Traffic police department for the Tomsk region. Traffic police department for the Tomsk region Tomsk regional traffic police

  • Information about the location, postal address, work schedule, contact numbers of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the district level for the provision of public services
  • Contact numbers of senior managers responsible for the quality of public services
  • Additional advice on the provision of public services can be obtained in the following order
  • Information on the procedure and terms for providing public services
  • Information on the possibility of assessing the quality of provision of public services
  • Regulatory documents on the provision of public services
  • Extracts from legislative and other regulatory legal acts regulating the provision of public services
  • List of documents required for the provision of public services
  • Issuance of a certificate of admission of vehicles to transport dangerous goods
  • Schedule of reception of citizens by the management of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Tomsk region

    Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - Friday: 15.00 - 19.00

    Deputy Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - Tuesday: 15.00 - 19.00

    Advantages of submitting applications through the portal “Electronic government. State Services"

    IN electronic form citizens can receive the following government services provided by the traffic police:

    Carrying out vehicle registration procedures vehicles and trailers for them;

    Reception qualifying exams and issuance of driver's licenses;

    Providing information about administrative offenses in the region traffic.

    All these services are provided through a single portal of government services.

    It is worth noting that the use electronic services allows you to significantly save citizens' time.

    Using the Internet portal allows a citizen to simplify the procedure for contacting government agencies. To do this, you must first register on the site, indicating personal data, which is subsequently verified with the databases of the relevant departments.

    After registration, within 2–3 weeks, a letter containing a special code is sent to the home address indicated by the citizen, the introduction of which will confirm the authenticity of the personal data provided. After completing such registration (you should do this in advance), you can use the site.

    All further actions are carried out through " Personal account" In it, the user selects the type of information he is interested in public services(registration of vehicles, issuance/exchange of a driver’s license, as well as obtain information about administrative offenses in the field of traffic), fills out the proposed form, indicates your contact phone number. After consideration of the application, the citizen is notified of the time and date of receipt of documents.

    Please note that when scheduling an appointment for an applicant who applied through the “Unified Portal of State and municipal services» the employee is guided by the scheduled appointment time (but no later than the fifth working day from the date of application). In this case, the employee can determine a separate time during the working day or a separate day (days) during the working week.

    The State Traffic Inspectorate reminds that using the single portal will allow you to receive government services at a time convenient for you throughout the working day.

    Advantages of using the Public Services Portal (
    - terms of provision of services are reduced;
    - financial costs for citizens and legal entities are reduced;
    - bureaucratic delays are eliminated due to the introduction of electronic document management;
    - corruption risks are reduced;
    - administrative barriers are reduced and accessibility to state and municipal services increases.

    In the “Electronic Ministry of Internal Affairs” section you will find answers to your questions and familiarize yourself with the rules and recommendations for using the services provided by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the portal

    Attention! Warning to recipients of government services about possible fraud using short text messages (sms) and telephone surveys

    Currently commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Development Russian Federation a system for assessing the quality of public services by citizens has been introduced "YOUR CONTROL" provided by federal executive authorities. To ensure the convenience of recipients of public services, this system is based on the widespread use of modern information technology: mobile communications, Internet networks.

    However, such a popular technology as mobile communications attracts various scammers who take advantage of the gullibility of subscribers of mobile communications networks.

    In connection with the use of mobile communications by federal executive authorities for the purpose of assessing the quality of public services by citizens, cases of fraudulent SMS mailings from various numbers may arise mobile phones or short numbers disguised as official messages from federal executive authorities and requiring you to take some kind of quick action.

    When receiving such SMS messages, we urge you to be careful and remember that:

    SMS messages sent by federal executive authorities may exclusively contain an offer to evaluate the quality of a public service (messages requesting a transfer cash, providing any personal data, or an offer to call back are not sent by federal executive authorities);

    The SMS message from the federal executive body asks you to evaluate the quality of the public service on a 5-point scale, indicating the day, month and year of receipt of the public service, as well as the short name of the federal executive body that provided the public service (fraudsters do not know this information);

    SMS messages from federal executive authorities are always sent from the number 0919.

    Good afternoon
    The difference is in the situation in which it happens.

