How to open your own hookah bar. How to open your hookah bar from scratch: necessary investments and payback Everything for a hookah bar

Organizing a hookah business is not an easy task, but as a result, such an establishment can bring a relatively good income to its owner. This is due to a number of factors, the main ones being: low competition, small investment, as well as the presence of connoisseurs of recreation associated with hookah smoking.

Of course, difficulties cannot be avoided. Like organizing any other business, opening a hookah bar will be accompanied by difficulties associated with existing legislation and some other nuances. This is what we will talk about.

What do you need to open a hookah bar?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the existing legislation, and specifically to the article establishing a ban on smoking in public places, which include bars, restaurants, cafes and other similar establishments. And these are exactly the places where hookah can be popular.

However, there is a way out. More precisely, there are only two of them:

  1. The first option involves opening a hookah bar in its pure form. In this case, you should not sell any additional drinks or food, as you will thereby be breaking the law. You can allow those wishing to have a snack to bring food with them. Ask visitors to bring a receipt to prove that they purchased the food elsewhere.

Note: some hookah bar owners hold promotions related to the presentation of gifts when purchasing a hookah. And this is a good commercial move, and it is quite possible to adopt it. However, again, keep in mind: gifts should not be related to drinks and food. It would seem that a gift is not an item of trade between the giver and the recipient, but the inspection authorities, if such a thing is discovered, are in no hurry to meet the owner of the establishment and, as a rule, having recorded administrative violation, take the case to court.

  1. The second option is an excellent solution for those who want to make money both by selling hookahs and by selling drinks with food. In this case, it is only necessary to take into account the following: since the law prohibits smoking tobacco in public places, it cannot be offered to visitors, and an alternative can be, for example, nicotine-free syrups, mixtures and their analogues. On the one hand, hookah connoisseurs are not so attracted to nicotine-free bases, and due to this, some consumers may be lost. But at the same time, the owner will have opportunities to earn money by selling drinks and food. As a consequence, the number potential clients will increase significantly. That is, not only those who want to smoke a hookah, but also ordinary passers-by or people who simply liked this place can become regular visitors.

When opening a hookah business from scratch, some entrepreneurs think about other options for circumventing the law. For example, they offer home delivery of hookah. However, as a rule, such a service is expensive and therefore not widely popular.

You can also open a hookah bar in an existing establishment. Some restaurant and bar owners cooperate with entrepreneurs, providing them with free premises for rent. But finding such an offer is sometimes not so easy. The whole point is that it is more profitable for a businessman who owns such an establishment to independently organize a place for smoking hookah - his income in this case will be much higher.

In addition to direct acquaintance with the legislation, to open a hookah bar you will need to do the following:

  • Draw up a full-fledged business plan in which everything will be calculated and spelled out down to the smallest detail;
  • Register a business;
  • Select a premises that meets all legal requirements;
  • Purchase equipment and food (if necessary);
  • Hire workers;
  • Organize advertising campaign.

Below we will consider in detail all the above stages and give comprehensive answers to all questions that may arise in the process of organizing a business and during the first months of its development.

Business registration

Before drawing up a business plan for opening a hookah bar from scratch, you should decide on the form of doing business. There may be several options:

  1. If you do not plan to expand your business in the near future and do not want to sell alcoholic beverages and regular cigarettes in a future establishment, then you should register as individual entrepreneur. Firstly, it is fast, and secondly, it is inexpensive. And regulatory authorities are more loyal to individual entrepreneurs than to organizations.
  2. The second option could be to open an LLC. The undoubted advantage of this form is that the LLC participants are liable for debts only within the framework of their own contribution.

If you decide to become an individual entrepreneur, the registration steps will be as follows:

  • First of all, you need to prepare several photographs and also pay a fee of 800 rubles.
  • Next, you should contact the Federal Tax Service office and write a statement there.
  • After completing the documents, you will be issued a certificate of state registration.
  • Then you can open an account in any bank. It is not necessary for an individual entrepreneur to do this, but for convenience it is still recommended.
  • In a few days you will need to visit the tax office. There you will be given a notice of registration, and will also be required to purchase several books: comments and suggestions, accounting for inspections, accounting for income and expenses.

