Sewing car mats from eva material cost. Ready-made business for the production of car EVA mats

A passenger car has long ceased to be a luxury item. In a rapidly changing world, this is an irreplaceable “workhorse”. Accordingly, automobile service has also developed rapidly, as has the production of necessary accessories for it, including mats. They are not only a design element in the car interior, but also protect its upholstery from contamination, remove moisture, preventing rust from corroding the bottom. Sewing car mats can be a profitable and quickly pay-off business idea for small businesses. Next, we will try to convince you of this, we will give practical advice on organizing your own business.

The production of car mats does not require large capital investments. It can begin with the equipment of a small workshop in an adapted home space (20 square meters). Equipment required is a sewing machine, patterns for patterns, and material. Learning how to cut and overcast items is not difficult. You can sew ready-made sets of 4 pieces. The option of sewing custom car mats is higher paying. In general, the approximate costs at the start will be from 100,000 rubles.

Custom rugs can be a good business

Business registration

For small businesses, the most profitable option is to register as an individual entrepreneur: payment of the state fee for its implementation is relatively low - 800 rubles. An individual entrepreneur is registered by the tax inspectorate at the place of his registration or temporary registration of the applicant. Documents can be sent by email or submit in person.

Tax system

In 2019 in Russian Federation There are 5 types of taxation: one general and 4 special. General system taxation (OSN) applies where special ones cannot be applied. The unified agricultural tax is paid by the producer of agricultural products. In our case individual entrepreneur can choose which type of tax he will pay from the remaining three:

  • single tax on imputed income – 15% of the income imputed by the state in this type of activity. It exempts individual entrepreneurs from paying VAT, personal income tax (income tax) individuals), on property, does not depend on real income;
  • The patent tax system provides for the purchase of a patent for each type of activity. The rate is 6% of the profit amount that is set local authorities authorities. Real income not taken into account. It is most often used in the service sector and trade. There is no reporting, paid in one payment throughout the year;
  • simplified tax system (STS) is the most common tax regime, which is used by individual entrepreneurs, especially beginners. There is no VAT, personal income tax or property tax paid here.

The taxpayer again chooses the base for calculating the rate:

  • 6% of income;
  • 15% of income minus expenses.

If the costs are low, it is better to choose the first option. If expenses exceed 60% of profits, the second one is more profitable. Payment is made quarterly. A book of income and expenses is kept. The entrepreneur must notify the Federal Tax Service in writing of his decision.


The next point that a beginner needs to decide on is the choice of activity codes from the OK 029 - 2014 (NACE) classifier. Your main code is 13.93 - production of carpets and rugs. You can add other types of activities, for example, trade, etc.

Documents for registration

The applicant provides the tax office with:

  • application for registration in form P21001;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a copy of the passport or temporary permit to stay in the region, for foreigners - a notarized translation of the passport;
  • notification of the transition to the simplified tax system.

And one more important point– the application is signed by the applicant or his authorized representative in the presence of an employee of the Federal Tax Service. Within three days it is reviewed and issued if the decision is positive.

Technologies and materials for sewing car mats

Rubber and textiles have long been used in the production of rugs. Pile car mats with a rubberized base have proven themselves to be quite good. They do not allow water to pass through, retain dirt, and can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

IN recent years New generation materials have appeared – polymers. Especially popular on the market is EVA or Sevilen. It is produced oil companies in granules, then pressed into sheets of various sizes and colors and is widely used for making car mats. Moreover, the dimensions of the sheets are calculated for the most economical cutting.

Its quality indicators include: lightness, ductility, resistance to temperature fluctuations, strength. It has a cellular structure in the form of honeycombs or diamonds, which retain moisture well, preventing it from spreading. Dirt and dust can be removed by simply shaking. You can buy EVA material from its manufacturers.

The production technology of EVA car mats includes the following processes:

  • cutting the material according to the pattern, punching holes for fasteners, installing them;
  • attaching Velcro from double-sided tape to the reverse side (to prevent the product from slipping);
  • stitching the edges with edging tape.

Sewing requires special equipment

When completing an individual order, we add careful measurements of the ordered mats directly in the car interior onto a cellophane sheet, taking into account floor unevenness, differences, and slots. After cutting according to an individual pattern, the rug is tried on again, cut to absolutely precise dimensions and edged. At the buyer's request, a metal or plastic thrust bearing is attached.


