Customer satisfaction index of successful companies in the world. What metrics characterize the quality of customer experience?

Indexing the degree of consumer satisfaction makes it possible to quantify the contribution of various quality components (tree components) to the general consumer opinion about the quality of the object under study. For this assessment, it is necessary to determine the importance of the components of work quality according to a five-point system and the importance of the components of the quality tree according to a five-point system in descending order of importance:

Rice. 2.2. The importance of the components of work quality on a five-point scale.

To calculate the consumer satisfaction index, one hundred and eight consumers were asked to evaluate:

· the importance of the ten components of hotel operation proposed by the researcher according to the five-point system shown above (Figure 2.2);

· the quality of these components according to a five-point system.

In columns I and II of table. 2.1 shows the results of a consumer survey about the importance hotel services to meet the demands and needs of consumers. Moreover, in column I we can see the average value of the assessment of the importance of each component of the tree, and in column II - the significance (weight) of the component corresponding to this assessment for the consumer in comparison with other components offered to him.

As can be seen from Table 2.1, the most important component of a hotel service is a warm welcome at the reception, so all respondents gave this component of the tree a rating of 5. As a result of this, the average value for the assessment of the importance for the consumer of the reception at the reception also turned out to be 5. Almost the same importance in the eyes of the consumer have such quality tree components as cleanliness in the room and.

At the same time, most consumers of hotel services do not consider it important to have air conditioning in their rooms. This component received the lowest importance score for the tree component, with only 2.5 points. However, it should be taken into account that the consumer survey was conducted in the fall, and by summer the demand for air-conditioned rooms will understandably increase. It is also worth noting the fact that the provision of telematics services in hotels is at a very low level, almost half of respondents gave a rating of 3 and a third of consumers - a rating of 2. It should be noted that every year the importance of providing high-quality Internet access is increasing and will continue to increase. It becomes obvious that the hotel should develop this area. It should be noted that OJSC owns its license to provide Internet access services

Table 2.1 Survey of consumer satisfaction with the work of the Kaliningrad Hotel (consumer satisfaction tree).

Quality assessment

Total amount

Reception at the reception

Availability of parking

Air conditioning in the room

Internet access

Cleanliness of the room

Availability of a business center

Catering in a restaurant

Geographical location of the hotel

Professional suitability of personnel

“Kaliningrad” does not, but currently Ray CJSC, which rents office space from the OJSC, can offer guests Internet access via a telephone line, with their own laptop, which in some cases is not always convenient.

Let us also pay attention to the importance of the hotel’s geographical location. During the survey, the absolute majority of consumers gave a rating of 5 in the importance column of the tree component. It is safe to say that the hotel’s exceptionally favorable geographical location should become the driving force for ensuring a stable advantage over competitors more distant from the center.

Indexing the degree of consumer satisfaction allows you to formalize the organizational work of the company based on the needs and expectations of the consumer.

To compare the degree of consumer satisfaction with the quality of hotel services provided, a consumer satisfaction study was conducted at the Deima Hotel. The Deima hotel complex is one of the most serious competitors of the Kaliningrad hotel in the price segment of the market. A total of 56 people were interviewed. Since the number of respondents is approximately two times less than those surveyed when determining the consumer satisfaction index for the Kaliningrad Hotel, the results should be doubled. For the convenience of comparing the degree of consumer satisfaction with hotel services provided by the above-mentioned hotels, we will construct a map of consumer satisfaction profiles. Using a profile map, you can compare customer satisfaction profiles for a firm's product with the satisfaction profile for a similar product marketed by its competitor. This comparison shows the advantages and disadvantages of the manufactured product after an appropriate assessment of the various components of the satisfaction tree (analysis of the product’s competitiveness) and allows us to outline ways to improve its quality in order to retain the company’s existing consumer and attract a competitor’s consumer to its side.

Table 2.2 Survey of consumer satisfaction with the work of the Deima Hotel (consumer satisfaction tree).

