Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. Ugmc: enterprises of Ugmc holding structure


Industry non-ferrous metallurgy ( ISIC : 2420) Products Copper, zinc, lead, products from non-ferrous metals turnover ▲ RUB 560 billion according to RAS (2015) Net profit ▲ RUB 23.2 billion according to RAS (2015) . Number of employees More than 70 thousand people Parent company Affiliated companies Uralelectromed And Website www.ugmk.com Media at Wikimedia Commons

OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC, English Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, UMMC) is a Russian metallurgical company, the first in Russia and the ninth largest copper producer in the world, headquartered in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Region.

History of creation

The holding, which united about 50 enterprises in the mining industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, as well as in ferrous metallurgy, construction, agriculture, telecommunications in 12 regions of Russia, the Czech Republic and Lithuania, was created on October 7, 1999 around the Uralelectromed plant. On October 20, 1999, a certificate of state registration JSC "UMMC" .

Owners and management

The company's owners are the company's president Iskandar Makhmudov (50.0004%), CEO Andrey Kozitsyn (34.9996%), commercial director Igor Kudryashkin (7.5%), CEO of UMMC Trading House Eduard Chukhlebov (7.5% ) .

Holding structure

According to JSC UMMC, the holding structure is hierarchical structure by lines of business. So Management Company OOO UMMC-Holding manages key assets:

  • non-ferrous metallurgy: Gaisky GOK, Urupsky GOK, Bashkirskaya Med, Safyanovskaya Med, JSC Svyatogor (Northern copper-zinc mine, Volkovsky mine), Uchalinsky GOK, CJSC Shemur (Shemurskoye deposit, Novo -Shemurskoye field)
  • mining complex: "Kuzbassrazrezugol";
  • metallurgical complex: "Sredneuralsk copper-smelting plant", "Mednogorsk copper-sulfur plant", "Uralelectromed", "Electrozinc", "Vtortsvetmet" Sukholozhsk plant, "Chelyabinsk zinc plant";
  • raw material complex: "Buribaevsky GOK", "Siberia-Polymetals", "Bashkir copper-sulphur plant", "Malyshevskoye Mining Administration",
  • mechanical engineering: "Shadrinsky auto-aggregate plant", "Orenburg radiator";
  • aircraft industry: "Let Kunovice (Aircraft Industries)" (Czech Republic);
  • scientific base: "Uralmekhanobr", PJSC "NIKI Tomsk";
  • civil and industrial construction: Revdinsky Brick Plant, Ekaterinburg City LLC, ISC UMMC JSC, Uralmedstroy, Progrand LLC, Mine Construction Administration LLC, Sverdlovskavtodor JSC, Class-Stroy CJSC ;
  • services sector: NPF UMMC-Perspektiva, hotel complex Uralelektromed, EMC UMMC-Health.

OOO UMMC-Steel manages the mineral resource complex: Bogoslovskoye Mine Administration, JSC Svyatogor (Volkovsky mine), Metmash LLC, Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant, Elektrostal Tyumen Metallurgical Plant.

LLC "Holding Cable Alliance" manages the electrical complex: Sibkabel, Uralkabel, Kolchuginsky Plant Elektrokabel.

OOO UMMC-OCM manages the processing complex: "Kirov Plant for Processing Non-Ferrous Metals", Kolchuginsky Plant for Non-Ferrous Metals, Revdinsky Plant for Processing Non-Ferrous Metals, Fabrika Bakarnih Cevi (FBC) Serbia.

OOO UMMC-Telecom manages the telecommunications complex: Kuzbassvyazugol, TV company ATN, Novoe Radio, a network of radio stations European Media Group.

OOO UMMC-Agro manages assets Agriculture and food industry: ZAO Teplichnoye (Yekaterinburg); JSC "Yekaterinburg flour mill" (Yekaterinburg); CJSC "Agrofirma "Patrushi" (Sverdlovsk region); "Verkhnepyshminsky dairy plant" (Sverdlovsk region); LLC "Smile of the summer" (Yekaterinburg); OJSC "Makushinsky elevator" (Kurgan region); CJSC "Agrofirma" Shutikhinskaya "(Kurganskaya region).


Performance indicators

Volumes of production of the main types of UMMC products:

Name of product 2004 2005 2006 2007
Copper cathodes (thousand tons) 342 353 354,3 383,5
Copper rod (thousand tons) 252 268 277,6 273,4
Rolled non-ferrous metals (thousand tons) 29 47 56,7 58,5
Rolled steel (thousand tons) 494 505 510,7 551,5
Cable products (thousand km) 77 87 140,1 172,7
Radiator products (million pcs) 1,16 1,19 1,2 1,2
Commercial zinc (thousand tons) 81 90 88,0 90,4
Commercial lead (thousand tons) 25,3 26,9 36,8 43,6
Conditional brick (million pieces) 108 112,1 114,6 115,9
Mining hard coal(thousand tons) 41 316 42 838 44 130 46 336

UMMC accounts for 25% of the Russian non-ferrous metal rolled market, more than 50% of the European copper powder market, about 60-70% of Russian coal exports to Western and Eastern Europe.

Total population personnel - more than 70 thousand people. The annual turnover of the company's enterprises in 2007 was 238.9 billion rubles. Net profit - 5.5 billion rubles.


Economic activity subsidiaries UMMC has repeatedly come under scrutiny from the public:

Problems with the environment at the subsidiary of UMMC

However, since October 5, 2009, the Electrozinc plant has repeatedly carried out emergency above-limit emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, the Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation noted. As a result of the emission recorded on October 28, 2009, the average for the city of Vladikavkaz exceeded the maximum permissible concentration of sulfur dioxide in the atmospheric air by more than six times. And after several emissions at the end of 2010, the republic's Rosprirodnadzor imposed a fine on the plant, and the prosecutor's office opened a criminal case on signs of criminal negligence on the part of the plant's management, and already on October 29, 2010, the management changed at the enterprise. Mass protests were organized in the city against harmful effects enterprises for ecology, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Natural Resources of Russia more than once demanded the closure of Electrozinc. According to the data of the North Ossetian agrochemical laboratory and Sevosgeologorazvedka, the soils within Vladikavkaz are contaminated with heavy metals, which are typical for emissions from Electrozinc OJSC and Pobedit OJSC. In an average kilometer radius from the enterprise, the total pollution index for 8 types of heavy metals is more than 400 mg/kg, which corresponds to the category of extremely dangerous pollution. The contour of contamination of the top layer of soil with zinc, cadmium and lead is extended towards the villages of Chermen and Sunzha from Electrozinc OJSC along the wind rose. According to monitoring data for 2010 significant changes water quality in the rivers of the republic has not occurred, metal pollution with zinc is up to 12 MPC. This situation is mainly due to the unsatisfactory condition of the treatment facilities of the enterprises of the metallurgical industry.

In 2010-2011, the enterprise's expenses on environmental measures amounted to 0.5 billion rubles, including the organization of a sanitary protection zone, the operation of industrial sewerage, the launch of a contact point for sulfuric acid production, bioprophylaxis and rehabilitation of more than 11.5 thousand people, including including about 4 thousand children and pregnant women.

However, the plant received the largest number of complaints about the open July 26, 2011 to January 19, 2012 " hotline» on environmental issues, which was held by the Public chamber of the Russian Federation. In the Public Chamber of Russia, the situation with Electrozinc was called "critical, requiring immediate intervention." The enterprise allocated another 0.7 billion rubles during 2012-2013 for environmental activities, including, for the first time in the republic, soil reclamation was carried out in children's preschool institutions In the industrial district of the city of Vladikavkaz, at the beginning of 2014, the cooling tower of the electrolyte shop was launched, which allowed the enterprise to enter the framework of environmental limits and standards.

