The largest enterprises in the oil and gas industry. Characteristics and composition of the world oil industry

Fuel resources provide energy not only for the entire industry of any country in the world, but also for almost all spheres of human activity. The most important part of Russia is the oil and gas sector.

The oil and gas industry is a generalized name for the complex industrial enterprises for production, transportation, processing and distribution of final products of oil and gas processing. This is one of the most powerful industries Russian Federation, which largely forms the budget and balance of payments of the country, ensuring foreign exchange earnings and maintaining the exchange rate of the national currency.

History of development

The beginning of the formation of the oil industry in industrial sector It is generally accepted that 1859 was the year when mechanical well drilling was first used in the United States. Now almost all oil is produced through wells with only differences in production efficiency. In Russia, oil extraction from drilled wells began in 1864 in Kuban. The production debit at that time was 190 tons per day. In order to increase profits great attention was paid to the mechanization of extraction, and already at the beginning of the 20th century Russia took a leading place in oil production.

The first main areas for oil extraction in Soviet Russia were the North Caucasus (Maykop, Grozny) and Baku (Azerbaijan). These depleting older deposits did not meet the needs of the developing industry, and significant efforts were made to discover new deposits. As a result, several fields were put into operation in Central Asia, Bashkiria, Perm and Kuibyshev regions, and the so-called Volga-Ural base was created.

The volume of oil produced reached 31 million tons. In the 60s, the amount of black gold mined increased to 148 million tons, of which 71% came from the Volga-Ural region. In the 70s, fields in the West Siberian basin were discovered and put into operation. With oil exploration, large quantities of gas deposits were discovered.

The importance of the oil and gas industry for the Russian economy

The oil and gas industry has a significant impact on the Russian economy. Currently, it is the basis for budget formation and ensuring the functioning of many other sectors of the economy. The value of the national currency largely depends on world oil prices. Carbon energy resources extracted in the Russian Federation make it possible to fully satisfy domestic demand for fuel, ensure the country's energy security, and also make a significant contribution to the global energy resource economy.

The Russian Federation has enormous hydrocarbon potential. The Russian oil and gas industry is one of the leading in the world, fully meeting domestic current and future needs for oil and their processed products. A significant amount of hydrocarbon resources and their products are exported, ensuring the replenishment of foreign exchange reserves. Russia ranks second in the world in terms of liquid hydrocarbon reserves with a share of about 10%. Oil reserves have been explored and developed in the depths of 35 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Oil and gas industry: structure

There are several structural core processes that make up the oil and gas industry: oil and gas production, transportation and refining industries.

  • Hydrocarbon production is a complex process that includes exploration of deposits, drilling of wells, direct production and primary purification from water, sulfur and other impurities. The production and pumping of oil and gas to the commercial metering station is carried out by enterprises or structural divisions, the infrastructure of which includes booster and cluster pumping stations, water discharge installations and oil pipelines.
  • Transportation of oil and gas from production sites to metering centers, to processing plants and the final consumer is carried out using pipeline, water, road and rail transport. and main lines) are the most economical way to transport hydrocarbons, despite very expensive structures and maintenance. Oil and gas are transported by pipeline transport over long distances, including across different continents. Transportation by waterways using tankers and barges with a displacement of up to 320 thousand tons is carried out in intercity and international communications. Rail and truck transport can also be used to transport crude oil over long distances, but is most cost effective on relatively short routes.
  • Processing of crude hydrocarbon energy carriers is carried out in order to obtain various types of petroleum products. First of all, this different types fuels and raw materials for subsequent chemical processing. The process is carried out at oil refineries of refineries. The final products of processing, depending on the chemical composition, are divided into different grades. The final stage of production is the mixing of the various components obtained in order to obtain the required composition corresponding to a specific

Deposits of the Russian Federation

The Russian oil and gas industry includes 2,352 developing oil fields. The largest oil and gas region in Russia is Western Siberia, which accounts for 60% of all black gold produced. A significant part of oil and gas is produced in the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. Volume of product production in other regions of the Russian Federation:

  • Volga-Ural base - 22%.
  • Eastern Siberia - 12%.
  • Northern deposits - 5%.
  • Caucasus - 1%.