Main components of hotel operation

Importance for consumers of wood components

Quality assessment

Total amount

Average Quality Score

Consumer satisfaction index, %

Reception at the reception

Availability of parking

Air conditioning in the room

Internet access

Cleanliness of the room

Staff proficiency in foreign languages

Availability of a business center

Catering in a restaurant

Geographical location of the hotel

Possibility of booking a room

Professional suitability of personnel

Total: (absolute value of the sum of the numbers in the column)

Average of the numbers of corresponding tree components

Cumulative (integral) value of the average

Average value of performance evaluation and corresponding degree of customer satisfaction.

Analyzing the map we can conclude that the main competitive advantages Hotel "Deima" in front of the hotel "Kaliningrad" is the presence of its own parking and organized Internet access. Also, an undeniable advantage is that in the Deima Hotel two thirds of the rooms are equipped with air conditioning. In the summer season, this factor plays a significant role in the occupancy of the room stock. The main advantage of the Kaliningrad Hotel is its convenient geographical location, which allows potential consumers Those choosing a hotel depending on its distance from the business and cultural center of the city should choose the Kaliningrad Hotel. However, the surveyed guests of the Deima Hotel give low specific gravity such a component of the tree as distance from the center has only 3.5 points, which allows us to conclude that for them the geographical location of the hotel is not a factor shaping the choice. In order to lure these clients to its hotels, OJSC Kaliningrad should develop a strategy for attracting clients not by convenient location, but by the level of quality of the hotel services provided. On average, ratings of the quality of services in hotels differ by half a point, or 10 percent.

This paper describes the method used by BICC General Cable to measure customer satisfaction index (CSI) and a number of selected quality indicators.

The significant contribution of meaningful information obtained by simultaneously measuring feelings and expectations regarding the importance of the properties of products and services provided to the consumer is shown. Describes document formats used to present results that clearly target improvement actions.


In accordance with the principles stated in the first section of the BICC General Cable Mission Statement document, and in order to complement information system quality elements of judgment that allow you to manage processes, focusing on the consumer, in 1996 it was decided to conduct the first serious study on measuring IPM (measuring customer satisfaction). There was full confidence that the information that this index would provide would greatly benefit the development of strategies to help guide the Spanish market through the development of customer loyalty.

The second study was conducted in 1998, and in such a retrospective, having assessments of the positive effects achieved, it is possible to present the accumulated experience to society.

Customer Satisfaction Index

Customer Satisfaction Index (IUP) there is an indicator that synthesizes information about the client’s perception of the quality of products and services provided by the manufacturer. The IEP provides information from the customer's point of view, while measuring perceptions and expectations and allowing the identification of quality profiles and trends, the identification of priorities among improvement opportunities and the motivation to achieve them. The index takes into account the relative importance of the properties of products and services provided to the consumer.

The calculation of the IEP is based on assessments made by clients regarding a certain set of quality indicators developed for this purpose. The results of assessments of these indicators are weighted using weighting coefficients, and the sum of this weighing represents the value of the IUP.

Research base for obtaining an IUP

When conducting this study, the main types of clients were taken into account depending on:

  1. their functions in the market (wholesalers, contractors, utility companies and so on),
  2. sales level (A, B, C...),
  3. geographical area (Andalusia, Catalonia, Center, North, etc.)

For each type of client, two groups of indicators were established - structural and variable.

  1. Structural indicators are those that do not change over time and that form a dynamic system for measuring perceived quality. In this case, it is a matter of understanding the level of overall satisfaction with the services provided, complemented by results relating to the degree of importance that the client attaches to these services.
  2. Variables metrics are those that can change from measurement to measurement according to the company's needs for specific information. Such indicators may be, for example: opinions and assessments of clients regarding the positive and negative aspects of the services offered; opinion regarding services planned for the future; knowledge of the most important customer needs that may create new opportunities or threats; analysis of responses to implemented improvement plans; BICC General Cable's image and profile among its customers compared to those of its competitors.

Study Specifications and Results Report

They represent the various technical aspects that are included in this type of statistical study and in the content of the reports in which the results are presented.

You can conduct surveys of all clients or a small sample of them. In any case, you need to ensure that the procedure used ensures that the results obtained from the sample are representative of all clients. First, a survey was prepared to measure general perception satisfaction, but also wanted to obtain indicators of satisfaction with various quality parameters related to a given product and related services. The information was collected through a general market survey and therefore needed to include important measures of the customer's assessments, expectations and perceptions and intentions regarding their future behavior.

