How much does an intermediary receive for a construction order? How to make money through mediation? Intermediation as a business from A to Z

The brokerage business is one of the most simple ways organize a source of profit with minimal investment or without them at all.

Capital investments: from 12,300 rubles

Business payback: 1 month

Every person’s dream is to receive money out of thin air.

This sounds fantastic, of course.

Nevertheless brokerage business provides just such an opportunity.

This is one of the easiest ways to organize a source of profit with minimal or no investment.

Each of us constantly buys something, orders various services, and contacts organizations.

The intermediary becomes a guide who allows you to reduce efforts to a minimum and not rack your brains over finding a performer.

To become a mediator, you do not need to have specific skills or higher education.

It is enough to show intelligence, patience, and resourcefulness.

And, of course, find a common language with different people.

If you think that you have such qualities, you can safely try yourself as an entrepreneur who makes money through intermediary.

This article will tell you what you need for this, and in what area you can find yourself.

What is mediation as a business?

Every person has resorted to the services of intermediaries more than once.

True, not every businessman is ready to openly admit that he acts only as a “conductor” in the provision of services.

The only glaring exceptions are realtors.

Everyone knows that their job is to help find properties to rent or buy.

Realtors are paid 30-50% of the deal simply because they bring two people together: those who have an offer, and those who have a need for this offer.

Sounds quite simple and attractive, right?

Although it is worth noting that this task is not as simple as it might seem from the outside.

The intermediary business now exists in many areas of life.

But in all of them the principle remains the same.

The intermediary brings the client and the contractor together, and for this he receives a certain percentage of remuneration. A business is built literally “out of thin air”, however, it often brings not “air” profit at all.

What are the advantages of a brokerage business?

“Mediation is the cleanest and most profitable business.”
Bakhtiyar Mamedov

The activities of intermediaries have long been popular and are not losing ground.

This is one of the common ideas for generating income among entrepreneurs.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • It is possible to combine mediation in several areas, increasing business income.
  • The upper limit for earnings is unlimited.
    The result depends only on your efforts and ambitions.
  • In this type of business you can get by minimal investment or even operate without investment.
  • An entrepreneur is not required to be aware of the services in which he acts as an intermediary.
    However, it is worth noting that knowledge helps to conduct business more confidently, and also protects the entrepreneur from fraudulent schemes and mistakes.

But there is also a fly in the ointment in this ointment:

  • The customer may not pay for the work, which means the intermediary will not receive a percentage.
  • In the event of conflict situations, it is often the mediator who gets caught.
  • The intermediary business is not exactly an area that you can safely brag about to your friends.
    It is also not the best option for self-realization.

What are the options for a brokerage business?

You can act as a mediator in almost any area of ​​our lives.

However, some destinations are much more popular and profitable than others.

Business mediation on affiliate programs

This is the simplest idea for starting a brokerage business.

Some resources on the Internet have an affiliate program.

This means that you can register in it and receive a personal invitation link.

Using affiliate programs is very simple.

All the conditions necessary for mediation have already been created, all you have to do is distribute your personal link. But the level of income in such a job, as a rule, is not particularly impressive.

Mediation in the construction business

Mediation in the provision of repair and construction services is more difficult, but also much more profitable.

You need to look for specialists with a narrow profile (wallpaper hanger, painter, electrician) and customers.

The main advantages of this option are that it does not require any special investment.

You can also easily combine several areas (for example, repairing equipment or cleaning premises).

You are required to find performers for the most popular services, and then launch advertising on the Internet and newspapers.

At the same time, it is worth concluding a cooperation agreement with the specialists you find so as not to get into trouble.

Mediation in online stores

Perhaps the most common area of ​​business for mediation is shopping.

Now they have become an absolutely common occurrence.

But many people are still unable to buy products from overseas websites.

The problem is the language barrier, unusual payment systems, and so on.

But a wide range and affordable prices attract, which makes the services of intermediaries popular and in demand.

The scheme of work is simple: the buyer selects a product on the website, leaves a request to the intermediary and makes a payment.

The possibility of sending cash on delivery is practically not used.

We advertise business mediation

Any promotion method will produce results if used wisely.

But only a combination of several techniques will give a noticeable result.

If an entrepreneur has the funds for this, you can use advertisements in newspapers, commercials on television and radio, and external advertising.