Hookah smoking came to us from the East and almost immediately gained popularity; moreover, it continues to attract supporters of this form of recreation. Many entrepreneurs, paying attention to the growing popularity, decide to open their own hookah bar. Where should I start, what is the sequence of actions?

Legal requirements

An entrepreneur who decides to start this type of business must be aware that there will be certain difficulties along the way. It's all about the smoking ban law, so opening a hookah bar in an establishment catering very hard. But there are several options to circumvent this prohibition. For example, offer your visitors a hookah without nicotine. There are many types of smoking mixtures made on the basis of fruits, milk, wines, etc. This approach will allow you not to break the law and provide this popular service to your guests. By the way, the hope that you can somehow deceive the control is very illusory, and the game in this case is not worth the candle. The penalties for violating the smoking ban are considerable.

Video: the problem of illegal hookah bars in urban residential buildings

How to open a small hookah bar from scratch: from idea to business plan

Planning aspects before opening a hookah bar include:

  • choice of establishment format and target audience;
  • choice of location and premises;
  • calculation of costs, profits and payback periods;
  • business registration;
  • advertising and promotion of services;
  • hiring staff.

Financial question - how much does it cost to open a hookah bar?

Answering the question of how much it costs to open an establishment is quite difficult. It is necessary to take into account many criteria that influence the amount of costs. In the main financial costs you can enter:

  • preparation of the necessary documentation;
  • rental of premises. Its cost directly depends on the area, location, cost of repair and design work and much more;
  • purchase of equipment and furniture;
  • purchase of hookahs themselves and mixtures for them;
  • employee salaries and contributions to pension and other funds.

The above are the main costs; you need to be prepared for other expenses. This largely depends on the format and scale of the future establishment.

What is needed to register a business

If we are talking about opening one establishment, then you can register an individual entrepreneur, if you are talking about a network of hookah bars, then you need to register an LLC.

Table: documents for registration of LLC and individual entrepreneur


One of the key points in opening a cafe is its location. This largely determines attendance. Indeed, located on the red linecafewill be more visited than the one located on the outskirts. You must be prepared for the fact that the price for renting a room in the city center may be higher than the price in a quieter area. But an entrepreneur must be prepared for a rental cost of approximately 1,000 rubles per meter.

Institution format

A hookah bar can exist in several formats:

  1. Bar. If an entrepreneur has certain financial resources, then you might want to think about opening a bar. The optimal location would be in the city center. With this format, in addition to hookah services, you can organize hot meals and sell drinks of various strengths.
  2. Renting premises in a working cafe or restaurant, if there are not enough resources for a large-scale project. This option is complicated because you will have to visit many establishments in the area of ​​interest and create an offer that the restaurant owner cannot refuse.
  3. Offsite sessions. For example, providing services at festivals or other large events. In this case, there is no need to open a stationary establishment; it is enough to have the hookahs themselves and people who know how to handle them.

Video: hookah picnic


The available budget should be managed wisely. By following the calculations outlined in the business plan, you will be able to avoid unnecessary waste. Let's calculate how much money you will have to invest in organizing a hookah bar.

Table: costs of opening a hookah bar

Payback period

Now let’s calculate the approximate payback period for the establishment.

The average cost of a hookah is 500 rubles. The flow of customers in a hookah bar with 10 zones will reach 20–30 people per day. Additional services are not taken into account in the calculation. Let's calculate the profit when the establishment operates 28 days a month. Even if you count at the minimum, monthly income will vary at the level of 280 thousand rubles:

500 x 20 x 28 = 280,000

The maximum cost for 1 hookah is 250 rubles. (including staff salaries). In this case, the markup is at least 300% (in some cases you can add up to 1000%). In our example, the cost of 560 sales in 28 days will be equal to 140 thousand rubles:

250 x 560 = 140,000

Thus, the investment in a hookah bar for 10 hookahs pays off in 6–8 months. After a year of work, you can count on a stable profit, despite the monthly need to pay salaries to employees, purchase raw materials, rent premises, public utilities and other expenses.

Required documents

Package of documents for opening a hookah bar:

  • documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs or LLCs;
  • notification of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • permission from the SES (sanitary and epidemiological service);
  • liquor license.

