Your own business: cold tire retreading. Technology and equipment for tire retreading, cost calculation and list of required documents to start

How to choose tire retreading equipment? Should you start a restoration business? When should you decide to purchase equipment? What is important at the initial stage? We tried, as an expert, to formulate answers to these questions.

So, for the first time you came across information about retreaded tires, you found it interesting. After studying the issue, you are thinking about your own truck tire retreading business.

The first thing you should understand is that no equipment seller will tell you the whole truth. Their task is to sell you a product, and only you will solve your future problems.

Our company has been dealing with retreaded tires for more than 10 years. We also supply equipment and equipment, but more often we try to remove rose-colored glasses from potential buyers. If you have never encountered the tire business before, it will be extremely difficult to succeed. So, for example, before the crisis of 2009, a fairly successful businessman, who had a chain of ladies’ hat shops, approached us with the desire to put a second leg in his business. Fortunately, problems with obtaining a loan saved him from losing money and the market from a stillborn project.

Let's try to project the promises of sellers and the expectations of buyers into the real world

Promises Reality
About orders

Everyone drives three-axle tractors and tows a three-axle trailer with twin wheels. There are only 22 wheels from the road train. On each wheel, earnings are at least 3000. In total, 66 thousand came from just one road train. Now multiply by the number of cars in your city. That's wow, a lot of money!

At least 80% of the fleet consists of two-axle tractors, and 2 steering wheels are not restored. Over the last 5 years, we have only seen an American-style three-axle trailer with a twin-wheel drive only once. 80% is a "Super Single". In total, there are only 10 wheels. Moreover, based on our experience, only 10% of trailer tires in our country can be restored, and 50% of driving tires. Total: the car has 3 wheels, but we still need to convince them to restore them, since half of the carriers don’t even want to hear about restoration. AND real earnings, after taking into account all costs, about 1500 per wheel.

Total: real income almost 30 times less, about 2000-2500 rubles. from an average car.

About frames The raw materials lie under your feet, you just need to bend down and pick them up. All carriers have problems with recycling tires and they will be incredibly happy if you take away the frames from them for free. All the mechanics in the parks have long figured out how to make easy money. You just need to convince the owner that it’s time to change shoes and then these tires will be sold as used ones. for 3000-4000 rubles per piece, and then resold for 6000-7000 rubles. And if you fail to convince the owner, then the tires are reduced to the state of scrap, that is, to “holes.”
About income

Every driver's dream is to retread his tires as it will save him a lot of money. They will be willing to pay any money to get retreaded tires. You will have an inexhaustible source of income in the complete absence of problems with equipment, spare parts, etc. You will recoup all capital investments in one year and can look for a line in Forbes.

The vast majority of people who use tires are very inert, and only the lack of money to buy the ones they are used to can convince them to start using other tires. Setting a price that is interesting to you will be hampered on the one hand by the cost of Chinese and domestic tires, and on the other hand by used ones. In truck tires, seasonality is not as pronounced as in passenger tires, but still, from January to March and May-June, orders usually drop significantly, sometimes by 80-90%. This period is usually used for equipment repair and maintenance. But you have to constantly search for spare parts and consumables, since often any part has to be brought from abroad and paid for in foreign currency.

If you now have doubts, that's good. Try looking at open statistics on queries on Yandex Direct. For example, in St. Petersburg for last month there were 53 queries for “Tire retreading equipment” and only 56 for “Retreaded tires”.

If your region already has a similar production facility, ask how busy it is with orders. After all, most likely, most potential clients already know about tire retreading in your city, but for some reason they are in no hurry to benefit from it.

What to do in such a situation?

You can buy from any manufacturer. For example, in such cases we offer an additional significant discount. Many immediately object: “And if I don’t sell it, what should I do with the tires? After all, it’s lost money.” Yes, I agree it’s 200-300 thousand rubles. What to do with equipment that costs 10 times more and will stand without orders? In addition, tires can be sold at a discount, and if you buy equipment for 3,000,000 rubles, it is very difficult to sell even for 1,000,000 rubles. Is this not lost money?

Go around to potential customers and see who is willing to retread their tires. Collect a portfolio of orders and place it with an already working restorer. Debug this circuit. When you have a constant portfolio of orders, you can easily transfer it to your production, and when choosing equipment you will be able to accurately assess the productivity you need. At this point, you will probably learn how reluctant carriers are to pay for tires.

Based on price, electricity, rent, etc., calculate the break-even point. Information, catalogs and prices can be found here The result of your calculation will be no less than 60-80 wheels per month. If you get less, that’s great, but if you produce 30-40 wheels a month, you can’t call it a business. This is a very extravagant hobby.


