When connecting, the contract is not concluded with Rostelecom. Rules for the provision of communication services by OJSC Rostelecom to individuals General provisions Scope and regulation

After a decision is made to connect the Internet, telephone or television from Rostelecom, an agreement is signed with citizens for the provision of services.

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If for any reason it was decided to turn off the services received, then it becomes necessary to terminate the contract. Let us consider in more detail the procedure for terminating the contract with Rostelecom.

General points

The procedure for terminating the contract does not entail any complexity, but despite this, it is necessary to pay attention to some important features. In particular, it all depends on what kind of service we are talking about.

Initial Information

Only those citizens whose personal information was included in the agreement and are consumers can terminate the agreement with Rostelecom on the telephone, Internet or television.

Often there are situations in which:

  • the subscriber does not have the opportunity to personally contact one of the company's offices due to his permanent employment or remoteness from his place of residence;
  • the subscriber has died.

In the first situation, it is possible to send the necessary documentation by mail. To minimize the risk of loss during shipment, it is recommended to send copies.

In this case, the response to the generated request will have to wait a lot of time, which is why this option is not recommended.

In the second case, it is necessary to apply to the successors with supporting documentation of the death of the subscriber.

Significance of the agreement

The contract for the provision of services is a confirmation of the arising legal relations between the client (consumer of services) and Rostelecom.

In other words, the contract carries a legal connotation used to protect the interests of each party.

Legal framework

Main legal document, which regulates the issue under consideration, is considered to be the federal law"Consumer Protection".

In particular, Article 32 allows citizens to at any time refuse to provide services with which they are dissatisfied.

The key point in this case is the full payment for the service received and, if necessary, to compensate for the costs incurred.

Features of termination of the contract with Rostelecom

The procedure for terminating the contract entails many pitfalls, which are extremely important to be aware of in order to minimize the risks of various misunderstandings.

List of required documents

The main list of documents includes:

  • Russian internal passport;
  • certificate of ownership of real estate in the format of the original + copy;
  • contract for the sale of real estate;
  • an agreement that was signed with Rostelecom for the provision of services.

With the collected package of documents, you must contact one of the offices of the company and submit it together with the application.

A power of attorney to terminate the Rostelecom communication services agreement can be drawn up for any representative if it is impossible to submit documents in person.

Applying (Form)

The application process does not entail any difficulties. It is enough just to carefully consider the information indicated in the document, and to exclude the possibility of

In addition, you additionally need to pay attention to some nuances, namely:

  • if the contract is signed without repurchase of the equipment, then it is on lease, because of this it follows that it must be handed over to the company;
  • in the case of buying equipment on an installment plan, before terminating the agreement, it is necessary to fully repay existing debt obligations;
  • In case of redemption of equipment, it is not necessary to return it.
Photo: application for termination of the contract with Rostelecom

This must be remembered in order to minimize the risk of misunderstanding.

Nuances of the procedure

Depending on what kind of service it is planned to refuse, the termination procedure may carry various features. For this reason, we will consider each situation separately.

On the Internet

The procedure for terminating the contract for the Internet in most cases is carried out due to the lack of a really declared speed.

Most consumers mistakenly believe that the provider is obliged to always provide the highest possible speed, despite the fact that nothing is specified in the agreement (for example, a specific speed is indicated, but will be provided higher if possible).

Often the slowdown occurs during rush hour, when many users return from work or accounts and begin to use the Internet for their needs. Do not forget about possible technical failures on the line of the upstream provider.

If a decision is made to switch to another provider, then you should study the contents of the contract in order to find out under what conditions the router or modem was provided.

If there is no such clause in the text, then it must be returned. If the declared amount of the acquisition is not repaid, then you must initially repay the existing debt obligations.

Often the reason for termination may be disagreement with an increase in the established tariff.

To home phone

Since the advent of cellular communication and mobile phones Demand for landline telephones dropped significantly. Many are sure that such costs are useless and decide to turn off Rostelecom's communications.

Before contacting the office, you first need to call the support service and declare your intentions and find out where you can terminate the contract with Rostelecom.

It is possible that in this situation the manager of the company will call back and offer more economical rates. Thanks to this, you can significantly save the family budget.

In case of serious intentions to turn off your home phone, you should initially check the presence or absence of debt.


Interactive television is very firmly established in modern life. Moreover, this is due not only to the fact that the image quality is much better from a conventional antenna, but an extended list of services is additionally provided.

If desired, you can watch channels simultaneously on several TVs, thanks to the use of the Multiroom service.

