Russian Personnel Worker Day. The important role of the HR profession

Day personnel worker(Personnel Officer's Day) began to be celebrated in Russia relatively recently, in 2005, on the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress.

It must be said that it has not yet received official status. Although, in Russia there is currently a huge number of highly qualified personnel workers who know their job very well. And, of course, with their work they deserved their own holiday.

It turns out that in different regions In our country, this holiday is celebrated on different days. For example, to do this, select the dates of creation of enterprises and organizations or the dates of formation of the personnel service at them. But there are two most common dates. Both of them are timed to coincide with important events of national scale that occurred in our country in different years and were directly related to personnel workers.

The date May 24 was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1835, a decree was issued in Tsarist Russia “On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and workers employed by them.” It became the first document regulating the relationship between employer and employee in our country. Until this moment, we simply did not have such documents. Therefore, very often the rights of workers were infringed by employers, but they could not do anything about it. According to this decree, for the first time in Russia not only the rights of the parties, but also their responsibilities were officially defined.

It is logical to consider this date as the beginning of the formation of relations between employers and employees in our country. In any, even the most small company, there is an employee responsible for working with personnel, and in large structures these are entire departments numbering a dozen or even more people, and today we again congratulate everyone Russian workers personnel services Happy HR Day.

Profession HR officer

Today, HR officers are available in any, even small, company or firm. After all, someone must take responsibility for recruiting and working with personnel. And in large structures, entire departments, staffed by professional personnel officers, are engaged in such work.

It is impossible not to note the importance of this profession. After all, it depends on its representatives which people will be on the staff of a particular company. And the work of the company, in turn, directly depends on the professionalism and experience of its employees.

The second date when this holiday is celebrated is October 12. On this day in 1918 in the USSR, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved a document - a special instruction on the establishment of the Soviet police. It must be said that the first personnel apparatus or personnel departments, as we used to call them, were created by the Bolsheviks precisely under the police of the RSFSR. Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs began to celebrate this day, and after some time this tradition appeared in all other enterprises of the country.

Although this holiday is unofficial, various ceremonial events are still held on this day. High officials of Russia, according to established tradition, congratulate employees of personnel services.

Every year, the holiday “Personnel Officer’s Day” is becoming increasingly famous and popular. Of course, the human factor plays a crucial role in the rise of the economy, the development of culture, education, etc. HR employees play a very important role in the formation of a highly qualified team of any company.

The work of a personnel officer

The quality of their work in forming the organization’s team largely determines the extent to which the organization will be able to achieve its goals. Do not think that the work of HR officers is simple. The areas of work of a modern personnel service are quite complex and multifaceted. It includes not only personnel accounting and personnel records management, but also the organization of personnel training, the remuneration system, personnel development, the implementation of social benefits and guarantees.

We can say that the days have already passed when almost everyone, even people without special education, could work in human resources departments. And their main responsibility was maintaining their documentation.

Currently, the HR department is most often called the Personnel Management Service, and its employees are called PH managers. But the point is not even in the name change, but in the functions that the personnel department now performs. They are serious and meaningful.

Tasks of HR employees

It is this service that has the task of serious selection professional personnel, and at all levels, including top managers. Its employees are engaged in training and professional development of employees and personnel development. They also regulate wages, decide who is entitled to what social package, and also conduct employee certification. Moreover, this is a list of them professional responsibilities doesn't end.

It is clear that people who work in this service have special education and are aware of the importance of their work.

HR professionals today include recruiters, HR supervisors, training managers, HR managers, benefits and compensation specialists, and organizational HR managers.

Qualified HR specialists are the pride of any enterprise, any company, any organization.

The HR service strives to provide the employer with competent and responsible professionals who know how to find a way out of a difficult situation. Working with personnel is very painstaking work, like any other work with people. A HR employee must be a real psychologist. This work also requires a person to have communication skills, patience, attentiveness and the ability to understand people well.

The right choice of candidate will help increase labor productivity, increase the organization's profits and employee loyalty. These people cannot make mistakes. After all wrong choice may cause losses and low efficiency of the company due to insufficient competence of employees. This also leads to the need for frequent replacement of employees.

Congratulations on HR Day

A career employee means a lot.
This means that there is more work every day.
We sincerely wish you all the best.
And success in your difficult business.
Nowadays, personnel decides a lot,
And they determine the future of the country.
On this day today everyone congratulates you,
Be faithful to your profession to the end!