    Article 12.15 “Violation of the rules for positioning a vehicle on the roadway, oncoming traffic or overtaking”
    Part 1 - Violation of the rules for placing a vehicle on the roadway, passing oncoming traffic or overtaking without leaving the side of the roadway intended for oncoming traffic, as well as driving along the side of the road or crossing an organized transport or pedestrian convoy or taking a place in it - a fine of 500 rubles .;
    Part 3 - Driving onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, as well as driving in violation of traffic rules on the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic, connected with a U-turn, a left turn or a detour around an obstacle - a fine of 1000 - 1500 rubles..;
    Part 4 - Driving in violation of traffic rules to the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article - deprivation of 4 - 6 months, confiscation of a license;

    Article 12.16 –
    Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings (except for cases provided for in other articles of Chapter 12) - a warning or a fine of 100 rubles.

    Some clarifications on Article 12.15. which were given by the Department of Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:
    Situation 1 - overtaking in the oncoming lane. The situation is clearly stated in Part 4 of Article 12.15. Such a violation is punishable by unalternative deprivation of the right to drive for a period of 4 to 6 months. Even the assurance that the driver overtook a tractor that was traveling at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour will not save you. Of course, the tractor driver is to blame for not pulling over to the side of the road and not allowing all the cars that he was interfering with to pass through (this is his responsibility, prescribed in the Rules). But citing someone else’s violation will not save someone who overtook a slow-moving vehicle in the oncoming lane from being deprived of their license.
    Situation 2 also qualifies under Part 4 of Article 12.15. When turning left, drivers often start the maneuver before reaching the broken line. The explanation is simple - there is only a meter or two left before there is a break in the continuum, but you want to have time to slip under the burning arrow. But in fact, the driver drives into oncoming traffic. And thereby creates dangerous situation. After all, another car could be coming out of the turn towards you. The meter saved on a turn will also leave the offender without the right to drive a vehicle without any options.

    Situation 3 - the only row of the road is blocked by a parked car. You must go around such an obstacle on the right. But if this is not possible, then you can go around it on the left, having first given way to oncoming vehicles. And the traffic police inspector should not punish the driver for such a continuous intersection and driving into oncoming traffic. But if it was possible to go around the obstacle on the right side, and the driver decided that it would be faster or easier on the left, then he will have to answer under Part 3 of Article 12.15 - driving into oncoming traffic combined with avoiding the obstacle. For such a violation a fine is imposed - from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

    Situation 4 - reversal through a solid line. If the driver makes a U-turn through a solid road, then he “has made an exit, in violation of traffic regulations, onto the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic, connected to the U-turn.” He faces liability under Part 3 of Article 12.15. But this is not deprivation of rights, but a fine of 1000 to 1500 rubles.

    Situation 5 - turn left across a continuous road. In such cases, the driver crosses the solid line and the oncoming lane. And falls under part 3 of article 12.15. Such a violation is considered to be entering the oncoming lane combined with a left turn. It is only punishable by a fine of 1000 to 1500 rubles.

    Situation 6 - leaving the yard or alley onto a two-way street. If there is a solid line on it, then a left turn will be a gross violation. The driver will have to answer under Article 12.16 - for failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings. For this violation a fine of 100 rubles is provided.

    Situation 7 - if on a two-lane road the driver began to overtake on the oncoming traffic, but in the area covered by the “Overtaking is prohibited” sign, this violation will be qualified under Part 4 of Article 12.15. For overtaking while entering the oncoming lane in the coverage area of ​​such a sign, your license will be deprived through the court for 4 - 6 months. Part four of Article 12.15 does not provide for any other punishment. Even when temporary signs are installed on the road.

    Situation 8 - the rules prohibit overtaking at railway crossings and closer than 100 meters in front of them. Such overtaking in the oncoming lane will also be qualified under Part 4 of Article 12.15, which provides for deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months.

    Situation 9 - overtaking and entering the oncoming lane at the end of a rise and in other areas with limited visibility. Even if there are no signs in these areas, but visibility is limited, the inspector has the right to classify this violation under Part 4 of Article 12.15. Such rigidity of this norm is justified - there are more than enough victims of just such violations on the roads.

    Situation 10 - we have already described situation 2, when the driver, in order to make a left turn, did not reach the gap in the markings, i.e. drove to the turn in the oncoming lane. In the same way, that is, deprivation of the right to drive for a period of 4 to 6 months, is punishable when the driver drove along the oncoming street on the street on which he turned. The Traffic Rules say that “the turn must be made in such a way that when leaving the intersection of roadways, the vehicle does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic.”

    Situation 11 - driving through a solid lane into the oncoming lane intended for public transport is also punishable by deprivation of rights under Part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

    Situation 12 - if the driver entered the lane for public transport and moves in the direction in which buses with trolleybuses should travel along this lane, then responsibility is under Article 12.16 for failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings. A fine of 100 rubles is provided for this violation.