You have successfully completed the first three points, but there are still hidden difficulties. Did you know that most carriers treat tires as a disposable item? This means that you may be ready to buy 100 and 200 refurbished wheels per month, but on your frames. You can buy everything you need for your production, except for the frames. They simply don't exist. Import of used tires has been closed for 5 years. Try to buy frames in the required quantity and quality from vehicle fleets and do not forget to include this in the cost price. We are ready to buy all frames suitable for restoration that you will form at this stage at a price of 2000-2500 rubles.

Now you have created all the necessary infrastructure for your future business. You can now estimate the time and effort it will require. Do you understand how much income this business can bring you? The last thing left to do is to buy equipment and thereby increase the profitability of the operating infrastructure. At this stage, We will turn from skeptics into mentors and will support your young business in every possible way. After all, the more conscientious restorers work in our country, the more better attitude carriers to this product, and the easier it is for all of us to work.

What conclusions should be drawn from the above?

Don't rush to buy equipment and bury your money. In our country there are at least a dozen such unsuccessful projects, which the owner gave up on and wrote off as a loss. Don't rush to join them.

There is no need to try to make the product as cheap as possible at the expense of quality. All this will not only delay the negative result, but will also discredit the very idea of ​​restoration. Remember the saying: “Any problems with a new wheel are the driver’s fault, problems with a refurbished one are the fault of the factory.”

If you have weighed the pros and cons and decided to start restoring, then welcome to our friendly family of restorers, colleague.

© GOOD THAYER Production. When reprinting an article, a link to the original source is required.

One of my friends got a good start not so long ago by buying and selling cars. To do this, he did not have to go to another city or abroad at all, no, he did all this in his city, using social network Internet. Through her, he found offers at a reasonable price, came, inspected and, if everything was in excellent condition, purchased. And then he either immediately put it up for sale at a higher price, or gave the car a marketable appearance, and only then sold it.

This business requires funds to purchase several cars at once; you also need to have an excellent understanding of the market situation, car prices and a good understanding of the car itself, due to the fact that many sellers are trying to sell a faulty car. Before purchasing, the best option is to have the car diagnosed at a car service center that has already proven itself. It’s a completely different matter to purchase slightly damaged and faulty cars, repair them and then resell them.

IN at the moment very often you can find advertisements that talk about the sale of broken cars, as a result of which the price for them is not at all high. It can often happen that such a car can be quite inexpensively repaired and sold at a higher price in a short period of time. There are buyers for whom it is difficult to repair or restore a car and because of this they sell it at a low price. Often people put up for sale unsightly cars that look neglected at first glance, and therefore sellers put money on them low price. After purchasing, you just need to add a little shine, clean, polish, change the covers in the cabin, and it is quite possible to send the car for sale for more than 20 thousand. If you can cope with car repairs or use the services of a trusted car service with inexpensive service, feel free to try yourself in this business.

Purchase, repair and resale of defective cars - profitable business, but you may encounter certain risks. In any business, there is a risk, for example, that you will incorrectly assess the defect and the amount of money that may be needed to fix the breakdown - in this case, your purchase could easily harm your budget. For this reason, having decided to start this business, you must not only be sufficiently qualified, but also have the necessary capital to purchase several cars, in order to simultaneously purchase and resell not one car, but several - in this case, a loss due to an unsuccessful acquisition compensated by another, more profitable purchase.

You should start developing a car resale business with old, inexpensive cars, for example, a Zhiguli. You can buy them for just a couple of hundred dollars, give them a more or less decent appearance and resell them for a 100% profit. Having become slightly more adept with Russian cars, switch to foreign cars, the resale profit of which will certainly be greater. On average, the profit on resale of a foreign car is 30,000 rubles per car.

Here are some recommendations for those who decide to start this complex type of business. They will help you not to make a mistake when purchasing a used car and not to pay too much for it, and also, when selling a ready-made option, not to set a price that is too low. Before purchasing, it is recommended to check the car at a car service center, but if this opportunity missing, please refer to the recommendations below.

In any case, test the car you buy. Never listen to what the seller says, even if he seems decent to you. To avoid losing money, it's best to double-check so you don't miss anything.

The inspection room should have good lighting; always pay close attention to the area under the hood, where there should be no smell of gasoline. Even such minor details as turn signals, light bulbs, buttons deserve attention, otherwise your money will be spent on repairing them. Inspect the tires of the car and take into account their condition. Check that the doors close tightly, without any extraneous noise or effort. The operation of shock absorbers should not be accompanied by knocks or noises.