But chief assistant- This is, of course, the Internet.

The role of the Internet is especially important if you decide to provide intermediary services in the field of trade. It is on the Internet that your target audience “lives”.

It is also ideal because it provides all the necessary tools for free promotion.

A successful entrepreneur will need a website in almost any case.

And if you resell goods, then it is simply irreplaceable!

After all, how else can you show your product to potential buyers?

Not everyone can create a website themselves.

Although there is a lot on the Internet teaching aids and services that help study this area.

But if you don’t want to delve into website building or don’t have free time, entrust this to specialists in this area.

What investments are needed to start mediation as a business?

Basically, to start a brokerage business, capital investments may not be needed at all.

But let’s consider the option when an entrepreneur still has funds to invest in the start-up:

Business expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:from 12,300 rubles
Self-registration will cost
800-4000 rubles for you (depending on the form).
And if you turn to intermediary companies -
4000-13000 rubles.
(domain, hosting, development)
If you can't do it yourself,
get ready to shell out 5,000 rubles.
Advertising campaignYandex.Direct – from 5,000 rubles.
(forms, contracts)
1000-2000 rubles
TelephonePurchasing a separate number and unlimited tariff
will cost at least 500 rubles/month

Do you need premises for a brokerage business?

Mediation business is one of the areas entrepreneurial activity, in which there is no need to rent housing, at least at first.

There is nothing special or “undignified” about working from home.

If you act as an intermediary for purchasing goods in online stores, you can send orders exclusively by mail.

And if the mediation is in real estate rental or construction business, come to the customer’s territory.

Only if things get really serious, then you can rent a small office.

In it you will be able to make calls in a relaxed atmosphere and supervise the site, without being distracted by household chores.

It will also be possible to arrange a warehouse there to store customer orders, documents, and receive visitors.

This development of events will be especially appropriate if you decide to open an online store.

If you are interested in starting a brokerage business,

Payback of business through mediation

The profitability of a business through intermediation can only be judged using a specific example.

But if we evaluate the situation in general, the payback is at a very high level.

If only because capital investments are often minimal.

So the entire percentage of the “cheat” goes into your pocket.

And the more effort and enthusiasm you show, the more you will get.

For example, consider an entrepreneur who plays the role of an intermediary in the provision of construction services.

One master will bring in about 30-40 thousand rubles per month (according to average statistics in Moscow).

About a third of this amount will go to pay for telephone bills, Internet, and advertising. But the remaining money is yours net profit from just one person!

What if we increase our staff or engage in parallel mediation in other areas?

In any case, it’s much better than just sitting at home and spitting at the ceiling.

Thus, the payback for a brokerage business usually occurs within the first month of this activity.

And this is an excellent result for work with virtually no investment.

If we evaluate mediation as a business In general, we can note the great promise of this idea for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

Its main advantage is the huge number various options for activities.

In their diversity, every businessman can find a direction to his liking.

And, as you know, if a person does what he really likes, then success is not long in coming.

Mediation is also interesting because it can often be done without any investments or with “little bloodshed.”

So if you decide to organize a business through mediation, go ahead and show persistence, patience and hard work!

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In an era of maximum dissemination of information, intermediary services are especially recognized cost-effective way business. Therefore, many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in what this activity is like as an entrepreneurship in the service sector.

The scope of mediation is the opportunity to become independent

Mediation services – ensuring interaction between various stakeholders. To become an intermediary, a future businessman needs to have a number of psychological and business qualities:

  • The ability to search and find unique information that is inaccessible to a large circle of users or low-cost products. Be able to find a place where you can buy cheaper and sell more expensive, but at a lower price than your competitors. This increases your chances of becoming an excellent broker (speculator).
  • Communication skills.
  • Ability to self-PR and product promotion. If the intermediary is able to negotiate with the seller and buyer on mutually beneficial terms, then the probability successful business increases.
  • Creative approach to business.
  • Minimum initial capital and provision of consumables. Sometimes mediation does not require initial investments, but for its own development, obtaining fresh information and finding clients, minimal financial investments will be required.
  • Increased persistence and stress resistance.

If the intermediary is not persistent enough, the business will not rise soon.