Actions in defense of Khopra

On May 22, 2012, the UMMC subsidiary Mednogorsk Copper and Sulfur Plant won the tender for the right to use the Elansky and Yolkinsky nickel deposits in the Voronezh Region, which caused concern among residents and public activists of the Voronezh Region and other regions of the Central Federal District. At the same time, in addition to developing the deposit, UMMC plans to build a mining and processing plant in the neighborhood, investing more than 63 billion rubles in the region. But, according to Sergey Panarin, a member of the presidium of the public council for the integrated development of copper-nickel deposits in the Voronezh region, “in the event of an accidental leakage of tailings and their spraying, the soil will be contaminated with arsenic and antimony, which will lead to the death of the chernozem. When spraying, residents of not only the Voronezh, but also the Saratov and Volgograd regions will suffer. Aquifers may also be disturbed, leading to pollution. drinking water» . In many cities of the Central Federal District, located in the zone of possible pollution, in the summer and autumn of 2012, actions were held in defense of Khopra. For example, at the end of September 2012, an all-Russian action was held against nickel mining in the Voronezh region: Voronezh environmental activists were supported by single pickets in more than thirty cities. In the Uryupinsk district, according to the chief of staff of the Khoper Cossack district Vladimir Karpov, more than 40 thousand people signed a petition against the construction, which is half the population of the district. On September 27, 2012, the “In Defense of Khopra” movement sent a resolution to the rally held in Voronezh on September 22, 2012, as part of an all-Russian action against the mining of non-ferrous metals in the Chernozem region, to the Governor of the Voronezh Region Alexei Gordeev. The resolution was signed by more than two thousand people who gathered that day on Sovetskaya Square.

Termination of the agreement between the UMMC subsidiary and the Italian dealer

In 2004, UMMC took part in the privatization of the Serbian copper pipe plant Fabrika Bakarnih Cevi (FBC), which is located in Serbia, in the city of Maidanpek (Bor district), acquiring 88.89% of the shares of this plant through the Swiss financial company Alpine Group. Within 10 years, the volume of sales of copper pipes by the plant increased from 3,000 tons to 12,000 tons. On August 19, 2013, one of the dealers of the Serbian plant "Dieffe Trading srl." from the city of Campo San Martino (region of Venice, province of Padua) sent official letter addressed commercial director FBC, which announced the termination of work as an FBC agent in Italy for 6 months according to the contract. The Italian counterparty terminated the contract due to FBC's refusal to pay the established commissions, as well as due to the loss of the client base, due to the fact that FBC products were regularly held up at customs due to incorrect clearance, there was no or insufficient customer information support, there were quality problems FBC products.

Disruption of negotiations on the privatization of the Serbian plant by a subsidiary of UMMC

Serbian plant "Holding Industrija kablova - Jagodina" (FKS) in the city of Jagodina (Pomoravian district), which has a debt of more than 200 million euros to the budget, suppliers, contractors and creditors, and receives monthly subsidies from the Serbian government in order to maintain production capacity and jobs , was repeatedly put up for privatization, however, potential investors refused to participate for various reasons. In May-August 2013, the UMMC subsidiary, LLC Holding Cable Alliance (KhKA), held negotiations with Holding Industrija kablova - Jagodina (FKS), as well as with JSC Novkabel (Novi Sad, Vojvodina region) on a joint promotion on the Russian market of cable and wire products. And on August 23, 2013, information was posted on the Serbian blog of Rato Ninkovic that during the negotiations, the HKA manager for working with oil and gas industry Dmitry Ershov requested economic information about the plant's activities. The blogger suspected that the manager arrived for the purpose of industrial espionage, to find out how oil submersible cables are made with the technology of covering the cable with lead (“lived in lead”), which he planned to bring to the attention of the Union of Employers of Serbia (Unija Poslodavaca Srbije), which is part of BUSINESSEUROPE (association of employers European Union), the government of Serbia, the Russian embassy in Belgrade, the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak. In his blog, he also said that the Serbian plant FBC does not pay input VAT to the budget when importing UMMC copper rod as a raw material for pipe production. True, he added that this scheme is legal. He demanded that the competent authorities recheck the fact that the FBC plant, exporting pipes to the EU, indicates a share of processing of products in the EU territory of more than 50%.

Elections of the President of Russia (2012)

According to the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the Communist Party Dmitry Shadrin, the UMMC placed advertising structures with the slogan “We are for a stable tomorrow!” on the central highways of Yekaterinburg! against the backdrop of the Russian tricolor, but “it is difficult to prove propaganda intent: there is no direct resemblance, except for fonts and identical words.” The head of the UMMC public relations department, Viktor Belimov, explained participation in the campaign as "in a certain sense, a means of expressing a political position", stability, which, as "a topic developed by all candidates" .

Educational activities

The company includes the Technical University UMMC, opened in 2013 in a building specially built for it. By Russian standards, this educational institution doubly unique. Firstly, this is the only private university in Russia that provides higher technical education. In 2016, the university held the first admission of high school graduates to higher education programs that received state accreditation. Secondly, the UMMC Technical University became the first university in post-Soviet Russia, which was created on the basis of the Department of Higher educational institution And industrial enterprise. There is also a master's program at the UMMC Technical University. Postgraduate training is conducted at the Research Institute "Uralmekhanobr" belonging to the UMMC (for 2015 - 15 graduate students).

Scientific research

Scientific developments are carried out at the Uralmekhanobr Institute, which has existed since 1929. In addition, on September 2, 2014, a Research Center was opened at the UMMC Technical University, created with the participation of the Ural Federal University and UMMC. The functioning of the center is supported by the Department of Metallurgy of UrFU, established in 2013 (it is headed by the director of the Institute of Materials Science and Metallurgy of UrFU, Doctor of Technical Sciences V. A. Maltsev) and the Joint Stock Company Uralelektromed, which is part of the UMMC. UrFU purchased special scientific equipment, spending 171 million rubles on it, and UMMC allocated 200 million rubles. for the construction and equipping of a 4-storey building. The center has 7 laboratories.

social activities

The company is the founder of the charitable foundation "Children of Russia". The company created and finances the Museum military equipment “Battle glory Ural” .

Environmental activities

Since 2016, Electrozinc OJSC (part of UMMC-Holding) has gradually begun to suspend lead production, which will improve the environmental well-being of Vladikavkaz. Also in 2016, Kuzbassrazrezugol ( managing organization- LLC "UMMC-Holding") starts construction of local treatment facilities at the industrial site of the Bachatsky open pit, it is planned to invest 100 million rubles in the project.


UMMC supports professional and amateur sports, including:

  • basketball club "UMMC" since 2000;
  • table tennis club "UMMC";
  • sambo wrestling club "UMMC";
  • speedway club "Torpedo-SHAAZ" Shadrinsk (Kurgan region);
  • club "Gornyak" (Bashkortostan);

With financial support were built:

Temple restoration

among the new temples erected:

  • Monastery in honor of the Holy Royal Martyrs in the tract Ganina Pit (Sverdlovsk region);
  • Temple in the name of the Holy Right-believing Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky (Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Baltym village);
  • Temple-chapel in the name of the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky (Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma);
  • Temple in the name of St. Ambrose of Optina (Sverdlovsk region, Kirovgrad);
  • Temple in honor of the Archangel of God Michael (Sverdlovsk region, Revda);
  • Temple in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Search for the Lost" (Sverdlovsk Region, Kachkanar);
  • Temple in the name of St. Andrew of Crete (Sverdlovsk region, Prigorodny district, Kharenki village);
  • Temple in the name of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt and St. Sergius of Radonezh (Sverdlovsk region, Krasnouralsk);
  • Temple in the name of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of Lycia, miracle worker ( Orenburg region, Mednogorsk);
  • Temple in the name of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt (Orenburg region, Guy);
  • Temple in honor of the Archangel Michael of God ( Tomsk region, the village of Turuntaevo);
  • Temple in the name of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky (Sakhalin Island, Troitskoye settlement);
  • Temple-chapel in the name of the holy righteous Procopius of Ustyug (Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk district, village of Nedorezovo);
  • Temple in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (Tambov region, the working settlement of Muchkapsky);
  • Temple-chapel in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Kazanskaya" (Moscow);
  • Temple in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Sign" (Kurgan region, Shadrinsky district, Maslyanskoye village);
  • Temple in the name of the Holy Right-Believing Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky (Kaliningrad Region, Baltiysk);
among the restored destroyed temples:
  • Temple in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma);
  • Temple in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Sverdlovsk region, Serov);
  • Temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya" (Nizhny Novgorod region, Gorodets);
  • Temple-bell tower "Big Chrysostom" (Yekaterinburg) - together with the Russian Copper Company;
  • Cathedral in honor of the Archangel Michael of God (Sverdlovsk region, Verkhotursky district, Merkushino village) - together with the Russian Copper Company;
participation in the reconstruction and restoration of Orthodox churches:
  • Temple in the name of the Holy Right-Believing Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky in the Novo-Tikhvin Convent (Yekaterinburg);
  • Cathedral in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Sverdlovsk region, Nevyansk);
  • Cathedral in honor of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord in St. Nicholas Monastery (Sverdlovsk Region, Verkhoturye);
  • Temple in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Holy Intercession Convent (Sverdlovsk Region, Verkhoturye);
  • Temple in the name of the holy righteous Simeon of Verkhotursky (Sverdlovsk region, Verkhotursky district, village of Merkushino);
  • Church in honor of the Resurrection of the Lord with a lower church in honor of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Stauropegial Monastery (Republic of Karelia, Valaam Island);
  • Cathedral in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Stauropegial Monastery (Republic of Karelia, Valaam Island);
  • Temple in honor of the Nativity of Christ (Leningrad region, Priozersk);
  • Temple in honor of the Iberian Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Kemerovo, Kedrovka village);
  • Church in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, the village of Shukolovo);
  • Church in the name of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of Lycia, miracle worker (Kurgan region, Shadrinsk);
  • Temple in honor of the Nativity of Christ (Krasnodar Territory, Armavir);
  • Marfo-Mariinsky  abode of mercy (Moscow);
  • Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra (Moscow region, Sergiev Posad) - copper for the main bell;
  • Temple-on-the-Blood in honor of All Saints, who shone in the Russian land (Yekaterinburg);
  • St. Vladimir's Skete in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Stauropegial Monastery (Republic of Karelia, Valaam Island);
  • Cathedral in honor of the Nativity of John the Baptist (Kemerovo region, Prokopyevsk).