To sew EVA rugs you need the following equipment:

  • sewing machine with direct drive, preferably complete with edging;
  • cutting table;
  • press for installing fasteners, punch;
  • patterns, scissors, needles;
  • edging tape, threads, eyelets.

It can be purchased as a set from companies engaged in the production of EVA material; they also offer patterns for sewing products for all brands passenger cars.

Sales of products

The popularity of this product is very high, and it is not difficult to organize its sales. In particular, it is necessary to conclude agreements with stations maintenance and specialized stores and salons, register your online store, advertise in the local newspaper.

Profit calculation

Wholesale purchases of material are much cheaper. For example, when purchasing 20 sheets measuring 2.7 square meters. meter you will pay 1080 rubles. per piece or 21,600 rub. It will take approximately 1.5 square meters to make a set of four rugs. meters, there will be 40 sets in total. The average price on the market is about 2000 per set. Total, 80,000 rubles.

Let's take away the cost of raw materials, the salary of a hired tailor (15% of the profit), other expenses, the net profit will be at least 150-200%. With large volumes and well-established sales, you will recoup your initial investment in 2 months.

So, you have become acquainted with a very interesting and highly profitable area in the development of small businesses. Using our practical advice, you can successfully organize a business producing EVA car mats.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Sales volumes of passenger cars and trucks in our country are increasing every year. Accordingly, the demand for various related products that are not included in the basic package, but are necessary for car owners, is growing. These include special mats that are placed under the feet under each seat in a car and with which trunks are covered to prevent contamination. Rubber mats are most widely used, as they are affordable (the cost of a set in the mid-price category starts from 500 rubles), are easy to clean from dirt, have an anti-slip effect and are highly wear-resistant. The number of car models is quite large, so you won’t have any problems with the assortment.

The technology for producing rubber mats is quite simple. Used car tires (raw rubber) can be used as raw materials. First, the raw materials are cleaned of contaminants under running water. The rubber is then ground into special equipment in several stages to the state of granules (sometimes silicone is added to it). Using a strong magnet, all metal parts are removed from the rubber mass. The metal is sent for processing to another factory. Other foreign components (such as nylon or fiberglass) are separated from the shredded rubber using a sieve. The remaining pieces of rubber are still too large, so they are sent to the secondary shredder tank, where they are crushed even more. The processed rubber granules are laid out on large molds, which guide them under the press. There they are pressed in special molds for rubber mats under high temperatures for thirty minutes. Finally, the blanks are removed from the molds, separated, cooled with jets of water for a few minutes and cut. The finished mats are cleaned of industrial dust and packaged. A more simplified version of the work, common in our country, is when a blank of a certain shape is cut out of a ready-made sheet of raw rubber, lubricated with a soap solution and placed under a press. The retail cost of one rug is about 100-150 rubles.

Many business plans provide calculations that assume a minimum production volume of 45-50 rugs per day. Of course, in order for production to become profitable, it is not enough to simply manufacture products; it is also necessary to organize their sales. To organize such a business, you need a workshop area of ​​at least 100 square meters. meters, necessarily equipped with ventilation, electricity, water supply and sewerage. Moreover, according to sanitary standards, such an enterprise must be located away from a residential area (usually it is located outside the city).

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When using the hot stamping method, you will need the appropriate equipment - technological line, consisting of shaping molds and a grinder. According to the compilers of business plans, the cost of such a line starts from 25 thousand dollars. The projected payback period for investments is one and a half years. True, all these calculations are very conditional. In fact, you will find that the figures given in these business plans are underestimated. First of all, the cost of the designer's work is not mentioned in the calculation. Even the simplest development option - following the example of a ready-made rug, using the control points of which a mathematical model is recreated in a special program - will not be cheap. Based on this mathematical model, the mold is then ordered at the tool factory.

The second surprise that awaits an entrepreneur who decides to engage in such production is the cost of the mold. Making it to order can cost a hefty sum. And this despite the fact that you will need several molds - at least one for each rug model. Used European-made equipment costs from several thousand to several tens of thousands of dollars, depending on wear, functionality, and performance. A new mold, which can be used to produce up to one million products, will cost approximately the same amount. In your calculations, also take into account that all raw materials in our country, including raw rubber, are much more expensive than, for example, in China, unless you can find suppliers who will offer more favorable prices and working conditions, or you purchase directly from Chinese manufacturers. Large factories organize their own production of molds, milling machining centers, and have design departments and design bureaus. Thus, they are practically independent of their suppliers, can control the quality of their products and all production process. But organizing such production requires large investments.

