Become a seller on Amazon. How to sell goods on Amazon worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a month while in Russia


Step by step instructions.

Nikita Bovykin, founder retail company OneCommerceGroup

Since October 2016, I and a small team of four people have been selling my own products on Amazon in the USA. We are currently selling one product. During 2017 we plan to add three or four more positions. By the end of the year we plan to reach a turnover of $500 thousand per month.

In this article, I will briefly discuss the opportunities of selling on Amazon, the stages of starting a business, and the lessons we learned during the startup process.

Why Amazon is Power

    The number of monthly visits to Amazon, according to Similarweb, is 1.6 billion.

    Photos are the main element of the listing. Nice photo will give a good CTR and high conversion. I myself have witnessed more than once when competitors in my niche updated photos and sharply grew in search results and sales. Therefore, when sales go poorly, the first thing that is recommended to improve is the photo.


    Your listing will be indexed by topic keywords, which you will indicate in the backend of the listing and which you will mention on the product page.

    To understand what keywords your competitors are promoting for, use the free service You can also use the services and to estimate the volume of traffic.

    Product title and description

    To prepare texts for listing, you can contact the artists at There are plenty of specialists there who will do good copywriting for you for $40-100. These guys churn out listings in batches and know how to do it.

    Do not copy texts from competitors. If competitors notice this, they can at least complain, or at most they will begin to take revenge.


    At the start, it makes sense to set the price slightly below the market. As long as you don't have a lot of reviews and you're not sitting at the very top of organics, you need something powerful to convince a buyer to give their dollars to you. As you move up and receive feedback, you can increase the price.

Starting sales on Amazon is easier than starting one own business in Russia. The store provides not only its own “showcase” and opportunities for promoting goods, but a huge number potential buyers. Sales on Amazon can be easily organized, since the platform takes care of the main aspects. You just need to go through necessary registration. We'll tell you where to start and how to combine such activities with office work.

If you have a permanent job, then it is better to start selling on Amazon with the FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) program. Its essence is that the trading platform provides its own warehouses for storing your goods, as well as additional services.

It all looks something like this. The manufacturer of the product is located in China. He sends the batch made to your order directly to the USA, where it will be stored in Amazon warehouses. People find your product on Amazon and order it. The platform itself provides the product to the buyer, and you receive the money you earn.

This option will be the most optimal if this is not your main business. In this case, Amazon takes on more than half of all obligations, but you are only responsible for writing the product page, concluding contracts with suppliers and the trading platform. In fact, this is already automated process, which requires virtually no intervention.

5 advantages of working like this for Amazon

  1. You don't need to interact with the buyer (chat, take orders);
  2. There is no need to store goods, hire a courier or delivery service;
  3. You receive excellent delivery service throughout the USA (delivery speed is no more than two days);
  4. You receive profit in dollars;
  5. The goods do not enter the Russian Federation - no problems arise with customs.

Where to start selling on Amazon

If you are experiencing problems with the "" system, a different business model may be suitable for you. For example . Here things are a little different. There is no need to think over the brand and look for a manufacturer. You simply buy a product cheaper and sell it at a higher price. Although this method has its drawbacks.

You should only trust the delivery of goods to the USA to trusted carriers. Find Chinese manufacturers, which have their own logistics network, as well as representative offices in America. Dealing with customs brokers can be very dangerous for your finances. You can read more about choosing a supplier in the article ““.

For residents of the Russian Federation and the CIS, there are several ways to withdraw earned funds from Amazon. All of them involve the use of electronic payment systems such as Skrill and PayPal. They all have their pros and cons. Therefore, be sure to compare and choose the most convenient option.

Making money on the Internet is steadily gaining momentum every year. The Internet is literally replete with offers about online businesses that guarantee big money in a short period of time to people who do not have an education, but really want to get a job.

Is it possible to make money on Amazon?

One of the largest trading platforms is Amazon, which sells in the United States.

The significant advantages of such an online auction include:

  • variety of product categories offered;
  • presence of branches in different countries peace.
  • huge market.
  • more than two million sellers.

However, not all the advantages are such trading system can play into the hands of a novice businessman. Read below about the mechanism of making money on Amazon, its nuances, risks and difficulties.