According to clause 4.1 of GOST R 50764–2009, a license to open a fireplace is not required.

Passability and calculation procedure

An important indicator is cross-country ability. For a hookah bar, it can be calculated based on the requirements for establishments in the mid-price range. You can take as a basis the number of people living or working within walking distance of the point. Theoretically, as restaurateurs say, you can count on a number of visitors equal to 10% of the number of people living or working nearby. But again, this is a theoretical figure.


To work in a hookah bar, you need to select appropriate workers. Care must be taken in selecting employees. An inexperienced employee can easily ruin the evening for guests and thereby create a problem best experience about the establishment.

How to recruit people? There is no single answer here either. Some hire staff through friends, others through recruitment agencies. When hiring people, you need to remember that they have health certificates and periodically organize a medical examination. If there are foreign citizens among those hired, they must have work permits. The fine for using migrant labor without proper registration can reach up to 400,000 per illegal immigrant.

We can say that the monthly fund wages bar can amount to about 120,000 thousand rubles. It is necessary to add mandatory payments to it pension fund. This will add almost a third to the indicated amount. The number of staff is determined by the number of seats, the traffic of the establishment and other factors.

Table: hookah bar staffing table

Working hours

Most of the traffic will be on weekday evenings. Clients come to smoke hookah at the end of their working day. Therefore, you can organize promotions during the day to attract customers and thereby maintain your profitability. In addition, the hookah bar must be open on weekends and holidays.


Another expense item is advertising and promotions. This is the only way to ensure the promotion of the establishment. One of the profitable ways to attract attention is to distribute leaflets on the street with an invitation to visit a hookah bar. To increase efficiency, you can announce that the bearer of the leaflet will receive a certain discount. By the way, for regular customers You can also apply a discount system.

The external design of the hookah bar also plays a significant role in attracting guests.

It is better to entrust these works advertising agency. Typically they have ready-made scripts for the campaign. The main thing is to clearly formulate the tasks for advertisers. Based on them, it will be possible to calculate the average cost. Carrying out this work without certain skills can have the opposite effect.

Some subtleties

It is also necessary to consider some points in the process of organizing a business:

  1. In the room, it is necessary to delimit the electricity supply line by installing a separate meter on it. Do the same with water and gas. Thus, the entrepreneur will pay bills based on actual expenses.
  2. To avoid complaints from local residents and visitors to neighboring premises, it is a good idea to ensure good ventilation.
  3. It is necessary to provide the premises with a fire extinguishing system and an effective evacuation system.
  4. It is also necessary to consider the safety of guests. It makes sense to involve specialists from private security companies in cooperation to ensure control over what is happening in the room and to take measures to eliminate various excesses.

Video: how to open a hookah bar (feedback from entrepreneurs)

Opening a hookah bar requires some work and serious expenses, but we can say that all this will pay off within a few months. To reduce costs, you may want to consider purchasing a franchise.

To open a hookah bar according to the law, it is necessary not only to obtain permission from the owner of the premises to smoke, but also to create a good ventilation system to protect random people from smoke.


IN global network There are many articles about how to easily and simply open a hookah area or room, that this business is one of the simplest. The costs are estimated at completely inadequate amounts of 20-80 thousand rubles, and the authors do not write about any precautions. So, let’s look at what is needed to open a hookah bar: let’s try to understand this problem, find out whether there are special rules regulating the industry, and calculate how much the project will actually cost.

What is a hookah bar?

An establishment that serves special devices for smoking aromatic tobacco on water can safely be called just that. There are 2 key business models: opening a separate place and creating a hookah area at a restaurant or bar. The second option is more preferable, as it allows you to quickly promote a new location. However, it is also more difficult to implement: whatever one may say, the majority of visitors will have to be protected from the “aromatic smoke”, otherwise this may result in problems with attendance.

Is the smoking mixture considered tobacco?

Controversial issue is a stumbling block between supporters and opponents of “aromatic smoke”. Most products are still based on tobacco, therefore, it is subject to all legal restrictions. It is quite difficult to prove the opposite, and supervisory authorities will not always enter into lengthy discussions with businessmen.