  1. General population. The target population for the study was made up of clients in Spain.
  2. Examination technique. The method used was two-time personal interviews using a survey guide and structured questionnaires, as well as telephone interviews with structured questionnaires.
  3. Sample. During the study, about 70 personal interviews and 80 telephone interviews were conducted with clients scattered across different geographical areas.
  4. Sampling error. The margin of error was calculated for the final population with a confidence level of 95.5% by client type. The total error accepted in the previous study was 6.85%.
  5. Sampling system. Selecting the right sample of clients is fundamental. For the first study, it was decided to select a representative set that would take into account different types of clients and different geographical areas. For each typology of clients, the choice was mixed: a part was determined in a selective manner with the selection of the most representative clients for whom it was important to have information, and the rest of the sample was compiled in a random way.

The second study involved interviewing groups of the same clients who responded to the first survey. Clients who for some reason left this group were replaced by others with the same typological profile. This shows the importance of selecting and defining sample components.

  1. Field work. Interviews were conducted by trained interview consultants.
  2. Presentation of results. Calculations were made using frequencies, arithmetic averages, average statistical deviations, statistical significance criteria and IEP.
  3. Duration of the period. It refers to the time during which the field work was carried out, which in this case took about 40 calendar days.
  4. Incidents. Incidents that occurred during fieldwork were necessarily noted because they may help to understand, influence, or condition the results.
  5. Conclusions and recommendations. Specific findings were obtained regarding various aspects of quality, customer typology, sales volumes, and geographic areas. A positioning map was presented, comparison results with competitors were obtained and areas in which it is necessary to emulate the best were identified, as well as a general conclusion was made and recommendations were given.


The study used 21 indicators, which were grouped into seven quality factors (Table 1). Customers were asked to rate the importance to them of each of the elements that determine the quality of a product or service, with little or no evaluation of the current performance of any company. This made it possible to arrange the indicators in order, while simultaneously establishing the degree of importance of each indicator, and, therefore, to evaluate the weight of each indicator in the entire group of indicators.


Different readings of customer satisfaction indices (IUP).

The results were presented in the form of tables, in which for each indicator the weight, assigned score and resulting IEP. Based on the sum of all indicators, the overall IUP(Table 1).

Table 1. Table of indicators








Security technical characteristics

Product range

Product modernization

Launch of new innovative products

Pre-sales service

General Product Consulting

Consulting on specialty products

Administrative documentation

7 Clarity of invoices received

Customer Service

Effectiveness in handling incidents and problems

Telesales service performance

Courtesy of the staff

Staff productivity

Effectiveness of relationships between engineers and wholesalers during sales

Ease of establishing contacts by phone

Industry information

14 Industry aspects of information

Purchase orders

Delivery characteristics

Completeness of purchase orders

Short delivery time

Advance warning of non-delivery

Commercial support

Manufacturer support in commercial promotions

Visiting sellers for commercial purposes

Total IUP=7.45

For clarity, it is very useful to present the results obtained in the form of a histogram, combining the starting point with the value of the total IUP(Fig. 1). Another graph that is also useful is the comparison IUP different clients based on their typology (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. Assessment of quality indicators

Rice. 2. Distribution of IEP by type of client

Table and graphs in Fig. 1 and 2 were also used to present the results obtained for each type of client. In this case, it is very interesting to look at the assessments of indicators depending on the type of clients, located on the same graph (Fig. 3). Similar steps can be done to compare IEPs by customer type, depending on sales volumes and geographic areas.

Rice. 3. Assessing quality indicators by type of client

In addition to the results obtained at the overall level, the resulting data was processed to obtain a weighting of the contribution made by each customer depending on the ratio of sales of the same product to total sales. These results are presented as weighted results.

Another type of information obtained is a comparative presentation of the IEP depending on the degree of customer commitment to a given company. The degree of commitment to the company was expressed in three gradations: high, medium and low.