  1. A. Pyatikopov. UMMC may invest more than 63 billion rubles in the Voronezh project // Business Information Agency. - 18.07.2016.
  2. Aurubis. Brief analysis world market refined copper and alloys based on 2015 results (indefinite) (May 2016).
  3. Ural mining  metallurgical company (UMMC) // Sematic - corporate project of libraries Sverdlovsk region. - 12/10/2011.
  4. Declassified structure owners UMMC // European-Asian news. - February 07, 2013.

UMMC (Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company)- one of the largest metallurgical holdings in Russia. The holding includes in its structure: a metallurgical complex, a raw material complex, coal mining, a processing complex, a machine-building complex and a complex for the production of building materials.

The holding was established in 1999 around OAO Uralelectromed.

The main owner of the company is Iskander Makhmudov.

head office UMMC located in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region. There is a representative office in Moscow.

For today OAO Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company is the largest producer of copper, zinc and lead (almost 40% of production in Russia). Unites about 50 enterprises in various regions of Russia. The total number of employees of the holding's enterprises is 95,000 people.

The main enterprises that are part of the UMMC, the structure of the holding:

Metallurgical complex UMMC (non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy):

Copper, zinc, lead, non-ferrous metal products


▲ $5.1 billion (2010)

Net profit

▲ $742 million (2010)

Number of employees

More than 70 thousand people


OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC, English UMMC listen)) is a Russian metallurgical company, the second largest copper producer in Russia. Full name - open Joint-Stock Company Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. The headquarters is in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Oblast.


Owners and management

The company's president, Iskander Makhmudov, is considered the main owner of the company. General Director - Andrey Kozitsyn.

Holding structure

Management Company

Mining complex

Raw material complex

  • Gaisky GOK
  • Urupsky GOK
  • Bashkir copper
  • Buribaevsky GOK
  • Siberia-Polymetals
  • Malyshevskoye Mining Administration

Metallurgical complex

  • JSC "Svyatogor"
  • Sukholozhsky plant "Vtortsvetmet"

Processing complex

Electrotechnical complex

Holding "Cable Alliance"

Machine-building enterprises for the production of cables are united within the framework of the cable holding

  • Uralcable
  • Electrical cable

mechanical engineering

  • Orenburg radiator

Production of building materials

Telecommunication complex

  • UMMC-Telecom
  • Kuzbassvyazugol


UMMC unites the assets of more than 40 enterprises located in 11 regions of Russia. The company produces copper electrolytic powder, powder products, copper rod, non-ferrous metal products, chemical products, cable products, consumer goods (dishes, cutlery, cup holders), etc.

Performance indicators

Production volumes of the main types of UMMC products:

Name of product 2004 2005 2006 2007
Copper cathodes (thousand tons) 342 353 354,3 383,5
Copper rod (thousand tons) 252 268 277,6 273,4
Rolled non-ferrous metals (thousand tons) 29 47 56,7 58,5
Rolled steel (thousand tons) 494 505 510,7 551,5
Cable products (thousand km) 77 87 140,1 172,7
Radiator products (million pcs) 1,16 1,19 1,2 1,2
Commercial zinc (thousand tons) 81 90 88,0 90,4
Commercial lead (thousand tons) 25,3 26,9 36,8 43,6
Conditional brick (million pieces) 108 112,1 114,6 115,9
Coal mining (thousand tons) 41 316 42 838 44 130 46 336

UMMC accounts for 25% of the domestic non-ferrous metal rolled market, more than 50% of the European copper powder market, about 60-70% of Russian coal exports to Western and Eastern Europe.

The total number of personnel is more than 70 thousand people. The annual turnover of the company's enterprises in 2007 was 238.9 billion rubles. Net profit - 5.5 billion rubles.


Damage to the environment

According to a number of scientists and public figures, the activities of the enterprises of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company cause significant harm to the ecology of several regions of Russia at once.

Southern Urals

Long-term checks of water quality in the Ural rivers Karagaily and Khudolaz, carried out by Russian scientists, have established a multiple excess of the content of maximum permissible pollutants ( heavy metals, sulfates). Both water bodies are located in the area of ​​the drain facilities of the UMMC enterprises - the Sibai branch of the Uchalinsk Mining and Processing Plant OJSC (UGOK) and the Bashkir Copper and Sulfur Plant OJSC (MSK).


The work of the Electrozinc plant owned by UMMC has led to an environmental disaster in this region. In the Public Chamber of Russia, the situation with Electrozinc is called "critical, requiring immediate intervention." This plant received the largest number of complaints about the “hot line” opened on July 26, 2011 on environmental issues, which was conducted by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

One of the main problems of Electrozinc is the worn-out equipment of the sulfuric acid shop, built in the early 1980s, while the life of the equipment has long expired.

The outdated equipment of the sulfuric acid plant leads to the emission of sulfur dioxide and sulfuric gas into the atmosphere, which significantly harms the health of the inhabitants of Vladikavkaz. A strong release in 2003 is known. Since October 5, 2009, the Electrozinc plant has repeatedly carried out emergency above-limit emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, the Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation notes. As a result of the emission recorded on October 28, on average in the city of Vladikavkaz, an excess of the maximum permissible concentration of sulfur dioxide in the atmospheric air by more than six times was revealed. After several emissions at the end of 2010, the republic's Rosprirodnadzor imposed a fine on the plant, and the prosecutor's office opened a criminal case on the grounds of criminal negligence on the part of the plant's management. On October 28, 2012, the maximum allowable concentration of sulfur dioxide in the residential area of ​​the city after emissions was exceeded ten times (according to the management of the plant).

Mass protests were organized in the city against the harmful effects of the enterprise on the environment, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia demanded more than once to close Electrozinc.

According to the North Ossetian agrochemical laboratory and Sevosgeologorazvedka, the soils within Vladikavkaz are contaminated with heavy metals, which are typical for emissions from Electrozinc and Pobedit OJSC. In an average kilometer radius from the enterprise, the total pollution index for 8 types of heavy metals is more than 400 mg/kg, which corresponds to the category of extremely dangerous pollution. The contour of contamination of the top layer of soil with zinc, cadmium and lead is extended towards the villages of Chermen and Sunzha from Electrozinc OJSC along the wind rose. According to monitoring data for 2010, there were no significant changes in water quality in the rivers of the republic, metal pollution with zinc is up to 12 MPC. This situation is mainly due to the unsatisfactory condition of the treatment facilities of the enterprises of the metallurgical industry.

Protest of residents of the Central Black Earth region against the start of development of nickel deposits in the Voronezh region

On December 26, 2011, Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 2360-r of the Government of the Russian Federation on holding a tender for the right to use the Elanskoye and Elkinskoye deposits in the Voronezh Region.

The competition took place on May 22, the winner of the competition was the subsidiary of UMMC - "Mednogorsk copper and sulfur plant", which caused concern among residents and public activists of the Voronezh region and other regions of the Central Federal District. At the same time, in addition to developing the deposit, UMMC plans to build a mining and processing plant in the neighborhood.

