In what cases should a medical certificate be presented for a tractor license? Do you need pre-trip medical? Examinations for forklift drivers Should a forklift driver undergo a medical examination?

Tractors, combines and even ATVs according to the rules traffic directly fall into the category of self-propelled vehicles. Recent changes in traffic rules have expanded the described concept to the fullest.

In this regard, applicants for a tractor driver's license began to ask questions about how these innovations will affect obtaining a license, what might be needed, and is a special medical certificate needed for a tractor license?

Most often, this type of certificate is required to be presented when replacing a tractor driver’s license.

In particular, a replacement requires a more complete set of documents:

  1. Civil passport.
  2. Document confirming completion of studies in the field.
  3. Several photos.
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  5. And the medical certificate itself, proving that the person is fit to drive vehicles. A sample certificate can be obtained either at the clinic or downloaded from the State Services website.

That is, it is clear that the documentation for replacing a tractor license is, in principle, the same as in the case of replacing a driver’s license.

Often, an applicant for a replacement tractor driver’s license loses supporting documents for training. If this is the case, it is enough to contact the State Technical Supervision.

They, in turn, are required to draw up an appropriate application to the school or other institution where the citizen was trained to become a driver. The standard procedure usually requires 3 to 5 business days.

Where can you replace your tractor license and how to do it?

Sometimes tractor drivers, having lost them for certain reasons, do not consider it necessary to restore documents. The same applies to expired documents. In fact, driving any vehicle without the appropriate license is the most serious traffic violation. In this case, it does not matter what kind of vehicle is being driven, a tractor, an ATV, or a car.

If you don’t have a license, you don’t need to endanger others. In addition, for this violation, the tractor driver faces the same liability as the driver. Therefore, in case of loss or delay, you should immediately contact Gostekhnadzor.

If you don’t want to stand in queues at government agencies, today private organizations also perform similar functions.

Typically, private companies' methods of providing services look like this:

  1. A tractor driver applying for restoration or replacement of a license, in principle, provides the same documents to this organization, and the office, in turn, resolves all further issues for a fixed fee. That is, the applicant only waits for the finished result, does not run around offices and does not waste time and nerves.
  2. As soon as the whole procedure is completed, a person comes and picks up the finished tractor driver’s license.

Regarding the certificate itself

Today, drivers and tractor operators ask many different questions regarding certificates. For example, “What medical confirmation can be obtained in order to freely drive not only motor vehicles, but also self-propelled vehicles and tractors?” Often such questions arise due to the fact that if you look at a sample medical certificate, you cannot see the category of tractors.

If you look at the document dated July 12, 1999, you can read that according to the rules of admission to driving tractors, ATVs and other things, as well as admission to exams for driving these vehicles, only those categories of citizens who have a medical certificate and have passed the appropriate medical examination are allowed .

What are there, how to get it and where to buy

In order to drive a tractor, excavator, snowmobile, ATV and other similar vehicles (self-propelled machines), you must be the holder of a driver’s license with the specialization “tractor driver”. For different self-propelled vehicles of this specialization, different categories are used: “A” (“A I”, “A II”, “A III”, “A IV”), “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, "F".
For example, for an SUV, category “A” license is suitable, for a mini-excavator - “B”,
for tracked vehicles - “E”, and so on.
You can find the full characteristics of these categories in the relevant legal documentation.

When can you become a tractor driver?

To purchase a license for a tractor, you must be at least a certain age and, for some categories, already be an experienced driver. In general, these restrictions boil down to the following:

  • Persons who have reached the age of 16 can apply for the opening of category “A I” rights.
  • Rights of categories “A II” and “A III” can only be obtained from the age of 19, and you must have more than a year of experience in categories “B”, “C” or “C1”.
  • You can take exams for a license of category “A IV” only from the age of 22 and with the same condition regarding driving experience: more than 1 year of experience in categories “B”, “C” or “C1”.
  • You can obtain a certificate of categories “B”, “C”, “E” and “F” at the age of 17, without additional restrictions on length of service.
  • To be assigned category “D” you must be at least 18 years old.