Stages of opening a hookah bar:

  1. Registration of organizational and legal form. The ideal solution in this case is an LLC, since the newly created establishment will have to purchase equipment, coal, tobacco at non-cash payments.
  2. Renting premises. You cannot smoke tobacco in non-stationary retail facilities, so you will have to make a choice in favor of permanent buildings.
  3. Obtaining the owner's permission to smoke. This requirement is indirectly enshrined in regulations, but in the near future it will be formulated verbatim.
  4. Bringing the premises into compliance with fire safety standards. It is necessary to create a suction and exhaust system to protect people who do not use the services of the establishment from tobacco smoke.
  5. Installation of equipment for smoking hookahs. To also comply with the requirements labor legislation In terms of employee health protection, it is possible to introduce special devices that allow you to heat tobacco without significant human effort.
  6. Organization of visual information about smoking in the establishment. This step will not be superfluous: it will allow you to avoid formal claims from inspection organizations.

The further process of opening an establishment is no different from creating an ordinary cafe or restaurant: if the premises are redeveloped, it must be agreed upon with the relevant departments (Gospozhnadzor, Gosexpertiza, Rospotrebnadzor, architectural and planning department). If the establishment will serve alcoholic beverages, you must obtain a license to retail sales alcohol.

Before starting activities, it is necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor, namely its territorial body. You will also need standard contracts on the basis of which the facility will be serviced: garbage removal, etc.

Fire safety requirements and protection of the population from tobacco

At the moment, the rules for opening an establishment of this kind are indirectly regulated by several regulations:

  1. PPB-S-3-81 ( general requirements security for various public facilities are advisory in nature);
  2. (information about where smoking areas cannot be established);
  3. Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia N 756/pr, Ministry of Health of Russia N 786n dated November 28, 2014 “On the requirements...” (comes into force on October 14, 2015);
  4. Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor No. 114 of May 30, 2003 “On the introduction... GN”;
  5. Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Advertising” (restrictions on business promotion).

The list goes on: it all depends on the working conditions and the imagination of the inspection authorities. However, the listed regulatory framework contains some barriers to the smooth operation of business.

Here are the most important points of these acts:

  1. There must be at least 1 foam fire extinguisher per 100 square meters of area, but at least 1 unit in each room (that is, if there are 2 or more rooms, they must have 1 device).
  2. The premises must have a fire warning system. The standard time for evacuation of visitors depends on the degree of fire resistance of the building.
  3. The smoking area must be protected from people who do not want to breathe harmful smoke. This means that when organizing a hookah bar at a restaurant or cafe, you need powerful climate control equipment (pull and exhaust ventilation system) to remove harmful substances.
  4. It is very difficult to advertise an establishment of this type according to the law: the range of items that are prohibited is wide.

Fire safety requirements may vary depending on the specific entity Russian Federation and even cities. Therefore, before opening an establishment, you should familiarize yourself with local practice and make sure that local legislation does not contain special “recommendations” for businessmen.

A hookah bar cannot be organized in the following permanent premises:

  • Intended for educational purposes, including for physical education;
  • Created to provide rehabilitation, medical, and sanatorium services;
  • Organized as a hotel, place of temporary residence (accommodation);
  • Dedicated for non-stationary shopping facilities, trading and household services;
  • At the gas station.

These restrictions are stipulated by Federal Law No. 15 of February 23, 2013 “On the Protection of...”, while the criteria themselves are rather vague. However, the owner may allow smoking of tobacco in isolated rooms where there is sufficient ventilation.

Gaps in legislation

All of the above requirements currently apply to tobacco smoking. Some mixtures used for hookahs can do without this ingredient. Therefore, possible claims of regulatory authorities can be dismissed by proving their inconsistency.

Will the requirements for hookah bars be tightened?