In order to receive services from Rostelecom, it is necessary to use a set-top box or a video sender.
Their cost is high and in most cases we are talking about buying in installments.

If the installment period is not completed, then the period by terminating the contract must initially repay the debt obligations.

If the equipment was leased, then it must be obligatory to hand it over in the proper form.

How to find out if there is a debt

Before contacting one of the offices of Rostelecom and writing a corresponding application, it is imperative to make sure that there is no debt on the personal personal account.

You can find the information you need:

  • by telephone hotline companies;
  • using a personal account;
  • using a mobile application.

It is possible to find out about the debt by personally contacting the office of the company. Only after repayment of debt obligations it will be possible to write an application for termination of the contract.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that terminals and ATMs are installed in many offices of the company in order to make payments according to the tariffs.

They can not only pay off debt obligations, but also make monthly payments. Everyone has the right to choose the best option for themselves.

Can I cancel through my personal account (online)

In order to form a request to terminate the receipt of Rostelecom services, you must go through authorization in your personal account.

After that, you need to go to the category of providing services and select “ Voluntary blocking". After such a function is activated, the amendments made must be saved.

To obtain the right to use the services of Rostelecom, the client concludes an appropriate agreement with the provider. It contains the conditions for the provision of the necessary services and the provisions governing the issue of cancellation of the agreement. To a certain extent, they complicate the process of terminating the contract with Rostelecom and therefore require special attention from the subscriber.

There can be many reasons for refusing service, including:

  • low internet connection speed;
  • insufficient signal quality when watching TV or using home phone;
  • too long resolution of emerging communication problems;
  • the disadvantage of the proposed tariffs;
  • availability of more profitable offers from other providers.

But regardless of what exactly caused such a decision, the procedure for canceling a contract with Rostelecom is carried out in the same way.

Required documents

The basic package of documents required to terminate the agreement includes:

  • a copy of the contract for the Internet, TV or telephone connection, which is in the hands of the user;
  • identity card (passport);
  • the act of acceptance and transfer of equipment (if any) together with the device itself, on which the paper was issued;
  • certificate of ownership of the apartment (original and photocopy).

Having prepared the papers from the above list (only the first two points are mandatory, the rest are taken into account if necessary), the user must personally appear at one of the offices of Rostelecom.

There he will be able to familiarize himself with a sample application for termination of the contract and, focusing on it, draw up an appropriate document. However, to save time, it is recommended to print the application form yourself, and fill it out right at home, and then transfer it to Rostelecom employees along with other documents.

The following information must be included in the completed application:

  • data of the employee in whose name the paper is issued;
  • Name of the applicant;
  • passport data;
  • contract number and the details of the company contained therein;
  • Date of preparation.

zoom in

The document must be completed with the signature of the compiler.

Important! Presenting a certificate of ownership of the apartment is not mandatory, but it significantly speeds up the procedure for canceling the contract.

Termination of the contract with Rostelecom (step by step)

If we describe the process of canceling the agreement on the provision of communication services step by step, it will include the following items:

  1. Repayment of all existing debts for payment for Rostelecom services.
  2. Return or purchase of used equipment.
  3. Collection of necessary documents.
  4. Submission of an application.

In the absence of any obstacles, the complete shutdown of the Internet, telephone or television occurs 10 days after the applicant's request.

Attention! The procedure for terminating the contract may not be carried out in all offices. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify in advance which of them can be contacted on this issue.

If the user wishes to terminate the contract and hand over the equipment, but is refused to carry out the corresponding procedure, then the reason for such a decision must be explained to him in detail. Usually it is associated with non-compliance with one of the provisions of the contract. If this is not the case, the user can seek help in resolving the situation from the city leadership.

Frequent cancellation issues

When canceling an agreement with Rostelecom, some difficulties may arise, the most common of which are:

Loss of contract

In this case, it is necessary to make a preliminary call to the nearest office of the company and tell about the situation that has arisen. Using the applicant's passport data, Rostelecom employees will instantly find and re-print the necessary document.


It is impossible to achieve termination of the agreement if there are debts on the account, therefore, before starting the procedure, you should make sure that they are absent or replenish the balance in order to “get out of the minus”.

Absence of the person who made the agreement

The rules for termination of the contract state that both parties must participate in the procedure in person. That is, the person for whom the service was issued will have to confirm his decision by coming to the provider's office. If it is not possible to do this, then the user will need to prepare a power of attorney to disconnect (notarized), which will allow another person to act on his behalf. When contacting the company's employees, the authorized person will have to present:

  • your passport;
  • photocopy of the principal's passport;
  • the power of attorney itself.

