Roadheaders. Information and analytical portal "mining" Mining machine KP 21 technical characteristics

Roadheader KP25

The KP25 roadheader is designed to mechanize the breaking and loading of rock mass when carrying out horizontal and inclined workings ±12°. The improved working part of the machine allows efficient use of the power of a two-speed electric motor, and the use of a water supply system to the destruction zone in combination with external irrigation significantly reduces the level of dust in the area. production, improving working conditions at the driver's workplace. The use of hydraulic motors as a drive for the chassis and feeder ensures convenience and safety in maintenance and reliability. The combine's hydraulic system ensures smooth regulation of the feed speed executive body to the bottom due to the use of an adjustable pump, and an autonomous pumping station ensures easy maintenance of the hydraulic system. The raking part of the feeder loads the rock mass into the receiving chute of the conveyor, which can load into any mine equipment. A support lifter with a locking device makes the work of constructing support convenient and safe. The combine can be dismantled into components that are convenient for lowering into mine and transportation through mine workings.


Technical performance:

- for coal, m3/min (t/min) 2,4
- by breed STszh<100МПа, м3/мин 0,2...0,3
Specific pressure on soil, MPa 0,12


- drive


- movement speed, m3/min 6
- traction force, t 36

Executive limit:

- cutting speed, m/s 2
- crown rotation speed, min-1 50

Hydraulic system

- maximum pressure in the hydraulic system, MPa
- working fluid industrial oil sectional
- hydraulic valves with manual control


- drive electric
- number of paw swings, min-1 46
- feeder width, mm minimum 2200
- feeder width, mm maximum 3200

Irrigation system

- working pressure, MPa 1,5
- maximum flow rate, l/min 150


- gutter width, mm 550


- speed of movement of the scraper chain, m/s 1,0
- gutter width, mm 550

Electrical equipment

- voltage of power circuits, V 660
- total power of electric motors, kW 216,5
- drive power, kW of the executive body 196,5
- feeder 110/55
- conveyor 30
- pumping station 55
Combine harvester weight, t no more 40

5 minutes to read.

A roadheader is a specialized piece of equipment designed to break up rock masses and reload scrap rock into trolleys and other transportation mechanisms. The device is used in the development of mine workings located in horizontal and inclined planes, and in the improvement of tunnels.

In the mining and coal industries, there is an increasing need for specialized equipment that can increase productivity while reducing time spent. Developments by domestic and foreign manufacturers are aimed at improving and expanding areas of application. A modern mine tunneling machine, equipped with a remote control, increases the safety and convenience of work.


The most widely used models are: the 1GPKS, P-110, KSP-32 and 35, KP-21 combine harvesters of domestic production, as well as tunneling equipment from foreign companies. The model range of special vehicles is classified according to the following factors:

  • by slaughter processing method;
  • by scope of application;
  • in terms of weight and power of equipment.

Based on the method of processing the face, combines are divided into mechanisms of cyclic (selective) action with sequential processing in passes or layers. Drilling or continuous action devices allow simultaneous processing of the face. The second type of equipment includes a mine tunneling machine, which is characterized by high productivity.

Based on the scope of application, mining industry specialists divide equipment into mechanisms whose purpose is to cut workings along the seam. Another type of combine is a device for carrying out development work when interacting with minerals and weak rocks. To process medium-hard rocks, coal miners have been developed for medium-thick seams. Such devices carry out capital and preparatory excavations.

Depending on the power and weight of special equipment, the following types are distinguished:

  • heavy, the weight of which reaches 100 tons, and the engine power is 400 kW;
  • medium ones with a weight of 35-50 tons and a power of 100-160 kW;
  • lightweight, the weight of which does not exceed 25 tons, and the power characteristics correspond to 60-80 kW.

See » Characteristics and design of the Rostselmash RSM 161 grain harvester

All types of roadheaders have their own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing the appropriate model of special equipment.

Operating principle

A mine tunneling machine is a device equipped with a boom and a milling crown, to which a cutter-type cutting tool is attached. This mechanism allows you to work with a face of various cross-sectional configurations.

This type of equipment is additionally equipped with attachments that allow you to perform auxiliary operations - anchoring the roof and sides, lifting support parts. Hinged elements increase the level of stability of the entire mechanism and help control the direction of movement. Some models use laser control and software control.

