Staging a live classic for the competition. Scenario for the school tour of the "Living Classics" reading competition

Scenario of the school stage of the All-Russian competition for young readers " Living classics- 2016"
1.Relevance of the event.
The school stage of the competition is held so that the children of our school strive to participate in the regional and all-Russian stage of the reading competition “Living Classics”
2.Goals and objectives of the competition
- Promotion of reading among children;
- Expanding the reading horizons of children;
- Development in children of skills of adequate perception of printed information;
- Revival of family reading traditions;
- Increasing public interest in libraries;
- Increasing the level of literacy of the population
- Finding and supporting talented children;
- Increasing interest in literature in children.
3. Methodology (selected methods, means, technological techniques)
When preparing the event, the following methods and techniques of working with children were used:
- training in text analysis;
- teaching expressive reading;
- acting training.

Presenter1. Sounds Beethoven "Music of Angels"
There are many words on Earth.
There are daily words -
The blue of the spring sky shines through them
There are words - like roses, words - like judgment.
They do not surrender and are not taken prisoner.
A word can kill, a word can save,
In short, you can carry the shelves with you.
With a word you can betray, and sell, and buy
The word can be poured into striking lead,
But we have words for all words in the language
Glory, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor.
Let them not serve as bargaining chips, -
Keep them in your heart as a golden standard!
Presenter2 The art of the sounding word Presenter1 It is not given to many. The ability to convey the author’s thoughts is a special gift
Presenter 2 Keeping the word, bringing it to people is not easy work Presenter 1 Labor, work, deed, and sometimes not just a task, but a feat Presenter 2 A feat akin to the feat of Prometheus, who brought fire to people Presenter 1 Fire of the Word, air of the Word, ocean of the Word, salt and power of the Word, - elements of poetry and prose Presenter 2 Manager this element is not just a person, He is the Prometheus of Words Presenter1 To the Prometheans of the Word – to the Prometheans of Good – to the Prometheans of Art – our school is always open
The anthem of the “Year of Literature” sounds
Presenter 2. Good afternoon, dear friends. Today we are holding the school stage of the Living Classics reading competition. This competition is a competition in reading aloud passages from prose works of Russian and foreign writers among students in grades 5-10. It is necessary to look for the road that will lead the child to the book. One of the good opportunities is to participate in the All-Russian recitation competition “Living Classics - 2016”.
Presenter 1. Victory in the competition is brought not only by artistic skill, but also by the depth of penetration into the semantic structure and figurative system of an artistic text. Let me introduce the jury of the competition:
Presenter 1 Evaluation criteria and requirements for performances: Presenter 2 Selection of the text of the work for use within the Competition; Presenter 1 Competent speech; Presenter 2 Artistry of performance; Presenter 1 Depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text; Presenter 1 Speech time should not exceed 5 minutes. Presenter 2 The winners and runners-up of the competition are awarded certificates.
Chapter 1: Opens our competitive program Lukin Roman is a work of the famous Belarusian Orthodox writer Boris Aleksandrovich Ganago, author and compiler of numerous children's books, plots for which life tells him: a newspaper fact, a story he heard, sometimes a memory from his personal life.
The works of Boris Ganago help people of all ages think about the ways of God's providence in the world, about the most important spiritual and moral problems of our time.