In addition, he needs to prepare the rest of the documents necessary for the procedure, pay off all the debts on his personal account in advance and pay for the equipment.

Important! If less than a year has passed since the signing of the agreement, then when it is terminated, compensation may be required (this moment should be stipulated by the provisions of the agreement).

How to return equipment

By connecting the Internet or home television, Rostelecom, together with the service itself, can provide users with:

  • adapters;
  • routers;
  • video senders;
  • TV set-top boxes.

All of the listed equipment is expensive and requires payment, which is usually carried out in installments. The process of reimbursement of the cost of the device to Rostelecom can take up to 3 years. If the contract is terminated before the end of this period, then you will need to pay for the device in full first.

In the case of free or paid rental of equipment, the client can terminate the contract and return the device to the company without additional funds (provided that it is fully functional or has become unusable through no fault of the user). But if an employee of the company reveals breakdowns caused by improper handling of equipment, the device will have to be redeemed.

Breaking an agreement with Rostelecom is not an impossible task, and if you follow all the above instructions, this procedure will not cause any difficulties at all. Therefore, if necessary, you can safely contact the office of the company and submit an appropriate application.

When connecting the Internet, television or telephone communication between the consumer and Rostelecom, an appropriate contract for the provision of services is concluded, the content of which spells out the conditions of these legal relations. It is not uncommon for one of the representatives of these contractual relations to want to terminate further cooperation and initiate the process of terminating the contract. Often the consumer wants to cancel the contract. For this, an appropriate application is drawn up, the content of which indicates the desire to terminate the contract.

If you wish to terminate further cooperation with Rostelecom, the client may encounter some difficulties due to the fact that in recent times the company puts forward its own conditions that complicate the process of terminating the contract.

It is important to know...

Reasons for termination of the contract with Rostelecom

In order to prematurely terminate a contract with Rostelecom, a telephone, internet or television user must provide valid reasons for terminating the contract.

Legal grounds for terminating the contract:

  • The Internet speed does not correspond to that specified in the content of the concluded contract with Rostelecom;
  • If the quality of telephone communication is worse than that specified in the contract;
  • The quality of television provided by Rostelecom does not correspond to that specified in the content of the contract;
  • There are frequent breakdowns or problems that are solved over a long period of time;
  • The tariff differs from that which is prescribed in the content of the signed document;
  • Rostelecom's competitors offer more favorable conditions that the consumer wants to take advantage of.

The procedure for terminating the contract with Rostelecom

According to article numbered, every citizen has the right to refuse the services provided. He has the right to do so at any time. The main condition for terminating the agreement is the presence of legal grounds and the absence of debts to the company for the work already done. If necessary, the subscriber is obliged to compensate the monetary losses incurred by the service provider. In addition, the consumer must adhere to a certain procedure, which is regulated by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for terminating the contract with Rostelecom:

  1. Based on the information provided, the first thing to do in order to cancel the contract without problems is to pay off the existing debts. Next, you need to collect a certain package of documents;
  2. After Required documents collected, the initiator of the termination is required to go to the office of Rostelecom and fill out an application. The appeal is drawn up on a special form, which the client must receive from the service center specialist. It should be noted that it is possible to issue the submitted application in advance. To do this, the initiator of termination of the contract with Rostelecom needs to go to the official website of the company and download the application form. It is recommended to avoid third-party web resources, as they may not have up-to-date application forms;
  3. At the next stage, the consumer must return to Rostelecom employees the equipment that was transferred at the conclusion of the contract. The presented step is relevant in situations where a router, set-top box or other equipment is leased from a company. If the client uses his own equipment or purchased it from Rostelecom, then it is necessary to proceed to the next step;
  4. Payment of the invoice received from the company.

Only the person whose data is specified in the content of the contract has the right to initiate the process of terminating the contract with Rostelecom for the Internet, television or telephone communications.

However, the following situations are not uncommon:

  • The subscriber does not have the opportunity to personally apply to the company with a request to stop further cooperation. The reason for this may be the employment of the consumer or the fact that he lives far from the branch of Rostelecom;
  • Death of a subscriber.

In the first situation, it is possible to send documents using postal services. In order not to lose the original documents during shipment, it is recommended to make copies certified by a notary. However, in the situation presented, the initiator of the termination of the contract with Rostelecom will need to wait longer for a response. Based on this information, if the consumer has the opportunity to personally bring the documents to the branch of the company, then it is recommended to do just that.