A continuous coal miner is equipped with a rotary working body with a drill bit on which buckets and roller ball devices are located. When processing the face using basic equipment, the rocks are completely destroyed. In some cases, it may be necessary to use a cutter that allows you to create an arched shape.

Modern specialized vehicles are equipped with a tracked undercarriage, which gives the vehicle increased maneuverability.

Model overview

The multi-drive mechanism is designed to perform a complex of operations - destruction, loading, delivery of rock, securing the excavation, ventilation, dust suppression. Such functional equipment is produced at Russian and foreign enterprises.

One of the popular models is the KSP-32 roadheader, designed for loading and breaking rock masses when carrying out horizontal or inclined workings. The equipment works with coal, mixed rocks, and also in conditions of increased formation of methane and coal dust. This mechanism is controlled using a portable remote control.

The Ural-61 roadheader is a high-power equipment designed for the formation of preparatory workings of an arched configuration. This model is in demand due to its ability to perform chamber mining of potassium deposits. The mechanism is designed to operate in temperate climates at ambient temperatures of +5...+35°C.

The Joy roadheader was specially designed for Kuzbass mines. The use of semi-automatic drilling mechanisms and a dust extraction system improves safety and comfort of work. This device quadruples the productivity of a mining enterprise.

See » Design and principle of operation of the TOP 5 mini-harvesters for grain harvesting

The 1GPKS roadheader produced by the machine-building establishment of the city of Kopeysk is one of the most popular models. The purpose of this mechanism is to break and load rocks when working on horizontal and inclined planes up to 12°. In the improved technology, the degree of slope is increased to 25.

The KP-21 combine harvester, which, thanks to its own technical characteristics, is capable of destroying and loading rock masses when working in various planes, received high awards at international exhibitions. This model of domestic special equipment is widespread on the international market.

Price and reviews

This type of special equipment requires significant material costs to purchase. The possibility of renting allows you to reduce financial losses, minimize the need for additional manipulations, including timely technical inspection and repair, equipment maintenance, and personnel training. The rental price varies depending on the volume and timing of the work to be done. Many specialized companies offer special conditions and special programs that allow you to rent combine harvesters on favorable terms.

Ivan Pashkov, 42 years old, Kemerovo: “Working with the KP-21 roadheader, I can say that this machine is reliable and allows you to quickly and efficiently cope with the assigned tasks. The technology allows the construction of underground structures, including in an inclined plane.”

Dmitry Mikhailov, 31 years old, Leninsk-Kuznetsky: “The special-purpose mining equipment that we use when developing faces is distinguished by its ability to function in various conditions, maneuverability, and design simplicity. A type of such mechanisms is the P-110 roadheader, which has never let us down during its service life.”

The completion of the first stage of structural reforms in the mining industry of the Russian Federation is characterized by a change in the formation of its financial resources; now this occurs exclusively through the sale of industry products.

The period of a long decline in production volumes as the industry was being restructured has become a thing of the past; in recent years, one can observe a clear trend in the growth of mineral extraction, and changes for the better in the technical and economic indicators of the development of the mining industry. The government of the country adopted the Energy Strategy

Russia for the period until 2020,” which set the goal of increasing the volume of coal production to 410–450 million tons per year and increasing the share of coal in electricity generation from 34 to 44%.

To accomplish this strategic task by the specified deadline, it is necessary to significantly increase the production capacity of industry enterprises.

This can be achieved through the modernization of existing enterprises, as well as the construction of new ones. At the same time, the Government Program provides for the increase in capacity to be ensured through technical renewal until 2010, and for the period 2011–2020. should be characterized by a radical change in the technical level of the production process itself.

As advanced foreign experience shows, high performance in coal mining can be achieved by concentrating mining production on promising mines. This process is based on the technical re-equipment of treatment complexes, which leads to major changes in the preparatory work.

This means that, first of all, such events should affect the most progressive combine method. Today, combine mining at leading coal enterprises in Kuzbass covers up to 98% of the total volume of work.

In the mining equipment fleet of the Russian coal industry, roadheaders number up to 400 units, of which about 250 are located in Kuzbass. The bulk are made up of GPKS type combines manufactured by the Kopeisk Machine-Building Plant. Analyzing the state of tunneling equipment, we can state a steady decline in the technical level of the machine fleet.

The wear and tear of shearers at major coal companies is a warning sign of possible failures in the ever-increasing volume of preparatory work.