What is needed to obtain a license for a tractor in Moscow and in the regions of the central federal district?

In order to gain access to take the exam for the “tractor driver” category, you must complete a training course at a specialized organization. This organization must be marked with the appropriate state license. Don’t forget to ask the driving school staff to show this document when you come to sign a training agreement.

Upon completion educational program you will have to pass examination tests at the driving school itself, and then go to defend your knowledge and skills in local branch Gostekhnadzor. It is worth noting that taking courses at a driving school is not a prerequisite for admission to the exam. If you have the opportunity to prepare for them yourself (for example, an experienced driver will teach you), then you can do without a driving school.

The state exam, the successful completion of which guarantees you a license to drive a tractor, will be conducted according to the following algorithm:

1) Theoretical part. At this stage, you will have to demonstrate your knowledge of the safe use of self-propelled vehicles and, of course, all sections of traffic rules. An unsatisfactory grade in at least one discipline inevitably leads to a retake (it can be completed within a week after an unsuccessful attempt).

2) Practical part. As always when obtaining a driver's license, you will have to prove your driving skills on and off the race track, that is, in real-life conditions in which self-propelled cars can be operated.

3) Providing first aid. This stage of the exam was introduced relatively recently, but this does not mean that it is unimportant. During this test, you will have to prove that you have theoretical knowledge and practical skills in providing first aid to victims of road accidents. For the practical part, mannequins will be used.

To Gostekhnadzor you will need to take your passport, a medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to driving, a document confirming training at a driving school (if you will take it) and a previous driver’s license (for categories “A II”, “A III” and “A IV” ). You will also need to fill out an individual form card directly at the institution.

Where can I get a tractor driver's license?

If you pass the exam successfully, you will be able to obtain the desired tractor license directly from your Gostekhnadzor office. To do this, you will need to provide the following small package of documents:


Application for issuing a license (the corresponding form can be obtained from the institution);

A candidate's card for obtaining a license, on which marks are made on the successful completion of all tasks;
- two photographs measuring 3x4 centimeters;
- receipt of payment of state duty.

With this package of documents, you can go either to the Gostekhnadzor department that corresponds to your place of residence, or to the department at the place where you learn to drive. After the validity period of the received driver's license comes to an end, you will need to apply again to the same institution. It will have to issue you a new license without any new tests, meaning you won't need to take the test again.

To receive forklift driving licenses(speciality (auto, electric) loader driver), check out the details

Frequently asked questions:

How quickly can my employees get your license for a Category C tractor to operate a snowplow?

In this case, registration will not exceed three working days.

What licenses are needed to operate a Belarus type tractor with attachments?

It is enough to have a tractor driver's license of category B or C with a note in the license "tractor driver"

How can you help a non-resident of the Russian Federation regarding the purchase of rights to a tractor?

Provided you provide temporary registration and a patent, the procedure for purchasing a certificate will not exceed five working days.

Does a tractor driver have the right to operate a tractor with an expired tractor license?

Any expired rights are void!

Do you need rights to homemade tractor type of walk-behind tractor?

If your equipment has a PSM (passport for a self-propelled vehicle), then driving without a tractor license is illegal.

Where can I buy a tractor driver's license? With a guarantee of legality!

By contacting our organization, you receive a license, a certificate of completion of training and an individual card issued retroactively. All documents are prepared and entered into the Gostekhnadzor register, which can be verified before payment.

Tell me about the need for a driver's license for a car in order to get a license for a tractor

To drive special equipment of categories B, C, D, E and F, you do not need a car license. But to drive all-terrain vehicles of categories A2, A3, A4, you will be asked to present a certificate issued by the traffic police. However, this formality is only needed to obtain a tractor driver’s license.

How does a first class driver's license affect obtaining a tractor driver's license?

In this case, there is no priority in obtaining categories

If I am deprived of my car license, can I get category “C” for “MTZ-82”

In this case, the law establishes deprivation of rights to operate any equipment.

