The largest mining farm. The largest mining farms for earning bitcoin

Since the birth of Bitcoin, cryptocurrency mining has become not just a multi-billion dollar business, but also a real art.

A creative approach to business is what has always distinguished Bitcoiners around the world, and in a highly competitive market, they often have to make unusual decisions.

The editors of Forklog decided to talk about several exciting projects from the Bitcoin mining industry.

Dave Carlson's Secret Farm

Photo - Bloomberg Businessweek

Dave Carlson's farm is located in Washington state on the Pacific coast of the United States. According to his own statement, it is the largest in all North America. A software engineer and entrepreneur with ten years of experience, he decided to get into mining after facing financial problems at his previous job at an advertising company.

The company he founded in the basement of his own home, MegaBigPower, grew into a multimillion-dollar business in just a year. Today the farm is located in a separate building, in a former industrial warehouse. However, its exact location is not disclosed. Among the factors that contributed to the success of the business, Carlson names not only a desperate desire to get out of a financial hole, but also the fact that Washington State boasts some of the lowest electricity prices in the United States.

Having expanded the enterprise, Carlson estimates his monthly operating expenses, including wages for 15 people, at more than $1 million. The final figure of 1.3 petahesh, he says, is fully paid for. Moreover, having managed to attract additional investments, the entrepreneur began producing mining equipment based on Bitfury chips for further sale to other Bitcoin enthusiasts. Things seem to be going well for Carlson.

Genesis Mining Farm in Iceland

Genesis Mining started out with several farms in Bosnia and China, but today its main operations are in Iceland. This northern country, in addition to its national football team that has delighted the whole world, can also offer almost ideal conditions for mining: cheap electricity, good Internet connection and a cold climate. The latter turns out to be an extremely important condition, since it allows significant savings on cooling, thereby reducing the cost of mined bitcoins.

However, as Genesis Mining CEO Marco Streng recently admitted, the company uses a very significant amount of electricity and is perhaps the largest consumer in Iceland.

In addition to Bitcoin mining, the company recently launched Ethereum mining, and the farm itself, codenamed Enigma, is said to be the largest in the world.

Allied Control Farm in Hong Kong

Despite the region's hot and humid climate, technology company Allied Control has built Hong Kong's largest farm, relying on what it calls two-stage liquid immersion cooling technology.

The farm was built specifically for Chinese investors and is distinguished by its amazing quiet operation. Initially, ASIC chips were used in the mining process, but in January 2015, Allied Control came under the control of BitFury. The latter produces its own chips, and although the parties did not publicly disclose the details of the deal, it can be assumed that replacement of chips was also envisaged.

BitFury data center in Georgia

In December 2015, BitFury opened a new 40 MW mining data center in Tbilisi. The data center, located on the territory of the Free Economic Zone of the capital of Georgia, also uses . Bitfury is committed to being as environmentally friendly as possible and is powered by local hydroelectric power.

The company chose Georgia due to its optimal climate, minimal regulatory requirements, low cost of electricity and competitive working conditions. In the new data center, Bitcoin transactions are processed using computing equipment based on the latest 28 nm chips and .

In addition, the company has another data center in Georgia, as well as mining facilities in Iceland.

Linthal, Switzerland

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Founded by Bitcoin pioneer Guido Rudolphi of Alpereum, the farm opened in April this year. It is located in the small village of Linthal in eastern Switzerland. Rudolphi had previously run a mining farm in Zurich, but found the operating costs too high. As a result, after almost two years of searching, Rudolphi chose Lintal, where, according to him, the cheapest electricity in the country.

The new farm, located in a former factory, is considered the largest in Switzerland. Although the issue of cooling processors is still relevant, Rudolfi insists that the possible financial benefits are not a determining factor for him. The world, he believes, needs Bitcoin more for political reasons. The farm owner compares cryptocurrency to the Internet of the 1990s, when many also viewed this phenomenon with a great deal of skepticism.

On April 16, a day was held at the mining farm in Lintal open doors and Bitcoin meetup. Following the event, the project team made a short video:


An analysis of the leading mining pools shows that more than half of the total hash power on the Bitcoin network belongs to three Chinese pools. Leaving aside any possible community concerns about this state of affairs, China has a number of advantages when it comes to mining for a variety of reasons.

First of all, this is a relatively inexpensive labor force and the willingness of farm employees to live in unpretentious living conditions, even in utility rooms. China is also known for its ability to produce almost any product, and mining equipment is no exception. In addition, Bitcoin mining often turns out to be economically profitable here due to the lower cost of electricity than in other countries.

