How to sell slow-selling goods - effective methods. Sell ​​stale goods - feel like a trading professional Magic for the full moon

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 36 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To sell stale goods

To sell stale goods

Lord help me! God bless!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There is a cypress tree in the dark forest,

Roots up and branches down.

Who will see my goods?

My word will conquer him.

Who will look at my product?

My word will remember him:

Look and take my goods,

And in return, put your money.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen.


This text is an introductory fragment.

To sell a car There are a lot of requests to include conspiracies for selling a car in the book. For example, Nina A. gave paid advertisements to the newspaper for a long time, wanting to sell her car, spent a lot of money on it, but there was no result. Having read the special conspiracy, she

In order for the product to be sold, touch your product and say three times: How people run from the rain and thunder into the hut, How people go to church on a holy day, So that they go to my product, Take it, buy it, and not for nothing. For everything that they took from my hands, I would have my money

To sell stale goods in the fall, when rye and wheat are harvested in the fields, countless numbers usually fly different birds. They all take this opportunity to eat plenty of grain. For people involved in trading, this time is truly a blessed time, as they can

In order for the goods to sell out, stand near the counters, cross yourself and read the following spell: Go, goods, get out, Return the money for it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Important: do not do this on major church holidays and the first of March!

In order to sell a house or apartment at a profit, they talk with a broom at three in the morning, and in the morning, with a pink glow, they sweep the house. So for three days in a row. As I sweep away the litter, sweep it away, I bring in buyers. The first one will arrive, the second one will come, the third one will buy it and take it for himself. Amen.

So that the goods are sold out, they cross themselves near the shop with the goods, saying: Come, the goods, out, return the money for it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Do not do it on church holidays and the first

The magic of trade, or How to successfully sell a product Success in trade People paid special attention to the magic of trade. Spells and prayers, talismans and amulets, rituals and ceremonies are used here. To achieve success in trading, I advise you to use the following

To ensure that the goods are quickly sold out, the 1st method. Bring the first money from the proceeds and place them in the corners of the table. Light 3 candles on the table. Speak while stamping and clapping your palms:? “Altyn Khatan took it, took all the goods. I bought one, saved the second, so I will have everything. Amen. Amen.

How to make your product quickly sold out Place the first money received for the product on the corners of the table, on which you first place three candles. The plot is read by stamping and clapping. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: Altyn Khatan took, took all the goods. One

There comes a time in every person's life when it becomes necessary to get rid of some item. Often, there is no desire to throw away an item, since it may be expensive, useful and in good condition.

In this case, the thought of selling an item comes to mind, and a conspiracy to sell an item can help realize the plan much more profitably and faster.

To carry out a successful sale of goods, it is enough to use magical powers and call on higher powers for help in this matter. Thus, without the help of magic, it may take quite a long time to realize what was planned, whereas with the help of magic, the item being sold will be purchased very quickly.

To quickly and profitably sell one thing, it is enough to cast a spell over it, sincerely believing in its power.

Through a magical ritual, you can create talismans, the constant wearing of which will improve the daily sales of goods. Such talismans will greatly help owners retail outlets, salespeople whose salaries depend on revenue, and ordinary people who occasionally sell personal items.

What determines the effectiveness of the ritual?

In order for the conspiracy to be effective, and for its result to be to the liking of the performer, it is necessary to strictly observe all the requirements for its implementation. So, conspiracies to sell things should be read completely alone, so that no one knows about the ritual.

Moreover, even after the successful sale of the goods, you cannot tell even your closest people about the previously performed ritual, otherwise it will cause some unpleasant consequences.

It is completely unacceptable to laugh at such rituals - they should be taken extremely seriously, otherwise the consequences are inevitable. Only people who believe in magic are allowed to perform the ritual, who know how to concentrate on what they want and put all their strength into the conspiracy. In addition, most of these rituals are carried out on the waxing moon, and 3 days before the ritual the performer is not allowed to drink alcohol.