Here are the key points of the new act (at the time of preparation of the material, it was not approved and did not enter into legal force):

  • Non-tobacco mixtures, which previously were a “loophole” when organizing smoking in restaurants, will be consolidated at the formal level;
  • Smoking hookah will be prohibited along with smoking tobacco (thus, all the above prohibitions will apply to each type of mixture, without any exceptions);
  • The use of aromatic smoke in certain buildings and areas adjacent to them may be prohibited along with regular tobacco smoking;
  • Requirements for open areas for hookah smoking, as well as for enclosed spaces, will be established by the Ministry of Health together with the State Construction Committee;
  • All articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses that provide for liability for smoking tobacco will be supplemented with the word “hookah”;
  • A special norm is being introduced for legal entities: for violation of the requirements for open and closed areas for hookah smoking (at the time of preparation of the material they do not exist), administrative liability will be introduced - a fine of 20 to 30 thousand rubles (for an official), from 50 to 80 thousand rubles (For legal entity).


So, for a long time, the opening of establishments for smoking aromatic smoke was not directly regulated by law, as our express analysis of existing legal acts showed. However, after the ratification of the above draft Federal Law, work in this direction will intensify. There is no doubt that government agencies will immediately introduce strict requirements for hookah smoking premises. Therefore, the question of opening such an establishment “according to the law” remains open: we will definitely return to it as regulations change.

People who like to relax and smoke a hookah after a hard day at work are only increasing every year. If regular cigarettes cause irreparable harm to your health, then hookah can be absolutely harmless when prepared with juice or milk, without the use of tobacco.

Due to in great demand for a service, it makes sense to talk about opening a hookah bar as a business with minimal investment and quick payback.

In today's article we will discuss in detail how to open a hookah bar from scratch. How much does it cost and what documents are needed to legally operate an establishment of this type?

How to legally open a hookah bar?

It is worth noting that there are some difficulties in organizing this type of business. Due to the law banning smoking in public places, it is quite difficult to open a hookah bar in a food establishment. But as they say, you can always find loopholes in the law. You have two options for business development.

Opening a hookah bar in a cafe

If you want to be clean before the law, you must understand that the smoking ban directly affects public catering establishments. And smoking a hookah is a violation that will entail penalties. On the other hand, opening a hookah bar in a room where other services are not offered is not a profitable business. The only option is to offer your visitors hookahs without nicotine mixtures, for example, fruit, milk, wine and others. Thus, you do not break the law, customers are happy, and you make your profit.

Illegal sale of hookah

Many entrepreneurs take this risky step, because most visitors prefer to smoke hookahs containing tobacco. But it is worth remembering the strict sanctions that can befall you. If you're willing to take the risk, you can try to outsmart the checking services, but we wouldn't recommend you do this.

Business plan for a hookah bar

The question of how much it costs to open a hookah bar is quite difficult to answer. It all depends on many factors that significantly affect the amount financial investments. On average, you will need from $5,000 to open a hookah bar.

Financial expenses:

  • Gathering everyone necessary documents for business registration;
  • Renting a premises – the price depends on the area, renovation of the premises, as well as its location;
  • Indoor renovation. Depending on the condition, you will need to shell out a certain amount of money for repairs so that the room meets all norms and standards;
  • Purchase of equipment and furniture for a hookah bar;
  • Purchase of hookahs and smoking mixtures;
  • Staff salaries;
  • These are the most important and necessary costs, of course, there may be others, it all depends on the format of the establishment.

Business registration

In order to legally start your business, you need to register with the relevant authorities.

First of all, you should decide on the material and legal form of the activity. You can choose one of two options - registration as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity (LLC).

In addition, you should obtain the necessary permits from the fire and sanitary services, a license to sell alcohol (in the case of selling alcoholic beverages in an establishment). In addition, do not forget that the sale of strong alcoholic beverages requires the registration of an LLC; take this nuance into account.

Hookah bar location

Naturally, location is important and significantly affects the attendance of the establishment. Therefore, take full responsibility when choosing and decorating a room for a hookah bar.

Deciding on the format of the establishment

  • Hookah bar. If you have a solid start-up capital, I recommend that you stop at opening a bar. This establishment should be opened in a crowded part of the city, preferably in the center or business district. In addition to basic functions such as selling food and drinks, you will be able to offer your customers additional service- smoking a hookah.
  • Separate room with hookah in the restaurant. If starting capital is small, then you can open a hookah bar by renting a place in a popular catering establishment. This is not easy to do, because it is quite difficult to find a suitable option, but as they say, no task is impossible.

Purchase of equipment

To provide this service, you should not only rent premises, but also purchase the necessary equipment.