2 presenter: Boris Ganago’s work “The Spoken Word”.
1st part:
Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich, famous Russian writer of the 20th century. He wrote stories, short stories and dramatic works in the genre of satire. We have known his satirical works since early childhood. The author’s peculiar manner of presentation, the literary form in the form of a tale, ranked him among the authors of naive philosophy and left him for subsequent generations, who have not lost the relevance of works written in a living, bright, rich language.
2 ved. His work “The Miserly Knight” is presented by Olga Rusina - 8th grade.
1 led. The great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev left us a great artistic legacy. Reading and re-reading his works, you experience true pleasure from the beauty of the Russian language.
Turgenev was a highly developed, convinced man who never abandoned the soil of universal human ideals. He carried these ideals into Russian life with that conscious constancy, which constitutes his main, invaluable service to Russian society. These were those simple, universally accessible “good feelings”, which were based on a deep belief in the triumph of light, goodness and moral beauty.
2 ved. Invites Maria Grushina I.S. Turgenev “Sparrow” to the stage
1 led. Irina Tryakina will continue our competition program with the work ““
1 led. Ivan Sergeevich turned to a new genre for himself - the creation of poetry in prose - towards the end of his life. He tries to solve the fundamental questions of existence in his poems.
2 ved. Kazeeva Irina “Christ”
1 led. The desire to stop the flow of time, to capture a beautiful moment of the past - the property of a person who understands the true value of the beauty of the world is intertwined in the poem "Rose"
2 ved. Sukhomlina N. “Rose”
1 led. “Without a Nest” The poem was written in January 1878. It is also called Turgenev’s “swan song”. He will be presented to us by 7th grade student Muminov R.
2 ved. “Doves” The poem was written in May 1879. Theme of loneliness. Ivanova Ekaterina 9th grade.
1 led. Boris Ekimov was born on November 19, 1938 in the city of Igarka, but his real homeland was the city of Kalach-on-Don, where he spent his childhood and youth.
The first stories of the aspiring Volgograd writer B. Ekimov appeared in the early 70s. Everyone who turned to his work noted the writer’s loyalty to the “truth of life” and genuine sincerity in all his stories. Today there is already a “world of B. Ekimov” or, as one of the researchers put it, “the country of Ekimiya”, which has very specific geographical coordinates: the Vikhlyaevsky farms, Malye and Bolshie Sokari, Derben. They can be easily found on a map of the Volgograd region.
Ekimov’s favorite heroes have the main, in the opinion of their creator, dignity - a “living soul”; their moral strength is revealed in specific actions, in small good deeds. His work “Speak, Mom, Speak” will be read by Olya Kuzmina, 10th grade.

Presenter 2 - Our competition program has come to an end. But the fire of our hearts - the fire of the sounding Word - has not gone out. Presenter 1 - We want the high jury to appreciate our ardor and efforts, and to keep a piece of the fire of our hearts in their souls!
Presenter 2 - While the jury is deliberating, we will play literary charades and riddles with you.
While the jury is counting the points. We'll play. FLASH QUESTIONS. 1. The bird that Thumbelina saved? (Swallow) 2. The little dancer from the fairy tale “Three Fat Men”? (Suok) 3. Who wrote the poem “Uncle Styopa”? (Mikhalkov) 4. On which street did the absent-minded man live? (Pool) 5. Friend of the crocodile Gena? (Cheburashka) 6. What did Munchausen fly to the moon on? (On a cannonball) 7. Who speaks all the languages? (Echo) 8. Who is the author of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”? (People) 9. Which of the heroes of the children's fairy tale considered himself the best ghost expert in the world? (Carlson) 10. Hero of Russian folk puppet shows? (Petrushka) 11. Russian folk tale about a hostel? (Teremok) 12. The nickname of the calf from the cartoon “Vacation in Prostokvashino”? (Gavryusha) 13. What would you ask from Pinocchio? (Golden Key) 14. Who is the author of the lines “A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant cliff”? (M.Yu. Lermontov)
Presenter 2 Our time is a time of great achievements in science and technology, a time of wonderful discoveries. But of all the miracles created by man, A. M. Gorky considered the book the most complex and great. The book contains the vast spiritual world of humanity. The book is the most powerful and most universal means of communication between people, nations, generations. It is called the only time machine with which you can travel to unprecedented countries, to the past, to the future and to the present. The book is our faithful and unchanging companion. It remains the main source from which we draw knowledge. No wonder K. G. Paustovsky wrote: “Read! And may there not be a single day in your life when you do not read at least one page from a new book!”
Presenter1 And now the jury gives the floor.
Presenter2 So, the following are sent to the regional competition of young readers “Living Classics”:
Presenter 1:
Our competition is over. But creativity is not over. New achievements and victories are ahead! New poems and prose are ahead! We say to you - see you again! We say to you - goodbye!