The car must pass inspection; check all the documents confirming that its condition is in good order, check that the engine number is identical to that indicated in the documents. Do not, out of forgetfulness, leave the alarm remote control and keys, as well as all the papers, with the seller.

It is quite possible to purchase used cars not only from private sellers - there are commission companies from which you can buy similar cars at the same price, and sometimes even cheaper. Moreover, such companies guarantee to sell you the car in the same condition in which they purchased it; there is less likelihood of fraud on the part of the company.

This activity of buying and reselling a car can be either the only way to earn money or an additional one. If you don't handle it too tightly, it won't take much time. For some, this will not even be a business, but some kind of entertainment, where you can also earn money.

The most necessary thing for running this business is time and space to repair cars, and for this your own garage will be quite suitable. You will also need tools, paint and some materials - it all depends on the malfunction of the purchased machine. But any market or specialized store has everything you need, so buying and reselling a car is not so difficult.

The main thing is, don’t give up if a car malfunction is difficult to fix. Don’t panic, everything can be fixed, and if the outcome is successful, you can easily set the price for the car twice as high and make great money.

Recently, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, meeting with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, demonstrated his personal old timer - “Victory M-20”. Before this, Vladimir Putin, during his presidency, enjoyed riding the twenty-first Volga. Many more examples can be given when famous people boasted about personal retro cars. On the one hand, this is a tribute to automotive antiquity, on the other, prestige and an excellent investment. It is believed that the value of vintage cars in excellent condition, over fifty years old, doubles every year.

“For my twentieth birthday, my grandfather gave me a GAZ-21 car, produced in 1964, with a 2.5 liter engine, in very good condition. Garage storage and care had an impact,” says young auto mechanic Igor from St. Petersburg. “I brought her to my garage in a tow truck, opened the gate, and thought about what to do with the old lady.” The neighbor next door, a cool guy, works at the city hall, comes up and says: “sell it.” I thought it was a joke and opened the hood, and there everything was clean. I tell the guy, also for fun: “three hundred thousand.” And he answered me: “no problem.” Then I started to fuss, saying that I promised it to a friend and didn’t sell it.”

And this is not a joke. If a 1964 GAZ-21 car is in good condition, that is, the interior, body and engine inside are factory, then it can easily be sold not just for three hundred, but for as much as five hundred thousand rubles.

It was from this car that Igor took his first steps in the retromobile field. And this business smells not only of machine oil, but of crisp banknotes - this is how he described his business.

“For a talented mechanic, this is an interesting and profitable occupation,” Igor further said. — Personally, I rush to the workshop every day. I spend my nights on the Internet, correspond with my colleagues on the electronic car flea market, and when I buy an original spare part from fifty years ago, I experience archaeological delight.” When asked about his income, Igor modestly replied: “A million a year, easy.”

Gaz-20 "Pobeda"

First of all, the car flea market, and then the girls...

Actually, anyone can start a business with vintage cars. This doesn't require much money. Starting two hundred thousand rubles, the soul of an auto mechanic, a spacious garage, a set of tools, flair and perseverance.

The easiest way is to look for a car for subsequent modification and sale on the Internet. There are more than enough similar offers there. Moreover, if in large cities old cars are not so cheap, then in villages such units can be obtained almost for nothing.

But, as a rule, the cost does not reflect the actual condition of the car. According to experienced people, sometimes they offer a completely rusted trough for ten thousand dollars, and sometimes a very decent car can be found for five thousand rubles.

“High-quality search requires a lot of patience,” summarizes Igor. - Success depends on him, first of all. In order not to fly by, I draw up a kind of car passport, describing every detail in it. I give preference to cars with a good interior.”

And it’s clear why! For example, in the fifties of the last century, the interior of the GAZ M-20 car, known to everyone as “Victory”, was upholstered with cloth of a special texture, which the domestic industry no longer produces. However, like rubber, you will have to buy fabric abroad, in the USA. The same situation is with plastic. Although our craftsmen have learned to copy plastic interior parts, true experts can easily spot a fake. So, for restorers of vintage cars, the first thing is a car flea market, and the girls come later.

Everything is like Remarque’s “Three Comrades”

When an old, but quite worthy car that claims to be called “retro” has been selected and purchased as a base, and the main spare parts have been collected, you can begin restoration. It's better to start with body repair .

First, the paintwork is removed, and the body parts are cleaned to bare metal. This is a necessity that cannot be ignored, otherwise it is easy to burn out. After all, this is the only way to determine the true condition of the body.

Then, if necessary, the surface is usually butted. Of course, the seams that appear require careful processing.

The last stage of body repair consists of straightening and adjusting the gaps. Special attention should be paid to gaps, especially when it comes to doorways. According to factory standards, the tolerance was + - centimeter.