Roadheader GPKS

Produced by the Kopeisk Machine-Building Plant. Its purpose is mechanized breaking and loading of rock mass during horizontal and inclined mining of coal and rock. The 1GPKS-00 combine in the basic model was intended for horizontal and inclined workings with a slope of up to ± 12°. The latest modifications of the combine already have devices capable of holding the combine on slopes of up to ± 25°.

The fleet of roadheaders in the Russian coal industry is mainly equipped with GPKS model miners, in particular in Kuzbass they make up 97% of the total number of miners.

Roadheader P 110

A harvester with selective action, has a boom working body, the harvester is used for mechanized destruction with subsequent loading of the rock mass. It is used when it is necessary to make an arched, trapezoidal or rectangular excavation with a cross-sectional area from 7 to 25 m2. Drilling can be done with a slope of ±12° in a coal or mixed face with a maximum rock strength of 95 MPa (f = 7) and an abrasiveness of about 15 mg in mines where there is a danger of gas and dust.

Roadheader KP 21

Produced by the Kopeisk Machine-Building Plant since 2000, over the past period there have been only positive reviews about its work. His excellent work was appreciated both in Russia and in foreign countries. KP21 roadheaders are designed for mechanization of destruction and subsequent loading of rock mass when horizontal and inclined mine workings are being carried out.

The KP21 combine harvester was presented at a number of international exhibitions and received worthy awards. As one of the best exhibits, he was awarded a diploma and a medal at the exhibition held in June last year in Novokuznetsk.

KMZ OJSC and the large Iranian company Sabir have established productive cooperation; in March last year, fulfilling an order from this company, a batch of two KP21 roadheaders was manufactured and sent to Iran.

Roadheader KSP 32

Roadheaders of the medium KSP-32 series are intended for mechanized destruction and subsequent shipment of rock mass from the site of horizontal and inclined mine workings up to ±12 degrees.

The cross-section of mine workings can reach up to 33 square meters. m during coal mining and in a mixed face. It is allowed to work in conditions where the breaking rock strength is up to 95 MPa (f = 8) and abrasiveness is up to 15 mg in mines where there is a danger of gas contamination (methane) and coal dust.

The KSP-32 roadheader is controlled from a portable remote control. The combine was designed and manufactured in 1998 at the Yasinovatsky Machine Plant in Donetsk.

Roadheader Efficiency

Intended for the destruction of rock, with subsequent cleaning and transportation of the destroyed rock mass during the excavation of preparatory workings. The cross-section of the workings can be arched, trapezoidal or rectangular in shape from 11 to 25 m2.

The design features that the combine has are an arrow-shaped telescopic executive body on which there is an axis of transverse rotation; this device allows you to effectively destroy rocks and at the same time ensure a stable position of the combine;

options for installing electric motors of different power on the executive body are possible, which allows, depending on the strength of the rock being destroyed, to select the most cost-effective cutting mode;

The loading element, made in the form of raking stars, shows a high loading intensity; it is possible to work effectively in flooded workings.

Roadheader EBZ 160

They are used for working in coal mines, in mixed faces, and they are also used for tunneling. When digging tunnels and destroying coal seams, the most suitable conditions for a miner are considered to be rock strength up to 75 MPa.

Under such conditions, the combine shows the best results in cutting, loading and transporting rocks. The roadheader has an excellent layout that ensures a low center of gravity, a convenient control system, and it works reliably in uplift.

Chinese roadheaders

In Ukraine, the Donetsk company DTEK and the Chinese SANY Heavy Equipment Co, Ltd (China) signed a memorandum in which they expressed mutual understanding and intentions to supply the latest mining equipment and coal mining technologies to Ukraine. The signed document also determined the priority areas of cooperation, which will consist of the supply of equipment and technology, and stipulated the procedure for providing warranty and maintenance services. By 2014, it is planned to be able to purchase cleaning equipment and several dozen units of roadheaders.

At a press conference, a representative of SANY Heavy Equipment emphasized that several Chinese roadheaders are already operating at the mines of the Donbass company, and they are showing good results in the conditions of Donbass.

Andrey Smirnov, who spoke at the same press conference on behalf of the DTEK management, explained that along with the purchase of domestic equipment, given the significant increase in coal production, the DTEK management decided to purchase Chinese roadheaders. A. Smirnov explained this decision by the fact that the equipment planned for purchase is distinguished by reliability, safety and a fairly high degree of computerization, which domestic combines do not have. The resource declared by the Chinese manufacturer for its equipment is 30-50% higher than that of domestic combines, and the warranty period is 20 months, which shows how confident Chinese manufacturers are in the quality of their machines.