The mechanism of earning money on Amazon

Anyone can trade on Amazon, but it's not that easy. Professional businessmen in their video courses assure that getting your first $10,000 will not be difficult. The algorithm for setting up a personal store on Amazon really looks clear:

  1. Registration on the Amazon portal occurs only in the original English version of the online store. To do this, open the website and select the “Your Seller Account” option. Check the details of the seller by going to Start Selling and the Individual Sellers item. This way you will identify yourself as an individual trader, which will save you from many commissions on transactions in the future. Next, you should enter basic information about yourself and indicate the intended payment instruments. To confirm your identity, a call is made to your phone number with a 4-digit code, which must be added to the appropriate column on the website.
  2. To get started, log into your registered account. online store. You must decide on the categories of goods that you will sell and click “Sell yours here”. The next step of the user is to indicate the main characteristics of the product, describe its condition, appearance, availability of packaging, instructions and other possible indicators. Then you set your price for the product.
  3. Determine the delivery method and location. Beginning businessmen should choose the territory of their state and neighboring countries, since they usually use similar and understandable transport infrastructure. You need to pay attention to this point, because planning further sales will largely depend on the speed and quality of product delivery.
  4. Accepting customer orders and arranging for delivery of goods begins with checking your account for orders. To do this, select the “Manage Your Orders” option on the website. Having seen the applications, you should proceed to checkout the parcel and open the “Order Detail” area. Print the provided cover sheet containing product and customer information and sent with the packaged product.

The parcel is most often sent through the state postal service. The start of shipment must be confirmed by clicking the “Confirm shipmen” button located in the sales control panel. Transfer of funds for the purchase occurs after confirmation of shipment of the goods.

Difficulties of doing business on Amazon

As we can see, trading is based on the “buy-sell” scheme. However, there are quite a few difficulties in the process of market analysis, finding suppliers, secure shipping, and advertising. Let's look at them in more detail.

Market analysis

To select a product and set prices correctly, a novice businessman must pay attention to the demand and profitability of the goods offered. Not all categories of the site are suitable for beginners, since, for example, large products are expensive to deliver, electronics and medicine require precise knowledge and skills, and clothes are often returned due to the wrong size.

The client should also pay attention to the following criterion: Amazon Best Sellers Rank. It characterizes the number of sales per day, and therefore you should not take products with an indicator of more than 6000 due to huge competition and large volume of products.

Selecting a specific product

The size of the product should be less than 18X14X8 (inches) and not exceed the weight of 2 kg, which will reduce the cost of delivery. The price (which is set independently) is ideally more than $12, since Amazon’s commission takes 15-30% of the user’s profit. To make things easier in the early stages of business development, it is better to choose products that do not require a certificate.

Supplier selection

Having selected a product, proceed to the search suppliers-manufacturers from China. To do this, we turn to the website, select several and get in touch with them. To select one supplier, you must order the production of examples of goods and choose the more cost-effective one. We advise you to immediately discuss the material, come up with a brand, and jointly develop a logo and packaging.

IMPORTANT! In the future, the brand you created will have to be registered in America for $2,000 to avoid theft and plagiarism.

Delivery of goods to Amazon

Chinese manufacturers send products (200-1000 pieces are enough for the first batch) to America. You pay for delivery. Often, partners from China turn out to be scammers and the money sent for the goods simply disappears. Please note that even if the package has been sent, it is not a fact that it will arrive within the agreed time frame.

Sales launch

The existence and development of a business is impossible without reviews. To receive them, there are special communities of reviewers who make money by creating reviews. You give them the first 200 products for free (coupons are created for this), in return they will receive up to 200 reviews. Next, run internal advertising Amazon sponcored ads.


Creating a business on Amazon or Ebay is not as promising as many Internet users say. It is possible to work online, but it is better to choose domestic trading platforms.

The same condition for developing earnings both at auctions and in life is the constant improvement of technology.

As effective methods For trade, we advise selling branded goods, since it is easier to determine their optimal price and create a competent marketing scheme. The next strategy used is the sale of little-known products and he himself completely controls the sales process. When promoting your own brand, take care of its quality and the presence of a separate personal store website.

The visual components of advertising play an important role. This means that the headlines should catch customers, and the product should be presented with high-quality photography. To expand the customer base, it is necessary to introduce bonuses, for example, free or discounted delivery, think through the return procedure and conduct active communication with customers.

The solution to the above problems is to build a business outside our country, and the profit should ideally be in dollars so that it is not affected by exchange rate fluctuations. For example, starting your own business in the USA is an attractive idea, isn’t it? First thought: “No, no, no, it’s too expensive and complicated.” Not at all. With the help of Amazon, you can start a business via the Internet, and the investment volume will be from 3 to 10 thousand dollars.

Why Amazon

Captain Obvious reports that it is the world's leading online retailer with more than 3 million shipments daily to 185 countries.

People from all over the world come here in search of anything and, characteristically, find it. If they don’t find it, maybe you will be the one to offer them the product they need?

Collaborating with Amazon is probably the easiest way to build a business in the US.

In fact, you don’t even need to leave your home to do this; everything can be done via the Internet. You immediately turn to the largest consumer market peace. The more potential buyers, the more impressive the possible profit.

Another advantage is that payments are made in dollars. I think there is no need to explain why this is good: the current rate speaks for itself. Any crisis will not matter to your business, and profits will no longer depend on the economic situation in the country.