After the body repair, the stage begins. But before that, the body is tinned. And carefully, otherwise it is fraught with premature rust.

When the car body shines and the car begins to look like new, it must be covered with a special cloth. God forbid you scratch it!

Now you can begin restoring the mechanics. First of all we're talking about about the engine. As a rule, you have to do cylinder boring, head grinding, and balancing. In a word - overhaul.

Often, original spare parts cannot be found on the market, so many restorers replace them with more modern analogues, although they are also not new. For example, parts and components from the later twenty-first Volga are installed on the Pobeda M-20. This work is painstaking and requires maximum care.

But when the engine comes to life after many years of hibernation, and the car drives the first meters, you experience an incomparable adrenaline rush.

“That’s probably why my favorite book is Remarque’s Three Comrades about auto mechanics,” admits Igor, a specialist in retro cars. “They were stuck out there too.”

Selling a vintage car is a delicate matter

Here, finally, a new-old car, let it be “Victory”, is showing off in the garage. The mechanic walks around the bush for a few more days, preoccupied with one thought: has he done everything?

According to people who have been working in this market for a long time, the first thing they do is advertise the sale of such a retro car on the Internet. But there are no special hopes for good deal It’s not worth placing it through the Network. Much more important here are the parades and exhibitions of vintage cars that take place regularly. Only there can you successfully sell your car.

“Sometimes, I polish the body, go to elite villages and stand at the gate with the sign “For sale. Expensive,” Igor shares his experience. — As for the price, I value my “Victory” at million rubles».

But we must take into account that, unlike ordinary cars, vintage cars take a long time to sell - on average two to three months. Best time for sale spring is a time of renewal, or autumn is a time of slight longing for the past.

During this time, Igor had to talk with many people, with onlookers and potential buyers, more than once finding hope and losing it, answering hundreds of calls and responding to false calls. And finally, at the next parade, a gray-haired and strong man in an expensive cashmere coat stops at Igor’s Pobeda. Behind him, two steps away, stand strong guys with square chins and low foreheads.

“My father had one,” he says quietly, “he took me to school. How long ago it was.”

The man gently touches the mirror and remains silent for some time. Igor does not rush him. He already knows that the car was sold for at least a million rubles. And this means it’s time to take on the next “Victory” to give it a new life.

Of course, the business of restoring vintage cars in our country can receive wide registration, because wealth, as a rule, comes with age, when you so want to go back in time and take a ride in the car of your bygone youth.

Alexander Sitnikov
Photos from the sites,,

For decades, in most foreign countries there have been successful enterprises specializing in tire retreading, in which. The most famous tire manufacturers open subsidiaries that deal with this industry. Such repaired wheels get a second life; they are sold at a low cost, which especially attracts thrifty car owners. Tire retreading is done in several ways, which boil down to “building up” a new coating. It is worth understanding the need to purchase such tires, their wear and durability.

Refurbished tires are much cheaper than new ones

Methods for reanimating old tires

IN recent years the government is trying to optimize waste automotive production, secondary raw materials are processed as much as possible for further savings cash and environmental protection. The second “life” of used wheels after rehabilitation saves no less than fifty percent of the total costs.
Rubber restoration is carried out in two main ways:

  • increasing the recesses and further creating a pattern;
  • hot or cold restoration - building up a new tread.

In the first case, the used tire is carefully cleaned and multiple indentations are created in the first pattern; naturally, this leads to a reduction in the rubber layer. This method is not always safe, because the behavior of such a wheel is unpredictable.

In the second case, there are two options for further action:

  • hot build-up created by vulcanization, applying another;
  • cold build-up, which consists of gluing a rubber ring onto the tread.

Repaired wheels work almost identically; hot tire retreading gives a lower probability of defects, but with the “cold” method, tires can be rebuilt more than once.

The cold method is the most cost-effective process

Not all tires can be retreaded; the condition of their carcass must be taken into account. Consequently, first of all, tires are diagnosed and damage received during operation is examined. The inner and side sides of the tire, its beads and crowns must be as intact as possible, which will ensure further possibility of operation.

The second stage of the work carried out is the removal of the worn tread. The rubber is inserted into a special device, where it is inflated with air and the top rubber layer is removed from it. The next stage is roughening, which allows you to weed out worn out wheels. Tires subject to repair eliminate minor defects, in particular, remove cuts and punctures.

Restoring the tire tread requires certain skills; the new layer being built up is covered with liquid rubber, which allows you to efficiently and reliably remove old damage and ensure a dense tire tread. The primer is applied using a manual extruder, after which a protector is applied, which has a specific pattern. The thickness of the rubber layer is cut to the circumference of the tire when the tire is full of air.

