Presentation on the topic "conversion". Presentation on the theme "conversion" Our goals, objectives and ways of action

Appeal Russian language lesson in 5th grade

Galina Viktorovna,

teacher of Russian language,

MBOU Kerch RK Secondary School No. 1 named after V. Dubinin

  • give students an idea of ​​the conversion;
  • learn to find a generalization in a sentence;
  • to instill the skill of correct punctuation when generalizing;
  • cultivate respect for the individual


The appeal is pronounced

with a special vocative intonation:

Hello Misha; Barankin!

Be human!

The role of the appeal in the sentence

This is a word or combination of words that names the person to whom the speech is addressed.

Not a member of the offer


Here are some examples

Listen, parrot, are we on the right track?

  • Whom are they contacting? - to a parrot.

We're starting the show, honey Anna Maksimovna.

Whom are they contacting? - to dear Anna Maksimovna

Appeal in the letter is distinguished by punctuation

stands out


or exclamation

may be

at the beginning, in the middle

or at the end



Here are some examples

Deniska! Could you jump from the highest tower?

The pronoun you and you are not appeals and are not separated by commas!

My cheerful sonorous ball!

Dear grandfather, grandmother, Alyonka, Barsik!

Punctuation and spelling warm-up

Task: Write. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters, Arrange the signs in the middle and at the end of the sentence.

1. Shut up Whine unfortunate ..ny

2. Oh you Lyapa

3. What are you crying

4. Oh you girl..ka h.. smearing where you so smeared

Gulch guys .. that's pretty mischievous.

6. Usnitsa Katenka eat porridge with a sweet taste..

7. Don't give up, darling.

8. Hello my boy, how are you doing here without me

9. What are you..lody man on the boulevard

Telegram Today in class...

I was confused, I didn't understand. .


Compose 3 sentences with appeal

slide 2

Place punctuation marks in the diagrams:

1. OOOO 2.OiOOiO 3.O butO 4.OOOO 5. OOO

slide 3

Write with punctuation marks. Make a diagram.

1. The most touching poems, books and paintings were written by Russian writers and artists about autumn. 2. Levitan's paintings depict familiar things: haystacks, birch trees. * Continue the text with a sentence corresponding to the scheme: O, O, O –O ⌂ALL OF THESE LANDSCAPES PERFECTLY TRANSFER THE SORRY OF THE FAREWELL DAYS OF THE SHELLING LEAVES OF RECOGNIZING GRASSES.

slide 4

Check yourself:

1. O,O and O. O and O 2. O:O,O,O.

slide 5

Solve the test:

Which sentence has a punctuation error: a) The wind picks up leaves and debris from the ground. b) The rain subsided, but did not stop. d) The guys caught a roach and a small pike.

slide 6

2. In which sentence there is no mistake: a) The river is wide, but shallow. b) Childish voices sound loud and joyful. d) Wolves, moose and bears are found in our forests.

Slide 7

3. Which sentence contains a generalizing word: a) Animals such as wolves, moose and bears are found in our forests. b) Seaside reefs and cliffs are all visible in the half-light. d) Strong wind both in the garden and in the alley and in the wasteland.

Slide 8

Check yourself:

1. d) 2. a), b) 3) a), b)

Slide 9


Did you write? Are you tired? Then together, quietly stood up. They sank their feet. They clapped their hands. Sit down, get up, get up, sit down. And they didn't hit each other. Hands up, shoulders wider. One two Three. Breathe evenly. From charging you will become stronger. You will become stronger and stronger.

Slide 10

Theme of the lesson: "Conversion".

Frost and sun! The day is wonderful. Are you still dozing, lovely friend? It's time, beauty, wake up ...

slide 11

Let's try to remember:

All of us in communication Will help appeal. You can safely turn to people, stars or birds. Only, friend, do not forget to place commas!

slide 12

Remember the diagrams:

  • slide 13

    Write, put punctuation marks. Build a diagram.

    1. Summer girlfriends white daisies for you forest fairies wove shirts. 2. There was a layer of dust on the floor on the chairs on the table. 3. And the sounds and the night and the frost were all so far away. 4. The dog sees a higher being in a person and tries to earn his trust.