Share Western Siberia in natural gas production reaches almost 90%. The largest deposits (about 10 trillion cubic meters) are located in the Urengoyskoye field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Volume of gas production in other regions of the Russian Federation:

  • Far East - 4.3%.
  • Volga-Ural deposits - 3.5%.
  • Yakutia and Eastern Siberia - 2.8%.
  • Caucasus - 2.1%.

and gas

The objective of refining is to turn crude oil and gas into commercial products. Petroleum products include heating oil, gasoline for vehicles, jet fuel, diesel fuel. The petroleum refining process includes distillation, vacuum distillation, catalytic reforming, cracking, alkylation, isomerization and hydrotreating.

Natural gas processing includes compression, amine treatment, and glycol dehydration. The fractionation process involves dividing a liquefied natural gas stream into its component parts: ethane, propane, butane, isobutane and natural gas.

The largest companies in Russia

Initially, all the largest oil and gas fields were developed exclusively by the state. Today, these facilities are available for use by private companies. In total, the Russian oil and gas industry includes more than 15 large production enterprises, including the well-known Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, and Surgutneftegaz.

The oil and gas industry in the world allows us to solve important economic, political and social problems. Given favorable conditions on world energy markets, many oil and gas suppliers are making significant investments in the national economy using export revenues and demonstrating exceptional growth dynamics. The most obvious examples are the countries of South-West Asia, as well as Norway, which, with low industrial development, thanks to hydrocarbon reserves, has become one of the most prosperous countries in Europe.

Development prospects

The oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation largely depends on the market behavior of its main production competitors: Saudi Arabia and the United States. By itself total quantity of produced hydrocarbons does not determine world prices. The dominant indicator is the percentage of production in a particular oil country. The cost of production in different leading countries in production varies significantly: the lowest in the Middle East, the highest in the United States. When the volume of oil production is unbalanced, prices can change in one direction or the other.

Increasingly, in the strategic development plans of our country, the government places emphasis on the need to move away from the status of a “raw materials power.” At the same time, the main emphasis is on developing its own processing of raw materials and establishing production, and large industrial centers are attracting increasingly close attention.

We offer Top 10 largest industrial centers in Russia, compiled according to data from the Institute of Territorial Planning "Urbanica".

10. Novokuznetsk

Volume industrial production 264 billion rubles.

Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises operate in the city, coal industry. Among the owners of leading industrial facilities are Evraz Group, UMMC, Sibuglemet, Rusal.

9. Chelyabinsk

277.3 billion rubles.

The city is a recognized leader in Russia in the field of ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and the food industry at a high level. Enterprises of Mechel OJSC and the Chelyabinsk Group operate in Chelyabinsk pipe rolling plant", "Cheboksary Electromechanical Plant", Coca-Cola, State Corporation Russian Technologies.

8. Norilsk

312 billion rubles.

The life of this polar city is built around the activities of the leader in the field of non-ferrous metallurgy, MMC Norilsk Nickel.

7. Ufa

313.6 billion rubles.

The city received the status of a major industrial center thanks to the development of oil and gas processing, mechanical engineering, food and pharmaceutical industries. The owners of the leading enterprises are JSOC Bashneft, State Corporation Russian Technologies, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Pharmstandard.

6. Perm

331.3 billion rubles.

The city can boast of significant successes in the field of oil and gas refining, mechanical engineering, food and chemical industries. The owners of leading industrial facilities are OJSC Lukoil, State Corporation Russian Technologies and Roscosmos, Nestle, Henkel and others.

5. Omsk

348.4 billion rubles.