Ready ideas for your business

For the above reasons, most entrepreneurs prefer to bring several dozen types of rubber car mats from China and sell them in Russia. Even taking into account transport costs and customs duties, this turns out to be more profitable than organizing your own production on the territory of our country. However, if you still intend to start making rugs directly, you will need considerable investment.

The production of rubber products is quite simple. Even an inexperienced worker who has undergone a little training can work with automatic equipment. In just one shift, three people can produce more than one hundred products at proper organization work. The enterprise will be profitable only with large production volumes, which, of course, are not 50 units of products per day, but at least 700-800.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

As a rule, in practice, investments pay off in 1-2 months! Learning to sew is very easy!
All packages are selected so that you quickly recoup your investment; we will select the color composition with you individually.
A comprehensive purchase is the most profitable, you save on a general discount and delivery!



89 production facilities have been opened!

EVA material for 50-60 sets of car mats!

  • Included:
  • 1.Sewing machine AURORA 0302D with table, direct drive!
    Complete with EVA 2.0 edging! Everything is set up and equipped!
  • 2. Press for installing fasteners with an attachment for eyelets and a 14 mm, 25 mm punch.
  • 3.Hand scissors for EVA.
  • 4.Needles for EVA.
  • 5.EVA sheets (1.8 sq.m) 1.20*1.50 m - 50 pcs.
  • 6. Edging 600 m - 12 coils.
  • 7. Eyelets 1000 pcs. - 14 mm.
  • 8. Threads in spools, 12 colors.
  • 9. Velcro fastening 50 mm - 100 m.
  • 10. Packaging bags 100 pcs.
  • 11. Plastic fasteners
  • 12.Consultation is free.
  • 13. Pattern in electronic form for 508 cars as a gift!

  • We choose the color scheme with you individually. We will teach you everything you need and save you from unnecessary costs!
"The Complete Set"


312 independent companies have been opened!

EVA material for 80-90 sets of car mats!

  • Included:
  • 3.Hand scissors for EVA.
  • 4.Needles for EVA.
  • 5.Manual clamp for eyelets.
  • 6. Hair dryer for molding EVA.
  • 7.EVA sheets (3.6) 1.4*2.57m - 25 pcs.
  • 8.EVA sheets (1.8) 1.2*1.5 m - 20 pcs.
  • 9. Edging 1250 m - 25 coils.
  • 10. Eyelets 1000 pcs. - 14 mm. black.
  • 11.Threads in spools, 12 colors.
  • 12. Velcro fastening 50 mm - 100 m.
  • 13. Bags for packaging 100 pcs.
  • 14. Thrust bearings - 10 pcs.
  • 15. Plastic fasteners


40 EVALIST manufacturers have been opened!

EVA material for 250-270 sets of car mats!

  • Included:
  • 1.Sewing machine AURORA 0302D with direct drive! Complete with EVA 2.0 edging and table. HIT! Everything is set up and equipped!
  • 2. Press for installing fasteners with an attachment for eyelets and a punch for 14 mm, 17 mm, 25 mm.
  • 3.Electric scissors for EVA.
  • 4.Hand scissors for EVA.
  • 5.Needles for EVA.
  • 6.Manual clamp for eyelets.
  • 7. Hair dryer for molding EVA.
  • 8.EVA sheets (3.6) 1.4*2.57m - 60 pcs.
  • 9.EVA sheets (1.8) 1.2*1.5 m - 100 pcs.
  • 10. Edging 2000 m - 40 coils.
  • 11. Eyelets 2000 pcs. - 14 mm. black.
  • 12.Threads in spools, 12 colors.
  • 13. Velcro fastening 50 mm - 200 m.
  • 14. Bags for packaging 100 pcs.
  • 15. Thrust bearings - 26 pcs.
  • 15.Plastic fastenings
  • 16.Support and consultation are free.
  • 17. Electronic pattern for 508 cars as a gift!
  • 18. Training in sewing car mats in production is free.
  • 19.!
  • 20.Permanent maximum discount for the entire period of cooperation!
101,000 rub.