At the same time, due to the political climate in the country, many pool operators often try not to advertise their activities. This leaves its mark on appearance data centers.

A utility room for workers to rest at a mining farm in Guizhou province is equipped with a monitor showing what is happening in the data center
Photo - NYTimes

Last year, HaoBTC chief marketing officer Eric Mu spent about three months on a company-owned farm in the mountainous region of western Sichuan province. He noted on the bitcointalk forum that thanks to cheap energy from local hydroelectric power and inexpensive cooling systems, the data center shows high returns with minimal carbon emissions. At that time, the farm hashrate was 4.7 PH, and the company planned to increase it to 12PH within three to four months.

Below are a few of the photos he posted, the rest of the images can be seen in the original post.

In fact, there are many different mining farms in China, and they are all unique in their own way. Another example of this is the existence of a large farm in a secret location in Liaoning province, which accounts for about 3% of the total hashrate of the Bitcoin network.

Bitcoin Group - China / Australia

Photo – Bitcoin Group

Bitcoin Group, in addition to entering the Australian stock exchange, is known as one of the largest Bitcoin operators in the world. The company owns five data centers in China, combining 6,000 computers.

In addition, Bitcoin Group has operational facilities in Iceland and Australia. The company attaches great importance to environmental issues and therefore uses renewable energy sources wherever possible. Thus, 82% of the company’s total hashing power in China is produced from electricity obtained from hydroelectric power stations, and the data center in Iceland, where there are a large number of geysers, uses geothermal energy.

In total, Bitcoin Group accounts for about 1.19% of the total hash power of the Bitcoin network (6.2 PH).

It is noteworthy that at the company’s head office in Melbourne there is perhaps a one-of-a-kind Bitcoin Mining Museum, where various devices and devices used in cryptocurrency mining are collected.

This review cannot claim to be comprehensive, since the number of unique and amazing farms in their own way will be too large. Soon ForkLog will introduce you to other interesting objects.

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The high yield and short duration of cryptocurrencies attracts the attention of both small private investors and corporations that invest millions of dollars in creating farms. The owners of the largest mining farm in Russia do not advertise their activities. This is due to the fact that legal status Bitcoins and other digital coins have not yet been fully settled. In our country they are not officially considered a means of payment, and in China they are completely prohibited.

In China, where the largest cryptocurrency factory is located, the situation is complicated by the ban that the government has imposed on the circulation of cryptocurrencies. But gaps in legislation and even bans do not stop the development of progress and technology. There are enterprises in the USA, China, Russia, Iceland and other countries, each of which has thousands of ASICs installed, participating in the calculation of hashes for signing data blocks in order to receive rewards in the form of issued Bitcoins. This ensures that transactions are carried out in the system.

How giant Bitcoin farms work

A large mining farm is a building or complex of buildings where computer technology, engaged in servicing the Bitcoin network. The company's personnel are engaged in solving the following issues:

  • monitoring device status and troubleshooting;
  • maintaining the functionality of ventilation systems, power supply and Internet connections.

Workers perform preventative maintenance on electronics to prevent breakdowns. For example, giant Chinese farms are located in areas where dust storms occur. Despite the measures taken, clouds of dust penetrate the premises and settle on electronic boards, causing overheating. With processors operating at their peak, the slightest change in temperature causes crashes. Therefore, regular dust removal plays a special role in such areas.

One ASIC for mining bitcoins consumes more than a kilowatt of electricity. The largest farms have more than tens of thousands of such devices. To supply tens of megawatts of electricity, substations and even their own coal-fired thermal power plants are being built, which help reduce costs and ensure autonomy.

The largest farm in the world

The largest Chinese bitcoin mining enterprise is located far from large industrial centers - in Liaoxing province. This autonomous region of China is characterized by low prices for electricity and real estate, which allows you to save on energy supply and the purchase of premises. Specialized integrated computing devices (ASICs) for cryptocurrency mining are manufactured in China, which helps reduce the cost of purchasing equipment. These factors have turned the province into the unofficial mining capital of the world. The interior of large farms resembles huge warehouses for electronic devices. The only difference is that they are all connected to the network and the buildings have a powerful ventilation system that removes excess heat. Staff are busy keeping communications and computing devices running.