    November fifteenth. Classwork. A minute of calligraphy Oo We check the house. work - tests

    • 2, 7
    • 2, 3
    • 2, 8
    • 2, 3
    • 2, 6
    • 2, 3
    • 1, 8
    • 3, 4

    10 - 11 correct answers - mark "5"

    8 - 9 correct answers - mark "4"

    6 - 7 correct answers - mark "3"

    Solve the crossword

    We can determine the topic of our today's lesson by answering the questions of the crossword puzzle, keyword which will help us to know her

    Our goals, objectives and methods of action

    For what?

    We work





    • Don't leave me, dear godfather!...
    • Gossip, this is strange to me ...

    • Appeal this is a word (or a combination of words) that names the person to whom the speech is addressed.
    • The address always has the form of the nominative case and can be expressed by a proper or common noun.

    • Dove, how beautiful! ...
    • Sing, little one, don't be ashamed! What if, sister, with such beauty, you are a master of singing ...

    • At the word-address, the voice rises, then it goes down, and after the appeal there is a pause.
    • It is called vocative intonation .

    • The appeal may consist of one word, i.e. be uncommon .
    • If the appeal consists of several words, then it is widespread .

    • Dear friend, great! Where have you been?
    • Well, brother, it's my fault: I didn't even notice the elephant!

    • In a sentence, an appeal can take any place: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a sentence.
    • The appeal is separated by commas.
    • These are the signs allocation .

    • How dare you, insolent, with an unclean snout here muddy my clean drink with sand and silt?
    • Leisure time for me to sort out your guilt, puppy!

    • Stop, brothers, stop!
    • You with the bass, Mishenka, sit down against the viola ...
    • And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, you are still not good at musicians.

    • Often, by conversion, you can understand what the person who is addressing is like. (addresser) and the person being addressed (destination).
    • Appeal can express kindness and anger, care and indifference, goodwill and hostility.
    • The appeal is not a member of the sentence, and the pronouns YOU, YOU are not separated by commas in the letter.

    • How, dear Rooster, you sing loudly, it's important!
    • And you, Cuckoo, my light, how you pull smoothly and lingeringly ...
    • Friends! Though you hoarse, praising each other, all your music is bad!

    If the appeal is at the beginning of the sentence and is pronounced with an exclamatory intonation, then after it is put Exclamation point, and the next word is capitalized.

    Page 99, punctogram No. 3

    Exercise #1

    Which member of the sentence, like the appeal,

    can be expressed as a noun

    nominative case? Arrange the signs

    punctuation, explain your choice.

    • My kumanek came to me for dinner.
    • I'm ready to listen to you, my kumanyok.

    Exercise #2

    Make sentences so that in one

    case, these words were subjects, and in

    others - by appeals:

    • citizen
    • auntie
    • Nikolai Petrovich

    Exercise #3 Find appeals, put punctuation marks

    1. Neighbor, stop being ashamed, do you mess with an elephant?

    2. Neighbor my light Please eat ... Have fun, dear little friend! Here is a bream, offal, here is a piece of sterlet! Just one more spoon! Bow down woman!

    3. For a long time, Polkanushka, it hurts me myself that, having been the same yard as dogs, we won’t live a day without a fight.

    4. Friends Why all this noise? I, your old matchmaker and godfather, came to put up with you, not at all for the sake of a quarrel ...

    5. Well, what did Khavronya see there?

    6. Listen, buddy! You, they say, are a great master of singing.

    Answers to exercise number 3 "Krylov's Fables"

    1. Neighbor("Elephant and Pug").

    2. Neighbor, my light, dear little friend, wife("Demyanova's ear").

    Pay attention to the word "please"!

    3. Polkanushka("Dog Friendship").

    4. Friends!("The wolf in the kennel").

    5. Khavronya("Pig").

    6. Buddy("Donkey and Nightingale").


    (Ilya: Retelling of theoretical material 42, exercise 218, 219)

    Tanya, Nikita learn punctogram number 3 page 99

    write out from "The Tale of the Dead Princess ..."

    A.S. Pushkin 7 offers with

    appeals expressing different attitudes

    speaker to the addressee.

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    Slides captions:

    December ninth. Classwork.