One of the serious reasons for concern was that the site of future developments is located near the Khopersky Reserve, the habitat of an endangered relict endemic species of the Russian fauna, listed in the Red Book of Russia - the Russian muskrat. A number of biologists drew attention to the fact that if nickel mining begins, the ecological situation in the area where the endemic lives will deteriorate so much that the last individuals will disappear. Thousands and thousands of hectares of Voronezh black soil, which is stored in the Paris Chamber of Weights and Measures as a standard soil for agriculture, may suffer from development. According to academician Nikolai Chernyshov, UMMC does not pay serious attention to the environmental impact assessment of the project.

According to Sergey Panarin, a member of the presidium of the public council for the integrated development of copper-nickel deposits in the Voronezh region, the future activities of the UMMC are fraught with sharply negative consequences for the environment. “In the event of an emergency leakage of tailings and their spraying, the soil will be contaminated with arsenic and antimony, which will lead to the death of the chernozem. When spraying, residents of not only the Voronezh, but also the Saratov and Volgograd regions will suffer. Aquifers may also be disturbed, which will lead to contamination of drinking water, ”RIA Novosti quoted Panarin as saying.

In many cities of the Central Federal District, located in the zone of possible pollution, in the summer and autumn of 2012, rallies were held by residents. For example, at the end of September 2012, an all-Russian action was held against nickel mining in the Voronezh region: Voronezh environmental activists were supported by single pickets in more than thirty cities. In the Uryupinsk district, according to the chief of staff of the Khoper Cossack district Vladimir Karpov, more than 40 thousand people signed a petition against the construction, which is half the population of the district. On September 27, 2012, the “In Defense of Khopra” movement sent a resolution to the rally held in Voronezh on September 22 as part of an all-Russian action against the mining of non-ferrous metals in the Chernozem region to the Governor of the Voronezh Region Alexei Gordeev. The resolution was signed by more than two thousand people who gathered that day on Sovetskaya Square. According to participants in the protests against the start of mining by the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, the authorities use methods of intimidation, monetary fines and the creation of an information vacuum against them.

For their part, representatives of the UMMC draw attention to the fact that only 4 km² - 0.01% of the entire area of ​​agricultural land in the Voronezh region will be occupied by the nickel mine and dumps. According to them, the waste will be disposed of using the most modern imported technology, and the environmental situation around the enterprise will be constantly monitored by specialists.

Participation in political campaigns

In February 2012, a month before the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, UMMC placed advertising structures on the central highways of Yekaterinburg with the slogan "We are for a stable tomorrow!" against the backdrop of the Russian tricolor. Similar posters were placed in the city by Evraz NTMK and NLMK Ural. Dmitry Shadrin, the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, accused these companies of covert campaigning for one of the candidates (V. Putin), not paid for from the electoral fund: slogans and fonts from the posters of the prime minister were used. At the same time, according to Shadrin, advertisers refused to place posters of the Communist Party in the city, referring to the lack of free space. Viktor Belimov, head of the UMMC public relations department, explained participation in the campaign as "in a certain sense, a means of expressing a political position."

social activities

The company is the founder of the charitable foundation "Children of Russia", as well as a sponsor of the basketball club "UMMC".


  1. Reference Andrey Kozitsyn in the Forbes rating, 2010.
  2. Cable Alliance
  3. UMMC is developing an anti - crisis program to reduce costs . RIA Novosti (October 16, 2008). Archived from the original on June 1, 2012. Retrieved August 14, 2010.
  4. Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company | :: In developing
  5. UMMC received loans from VTB for 4.8 billion rubles
  6. Annual report of OJSC UMMC for 2008 // ugmk.com (Retrieved June 29, 2010)
  7. The public demands the closure of the UMMC plant in Vladikavkaz // - Polit.ru, 05/25/2012
  8. Ecologists: Nickel will poison the inhabitants of the Voronezh region // Rosbalt, 05/31/2012
  9. Document from the official website of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the discussion of the situation around OAO Electrozinc, p. 229
  10. IMPORTANT! Most of all complaints about the environmental hotline of the OP were addressed to the Electrozinc plant
  11. Ministry of Natural Resources recommends UMMC to suspend the work of "Electrozinc" // Russian Information Agency
  12. UMMC will allocate 620 million rubles to the environmental programs of Electrozinc by the end of the year // Official Internet Portal of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
  13. The work of the Electrozinc plant in Vladikavkaz was suspended
  14. Newsru.com: Residents of Vladikavkaz staged a spontaneous action against suffocating emissions from the Electrozinc plant
  15. Residents of Vladikavkaz protest against sulfur emissions from a local plant
  16. Natalia Kostenko, Alexandra Terentieva, Tatyana Romanova. "Educator" for manufacturers // Vedomosti, 07/28/2010, 138 (2656)
  17. Report on the ecological state of the Committee for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania dated February 10, 2011 // Official Internet Portal of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
  18. http://www.pravo.gov.ru/laws/acts/2/50515448451088.html -- Order of the Government Russian Federation No. 2360. Official website of the Government of the Russian Federation

Raw material complex

  • JSCGaisky GOK(Orenburg region). At UMMC since 1999. Main products: copper concentrate, zinc concentrate, pyrites, copper, zinc. The ore also contains lead, sulfur, gold, silver, cadmium, selenium, tellurium, gallium, bismuth. Provides annual production of more than 70 thousand tons of copper. The number of employees is about 7000 people.
  • JSCTheological Mining Administration(Sverdlovsk region). At UMMC since 1999. It is the main supplier of iron ore to OAO Metallurgical Plant. A.K. Serov. The modern period of the production activity of the mining department is associated with the development of the Peschansky deposit of magnetite ores, which are complex in composition and contain iron, sulfur, copper, cobalt, and in some areas gold, silver and other elements. The central part of the ore field has already been worked out. The balance reserves of the B+C1+C2 category deposit as of 01.01.2009 amount to about 85 million tons of iron ore. The production capacity of the main subdivision of the mining department - the Sever-Peschanskaya mine - is 2.6 million tons of rock mass per year.
  • CompanyUrupsky GOK(Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia). At UMMC since 2003. Main products: copper concentrate. Copper concentrate contains a large amount of zinc. Produces 400 thousand tons of copper concentrate per year. Preparations have begun for work at the Pervomaiskoye and Skalisty deposits (the content of useful components is lower than in the ore of the Urupskoye deposit, they can give an increase of 150 thousand tons per year), as well as at the Khudessky copper sulfide deposit located in the northwestern Elbrus region (about 500 thousand tons of copper, 268.8 thousand tons of zinc, 25.7 tons of gold and 334 tons of silver with the prospect of additional exploration and increment of reserves). The number of employees is about 7000 people.
  • JSCUchalinsky GOK and (Republic of Bashkortostan). In 2002, UMMC acquired a state-owned stake (38%) of shares. Products: copper concentrate, zinc concentrate, sulfur flotation pyrite. Volume: 5 million ore per year. Reserves for 25-30 years.
  • OOO Bashkir copper(Republic of Bashkortostan). Organized by UMMC in 2005. Products - copper concentrate. Capacity - 1.45 million tons of ore per year. In 2015, it is planned to commission the Yubileyny underground mine. Its balance reserves of copper are 1.64 million tons, zinc - 1.06 million tons. The planned capacity is 700,000 tons of ore per year. The number of employees is over 1500 people.
  • CompanyBuribaevsky GOK(Republic of Bashkortostan). At UMMC since 2004. Main products: copper and zinc concentrate. There is also mining for gold and silver. Annual mining and processing of copper ore is about 20 thousand tons.
  • JSCSiberia-Polymetals(Altai region). At UMMC since 2004. Main products: copper, zinc and lead concentrate. Ores contain gold and silver. Annual capacity is 500-600 thousand tons. Plans to double with new deposits. About 1800 people work.
  • JSCBashkir copper and sulfur plant(Republic of Bashkortostan) - Sibay branch of Uchalinsky GOK. In UMMC since 2004. In 2005, bankruptcy was carried out, in 2007 - external management. The annual capacity is 1.5 million tons. Ore processing at the enterprise is 6.01 million tons.
  • Saffian copper(Sverdlovsk region). In 2010, construction began on an underground mine at the Safyanovskoye deposit. The extraction of ore in this way will be the second stage in the development of the deposit. The planned design capacity is 500 thousand tons of ore per year. The approved reserves of the underground part of the Safyanovskoye field are 11 million tons. At the same time, a high, up to 4%, copper content in the ore is predicted. Also, the ore of the Safyanovsky deposit contains a number of associated components: zinc, gold and silver. The underground mine is scheduled to be commissioned in 2015 and reach its design capacity by 2017.
  • JSC"Svyatogor" (Sverdlovsk region). At UMMC since 1999. Consisting of: Volkovsky mine (ore production - 170 thousand tons per year), Northern copper-zinc mine (980 thousand tons of ore per year), processing plant (processing volume - 2.6 million tons of ore per year). Also produces: zinc in zinc concentrate, iron concentrate, sulfuric acid, battery acid.