Roadheader JOY

Beginning in 2005, the mines of OJSC SUEK began to receive new JOY roadheaders from the UK. This combine model was designed specifically for work in the Kuzbass mines.

The combine is equipped with semi-automatic drilling rigs of the HFX type, which made it possible to abandon the primitive method of drilling with manual rigs and thereby increased the level of work safety. Since 2008, new combine harvesters have been equipped with dust extraction systems, which have created more comfortable conditions for combine operators.

The JOY roadheader allows the enterprise to increase the pace of work in mine workings by three to four times compared to the average for a team. In the future, equipment of this class will make it possible to increase the level of preparation of the cleaning front to 1000 meters per month per team.

This modification of the SEU system was developed for selective roadheaders of the KP series, produced by Kopeysk Machine-Building Plant JSC.

The M2D ECS system is the result of invested efforts and vast experience in operating systems of previous generations.

Currently, the system is serially equipped at the KMZ JSC plant

  • Roadheader KP21-14
  • Roadheader KP150
  • Roadheader KP220

The control equipment package includes all the necessary subsystems, control units, control panels and actuators to provide control of power electro-hydraulics, power supply and protection of various components and elements of the mining machine.

Significant emphasis during development was placed not only on machine safety, but also on the safety of operating personnel and ensuring comfortable operation.

As a result, the efficiency of tunneling work increases, including due to equipment downtime during unscheduled repairs.

The electrohydraulic control system of the M2D SEU provides the following functions, which will be described in more detail below.

  • Combine harvester radio remote control
  • Controlling the combine from a remote control located at the driver’s workplace
  • Diagnosis of faults in individual system elements
  • Microprocessor protection and control of combine electric motors
  • A set of sensors for monitoring a wide range of combine operating parameters
  • System for transmitting data to the surface, visualization and generation of analytical reports at the mining dispatcher’s workplace and management computers
  • Pre-start warning and emergency sound alarm
  • And others

1. Control panel PU2 SEU2.10.00.000-01

The PU2 control panel is a microcontroller with a 7-inch diagonal full-graphic display, a reliable keyboard with opto-isolated contact and non-volatile memory. PU2 is installed in a specialized cassette, which reliably protects it from mechanical damage, simplifies and increases the reliability of installation.

PU2 in the M2RD SEU system performs the following functions:

  • control of individual combine actuators from the driver’s workplace;
  • displaying system operating parameters and displaying operational information on the display;
  • control and transmission of information about the state of the EMS system;
  • diagnostics of the presence of faults in individual elements of the system;
  • event log entry, incl. in black box mode

2. Set of equipment for remote radio control of the KADRUK combine harvester

The KADRUK equipment provides remote radio control of the combine harvester in a line-of-sight zone. The body of the Radio Remote Control RPDU AUK75D.70.200.000 is made of durable fiberglass. The combination of joysticks and a push-button keyboard provides convenient and intuitive control of combine harvester actuators.

The RPDU battery is charged directly in the shaft without lifting “to the surface” when the RPDU is connected with a cable jumper to PU2. At the same time, the remote control continues to function as a wired remote control.

Also, to increase the safety of mining operations, the RPDU is equipped with an automatic general emergency “stop” function in the event of a fall.

3. Set of equipment for installation in the Control Station

The kit includes auxiliary equipment of the system that switches and controls individual functional units, collects information from various sensors, controls the power supply of electrohydraulic valves, system power supply, as well as MP1 drive monitors.

Drive monitor MP1

The MP1 drive monitor is a microprocessor device for controlling, monitoring and protecting the electric motor. MP1 is equipped with a contactless current sensor and is connected to a central microcontroller (control panel PU2) via a CAN digital interface. The MP1 drive monitor has the ability to monitor the health of the vacuum contactor control unit circuit by switching the “afterburner” current modes to the “holding” current, which is necessary for vacuum contactors with electromechanical mode control.