Score Sheet
Last name, first name
Selecting the text of a work for use within the Competition
Competent speech
Artistry of performance
Depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text
Speech time (should not exceed 5 minutes)

1b. - unsatisfactory
2b. - satisfactory
3b. - good
4b. - excellent

Municipal educational institution

Andreapol secondary school No. 3


"Living Classic"

The school recitation competition “Living Classics” is held on February 13, 2014 as part of the All-Russian competition of young reciters “Living Classics”


Propaganda of works of Russian classical and modern domestic prose of a patriotic orientation, education of the growing up

generations in the spirit of patriotism;

Identification, support and stimulation of talented performers who master the genre of artistic expression;

Acquaintance with the literary heritage of Russia, reflecting the greatness of our culture and the richness of the Russian language;

Increasing public attention to the genre of artistic expression.

Organizing committee of the competition:
Kolosova E.V. – Deputy Director for VR;

Bobarykina T.A. - teacher-organizer;

Egorova I.V. – teacher of Russian language and literature.

Competition jury:

Bakulina N.Yu., Azizbaeva E.D. - teachers of Russian language and literature.

Participants of the review-competition:
Pupils of the 6th grade of the school take part in the competition.

Conditions of the competition:

Performers present a completed fragment of any literary genre, corresponding to the theme of the competition.

Evaluation criteria and performance requirements:

Selecting the text of a work for use within the Competition;

Competent speech;

Artistry of performance;

Depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text;

Speech schedule:

Speech duration is up to 5 minutes.

Summing up the results of the competition

The winners and runners-up of the competition are awarded certificates.

Scenario for the reading competition “Living Classics”

Leading: Hello dear participants, jury and guests. We are pleased to welcome you to the school stage of the Living Classics competition. Slide 1

Leading: We would like to start our competition with the poem “Book Children” by Vladimir Vysotsky, because its goal is to increase children’s interest in reading books not only by modern authors, but also by immortal classics. Slide 2

Leading: Reflection of vanished years,

Relief from the yoke of life,

Eternal truths unfading light -

Tireless searching is the guarantee,

The joy of every new shift,

Indication of future roads -

This is a book. Long live the book!

A bright source of pure joys,

Securing a happy moment

best friend, if you are lonely, -

This is a book. Long live the book!

Leading: Our time is a time of great achievements in science and technology, a time of wonderful discoveries. But of all the miracles created by man, A. M. Gorky considered the book the most complex and great. The book contains the vast spiritual world of humanity. A book is the most powerful and most universal means of communication between people, nations, generations. It is called the only time machine with which you can travel to unprecedented countries, to the past, to the future and to the present... The book is our faithful and constant companion. It remains the main source from which we draw knowledge. No wonder K. G. Paustovsky wrote: “Read! And may there not be a single day in your life when you do not read at least one page from a new book!” Slide 2.

Scenario for the “Living Classics” school tour

The book is faithful
The book is the first
A book is a child's best friend.
We can't live without a book,
We can't live without a book! –
All the guys are talking.
(Z. Bychkov)

1 ved.:- Good afternoon, dear friends. Today we are holding a school competition for young readers “Living Classics”. This competition is a competition in reading aloud passages from prose works of Russian and foreign writers among 6th and 7th grade students.
It is necessary to look for the road that will lead the child to the book. One of the good opportunities is participation in the All-Russian competition of young readers “Living Classics”.

2 ved.: Today 8 young readers from grades 6 and 7 will compete.

Victory in the competition will be brought not only by artistic skill, but also by the depth of penetration into the semantic structure and figurative system of a literary text.

1 ved.: Our participants will be assessed by a respected jury consisting of:

Jury members:

2 ved.: Performances are assessed according to the following parameters:

Selecting the text of the work;
competent speech;
artistry of performance;
depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text.

The participant's performance is assessed on a 10-point scale.

1 ved .: Our competition program opens with a work by the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Turgenev feels especially subtly the souls of children and shows their little world with a kind and bright smile. In the prose poem “Dog” philosophical reflections on life and death are presented.

This poem will be read to us by Obukhova Anastasia, a student of grade 7 “B”,

Igonina Marina, student

Chapter 2: In works of fiction, nature appears before readers as a living fairy-tale creature. And the writer’s skill lies in conveying to us, the readers, all the beauty and mystery of the world around us.