The largest farm in the world occupies a dozen buildings containing about 30 thousand ASICs. Mining per month amounts to more than 900 bitcoins, which at the time of writing is equivalent to $7.5 million. More than a good indicator, even taking into account the cost of electricity (more than 800 thousand dollars) and the salaries of several dozen personnel.

The workers live in a nearby building in very modest conditions.

The largest mining farm in Russia

As in China, the owners of the largest cryptocurrency mining farms prefer to keep production details secret. This is especially true for the exact location of facilities.

The largest farm is located in one of the northern regions, where the climate itself helps maintain a minimum indoor temperature. The equipment is installed in a hangar with a security system against unauthorized access. 3000 pieces of Antminer S9 provide a total hashrate of more than 40 PH/s. This allows you to mine 3 bitcoins per day. At current exchange rates, this is about $800 thousand in income per month.

This kind of computing power requires at least 3.9 megawatts of electricity. It costs about 3 million rubles a month to pay for it. It is unknown how high the staff costs are. About ten people are employed servicing thousands of miners.

Increasing complexity of Bitcoin mining reduces mining revenues by about 10% every month. However, the existing profitability reserves are quite sufficient even at the current Bitcoin rate.

Iceland's largest farm

Unlike the largest Chinese and Russian farms, miners from Iceland took a different path. The owners of genesis mining do not hide its location and profitability, but rent out the available computing power. In addition to high-performance AISCs, rigs with video cards are installed in the hangars. This makes it possible to mine cryptocurrencies that are inaccessible to ASICs. Anyone can pay for the hashrate of the installation and mine one of six cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Zcash, Monero or Litecoin.

To emphasize the openness and reliability of the company, tenants are given the opportunity to monitor the farm’s operations online. For this purpose, video cameras are installed in the premises, which broadcast streaming video from the hangars 24 hours a day.

The only information that is unknown about this farm is the total hashrate and production volumes.


Despite another decline in the cryptocurrency rate, the performance of the equipment allows us to maintain high profitability indicators. This is especially true in regions with low cost per kilowatt hour. Attempts by the Chinese government to ban payments in cryptocoins and the legal uncertainty of bitcoins as a means of payment do not stop the development of the industry.

Even during low prices For digital coins, the demand for equipment is not falling and large corporations continue to expand capacity and update their equipment fleet. The only problem is that excessive concentration of production and the use of specialized expensive equipment increases the entry barrier and reduces the profits of individual miners.

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Mining farms have rapidly gained popularity all over the world, and bring considerable dividends to their owners. Now it is very important to understand how to rise on bitcoins, what is the ratio of bitcoin to the ruble and what is the secret of dizzying earnings.

This will not tell you how to assemble a farm or about video cards for mining. From the article you can learn about the most famous mining farms.

The best tool for increasing achievement is competitiveness. Competition can push you to reach higher heights. Businessmen who want to stay on top need to work every day to grow their business. The giants of their business can surprise with their volume of work, the strength of their equipment, the external data of mining farms, and all this for ordinary miners.

Let's look at an example.

Secret mining farm in Washington

A real bitcoin mining operation was created by American Dave Carlson. A specialist with extensive experience in the software industry resorted to mining due to financial difficulties. He managed to make a million-dollar business in one year of hard work, although he started in the closet of his house. The farm acquired the name MegaBigPower. The farm has an impressive size, comparable to two large barns, and only a few people know the exact location.

The existence of the farm was discovered by reporters whom Carlson himself called to demonstrate its power. The American considers its resources to be the largest in North America. The connected processors generate 1 petahash of power, which is a quadrillion actions per second! And these figures were achieved in just six months of work.

He manages to mine 12,500 bitcoins per month, which leaves him in the black despite the high electricity consumption.

He claims that electricity costs amount to 1.4 megawatts, which would be enough to illuminate a large village.

Carlson did not reveal the secrets of how much money was spent on creating the farm. It is known that the work was done on ASIS Neptune miners, each costing $13,000!

Carlos said that low prices in Washington contributed to the success.

Now MegaBigPower has renamed MEGA HAS GONE GIGA!

Genesis Mining

The key name of Genesis Mining is Enigma. It is considered one of the largest on the planet and the largest in Iceland.

Cloud mining is the basis of this farm, which can make it possible to mine without spending money on purchasing expensive equipment. The farm has made its own video surveillance stream, now every user will be able to watch the revolution of mining farms.