Necessary equipment for a hookah bar:

  1. Hookahs (from 10 pieces);
  2. Smoking mixtures, charcoal, tobacco (if you offer a hookah with nicotine filler);
  3. Replaceable cups, hoses and tubes;
  4. Spare flasks;
  5. Burner, tongs, foil, etc.

Purchasing equipment is not a very expensive part of a business plan. Therefore, you will not incur any special costs at this stage.

As for the interior and furniture, everything should be decorated with taste. The environment should be inviting and clients should feel comfortable in the room.

Video on the topic

Staff workers

To work in a bar, you will need to hire a staff whose responsibilities will include serving customers. In addition to cooks, waiters, and bartenders, it is also necessary to hire professional hookah workers. You should not trust inexperienced specialists to refill your hookah; it is important to find competent employees who understand the technology and features different types tobacco, its aromas and tastes. Believe me, clients are very demanding, because for many, smoking a hookah is not just an action, but a whole procession in a special atmosphere.

The employees of your establishment should be attentive to each client, friendly, hospitable and not intrusive. If you want your establishment to be in demand among visitors, then be very responsible when choosing staff.

Working hours

An establishment of this format should operate both during the day and at night. Most clients prefer to visit hookah bars after work, that is, the main flow of clients will be in the evening, somewhere after 18.00. Therefore, in the first half of the day it is worth organizing promotions in order to attract more people and thus stay in the black.

Work on weekends and holidays is the most profitable for bars and hookah bars, because there are many more customers, so an establishment of this type must be open at this time.

Advertising of the establishment

We have already discussed the main issue of how to open a hookah bar, now it’s worth talking about no less important point– attracting clients.

When drawing up a business plan for a hookah bar, you must take into account the costs of advertising, without which it will be almost impossible to turn the establishment into a highly visited place.

  • Advertising around the city. The most profitable and not too financially expensive option for attracting customers is to distribute advertising leaflets with the address of the establishment in crowded places of the city.
  • Promotions and discounts. Very effective method attracting people's attention. Agree, nothing pleases you more than the opportunity to receive an additional discount on a service or take part in another profitable promotion. Therefore, I recommend that you organize various promotions and provide discounts on services to your regular customers.
  • Bright sign. A simple, but nevertheless very smart way to attract the attention of passing people. Therefore, do not neglect this type of advertising; a bright, glowing sign at night will certainly be appreciated by your customers.

Now you know how to open a hookah bar from scratch and how much it costs. I hope this article will help you navigate and not make mistakes when opening a hookah bar.

Until recently, it was considered an unprofitable business. But, with the adoption of the law banning smoking in public places, this thought is visited by an increasing number of entrepreneurs. The reason for this is the unfilled nature of this niche in business circles and the growing profitability of this service. This primarily concerns the owners of cafes, restaurants, and clubs.

The majority of the smoking population, when visiting entertainment or recreational places, certainly use hookahs. Step by step instructions, business plan, all the nuances for opening a hookah bar from scratch are given below.

Distinctive aspects

The main advantage of the hookah business is its specificity. Not all establishment owners have included smoking an aromatic mixture on the menu. Many cafes and restaurants were smoke-free before the smoking ban was introduced. The same establishments where smoking was allowed opened for themselves new article income, and a significant one at that.

Is it profitable to open a hookah bar from scratch?

A special feature of the hookah business, in addition to its popularity, is the payback for short term. With the right simple business plan, spending a small amount cash, the business can pay off in just 3 months.

The suppliers of hookah bar equipment themselves can help a novice businessman. By agreement between the supplier and the owner of the establishment, the first prepares rooms for hookahs and receives 60% of the income for this, and the second sells it, taking the remaining 40% of the profit.

Despite the low cost of hookah accessories, the price for using such a service in all entertainment places is high, exceeding the cost by several times. Therefore, starting such a business is very profitable and timely. There is not much competition.

You can open an enterprise in a new premises, select employees, and purchase everything you need for smoking. It wouldn’t hurt to recreate a cozy homely atmosphere or an oriental theme. Then the investment will be serious, up to 200 thousand rubles. Because people will not only smoke, but also eat and drink alcohol.

