Fun New Year's tests for the company. New Year test

1. Success will soon knock on your door. 2. good time to start something new. 3. Happy news is on its way to you. 4. Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. 5. Seek happiness and you will find it. 6. Never say never. 7. Not deciding anything is also a decision. 8. Someone is thinking about you. 9. Take a break and enjoy your life. 10. You will live a long, successful life. 11. Make your dreams come true. 12. Tell the truth. It's the easiest to remember. 13. You will meet someone special this week. 14. Luck is already on your way. 15. The word is not a sparrow - if it flies out, you won’t catch it. 16. Success awaits you in your career. 17. The past is gone... tomorrow there are many opportunities. 18. Your destiny is as sweet as a ripe tangerine. 19. A good time to make new friends. 20. This year will bring you good luck. 21. Luck is with you now. 22. Live for today - plan for tomorrow. 23. Do what your heart tells you. 24. Don't say everything you know, but know what you say. 25. Have patience. 26. Your wishes will come true tonight. 27. Share your happiness with others. 28. Take a break and enjoy your life. 29. Your destiny is as sweet as a ripe tangerine. 30. Success will come to you soon. 31. A new acquaintance will change your life. 32. A good time to finish old things. 33. Soon almost all your wishes will come true. 34. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say. 35. Do everything with confidence. 36. Luck is with you now. 37. It's a good time to make new friends. 38. Respect yourself and others will respect you. 39. Coming important events . 40. You will live a long, successful life. 41. Your most cherished wish will come true this year. 42. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say. 43. Important events are coming. 44. Career advancement. 45. Success awaits you in your career. 46. ​​Respect yourself and others will respect you. 47. Soon almost all your wishes will come true. 48. Do what your heart tells you. 49. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say. 50. Luck will be with you. 51. A trip to the sea awaits you soon.. 52. Let a tear of joy shed, an old friend will return to you! 53. Do everything with confidence. 54. It's a good time to make new friends. 55. Happy news is on its way to you. 56. Look ahead more cheerfully, wealth awaits you there. 57. A good time to finish old things. 58. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say. 59. Have patience. 60. Respect yourself and others will respect you. 61.Wait a little, the road awaits you.. 62. Important events are coming. 63. Gingerbread and sweets, there will be a lot of joy.. 64. Wait without crying, good luck will come to you.. 65. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say. 66. Do what your heart tells you. 67. Respect yourself and others will respect you. 68. The sun again and happiness again - you will meet new love.. 69. You will always have delicious food in your house. 70. Luck is with you now. 71. Take a break and enjoy your life. 72. A fireworks display of bright events awaits you in the third decade of the new year. Start preparing. 73. You will live a long, successful life. 74. A good time to finish old things. 75. Someone is thinking about you. 76. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say. 77. When crossing the road, look around - there is a chance of meeting your destiny. 78. It's a good time to make new friends. 79. Respect yourself and others will respect you. 80. Have patience. 81. Approach your boss with the left foot - and a promotion awaits you. 82. Happy news at 83. You will live a long, successful life. 84. Luck is with you now. 85. Success awaits you in your career. 86. Do everything with confidence. 87. Do what your heart tells you. 88. Buy a book that you don’t like at all, and you will find the answers to all your questions. 89. During the first week after the New Year meeting, a pleasant surprise awaits you. 90. Do everything with confidence. 91. Do something different in the new year. 92. A sharp turn awaits in life 93. When leaving the entrance of your house on January 8, turn your head to the right. The brand of the car standing there will soon appear in yours too. 94. Changes await you at the beginning of January, prepare for them gradually - don’t waste time... 95. A bag of gifts awaits you, and then everything depends on you! 96. Take a break and enjoy your life. 97. Share your happiness with others. 98. Someone is thinking about you. 99. You are moving towards improvement. life situation. This applies to both deeds and ideas. 100. There seems to be an obstacle in your way, but the delay will be favorable!

Do you know which New Year's wizard you resemble most? How well do you remember New Year's songs? Can you guess the year based on the President's congratulations?

Test your knowledge of the country's main holiday.

Test: In which country would you rather celebrate the New Year?

Let's start with the main question that everyone asks on the eve of New Year's Eve: where and with whom to celebrate? After answering 10 questions, you will find out the answer.

7 quotes from New Year's films. Take the test

Wherever you find yourself on New Year's Eve, the holidays are a great reason to rewatch Home Alone and laugh at the adventures of Macaulay Culkin's character for the hundredth time.