This package includes everything you need to start producing EVA car mats, including SEWING equipment and materials, the most popular EVA sheets, piping, threads, fastenings. Order the START package and start sewing car mats in any city, even if you have competitors, you will not be left without work. The high demand for EVA car mats has been proven by hundreds of our customers. Detailed information on the page below.

136,000 rub. HIT!


Everything you need is included with a large assortment and THREE types of EVA sheets, a sewing machine with a customized edging, a press for installing fasteners, material for approximately the FIRST month of work! You could buy all this separately, but with our help you will save time and money. Get everything you need for production in one package! By launching your own production with us, you won’t be able to miss out on all the most important things!


274,000 rub.


The most POWERFUL kit, all equipment included, and a large supply of material. You will become a MANUFACTURER from EVALIST in your city and receive low prices official dealer! All retail orders will go to you and you will have your own personal website on the main domain!


Can't make up your mind?

There are individual conditions for you!

There are situations in your work when you do not need the whole package; everything can be purchased separately or supplemented with the required amount of material at your request. We will select flexible conditions for you with a personal offer.

IF YOU ARE OFFERED SOMETHING BETTER AT FIRST GLANCE, CONTACT US AND WE WILL LEAVE NO REASON FOR DOUBT. We will advise you on all current issues, on launch, on production. We have everything necessary for the production of EVA car mats. You can learn to sew in 1 day without experience!


We have opened more than 312 production facilities and 30 representative offices in several countries.
But the market is completely empty; the demand for car mats made of EVA material is very large and is constantly growing.

Be careful when starting a business with private owners. We guarantee that cooperation with us is the best option for your business. We will select the optimal kit for your start!


Ready business

We work all over Russia.
Write your telephone number and I will call you back.

There are plenty of offers on the market for the sale of EVA mats. First; There are no patterns for eva rugs in electronic form, only the original ones are redrawn by hand, otherwise you are offered patterns for pile carpets, and this is a complete difference in the repeatability of the maximum floor covering, the lack of markings for attaching them to the floor, the lack of a foot for the left foot. Pay attention to the photo of how EVA mats for the domestic auto industry should look like. There are pile patterns with feet, but the pile is soft and Eva is dense, i.e. Eva material will no longer be able to repeat the curves like a pile fabric, and everyone should have back row jumpers. Second; An edging machine is a piece of iron that needs to be installed and configured on a sewing machine. Proautoservice By placing the presser foot, you will sew a maximum in a straight line; the adjusted presser foot should sew both internal and external corners. In addition to adjusting the edging, there is also an adjustment to the braid that you will have to work with. This is not clear to a beginner, but I will explain. There is braid sewn on an oblique, there is a longitudinal braid, there is thin and thick, there is hard and soft. And thirdly: more than thirty thousand rubles are spent on cardboard. So check what and from whom you buy.
You can learn about the profitability of this business from the number of views. You will never make a clear and even product as we will show you and we will find a cheaper tool for cutting EVA sheets with any stationery knife, nor a disk knife, much less scissors.
Good patterns bring income, bad ones triple the cost. As has already been proven by many buyers who purchased production from us, about ten people bought a cheap analogue. When the product is ready and the client refuses because this is not the kind of rug he wanted, then at most, make samples. As they say, the miser pays twice. Be careful when purchasing a business.

Turnkey business for sale:
Payback – 2 months
Business package light:
1) Pattern database - more than 500 models redrawn on sewing cardboard, about 160 kg of paper, which will be updated and can be purchased as new models appear;
2) Base of suppliers of consumables (EVA polymer, belt tape, eyelets). EVA polymer must be hard and optimal in size for maximum production of car mats
3) Production technology - I recommend that you choose 3-5 hours of time and come to us in Krasnodar for a more detailed and visual acquaintance with the production from taking dimensions to the finished product. To install eyelets you don’t need an expensive press, everything is much simpler and cheaper))

Business package premium:
All the same plus customized sewing equipment with edging for making car mats. We will find the carving tool for you on site.
Product enjoys in great demand in the automotive market.
Stop buying ready-made products - open your own business in your region and work for yourself!

It is no secret that the number of passenger cars is growing every year.

Accordingly, the demand for spare parts and accessories for passenger vehicles is increasing.

Organizing your own business aimed at producing car mats - for small businesses with small investments at the start.

An entrepreneur with a modest budget can implement a project for the production of textile car mats.