Allied Control

The farm was built for investors from China and is now located in Hong Kong. The farm stands out for its almost silent operation. In the beginning, they mined on ASIC chips, but with the arrival of the BitFury company, the work is supposedly carried out on their chips.

The main distinguishing criterion of the farm is cooling in two stages, due to lowering into a humid environment.


Two data centers have been operating on the territory of Georgia in the city of Tbilisi since 2015. The power of one production is 40 MW. The third center is located in Iceland and works with new 16 and 28 nm chips.

The company cares about environment and uses electricity thanks to a hydroelectric dam. Cooling is also built in two stages.


She was born in 2016 in Switzerland in the village of the same name as Linthal. The founder was G. Rudolphi. Linthal is open farm and in 2016 an open day was organized. The founder compares the mining of cryptocurrency with the advent of the first Internet resources, in terms of innovation.

Chinese farms

The main advantage of China is considered to be the low cost of electricity and cheap labor. In addition, the country is known for its high productivity of a wide variety of goods and components for mining. There are many farms in China, but they are classified. The latest systems reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

In the blog, Eric Mu named the hash rate at 4.7 RN, and the goal at 12 RN.

Bitcoin Group

It is one of the largest Bitcoin providers in the world. It has 5 centers in China, which means 600 computers continuously performing activities. Bitcoin has mining in Iceland and Australia.

The company cares about the environment and receives 82% of its power from a hydroelectric station, and in Iceland from geysers.

The main headquarters in Melbourne founded a Bitcoin mining museum, where you can see the devices used in mining.

Mining farms are a profitable activity that anyone can do.


Since people started talking about Bitcoin seriously, interest in its mining has increased. The number of people wishing to mine cryptocurrency began to increase exponentially, and this resulted in the complication of the process of producing digital money. Very quickly, it became very unprofitable to mine Bitcoin and other altcoins on ordinary home computers.

First, users began to unite in pools, then they came up with ASIC chips and new, improved video cards and other equipment. But the complexity of production has reached a level where profit can be obtained only if you use dozens of units of such devices at once, combining them into large, interconnected units.

Some large companies and individual entrepreneurs quickly caught on to the trend and organized their own huge mining farms, which we will talk about below.

Dave Carlson single-handedly organized the global production of Bitcoin. For more than ten years, the man was an ordinary entrepreneur, and had a good understanding of software. When his financial stability was shaken, he learned about mining and decided to give it a try. He assembled the first rig in the basement of his own house. And within a year he turned his hobby into a multimillion-dollar business. Carlson called his enterprise MegaBigpower. If previously video cards fit into basement, they are now located in several warehouse buildings, whose location is hidden for security reasons.

And although the coordinates of the warehouses are unknown, Carlson himself invites journalists from time to time to boast about the largest farm in the United States, and this may really be true - Carlson’s video adapters are capable of producing up to pentahash per second. This is a quadramillion processes per second - just think about these numbers! In a month, Dave earns 12,500 bitcoins, although he does not tell how much money he initially invested in his enterprise.

Like Carlson, the creators of the Russian data center do not disclose its location. But there are parameters for this monster. The work takes place on 3000 Antminer S9 ASICs with a total productivity of 38 pentahash per second, on 1500 sq.m., in total the equipment produces a power of 4.5 MW/h. The entire cryptocurrency production plant is serviced by 4 specialists.

At the beginning of 2017, it was possible to mine about 600 bitcoins per month. Considering the exchange rate of $18,000 in December, earnings for the month at the peak of the coins’ value were almost $11 million.

The owners of the plant also shared data on costs - the equipment consumes electricity worth 7 million rubles monthly. All engineering work was also completed, electrical wiring was strengthened, and a ventilation system was organized similar to similar factories in Iceland. Of course, there is also video surveillance.

Previously, Genesis Mining facilities were located in Bosnia and China, but after a while the cryptocurrency production center was moved to Iceland, thanks to very cheap electricity and excellent Internet signal.

Cloud mining brings the most profit to the company. It rents out and sells the power of its farm to ordinary users. Recently, video surveillance was installed in the factories so that everyone on the Genesis Mining platform can watch the mining devices in action live.

Initially, this company was created for Chinese investors, and all the work was done on Asics. Bitcoins are now mined on the latest BitFury chips, which has reduced production costs. Allied Control differs from other designs in its exclusive dual liquid cooling system. Hong Kong has a very hot and quite humid climate, and this technology effectively lowers the temperature of equipment, while saving energy and helping to reduce noise levels.