6 most famous songs about the New Year. Take the test

And a New Year's feast is unthinkable without songs that everyone knows from childhood. Can you distinguish the main hit of all children's matinees, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” from the famous “ New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon?

Test: Guess the President's New Year's greeting

The New Year means, of course, the chimes and congratulatory speeches from the president. Trying to distinguish them from each other is not an easy task, but it’s definitely worth a try.

Test: What kind of Santa Claus are you?

Well, when all the songs are sung, and there’s nothing left of Olivier, it’s time to put on... a goat's fur coat, a silk robe or a warm sheepskin coat? Our test questions will help you find out which country's New Year's wizard you resemble most.

Hello friends! There is very little time left until the New Year, and therefore today we will urgently raise the New Year's mood! And what does the tests have to do with them, aren’t they boring? Error! I have prepared a selection of funny New Year's tests that will definitely cheer you and your friends up!

Testing is one of the simplest and effective methods assessment of any quality. This time your sense of humor will be most appreciated. All tests have been verified and I guarantee you that in the end you will not be forced to send an “SMS to a number”. Ehh, how they infuriate me with these SMS) Okay, down with the chatter - it's time to move on to the tests!

1. Test "Letter to Santa Claus"

A humorous test, at the end of which you will see a report in the form of a short but very funny story! Great for bantering with friends! It will be fun to solve this test in company; in general, I recommend it!

The test consists of only 20 questions, so it will take no more than a few minutes!

2. Test "How will I celebrate the New Year"

There are generally only 8 questions, but you will get an answer to the question “How will I celebrate the New Year”

I’m quite happy with the version I came up with, but I won’t post it here, otherwise you never know)

The shortest test I've ever seen, but at the same time quite useful) You just need to choose the picture that you think best suits you)

With this test you will find out what awaits you on the love front in the new year. Attention!!! Contains vulgar questions, so not for everyone)

There are 20 questions in the test, so it won't take much.

New Year's Jokes

Funny New Year's test for adults

With this test, you can defuse the tension at a celebration by handing out a copy with a pen to everyone. You can also hand out a blank piece of paper with a pen and read the entire test out loud. And here are the questions themselves:

1. Will next year be easier than this year?
2. Will you be disappointed if you fall asleep before 4.00 on New Year's Eve?
3. Will you wear clothes associated with predictions and horoscopes in the New Year?
4. Will you be happy to have guests arriving after 4 am?
5. Do you think New Year's Eve is a good reason to make peace?
6. Will you eat right at the holiday table, ignoring the best treats?
7. Look at your reflection in the Christmas ball. Did you smile?
8. If a stranger, Santa Claus, comes to you at night, will you let him in?
9. Do you feel euphoric after the clock strikes 12 times?
10. Do you think this test will help determine your future?

Key to the test

"YES" = "NO" IN next year Everything will be smooth for you, although without any special adventures
"YES" > "NO" A lot of drive and adventure awaits you next year!
"YES"< "НЕТ" You look at what is happening too soberly. Therefore, next year it won’t hurt you to communicate with the most different people, , sit at home less - otherwise you risk turning into an inveterate skeptic.

Well, I think that's enough New Year's tests for this year! Take more fun tests to always be in a good mood!

I wish you a happy New Year! Your

New Year test- find out what awaits you in the new year, what surprises are in store for you.

Each of us in New Year waiting for gifts, the fulfillment of cherished desires or the accomplishment of a miracle. With the approach of the New Year, any adult returns a little to his childhood, to his best time, when he was little, decorated the Christmas tree with his parents, waited for the clock to strike 12 strokes and Santa Claus to give a gift.

We invite you to plunge at least a little into that time to remember the most good points of your life. Pass test about New Year, and you will learn a lot of new things and maybe even include something in your program for celebrating the New Year.

Also given New Year test will be useful for your children who love this holiday very much. Any child, in any country knows the holiday New Year, because it conceals some kind of mystery, a sacrament, and brings happiness and kindness to every home.

Celebration New Year January 1 was established by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. This day was dedicated to the god of choice, who had the name Janus; the month of January, the first month of the year, also has its name in honor of him.

Originally in Russia since 1492, New Year celebrated on September 1, in 1700 by decree of Peter 1 New Year They began to celebrate on January 1, most likely he adopted this tradition from Europe, where, as you know, he loved to visit.