Listen to the prose poem “Stone” performed by Lyudmila Urazova, student

The prose poem “My Trees” will be told by Tatyana Kondratenko

1st lecture: Theme of the Great Patriotic War wars - an unusual topic... Unusual, because so much has been written about the war that a whole book would not be enough if you only remembered the titles of the works. Unusual because it never ceases to excite people, opening up old wounds and souls with heartache. Unusual because memory and story merged together in her. Irina Radaeva is speaking and will tell us the story “Naida”.

2nd speaker: “ The Little Prince“...It is this kind of work that is remembered when the name of a writer or poet is pronounced; it is precisely this work that symbolizes his ability to create. When this name is pronounced, Antoine Saint Exupery, “The Little Prince” is remembered as the very work that symbolizes the author’s creativity. This is an opportunity to look into childhood, into the world of fairy tales, imagination and miracles. An excerpt from this work will be read by Ksenia Korchagina

1st section: A special place in the work of A. Absalyamov is occupied by the documentary military-political novel “The Eternal Man”. It tells the story of the uprising of prisoners of fascism in the Buchenwald concentration camp, which was prepared by the international organization of communists. The novel instills in people vigilance and faith in the victory of the mighty forces of peace and socialism over the forces of reaction and war. An excerpt from this novel will be read by Danila Kalashnikov, student 7

2nd lead: Mikhail Zoshchenko is a great humorist whose stories amaze with rich, folk language and unique humor. Zoshchenko's characters are funny, but at the same time they evoke sympathy and pity. There is a lot of truth in Zoshchenko’s story, which allows us to evaluate his story as satirical. Guryanova’s student Anastasia is invited to present the story “Galosh”

1st: Our competition program has come to an end.

Part 2: We want the high jury to appreciate the talent of our contestants

We ask the jury to sum up the results.

1 ved.: To sum up the results and present diplomas to the winners and laureates of the school competition for young prose readers “Living Classics”, the floor is given to the chairman of the competition jury, Tatyana Mikhailovna Miroshnichenko.

Presentation of diplomas and awards for competition participants.

All fiction– this is a fascinating world that delights us, teaches us politeness, honesty, respect for others, in general, teaches us to be human.

Scenario of the municipal reading competition “Living Classics”

MBOU Bagaevskaya Secondary School No. 3 Skvortsova N.P.

Poems are sung to music:

A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.

A book is a close comrade and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book.
A book is an adviser, a book is a scout,
The book is an active fighter and fighter.
A book is an imperishable memory and eternity,
A satellite of planet earth, finally.
The book is not just beautiful furniture,
Do not use oak cabinets,
The book is a magician who knows how to tell tales
Turn it into reality and into the basis of foundations.

I'll climb onto the dark sofa with my feet,
I’ll close my eyes to make it easier to dream, -
my dad has a magical romance today
with color pictures will read!
A wonderful darkness floats from the windows...
A lamp mysteriously burns above the book...
“Jez Hook! I apologize, you are a total fool!” -
my father says to me with expression.
But as soon as I enter into a tempting battle,
only the wind in the chest will unfurl the sails -
like dad, wearily nodding his head,
drops the page and yawns sweetly.
“Well, dad! Read - there’s a pirate frigate!”
Everything is quiet... The water in the radiators is murmuring...
In his sleep, the father mutters at random:
“Whistle up everyone...” and will fall silent again.
And my heart clenches like a fist.
"Don't sleep!" - I shake my pajamas by the sleeve.
But dad is slipping through his fingers somewhere,
and the glasses peacefully slide down your nose...

Let's imagine, at least for a moment,
That suddenly we lost magazines and books,
That people don't know what a poet means,
That there is no Cheburashka, no Hottabych.
It's as if no one has ever been in this world,
And I had never heard of Moidodyr,
That there is no Dunno, a liar, a klutz,
That there is no Aibolit, and no Uncle Styopa.
It’s probably impossible to imagine something like this?
So hello, smart, kind word!
Let books and friends come into your home!
Read for the rest of your life - get good!

Reflection of vanished years,

Relief from the yoke of life,

Eternal truths unfading light -

Tireless searching is the guarantee,

The joy of every new shift,

Indication of future roads -

This is a book. Long live the book!

A bright source of pure joys,

Securing a happy moment

Best friend if you're lonely -

This is a book. Long live the book!