The city has large enterprises, working in such industries as oil and gas refining, chemical and food industries, mechanical engineering. The main industrial facilities are owned by OJSC Gazprom Neft, Unilever, Wimm-Bill-Dann, State Corporation Russian Technologies and Roscosmos.

4. Nizhnevartovsk

481.6 billion rubles.

This is one of the leading Russian centers for oil and gas production and processing. The city has industrial facilities of TNK-BP, Gazprom Neft, Russneft, Slavneft, and SIBUR.

3. Surgut

800.3 billion rubles.

A leader in the field of oil and gas production and processing, the city also has large enterprises operating in the electric power industry, food industry and R&D. The main industrial facilities are owned by Surgutneftegaz OJSC, OGK-2, OGK-4, SIBUR.

2. St. Petersburg

1282.7 billion rubles.

The northern capital has industrial facilities in the food and chemical industries, mechanical engineering, ferrous metallurgy, construction materials production, and R&D. The city has production facilities of Philip Morris International Inc., JTI, BAT, Kraft Foods, Procter&Gamble, United shipbuilding corporation, Russian Technologies, Toyota, Nissan, GM, HP, Rosatom State Corporation, Intel and many others.

1. Moscow

1895.2 billion rubles.

The capital's largest enterprises operate in such industries as mechanical engineering, food and pharmaceutical industries, oil and gas refining, and R&D. The main industrial facilities are owned by Roscosmos, Rosatom, Russian Technologies, Sukhoi Design Bureau, Renault, United Technologies, Volvo, Wimm-Bill-Dann, United Confectioners, Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola, RusHydro, GlaxoSmithKline.

Russia, one of the world leaders in oil production, has serious capacities for the production of processed products of “black gold”. The plants produce fuel, oil and petrochemical products, with total annual production volumes of gasoline, diesel fuel and heating oil reaching tens of millions of tons.

The scale of Russian oil refining

Currently, there are 32 large oil refineries and another 80 mini-enterprises also operating in this industry in Russia. The total capacity of the country's refineries makes it possible to process 270 million tons of raw materials. We present to your attention the top 10 oil processing plants according to the criterion of established production capacity. The enterprises included in the list belong to both state and private oil companies.

1. Gazpromneft-ONPZ (20.89 million tons)

The Gazpromneft-ONPZ enterprise is better known as the Omsk Oil Refinery. The owner of the plant is Gazprom Neft (a Gazprom structure). The decision to build the enterprise was made in 1949, the plant was launched in 1955. The installed capacity reaches 20.89 million tons, the processing depth (the ratio of the volume of raw materials to the number of products produced) is 91.5%. In 2016, the Omsk Refinery processed 20.5 million tons of oil. Pronedra wrote earlier that actual refining at the refinery in 2016 decreased compared to the 2015 level.

Last year, 4.7 million tons of gasoline and 6.5 million tons of diesel fuel were produced. In addition to fuel, the plant produces bitumen, cokes, acids, tar and other products. Over the past few years, by modernizing its facilities, the company has reduced the amount of emissions into the atmosphere by 36%; by 2020 it is planned to reduce the level harmful effects on environment by another 28%. In total, emissions have decreased fivefold over the past 20 years.

2. Kirishinefteorgsintez (20.1 million tons)

The Kirishi Oil Refinery (Kirishinefteorgsintez, a Surgutneftegaz enterprise) with a capacity of 20.1 million tons is located in the city of Kirishi, Leningrad Region. Commissioning took place in 1966. In fact, on average it processes more than 17 million tons of oil with a depth of 54.8%. In addition to fuels and lubricants, it produces ammonia, bitumen, solvents, gases, and xylenes. According to the company, in recent years Based on the results of the analysis of 2.4 thousand samples, no excesses of standards for emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air were identified. No complex of environmental violations were also found within the control points of the sanitary protection zone.