Another way to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom is to involve a third party. To do this, the subscriber must first issue a power of attorney for an attorney. The document must be certified by a notary office.

If the consumer who entered into an agreement with Rostelecom dies, then in order to initiate the process of terminating the contract in this case, the subscriber's relatives need to contact the company's branch with a statement and necessary package documents.

If the contract is lost

In the presented case, the user of the Internet, television or telephone should contact the office of the company with which the contract was concluded and report its loss. The issue is easy to resolve, since Rostelecom employees have the opportunity to find the concluded contract in the company's database. This is done using the client's passport data. After that, the contract is printed and handed over to the client. If there is a copy of the agreement and grounds for termination of the contract, the subscriber has the right to file an application for termination of its validity.

If the contract is concluded for a third party

The procedure for terminating an agreement concluded with Rostelecom for the Internet, television or home telephone must take place with the personal participation of both parties to the contractual relationship. This means that the person whose data is entered into the content of the contract must personally apply to the company with a request to initiate the process of terminating the contract. If the represented participant in legal relations does not have the opportunity to personally go to the office of Rostelecom, then he needs to issue a power of attorney in the name of the consumer, having assured it in a notary office.

In addition to the power of attorney issued in the name of the attorney, he must have with him a copy of the passport of the person whose data is specified in the content of the contract, as well as his passport. The list of other documentation does not differ from the package of documents that are required to be provided to Rostelecom employees in a standard situation.
It is important to note that the person who goes to the Rostelecom office with the intention of initiating the termination of the contract, and not the one whose data is indicated in the contract, will have to pay off the debt, if any. Based on this, it is recommended to pay off all debts in advance and check that the equipment provided by the company when signing the contract was paid.

To home phone

In order to refuse home telephone services, a client who has entered into an agreement with Rostelecom must take a standard service document and go to the company's office.

If the contract cannot be found, since it was signed a long time ago, then you should remember in whose name it was drawn up. Only the person with whom Rostelecom has entered into a service document has the right to initiate the termination process. On his behalf, you need to fill out an application to turn off your home phone. If for some reason the represented person cannot do this personally, then it is possible to draw up a written power of attorney for another person, which will allow initiating the procedure for terminating the contract with Rostelecom. The document must be certified by a notary. Duplicates of both passports - the authorized person and the owner of the contract - are attached to the application.

On the Internet

When terminating the contract with Rostelecom for the Internet, the procedure is similar to that which was prescribed in the previous paragraph. Before going to the company's office with a statement about the termination of further cooperation, the initiator of the termination is required to pay off all debts to Rostelecom, if any. Otherwise, penalties are imposed, which must be paid additionally.

Internet and cable TV

In a situation where the contract with Rostelecom was drawn up for the provision of cable television and the Internet, the procedure for terminating the contract is more complicated.
When drawing up an agreement, in addition to the Internet service package, Rostelecom employees offer the consumer to rent equipment from them that is fully compatible with the provider's transmission lines. In addition, the company's employees impose a fine for early termination of the contract, which is equal to 500 rubles. For the use of rented equipment, it is required to pay a rent or fully redeem it - this depends on the conditions specified in the content of the contract.

In the presented case, there may be a fraudulent scheme, which is why the client is advised to carefully read the document before signing!

The content of the standard agreement for the use of equipment by the consumer states that the subscriber has the right to sell it to Rostelecom until its full cost has been repaid. However, it is not profitable for the company's employees to accept the equipment, even if it is in good condition. To do this, they refer to an internal order that does not allow them to terminate the contract on favorable terms for the client.

What should the subscriber do in order not to buy the equipment when the contract is terminated?

  1. First you need to file a formal claim, which is sent to to CEO Rostelecom. The complaint must be made in 2 copies, one of which remains with the subscriber. On the specified document, the client should obtain the signature of an authorized person of the company, which will confirm that the second copy has been received;
  2. In the text of the complaint, special attention is paid to the fact that a Rostelecom employee refuses to accept equipment, referring to an internal order of the company and that this is contrary to consumer rights;
  3. The period of time during which Rostelecom employees must consider the claim is indicated. After the expiration of the allotted time, the subscriber has the right to apply to the court to protect his interests;
  4. At the end, the date of the claim is noted, and the subscriber's signature is also put.