Metallurgical complex

  • JSC"Svyatogor" (Sverdlovsk region). At UMMC since 1999. Blister copper production (80 thousand tons per year), sulfuric acid shop operating on waste gases from metallurgical production (production volume - 356 thousand tons of acid per year). Also produces: oleum, technical sodium bisulfite (aqueous solution), granulated slags of reflective melting. The company employs about 4000 people.
  • JSC Sredneuralsk copper smelter , SUMZ (Sverdlovsk region). At UMMC since 2000. Produces up to 100 thousand tons of blister copper per year. The enterprise employs about 3.5 thousand people.
  • OOOMednogorsk copper and sulfur plant(Orenburg region). At UMMC since 2001. Main products: blister copper (40 thousand tons per year), sulfuric acid, zinc sulfate in solution, lead, technical oxygen, technological lime. Available in gold and silver. 2260 people are employed.
  • JSC Uralelectromed (Sverdlovsk region). At UMMC since 1999. It is the parent company. Affiliates: JSC Verkh-Neyvinsky Non-Ferrous Metals Plant, JSC Kirovograd Metallurgical Company (Branch "Production of Polymetals"), JSC Safyanovskaya Copper (liquidated from January 1, 2013, will begin new development in 2015 as a separate legal entity). Main products: blister copper (70 thousand tons per year); copper cathodes (370 thousand tons per year); copper electrolytic powder (6 thousand tons per year) and products from it; copper sulfate (28 thousand tons per year); nickel sulfate (1 thousand tons per year); gold and silver bars; concentrate of platinum group metals; selenium (114 thousand tons per year), tellurium (31 thousand tons per year); lead-based alloys; hot-dip galvanizing of metal structures. About 8 thousand people are employed.
  • JSCElectrozinc(Republic of North Ossetia-Alania). At UMMC since 2003. Products: Commercial lead (20 thousand tons per year), commercial zinc (85 thousand tons per year), cadmium (314 tons per year). About 2600 people are employed.
  • JSCSukholozhsky plant "Vtortsvetmet"(Sverdlovsk region). At UMMC since 2004. Main products: foundry aluminum alloys and deoxidizers in ingots, foundry zinc alloys in ingots, foundry brass in ingots, tin bronzes in ingots, pistons for automobile and tractor engines, ferrosilicoaluminum, processing of zinc production waste to obtain copper concentrate, production of steel and iron castings . About 500 people are employed.
  • JSCChelyabinsk zinc plant(Chelyabinsk). In 2009, UMMC acquired 62.96% of NF Holdings B.V., which controls 58% of Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant OJSC. UMMC owns 36.5% in CZP, and its acquisition partner NF Holdings B.V. – ZAO Russian Copper Company owns 21.5% of CZP. CZP also owns a British manufacturer of zinc and aluminum die casting alloys, Brock Metal (Norton Canes, Cannock, Staffordshire, UK). Produces Special High Grade zinc with a purity of at least 99.995% and alloys based on it. The production capacity of the electrolysis shop allows to produce up to 200,000 tons of zinc per year. Cadmium, indium, sulfuric acid, zinc sulfate are also produced. About 1800 people are employed.
  • CJSC SP"Katur-Invest" (Sverdlovsk region). Started working as part of the UMMC on the basis of Uralelectromed in 1999. It is the largest Russian producer of copper rod (288 thousand tons per year), copper round electrical wire (10 thousand tons per year), uninsulated flexible copper wire and conductive copper wire (2 thousand tons per year). 300 people work.

Ferrous metallurgy - management companyOOO UMMC-Steel (Sverdlovsk region) manages the assets of 11 enterprises: a number of enterprises for the processing of scrap and basic:

  • PJSC "Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant" (formerly OJSCMetallurgical plant them. A. K. Serova)(Sverdlovsk region). At UMMC since 2004. Secondary raw materials are also provided by Bogoslovsky Mining Administration OJSC (Sverdlovsk Region). Products: carbon and alloyed hot-rolled and calibrated steel for the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, pipe industry and construction. The maximum capacity of the electric furnace is 750,000 tons of liquid steel per year. 5 thousand people are employed.
  • Mini Plant "Elektrostal Tyumen" (Tyumen). Started work as a part of UMMC in 2013. It produces building reinforcement from 10 to 40 mm and round steel with a diameter of 10 to 42 mm. Volume - 500 thousand tons of rolled metal per year.
  • JSC METMASH (Sverdlovsk region). Member of UMMC since 2002. Represents an empty form: view economic activity: :lease of property. Share of sales revenue (sales volume) by this species economic activities in the total volume of proceeds from sales (sales volume) of the issuer 100%. (Report for Q1 2012)

Processing complex

LLC management companyUMMC-OCM(Sverdlovsk region). In 2007, CJSC Kolchugtsvetmet, together with the Kirov OCM Plant, merged into the specialized holding LLC UMMC-OCM.

  • JSCKirov non-ferrous metal processing plant(Kirov region). At UMMC since 2000. Products: hot-rolled plates, copper and brass sheets, cold-rolled sheets and strips of copper, brass and bronze; cold-rolled strips and sheets of high precision from copper and its alloys. Copper and aluminum lugs and sleeves used for terminating and connecting cables and wires, washers and gaskets for the automotive industry, plumbing components, copper busbars and other stamped products made of copper and brass. About 1000 people are employed.
  • CompanyKolchugino Non-Ferrous Metals Plant(Vladimir region). In 2006 UMMC acquires 25%, in 2007 - 100%. Products: Ingots, pressed and drawn products made of copper and copper-based alloys (brass, bronze, copper-nickel alloys) used in various industries, cutlery and crockery made of silver, nickel silver and brass. About 1200 people are employed.
  • JSCRevdinsky non-ferrous metal processing plant(Sverdlovsk region). At UMMC since 2008. Main products: thin-walled pipes, pipes of medium and small diameters for general purposes, pipes for heat exchangers, pipes for pressure gauges, waveguides, capillary and thin-walled copper pipes for the refrigeration and instrument-making industries, air conditioning systems, radiator round and flat oval pipes, pipes made of antifriction alloys and others. About 1100 people are employed.

Electrotechnical complex

  • Holding LLC Cable Alliance" . « The Cable Alliance Holding was established in 2011 by merging the Sibkabel and Uralkabel plants (the assets of UMMC, the largest copper producer in the country) with the business of Valery Sitko, an entrepreneur who controlled almost 75% of the shares of the Kolchugino plant Elektrokabel (EKZ; 25.39 % of shares in UMMC). On July 29, 2011 OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company transferred blocking stakes in four subsidiaries to Ostenford Holdings Limited, which it is creating.
    COMPANY "Sibcable » (Tomsk region). At UMMC since 1999. The range of the plant includes more than 20,000 cable and wire sizes, including cables for electric submersible oil pumps, mine and excavator ones. About 1500 employees.
    COMPANY "Uralcable » (Sverdlovsk region). At UMMC since 2006. The range of the plant includes more than 14,000 sizes of cables and wires, including thermoelectrode, winding, and onboard cables and wires. About 600 employees.
    JSCKolchuginsky plant Electric cable(Vladimir region). In May 2011, 74.6% of the plant's shares were acquired by OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. The range of the plant includes more than 40,000 brand sizes of cables and wires, including power cables for medium and high voltage (up to 110 kV), communication cables and wires, fiber optic cables, metal mesh. Approximately 2500 employees.
    JSCNIKI(Tomsk region). Scientific and technical center. The number of staff is 36 people.