Congratulations on HR Day!
From the bottom of my heart I wish to remember - do not forget that personnel decides everything!!! Let everything go just wonderful today, October 12, on your professional holiday: your boss will increase your salary; colleagues sincerely and heartily congratulate and wish; and all your plans and ideas will come true easily, as quickly and efficiently as possible. May everything be wonderful in your life, may fate present only pleasant, wonderful surprises, may life always please you and be filled with meaning!

Every company daily
We need different personnel
For everyday work
Different shots are important.
You are the best of the best
You see right through people
Best wishes-
We want to say it quickly.
Let work be a fairy tale!
On this day of the personnel officer
We wish you without fear,
May life be sweet!
Documents are like clouds
Don't let them put pressure on you.
May you not be cooler-
We wish you all love!

Congratulations on Personnel Worker Day! Thank you for the talented newcomers, but you yourself are simply irreplaceable, and we will never let you go! Maybe only on vacation. Always remain an amazing, active and cheerful person!

Today we honor the personnel officer -
Almost like a director of a company.
A river will flow into the HR department,
Here knowledge of the Labor Code is instead of a screen.
Try, hire the wrong person for the company -
The business will work out at a loss.
And the director will ask who is responsible for this?
Who can't escape a hundred tortures?
Our thoughtful, smart, dear personnel officer,
We sincerely congratulate you!
You are an inexhaustible source of knowledge,
We wish you peaceful work!

At any enterprise the most irreplaceable and valuable employee- personnel officer. It’s as if all new employees go through an X-ray when they get a job. After all, success at a factory or company depends on your choice. The personnel service celebrates its holiday today. We wish you only joy and good luck. May your work never be a burden to you, may only words of gratitude be addressed to you. May hope, faith and love never leave you in life. May this holiday be a success.

We congratulate you on HR Day!
Your valiant work has always been difficult.
We wish you success and patience,
May yours be wonderful life path!
Each employee knows you personally,
You know everything about our work experience.
Let everything be great in your work,
So that everyone speaks of you with warmth!

Between the outside world and the company there is a reliable guard who will allow only the most worthy into the work team, and today we hasten to him with a business bow and warm congratulations, because our personnel officer is fully worthy of this! Dear (name, patronymic), be tireless and diligent, look at candidates as if at transparent glass, and most importantly - never grow old in soul and remain yourself!

You keep me pretty
With a confident hand
Our salary, pension
And an entry in the labor record.
Let all the absurdities get sick
Out of sight!
And let happiness stick to you
And he won’t let you go!
Mighty health to you!
So let every milestone of yours
Brings prosperity
And an ocean of hopes!..

Dear (name, patronymic)! Please accept my sincere congratulations on HR Day. There is no doubt that the human factor plays a decisive role in the rise of the economy, education, culture and other areas of activity. Of no small importance in the formation of highly qualified personnel of any organization is given to personnel services employees. Its ability to achieve its goals depends on how professionally they form the organization’s team. The areas of work of the personnel service are complex and multifaceted - it is not only personnel accounting and personnel records management, it is a personnel training company, a system of motivation and remuneration, personnel development, the implementation of social benefits and guarantees. Behind all this is the daily, painstaking work of all personnel department employees. I sincerely wish you fruitful work, inspiration, new productive ideas.

SMS congratulations on HR Day

Happy HR Day!
Your role in the company is great.
Hiring and firing,
Prepare orders and work books.
Everything must be strictly according to the law,
You need to know labor laws.
Happy holiday, I wish you success,
And may the Lord help you everywhere.

Personnel always decide everything
There are thousands of them, not hundreds,
You know it's true
You are a personnel employee.
May there be happiness for years to come,
Health will be strong
And remember this important fact,
That personnel are people.

Let your life match your important work: clothes - from Versace, a dacha - in Switzerland, a vacation - in the Canary Islands. Let no one disturb the tea harmony during the lunch break... and let the candidates you have selected not let you down.

Today is an unusual holiday -
Today is HR day!
Let the salary be decent
Let the work be easy.
I sincerely wish you fun,
So that your soul is at ease,
Be in a good mood
Always fly high!

When working with personnel, you are king and god,
You are in charge of personnel affairs.
Please accept SMS from warm lines,
Let everything you dream about come true!