About such a concept as medical book , many have heard, but they didn’t attach any importance to what it actually represents until they had to face the need to apply for a health certificate when applying for a job. Very often people have to move from place to place, but it’s not always possible to find a job in their specialty, especially right away, so women with higher education to get a job as salespersons, for young mothers to get a place in a kindergarten - to go there as nannies, and for men to master the profession of minibus drivers or sellers of building materials.

Having found a suitable job, such people need to undergo a medical commission and obtain a health certificate, as, indeed, graduates of schools and institutes who have not worked before and do not have a medical certificate, after successful interview before starting work at a specific location.

Who needs a health certificate?

Personal medical record is a document on the basis of which it is determined what state of health the employee has based on the results of a medical examination at the clinic. By law, a medical commission is required for employees to undergo once a year, regardless of length of service. This one is generally simple, but mandatory procedure is necessary to monitor the health of workers, and is important not only for the person himself, but also for his management. An employee should take good care of his health so as not to subsequently suffer from pain associated with diseases, to prevent the emergence and development of chronic diseases, as well as the need for long-term, and usually very costly, treatment. The employer is interested in having a healthy employee working for him, so that he does not have to spend money on paying multiple sick leave, treatment and registration of disability. It is clear that many people get sick during the flu season, and all employers have to take this into account, but it is unlikely that anyone will like the frequent absence of an employee due to illness.

In addition, it should not be forgotten that many diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets or through a simple handshake, such as scabies, and an employee with an infection or certain diseases can undermine the normal functioning of an entire school or large store, infecting other employees, putting the educational process, production or trade and profit are jeopardized. In order not to miss such diseases, an annual examination of the commission is required.

Medical books are required for employees who work in the following fields of activity:

  • food industry;
  • trade in food and water;
  • public catering - restaurants, cafes, shawarma stalls and ice cream trays;
  • medicine and healthcare - clinics, medical centers, dispensaries, pharmacies and paramedic stations;
  • education sector, preschool education and leisure for children - schools, institutes, colleges, kindergartens, summer children's camps and various studios or clubs;
  • sphere consumer services- public utilities, hotels, swimming pools, etc.
  • trade in industrial goods;
  • transport sector - especially for public transport drivers.

In addition, a medical record must be issued to students of schools, technical schools, and lyceum institutes before undergoing internship at enterprises where employees must undergo a medical examination. First-year students also apply for a health certificate, and for those who live in the dormitory, medical book required for the entire period of stay.

Medical book for trade workers

We come into contact with sellers almost every day, buying bread and milk in stores near our home, fruits and vegetables at the market, or fashionable shoes and underwear in a boutique. All retail employees who sell food, water, perfumes and cosmetics, oral care products or tobacco products are required to conduct surveys annually, unless specifically stated:

  • fluorography;
  • vaccinations, according to the vaccination certificate or patient’s medical card, depending on the requirements and timing;
  • blood tests - general clinical, to determine sugar and cholesterol levels, for syphilis, and for the presence of typhoid fever, which are taken upon new employment in the specialty;
  • general urine test;
  • stool tests for worm eggs, for enterobiasis and for the dysentery group, which must be taken only upon employment;
  • smear test to detect staphylococcal infections;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Breast ultrasound or mammography - for women over 40 years of age;

In addition, you need to visit specialist doctors:

There is a misconception that sellers of industrial goods do not need a medical book, but this is not true, the list of studies for them is simply much smaller. For those who sell furniture, clothing and shoes, stationery and pet products, office equipment, flowers and plants in flower shops, you need to undergo an annual examination with a therapist, get fluorography and vaccinations as necessary.

How to apply for a medical card?

An employer requests a medical book when applying for a job. new employee, by law he must pay for it, but in practice very often the employee arranges it at his own expense or then the cost is deducted from his salary. Only conscientious employers pay for the registration and annual renewal of medical records for their employees. The medical record should be kept in the safe of the employee responsible for personnel records at the enterprise or with the employee if he is engaged in outbound trade or works in the market.