3. Ryazan Oil Refining Company (18.8 million tons)

The largest Rosneft refinery with a capacity of 18.8 million tons - the Ryazan Oil Refinery Company (until 2002 - the Ryazan Oil Refinery) - produces motor gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, boiler fuel, bitumen for the construction and road industries. The company began operating in 1960. Last year, the plant processed 16.2 million tons of raw materials with a depth of 68.6%, producing 15.66 million tons of products, including 3.42 million tons of gasoline, 3.75 million tons of diesel fuel and 4.92 million tons fuel oil. An environmental research center began operating at the enterprise in 2014. There are also five environmental laboratories. Measurements of harmful emissions have been carried out since 1961.

4. Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez (17 million tons)

One of the leaders in domestic oil refining, the Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez enterprise (owner - Lukoil), is located in the city of Kstovo Nizhny Novgorod region. The enterprise, whose capacity currently reaches 17 million tons, was opened in 1958 and received the name Novogorkovsky Oil Refinery.

The refinery produces about 70 types of products, including gasoline and diesel fuel, aviation fuel, paraffins and petroleum bitumen. Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez is the only enterprise in Russia that produces solid food paraffins. The processing depth reaches 75%. The plant operates an environmental laboratory, which includes two mobile complexes. As part of the Clean Air program, the plant's tanks are equipped with pontoons to reduce the amount of hydrocarbon emissions into the atmosphere by tens of times. Over the past ten years, average levels of environmental pollution have decreased threefold.

5. Lukoil-Volgogradneftepererabotka (15.7 million tons)

The Volgograd (Stalingrad) Refinery, launched in 1957, became part of the Lukoil company in 1991 and received a new name - Lukoil-Volgogradneftepererabotka. The plant's capacity is 15.7 million tons, the actual capacity is 12.6 million tons with a processing depth of 93%. Now the company produces about seven dozen types of petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel fuel, liquefied gases, bitumen, oils, cokes and gas oils. According to Lukoil, thanks to the implementation of the environmental safety program, the gross volume of harmful emissions was reduced by 44%.

6. Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteorgsintez (15 million tons)

The Novo-Yaroslavsky oil refinery (currently Slavneft-YANOS, jointly owned by Gazprom and Slavneft) began operating in 1961. The current installed capacity of the plant is 15 million tons of raw materials, the processing depth is 66%. The company is engaged in the production of motor gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel used in jet engines, a wide range of oils, bitumen, waxes, paraffins, aromatic hydrocarbons, fuel oil and liquefied gases. Over the past 11 years, Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteorgsintez has significantly improved the quality of its industrial wastewater. The amount of previously accumulated waste decreased by 3.5 times, and the volume of polluting emissions into the atmosphere decreased by 1.4 times.

7. Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez (13.1 million tons)

In 1958, the Perm oil refinery was put into operation. Later it received such names as the Perm Oil Refinery, Permnefteorgsintez, and eventually, after becoming the property of Lukoil, it was renamed Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez. The enterprise's capacity, with a depth of raw material processing of 88%, reaches 13.1 million tons. Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez produces a wide range of products, including dozens of items - gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel for jet power plants, gas oils, toluene, benzene, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, sulfur, acids and petroleum cokes.

According to the assurances of the plant management, the enterprise is actively implementing measures that make it possible to eliminate the release of polluting components into the environment in excess of regulatory limits. All types of oil-containing waste are disposed of using special modern equipment. Last year, the plant won the “Leader of Environmental Activities in Russia” competition.

8. Gazpromneft - Moscow Refinery (12.15 million tons)

The Moscow Oil Refinery (owned by Gazprom Neft), which currently meets 34% of the Russian capital's needs for petroleum products, was built in 1938. The enterprise's capacity reaches 12.15 million tons with a processing depth of 75%. The plant is primarily engaged in the fuel segment - it produces motor fuel, but also produces bitumen. Liquefied gases for domestic and municipal needs and heating oil are also produced. According to Gazpromneft - Moscow Refinery, the environmental management system at the enterprise complies with international standards.