1 ved . - Good afternoon, dear friends.

Presenter 2 Our time is a time of great achievements in science and technology, a time of wonderful discoveries. But of all the miracles created by man, Alexey Maksimovich Gorky considered the book the most complex and great. The book contains the vast spiritual world of humanity. A book is the most powerful and most universal means of communication between people, nations, and generations. It is called the only time machine with which you can travel to unprecedented countries, to the past, to the future and to the present...

Ved. 1 The book is our faithful and constant companion. It remains the main source from which we receive knowledge. No wonder Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky wrote: “Read! And may there not be a single day in your life when you do not read at least one page from a new book!”

Ved.2: “Living Classics” is a competitive expressive reading of excerpts from prose works by Russian and foreign writers among students in grades 6-7.

It is necessary to look for the road that will lead the child to the book. One of the good opportunities is participation in the V I All-Russian competition of young readers “Living Classics”.

Presenter 1 : Today 14 young readers from 6 educational institutions of the Bagaevsky district will compete.

Presenter 2 : Our participants will be evaluated by a distinguished jury consisting of:

1. Natalya Vladimirovna Antonets - head of the Education Department - chairman of the jury.

Jury members:

2. Partenadze Maria Vladimirovna –

3. Levanchuk Natalya Anatolyevna-

4. Polyakovich Nina Aleksandrovna - leading specialist of the Education Department of the Administration of the Bagaevsky District of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5 Radjabova Asiya Magomedovna – head of the methodological office of the Education Department

6. Elena Aleksandrovna Kolesnikova, methodologist of the regional methodological office of the education department.

Presenter 1 : The participants’ performances are assessed according to the following criteria:

Selecting the text of the work;
competent speech;
artistry of performance;
depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text.

The participant's performance is assessed on a 10-point scale.

The duration of the participant’s presentation is up to 5 minutes.

Presenter 2 : The regional competition for young readers “Living Classics” this year is significant in that it is held in the Year of Literature and in the year of celebrating the 70th anniversary Great victory Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 1: And this year the famous children's writer Sergei Petrovich Alekseev would have turned 90 years old. Sergei Petrovich wrote about thirty books for children telling about the historical events of our country. Among them are books about the heroic exploits of Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. These are “Heroic Families”, “There is a People’s War”, “They Defended Moscow”, “The Last Assault”, “One Hundred Stories about the War” and others.

Presenter 2 We invite you to listen to one of his stories “Brest Fortress” performed by a student from Bagaevskaya Secondary secondary school №1 Lustenko Veronica.

Presenter 2: A special chapter of our domestic literature is prose about wartime events. This topic has given rise to a huge number of outstanding works that describe the life and struggle of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War against the German invaders. But it just so happens that all our ideas about war are connected with the image of a male soldier. This is understandable: it was mainly the stronger sex – men – who fought. And for some reason they usually forget to say about women, that they also did a lot to win.

Presenter 1: During the Great Patriotic War, women not only rescued and bandaged the wounded, but also fired machine guns, blew up bridges, went on reconnaissance missions, and flew airplanes. About these women soldiers and we're talking about in Svetlana Alexievich’s story “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face.”

Presenter 2 : An excerpt from Svetlana Alexievich’s story “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face” is read for you by a student at the Krasnenskaya secondary school Fusa Maria

Presenter 1: Boris Lvovich Vasiliev- Soviet and Russian writer. Laureate of the USSR State Prize. His 1969 story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” brought him fame. Author of many stories, novels, plays, as well as journalism. More than 15 films have been made based on books and scripts by Boris Vasiliev.

Presenter 2:

“And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” is a work about the selfless struggle of Soviet girls against the Nazis.

An excerpt from the story is read by Yana Lazarenko, a student at the Kudinovskaya secondary school.

Presenter1: During the difficult war years, women raised children, ran households, and worked in the rear. Many of them, having lost their husbands, endured difficult life trials on their fragile female shoulders.

Presenter 2: It is not an easy task to raise children without a husband in times of hardship. But the heroine of Tatyana Dyulger’s story “She-Wolf” managed to overcome these difficulties and give her motherly love and care to the children.