    Discussion in pairs Members of a sentence that answer the same question and are associated with one word are called - ... Homogeneous members form ... a phrase. Homogeneous members are separated ... Homogeneous members are connected ... and .... . We recall what we know with homogeneous coordinating commas by unions with enumerative intonation

    Before unions A, BUT a comma ... If the union And with homogeneous members is single, then a comma .... Homogeneous members can be combined ... in a word. If the generalizing word comes before OC, it is followed by .... If the generalizing word is after the OC, it is put before it ... Finish the statement is put not put by the generalizing colon We recall what we know dashes

    We remember what we know Read the sentence, find in it the words in the nominative case. Magician, you deceitful, insane old man, would despise your prediction. (A.S. Pushkin) Magician, you old man. With which of them do they turn to the interlocutor, attracting his attention? Wizard. Who is a sorcerer? Choose synonyms for this word. Magician - magician, sorcerer; one who does something supernatural. Whom does this word mean? Names the person being addressed, attracts his attention.

    Formulate the topic of the lesson. Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty! My light, mirror, tell me ... I love you, life! What, are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash?

    What is an appeal? How not to confuse the subject with the appeal? What does it happen? What are the punctuation marks when addressing? How are they placed? Know: what is an appeal, a way of expressing how punctuation marks are put when addressing To be able to: identify it in a sentence, distinguish it from the subject to be punctuated in writing Lesson objectives

    Name the topic of the lesson. Check your assumptions. Appeal. Grammatical signs of address. Work in pairs. Formulate the main question of the topic. Test yourself. How to find an appeal for an offer?

    We formulate tasks What tasks need to be solved in order to get an answer to the main question of the lesson?

    Hooray! Let's move!

    Discovering new knowledge Compare your assumption with the text of the definition. Appeal is a word (or phrase) that names the person or object to which the speaker is addressing. Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty! What, are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash? I love you life! My light, mirror, tell me ... to a person to nature to a phenomenon to an object Find the words of the addressee in the examples. Summarize the observations: to whom can a person turn with a speech?

    Schoolchildren help the disabled, the elderly, children. Schoolchildren, help the disabled, the elderly, children! vvvvvvvvvv Determine the purpose of each sentence. Specify the grammatical basis. Linguistic experiment Highlight the sign, the comparison of which helps to distinguish the address from the subject. The appeal is not included in the basis of the sentence, it is impossible to put a question to it from the predicate.

    Reread the offer. Magician, you deceitful, insane old man, would despise your prediction. Remember the words that are in the nominative case. Wizard, you old man. Is it possible to address the interlocutor with the words you, old man? The pronoun you is never an address, it is impolite to say to a person - you. Can we ask a question for the word sorcerer in this sentence? No, you can't ask a question. Will the appeal be a member of the proposal? The appeal is not a member of the offer.

    Let's remember the rhyme All of us when communicating Will help appeal. You can safely turn to people, stars or birds. Only, friend, do not forget: Arrange commas. (V. Valgina) What advice did you get in this rhyme? The appeal must be separated by commas. Compare your observations with the rule in the textbook.

    […, O, …] VVV v […, O] v VVV [O, …] VVV v [ O! … ] vvvv Discovering new knowledge Look at the charts. What punctuation rule do the diagrams illustrate?

    Read § 22 Mark the text. What did you learn from the text? Compare: The oblique eye is not afraid of the wolf. Hey, slanting eye, are you not afraid of the wolf? What can be confused with appeals? Why? How to distinguish them? Check yourself The subject is the main member of the sentence and acts with the predicate, and the service word is not a member of the sentence.

    Let's make an algorithm

    Summing up the lesson

    Reflection Write down only those sentences in which there are appeals. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. 1. Deniska, can you perform in a concert? 2. Deniska did not want to perform in a concert. 3. Mom did not know that I can sing loudly. 4. Mom, don't you know that I can sing loudly? 5. Are you writing about me Karnaukhova? 6. Bryukvin constantly interfered with Karnaukhova. Test yourself. 1. Deniska, can you perform in a concert? Mom, don't you know that I can sing loudly? 3. What are you writing about me, Karnaukhova?

    Introspection Now I can… I was surprised… It was difficult…

    The lesson is over! Hooray!