There are several options for book design. You can buy it online, but then you should know that such a forged document can lead to criminal prosecution.

Those who want to save money usually go to the clinic, but they won’t be able to apply for it for free either. Fluorography and vaccination will be done free of charge, but you will have to pay for the book form and a minimal lecture. In addition, to see a dermatologist and get tested, you will have to go to a dispensary, where you often have to pay for it. All examinations will cost a little less than in private medical centers, but you need to make an appointment with doctors in advance, and the tests will be ready after some time, and you will have to come for them. This option is suitable for those who have the time and enormous patience to go to the local clinic.

The best option for today is registration of a medical record in accredited medical centers, where registration prices are not much different from prices in a clinic, well-equipped premises allow patients to sit comfortably, polite administrators will quickly process everything necessary documents, and going through all the doctors and taking tests takes only a few hours. Sometimes the employer is not interested in waiting while the employee fills out a health certificate at the clinic for a week and hires another in his place, and if registration of a book in medical center You can start work the next day with ready-made documents.

Anna, good evening.

Pre-trip inspections must be carried out mandatory; this is the responsibility of a legal entity, established on the basis of the following.

Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ (as amended on May 1, 2016) “On Road Safety”
Article 20. Basic requirements for ensuring road safety for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when carrying out activities related to the operation vehicles
1. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating in the territory Russian Federation activities related to the operation of vehicles are obliged to:
organize the work of drivers in accordance with the requirements ensuring road safety;
comply with the work and rest regime for drivers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

organize, in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law, Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, the conduct of mandatory medical examinations and measures to improve vehicle drivers’ skills in providing first aid to victims of road accidents;
ensure compliance technical condition vehicles to road safety requirements and not allow vehicles to operate if they have malfunctions that threaten
road safety;
ensure compliance with the established federal law responsibilities for
insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners;

4. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road transport and urban ground electric transport, must:
organize and conduct pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of vehicles in the manner established by the federal authority executive branch, performing the functions of producing public policy and legal regulation in the field of transport.
Article 23. Medical support for road safety
1. Medical security
road traffic includes:·
mandatory preliminary, periodic (at least once every two years), pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations;
carrying out sanitary and educational work on the prevention of driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other toxic intoxication;
rendering medical care victims of road traffic accidents and training road users, emergency responders, and the public in the skills of providing first aid to victims of road traffic accidents.
2. Mandatory medical examination is carried out at the expense of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers).
3. Mandatory preliminary medical examinations are carried out for persons hired as vehicle drivers.
Mandatory periodic medical examinations are carried out during the entire time a person works as a driver of a vehicle.
Mandatory pre-trip medical examinations are carried out during the entire time a person works as a driver of a vehicle, with the exception of drivers driving vehicles traveling on calls from emergency services.
Mandatory post-trip medical examinations are carried out during the entire time a person works as a driver of a vehicle, if such work involves the transportation of passengers or dangerous goods.
Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
dated January 15, 2014 N 7 “On approval of the Safety Rules
transportation of passengers and goods by road and urban ground transport
electric transport and the List of measures for training workers
legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation
road transport and urban ground electric transport, to
safe operation and vehicles for safe operation"
(Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 06/05/2014 N 32585)
24. The subject of transport activity is obliged
ensure the safety of vehicles used to carry out
transportation of passengers and cargo during operation.
28. The subject of transport activity is obliged
ensure pre-trip inspection of technical condition
It is prohibited to release vehicles onto the line that have not passed pre-trip inspection of technical condition.
29. Information on the technical control carried out
the condition of the vehicle and its location are recorded in travel documents
sheets. Monitoring the technical condition of vehicles upon release
line (return from the line) is provided by an employee of the transport subject
activities that permit vehicles to be used.

1.5. Ensuring mandatory medical examinations of drivers.
2.5. Carrying out daily monitoring of the technical condition of vehicles before leaving the line from the parking area and upon returning to the parking area with an appropriate note on the technical serviceability (malfunction) of the vehicles in