Positioning map

Rice. 4. Positioning Map: Conceptual Analysis

A very useful way to analyze the results obtained is to use a positioning map for quality indicators (Fig. 4), along the axes of which the degree of significance of the indicator and the level of satisfaction with it are plotted. The arrangement of indicators in four quadrants has the following conceptual value:

  1. High degree of significance and high level of satisfaction. Such indicators need to be maintained because they are indicators that, while important in determining quality, record above-average levels of satisfaction.
  2. High degree of significance and low level satisfaction. These are indicators that need to be improved in the short term. They, while measures of quality, do not satisfy the customer at a (relatively) optimal level.
  3. Low degree of importance and high level of satisfaction. Probably irrelevant indicators. Indicators that measure added value, mark differentiation among competitors, and can become success factors for a company.
  4. Low degree of importance and low level of satisfaction. Such indicators need to be improved in the medium and long term. These are those indicators to which the consumer does not show a preferential attitude in his assessments, as well as those for which the degree of satisfaction is lower IEP. Such indicators may, over time, give rise to reasons for dissatisfaction, depending on the evolution of their significance.

A positioning map is drawn up for the general IUP(Fig. 5) and for each of the considered types of clients. By analyzing the distribution of indicators, focusing on those in the “needs to improve in the near term” quadrant, the information necessary to develop improvement actions is obtained.

Rice. 5. Indicator positioning map

Comparison with competitors by IUP

In addition to the analysis IUP it was decided to find out the position of BICC General Cable relative to the main competitors in the market for each of the identified indicators. Competitors with whom it would be interesting to compare ourselves were selected and included in the corresponding questionnaires. For each of these competitors, the IUP was calculated, and these indices were compared with the company's indices, which became a source for learning best practices.

Indicator acceptance zone

This zone represents an assessment of the relative position of the indicators to the level of quality that users or consumers are willing to accept. The zones are determined by data collected from the group of manufacturers analyzed. The data obtained for each indicator is presented on a graph (Fig. 6), in which the initial data is divided into three zones:

  1. Risk zone. This zone is characterized by levels of perceived quality that are lower than those that the consumer is willing to accept.
  2. Acceptability zone. This zone includes the quality levels that the consumer is willing to accept.
  3. Zone of difference. This zone is characterized by quality levels higher than expected or required. The indicators located in the zone of difference are those indicators that generate added value and therefore contribute to the creation of customer loyalty by creating differences (in quality characteristics compared to other competitors - editor's note).

Rice. 6. Evaluation of indicators relative to the acceptance zone


When describing the main parameters of the study on the IEP, it was already indicated that the second group of target indicators consists of variable indicators. A set of questions was compiled, such as:

  1. What is your opinion about BICC General Cable (positive or negative)?
  2. What are the positive and negative aspects of competitors in the market?
  3. What aspects could improve customer relationships with BICC General Cable?
  4. What aspects does the company in question need to improve in its relationships with its customers, and which of these aspects is BICC General Cable able to address?
  5. To what extent do certain aspects cause concern?
  6. What aspects of the service provided by BICC General Cable would benefit from improvement?
  7. What specific details are causing concern?


Another type of information that the study allowed us to obtain was information about the habits and customs of clients. To this end, a series of questions were formulated. Here are some of them: “What manufacturers do you work with? Who makes purchasing decisions? What is the application frequency? What is the average inventory level? etc.


It was also interesting to find out the image of both your company and competitors’ companies in the eyes of consumers. For this purpose, questions were compiled on product properties, known services, level of purchases, etc.


Measuring the customer satisfaction index provides an extremely valuable tool for assessing external influences on the customer, namely the quality of products and services that are offered to him. The information that these measurements provide serves as a means of orientation and guidance in developing strategies for not only satisfying consumers, but also for nurturing customer loyalty.

The expectations that were at the beginning of the first study in 1996 were more than fulfilled. As a result, it was decided to carry out measurements IUP on a regular and periodic basis. The second version of the study was carried out in 1998, which allowed us to see the evolution of the process, the effect of actions taken based on the results of the first study, and trends.

Measurement of the customer satisfaction Index. — 43rd EOQ Congress Proceedings, Madrid, 1999, pp. 105-113.