Personnel Worker Day (HR Day)- a holiday for all personnel service workers, all those who are responsible for forming a team of highly qualified specialists and intelligent interns. There is no personnel day official status, therefore, in our country this holiday has several dates for celebration, but two are considered the most popular - October 12 and May 24.

Don’t be like everyone else - make your congratulations unforgettable and unique. We suggest using the audio congratulations service to organize a small but pleasant surprise for people dear and close to you.
Such congratulations will be original and memorable, which will definitely add to the mood of the recipient. And a good mood is the best gift! After all, it is with him that all the most intimate and vivid wishes and their immediate fulfillment begin!

This could be a musical, cheerful congratulation to the bartender based on a popular song, or a voice postcard for the bartender with beautiful poetry. A great surprise would be a congratulation for the personnel officer from President Putin, who will personally address him with a solemn speech and wish him all the best at work and happiness in the family.

Congratulations on HR Day to your phone you can listen to and send to the recipient on a mobile or smartphone as a musical or voice greeting. You can order and send congratulations on Personnel Officer’s Day to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard.

Good luck to you! IN as a last resort, just listen to the audio congratulations, fortunately it’s free!

Personnel Worker Day 2019 is celebrated in Russia on October 12. The date is celebrated by personnel selection and training specialists, HR managers, HR inspectors, benefits and compensation specialists, and heads of personnel services.

The key task for ensuring high performance indicators of any enterprise, institution, or organization is the selection of qualified personnel. Personnel must be trained and motivated, their records must be kept, and a list must be developed. job responsibilities. Employees called upon to perform these functions have their own professional holiday.

Holiday traditions

The management recognizes the best employees of the HR department with certificates of honor, gratitude and memorable gifts. Radio and television stations broadcast programs about the profession of personnel officers and employment.

History of the holiday

The holiday is unofficial. Its date has symbolic meaning. On October 12, 1918, the “Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers’ and peasants’ militia” was signed. The document decided to form personnel departments within the established state structure.

For the first time, the tradition of celebrating the event arose in the personnel services of the internal affairs bodies.

About the profession of personnel worker

HR department employees hire, manage personnel, maintain accounting documentation, and participate in the development of a competitive motivation program for enterprise employees. Having received an order to hire, they conduct interviews with job seekers, during which the best candidate is selected. Their tasks may also include training staff, conducting training on personal development, organizing corporate events - holidays for company personnel.

The path to the profession of a personnel worker begins with obtaining a specialized education in secondary specialized or higher education. educational institution. The future employee must successfully pass exams, confirming the level of acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in management, psychology, marketing and other disciplines.

A personnel officer must be able to make the right decisions, conduct dialogue, be a purposeful, friendly, responsible and punctual person, have analytical warehouse mind.

A personnel officer is an important and necessary employee in various enterprises. After all, it is precisely such an employee who is responsible for office work, training and retraining of personnel, professionalism and team cohesion. And, despite the fact that Personnel Officer’s Day is not officially celebrated, it is of great importance. Therefore, most organizations organize on this day holiday events, congratulate their personnel officers with pleasant gifts and warm words. In this article we will look at when HR Day is in 2018 in Russia, the main traditions and history of this day.

Celebration date

Personnel Officer's Day is an unofficial professional holiday. Therefore, there is no precisely established date for its celebration. Because of this, Personnel Officer Day is celebrated on October 12 and May 24. At the same time, at many enterprises Personnel Officer's Day is celebrated on other days, for example, on the day of formation of the workforce, change of the management system or other important events.

However, the most popular date for celebrating Personnel Officer's Day is October 12. After all, a story that has almost a hundred years of history is connected with this date.

History of the holiday

Personnel Officer's Day dates back to 1918. This year saw the formation of a new labor society. When the new police were formed, the first personnel departments appeared. Therefore, the appearance of personnel officers is associated with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After that, personnel departments appeared in most large enterprises.

However, there is another date from which the history of the holiday could begin. In 1835, a regulation was approved regulating the relationship between employees and the employer. Thanks to this provision workers received protection from the arbitrariness of managers. IN modern Russia Personnel Officer Day began to be celebrated only in 2005.

Celebration traditions

Despite the lack of official status as a holiday, almost every enterprise celebrates it. On this day workers HR department receive congratulations from superiors and colleagues, accept gifts and pleasant congratulatory words.

In addition, most enterprises organize events for HR employees on this day. These can be large-scale corporate events, where all employees of the enterprise are invited, or more modest buffets.

The best personnel officers of the enterprise also receive incentives in the form of bonuses, gifts and diplomas. In addition, on this day the management expresses its gratitude for the important work in recruiting the team. After all, it is impossible to imagine the work of any enterprise without personnel officers. The results of the work of HR officers are visible in the cohesion of the team. After all, every personnel officer is also a psychologist who had to determine whether the applicant would be able to join the team. And the success of the enterprise immediately shows how skillfully and correctly the team was selected. Therefore, on this day, every personnel officer deserves gratitude for his work, warm words, gifts and attention from colleagues and management.

HR Day in Russia in 2018 is approaching. If there are personnel officers among your circle, you need to congratulate them on their professional holiday. After all, on this day they deserve sincere congratulations and pleasant gifts.

Every company has one or more serious and responsible people responsible for working with personnel. Heads of personnel services, personnel managers, personnel inspectors. All these workers dedicated their lives to a very important cause - employment of citizens, regulation labor relations, protection labor rights workers. HR specialists are needed not only for large enterprises with thousands of employees, but also in any small workforce.

Since 2005, Russia has celebrated Personnel Officer Day on May 25 by decision of the All-Russian Personnel Congress. In 1835, on this day, the first document regulating the relationship between employee and employer was published, it was called “On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and workers employed by them.”

People rush to the HR department with papers,
And everyone dreams of a small miracle:
About a couple of days off, about a vacation in May,
That the dates be agreed upon by everyone.

Any personnel officer will handle the matter quickly,
Kohl can find at least a little meaning there.
Our career is in their hands,
Therefore, we must love this area:

Appreciate their work, don’t bother them
And on a busy day give an hour of rest,
Give coffee, tea, cake and chocolate,
So that the personnel officer is kind, cheerful and happy during the day.

Let me congratulate you
Happy HR Day!
Let there be work
Nice and easy.

Let the boss be happy
Intelligent team
And encourages generously
For your painstaking work.

We wish you good health,
Wonderful intuition
And holidays on a grand scale
In Cannes or Nice.

Congratulations on Personnel Officer’s Day and wish you perseverance, courage, confidence, rigor in important matters and ease in every day of life. Let everything work out at work, let every morning begin with great idea, good news, great luck. And may success, prosperity and happiness always increase!

Today is a holiday - personnel officer's day,
And I congratulate you with a smile,
Good luck and health forever
I wish you with all my heart and warmth.

Let everything be easy at work,
And any endeavors go well,
Let the sun smile through the window
And warms with warm rays.

We sincerely congratulate you
Happy HR Day.
We call for your health,
Happiness - for centuries!

Let people respect you
They appreciate your talent and work.
Let the salary increase
Your nerves are protected.

In your personal life - good luck.
May happiness await you in your deeds.
Positive, mood,
All good things in life!

Personnel worker -
Company pleaser.
He reads orders
Fills out paperwork.

Work experience is written into everyone's work report
And he knows when our vacation is.
He staffs
So that the working plan does not suffer.

Congratulations on your day
And we sincerely wish
Health in life, laughter,
In the profession of success,
Love and inspiration,
Finance replenishment!

Personnel officers are held in high esteem everywhere,
Because at work
He is the director's assistant
And a doer of various things.

On this day we congratulate you,
We collectively glorify your work.
Always be like this -
Sweet, kind, lively.

Happy HR Day to you
Congratulations today,
In personnel matters
I wish you order.

I wish in the states
You didn't know the turnover
So that according to the article it is bad
People weren't fired.

So that the team is friendly,
Soldered together
The credit for this is yours,
Favorite personnel officer.

I wish you happiness in life,
Good luck at work,
Your work to be appreciated
And he was always held in high esteem.

Happy holiday to you
I want, my personnel officer.
Your contribution to the common work
Very important and great.

I wish you great shots
And salaries of a hundred thousand.
So that in work and personal life
Definitely lucky.

Let your company strengthen and grow,
Let your income increase from this.
Your boss is always behind you.
Yes, he orders you to provide a kettle for tea.
Work so as not to tire yourself,
And personal affairs were rearranged.
At lunch it’s convenient to sit down,
Treat yourself to a huge delicious cake.
Let them always come to you for advice.

Workers are brought to your harsh trial.
Success and career, always be held in high esteem.