However, since 2014, the plant has repeatedly been in the spotlight due to hydrogen sulfide emissions into the air in Moscow. Although, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the source of pollution indeed turned out to be the mentioned oil refinery, no corresponding official charges were brought, and another three dozen industrial facilities located in the city came under suspicion. In 2017, representatives of the Moscow Refinery reported that there were no excess pollutant emissions on the territory of the enterprise. Let us remind you that the Moscow mayor’s office announced the launch of a system for monitoring plant emissions.

9. “RN-Tuapse Oil Refinery” (12 million tons)

The RN-Tuapse Oil Refinery enterprise is the oldest oil refinery in Russia. It was built in 1929. The uniqueness of the enterprise also lies in the fact that it is the only refinery in the country located on the Black Sea coast. The owner of RN-Tuapse Oil Refinery is the Rosneft Corporation. The plant's capacity is 12 million tons (actually 8.6 million tons of raw materials are processed per year), the processing depth is up to 54%. The main range of products produced is gasoline, including technological gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene for lighting purposes, fuel oil and liquefied gas. According to the plant administration, the refinery managed to halve the volume of polluting emissions into the atmospheric air in a short time. Also, the quality of wastewater has been brought to the level of first category fishery reservoirs.

10. Angarsk Petrochemical Company (10.2 million tons)

In Angarsk, Irkutsk region, the production facilities of the Angarsk Petrochemical Company, specializing in oil refining, are located. The complex includes an oil refinery, chemical units, and an oil production plant. Installed capacity is 10.2 million tons, processing depth is 73.8%. The complex was launched in 1945 as an enterprise for the production of liquid coal fuel, and in 1953 the first petrochemical facilities were put into operation. The company currently produces gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene for aircraft, alcohols, fuel oil, sulfuric acid, oils. As part of environmental safety measures, closed flares have been installed to neutralize waste gases, and a recycling water supply system is being built.

Leaders in oil refining: top regions and companies

If we talk about the Russian oil refining industry as a whole, then it is characterized by a large (up to 90%) degree of consolidation. Factories predominantly operate as part of vertically integrated companies.

Most of the existing oil refineries in Russia were built during the Soviet period. The distribution of oil refineries among regions was carried out according to two principles - proximity to raw material deposits and in accordance with the need to supply fuels, lubricants and petrochemical products to specific regions of the RSFSR, or to neighboring republics of the USSR. These factors predetermined the location of oil refining capacities on the territory of the modern Russian state.

The current stage of development of domestic processing of “black gold” is characterized not only by an increase in capacity, but also by a total modernization of production. The latter makes it possible Russian companies how to improve product quality to the level of the most stringent international standards, and increase the depth of processing of raw materials, as well as minimize the negative impact on the environment.

Gas industry- the youngest and fastest growing industry. It is engaged in the production, transportation, storage and distribution of natural gas. Gas production is 2 times cheaper than oil production and 10-15 times cheaper than coal production.

On the territory of Russia there are concentrated about 1/3 proven world reserves of natural gas, the potential reserves of which are estimated at 160 trillion. m3, of which on European part accounts for 11.6%, and in the eastern regions - 84.4%, on the shelf of inland seas - 0.5%.

Over 90% of natural gas is produced in Western Siberia, including 87% in the Yamalo-Nenets and 4% in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The largest fields are located here: Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye, etc. The industrial reserves of natural gas in this region account for more than 60% of the country’s total resources. Among other gas-producing territories, the Urals (Orenburg gas condensate field - more than 3% of production) and the Northern region (Vuktylskoye field) stand out. There are natural gas resources in the Lower Volga region (Astrakhan gas condensate field), in the North Caucasus (North Stavropol, Kubano-Priazovskoye fields), in the Far East (Ust-Vilyuiskoye, Tungor on Sakhalin Island).