Φ. Rodriguez, Marketing and Logistics Manager,
F. Creus, Quality Manager, Commercial Department BICCGeneralCable,

Translation: V. A. Korolkevich

  • posted in the section: Quality Management
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    How CSI helps create a better customer experience

    CSI 1, or customer satisfaction index, for many companies is becoming the main indicator on the basis of which long-term relationships with clients are built. There is a relationship between increasing customer loyalty and increasing company revenue.

    This approach allows companies to become customer-centric, introduce new products and services in a timely manner, and improve the quality of service. Foreign and Russian companies in the fight for loyalty, they began to proactively request feedback from customers at all points of contact. This allows companies to quickly respond and change according to customer wishes. The CSI indicator is now used in their work by many companies from small cafes and cosmetic companies to large mobile operators and banks

    As part of its customer-centric model, Sberbank takes daily CSI measurements in various customer service channels. The bank carefully monitors that promises to customers are fulfilled, including the availability of necessary services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, financial security, problem solving at the moment of contact, friendly attitude, qualified service and much more.

    Sberbank offices have posted information that the bank conducts CMC surveys on the quality of service from the number “9000”. Messages asking you to evaluate the bank's performance are sent out a day or two after the client interacts with the bank, and customer satisfaction is measured on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 indicates that the client is completely dissatisfied, and 10 means very satisfied. Over the first 6 months of 2016, out of 19 million clients, approximately 1.6 million have already left feedback, which is used to improve processes in the bank. Employees financial organization realize the importance CSI indicators. Receiving feedback is necessary, the essence of such communication relationships between the client and the brand is to get to know your customers as closely as possible, thereby building long-term relationships, which in turn will help the company become more customer-centric.

    Sberbank also pays attention to the Index of Willingness to Recommend the Bank (NPS 2), which is determined using telephone surveys of clients of all segments. The ratio of customer requests to the number of transactions carried out by customers in various channels (CR) is also recorded. The FCR 3 indicator stands out separately - the share of requests resolved “here and now” in relation to the total volume of received requests. This data is not just numbers for a report or presentation, but a real mechanism for generating and implementing new services, as well as increasing the level of customer service.

    Sberbank clients also have the opportunity, without waiting for a call or CMC from the bank, to independently contact the 24-hour contact center at any time and leave their feedback. You can call the well-known free short number 900, common for the operators MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2 4 and available in Russia.

    Researching its audience using the given metrics helped Sberbank become a laureate of the annual “Consumer Rights and Quality of Service” award 5 held in the Russian Federation for the second time in a row. The bank was awarded for implementing the “Golden Rules” of customer service and launching a system for collecting feedback from customers via SMS. According to the head of the modernization department customer experience Alexandra Altukhova, thanks to metrics, the client is at the center of all the bank’s activities. “We measure the level of satisfaction with our services every day and evaluate the quality of service in various channels. In June 2016, the NPS index reached 58%. The highest figure is in the youth (63%) and mass segments (59%),” noted Alexandra Altukhova.

    Today, it is important to implement such metrics in every company. As the example of Sberbank showed, this helps to involve employees in more detail in resolving client issues, motivate the team, promptly identify shortcomings in work and quickly eliminate them, make realistic forecasts for the future, and most importantly, build an open dialogue with clients.

    1 CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) - consumer satisfaction index - allows you to identify the value and ratio of price, quality, availability and other factors of the company that affect customer loyalty.

    2 NPS (Net promoter score) is an index for determining consumers’ commitment to a product or company, as well as their willingness to recommend them to other clients. Used to assess readiness for repeat purchases. At Sberbank, the NPS of a specific channel is measured by conducting telephone surveys of clients of all segments. Sberbank calculated the index independently based on its own data and customer surveys.

    3 FCR (First contact resolution) - the share of requests resolved “here and now”. Sberbank evaluates the ratio of requests resolved immediately to the total volume of received requests.

    4 Number 900 for subscribers of mobile operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2 in Russia. Tariffing is free when you are in your home region and in intranet roaming.

    5 More information about the award can be found on the website In 2015, Sberbank of Russia OJSC won an award in the special category “The Most Customer-Oriented Bank”; in 2016, Sberbank PJSC was the winner of the award in the nomination “The Most Client-Centric Bank” in the category “Financial Literacy and Openness.”