mechanical engineering

  • JSC Shadrinsk auto-aggregate plant (Kurgan region). At UMMC since 1999. The main activity of SHAAZ OJSC is the production of automotive components: radiators for cooling systems for automobile engines, radiators for interior heating systems, heating and ventilation units, preheaters, jacks, charge air coolers. The range of manufactured products is more than 200 items. The products manufactured at the enterprise are supplied to the conveyors of automobile plants such as KAMAZ OJSC, AZ Ural OJSC, MAZ OJSC, GAZ Automobile Plant LLC, PAZ LLC, ZIL AMO, UAZ OJSC, OOO LiAZ, OOO KAVZ, OAO NPK Uralvagonzavod, OAO PROMTRAKTOR, OAO Kurganmashzavod, OAO MZKT, OOO ChTZ-Uraltrak, ZAO AMUR, OAO AMZ, OAO Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant, OJSC Kharkov Tractor Plant, etc., as well as the spare parts market. The number of employees is about 3 thousand people.
  • CJSC "Orenburg Radiator" (Orenburg region). At UMMC since 2000. The range of products manufactured by Orenburg Radiator LLC includes more than 350 items, including water car radiators; water for agricultural machinery; cabin heaters, oil; as well as the core of the radiators; radiator blocks; radiators ONV; HSV heat exchangers. The largest share in the sales structure is occupied by radiators for agricultural machinery - 62%, radiators for automotive vehicles account for 34%, other products - 4%. The production employs about 1200 people.

coal mining company


  • CJSC "UMMC-Transport"

Production of building materials

  • JSC Revdinsky brick factory (Sverdlovsk region). At UMMC since 2000. Products: Ceramic brick, three-dimensional staining, front with a relief surface, glazed; large-format ceramic stones.
  • LLC "Trading House "Ural-Crushed"" (Sverdlovsk region)

Telecommunication complex

  • OOO UMMC-Telecom
  • Kuzbassvyazugol
  • TV company "ATN"

Agricultural complex

Management company: UMMC-Agro LLC (Sverdlovsk region)

  • CJSC Agrofirma Shutikhinskaya (Kurgan Region)
  • ZAO Teplichnoye (Sverdlovsk region)
  • CJSC "Agrofirma" Patrushi "" (Sverdlovsk region)
  • Verkhnepyshminsky dairy plant (Sverdlovsk region)
  • OJSC "Makushinsky elevator" (Kurgan region)
  • Summer Smile LLC (Sverdlovsk region)


  • LLC "Yekaterinburg-City" (Sverdlovsk region). Ekaterinburg-CITY LLC was established to act as an investor and customer in the implementation of an international project for the development of a business district in the center of Yekaterinburg - Ekaterinburg-City. Upon completion of construction architectural ensemble with a total area of ​​more than 400 thousand square meters. m. will include 4 multifunctional skyscrapers, a business park, a conference center, a hotel, a shopping gallery, a network of cafes and restaurants, a park area. The business district facilities are at various stages of completion: in May 2009, the first international five-star hotel in Yekaterinburg, Hyatt Regency Yekaterinburg, was opened; the construction of a multifunctional complex with residential residences (apartments) of the premium class "Iset Tower" is underway. The owner of the French Alstom Martin Bouygues took part in the construction of the Hyatt in Yekaterinburg. He speaks very warmly of Kozitsyn, Bokarev and Makhmudov, the last two of which he co-owns Transmashholding.
  • LLC "UralMedStroy" (Sverdlovsk region) - was established in 2004 and is one of the enterprises of the UMMC construction complex. The main activity of the company is the development of residential and commercial real estate, which meets all modern quality standards.
  • CJSC "UMMC-Sportstroy" (Sverdlovsk region). Residential construction in Yekaterinburg, Olympic Small Ice Arena in Sochi. The facility was put into operation in 2012.
27.10.2006 CJSC Aquatrial 50% 5 thousand rubles
27.10.2006 CJSC "TD" REKONIKA" 50% 5 thousand rubles
06.04.2006 CJSC Aquatrial 50% 5 thousand rubles
06.04.2006 CJSC "TD" REKONIKA" 50% 5 thousand rubles
08.07.2005 CJSC Aquatrial 50% 5 thousand rubles
08.07.2005 CJSC "TD" REKONIKA" 50% 5 thousand rubles
08.09.2003 CJSC Aquatrial 50% 5 thousand rubles
08.09.2003 CJSC "TD" REKONIKA" 50% 5 thousand rubles
date Name Share Sum
12.02.2009 CJSC TV Company ATN 19.23% 2.06 million rubles
15.09.2008 JSC "SHADRINSKY AUTO-AGGREGATE PLANT" 15.1% 193.867 thousand rubles
15.08.2007 SIBKABEL LLC 12.3% 172.732 thousand rubles
28.06.2007 LLC "UMMC-INSURANCE" 19.57% 110.962 million rubles
31.05.2007 OJSC METZAVOD NAMED AFTER A.K.SEROV 17.3% 45.2182 thousand rubles
16.05.2007 OJSC METMASH 19.92% 2.1909 million rubles
18.09.2006 UK VZTSM LLC (OKPO: 46670734) 9.05% 8.688 thousand rubles
13.03.2006 OOO CONTRACT-URALMED 15% 3 thousand rubles
05.08.2005 CJSC "URUPSKIY GOK" 20% 8.64 million rubles
29.03.2005 NEVSKY PROJECT LLC (OKPO: 26281545) 19% 1.9 million rubles
24.11.2004 JSC "ELECTROZINC" 15.57% 218.651 thousand rubles
08.06.2004 LLC "ORENBURG RADIATOR" 18% 1.512 thousand rubles
18.02.2004 LLC FIRMA "DVOL" 19.9% 1.6716 thousand rubles

ZAO OST-ilis OKPO: 58688892
Owners: Grenchuk Ilya Ivanovich (25.07.2002), Trots Vladislav Sergeevich (17.09.2002)
General Director Voropaeva Natalia Mikhailovna
Is or was a former founder of the following organizations:

date Name Share Sum
06.06.2013 OOO URALZINK (OKPO: 81166248) 19.28% 172.732 thousand rubles
05.02.2013 OOO UMMC-AGRO 19.9% 199 thousand rubles
08.11.2012 OOO TYAZHMALPROM 18% 18.4364 million rubles
08.11.2012 MASHENERGOREAL LLC 19.3% 52.2019 million rubles
08.11.2012 OOO "MASHKONTSENTRAT" 18% 30.0633 million rubles
07.06.2012 19% 329.718 million rubles
31.05.2012 LIMECO LLC 20% 166.372 thousand rubles
25.04.2012 OOO NOVEX (OKPO: 76552601) 50% 5 thousand rubles
01.03.2012 LLC "UMMC-INSURANCE" 19.57% 110.972 million rubles
11.02.2010 SIBKABEL LLC 19.5% 172.732 thousand rubles
16.04.2008 UK VZTSM LLC (OKPO: 46670734) 19.9% 19.104 thousand rubles
29.09.2006 LLC "AUTOCITY" (OKPO: 59166606) 50% 5 thousand rubles
13.03.2006 OOO CONTRACT-URALMED 17% 3.4 thousand rubles

Owners: Dmitry Nikolaevich Dyachek (08/07/2002), Galina Vasilievna Saenko (10/29/2002), Olga Ivanovna Romanova (04/15/2005)
General Director Nazarova Natalya Yurievna
Is or was a former founder of the following organizations:

date Name Share Sum
11.02.2013 CJSC "AGROFIRMA "PATRUSHI" 2.59% 7.5003 million rubles
08.11.2012 OOO TYAZHMALPROM 15% 15.3637 million rubles
08.11.2012 MASHENERGOREAL LLC 15.1% 40.8419 million rubles
08.11.2012 OOO "MASHKONTSENTRAT" 15% 25.0528 million rubles
07.06.2012 OOO MEDNOGORSKY COPPER AND SULFUR PLANT 25.1% 435.575 million rubles
31.05.2012 LIMECO LLC 20% 166.372 thousand rubles
01.03.2012 LLC "UMMC-INSURANCE" 13.87% 78.656 million rubles
03.11.2009 OOO "BASHKIR COPPER" 0% 0 thousand rubles
16.04.2008 UK VZTSM LLC (OKPO: 46670734) 19.9% 19.104 thousand rubles
10.01.2007 OL ROAD STOCK LLC 50% 5 thousand rubles
10.01.2007 Unistroy M LLC 50% 5 thousand rubles

ZAO Progress
Director Yazovsky Valery Afanasyevich
Owners: Yazovsky Valery Afanasevich (90%), Komarov Alexander Anatolyevich (10%)
Is or was a former founder of the following organizations:

Also, one of the owners of the aforementioned CJSCs, Vladislav Sergeevich Trots, heads CJSC OILFROST, which
is or was a former founder of the following organizations:

date Name Share Sum
03.07.2013 CJSC "KOLCHUGTSVETMET" 95% 950 thousand rubles
07.02.2013 JSC "MRU" 19.97% 14.37 thousand rubles
08.11.2012 OOO TYAZHMALPROM 18% 18.4364 million rubles
08.11.2012 MASHENERGOREAL LLC 13% 35.1619 million rubles
08.11.2012 OOO "MASHKONTSENTRAT" 18% 30.0633 million rubles
19.10.2011 CJSC Basis (OKPO: 96423461) 99.98% 58.5 million rubles
03.11.2009 OOO "BASHKIR COPPER" 0% 0 thousand rubles

OILFROST Also owns about 20% of the shares of OAO Malyshevskoye Mining Administration.