The shelf waters of the Arctic and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are considered promising areas for gas production. Gas supergiants have been discovered in the Barents and Kara Seas - the Leningradskoye, Rusanovskoye, Shtokmanskoye fields.

To transport gas in Russia, a Unified Gas Supply System has been created, which includes developed fields, a network of gas pipelines (143 thousand km), compressor stations, underground storage facilities and other installations. There are large gas supply systems: Central, Volga, Ural, multi-line system Siberia-Center.

RAO Gazprom reigns supreme in the Russian gas industry. is the world's largest gas production structure, one of the country's most important natural monopolies, providing 94% of all Russian gas production.

Oil industry

Oil industry engages in oil production and transportation, as well as associated gas production. Russia has quite large proven oil reserves (about 8% of the world's total - sixth largest in the world).

The resources of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province have been studied and developed most of all. There are large deposits here: Romashkinskoye - in Tataria, Shkapovskoye and Tuymazinskoye - in Bashkiria, Mukhanovskoye - in the Samara region. etc.

Main oil resources concentrated in the West Siberian oil and gas province. Since 1960, the Shaimsky, Surgutsky and Nizhnevartovsky oil regions have been delineated here, where such large fields as Samotlorskoye, Ust-Balykskoye, Megionskoye, Yuganskoye, Kholmogorskoye, Varyegonskoye and others are located.

The formation of the Timan-Pechora oil base continues, largest deposit- Usinsk. Heavy oil is extracted here (by the mine method) - the most valuable raw material for the production of low-temperature oils necessary for the operation of mechanisms in harsh climatic conditions.

Oil was also found in other regions of Russia: in the North Caucasus, in the Caspian lowland, on the island. Sakhalin, in the shelf zones of the Barents, Kara, Okhotsk, and Caspian seas.

Oil production is concentrated in three major oil and gas provinces, which together produce over 9/10 of all Russian oil, including the West Siberian province accounting for more than 2/3, and the Volga-Ural province for about 1/4 of total production.

The privatization of oil and gas complex facilities fragmented the previously unified centrally controlled state system. Private oil companies took over production facilities and the country's national wealth - oil fields and their reserves. There are 17 companies in the Russian oil complex. Among them, the largest are LUKOIL (18.7% of Russian oil production), TNK (18.5%), Rosneft (15.6%), Surgutneftegaz (13.6%) and Sibneft ( 9.7%).

The promotion of production to the eastern regions and to the north of the European part poses an acute problem of oil transportation. The most effective means for this in Russia are pipelines (see the chapter “Transport complex”). The development of a network of oil pipelines contributes to further bringing oil refining closer to the places where oil products are consumed.

Gas processing industry engages in primary processing of associated gas from oil fields and is located in major centers oil production - Surgut, Nezhnevartovsk, Almetyevsk, Ukhta. However, the most powerful gas processing centers in Russia are the centers of gas condensate fields - Orenburg and Astrakhan.

The location of oil refining industry enterprises depends on the size of consumption of petroleum products in different areas, technology for refining and transporting oil, territorial relationships between resources and places of consumption of liquid fuel.

There are currently 28 oil refineries(refinery) with a total capacity of 300 million tons per year. Almost 90% of the oil refining industry capacity is located in the European part of Russia, which is explained by its predominant attraction to the consumer: transporting crude oil through pipelines is cheaper than transporting petroleum products, and process oil refining is water-intensive, so most of the country's refineries are located on the Volga and its tributaries (Volgograd, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl), along highways and at the ends of oil pipelines (Tuapse, Ryazan, Moscow, Kirishi, Omsk, Achinsk, Angarsk, Komsomolsk-on- Amur), as well as in points with an advantageous transport and geographical location (Khabarovsk). A significant amount of oil is also processed in the places where it is produced: Ufa, Salavat, Samara, Perm, Ukhta, Krasnodar.