For the New Year, it is customary to install a Christmas tree in the house and decorate it with various decorations - Christmas tree decorations, garlands, tinsel. Few people know when the first Christmas tree toy was made? It was officially invented in the 16th century, in Sweden (Saxony). With the advent Christmas decorations, the New Year holiday has become even more beautiful and solemn.

On New Year's Day, all children and adults sing the song A Christmas tree was born in the forest. We owe the appearance of this song to Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva and Leonid Karlovich Bekman. This song was born in 1902-1904. This song is among the TOP 30 most popular songs in our country and in the post-Soviet space. Every child, without exception, knows and loves this song.

But not in all countries they meet New Year January 1st. Do you know when they meet New Year in Muslims? In Muslim countries, the New Year is celebrated on March 21, on the day of the vernal equinox, and this holiday is called New Day.

In many countries, there are various customs and rituals when celebrating the New Year. For example, in Italy, on New Year's Eve, old things are thrown out of the house.

Greece also has its own customs that take place on New Year's Eve. For example, when the time comes, the head of the family takes the gragat fruit, goes out into the street and breaks it against the wall of his house.

And in Tibet, the customs that are customarily performed in New Year related to cooking. In this country, on New Year's Eve, pies are baked and distributed to all passersby.

On New Year In all countries it is customary to send greeting cards to all your loved ones, relatives and friends. Do you know where the first New Year's card was printed? There is a lot of debate on this topic, but the official version is that the New Year's card was printed in London.

New Year always accompanied by beautiful illumination. All central streets of cities, as well as Christmas trees located in squares and in residents’ apartments, are decorated with multi-colored light bulbs that fascinate with their colorful tints, which are called garlands. Where did the first garland appear? There is also a lot of controversy about this answer, but most are inclined to believe that the garland appeared in the White House in the USA.

New Year is perhaps the most favorite holiday for many. And we expect pleasant surprises from him. Answer the questions of the New Year's test and you will get to know yourself better, and you will also be able to understand how best to celebrate the New Year.

Select one of the suggested answers:

1. Where do you like to celebrate New Year?

a) at home - 2 points;
b) at a camp site in the mountains - 2;
c) in a restaurant - 3.

2. What company would you like to be in on New Year's Eve?

a) with family and close relatives - 3 points;
b) in an unfamiliar large company - 4.

3. What kind of music do you prefer?

a) the one offered in a restaurant or camp site - 1 point;
b) listen to your recordings or records - 2;
c) you sing and play the musical instruments - 3.

4. What are your gastronomic tastes?

a) there should be an abundance of everything on the table, almost “bird’s milk” - 4 points;
b) everything should be within reasonable limits - 2;
c) despite the holiday, everything should be modest, but in accordance with the tastes of those present - 1.

5. Do you watch the New Year's TV program?

a) from start to finish - 1 point;
b) only the most interesting - 2;
c) I don’t watch at all - 1.

6. Do you send greeting cards?

a) everyone you know - 3 points;
b) only the closest ones - 2;
c) I don’t send it to anyone - 1.

7. Do you give New Year's gifts?

a) I don’t do it - 1 point;
b) according to tradition, all loved ones - 3;
c) only to your family - 2.

Test results:

Up to 10 points

You are modest, shy. You are practical and don't like big, noisy companies. You are more comfortable with a close circle of friends. You are prudent and thrifty and do not make unnecessary expenses. In the new year, try to find time and courage for dramatic changes - changing your appearance (hairstyle, hair color), work, place of residence - everything will go for the good - The Black Dragon loves the brave and daring!

From 11 to 19 points

Your character can be classified as the “golden mean”. In any case, you avoid extremes. You are unpretentious, a good conversationalist, quite sociable, and know how to have fun. However, you do all this wisely. New Year 2013 is a time of stability and prosperity, time to save for the future, start a family, and think about children. Long-term plans and investments will bring success.

Over 20 points

You are welcome in any company. You get along with people easily, you love music, you are witty, and there is something “bohemian” in your character. You do not act with calculation, you spend money easily and even unreasonably. You are kind to the point of impracticality, warm-hearted, and sincere to the extreme. Your character is wonderful for others, but not for yourself. You are rightfully considered the life of the party. The year 2013 is good for new ideas, daring endeavors, and creativity. You can safely throw yourself into a new hobby or passion - the brighter and more unusual it is, the more pleasure you will get!