You can produce both ready-made options and custom-made products.

The latter direction will allow you to get maximum profit, since original works are more expensive (from 1,500 rubles per set).

What the article is about:

How much money do you need to start a production of car mats?

To launch the production of car mats, an investment of 350 thousand rubles will be required..

These funds are necessary for registering an individual entrepreneur, purchasing the first batch of consumables and sewing equipment.

Where to start opening production

At the initial stage organize a mini-workshop for sewing textile car mats possible in the conditions of your own apartment.

If the number of orders increases, you can think about renting a separate room.

To sew high-quality textile car mats, you need to use rubberized carpet.

It is possible to reduce the cost of purchasing consumables if the entrepreneur manages to purchase leftover carpet in specialized stores that sell floor coverings.

Small pieces usually remain unclaimed, and retail outlet owners sell them at large discounts.

The market price of rubberized carpet is about 300 rubles per square meter.

To make one set of car mats you need 1.5 meters of material.

The entrepreneur will also need to take into account the purchase costs stationery knife, crayons and patterns.

What equipment to choose for sewing

At the initial stage, a significant part of the funds will need to be invested in the purchase of an overlaying machine (costing from 10 to 40 thousand rubles) and a professional sewing machine.

Of course, you can do without it by organizing cooperation with a local studio.

However, in this case, the cost of production will be higher.

If an entrepreneur fulfills all orders without the participation of an atelier, then he will spend about 500 rubles on the production of one set of rugs.

The market value of such products is 2 times higher.

Thus, selling one set will allow you to get net profit in the amount of 500 rubles.

By producing exclusive models of car mats with original drawings and inscriptions, you can double your revenue.

To work in a mini-shop for sewing car mats, you will need to employ one tailor.

He can be paid 15% of the market value of completed orders.

The profitability of a business producing textile car mats depends on the number of stable sales channels for products.

An entrepreneur can take it to specialized retail outlets at a wholesale price or start selling it on the Internet.

How much can you earn

Rubberized carpet is used as a material for making rugs. Cost of 1 sq.m. is 300 rubles. Sewing a set of rugs will require 1.5 meters of material. Thus, the cost of one set will cost 450 rubles. The cost of producing rugs can be reduced if you buy small pieces of carpet that remain in the store after cutting the roll. Such pieces are sold at a reduced price. Sets of car mats are sold for 1,000 rubles. You can sew 20 sets per day, 500 per month. The monthly income will be 500,000 rubles.

The profitability of a business directly depends on the availability of distribution channels. An entrepreneur can sell kits in an online store, or can sell them to specialized auto stores. Given the high competition, as well as small starting investments payback will occur in 1.5-2 years.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering?

OKVED 13.93 – production of carpets and carpet products.

What documents are needed to open

As an organizational legal form enterprises are recommended to register individual entrepreneurship(IP). Registration is not difficult and takes no more than a week. Simplified reporting. Documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

The most suitable taxation system is the simplified taxation system (STS). It is recommended to pay a profit tax of 15%.

Do I need permission to open?

No special permission is required to register this business.

Technology for the production of car mats

A car mat is an indispensable accessory that allows you to keep your car clean. A good rug, made with high quality, will serve the car enthusiast for many years.

This business is a promising business for beginning entrepreneurs who do not require large investments at the start. You can make mats according to standard sizes of cars that are used on the market, or you can make them to order; such kits are more expensive. Rugs are made from various materials, but rugs made from textile carpet are very popular. It consists of two or three layers, absorbs moisture and dirt and does not allow it to pass further into the cabin.

Rugs are made as follows:

  • cutting according to the pattern is carried out;
  • edges are processed with overlock;
  • then the “thrust pad” is sewn on.

The pattern is used to cut the rug into the desired shape. You can make them from cardboard yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones. For large volumes, you can use a machine that will cut quickly and accurately, and will not allow you to waste excess material.

The edges of the rug are finished with two, three and four thread seams. If the seams are not treated, then after a while they will begin to unravel. Pads are pads that maintain the surface of the rug. Very often clients order logo embroidery. This is done with a special embroidery machine.

To make a stable profit, it is necessary to organize the sale of car mats in large sizes. To do this you need:

  • enter into an agreement with one of the trading organizations involved in the sale of auto parts;
  • open your own online store or outlet on the market.