The enchanted item will bring profit to the seller

People know a large number of conspiracies that can help quickly sell this or that item. So there is a fairly strong ritual for the successful sale of goods through water. Spring water is drawn into the vessel, a spell is pronounced over it three times, after which the item being sold is sprinkled with the enchanted water.

Spells “To sell things” for spring water

“On the market square, bargaining is going on. They sell everything: silk and fur. I will sell your product (name the thing) and its price (name the price). Anyone who sees it will want to buy it. Amen."

Another no less powerful conspiracy can be read in key. To perform the ritual you will need a glass or clay vessel, spring water and a key. Place the container with water on the fire, then throw the key into the boiling water. The words of prayer are said over the steam 9 times, after which the water is left to cool.

Conspiracies “For selling things” for the key and water

“Just as people cannot do without a lock and key, so they cannot do without (name of product). Just as people cannot live without water, they cannot live without (name of product). My word is strong! Amen."

The cooled water along with the key must be poured into a glass vessel. As soon as the day of sale arrives, hands are rinsed with charmed water and the items being sold are sprinkled. It is recommended to keep the key until the next sale.

For the trade to be successful, things must be crossed three times, after which it is necessary to cast a spell over them, while stroking the goods with the right hand.

Spells “For successful trading”

“Just as I, the servant of God (my name), iron (name) my goods, so I get along with buyers. One will look, the second will praise, the third will buy for his own joy, and for me - for profit. My word is strong, it is molded to the product. Amen."

A very strong ritual for a quick sale is carried out using a nickel. On the waxing Moon, you should take the coin with your right hand, hold it for a while, and then say a prayer over it 12 times.

Conspiracies “To sell things” on a coin

“Pyatak Pyatakovich! Give me (your name) luck without giving up! For now, forever, forever! Amen."

In order to quickly and profitably sell goods, it is recommended to take a coin with you at all times.

Will the trade be successful?

To avoid consequences, magical rituals should be used in exceptional cases when no other ways to sell the goods are possible. The use of black magic is not free of charge - at some point the performer of the ritual will have to pay for the service provided. So, a merchant may lose some or all of the goods, lose a round sum of money, or pay with his health. Most severe consequences will appear in cases where the ritual was performed not according to the rules or as a joke - magic does not like to be mocked at.

Video: Conspiracy to sell things

There are times when the desired profit in a store is needed faster than usual. A conspiracy to sell a product will help you, which should be read according to special rules.

Rules for a successful sales conspiracy

For the ceremony to be successful, certain rules must be followed.

  • All rituals performed independently should be done alone, so that no one sees, otherwise nothing will come of it.
  • Always remember that no one should know how it was sold.
  • The consequence of failure to comply with this point will be a rapid loss of finances.
  • When carrying out the ritual, you need a strong faith in success, then all the positive energy of magic will be directed in the right direction.
  • We perform rituals according to the lunar calendar; it is best to perform magical rituals or

Existing slander

Conspiracies to sell goods using visualization are effective and quickly bring results. Don't neglect your imagination; our ability to materialize thoughts is unique. If we constantly think about an object and mentally imagine it for some time, then we will get it in reality.

To make a successful purchase and sale transaction, you should pick up the necessary things and look at them carefully, remembering the smallest details. Build a dialogue with a potential buyer. Then you need to mentally visualize how you make a profit from the sale.

During the period of visualization of the magical ritual, you need to be alone and tune in only to a successful sale.

At the end of the ritual of imagination, you need to cross the item for sale and say the words out loud:

“Let your plans come true.”

Ritual with keys

To make a quick change, use the key ritual. Typically, a conspiracy to quickly sell goods is read during transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate and land. The key symbolizes openness and success. To perform the ceremony, you will need:

  • bunch of keys;
  • well water;
  • iron bowl;
  • soup plate.

For the ritual, choose a day according to the lunar calendar; the full moon is ideal. Pour water into a bowl and bring to a boil. Throw the keys into boiling water and quickly start reading the magic words 7 times. The words of the conspiracy sound like this:

“It is impossible to open a lock without a suitable key, it is impossible to live a day without my (name of product). As soon as the keys open the lock, (name of product) will be sold. Just as a person cannot live without water, so he cannot live without my (name of product). I firmly conjure my word, I don’t let it go to waste. Amen".