Main functionality of the MP1 drive monitor:

  1. control of the technological overload current of the electric motor with the formation of a “reverse current-time” protective characteristic (the settings for t.overload, t.overload are set from the system menu, stored in the non-volatile memory of the control panel PU2);
  2. switching off the electric motor in case of technological overload;
  3. storage in the “Black Box” in real time of information about the motor currents reaching the overload set values ​​and the overload current values ​​during the period of action of the protective characteristic;
  4. control of the stalling current (or “jamming”) of the electric motor with the formation of a protective characteristic and turning off the electric motor when a “stallover” or “jamming” occurs;
  5. control of starting current with storage of the “starting current profile” in memory. Determination of a successful start for various conditions of starting an electric motor and turning off the electric motor before a “failed” start;
  6. control of short circuit current at the outgoing connection (in the load) with shutdown of the electric motor when a “short circuit” occurs;
  7. control of 3-phase voltage (660/1140V) in the load, control of phase imbalance in the load. If an “unacceptable phase imbalance” occurs, an alarm occurs and the electric motor is turned off;
  8. monitoring the state of temperature sensors (thermal relays or posistors) built into the stator windings and (or) bearing units of electric motors, with automatic monitoring of the closed state of the line to the temperature sensor and turning off the electric motor if the windings and bearings overheat;
  9. measuring the insulation resistance of the outgoing connection to the contactor (power cable and stator winding) before turning on the load (electric motor) with storing the measured value of insulation resistance (30 kOhm...5Mohm) in the module memory for automatic comparison with the value “from start to start” (prediction of resistance changes insulation for PPR);
  10. protection against “frequent starts” in accordance with the restrictions imposed in the technical specifications on electric motors;
  11. automatic calculation of the active power of the drive electric motor, taking into account the calculation and storage of energy consumption kW*h (data transfer to the main console PU2 of the electro-hydraulic control system of the SEU). Accounting for drive operating hours (“motor hours”, number of start-up cycles, including with maximum load) with recording of these parameters in the non-volatile memory of the MP and the power control system;
  12. monitoring the serviceability of the vacuum contactor with automatic checking of time intervals for switching on (including in the “boost” mode) and switching off based on the actual operation of block contacts and on signals from current sensors (in all three phases);
  13. identifying attempts to block the vacuum contactor “mechanically” with storing this event in the ECS system;
  14. identifying malfunctions of control units of vacuum contactors responsible for switching from the “Force and Furious” mode to the “Holding” mode by measuring the currents of the forced mode and the holding mode (relevant for vacuum contactors that have mode control via a block contact, the so-called “electromechanical circuit” switching").

4. Combine electric hydraulic control kit

Designed for electrohydraulic control of the power hydraulics of the heading machine mechanisms: executive body (movement, telescoping), feeder, machine progress, conveyor, supports, fortress lifter, loading.

In the SEU System “M2D”, the Electrohydraulic distributor EGR SEU.14.00.000 is used as a control electrohydraulic valve, which is a control electrohydraulic unit with 2 commands. The M2D SEU, which is serially supplied to the KP21-02, KP21-04, KP21-150, KP220 roadheaders, includes a set of 14 electric hydraulic distributors.

The EGR is controlled remotely using the PU2 Control Panel or another control device, incl. according to a given program and algorithm in automatic mode, or in manual mode, using the lever for moving the electromagnet spool.

5. Equipment for monitoring automatic transmission parameters and radio monitoring equipment

It is a set of digital sensors for collecting data on the condition of the elements of a roadheader:

  • pressure monitoring in hydraulic mains;
  • monitoring the position of the executive body;
  • monitoring the temperature of gearboxes, oil and other elements;
  • monitoring the oil level in gearboxes and in the oil tank;
  • monitoring the concentration of methane and other gases;
  • other.

The system can use both “classical” wired sensors and radio monitoring equipment, which is a set of wireless sensors that transmit measurement results via a radio channel to a reading device installed on the combine (radio modem - Stationary Radio Frequency Unit URChS-JN).

Advantages of radio monitoring equipment:

  • Possibility of transmitting data via radio channel over a distance of up to 30m;
  • No external power source, battery support;
  • The absence of cables and connectors, which allows you to place the component equipment in hard-to-reach places, protects against communication line breaks and increases noise immunity;
  • Full diagnostic control, which eliminates “sensor imitation”;
  • High resistance to overloads, dynamic pressure drops and vibrations due to the design features of the sensors;
  • Significantly simplified installation due to the absence of cable jumpers;

Radio pressure sensor DDR1

All radio sensors have a built-in battery power supply. Battery life: 9 months.

One radio modem (RF stationary node URChS-JN) collects data from 16 radio sensors. Data transmission from the radio modem to the command controller (control panel PU2) is carried out via the MODBUS digital interface (RS485).