We invite you to listen to the story “She-Wolf” performed by a student from the Krasnenskaya secondary schoolBuksha Alexandra.

Presenter 1: Vladimir Osipovich Bogomolov - Russian Soviet writer. Born into a peasant family. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he volunteered to go to the front. He was a member of the regiment; perhaps his features can be recognized in the hero of his first story, “Ivan.” In 1941 he received his first officer rank. He was wounded and awarded. He worked his way up from a private to a reconnaissance platoon commander. Served in the army until 1952.

Presenter 2 : Today his story “Eternal Flame” is being readBuznyakova Victoria– student of the Elkinsky secondary school.

Presenter 2: Story Olga Pavlova “No one will completely disappear” read by Ruban Anna – student of Bagaevskaya secondary school No. 2

Presenter 1: One of the great books of Russian classical literature was written by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

Presenter 2: The story “Taras Bulba” reveals to readers the pages of the long-past past - the national liberation war of the Ukrainian people against the Poles. IN bright images heroes of this war, the writer embodies the ideal of a warrior - a defender - freedom-loving, devoted to the Motherland, comrades, ready to give all his strength in the fight for a just cause. Reads an excerpt from the story for you Teterin Alexey – student of Bagaevskaya secondary school No. 1

Presenter 1: Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky - Russian Soviet writer, author of novels and short stories, of which the most popular was the cycle “Deniska’s Stories”, which became a classic of Soviet children’s literature.

Interesting stories from the lives of schoolchildren. Funny, kind and cautionary tales for children.

Presenter 2: Victor Dragunsky said: “Laughter is joy. I give it with both hands. The pockets of my clown pants are filled with laughter. Children must live, they must rejoice... and I must bring joy to the children...”

Sorokoletov Nikolay- a student of Bagaevskaya secondary school No. 2 reads an excerpt from the famous “Deniska’s stories.”

Presenter 2: Fomenko Elena - a student of the Elkinsky secondary school reads for you the story of Viktor Dragunsky “The Glory of Ivan Kozlovsky.”

Presenter 2: Sasha Cherny(real name Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg) - Russian poet of the Silver Age, prose writer, who became widely known as the author of popular lyrical and satirical poetic feuilletons. Miki reads an excerpt from Fox's Diary Lagoshina Yulia - student of Bagaevskaya secondary school No. 2

Presenter 1: Russian writer, artist by training Irina Pivovarova, wrote prose and poetry for children. In her children's collections, her husband, artist Viktor Pivovarov, often drew wonderful illustrations.

Presenter 2 : Irina Pivovarova’s book “What is My Head Thinking About” is a more expanded version of the book “Stories of Lucy Sinitsina, a third grade student.”

We invite you to listen to the story “What is my head thinking?” performed by a student of Bagaevskaya secondary school No. 1Vostricova Margarita.

Presenter 1 : The novel “The White Steamship” by Chingiz Aitmatov was published in Russian and for many years became one of the most recognized works throughout the world,and the film adaptation of the novel was shown at international film festivals inBerlin and in Venice .

Presenter 2: An excerpt from the novel “The White Steamship” is performed by a student from Bagaevskaya secondary school No. 3Alexyuk Angeliki

Presenter 1: Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov- children's and youth writer, president of the International Association of Children's Funds, chairmanRussian Children's Fund , director of the Research Institute of Childhood.

Presenter 2: An excerpt from his work “Clean Pebbles” is read by a student at Bagaevskaya Secondary School No. 3 Harutyunyan Ashot.

Presenter 1: Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky- Russian, Sovietwriter , classic of Russian literature. MemberUnion of Writers of the USSR . K. Paustovsky's books have been repeatedly translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Presenter 2: The story “Farewell to Summer” is about the change of seasons, about how the appearance of nature changes with the arrival of winter, about how Konstantin Paustovsky himself perceives this change.

A student of the Elkinsk secondary school is reading for you the story “Farewell to Summer” by Konstantin Paustovsky Pak Victoria.

Presenter 2: Our competition program has come to an end.