In addition, Kolchugtsvetmet CJSC is part of the UMMC holding for the processing of non-ferrous metals).

CJSC Basis
Is or was a former founder of the following organizations:

CJSC Basis, in turn, owned part of the Ural Ring Bank, 95% of which was consolidated in 2012 by Mednogorsk Copper and Sulfur Plant LLC. A few months later, in July 2012, UMMC buys out shares of MMSK from CJSC TD REKONIKA, CJSC Aquatrial, CJSC OST-ilis, CJSC PROMLAYNMARKET and CJSC Progress for a total amount of about 1.7 billion rubles .
It should be noted that at the same time, UMMC is buying back the shares of OAO MC Kuzbassrazrezugol for a total amount of about 5 billion rubles under agreement No. ARB-11/FCC/012 dated 03/16/2012, concluded with Alfa Capital Holdings (Cyprus) Ltd.
Perhaps this money was received by UMMC in connection with the victory in the tender for additional exploration and development of copper-nickel deposits in the Voronezh region, as an advance payment for future metal trading and investment in exploration of these areas.


Scandals also accompany the activities of UMMC-VTORTSVETMET CJSC, which owns about 40 non-ferrous scrap metal collection companies throughout Russia. So in 2013, two criminal cases were initiated on the theft of non-ferrous scrap during transfer to the UMMC-Vtortsvetmet structures, in which, according to the investigation, the head of the UMMC security service, Alexander Zolotov, was involved. The conflict, among other things, revealed a scam with the purchase of spent cartridges from the Ministry of Defense. The victories of the UMMC in the tenders of the Ministry of Defense require a separate investigation.

"Voronezh project"

There are several organizations associated with the UMMC associated with plans for nickel mining at Khopra.
In April 2011, Capital Invest CJSC (OKPO: 98701384), affiliated with UMMC, registers LLC Voronezh Project (OKPO 91186186). Then, in May 2011, the Voronezh project, together with the UMMC, registers OOO Voronezh Ore (OKPO 91188297).
Then in May 2013 it was registered OOO UMMC-nickel (TIN3666185293) in which 40% belongs to UMMC, and 60% belongs to the licensee of the Elansky and Yolkinsky deposits - Mednogorsk Copper and Sulfur Plant LLC.
The most recent - in May 2015 - was registered LLC "Elan Mining and Processing Plant" (TIN3664135120) , (also - 40% belongs to UMMC, and 60% to MMSK).
The previous LLCs are being liquidated.

Certain affiliates and subsidiaries

In Russia

Ural Mining Company LLC

Ural Mining Company LLC (Sverdlovsk region), according to unofficial data, is affiliated with UMMC. In March 2012, LLC became the winner of three auctions for the right to use subsoil for the purpose of exploration and production of hard coal at the Erunakovsky Beregovoy sites located in the Kemerovo region (balance reserves of coal grades G and GZhO are about 33 million tons in categories A + B + C1, off-balance sheet - about 7.5 million tons), "Polysaevsky Vostochny" (coal reserves of grades "D", "DG" and "G" amount to about 26.5 million tons in categories B + C1 + C2) and "Pikhtovsky" (coal reserves of grades "KO", "GZhO", "KSN" and "SS" within the boundaries of the site amount to about 39 million tons in categories B + C1 + C2). ()) 5.447% — LLC "Mining company Ural gold" ( OKPO 93612807) (Owner of LLC UMMC-Holding)

(Owner data for ZAO could be outdated)

The main products are feldspar and mica concentrates. The share of feldspar concentrates on the market of similar products in the Russian Federation is 25-27%. The market share of mica concentrates is 80-85%.
Volume marketable products 2012 - 568 million rubles, 2013 - 584 million rubles.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Malyshevskoye Mining Administration — Rudoy Grigory Nikolaevich, Mining Director of OOO UMMC-Holding. Only 6 people from the board of directors of AOA "MRU" are the current top managers of UMMC enterprises.

Outside Russia

Fabrika Bakarnih Cevi (FBC) Serbia , Majdanpek
Factory of copper pipes. Acquired by UMMC in 2004 through the Swiss financial company Alpine Group. Produces copper pipes in the following sizes: outer diameter 5 - 76 mm and wall thickness from 0.35 to 2.5 mm, in soft, semi-hard and hard states. Also produces plasticized copper pipes and pipes for medical purposes.
The company's website confirms that the owner of the main stake in the company is the Swiss company Alpine Group. This company is owned by UMMC.
Eremeev Vladimir Nikolaevich - General Director, Chairman of the Board.

, Austria
In 2013, an official announcement came out that UMMC owns 10% of Montanwerke Brixlegg Aktiengesellschaft.
UMMC also influences through the owner of the enterprise - UMCOR Holding GmbH .IMC Metall AG It can be assumed that Umcore itself is affiliated with Glencore, which is actively working with the enterprises of Iskander Makhmudov.

KABELOVNA KABEX a. s., Holyšov IČO 25208721 ,Czech
It is headed by the General Director of OCM-UMMC Dmitry Vasechko, Oleg Melyukhov is a member of the Board of Directors.


OJSC "Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company" (UMMC, English UMMC) is a Russian metallurgical company, the first largest producer of copper and zinc in Russia.

General Director - Kozitsyn Andrey Anatolyevich.

The headquarters is located in our city.

UMMC-Holding unites more than 40 enterprises of various industries.

Total annual turnover of all UMMC enterprises exceeds 420 billion rubles.

In addition to copper, UMMC Holding has strong positions in the market of zinc, lead and precious metals.

The implementation of all socially significant projects in our city is the result of fruitful cooperation between local and regional authorities and UMMC-Holding.

Kozitsyn Andrey Anatolievich

Andrey Anatolyevich Kozitsyn is an entrepreneur, manager, general director of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company.

Candidate of Economic Sciences.

President of the Union of Enterprises of the Metallurgical Complex of the Sverdlovsk Region, Member of the Presidium of the Association of Metallurgists of Russia, Chairman of the Metallurgy Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

President of the charitable foundation "Children of Russia".

President of the UMMC Basketball Club.

Vice President of the All-Russian Sambo Federation.

Vacancies of UMMC-Holding

On the official website of the company there is a map of vacancies for all enterprises of the holding, where you can get acquainted with open vacancies, fill in and send your resume.