The water in the bowl should cool down, take out the keys and hide them so that no one will find them. We filter the water through cheesecloth into a deep plate. You should sprinkle the goods with water and wash your hands in it up to the elbows. This procedure speeds up the sales process and helps quickly persuade doubting buyers.

Charmed keys can be used as a talisman and carried with you to transactions where we're talking about about large capital investments.

To sell a certain product

If you cannot sell the remaining goods for a long time, you can read a conspiracy to sell goods in a store, which will require:

  • coming to work earlier than usual;
  • cup;
  • water, preferably from the store.

Pour water into the bowl and read the plot 9 times:

“Voditsa, voditsa, the collarbone is clean. The goods are sold, money is made.”

We put the cup in a secluded corner in the store, pour the water into the ground at the end of the day, with the words:

“I’m giving away the full cup, tomorrow I’ll get even more.”

Another quick-acting ritual will help sell stale goods. For the ritual, you need to take money from the first buyer in the store, preferably a man, because male energy is stronger than female energy. You need to take them in your left hand and move them over the product, which has been standing on the shelves for a long time, with the words:

“The money came with a light hand.”

If a certain type of product has been lying on the shelf for a long time and is not being sold, you should stand facing the shelf and read the words with your eyes closed:

“Just as I easily close my eyes, I easily make things happen. She sealed it with words, closed it with seven locks. Sales will come, they will bring me profit.”

Self-made items for sale

To benefit from something made with your own hands, you should carry out rituals in advance so that subsequent trading is successful. Even during the manufacture of the item, you should prepare a ritual coin.

On the first day of the rising moon, you should put five kopecks on the windowsill and leave them there for 6 days with the words:

“As the moon rises, so does the profit for my sewing come. She created with her own hands and received money for it. The nickel is charging and preparing for profit. A nickel and a nickel, he looks like a simpleton, he brings money for the goods, he won’t ask for anything for himself.”

Put the nickel in your wallet and always carry it with you.

There is another ritual to sell handmade goods. You need to bow to the handmade thing and ask:

“Sell yourself quickly, serve people with faith and truth.”

A handmade item should be given a price that is acceptable to everyone, and the sale should be made from the heart and with love.

Magic according to the lunar calendar

Take out one of the coins and wrap it in a pre-prepared bill, put it on the ground and quietly step on your shoes with the words:

“They save hundreds of pennies, my money will come to my feet. I’ll collect them with my own hands and put them in my wallet.”

Magic for the full moon

You need to go outside on a full moon and take with you one or two things that you would like to realize. It is necessary to expose them to the moonlight and whisper:

“Sister Moon, bless the sale.”

A conspiracy to sell water

Spring water spells for a successful sale have a quick effect. A huge number of rituals performed on water in order to sell goods have been known since ancient times. To sell the desired item, take clean spring water and whisper a spell over it 5 times, and then spray it on the item being sold.

The words of the conspiracy sound like this:

“The market is full of everything - there are fabrics, food, and furs. Show me the thing - I’ll sell it, a buyer will find what he wants, he gets it. Amen".

Ritual using a coin

An excellent conspiracy to make quick profits is a ritual for water with a coin. For the ritual you will need:

  • coin of any denomination;
  • liter of water from a well;
  • glass vessel;
  • a handful of sand.

The ritual should be performed on the rising moon; you need to take a coin and place it on the windowsill for the whole night. The next day, you need to take a charged coin and throw it into a vessel filled with water, again place it overnight near the window. In the morning you need to throw a handful of sand into the vessel and read the spell:

“My infused talisman, soaked in moonlight, bring me quick and rich profits.”

You need to place the vessel for another day near the window, and in the morning, express the water and wash your hands in it up to the elbows with the words:

“I wash my hands and wash my money.”