    In which he presented a new way of measuring loyalty that he had developed. The publication was preceded by several years of research into the correlation between indicators traditionally used to assess loyalty and true loyalty, which manifests itself not in words, but in the client’s behavior: more frequent purchases, higher checks and recommendations of the company to friends.

    Eat interesting fact, about which many studies of behavioral psychology write: once having made a decision - choosing a brand, service for yourself, tariff plan, store - a person is inclined not to change his choice unless something pushes him away. The company makes a lot of efforts to attract the client: it needs to surpass competitors, customer expectations, etc. But, having received a client, the main thing is not to alienate him with your actions, that is, to provide customer experience, corresponding expectations.

    In 2013, the United States studied the reasons why clients changed banks. A more attractive offer from competing banks was the reason for changing banks only in 15% of cases. Another quarter of clients changed banks for reasons beyond the bank’s control: change of employer, place of residence, personal changes, which lead to people starting to use banking services differently. In 60% of cases, the reason for opening an account in a new bank was the inconvenience created by the old bank for clients - a failure to meet their expectations.

    Identifying and eliminating customer inconveniences (reducing the share of detractors) is the main direction of the company’s efforts to increase NPS.

    At the same time, it is important for the company to identify and eliminate problems that are significant to the largest portion of customers. These may be problems that are not written about in complaint books, that are not addressed to the call center, or that employees are not aware of. Solving the problems that are shouted about the loudest will not affect the overall index if only a few people face these problems.

    Customers who are about to make a purchase come with personal expectations about price and quality, and also expect a certain level of service. The success of a company and the growth of its financial and non-financial indicators depend precisely on how well it manages to adapt to the client.

    What does the CSI measure?

    Customer Satisfaction Index (abbreviated as CSI), or translated into Russian is “customer satisfaction index”. It is an assessment of consumer satisfaction after his interaction with the company. In other words, with the help of CSI you can find out how successful the client’s experience of visiting a particular company was.

    The CSI Customer Satisfaction Index allows you to evaluate the following indicators:

    • how satisfied the client is with a particular process, service or product of a particular company;
    • how satisfied the client is with the overall interaction with the company;
    • How satisfied is the client with the interaction with the competitor company.

    A client who has a high level of satisfaction from interacting with a company will definitely return again, make a purchase again, and also recommend the company to those around him.

    Experts consider the customer satisfaction index to be the most used non-financial indicator. Managers of most companies consider CSI as the most reliable non-financial indicator of future financial efficiency. In other words, the higher the customer’s CSI level in the present, the more loyal he will be to the company in the future, and therefore will make purchases from the company again.

    For managers, calculating the CSI customer satisfaction index helps answer one of the most important questions: how loyal are its customers to the company? After all, research has shown that retaining a current client costs a company much less than attracting a new one.

    Method of collecting information for calculating CSI

    In order to collect complete information, it is necessary to use both quantitative and qualitative methods.

    Surveys are actively used. For example, in most companies you will notice special buttons with positive and negative ratings. After interacting with the company, customers are asked to make their choice. Surveys are also used to find out the overall customer satisfaction with using a company's product or service. To do this, the client must give a rating from 1 to 5, where a rating of 1 indicates complete dissatisfaction, and a rating of 5 indicates complete satisfaction.

    Special focus groups can also be used, in which the company's clients participate. A focus group can provide a better understanding of customer loyalty.

    CSI Customer Satisfaction Index Formula

    An example of how to calculate the CSI is the equation below.

    CSI = sum Wj (Pij - Eij), in which:

    • k - shows the number of analyzed attributes;
    • Wj - shows the weight factor of the attribute;
    • Pij is the created perception of stimulus i in relation to attribute j;
    • Eij is the expected level for attribute j, which is the norm for stimulus I.

    American Customer Satisfaction Index

    ACSI, or American Consumer Satisfaction Index, shows a rating that is based on an analysis of the consumer's desires and expectations, how he perceives price and quality. Thanks to this index, companies can measure customer satisfaction not only on a continuous basis, but also on a quarterly basis. The data source will be various customer surveys.