Often, after these actions, the employee of the company changes his mind and agrees to terminate the contract after the delivery of the leased equipment. It is required to hand over the equipment in order not to pay rent for it in the future.

Required documents for termination of the contract

When contacting the Rostelecom office with a request to terminate the agreement, the subscriber must have a certain package of documents with him.

Documentation list:

  • The original passport of the initiator of termination;
  • A copy of the contract on communication services concluded with Rostelecom (if there is no agreement, then it is possible to do without it. This is due to the fact that another copy is in the company's archive);
  • An act confirming that the subscriber has leased equipment from the provider (acceptance certificate). The submitted document is issued to the client when he purchases equipment from Rostelecom or leases it;
  • Documents for the equipment that is prescribed in the act (this item is mandatory for those customers who, when concluding contracts, received TV set-top boxes or routers for rent from the provider);
  • Power of attorney certified by a notary. The submitted document is required if the interests of the subscriber are represented by another person.

Upon termination of the contract, the equipment must be returned to Rostelecom if the content of the contract indicates that it was leased to the subscriber. Failure to return it will result in the client continuing to receive monthly bills that are larger than the previous ones, although the services will no longer be provided by the company.

The form of the Agreement on the provision of communication services, together with the details of the operator, the rules for the provision of communication services, is available for review on the operator's website and is available at the link http://www.onlime.ru/abonents/documents/.

The appearance of the contract form looks like this:

It is important to note that the filling of the Agreement takes place in the subscriber department or service centers of the operator by a potential subscriber personally, or by an authorized person in the presence of a power of attorney to conclude an agreement in Rostelecom. In any case, the individual applying is required to provide a passport.

When filling out, in addition to passport and registration data, the necessary options for providing additional ones are marked with a checkmark.

Before you go to conclude an Agreement with Rostelecom, we recommend that you thoroughly study the Rules for the Provision of Communication Services of PJSC Rostelecom individuals. By the way, there are repeated references to them in the contract form itself, printed in small print at the bottom of the document. Let change shape standard contract you are not able to, but you can always show yourself as a legally competent person, and, if necessary, demand that a protocol of disagreements be drawn up for the contract being concluded, in which disputable points can be taken into account.

Equipment rental

Usually, providers arrange various promotions for the shareware provision of equipment, which is of great interest to potential clients. And in combination with "tasty" tariffs, it seems not realistic at all to refuse.

When renting equipment, do not forget to require the execution of an equipment transfer and acceptance certificate as an addition to the main Agreement.

In the future, if you decide to terminate the contract, you will have to return the equipment to the operator. And, if the acceptance certificate is missing, you will have to compensate the cost of the equipment in full

Please note that if you refused the services of Rostelecom and did not return the equipment, then the rent will still continue to accrue to you, but not at the prices of the promotion, but at the base rate.

Number of contract

An important point to remember is the contract number or, otherwise, the personal account. It will come in handy when making payments for the Internet both at stationary payment acceptance points and on-line payments or using payment terminals. If you only use your home phone, you do not need to remember the contract number, just remember the phone number

You can find out the contract number by going to the official website http://www.rostelecom.ru/, selecting your region in the upper right corner of the page and only then by entering Personal Area after entering the login and password provided by the operator when connecting, in the settings you will see the desired combination of 14 digits (circled in the figure)

If you are not an Internet subscriber, you will be able to see your personal account in the monthly receipt sent to you.

Public offer agreement

Typically, contracts are concluded as follows: one party sends an offer to conclude an agreement, and the other party, in case of agreement with the terms, signs the contract. But not always counterparties can be in the same place at the same time to conclude an agreement. Plus, the operator (in our case, Rostelecom) can offer the conclusion of an agreement or annexes to it at the same time to an unlimited number of subscribers by publishing the text of the proposal on its official website or in the media. This is the offer.

The contract is concluded by mutual expression of the will of the counterparties, when the person who received the offer, by his specific actions (registration on the site, making a payment, etc.) accepts his consent.

This should be taken into account when preparing a claim for filing a lawsuit against Rostelecom, if such a need arises and the Agreement or its Addenda were previously accepted.

More information about Rostelecom's offers can be found on the operator's official website https://moscow.rt.ru/service/srvhometel/tel_dictionary/doc_tel.

There are many complaints about the quality of Internet services provided by Rostelecom. Subscribers are dissatisfied with slow page loading, frequent crashes, rude support service, and unreasonably high maintenance costs. You can easily forget about such troubles for your own money by learning how to terminate the contract with Rostelecom, and then doing it.