You should carry the coin with you in your pocket, like a talisman. If you urgently need to implement something, read the spell-appeal to the coin:

“My talisman is money, I ask you for help. Help with sales of (product name).”

Rub the coin on your left hand.

Ritual for successful trading

To make a successful transaction, you can use the following ritual. It will require:

  • coffee grounds drained after morning coffee;
  • nickel;
  • water.

All about religion and faith - “prayer to sell your stale goods” with detailed description and photographs.

Trade whispers are magical words that help a person in everyday life. Our ancestors actively used them in various life situations to attract good luck, protect against ill-wishers, fight illness or successful trading. Our words and desires tend to materialize, and whispers are nothing more than voicing our desires. This is the reason they are so effective.

Whispers for successful trading

Each of us, if desired, can use whispers, and their magic will help achieve what we want. You just need to believe in what you are doing, and the result will not take long to arrive. If you have no experience in trading, then you can make it more successful quite simply.

How to pronounce whispers correctly

Many people often confuse whispers and conspiracies with each other. It is a mistake to believe that they are the same thing, because the conspiracy is used on a certain day of the week. The date or time of day, but whispers are spoken at any time when circumstances require it. Another important difference is that they speak mainly of objects, water, earth, etc. Whispers are a way to convey your desires and requests to higher powers.

When we understand what a whisper is and how it differs from a conspiracy, we can discuss exactly how whispers should be pronounced. In this matter, not only the text of the whisper is important, but also how you pronounce it. In order for what you want to come true, try:

  • pronounce words clearly and distinctly, it is advisable to do this quietly in a low voice or to yourself;
  • think about what you want to achieve with this whisper, the more clearly you imagine the result, the faster everything will work out;
  • If there are any mandatory conditions, then strictly adhere to them.

By following these simple rules and memorizing the whisper you need, you will be able to use it on occasion and improve your trading.

Whispers for successful trading

Those who have worked in the trade industry or sold at least something in their lives know the problems when goods stagnate and trade does not proceed at all. For this case, there are whispers that will attract buyers and help establish trade.

Before starting trading, cross all the goods and say:

“I am a good merchant, my goods are beautiful. I'll sell everything. Product for you, money for us. Full bins, replenish the treasury. Amen".

After this, turn your face to the east and cross yourself. After such a ceremony, buyers will flock one after another, and the goods will sell quickly.

One more no less effective whisper you need to say when the buyer picks up your product. While a person is examining the object in his hands, you need to have time to say:

“Buy here and now. Take the evil eye off yourself. Amen".

This must be done before the buyer releases the goods from his hands. After this whisper, people have a desire to look at the assortment and buy something from you.

After the first sale, the display window is fanned with the received bills and the following sentence is said:

“I’m a great merchant! I will sell our goods to you! Money for money! Money on money! It's not your money, it's your product! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

It’s good if the first profit received is calculated without change. This means that luck has smiled on you, and trading today will be successful.

Immediately after waking up, look out the window and say:

“Wherever I go, there is no refusal for me anywhere. Well done merchant, I am wearing God’s crown! When I go to the market full, I will come back empty. Money in the chest, goods for you! Amen!".

Whispers to attract buyers

If too few buyers visit you and the cash register is not replenished at all, then this state of affairs can be corrected with the help of whispers to attract buyers. To do this, in the morning before trading, go out onto the porch, spit on your palms and run them through your pockets, saying:

“Oh yes merchant, oh yes well done! Every merchant has a merchant! I negotiate with all sorts of merchants! Their word is first, and mine is second! Their word is copper, but mine is golden! Amen!".

Then feel free to go to the market, because there will be no end to buyers.

You can also say after the leaving customer:

“Go, go, bring it with you. It will be like this, but there is no other way! Amen!".

Watch the person's back until he leaves.

When passing by a large anthill, you need to say 3 times:

“It’s also crowded! Amen!".

Then walk away from the anthill without looking back. With this whisper you will attract many people to your stall.