An example of the advantages and disadvantages of mediation

Any mediation has positive and negative aspects. Pros:

  • Good income.
  • Conventional mediation is comparatively simple view earnings.
  • This type of business requires small investments.
  • Failure of deals and agreements for various reasons.
  • Possibility of deception.

Where to start a profitable business

Create intermediary business won't be difficult. To build a business, you need to determine the scope of activity and streamline connections. With the advent of Internet technologies, mediation was divided into several categories: online and offline. Online business ideas:

  • Affiliate platforms. Advertising new services and popular products is a profitable type of online business.
  • Purchase and sale of network resources. You can buy a site and sell it on other sites at higher prices.
  • Advertising on Internet resources. It’s worth thinking about opening your own resource where you can place advertising banners for money.
  • Working with online stores. It has become possible to make purchases from foreign sites, but there is a risk of being left without the paid item. The intermediary takes on possible losses by receiving a share of the agreement.
  • Speculation. You can resell products without creating an online store. When starting to work, you should focus on specialized products.

Offline business ideas:

  • Real estate. Choice, exchange, purchase of an apartment, house, office - these questions are always relevant. Study profitable view business can be official real estate offices and private representatives. To use mediation services, potential buyer pays an impressive percentage to the agency, but profitable services private intermediaries are cheaper.
  • Renovation of apartments and office premises – good idea to start. Apartments are a profitable property because they require repairs more often than offices. An excellent solution is to look for clients in new homes. It is possible to take on several profitable orders at once, working with different professional teams.
  • Trade representation. Many manufacturers need representatives in other regions and countries where the product is being promoted. Advertising and agreements with end customers are required.
  • Recruitment services. Various companies often do not have time to independently recruit personnel. The recruitment company finds suitable specialists according to the stated requirements, and selects suitable vacancies for employees.
  • Virtual mediation on the network. With widespread distribution global network, it has become easier to search for customers and manufacturers who have pages in social networks and official websites. The essence of working online does not change, you just need to bring the seller and the consumer closer together.

Case planning

The key to successful mediation is awareness of the main stages of activity formation:

  1. First of all, you should create a database of performers. The intermediary must be 100% confident in each person.
  2. It should be taken into account that the main criterion for customers is the quality of the work performed and the deadlines for completion.
  3. The subject needs to monitor freelance exchanges and forums. There are many performers and new orders here.
  4. The intermediary's portfolio should always be up to date.

Information for a novice intermediary

To get decent profits from intermediation, you should focus on the B2B product segment. Optimal products: production equipment, various raw materials, building materials. It is not advisable to do business in the household products sector. Because the niche is occupied by distributors. The main task of a newbie is to find a regular clientele. The intermediary is not a seller; his main tasks are search, negotiations and delivery. It is necessary to pay attention to mutually beneficial cooperation with transport companies.

Any mediation is a risky business; there is a possibility of falling into the hands of an unscrupulous contractor or customer.

Therefore, it is necessary to have an instinct and make an informed choice.

Today there are many ways to earn money with which you can fully support yourself.

Some are engaged in food production, some produce metal structures, and others make money on the Internet.

Oddly enough, few people think about the fact that mediation is a very profitable business capable of generating huge profits.

The only problem is how to choose the right niche for doing business, as well as organize it wisely.

How to start making money through mediation?

To become a mediator, you must have the following qualities:

  • the ability to quickly find relevant and valuable information that can be resold;
  • the ability to negotiate and bring all parties to consensus.

Pros and cons of mediation

The positive aspects include very good earnings, and the work itself cannot be classified as particularly difficult. In addition, there is no need to invest any significant funds at the very beginning of your activity.

If we talk about negative aspects, then it is necessary to highlight the fairly frequent disruptions in activities due to reasons beyond your control. In addition, there are times when one of the parties does not fulfill its payment obligations.

In general, such incidents can be avoided if you choose the right field of activity that will be interesting to you and where you can navigate well. Since today business has been divided into two parts, when entrepreneurs can work not only in the “real” world, but also on the Internet, we will consider all areas where intermediary activity may be required.

Sale of real estate

It's no secret that the housing issue is a very acute problem in our country, and therefore attracts many entrepreneurs of all stripes. A stable seller/buyer chain is created. The intermediary can effectively work with them, receiving his part of the transaction. Please note that there is no need to confuse an intermediary and a realtor.