Amazon is the place where you can find almost everything

Amazon has an extremely interesting seller support program that takes off your shoulders a significant part of the problems associated with organizing the movement of goods along the way from supplier to buyer. The online retailer takes care of all storage and delivery concerns.

How to Run a Business with the FBA Program

The trading platform is vitally interested in attracting new sellers, and with them, buyers. Hence the very attractive terms of cooperation.

The FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) program is a real gift for entrepreneurs who do not want to waste time organizing delivery and storage, finding reliable employees and communicating with customers over the phone.

When you order a batch of products from a supplier, you send it directly to the Amazon warehouse. The goods are stored there until they are purchased. After this, warehouse workers create a package that is delivered to the buyer. It turns out that everything works without your participation.

Such an elegant solution eliminates a significant portion of the problems. There is no need to talk with curious customs officials, figure out what the current duties are, and rack your brains about where to store this wealth. Just entrust all the worries to someone who can definitely handle them better.

Fulfillment by Amazon makes doing business much easier

The cost of participation in the FBA program is calculated individually for each product, taking into account its dimensions, weight, storage costs, packaging and delivery. The cost of service is most favorable for standard size products. According to Amazon, these are items weighing up to approximately 9 kg, the length, width and height of which do not exceed 45.7, 35.5 and 20 cm, respectively.

With such input data, there is no need to further prove why working with Amazon is more convenient than trying to launch your own online store in Russia. Website creation and promotion, organization storage facilities, search for sane courier service- that's hemorrhoids. We want to earn money, not search for the maximum effective way make your life difficult, right? That’s why we choose a proven site from which to build profitable business easier than anywhere else.

Let's open our own business

All of the above sounds quite simple, but in practice you may encounter moments that can drive any beginner into a stupor. Where to look for interesting things for sale? How to properly issue a product card? Finally, how to stand out among thousands of similar single sellers and find your customers? Questions like these should be addressed to those who already have experience working with a trading platform and know how to achieve maximum profits with minimal investments.

I am an entrepreneur, internet marketer and training author. In 2014, he moved to Thailand and began conducting all his business remotely. Being far from home, having no sellers, no offices, no warehouses, no production, I produce my goods and sell them on the US market.

I have the most advanced customer department, delivery service, robotic warehouse and the most powerful production. The entire business operates remotely with minimal participation from me, and I have never even held some of my products in my hands.

Igor Kustov

A logical question: if everything is really so profitable, why ruin a profitable topic and arm potential competitors with your own hands? This is Amazon. There are a lot of sellers and even more buyers, so there's enough room for everyone.

Training starts with free course" ". Here they explain to you what Amazon is and why it is more profitable to trade here than to try to create one from scratch own store. At the same time, you will learn how to establish interaction with suppliers and the trading platform.

In short, the diagram looks something like this:

  1. Determine relatively free niche and select the product with which you will enter the market. It turns out that people sometimes need really strange things. A cage for washing cats, for example. If there is demand, there will be supply.
  2. Find a supplier. Here, at first, it is most logical to turn to our Chinese comrades, who have everything you can think of. Then you can look for local suppliers or establish cooperation with European or American manufacturers.
  3. Order trial samples to ensure the quality of the products. At this stage, it makes sense to cooperate with several suppliers at the same time, from which you will choose the best one.
  4. If everything is satisfactory, you purchase a batch of goods, which are sent directly to the Amazon warehouse.
  5. Register the product and fill out a card with its description. Sales success is solely your responsibility; fortunately, to help the buyer, Amazon provides a rich set of tools to increase sales.
  6. Buyers purchase your goods, Amazon ships them from its warehouse, and you withdraw your profits and order a new batch of products from suppliers so that the business does not stand idle.

6 steps to a successful business

The next stage is the online intensive "". This is a kind of guide to action for those who are determined to try themselves in international trade.

The training takes place in a webinar format. In 3-4 hours you will get a complete picture of launching sales on Amazon, learn about the intricacies and pitfalls of this process, and also receive valuable practical advice on organizing sales - right down to specific developments for starting a business. Don't hesitate to ask questions if something is not completely clear. The recording of the webinar remains at your complete disposal, so at any time you can review everything and clarify exciting points. By the way, it’s worth reconsidering: it will be difficult to completely assimilate a sufficiently large amount of information at one time.

And the final stage is the master group "". This is a kind of parachute jump accompanied by an instructor.

For almost three months, SalesHub experts will generously share theoretical and practical knowledge, templates and techniques for effective sales organization. Their advice will help you start your own business and cope with the typical problems of beginners. In the end, they themselves faced exactly the same thing, but managed to get out of difficult situations winners.

If after completing the program you realize that you are not interested in trading at all, you will be refunded all the money you paid for the training. There is a 30-day money-back guarantee for the online intensive and master group.

And a final word of advice. Don't be afraid to try new things and do things you haven't done before. Learn from the professionals and work hard to implement their advice. Truly complete independence is definitely worth it.