But the fire of the sounding Word did not go out.We ask our distinguished jury to sum up the results

And for everyone present in the room:

1 ____________________________________________________

2 ____________________________________________________

3 ____________________________________________________

4 ____________________________________________________

Presenter 2: To sum up the results and present diplomas to the winners and participants of the regional competition of young readers “Living Classics”, the floor is given to the chairman of the competition juryAntonets Natalia Vladimirovna(diploma presentation

Presenter 1: Our competition is over.
But the creativity is not finished.

Presenter 2: New achievements and victories are ahead!
New interesting works are ahead!

Presenter1: We tell you - see you again!

Presenter 2: We say to you - goodbye!

Music sounds...

2018 The school recitation competition “Living Classics” is held as part of the All-Russian competition of young reciters “Living Classics”. For the first time, our school is holding a recitation competition “Living Classics” for primary school students. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPETITION: 1 Increasing children's interest in reading. 2 Expanding the reading horizons of children. 3 Revival of family reading traditions. 4 Increasing the literacy level of the population. 5 Finding and supporting talented children. Participants of the review-competition: School students aged 711 take part in the competition. Conditions of the viewing competition:  During the competition, excerpts from any works of Russian and foreign authors that are not included in basic level the following school curriculum in the subject “Literary Reading” of grade 14, recited from memory or using printed text.  During the performance, musical accompaniment, scenery, and costumes can be used.  The participant is not allowed to use the voice recording.  Each participant of the Competition performs independently and cannot resort to the help of others during the performance. Evaluation criteria and requirements for performances  Selection of the text of the work for use within the Competition;  Competent speech;  Artistic performance;  Depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text; Speech time limit: Speech duration is up to 5 minutes.

Summing up the results of the competition  Each participant in the Competition receives a certificate of participation.  The winners of the school stage of the Competition are the 3 participants who score the most points. They are awarded the diploma “Winner of the school stage All-Russian Competition Readers "Living Classics".

PROGRESS OF THE EVENT Presenter. There are many words on Earth. There are daytime words - in them the blue of the spring sky shines through. There are words - like roses, words - like judgment. They do not surrender and are not taken prisoner. With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, with a word you can lead regiments. With a word you can betray, and sell, and buy, A word can be poured into crushing lead, But we have words for all the words in the language: Glory, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor. Let them not serve as a bargaining chip, keep them in your heart as a golden standard! Our time is a time of great achievements in science and technology, a time of wonderful discoveries. But of all the miracles created by man, A. M. Gorky considered the book the most complex and great. The book contains the vast spiritual world of humanity. A book is the most powerful and most universal means of communication between people, nations, and generations. It is called the only time machine with which you can travel to unprecedented countries, to the past, to the future and to the present... The book is our faithful and constant companion. It remains the main source from which we draw knowledge. No wonder K. G. Paustovsky wrote: “Read! And may there not be a single day in your life when you do not read at least one page from a new book!” (slide 2) Dear friends, today for the first time we are holding a “Living Classics” competition for young readers among primary school students. There are many talented children in our school and we will be convinced of this again. Let me introduce you to the jury that will evaluate the competition: Olga Alekseevna Ivaschik – Deputy Director for Academic Affairs; Meshcheryakova Natalya Grigorievna – geography teacher; Palyanitsa Malvina – 11th grade student, winner of the “Living Classics” competition