If there are no customers in your store at all, then when leaving the store after the end of the working day you should say:

“Today one, tomorrow two! As bees swarm, as dew is born, so let there be a lot of people here! I'm a great merchant! The envy of everyone is piling up money upon money! Amen!".

Whispers for good money

If you have Thursday salt, you can perform the ritual for good profit. Preparing this salt is very simple. It is consecrated in church on Maundy Thursday on the eve of the great holiday of Easter. When leaving home in the morning, turn over your left shoulder and throw a pinch of salt over it. Moving a couple of meters away from the porch, say:

“It’s nice to see when the treasury is full! It's nice to see the bins full of gold. So be it! Amen!".

In order to increase your revenue, you need to go outside at night and look at the sky, saying:

“Just as the surface of the sky is full of stars, so will my pocket be filled!” I'm a good merchant! Merchant to all merchants! The stars are in the sky, and the gold is in the chest. The goods are for you, the chest is for me! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

In order for this whisper to work, the sky must be clear without a single cloud.

Next time you start chopping a whole head of cabbage, say:

“I cut cabbage, I add money! Gold flows into my wallet like a river, but the goods bring you joy! So be it!”

A conspiracy for successful trading.

A conspiracy for successful trading.

A conspiracy for successful trading. 00:54. – Feature of the ritual

A conspiracy for trade: so that the goods are sold out.

Whispers for the sale of stale goods

It happens that the product sits on the shelf and is not sold. For this case, there is a whisper that will make the product more attractive to buyers. While stroking the stale item, say:

“When I looked at it, I was so stunned. The goods are good, the merchant is handsome. I sell, you buy! My word is strong, like a castle, like a rock, like a stone! Amen!".

Then spit 3 times over your left shoulder.

You can also sell goods that have some defects. To do this, place your right hand on the product and, tapping your fingers on it, say:

“I’m a great merchant! I have God's crown on me! I’m walking across the field, leading the bees! The bees are flying to honey, and I'm going to the market! My product is good! Goods for you, money in my wallet! So be it! Amen!".

Whispers about a profitable successful livestock trade. If you need to sell livestock, then you will need a whisper to trade live goods. Looking the animal in the eyes, say:

“Just as my hands stroke and cherish you, so will other people’s hands caress you. Just as the spring of water is full, you won’t know how thirsty it is. Just as the forest is full of trees, so you will always be full. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

To prevent the animal from falling into the wrong hands, read the whisper before feeding it. It sounds like this:

“If I groomed you, then other people’s hands will groom you. Just as honey is sweet to the bees, so you will live sweetly! I close my word! Amen!"

Whispers for real estate sales

If you are planning to sell an apartment or any other real estate, then you can do this quickly with the help of a whisper for its successful sale. To do this, walk around the perimeter of the room, saying:

“Good master, good master! Just as I sweep away the dirty linen from the house, I also encourage buyers. The first will come, the second will come, and the third will buy! Amen!"

You can also stand near the window in an apartment that you are trying to sell quickly and whisper through the open window:

“As the wind carries dry leaves, so I spread the news! The buyer will come and pick up the goods! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

In the morning before meeting with realtors, wash your face with fresh water, saying:

“My face is red, my pocket is full! I'm a great merchant! Just as people cannot live without bread, they cannot live without my house/apartment/dacha. You won't have a hard time living there! Language, lock! Amen!".

If you are interested in the issue of successfully selling real estate, then late in the evening, after sunset, you need to walk around your house 3 times counterclockwise, saying:

“Kings live in high houses, and I live in my mansions! Come and live! Forever and ever! Amen!".

If you want to sell your property not only quickly, but also for good price, then every time you see potential buyers, quickly say:

“The house is on the grass, and the grass is on the ground, and the ground is below us. Amen!".

Whispers for a successful vehicle sale

Another whisper for successful trading is:

“Just as people can’t eat without salt, you can’t live without a car! Go, look, buy! Product for you, profit for me! So be it!”

To pronounce magic words, you need to look at the back of your head potential buyer and keeping his right hand in his pocket.