    It is worth remembering that large annual surveys, as well as focus group research, are quite expensive. Most often, companies resort to short surveys as they also provide essential information about customer satisfaction but are relatively inexpensive.

    NPS Customer Satisfaction Index

    Net Promoter Score or NPS customer satisfaction index literally stands for “net promoter index”. This index was first used in 2003, when it was proposed by F. Reichheld in a business magazine. In his opinion, the most closely related to actual customer loyalty is the willingness to tell and recommend the organization to friends. This readiness is the only indicator of customer loyalty.

    NPS index calculation

    The methodology for changing loyalty is based on two questions that are asked to current customers. Former and potential clients are not considered. The first question asks: “How likely are you to recommend the company to your family and friends?” The score is set in the range from 0 to 10, where a value of 0 indicates the client’s complete reluctance to recommend the company, and a value of 10 indicates his 100% desire to make a recommendation.

    Depending on the answer, the client is ranked into one of the groups:

    • Promoter clients. Those who gave a rating of 9 or 10. The most loyal customers to the company. The company can expect their recommendation.
    • Neutral clients. These are recipients who rated the company with 7 or 8 points. Such clients are rated as “passive”; they may or may not recommend the company to friends.
    • Critical clients. They give the company a rating from 0 to 6. Such customers are dissatisfied with their interaction with the company, and it is unlikely that you should expect a recommendation from them. Quite the opposite.

    The customer satisfaction index is calculated by subtracting the percentage of “promoters” and “detractors.” The index shows the level of customer loyalty. The index value can vary from -100, if all surveyed clients fell into the “critics” group, to +100, if the situation is the opposite.

    CSAT Customer Satisfaction Index

    Customer Satisfaction Score is an average indicator of customer satisfaction. Using this index, the client has the opportunity to evaluate the experience of his interaction with the company. For example, some action, including communicating with support, obtaining additional information, or returning a purchased product, can be rated by the buyer on a certain scale.

    The indicator is measured by conducting a survey among buyers. This can be an automated questionnaire that sounds after a telephone conversation between the manager and the buyer or is sent via SMS or email. The company sends out a survey asking the consumer to rate their level of satisfaction with the experience. The scale often ranges from 1 to 5, where a value of 1 indicates that the customer is completely dissatisfied with the service, and a value of 5 indicates that the customer is completely satisfied. The final CSAT Customer Satisfaction Index score is displayed as the % of customers who gave a rating of 5.

    CES and SCI indices

    Customer Effort Score allows you to analyze the level of effort a client needs to put into resolving his issue when interacting with an organization. The lower this indicator, which means the less effort the client puts into interacting with the company, the higher the likelihood of his loyalty to this company.

    The Secure Customer Index shows the level of reliability and confidence in customers. It is most related to the profitability of the company, its market share, as well as the number of regular customers. If the SCI value is less than 0.7, then these clients belong to the “risky” group; with a value from 0.9 to 1.0, clients belong to the safe group, in other words, the most loyal. Values ​​between 0.7 and 0.9 define neutral clients.


    When analyzing customer satisfaction, it is also worth paying attention to some comments. When satisfying customer needs to improve your customer satisfaction index, you need to pay attention to the cost of achieving high index scores.

    Today's fast-growing markets do not guarantee that, with high satisfaction index scores, companies will be secure in the future financial results. Customers may rate a company's product or service highly, but make a purchase from a competing company because the customer found its product more profitable or attractive.

    The company needs to analyze the customer satisfaction index using various techniques. A large survey conducted once a year may not be enough to complete the picture of determining customer loyalty.

    Index values ​​that the company needs to strive for

    By analyzing the customer satisfaction index, companies can also analyze the customer churn rate. It should not exceed 5%.

    The final calculation using the NPS customer satisfaction index formula should not be lower than 50. This is the value that is positive for the company. The CSAT score should be close to 80%.

    The level of customer satisfaction can be influenced by the reliability of the company, the range and cost of products, and the ability to take advantage of various credit and installment programs. The client’s opinion is also influenced by the presence of documentary evidence of the safety of the company’s product. An important parameter is the client’s opinion about the company’s service: fast or long, friendly or not. All the small factors add up to one single opinion, which is what allows us to analyze customer satisfaction indices.