BitFuri itself is actively involved in the production of bitcoins, managing to sell equipment to other companies. Thus, BitFury has 2 centers for the production of cryptocurrency, and both of them are located in Tbilisi, in a special economic zone. Here, as in the case of Hong Kong production, dual liquid cooling is used. The company gets electricity almost for free - it is powered by a local hydroelectric power station.

Due to low operating costs and inexpensive labor force, the cost of producing cryptocurrencies turns out to be very low. It is believed that in just a few months, BitFury's mining capacity will become the largest in the world.

Schwido Rudolphi, a Bitcoin pioneer in Europe, created Alpereum in 2016, after a small Swiss village. Previously, Rudolphi already had facilities in Zurich, but it was not so profitable there. So he went on a tour of Europe in search of the ideal location for his data center.

As a result, he chose the foothills of the Alps for his venture, where the air temperature is ideal all year round and inexpensive electricity. Now the Rudolfi plant is considered the largest in Europe for the extraction of coins.

Nameless giant in the mountains of China

China has become a real mining mecca. Experienced diggers pass rumors to each other about a huge farm in the mountains of Sichuan Province. For some time, these data remained rumors, but in the spring of 2017, one photographer entered the enterprise. It turned out that this is not just a megafarm, but a real crypto-mining complex that is powered by cheap Chinese energy.

The rigs are installed in huge workshops with a professionally installed ventilation system. Equipment maintenance is carried out by workers who live right there in the dormitories.

Nowadays, the big players in the world of crypto mining are no longer enthusiasts with powerful PCs and home farms. In 2019, we are already talking about the largest data centers. Quite understandably, many users are interested in how much the largest mining farm in the world and in Russia brings. The profitability of mining is affected quite a wide range of factors, one of which is, of course, the exchange value of the production facility.

Whether building on their own or purchasing, every fan of digital money invests in an industry that is currently valued at billions of USD. At the same time, real IT giants occupy key positions.

The world's largest mining farms

As a rule, data on the location of large data centers specializing in the extraction of the most popular and expensive virtual coins. This is primarily due to the high cost of the equipment in use. Theoretically, such complexes could be located anywhere. Moreover, the construction of such giant farms is possible if the following conditions are met:

  • Availability of modern and most powerful equipment, the operation of which will be profitable for at least 1-2 years.
  • Access to uninterrupted sources of electricity and favorable rates. It's about about minimizing overhead costs and ensuring stable operation of the farm.
  • Cold climate, reducing equipment cooling costs.
  • Availability of qualified specialists.

Almost all of these conditions have been created on the territory of the Celestial Empire. Based on this, large data centers specializing in mining are located there. We are talking about areas with cheap electricity and clean air.

Currently in the top the largest and most powerful mining farms include:

  • "Bitmain Ordos" (Mongolia).
  • Giga Watt and Bcause LLC (Washington and Virginia, USA).
  • Hut 8 Mining Corp (Canada).
  • Bitfury Mines (Georgia).
  • "Genesis Mining Enigma" (Iceland).

Naturally, this list is constantly expanding, and the leaders of the rating have new competitors. An example is Armenia, which claims to be the largest mining farm in the world. This project was initiated by the Multi Group concern in tandem with the Omnia Tech company. It is worth noting that the investment amounted to 50 million US dollars.

The farm is focused on the production of military-technical equipment and ETN. The premises house the equipment itself, as well as a business center. According to the authors of the project, it will claim the status of one of the largest terminals in the world. Moreover, in the future, in accordance with the stated plans, the number of devices will be increased to 120 thousand units.

The largest mining farm in Russia

Taking into account the main factors, the largest mining farms in the world are located in China, Mongolia and the USA. However, the popularization of the cryptocurrency industry, as well as strong growth, even taking into account the record drop in prices of top coins, stimulates the development of the industry. And in this case, Russia is no exception.

In accordance with current statistics and according to data published in a number of media outlets, the largest mining farm in the Russian Federation is Bitbaza. This data center operates in the industrial park “Divny” (Divnogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region). According to available data, it is planned to invest up to 3 billion rubles in the development of the project and increase the power to 120 MW.

Naturally, this is not the only large complex. However, such companies are trying don't attract attention to yourself. It is worth noting that in Russia the situation with the payback of equipment and the profitability of the entire process is much worse than in China and a number of other countries. Regions with cheap electricity and cold climates may become the most attractive.

Video: OMNIA - mining farm in Armenia with 150,000 ASICs