Full list of UMMC-Holding enterprises

  • JSC "Uralelectromed"- the enterprise carries out the entire production cycle: from the processing of blister copper and scrap to the production of copper products. It specializes mainly in the production of purified (refined) copper, copper sulfate, the production of precious metals and the provision of hot-dip galvanizing services.
    Address: 624091, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma st. Uspensky prospect, 1
    Website: www.elem.ru
  • OOO UMMC-Telecom- a major operator of modern communication services operating in the telecommunications market, in more than 20 settlements of the Urals, Siberia, Bashkiria and Central Russia.
    Address: 624090, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, pr-kt Uspensky, 1, office 801
    Website: www.ugmk-telecom.ru
  • OOO UMMC-Agro- production "Verkhnepyshminsky dairy plant" - one of the largest enterprises in the dairy industry of the Sverdlovsk region. Every day the enterprise processes about 80 tons of milk, producing more than 30 types of products under the Zdorovo!
    Address: 624090, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, st. Petrova, 1 V
    Website: www.zdorovomoloko.ru
  • JSC "Katur-Invest"- manufacturer of copper rod, copper round electrical wire, conductive copper wire.
    Address: 624091, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Uspensky prospect, 1
    Website: www.katur.ru
  • OOO UMMC-OCM- the division of the company "UMMC-OTsM" united under its leadership the leading enterprises: OJSC "Kirov Plant OCM", ZAO "Kolchugtsvetmet" and OJSC "Revdinsky Plant OCM". The company also sells rolled products from the Copper Pipe Plant (Serbia, Maidanpek), including copper pipes for water supply, heating, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.
    Address: 624092, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, st. Petrova 59 D
    Website: www.ocm.ru
  • JSC Teplichnoye- the largest producer of vegetables in the Sverdlovsk region. Annually produces more than 5,000 tons of greenhouse vegetables. Since 2004, the enterprise has been a part of UMMC-Agro LLC. Since 1997 JSC "Teplichnoye" for the first time in the Middle Urals has introduced the Dutch low-volume technology for growing tomatoes and cucumbers. This allowed the company to grow vegetables of the “Premium” class (the highest category of quality and environmental friendliness).
    Address: 620907, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Sadovy settlement, st. Siberian 42
    Website: www.aoteplichnoe.ru
  • JSC Uralcable- dynamically developing company with large production facilities. The history of production is more than 70 years, and today the plant is ready to offer consumers more than 20 groups of cable products and more than 14,000 brand sizes.
    Address: 620028, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, st. Vladimir Melnikova, d.2
    Website: www.uralcable.ru
  • JSC "Svyatogor"- mining and processing, non-ferrous metallurgy.
    Address: 624330, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Krasnouralsk, Kirov street, 2
    Website: www.svg.ru
  • OJSC "Bogoslovskoye Mining Administration"- a large mining enterprise with underground mining of magnetite ores. The "Severopeschanskaya" mine is the main workshop of the modern Bogoslovsky Mining Administration. In addition to the mine, the mining department includes: a crushing and processing plant, an energy workshop, a railway workshop, and a motor transport workshop.
    Address: 624449, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Krasnoturinsk, st. October, 28
    Website: bru.ugmk.com
  • JSC "Revdinsky brick factory"- production of building bricks.
    Address: 623285, Sverdlovsk region, Revda, st. Kirzavod, house 4
    Website: www.revkz.ru
  • JSC "Middle Urals copper smelter"- the largest enterprise in the Urals - a high-tech diversified complex, which includes the smelting of blister copper from primary raw materials, the production of sulfuric acid from metallurgical waste gases, and the processing of slag to obtain copper concentrate.
    Address: 623280, Sverdlovsk region, Revda
    Website: sumz.umn.ru
  • JSC "Revdinsky non-ferrous metal processing plant"- production of non-ferrous metallurgy products: pipes, rods, wire, hollow and solid profiles, casting blanks made of copper, brass, copper-nickel alloys, bronzes.
    Address: 623282, Svedlovsk region, Revda, pos. SUMZ
    Website: www.ocm.ru
  • JSC "Safyanovskaya copper"- a mining enterprise that extracts ore by open (quarry) and underground (mine) methods.
    Address: Sverdlovsk region, Rezh, 87 km of the highway Ekaterinburg-Alapaevsk
    Website: www.ugmk.com
  • JSC Metallurgical Plant named after A.K. Serov"- ferrous metallurgy, production of steel bars, provision of electrical and thermal energy.
    Address: 624992, Sverdlovsk region, Serov, st. Agglomeratchikov, 6
    Website: www.serovmet.ru
  • JSC "Sukholozhsky Casting and Mechanical Plant"- production of steel and iron castings, mechanical processing of products (turning, milling).
    Address: 624800, Sverdlovsk region, Sukhoi Log, Kunarskaya street, 5
    Website: www.szvcm.ru
  • JSC "SHAAZ"- enterprise of the machine-building complex. The main activity is the production of automotive components.
    Address: 641800, Russia, Kurgan region, Shadrinsk, Sverdlov st., 1
    Website: www.shaaz.ru
  • Branch of LLC "UMMC-Steel" Metallurgical plant "Elektrostal Tyumen"- enterprise of ferrous metallurgy, production of rolled metal products. The productivity of the plant is 550 thousand tons per year.
    Address: 625014, Tyumen region, city of Tyumen, street Stary Tobolsky tract 1st kilometer, house 21
    Website: www.steel.ugmk.com
  • JSC Coal Company Kuzbassrazrezugol - the largest company in the Kemerovo region and the Russian Federation, specializing in open-pit coal mining. The management company includes 6 branches - "Kedrovsky", "Mokhovsky", "Bachatsky", "Krasnobrodsky", "Taldinsky", "Kaltansky" coal mines, as well as OSP "Avtotrans".
    Address: 650054, Kemerovo, Pioneer Boulevard, 4A
    Website: www.kru.ru
  • OOO Kuzbassvyazugol is a communication service operator operating in the telecommunications market in 12 settlements of the Kemerovo region.
    Address: 650070, Kemerovo region, Kemerovo, st. Freedom, 8.
    Website: www.ksu42.ru
  • JSC "Sibkabel" is an enterprise of the Russian cable industry that has been producing a wide range of electrical products for more than 70 years. The Tomsk plant produces over 60 brands of cables, more than 20,000 sizes. In 2013, Sibkabel topped the rating of suppliers of oil submersible cable for the oil and gas complex, compiled by the Advisory Council for the interaction of the oil and gas complex with related industries.
    Address: 634003, Russia, Tomsk region, Tomsk, st. Pushkin, d.46
    Website: www.sibkabel.ru

    PJSC "NIKI Tomsk"(Research, Design and Technological Cable Institute (NIKI) with a pilot production in Tomsk) is the only scientific and technical center of the cable industry in the eastern part of Russia. The scope of the Institute's activities includes both the development of new types of cables and cable materials, and their implementation. A modern testing base with unique facilities simulating operating conditions provides for the testing of cables and cable materials used in their production, and allows for certification tests for compliance with State and world standards.
    Address: 634003, Russia, Tomsk region, Tomsk, st. Pushkin, 44
    Website: www.niki.ru

  • JSC "Korbalikhinsky mine"- a mining enterprise engaged in the extraction of polymetallic ore.
    Address: 658741, Russia, Altai Territory, Zmeinogorsky district, Bespalovsky settlement, Industrial site of the Korbalikhinsky mine.
    Website: www.ugmk.com
  • OAO Kirov Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant- remelting of raw materials to obtain ingots (flat and round), production of strips, plates, sheets, strips from flat-rolled ingots. Production of bars, wire, anodes, tires, profiles from round ingots.
    Address: 610016, Russia, Kirov region Kirov, Oktyabrsky pr-t, 18
    Website: www.kzocm.ru
  • JSC "Gai Mining and Processing Plant"- mining and enrichment of copper ores.
    Address: 462630, Orenburg region, Gai, st. Promyshlennaya, d. 1
    Website: www.ggok.ru
  • LLC "Mednogorsk copper and sulfur plant"- the main types of finished products are blister copper, sulfuric acid, zinc sulfate in solution, lead middlings, sublimated dust.
    Address: 462270, Russia, Orenburg region, Mednogorsk, Zavodskaya street, 1
    Website: mmsk.ugmk.com
  • Orenburg Radiator LLC- enterprise of the machine-building complex. Manufacture of radiator products.
    Address: 460441, Russia, Orenburg, st. Komsomolskaya, 175
    Website: Agrofirma Bayramgul LLC is the largest agricultural enterprise in the Republic of Bashkortostan, specializing in the production, processing and sale of livestock products, horse breeding, and crop production.
    Address: 453742, Bashkortostan, Uchalinsky district, Uralsk settlement, st. Soviet, 6
    Website: www.zdorovomoloko.ru
  • CJSC "Kolchugtsvetmet"- design, development and production of rolled products from non-ferrous metals: copper and copper alloys.
    Address: 601785, Vladimir region, Kolchugino, st. Karl Marx, 25
    Website: www.ocm.ru
  • JSC Elektrokabel Kolchuginsky Plant- one of the oldest manufacturers of cable and wire products in the Russian market. In addition to a wide range of cable and wire products, the plant produces metal mesh. The range of the plant includes more than 40 groups of cables, over 65,000 brand sizes.
    Address: 601785, Vladimir region, Kolchugino, st. Karl Marx, 3
    Website: www.elcable.ru
  • CJSC "Urupsky GOK"- an enterprise with a full technological cycle for the extraction and enrichment of copper pyrite ore.
    Address: 1
    Website: www.ugmk.com
  • OJSC "Electrozinc"- an enterprise of a metallurgical complex, produces and sells: zinc, lead, cadmium, sulfuric acid, zinc-aluminum alloys, secondary polypropylene, copper-based alloys, rolled copper, copper wire, zinc wire.
    Address: 362001 North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz, st. Factory, 1
    Website: electrozink.ugmk.com
  • Chu DPO "Technical University UMMC" - unique project, which arose at the junction of the educational and industrial spheres of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. This is an industry university, within the walls of which primary training, as well as advanced training courses for workers, engineers and managers of all levels for industrial enterprises.
    Address: 624091, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Uspensky Ave., 3, office 604