Whispers for a successful handicraft trade

Nowadays, exclusive handmade items are very popular. In order for your creations to find their buyer, it is recommended to use whispers for profitable successful trading:

“Hands worked, hands and profit will be received! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

When you finish working on a particular product, place it in front of you, and looking closely at it, say:

“I’m a great merchant! New product I have, and you have a fee! Let’s switch and it’s done!”

By using whispers for successful trading in the store, you will certainly see how business in your store will go up. Good trading can be expected if all the requirements of the ritual were carried out correctly. Another important fact is that you must believe that everything will work out. This is playing one of critical roles in using whispers in everyday life. The use of whispers and conspiracies is based on the fact that you concentrate your forces and desires and send them to higher powers.

How to read conspiracies to sell goods

If you are involved in the trade industry, then you probably want to sell your goods as quickly as possible at a favorable price, while receiving good revenue. In this case, magic comes to the rescue - you will need to read a conspiracy to sell goods. In this article we will tell you how to properly trade rituals, and also give examples of effective rituals.

Rules for the operation of conspiracies for selling goods

In order for the magical actions you perform to have the desired effect, you should adhere to certain rules, namely:

  • Unconditionally believe in the effectiveness of the conspiracy. The presence of even minor doubts will easily nullify the result of the ritual.
  • Genuinely enjoy what you do and love your customers. If you really can't stand people and are irritated by the trading process, any magical actions will be ineffective.
  • Of course, you can read the plot from a piece of paper, but it’s best if you learn it by heart. You need to read at a calm, measured pace, without rushing or faltering. IN as a last resort, it is allowed to rewrite the text on a piece of paper, but it is unacceptable to pronounce the text from a monitor or mobile phone screen.
  • When the ritual is completed, you will need to wholeheartedly thank the Powers to which you turned (in some rituals, a ransom is made for this purpose).
  • Ideal days of the week to perform spells successful trading perform Wednesday or Saturday. Best time– early in the morning, the moon should be in the waxing phase.

Vanga left behind many useful tips, in particular, there are recommendations that provide good trade and a constant flow of clients.

  1. If you want to sell a product as quickly as possible, you need the first person who comes to you to buy something. You shouldn’t be greedy - give a discount, and the first bill received from the sale will need to “mark” the rest of the product.
  2. An important point - be sure to give the first buyer change, even if he gives you an amount equal to the cost of the item. You can present this to him as a discount or promotion. Thus, the flow of monetary energy is activated.
  3. Do not try to cause any harm to your competitors - remember that all evil actions and even thoughts will certainly come back to you.

Now let’s move on to examples of proven conspiracies for successful trading.

Examples of conspiracies

For a coin

Is your activity related to the constant sale of goods? Then it will not be amiss to prepare a special talisman for yourself, which will speed up the process of purchasing both inexpensive and quite expensive goods - an apartment, a car, and so on.

For the ritual you will need to stock up on a coin with a denomination of 5 rubles. The time of the ritual is the waxing moon. Take the coin in your right hand and say the following text:

“Pyatak Pyatakovich. Give me (say your name here) good luck without giving up. For now and forever, forever. Amen".

The number of repetitions must be no less than twelve. Now the coin is charged with the necessary energy and can be used as a talisman. You should keep it with you at all times (ideally, keep it in a separate pocket in your wallet).

On a braid of candles

First you will need to go to church and purchase 3 wax candles. Then in the morning, before going to work, you should light them and read the “Our Father” prayer for each candle. Then connect them one to the other, as if you were braiding and place them in a candlestick. After this, say this magic text three times:

Then the candles are extinguished using a coin, all this is done with the left hand. The final part of the ritual is to disguise the coin and the remains of the candle somewhere in your workplace, with the coin facing up, tails up.

From the following video you will learn another effective ritual for the success of your trading business

To attract buyers on banknotes and threads

This ritual can be used on any day of the week, the only exceptions being Saturday and the numbers thirteen, twenty-two and twenty-seven. An important condition is that there should be no one in the room during the ceremony.

For the ritual, stock up on the following attributes:

  • a paper bill with a face value of one hundred rubles;
  • red wool thread.