If you set up a smoking room in already operating establishments, then a small amount, up to 50 thousand rubles, will be enough to purchase mixtures, tobacco, and coal. It is better to buy them directly from the East, it will be cheaper and the quality will be higher.

What does it take to open a hookah bar from scratch?

In addition to renting premises, hiring staff and other attributes, it is necessary to obtain permission to sell alcoholic beverages, if it is implied. You also need to register an individual entrepreneur ( Individual Entrepreneurship) or LLC (Limited Liability Company). After this, collect a package of documents. These include:

  1. LLC or individual entrepreneur documentation.
  2. Certificates for hookah smoking accessories.
  3. License to sell alcohol.
  4. Permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service and the fire service.

Worth noting! If you plan to sell strong drinks in a hookah bar, then you need to register it as an LLC.

According to current legislation, smoking is prohibited in public areas, so you should choose how the hookah bar will work:

  • Using a mixture with tobacco, but without alcohol;
  • With the sale of alcohol and tobacco-free hookahs.

You can open your own business with a very small amount. The premises do not have to be purchased or rented. Any restaurant or cafe with smoking areas is suitable. You will need to make a deal with the owner. It can be either on a paid basis, for a small fee, or free of charge. In the latter case, the owner allows you to occupy 1-2 tables to attract potential customers.

Hookahs can be taken for free, rented, or bought. You can contact suppliers and agree to take them for sale by providing samples for use. After promoting the business, you can offer the seller more favorable conditions for yourself.

When establishing a business relationship between you and the owner of the establishment, you don’t have to fill out any documents at first. You will simply pay additional interest to the owner for carrying your funds through his enterprise. The optimal fee is considered to be 10%. Later, register as an individual entrepreneur with UTII (Unified Tax on Imputed Income).

You will do the work yourself, so you will learn the business from the inside and you won’t have to pay money. In the future, when the turnover increases, it will be possible to hire a person. It is better to pay salaries as a percentage of sales, due to the small number of clients. Over time, it will be possible to pay the salary and interest.

Business plan

To open a hookah bar with an area of ​​40 m2 in an already operating restaurant you will need:

This is a calculation on the basis of which you can calculate the costs of a future establishment.

Selection of premises, decoration, equipment

Small hookah bar good income there won't be any, as there won't be enough seats. It is advisable to start a business in a spacious room or on the basis of a running restaurant. After having a hearty meal, visitors will want to relax. Here you should offer a cup of coffee, tea or other drinks, or offer a hookah. A mandatory purchase for a hookah bar will be high-quality hoods and a well-thought-out ventilation system. A useful and popular addition would be a Wi-Fi zone. The establishment must have a working bathroom.

Many people associate smoking mixtures with the East, so it is advisable to design the interior in an Asian style. These are poufs, low sofas, lots of soft pillows and a riot of colors. The decor should be complemented with pleasant motifs and dim lighting.

In the expense item, other expenses are as follows:

Consumable materials for them will be foil, mouthpieces, burners, tongs, and cleaning brushes.

As for advertising, personnel were briefly described above. After promoting the place, inexperienced sellers should be replaced by a professional hookah man who understands the intricacies of hookah technology. The reputation of an establishment is primarily based on customer service. A competent hookah man who knows how to put people at ease will support the conversation and tell you which variety is better. The overall pleasant atmosphere will attract visitors.

Expected income and profitability

In addition to costs, the business plan calculates the expected income. The net income of a room of 40 m2 will be about 30 thousand rubles. At proper organization advertising, creating a cozy place to relax, quantity positive feedback will increase exponentially. Thus, the profitability of the hookah bar will increase.

This business idea is very profitable for beginning businessmen, owners of bars, cafes, restaurants, suppliers of hookah equipment and its components. This is due to the fact that in addition to quick payback, an important difference from other areas of trade is the ultra-high markup, up to 1000%.

Step by step instructions

  1. Form an LLC;
  2. Find a place;
  3. Buy everything you need;
  4. Equip the premises;
  5. Hire staff;
  6. Conduct an advertising campaign;
  7. Collect income.

Hookah bars will conquer increasingly larger areas, since this market segment is not yet sufficiently developed. Distinctive features such a business is low cost, quick payback, growing demand.