working day dreams of eating squid in the evening and relaxing with another glass of live beer, others have a greater preference for nuts or dried or dried fish, at the initial stages it is important to take care of a wide supply of goods to accompany beer .

The audience that loves good beer is huge, people drink on holidays, on weekends, the psychology of most people is designed in such a way that when communicating with good friend It will go better with a bottle of alcohol. By the way, people in Russia are used to paying for small requests with alcohol. Most choose the lesser of two evils, meaning between vodka and beer. They want to drink good, high-quality and tasty beer, so draft beer is just right for the consumer.

Live beer store location

The combination of the words “live beer” is an advertising ploy by sellers trying to make beer a more salable and attractive product.

You have decided to open a live beer store; the location of the store is of great importance. People want to drink at home, in a quiet environment in front of their favorite TV with football on, so it makes more sense to set up a retail outlet in residential areas. A significant role is played by placement near a park, or an alley with benches where young people often like to spend time.

Avenues and central streets are not suitable; consumers would prefer to sit in a cozy establishment, while trying out products, including alcohol.

Some numbers

One of the initial steps to opening a beer store will be to find profitable premises for rent; in Moscow, renting 40 square meters will cost about 130 thousand rubles; it may vary depending on the location, the cost of equipment is approximately and the purchase of beer is 350 thousand rubles. renovation of the premises will also require investments in the region of 70-170 tr. don’t forget about advertising, about your store and what it sells, you should find out, spending on advertising will amount to around 100 thousand rubles.

There are optimally 15 - 25 types of beer presented in the store; the consumer needs to compare and choose from something. Unfiltered beer, let’s not forget about this type as it will attract its own specific audience. The markup per liter is about 35%; domestic is about 65%, and it will be more expensive than in bottles at retail outlets, but there should be a difference here, because you have an elite draft beer store.

You can purchase beer from distributors if you have one or two stores. By the way, there are more than 30 distributors in the capital who supply beer from abroad. Another option is if you have a chain of stores of 4 or more, then it may be more profitable to negotiate direct deliveries through breweries.

The so-called pitfalls and disadvantages of this type of business, the shelf life of live beer will not exceed 6 days, so it is not difficult for an inexperienced person to burn out in this business.

Yes, you may have to throw away about 40% of the unsold goods. But there are quite a few beer outlets, if they exist and live, that means there is profit, there is benefit, which means they manage to get out and make money on beer. Running a draft beer store is difficult, but it is realistic and profitable if you take your time and calculate everything.

In winter, the demand for beer falls, but in the summer, especially in the heat, oddly enough, the demand increases. In theory, in the heat you need to drink cool tea, juice, water, finally, but not beer, it raises your blood pressure and has a bad effect on the body, but who needs this health, it is better to drink cold beer in the heat. By selling beer during these three summer months, you can earn money that will cover the winter period.

One thing is certain: selling draft beer is a profitable business.

For creative people, you can connect Internet technologies to store promotion. Create online beer store, Let’s say with delivery throughout the city, I think this will gain popularity because the Internet is gaining momentum every day and there are more Internet users, which means the audience for your store will expand.

  • Marketing plan
  • Selection of premises
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • Step-by-step plan for opening a draft beer store
  • What equipment to choose for a draft beer store
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business selling draft beer?
  • Which tax system to choose for registering a business selling draft beer
  • Do I need a permit to open a store selling draft beer?
        • Similar business ideas:

We present to your attention short business plan organizing a draft beer store for 15 varieties. The location of the store is a residential area of ​​the city with a population of 50 thousand people.

How much money do you need to open a draft beer store?

First, let's calculate the expected amount of investment in the business. To start a business you will need:

  • Deposit for rent of premises for 1 month. (15 sq. m.) - 25 thousand rubles.
  • Room design - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of commercial equipment (sales counter, chairs, shelving) - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment for selling beer (gas cylinders, reducers, kegs, coolers, beer columns, drip trays, beer hoses and taps) - 165 thousand rubles (11 thousand rubles per type).
  • Creation of an assortment of goods (beer, snacks) - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising (business cards, leaflets, signboards) - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Organizational and other expenses (business registration, etc.) - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 100 thousand rubles.

Total - 595 thousand rubles.

Download business plan for a draft beer store

Marketing plan

The store is planned to open in a residential area of ​​the city with a population of 50 thousand people. A department of 15 square meters was chosen as the premises. m. on the ground floor of a small shopping center. This place was not chosen by chance, since it has both good traffic and low rental prices. The closest competitors are two retail outlets within a radius of 300 meters. Our competitive advantages: a wide range of beer (15 varieties, this is not a small number), beer snacks, not high prices. Lemonade, kvass and cider will also be on sale. Another important point is the polite and hardworking staff. The selection of sellers will be carried out very carefully. In the future, strict monitoring of the work of staff will be carried out in order to avoid negative customer reviews. Undoubtedly, the main competitive advantage will be the freshness of the product. Only fresh beer and kvass will be sold. Only the quality of the product will allow you to develop a good base regular customers. It is planned to purchase beer mainly from local producers (several mini-breweries operate within a 50 km radius). Some of the goods will be imported from nearby regions. It is planned to open in April in order to have time to develop regular customers by the beginning of the summer season.

Selection of premises

The size of the rented premises will be 15 square meters. Of these, 10 sq. m. will be allocated directly to the point of sale (placement of beer kegs, beer columns, gearboxes), the rest will be a product warehouse (beer kegs, plastic bottles). The rent will be 25,000 rubles per month.

It is planned to spend about 150,000 rubles on repairs and decoration of the premises. There will definitely be a bright sign installed above the entrance to the building and an advertising pillar. The premises will have air conditioning, commercial equipment (seller's stand) and equipment for selling draft beer (beer kegs, defoamers, etc.). Consumables (plastic bottles, cups, packaging, etc.) will also be purchased. Some of the funds will be spent on creating an assortment of goods (beer and beer snacks). In total, about 275,000 rubles will be spent at this stage.


It is planned to employ two salespeople as personnel to work on a 2/2 shift schedule. Remuneration will be set as salary + percentage of daily revenue (5%). Accountant and cleaning services will be outsourced.

Which taxation system to choose for opening a draft beer store?

As organizational form normal will be registered individual entrepreneurship. Taxation system - UTII. This special mode frees you from the obligation to install and maintain a cash register, and also greatly simplifies accounting.

What documents are needed to open a draft beer store?

  • Organizational documents (individual entrepreneur registration certificate, tax registration certificate);
  • Conclusion of SES, fire inspection and state consumer supervision;
  • Sanitary records for sellers;
  • Lease agreement;
  • Employment contracts with personnel;
  • Declarations of conformity (certificates) for products (issued by the supplier).

Financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses of a draft beer store, according to business plan calculations, are:

  • Rent - 25 thousand rubles.
  • Salary (2 salespeople) - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Insurance contributions for employees - 17 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 8 thousand rubles.
  • Utility bills - 6 thousand rubles.
  • Outsourced services (accountant and cleaner) - 12 thousand rubles.
  • Other operating expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

Total per month - 123 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a draft beer store?

  • Trade margin - 50%
  • The average purchase price minus the trade markup is 150 rubles
  • Average number of purchases per day - 50
  • Revenue per day - 7,500 rubles, per month - 225,000 rubles.

Hence the profit point of sale: 225,000 - 123,000 = 102,000 rubles per month. The return on investment, taking into account several months to promote the business (3 months), will come after 9 months of the store’s operation. The profitability of a retail outlet selling draft beer is more than 80%.

We recommend download business plan for a draft beer store, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions