Thank you very much for your cooperation! A test questionnaire to determine the type of work motivation of an employee. Experience comes first.

In a crisis, what comes to the fore is not so much the level of wages, although it is also important by definition, but rather the stability of the employer.

The recruiting company Antal Russia conducted a survey among 200 middle and senior managers, 66% of whom work in foreign companies, and 41% are employees of companies with more than 500 employees.

The survey revealed that mid- and senior-level specialists and managers most value the stability of the company they work for. 21% of respondents answered this way.

“The question of the stability of the company a year ago was not among the first questions that candidates asked us about a potential employer,” comments Liliya Maslova, head of the department for working with retail chains at the recruiting company Antal Russia. “Now, the first thing candidates want to know is when going to an interview with an employer, what are the company’s plans for the future, and is the company ready to maintain the current pace of development? More questions arise regarding the structure of the company and the stability of the business.”

16% of Antal Russia survey participants admitted that they consider a strong brand and good reputation to be an advantage of their company. At the same time, 34% of respondents rated their company’s image as good, 29% as very good, 20% rated “excellent”, and 16% limited themselves to a “satisfactory” rating, and only 3% admitted that the company’s image was unacceptable.

16% of respondents pointed to the professionalism of their company’s employees, while some respondents especially noted the lack of intrigue in the workplace and management’s sense of humor. 12% are loyal to their employer due to opportunities for professional and career growth, corporate culture, as well as decent and stable salaries.

“Young managers have always strived to work in branded companies, which, as a rule, become a good school, open up opportunities for training and development and add weight to their resume during a subsequent transition,” says Liliya Maslova. “If the company does not have the best reputation in the market, this may also affect the reputation of the manager who worked there.”

22% of surveyed specialists and managers admitted that the business processes and structure of the company in which they work need to be reviewed and optimized. In particular, they noted the bureaucratic structure and poor internal communications.

“Bureaucracy is often a disadvantage of large foreign companies, where the decision-making process can be long,” says Liliya Maslova. “Our candidates often note that they are tired of this. Many managers feel uncomfortable when they cannot fully demonstrate their experience and knowledge, cannot take on enough responsibility. This can push a person to leave the company."

13% of Antal respondents complained about the management in their company, 11% were dissatisfied with the staff motivation system, and 9% were dissatisfied with the corporate culture of the employing company. In addition, some interviewed professionals and managers are concerned about the attitude of senior management towards employees and noted that management often lacks loyalty to subordinates, trust and the ability to delegate authority.

“In general, middle and senior managers have become more loyal to their employer,” notes Liliya Maslova. “If previously employees were not afraid to show their dissatisfaction, were ready to leave the company at any time, and were sure that they would immediately receive several interesting offers, now this is unlikely to happen. They realized that any company can have disadvantages, and they need to appreciate the advantages that the employer has."

At the same time, it has become more difficult for recruiters and employers to lure high-quality specialists, who have become more focused on long-term career development and pay special attention to company policy and business sustainability.

Read the question and all answer options provided.

Each question indicates how many possible answers you can give..

If you choose one of the above options in this question, Highlight the number that numbers this answer.

If none of the options suits you, write your answer in the “other (what exactly)” option

1.What do you work or plan to do:_Trainer_________________________________

2.Your age : __17___years

3.What do you value most in your (future) job? Can you give one or two answer:

1) That I basically decide for myself what and how I do.

2) That it gives me the opportunity to show what I know and can do.

3) That I feel useful and needed as an employee.

4) That they pay me relatively well for it.

5) I don’t particularly value anything, but this work is familiar and familiar to me.

4. Which expression from those listed below suits you best? Give only one answer:

1) “I can provide myself and my family with a decent income through my labor.”

2) “In my work I am a complete master.”

3) “I have enough knowledge and experience to cope with any difficulties in my work.”

4) “I always do what is asked of me.”

5) “I am a valuable and irreplaceable employee for the organization.”

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

5. How do you prefer to work? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) I prefer to do what is familiar and familiar.

2) Ready to do whatever is needed for the organization.

3) It is necessary that something new constantly appears in the work, so as not to stand still.

4) So that I know exactly what needs to be done and what I will get for it.

5) I prefer to work under full personal responsibility.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

6. What do you think are the main functions of the head of a department? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) Ensure team work is coordinated.

2) Monitor the progress of the work, ensure that everything is as it should be.

3) Distribute the work and clearly define who will receive what and how much.

4) The main thing is to give everyone a job in accordance with their qualifications.

5) Set the task, provide the necessary materials, and then accept the finished work.

6) Other (what exactly?_________________________________________________________

7. Try to determine what your earnings mean to you? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) This is primarily a payment for my knowledge and qualifications.

2) Payment for the time and effort spent doing the job.

3) Whatever it is, I earned it myself ) .

4) Payment for my labor contribution to the overall results of the organization.

5) I need a guaranteed income - albeit small, but to have it.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

8.How do you feel about the sources of income listed below? Give answer for each line: put the icon “ X" in the column of each line that best matches your opinion

9. On what principles, in your opinion, should the relationship between an employee and an organization be built? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) An employee must treat the organization as his home, give everything to it and experience difficulties and successes together. The organization must evaluate the employee's dedication and work accordingly.

2) An employee comes to the organization to realize his abilities. The organization must provide the employee with such an opportunity, benefit from it and develop.

3) The employee spends his energy on the organization, and the organization must in return guarantee him a salary and social benefits.

4) A person works in an organization, but he must do his work himself - excessive attachment to the team only gets in the way.

5) The employee sells his labor to the organization and, if he is not given a good price, he has the right to find another buyer.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

10. Why do you think, in the process of work, people take initiative and make various proposals? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) They feel a special responsibility for their work.

2) They want to win the favor of their superiors.

3) Most often due to the desire to improve the work of their organization.

4) Because of the desire to realize one’s knowledge and experience, to go beyond the boundaries established by the work.

5) They want to earn money, since any useful initiative should be rewarded.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

11. Which judgment about teamwork is closer to you? Can you give one or two answer:

1) You can work in a team, but you must pay based on personal results.

2) I like to work in a team - there I can always lean on the shoulder of a friend, and in case of failure we will answer together.

3) I prefer to work independently, but I can also work in a team of professionals.

4) I need freedom of action, and the team often limits this freedom.

5) Teamwork is very important to me; serious results cannot be achieved alone.

12. If difficulties arise in your work, what do you do? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) I have a boss, and I turn to him.

2) I am ready to understand complex issues - my salary depends on this.

3) In the work that is entrusted to me, I am obliged to deal with all the difficulties myself.

4) We understand complex issues as a whole team. The team is a great force and can handle any difficulties.

5) I have enough knowledge and experience to cope with difficulties.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

13. If you could choose a job, what would you choose? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) The most interesting, creative.

2) The most independent, independent.

3) For which they pay more.

4) Where the work is not too hard and the income, albeit small, is guaranteed.

5) I would return to the place of practice, because there is a good team there.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

7) I can’t imagine.

14. On what, in your opinion, does an employee’s promotion in position depend? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) On how valuable and irreplaceable the employee is for the organization.

2) From his connections, acquaintance, patronage.

3) From how the level of his professionalism grows.

4) On how responsibly he treats any work that is entrusted to him.

5) From the ability to behave correctly with superiors.

6) In my opinion, promotion is not the main thing, what is important is that the work is paid decently.

7) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

15. Which judgment about control most closely matches your opinion? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) Control is necessary, some workers may be slack.

2) Control is needed primarily for the benefit of the common cause.

3) Control only interferes with work; a good worker himself knows what and how to do.

4) I only accept the control of professionals.

5) Without control, it is difficult to determine who did how much and what he should receive for it

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

16. Which judgment about the quality of work most closely matches your opinion? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) The quality of our work is very important, because... ultimately it determines the opinion of our organization.

2) There is no need to cut corners, but the quality of my work depends on what capabilities I have and in what conditions I work.

3) It is necessary to fulfill the requirements, since mistakes and defects are punished.

4) Quality is especially important when you pay extra for it.

5) A professional cannot do anything bad, so quality is always important, even if the customer is not able to evaluate it.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

17. What do you think is most often the cause of misunderstanding and conflicts between the administration and employees? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) Lack of professionalism – both among employees and managers.

2) That they care more about personal interests rather than the interests of the enterprise; the common cause suffers from this.

3) Unsatisfactory, unfair pay, so people don't work as well as they could.

4) More often, bosses are to blame - they do not provide normal working conditions, but demand from the employee.

5) That the administration interferes too much in issues that the employee himself understands better.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

18.1. If you have ever managed, What attracts you primarily to this position? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) The ability to make independent, responsible decisions.

2) High level of payment.

3) The ability to bring the greatest benefit to the organization.

4) The ability to organize the work of other people.

5) The opportunity to best apply your knowledge and skills.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

7) Nothing particularly attracts me; I don’t hold on to the position of a leader.

18.2. If you didn't lead, then would you like to become one? Can you give one or two answer:

1) Yes, because this will make it possible to make independent, responsible decisions.

2) Yes, if it is properly paid for.

3) I don’t mind if it’s necessary for the benefit of the business.

4) Yes, why am I worse than others?

5) Yes, because at the same time I can better apply my knowledge and skills.

6) No, management doesn’t attract me, but I can make good money in my place.

7) No, a professional can only be responsible for himself.

9) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

19. If the situation at your enterprise (organization, firm) worsens, what changes in your work and position will you agree to in order to stay at work? Can you give as much as you like answers:

1) Learn a new profession.

2) Work part-time or move to a less skilled job and earn less.

3) Switch to a less convenient operating mode.

4) Work more intensely.

5) I agree to just endure it, because there is nowhere to go.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

7) I would rather just leave this organization.

20. Would you like to change your profession or specialty? 1) Yes. + 2) No.

20.1. If “Yes,” then what is this primarily connected with? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) I would like to receive a higher salary.

2) Here I cannot fully realize what I can do.

3) Here the management is too involved in control, but I would like more independence in my work.

4) There is no perspective here.

5) I would like to change my profession, but I’m unlikely to do this, because there is instability everywhere, and I don’t know where it’s better.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

20.2. If “No”, then what is the reason for this? Can you give one or two option:

1) I am quite happy with my future earnings here.

2) Here I can show what I know and can do.

3) Here I feel like I am in charge of my work.

4) We have a very good group.

5) I’m used to it here and therefore I won’t be able to leave here.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________

Test Data Processing carried out using a special Table for identifying types of work motivation (Table 1).

Table 1. Identification of types of work motivation

The results are processed in two stages.

At the first stage, each question in the questionnaire is processed and calculation of an individual motivational profile. Considering the answer to each question in turn, use the key table to determine the type of motivation. It may be the only one for this option or several types of motivation. There are also options that do not correspond to any type of motivation.

Place the code of the corresponding type next to the answer option. or types of motivation, using the following examples:

Lyu - lumpen type; IN - instrumental type; PR - professional type; PA - patriotic type; XO - master type.

For example, question 8.5.

Ø Answer option 1 is given - using the table we determine the type of motivation and enter it - XO

Ø Answer option 4 is given - using the table, we determine that this option corresponds to 4 types of motivation, and put them down as IN, PR, PA, LJ.

Ø No option is selected. We don't put anything down.

Having entered motivation codes for all questions and answer options, count how many times each type of code appears in the entries and fill out the sign directly on the form

for example: Best Junior – 2 times; IN – 4 times; PR – 9 times; PA – 5 times; XO - 7 times, total - 27

Then count the number of given answers, total. Let us remind you that for many questions there may be not one, but two answers or more, and also that for some questions he can choose the “other” option. Enter the number of answers on the questionnaire.

Then, dialed divide the total points for each of the 5 types of work motivation by the total number of given answers. In the end it turns out structure of work motivation according to this test, expressed coefficients (motivation indices), less than one.

We formulate these coefficients into ranks(from 1 to 5), which show which types of motivation predominate for this employee, and what underrepresented in his motivational structure.

What he studies:

This test questionnaire identifies existing, both the most effective and least desirable methods of incentives, individually for each employee. It also reveals ways of self-motivation for employees themselves.

The questionnaire test clarifies what exactly attracts this job, what advantages it gives the employee now and what he can receive in the future, in order to gain satisfaction from the work itself and better self-realization.


Carefully read the question and all answer options provided for it.

Each question indicates how many answer options you can give. Majority

questions require only one or two answer options.

If in such a question you choose one of the given options, circle the number that numbers this answer. If none of the options suits you, write your answer yourself in the “other” field.

1. Your position in the organization: 1) manager 2) employee 3) worker

2. Your gender: 1) male 2) female

3. Your age: ____ years

4. How long have you been working in this organization? ____ years / ____ months

5. What do you value most in your work? Give one or two answers

1. That I basically decide for myself what and how I do.

2. That it gives me the opportunity to show what I know and can do.

3. That I feel useful and needed.

4. That they pay me relatively well for it.

5. I don’t particularly value anything, but this work is familiar and familiar to me.

6. Which of the following expressions suits you best? Give only one answer

1. I can provide myself and my family with a decent income with my work.

2. In my work I am a complete master.

3. I have enough knowledge and experience to cope with any difficulties in my

4. I am a valuable and irreplaceable employee for the organization.

5. I always do what is asked of me.”

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

7. How do you prefer to work? Give one or two answers

1. I prefer to do what is familiar and familiar.

2. It is necessary that something new constantly appears in work, so as not to stand still.

3. So that I know exactly what needs to be done and what I will get for it.

4. I prefer to work under full personal responsibility.

5. Ready to do whatever is needed for the organization.

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

8. Let's say that you are offered another job in your organization. At what

conditions would you agree to this? Give one or two answers

1. If they offer you a much higher salary.

2. If another job will be more creative and interesting than the current one.

3. If the new job will give me more independence.

4. If it is very necessary for the organization.

5. Other: ____________________________________________________________

6. In all cases, I would prefer (would prefer) to stay in the job to which

got used to it (got used to it).

9. Try to determine what your earnings mean to you? Give one or two answers

1. Payment for the time and effort spent doing the job.

2. This is, first of all, payment for my knowledge and qualifications.

3. Payment for my labor contribution to the overall results of the organization.

4. I need a guaranteed income - albeit small, but to have it.

5. Whatever it is, I earned it myself.

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

10. How do you feel about the sources of income listed below?

Give an answer for each line: put a tick in the column that is larger

everything corresponds to your opinion

Very important

Not very important

Not very important

Doesn't matter at all

1. Salaries and bonuses, pensions, scholarships

2. Additional payments for qualifications

3. Additional payments for difficult and harmful conditions

4. Social payments and benefits, benefits

5. Income from capital, shares

6. Any additional break-in

7. Break-in, but not any, but only in your specialty

8. Income from personal farming, dacha farming

9. Winning in the lottery, casino, etc.

Test Questionnaire

to determine

employee's type of work motivation

Version 4.1.

Developers: Doctor of Sciences ,

How to answer the questions in this questionnaire

Read carefully question and all answer options, which are given in it. Each question indicates how many answer options you can give.

Most questions require you to give one or two options answer. If in such a question you choose one of the given options, circle the number that numbers this answer. If none of the options suits you, write your answer yourself in the option “other (what exactly)”.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

1. What do you do: __________________________________________________

2. Your gender: 1) male 2) female

3. Your age: _____ years

4 . Your education: 1) incomplete secondary

2) average

3) secondary special

4) incomplete higher education

5. How long have you been working in this organization?

_____ years(or ____ months if less than 1 year)

6. What do you value most in your work? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) That I basically decide for myself what and how I do.

2) That it gives me the opportunity to show what I know and can do.

3) That I feel useful and needed as an employee.

4) That they pay me relatively well for it.

5) I don’t particularly value anything, but this work is familiar and familiar to me.

7. Which expression from the following suits you best? Give only one answer:

1) “I can provide myself and my family with a decent income through my labor.”

2) “In my work I am a complete master.”

3) “I have enough knowledge and experience to cope with any difficulties in my work.”

4) “I always do what is asked of me.”

5) “I am a valuable and irreplaceable employee for the organization.”

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________

8. How do you prefer to work? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) I prefer to do what is familiar and familiar.

2) Ready to do whatever is needed for the organization.

3) It is necessary that something new constantly appears in the work, so as not to stand still.

4) So that I know exactly what needs to be done and what I will get for it.

5) I prefer to work under full personal responsibility.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________


9. What do you think are the main functions of the head of a department? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) Ensure coherence of the team.

2) Monitor the progress of the work, ensure that everything is as it should be.

3) Distribute the work and clearly define who will receive what and how much.

4) The main thing is to give everyone a job in accordance with their qualifications.

5) Set the task, provide the necessary materials, and then accept the finished work.

6) Other (what exactly?________________________________________________________________


10. Try to determine what your earnings mean to you? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) This is primarily a payment for my knowledge and qualifications.

2) Payment for the time and effort spent doing the job.

3) Whatever it is, I earned it myself ) .

4) Payment for my labor contribution to the overall results of the organization.

5) I need a guaranteed income - albeit small, but to have it.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________


11. How do you feel about the sources of income listed below? Give an answer on each line : put the “ icon Ú in the column of each line that best matches your opinion.

1) Very


2) Not very important

3) Not important at all

11.1. Salary and bonuses; pensions; scholarships

11.2. Additional payments for qualifications

11.3. Additional payments for difficult and harmful working conditions

11.4. Social payments and benefits, benefits

11.5. Income from property, shares, investments

11.6. Any additional extras

11.7. Additional work, but not any, but only in the specialty

11.8. Income from personal farming, summer cottage

11.9. Winning in the lottery, casino, etc.

12. On what principles, in your opinion, should the relationship between an employee and an organization be built? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) An employee must treat the organization as his home, give everything to it and experience difficulties and successes together. The organization must evaluate the employee's dedication and work accordingly.

2) An employee comes to the organization to realize his abilities. The organization must provide the employee with such an opportunity, benefit from it and develop.

3) The employee spends his energy on the organization, and the organization must in return guarantee him a salary and social benefits.

4) A person works in an organization, but he must do his work himself - excessive attachment to the team only gets in the way.

5) The employee sells his labor to the organization and, if he is not given a good price, he has the right to find another buyer.

6) Other (what exactly?) ___________________________________________________


13. Why do you think that in the process of work people take initiative and make various proposals? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) They feel a special responsibility for their work.

2) They want to win the favor of their superiors.

3) Most often due to the desire to improve the work of their organization.

4) Because of the desire to realize one’s knowledge and experience, to go beyond the boundaries established by the work.

5) They want to earn money, since any useful initiative should be rewarded.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________


14. Which judgment about teamwork is closer to you? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) You can work in a team, but you must pay based on personal results.

2) I like to work in a team - there I can always lean on the shoulder of a friend, and in case of failure we will answer together.

3) I prefer to work independently, but I can also work in a team of professionals.

4) I need freedom of action, and the team often limits this freedom.

5) Teamwork is very important to me; serious results cannot be achieved alone.


15. If difficulties arise in your work, what do you do? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) I have a boss, and I turn to him.

2) I am ready to understand complex issues - my salary depends on this.

3) In the work that is entrusted to me, I am obliged to deal with all the difficulties myself.

4) We understand complex issues as a whole team. The team is a great force and can handle any difficulties.

5) I have enough knowledge and experience to cope with difficulties.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________


16. If you were temporarily unemployed and could choose a new job, what would you choose? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) The most interesting, creative.

2) The most independent, independent.

3) For which they pay more.

4) One where the work is not too hard and the income, albeit small, is guaranteed.

5) I would return to my previous place of work, because we have a good team.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________


7) I can’t imagine leaving our organization.

17. On what, in your opinion, does an employee’s promotion in position depend? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) On how valuable and irreplaceable the employee is for the organization.

2) From his connections, acquaintance, patronage.

3) From how the level of his professionalism grows.

4) On how responsibly he treats any work that is entrusted to him.

5) From the ability to behave correctly with superiors.

6) In my opinion, promotion is not the main thing, what is important is that the work is paid decently.

7) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________


18. Which judgment about control most closely matches your opinion? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) Control is necessary, some workers may be slack.

2) Control is needed primarily for the benefit of the common cause.

3) Control only interferes with work; a good worker himself knows what and how to do.

4) I only accept the control of professionals.

5) Without control, it is difficult to determine who did how much and what he should receive for it.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________


19. Which judgment about the quality of work most closely matches your opinion? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) The quality of our work is very important, because ultimately it determines the opinion of our organization.

2) There is no need to cut corners, but the quality of my work depends on what capabilities I have and in what conditions I work.

3) It is necessary to fulfill the requirements, since mistakes and defects are punished.

4) Quality is especially important when you pay extra for it.

5) A professional cannot do anything bad, so quality is always important, even if the customer is not able to evaluate it.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________


20. What do you think is most often the cause of misunderstanding and conflicts between the administration and employees? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) Lack of professionalism – both among employees and managers.

2) That they care more about personal interests rather than the interests of the enterprise; the common cause suffers from this.

3) Unsatisfactory, unfair pay, so people don't work as well as they could.

4) More often, bosses are to blame - they do not provide normal working conditions, but demand from the employee.

5) That the administration interferes too much in issues that the employee himself understands better.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________


21.1. If you are a leader , What attracts you primarily to this position? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) The ability to make independent, responsible decisions.

2) High level of payment.

3) The ability to bring the greatest benefit to the organization.

4) The ability to organize the work of other people.

5) The opportunity to best apply your knowledge and skills.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________


7) Nothing particularly attracts me; I don’t hold on to the position of a leader.

21.2. If you are not a manager , then would you like to become one? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) Yes, because this will make it possible to make independent, responsible decisions.

2) Yes, if it is properly paid for.

3) I don’t mind if it’s necessary for the benefit of the business.

4) Yes, why am I worse than others?

5) Yes, because at the same time I can better apply my knowledge and skills.

6) No, management doesn’t attract me, but I can make good money in my place.

7) No, a professional can only be responsible for himself.

9) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________

22. If the situation at your enterprise (organization, company) worsens, what changes in your work and position will you agree to in order to stay at work? Can you give as much as you like answers:

1) Learn a new profession.

2) Work part-time or move to a less skilled job and earn less.

3) Switch to a less convenient operating mode.

4) Work more intensely.

5) I agree to just endure it, because there is nowhere to go.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________

7) I would rather just leave this organization.

23. Would you like to change your job? 1) Yes. 2) No.

23.1. If “Yes,” then what is this primarily connected with? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) I would like to receive a higher salary.

2) Here I cannot fully realize what I know and can do.

3) Here the management is too involved in control, but I would like more independence in my work.

4) There is no unity in the team, no desire for a common goal.

5) I would like to change my place of work, but I’m unlikely to do this, because there is instability everywhere, but here I have at least something.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________

23.2. If “No”, then what is the reason for this? Can you give one or two answer option:

1) I’m quite happy with the earnings here.

2) Here I can show what I know and can do.

3) Here I feel like I am in charge of my work.

4) We have a very good team, we do a common cause.

5) I’ve been working here for many years, I’m used to it and therefore I won’t be able to leave here.

6) Other (what exactly?) _________________________________________________

All the best

and thank you very much again for your cooperation!