In a special machine, the tire is folded into an envelope and put on the tube and rim. An ideally restored tire is sent for vulcanization in an automated autoclave, where the tread band is securely fixed, creating a single structure with the frame. The rim and tube used in the process are later dismantled.

Cold restoration is subsequently verified by additional diagnostics. After passing the pressure test, the tire is equipped with a warranty card. In some service stations you can get a guarantee for one hundred thousand kilometers.

Is the hot method the most reliable?

The methods of “reanimating” tires have several points in common:

  • initial diagnosis of recyclable tires;
  • roughing - removing parts of worn tread;
  • basic repair of a cleaned wheel (removal of pieces of glass, metal particles).

However, although the two methods have so many similar operations, the recovery process is different. Cold retreading allows you to renew large tires (R14–R24). This category includes large equipment and Jeep class cars.

The hot method is carried out as follows: a simple unvulcanized rubber layer is applied to the used tire. Subsequent application of the pattern occurs during further vulcanization. The new design is applied to the molds, which operate under pressure at a temperature of 140 °C in the process. IN lately This method is practically not used, but it is optimal for passenger tires with wheel sizes R13–R16, as well as minibuses.

Undeniable advantages and foreseen disadvantages of technology

When choosing between new tires and retreaded ones, you should be aware of all the risks that previously used tires are exposed to. The methods for restoring tires are different; such an operation requires a lot of funds, because “rehabilitation” requires specialized equipment, trained specialists and high-quality material, preferably domestically produced.

It's no secret that most car owners always focus their choice on products imported from abroad. The worn out tread will be repaired with Russian materials, which makes the quality of such a unit questionable. It is too expensive to use foreign rubber plates.

Retreading of passenger tires is allowed with minor wear. This is only possible when the tires functioned under normal conditions, the tires did not experience heavy loads, the cord was not damaged, and there were no deformations. However, in practice this is simply impossible, which is why only a few wheels with good external characteristics. Despite the fact that sometimes a tire can remain operational for up to five years, it must constantly be inspected for aging and cracks, otherwise this can lead to disastrous consequences - a wheel with a crack will burst at any moment.

There is another significant drawback - it is not always possible to balance such a wheel.

So, if this technology has so many disadvantages, why use it? Let's figure it out, in fact, not everything is as bad as it might seem initially. accumulated in a short period of time will drive perfectly on retreaded tires. Qualified technicians working with good equipment will quickly and efficiently repair such tires.

Restoring winter tires will help the owner save a considerable amount of money; specialists will be able to:

  • repair the cord using new applied threads;
  • remove microcracks by thermal sealing;
  • the most worn areas will be built up using rolling or ultrasonic examinations;
  • the new layer will be glued onto the tire so that the tire looks like new.


However, you shouldn’t ride on reanimated wheels all your life; you know that if you skimp, you’ll have to pay twice. Retreaded tires require more careful handling: it is undesirable to break the speed limit or drive aggressively. But this will not provide complete security; buying used wheels is a lottery that can provide the owner with unexpected expenses. It is best to purchase such tires for taxi fleets or other commercial vehicles. Despite the fact that tire retreading is, first of all, a program to protect our environment, the car owner himself must decide the feasibility of such a purchase.

Having analyzed the proposals for Russian market among companies offering similar equipment for tire retreading and which are inherently trading companies, we decided to independently visit the equipment manufacturers to verify the quality of the manufactured equipment and the level technical support. Therefore, based on own experience in choosing a supplier, taking into account numerous nuances and personal practical experience in retreading truck tires, the RK-Raifen company is ready to provide services for the selection of cold tire retreading equipment for specific

Customer requirements:

Considering the actual required performance

Possibility of retreading Super Single tires (385/65 R22.5)

Operating principle: envelopes (envelopes) or disks (rims)

And other factors.

The minimum or basic composition of the line includes the following pieces of equipment:

Autoclave (vulcanization chamber) - with a capacity from 4 to 24 tires, tire diameter up to 22.5" or KGSh, work according to the European "envelope+envelope" system

Roughing machine with the ability to process Super Single tires (385/65 R22.5).

Tape Applying Machine

Tire repair rack

Machine for dressing outer envelopes

Inner Envelope Machine

Container for preparing glue


Collector for collecting crumbs


Optionally, the line can be equipped with a table for belt preparation - with a cutter and press rollers, a bead expander with pneumatic and electric drive and lighting, a stand for final testing of tire strength and other equipment for individual projects Customer. In addition, with such equipment, with minor modifications, it is possible to retread solid and pneumatic tires for forklifts.