You can find a client interested in buying an apartment with certain parameters, and then conduct independent monitoring of the real estate market. Many people simply do not have time for this, and therefore will willingly use your services. The same situation applies to sellers who do not have time to search for promising buyers.

What other intermediary business ideas are there?

The same area includes apartment renovation. Nowadays there are many people who want to professionally renovate their homes, but do not have the ability to self-execution this work. You can make great money if you offer your clients a search for professional finishing teams.

So, before you make money through mediation in this area, it is better to get useful connections in advance. Read thematic forums, look for people in newspaper advertisements. No one ever refuses the services of really good intermediaries, since searching for clients on their own is a tedious and costly business for a business, and a person wastes time on this.

In all these cases, you should not take more than 3-5% of the transaction, as this immediately scares off potential clients.

Online mediation

On the World Wide Web, the opportunities provided by intermediary activities are much greater. Such activities may well include services for placing links to products represented by the seller, as well as searching for promising customers. If you know perfectly well foreign languages, then the amount of earnings may be even greater.

The fact is that today there are a huge number of traders who are not averse to buying goods in China. The problem is that working with Chinese suppliers has a lot of nuances that not everyone knows. If you can negotiate with them, then the amount of earnings may exceed 10-15% of the final transaction amount.

Affiliate programs

In addition, affiliate programs can be very profitable. In this case, an official agreement is concluded with the product supplier, according to which you receive money for promoting his product on the Internet. In some cases, the amount of earnings can reach 13-15% of each transaction.

How is a partnership agreement concluded?

There's nothing complicated about it. First, you need to register on any affiliate resource, enter all your details and receive your unique identification link. You place a link on your resource and begin to receive a legal percentage of each click on it. But! Much more profitable is the scheme in which you receive a reward for every real buyer who comes from your website.

Online stores

In no case can we ignore this issue. No, we are not talking about domestic enterprises of this kind (although you can make money here too). Let's take the popular resource Taobao.

There are millions of goods, the prices are very attractive, and therefore there are a lot of people who want to buy something for themselves there. The only problem is that the site is Chinese, and in principle it does not work with our country.

So how to become an intermediary for an online store of clothing and other everyday goods?

First you need to create a website. It contains all the same lots as on the original resource, but with a price in rubles (which already includes your markup). Your task is to buy these goods and organize their delivery. In this case, the intermediation fee may exceed 30%.

Official registration

Novice intermediaries usually avoid this point, but in vain. The fact is that all your activities will be built on one thing - trust. And what will be the attitude towards you if your activity is not registered even as a banal individual entrepreneur?

By the way, what is the OKVED classification for intermediary activities? Alas, our legislation does not provide a separate code for this activity. For mediation in the field of ordinary (non-Internet) business activities, code 74.87 is suitable. If you are going to offer your services online, it is better to use 72.4, code 72.2 or 72.6.

What documents will you need?

We have already said that many people prefer to engage in this business without registering their business. You should not think that this is illegal, because if you draw up an agreement for individual, then you can legally pay taxes, and the inspection authorities will not have questions for you.

The only problem is what we have already talked about. None large company(and the private owner too) will not enter into more or less important agreements It’s unclear with whom. Therefore, first of all, you will need to register your own individual entrepreneur. Next, a regular contract for the provision of services is concluded. But!

The tax office may have questions, as they need real evidence that you actually provided these services. Therefore, upon completion of the work, it is necessary to draw up a special act. Its provisions are regulated by Art. 9 Federal Law “On Accounting”. It should contain the following items:

  • full title of the document;
  • date of its preparation;
  • the name of the company on whose behalf the act was drawn up;
  • name and content of the operation performed;
  • the amount (volume) of services in monetary or economic terms;
  • a list of all persons, as well as all their positions, who are responsible for the conclusion and implementation of the contract;
  • signatures of all these persons;
  • as detailed a list as possible of all services provided or goods sold.

Organization costs

In this regard, everything depends solely on the direction of your activity and the methods of its implementation. So, if you plan to sell goods via the Internet, you cannot do without your website. Depending on its complexity and the company that will make it, its cost can range from a couple of thousand rubles to several tens of thousands of dollars.