Congratulations to those who know for sure
Will answer the question both during the day and in the dark at night.
The question sounds so simple and so difficult:
So that things go well, where can I find reliable workers?
You keep records of workers and employees,
And you know them all!
You are the ones who are precise and smart in everything.
Especially how to draw up an employment contract.
Systematic career for you!
Solve problems on topic!
Good luck to you!

The professional holiday of a personnel employee is considered to be October 12. This day, the decision was made to organize the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia, where the personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies first appeared. Over time, the holiday was successfully recognized by many other enterprises where personnel officers worked. Due to the fact that in Russia this is an unofficially approved professional holiday, it has other dates for holiday greetings in different parts of our country. So, some workers celebrate it on May 24th. What kind of profession is a personnel officer? The activities of this service are multifaceted: personnel selection, organization of their work, progressive development of remuneration and motivation systems, provision of social guarantees and benefits. HR employees perform their duties daily and scrupulously. Employees of personnel services celebrate their professional day with congratulations, gifts, holding various competitive events, and solemnly presenting certificates of honor for work well done. On this day, it is especially important to hear the boss’s words about how the company’s personnel, thanks to their competence, constitute a close-knit, efficient team.

In life, personnel decides everything.
Everything will be written down, everything will be taken into account:
Some are on maternity leave, some are at their desks,
All sick notes will be read,
All days off will be counted
Vacations will be scheduled sooo...
Personnel! Congratulations!
We can't do anything without you!

I hasten to congratulate you on HR Day
And wish you inspiration in your work,
And even though sometimes the work is not easy,
I want to do everything with special zeal.

Let success always await you in your career,
And let there be no sorrows in life,
I wish you to always be the happiest of all,
And do everything with good mood!

Our dear personnel officers! Congratulations on your professional holiday! May your staff be grateful, your programs not hang, and your work always be duly appreciated. We wish you to always have trouble-free health, strong nerves, inexhaustible strength, and inspired energy! New victories, good luck and simple crazy human happiness!

In the works, in the worries of the personnel officer,
He's not used to hitting the bullshit.
The main resource is personnel.
Here you need to “sweat” a fair amount,
To take everything into account and remember everything
In the flow of cases, always huge.
And even on a holiday - a day of honor -
You've got a lot of work to do.
So that work does not seem like torment,
Let's interrupt him for congratulations.

Let the money rustle in your pockets:
A big salary worthy of you -
For the sea, the dacha, for the car!
Let your vacation be frequent and long.
Let there be time for dreams,
For fun, for partying.
And even on a gloomy and gray day
To you - warmth, love without measure,
Bright, radiant smiles!
We are very grateful to you for everything.

Today is HR Day.
His job is not easy -
Write orders, remember the Labor Code,
And there is always a lot to do.
But let you be within the walls of your home
Love will definitely warm you.
Let the work be forgotten
So that there is no time for the Labor Code,
So that the heart bathes in happiness.
And everything I dreamed about came true!

Happy HR Worker's Day!
Happiness, growth and success,
Let them remain behind the scenes
All annoying obstacles.

Everyday life will become simpler and brighter
And the weekend is longer
The footage will be just a miracle:
Strong-willed, fighting.

All paper work
Happens with a bang
There will be joy - without counting
And full of goodness!

Congratulations on the glorious date,
Happy wonderful HR Day!
Let luck be obvious
And the profession is easy.

And the smile will become wider,
And there is fire in the eyes,
The sky will be clear, peaceful,
Happiness falls into the palm of your hand.

May the workers succeed
They won't pass by
And income without hindrance
They'll grow up soon!

Today you can postpone
Orders, folders and cases,
It's a wonderful day outside,
Your holiday is Personnel Officer's Day.

And that's why today you
We congratulate the whole crowd.
Health, strength, success to you,
The salary and bonuses are great.

Let the boss praise you more often,
Work only brings joy,
And let the happy moment more than once
Fortune will bring it to you.

I would like to congratulate all personnel officers
And wish you patience in your work,
Less busy days for you,
More strength, more colorful mood!

I wish you only friendly colleagues,
So that work can only be a joy!
May success accompany you in your career,
And things always go up!

Our HR department is simply brilliant -
Cheerful, kind, young.
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart
You are awesome this holiday!

Success in life and work,
Not childish love, with a sparkle,
Conditions are like at a resort
To you in the labor office!

So that everything comes true and everything works out,
Things were in order,
And a twinkle in the eyes of happy people,
So that it doesn’t fade for a moment!
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