Our competition program opens with a work by the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Leo Tolstoy is one of the most famous Russian writers and thinkers, one of the greatest writers in the world. He wrote many stories for children.  The floor is given to 1st grade student Safina Karina. She will introduce us to an excerpt from the story “Swans.” Let's continue the theme of nature. The works of this author are read with interest by both children and adults. Boris Aleksandrovich Ganago, an Orthodox teacher with extensive experience, in simple stories involves the reader in thinking about the main issues of existence.  Deryaga Albina “Your chick” Sergey Kutsko. We do not study the works of this author in elementary school.  Lera Gritsenko will introduce us to his story “Wolves.” We all know that dogs descended from wild wolves, and when discussing how four-legged friends first appeared in our homes, we assign ourselves a leading role. But if you take a closer look at history, you can understand that this is not entirely true. The most common assumption is that some hunter-gatherers found small wolf cubs and raised them. Over time, these tame wolves showed their skill in hunting, and people began to keep them around until they turned into dogs. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky told us about the relationship between man and dog. He is known as a teacher. But Vasily Alexandrovich, in addition to scientific works, wrote stories for children.  Kazlovsky Tolya will introduce you to one of his stories. V.A. Sukhomlinsky “The Old Dog” You study the stories of this author at school. Nastya Zharikhina really liked this story and she decided to introduce you to it.  Eduard Yurievich Shim “Cheryomukha” reads Zharikhin Nastya. Let's continue the topic of caring, respectful and kind attitude towards everything that and who surrounds us. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a famous Russian writer and poet, publicist and playwright, a classic of Russian literature of the 19th century. Turgenev's work includes six novels, many short stories, novellas, articles, plays and poems. One of his poems in prose will be read to us by  Britov Vova “The Beggar” “Kind, honest, brave and knightly noble” is how the writer Alekseev remembered Valentina Oseeva. “I wanted to plant a spark of honesty and kindness in the souls of children.” This is what she dedicated her whole life to.  Vasilina Shepeleva will read to us the story “The Builder” by V. Oseeva. Let's continue reading stories about children. This writer sometimes illustrated his stories himself. Writer and artist Viktor Vladimirovich Golyavkin.

We present to your attention two of his stories. The first “Carousel in the Head” will be read by  Piskun Lera. “No luck” is the name of the next story by Viktor Golyavkin and he will read it to us  Berezhnoy Artyom Many not only children, but also adults fell in love with the cartoon “Prostokvashino”. The author of this story is the wonderful children's writer Eduard Uspensky. Will give you the opportunity to visit Prostokvashino  Saroyan Samvel “Spring in Prostokvashino” Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov is best known as a children's writer. Author of works about “Dunno”, “Living Hat”, “Patch” and many others. Today we will listen to the story of how Bobik went to visit Barbos.  Painted Alena “Bobik visiting Barbos” Adults are often tired of work, we can often hear the following phrase: “I’m so tired of this work!” It turns out that work can be sweet.  Egor Mamedov will tell us about this with the story of Sergei Stepanov “Sweet Work” For a student, work is his study.  Vika Yakovenko with the story by Konstantin Melikhan “Deserved Appreciation”. Each class has its own interesting life. What happens in 3b? Are you interested? We are listening  Borisyuk Arina with the story of Valentin Postnikov “Groom from 3b” Will continue to talk about the school life of children  Bondarev Stepan with the story of Andrei Mikhailovich Shipilov “The True Story” All of us, our family, friends and friends owe our lives to those people who defended our homeland during the Second World War. It is thanks to their feat that we have the opportunity to live, study, work and enjoy life. At the end of our meeting, we will listen to Sergei Alekseev’s story “Tula Gingerbread”. He will be introduced to us by  Alexey Bolshakov We listened to all the contestants and had great pleasure. Thank you all, great job! While the jury is counting the points. We'll play. 1. Game “Typography” (2 teams of 8 people each) The word “letter” is printed on cards (each letter on a separate card) 8 people receive a card with a letter. They build the word “literate”.

The teacher gives the task to construct a new word, for example (thunder, mouth, bargaining, etc.) The team that constructs the word faster wins. 2. Mini-quiz. Questions: 1. The bird that Thumbelina saved? (Swallow) 2. The name of the little dancer from the fairy tale “Three Fat Men”? (Suok) 3. Who wrote the poem “Uncle Styopa”? (S. Mikhalkov) 4. On what street did the absent-minded man live? (Baseina) 5. Gena’s crocodile friend who arrived in a box of oranges? (Cheburashka) 6. What did Munchausen fly to the moon on? (On a cannonball) 7. The nickname of the calf from the cartoon “Vacation in Prostokvashino”? (Gavryusha) 8. Who is the author of the fairy tale “Spikelet”? (People) 9. Which of the heroes of the children's fairy tale considered himself the best ghost expert in the world? (Carlson) 10. Who is the author of the lines “A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant cliff”? (M.Yu. Lermontov) 11. Name the Russian folk tale about the hostel. (Teremok) 12. Who speaks all languages? (Echo) Word of the jury: (awarding) Presenter: Books teach children All the wisdom of life - How to be a Human Being and be needed by the Fatherland, We can’t even live a day without books, like without bread. So let's take care of them and love them. Thank you all very much!