Termination procedure

The Consumer Rights Protection Law (Article 32) allows citizens to refuse services they are dissatisfied with at any time. The main thing is to fully pay him for the work already done and compensate for the actual cash costs incurred, if any.

Therefore, the first thing to do in order to terminate the contract without problems is to pay off all debts. Then you need to collect a small set of documents, which includes:

  • internal passport;
  • an agreement with Rostelecom for the provision of services;
  • act of acceptance and transfer of technical equipment (if it was transferred to the subscriber);
  • (about property);
  • contract for its sale.

The last two documents raise questions. Their necessity is questionable. Moreover, not every apartment where Rostelecom subscribers live is owned or acquired through sale and purchase. However, just such a list is posted on the official website of the provider. And citizens who tried to part with the company without these documents warn about the intransigence of Rostelecom employees.

The documents are attached to the application, which is written in the name of the deputy director for commercial work. Citizens are invited to clarify his full name on their own, although the form of the form is posted on the organization's website. Although the application is not written to complain about Rostelecom, the compilers of the template ask elusive customers to indicate the reason for terminating the contract. You should also report:

  • his number;
  • conclusion date:
  • from which day the contract is terminated (at least 10 days from the date of application).

It is not possible to terminate the contract remotely. With an application and a set of documents, the subscriber will have to drive to the nearest office of Rostelecom, having previously specified whether they are engaged in terminating contracts. The company warns that this service is not available in all locations.

From the period specified by the subscriber, the contract must be terminated. If Rostelecom employees unreasonably refuse to do this, the subscriber has the right to draw up a claim letter.

Making a customer claim

Faced with a violation of consumer rights, a citizen needs to write a complaint against Rostelecom - addressed to the head of the company's territorial division. The claim details the facts:

  • what happened;
  • when;
  • with which employee did he communicate;
  • in which branch;
  • how the employee justified his position (or did not justify it at all);
  • in which the subscriber sees a violation of his rights.

In conclusion, the applicant's demand is made - how he proposes to solve the situation. Put his signature and date.

It is easy to make a claim to Rostelecom according to the model. The statement should not contain emotions, insults, unnecessary details - only dry facts and a specific proposal. Within 10 days after receiving the claim, the company's management is obliged to respond to it.

If the consideration of the claim letter is delayed, the Rostelecom client has a reason to apply:

  • to the head office of the company (in Moscow);
  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to the judicial authorities.

A few nuances

Let's look at a few situations to be prepared for.

The contract to be terminated is in the name of another person

It often happens that the contract is drawn up for a family member who does not use the Internet. For example, a retired mother, who, unlike working children, is always at home. But it is one of them who wants to terminate the contract with the provider if the quality of service is low.

Without a power of attorney from the person specified in the contract for Internet services of Rostelecom, or his personal appeal to the provider, termination will not take place. Whoever actually uses the Internet or telephone, only the customer or his authorized representative has the right to terminate the relationship with the service provider. The client representative must have:

  • notarized power of attorney:
  • two passports (your own and the principal);
  • service agreement (if any).

Lost original copy of contract

The loss of the contract by the subscriber does not prevent its termination. Arriving at the office of the company, it is enough for a citizen to present a civil passport so that employees can find a second copy of the document stored in the organization using its details. The refusal of the employee to terminate the contract on this basis is unlawful.

"Free" equipment turned out to be paid

An inattentive reading of the contract concluded with Rostelecom often leads to an unpleasant surprise. Having decided to leave this provider, the subscriber learns that he must fully or partially pay for the equipment provided "free of charge".

How fair this requirement is can be seen from the content of the contract. If the text indicates that all "gadgets" are transferred for sale, the client really must redeem them. He must pay the full cost, or only a part of it, depends on the terms of the contract under which the equipment was transferred - in installments or deferred. If in installments, then it is necessary to calculate whether he managed to fully pay the seller by the time the contract was terminated, and, if necessary, pay the balance. If the equipment was sold on a deferred basis, the subscriber will have to reimburse the provider for its full cost upon termination of the contract.

When the contract states that the equipment is leased to the client, the subscriber does not owe the company anything, since throughout the use of Rostelecom services, the rent was regularly charged from him. In this case, the citizen should only transfer the borrowed equipment in good condition and complete.

Communication with Rostelecom employees upon termination of the contract does not always go smoothly. However, having thoroughly prepared for it, the consumer has every chance to defend his rights. By being persistent and active, he will be able to easily part with the problematic provider, and move on to a more reliable service provider.