It is necessary to measure the length of the bill on the thread forty-nine times, and then cut it off and wrap it around the wrist on the left hand. The ends of the thread are wrapped down. All the time you are threading, you should say these magic words:

Money for me, trade for me.

And for you - the goods and change. Amen.

Very soon you will have no end of people wanting to buy what you are selling.

To sell “stale” goods

If you have had some product in your store for a long time that is not in demand, we recommend that you use this ritual.

Its location is a forest. Look for an anthill there, take out a handful of ants from it.

Put them in a bag and take them to your workplace, then pour them on it, making the following speech:

Like ants in that house

many, many buyers

for my goods send me,

Ritual for an expensive item

If you want to sell something of high value, you can resort to a powerful ritual to realize what you want.

You will need to stock up on a key that is lowered into boiling water. It is necessary to boil it thoroughly. While the key is boiling, you pronounce the hex:

The water remaining after the magical manipulation must be poured into a jar. Before going to work or before concluding a deal, wash your hands in this water.

Important point! When pronouncing the text of the hex, be sure to indicate the exact name of the item being sold. Also pay attention to the fact that only inanimate objects will help to realize the conspiracy.

Now you know what magical actions you can use to increase the influx of customers and speed up the sale of goods. Don't forget that good seller- this is, first of all, a polite seller who cares about his clients and works conscientiously, and not just for the purpose of obtaining his own benefit. We wish you successful sales and grateful clients!

Very timely article! I am preparing to sell handicrafts, and therefore I re-read with interest the advice that you can even intuitively feel. Magic is present in everything, you just have to have strong faith. And I also often thank the forces that hear me and help. It would be interesting to read a conspiracy specifically for handicrafts.

I started selling things, so-called second-hand goods, via the Internet. For some reason, in the first months no one bought anything from me, but from my friends high sales. I was thinking of giving up on this matter and closing up shop when I accidentally came across this site with conspiracies. I have nothing to lose, so I tried to say a couple of things. I won’t say what kind of conspiracy helped, but one grandmother told me, don’t reveal the secret and things will work out. There has been demand for goods for a week now! Thank you!

I don’t work in the retail industry, but for a long time now I haven’t been able to sell my daughter’s baby clothes on the Internet. I’ll try to make such a conspiracy, maybe it will help me finally sell these things. And if it doesn’t work out, I’ll give it to charity.

The ritual with the key is used when selling an apartment. If the property does not sell for a long time and no buyers come, then you need to weld the key and things will move forward! Verified.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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A conspiracy to sell things quickly and successfully

There comes a time in every person's life when it becomes necessary to get rid of some item. Often, there is no desire to throw away an item, since it may be expensive, useful and in good condition.

In this case, the thought of selling an item comes to mind, and a conspiracy to sell an item can help realize the plan much more profitably and faster.

To carry out a successful sale of goods, it is enough to use magical powers and call on higher powers for help in this matter. Thus, without the help of magic, it may take quite a long time to realize what was planned, whereas with the help of magic, the item being sold will be purchased very quickly.

To quickly and profitably sell one thing, it is enough to cast a spell over it, sincerely believing in its power.

Through a magical ritual, you can create talismans, the constant wearing of which will improve the daily sales of goods. Such talismans will be a great help for owners of retail outlets, sellers whose salaries depend on revenue, and ordinary people who occasionally sell personal items.

What determines the effectiveness of the ritual?

In order for the conspiracy to be effective, and for its result to be to the liking of the performer, it is necessary to strictly observe all the requirements for its implementation. So, conspiracies to sell things should be read completely alone, so that no one knows about the ritual.

Moreover, even after the successful sale of the goods, you cannot tell even your closest people about the previously performed ritual, otherwise it will cause some unpleasant consequences.

It is completely unacceptable to laugh at such rituals - they should be taken extremely seriously, otherwise the consequences are inevitable. Only people who believe in magic are allowed to perform the ritual, who know how to concentrate on what they want and put all their strength into the conspiracy. In addition, most of these rituals are carried out on the waxing moon, and 3 days before the ritual the performer is not allowed to drink alcohol.