In case you are going to sell Chinese goods, the costs will be even greater, because translators are needed, it is necessary to establish contacts with people who know the specifics of Chinese business well.

Add the cost of paying customs duties, transport, and storing goods in a warehouse. In short, making a markup of less than 30-40% is unreasonable.

If you are an intermediary in construction or repairs, then it costs less. Need money for mobile communications, negotiations with representatives of the developer, as well as transport. In short, you can spend from five thousand rubles to tens of thousands of dollars on intermediary activities. Of course, the intermediary business will give you different income in all these cases.

It is no secret that a lot of builders who build private houses come from Central Asia. They understand Russian poorly, don’t really know how to do anything, and have nothing. The question arises, where were the customers looking when hiring such people? Maybe they are satisfied with everything?

No, the customers didn’t even suspect that there would be such “pros”. They were waiting for competent builders, not half-homeless people who didn’t speak Russian properly. They believed the intermediary.

Who is a mediator?

The best analogy is a candy wrapper, especially since in construction it plays exactly the same role. “Sells” and “disappears.”

Well, think for yourself who you will believe more, an “unwashed Uzbek” who speaks Russian with difficulty, or a well-dressed person with an excellent Russian who speaks and explains everything intelligently.

And his builders are excellent, and they don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t swear, they respect the customer, they’re inexpensive, they can do everything, for extra money. work doesn't take money... This list can go on forever. And a person believes at a certain moment. That yes, they will be exactly as wonderful, well, maybe not as wonderful, but at least half as wonderful. In general, everything will turn out great, they will build a house and save money.

The result is ALWAYS the same.

Builders arrive, they usually speak Russian, except for one, very poorly or not at all, you are already thinking about how to refuse. They start working, and they really work. They fuss, don’t sit, don’t bother you over trifles, the work goes smoothly, you’re happy. Life is good.

But a week or two passes, you calmly pay the first money, maybe even give some kind of advance, and it’s like in a fairy tale. The clock struck midnight and the carriage turned into a pumpkin. It seems that nothing has changed, the prices are the same, the conditions are the same, but the work has turned from a galloping trotter into a dead nag.
Workers begin to bombard you with all sorts of questions that you should not deal with, additional expenses appear, and your presence at the construction site begins to tend to full-time. And the wonderful foreman with whom you initially agreed appears at the construction site only after your numerous calls.

What happened?

And the following happened. “The Moor has done his job, the Moor can leave” (c) The intermediary finished his work, and he received his interest from the very first money. Don’t be surprised, from the first money you pay, for example, for a foundation, workers can get five thousand. The rest will be taken by the intermediary. And as a matter of fact, he has no interest in continuing to fuss at your construction site, and in general he had no plans.

You, left alone with your construction site, begin to think what to do next, the season has begun, normal builders are already busy, there is no point in exchanging some Uzbeks for others, and you are afraid that they will cheat you again. In 90% of cases, you put all the responsibilities of a foreman on your neck and begin to delay the construction. Wanting to compensate for the time you spend on construction. And here another “pleasant” news awaits you. They start asking for money according to the original agreement. Not taking into account your work, instead of their foreman.

How to identify an intermediary?

1. The builders are not local, but they speak Russian perfectly. (according to the intermediary)
2. There was a lot of construction, but the photos were all from phones.
3. They don’t like to stipulate everything specifically and in detail; they love working after the fact.
4. They know how to do everything, foundations, log houses, bricks, blocks, domes, power plants, they can do everything.
5. They love advances for work.
6. No problem.

Wonderful point. Intermediaries never have problems or questions with your home. We drew ten conditional lines on a piece of paper, instead of walls: no problem, we are ready to build now. We didn't specify any windows, no problem, we'll do it locally. No access to the site, no problems: we’ll do it anyway. In general, no problem.

If 4 or more points match, this is him, if there are points 4 5 6, he is also.

The main thing is to remember. The intermediary does not have a task to build you a house, he has a task to get his commission, and your house is your problem.

Many people know that mediation provides an opportunity to make very good money, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. There is a very important detail in the question of how to become an intermediary, which helps to bring this business to a successful level. The intermediary must have important information that is not available to either the consumer or the contractor. This is the only way he can manage transactions in his favor.

How to become an intermediary

Let's be clear right away that this business is not for everyone. For mediation to be profitable, you must have certain skills and qualities. The main ones among them are:

  1. The ability to find unique data that is inaccessible to others. It is important that they are not available to the consumer and the performer.
  2. The ability to present this information in a favorable light to both one and the other party. In this matter, it is important to be able to negotiate.

Only with these qualities can you safely take on a business such as mediation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the activity

Like any business, mediation has its pros and cons. Among the main advantages are the following:

  • starting capital is optional;
  • technically the work is not difficult;
  • good income.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • ignoring agreements on payment for intermediary services;
  • failure of agreements and deals.

Where to start a business

First of all, you need to decide on the area in which you prefer to work. Then it is necessary to establish all the necessary connections for profitable partnership. With the high development of Internet technologies, today this business is usually divided into two main areas: online and offline. In each of them you can find your own niches for mediation.

Online mediation

Ideas for mediation on the Internet are multifaceted and diverse, both in areas and in terms of implementation. One thing is for sure, you will still have to work a lot.

Affiliate programs

About 70% of products sold via the Internet are the work of intermediaries. Most often this is done through affiliate programs. The essence of the idea is simple. The intermediary, who in this case is usually called a partner, opens his account on the website affiliate program. After receiving his unique link, he begins to advertise the product or resource through it. When a product or service is purchased through this link, the affiliate receives a percentage or commission from the transaction. Money is credited to an electronic account, from where it can be withdrawn at any time.

Advertising on Internet resources

Advertising is perhaps the first thing that came to the Internet business. To make money on it, you need to open your own resource - a website or blog. It is installed on advertising banner, and you receive money at an agreed rate or from transitions to the advertiser’s website. Depending on the level of promotion of the resource, the price of a click can be 15 kopecks, or maybe a couple of thousand rubles. Intermediaries are offered up to 50% of this click. Of course, direct advertising will cost much more.

Selling websites

This idea can be implemented in two ways. You can order an inexpensive website on specialized sites, pay for its development, and then look for buyers for this product and sell them at a higher price. The second way is to first look for the customer, sort out all the technical details with him, and then look for a contractor on the same sites. In any case, the risks with implementing the idea are quite high. The Internet is available to everyone, so on the sites you can find both a professional and a complete amateur who will miss all your deadlines.

Opening an online store

Despite the fact that purchasing and delivering goods from a foreign online store is available to everyone, many are still afraid to make such purchases due to the high risks of not receiving the goods when the money is paid for it. You, as an intermediary, can take on these risks and make purchases from a foreign online store for a certain percentage. Sometimes this costs the buyer even less than ordering from a domestic online store.

Resale of goods

You can resell goods without creating your own online store. In this case, you need to focus on the product narrow specialization, but at a high cost so that you can get a good percentage. Or hot commodity, but for a large batch.

Very often, sellers and buyers of such goods do not have time to search for each other, so you can provide them with such a service. The algorithm for doing business is simple. Having found suitable product, call the seller and clarify all the details of the product. Then find a buyer as quickly as possible and negotiate a deal. Preferably for a certain percentage. After this, call the seller again, inform him that you have a buyer for the product, but you want a percentage of the transaction. Having received your share from everyone, you will get a good income.

Offline mediation

Business in the offline sphere is familiar to everyone. The main ideas for implementing your mediation business could be:

Real estate

Looking to exchange an apartment, buy a new one, office space– these questions are raised constantly. They are dealt with both by realtors officially and by ordinary citizens unofficially. Real estate is sold or rented, usually through realtors, who charge an impressive percentage. In this sense, the services of an intermediary are much cheaper, which helps in the implementation of this idea.

Renovation of offices and apartments

Apartments are ideal for implementing this idea, since office renovations are not needed as often as apartment renovations. It is best to look for clients in new buildings. Then you can place several orders within one home. Naturally, for this it is necessary to have several teams. You can look for them in the same new buildings.

Sales Representative

Business will not give up this idea anytime soon. Many manufacturers need representatives in various regions of the country or other countries where they want to expand their influence. It is best to choose several manufacturers of similar products and negotiate the sale of their products in your region. The next step is advertising the product and concluding supply agreements with end consumers - shops, supermarkets, etc.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of mediation options. But, it is quite possible that in the process of implementing them you will find some kind of your own way to make money through mediation.