The enchanted item will bring profit to the seller

People know a large number of conspiracies that can help quickly sell this or that item. So there is a fairly strong ritual for the successful sale of goods through water. Spring water is drawn into the vessel, a spell is pronounced over it three times, after which the item being sold is sprinkled with the enchanted water.

Another no less powerful conspiracy can be read in key. To perform the ritual you will need a glass or clay vessel, spring water and a key. Place the container with water on the fire, then throw the key into the boiling water. The words of prayer are said over the steam 9 times, after which the water is left to cool.

The cooled water along with the key must be poured into a glass vessel. As soon as the day of sale arrives, hands are rinsed with charmed water and the items being sold are sprinkled. It is recommended to keep the key until the next sale.

For the trade to be successful, things must be crossed three times, after which it is necessary to cast a spell over them, while stroking the goods with the right hand.

A very strong ritual for a quick sale is carried out using a nickel. On the waxing Moon, you should take the coin with your right hand, hold it for a while, and then say a prayer over it 12 times.

In order to quickly and profitably sell goods, it is recommended to take a coin with you at all times.

Will the trade be successful?

To avoid consequences, magical rituals should be used in exceptional cases when no other ways to sell the goods are possible. The use of black magic is not free of charge - at some point the performer of the ritual will have to pay for the service provided. So, a merchant may lose some or all of the goods, lose a round sum of money, or pay with his health. The most severe consequences will manifest themselves in cases where the ritual was performed not according to the rules or as a joke - magic does not like to be mocked at.

If one of the goods is covered with a thick layer of dust, and the storekeeper does not remember its location, then you can be wholeheartedly happy for the entrepreneur, since he has a wonderful opportunity to practice selling illiquid goods. It is by successfully selling stale goods that the true art of trading and the talent of an entrepreneur are revealed.

Before you start thinking about a plan to sell stale goods, you need to conduct at least a superficial analysis of the market and decide on the most favorable time to start the company.

Almost every product has seasonal fluctuations in demand, which must be taken into account in order to extract maximum benefits and minimize advertising costs.

Plus, with the upcoming event you can kill two birds with one stone, because if any holiday is expected in the near future, then a sale of illiquid assets timed to coincide with it can not only help get rid of old stocks, but also have a good impact on the sales of the main segment.

The most simple ways sales of illiquid assets - advertising companies. Promotions, issuance of certificates, intensive publications in the media, booklets - all these are proven schemes over the years. Their disadvantage is that all these sales tools are associated with certain costs. Therefore, before spending money on advertising, you can try a number of other standard measures that have virtually no cost implications.

The first thing you should try is to change the product display, placing slow-selling goods on the most prominent shelves. Usually this gives a certain result, and some of the goods are sold out.

The second is to start motivating sales personnel, and it is not at all necessary to base motivation on material promises. A competition for the title of best manager is sometimes quite enough to awaken in people the desire to demonstrate their own professionalism.

This won't be enough for an experienced manager. special problems, after all, selling is pleasure, courage, a subtle game of psychology, and it is much better to captivate people with this than to instill in them a dangerous craving for bonuses and premiums.

In addition, a very popular way of selling illiquid items is to make sets or gifts from stale goods, where they are sold together with popular products. At the same time, you can make a fictitious discount on this set, due to which the buyer will go home very satisfied with the bargain.

What you shouldn’t do when selling illiquid assets is play with your reputation and blatantly deceive the buyer. This is especially true for low-quality goods or food products with expiration dates.

Of course, you can repackage them into other containers or use them in cooking, but if some buyer gets poisoned or discovers a forgery, the store could have very big problems. It is worth understanding that many of the clients will not return after being deceived, and even spread throughout the area about your dishonesty.

A well-built company for the sale of illiquid assets will help the manager to better recognize his mistakes, train staff more deeply in working with clients, and ultimately trading enterprise to much more advantageous positions than firms where there are no illiquid goods.