Partners. Current information on the activities of the Association of Factoring Companies (AFK) AFK Association of Factoring Companies

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  • JSC Alfa-Bank


    Bank " Financial Corporation Opening"


    Russian Factoring Company

    Since August 2009, he has been a member of the Association of Factoring Companies.

    Russian Factoring Company effectively resolves any issues of financing and control of accounts receivable using electronic factoring based on the FactorEx service.

    NFK is a company specializing in the provision of factoring and financial logistics services, the most experienced player Russian market, operating since 1999. NFC offers clients solutions that provide comfort for business: factoring, including in the form of the purchase of receivables, financing of purchases and production, compensation for losses from non-payment for supplies with deferred payment.

    NFC, together with E-COM, is working on the “Electronic factoring (Factorex)” project.

    ROSEU (Association "Developers and Operators of Systems electronic services") is working on the task of developing a common position among members of the association, creating conditions for harmonious development the market for electronic services in the interests of end consumers, as well as building effective relationships between members of the association and the state. Participation within the association allows E-COM to improve the quality of electronic services and develop new electronic services and tools electronic document management, introducing advanced electronic technologies into business processes of enterprises.

    Participation in the association allows E-COM to improve the quality of services, develop new electronic services, introducing advanced e-technologies into the business processes of enterprises.

    General information

    Mission of the Association of Factoring Companies (AFC) is to fully facilitate the formation and functioning of the modern factoring market in Russia, promote the development and popularization of factoring in all regions Russian Federation, standardization of rules of conduct in the market, improving the quality of factoring services provided, helping to ensure affordable, high-quality and effective satisfaction of the needs of entrepreneurs ( potential clients) in factoring services, increasing the financial literacy of potential clients, training qualified personnel, promoting (lobbying) and protecting the interests of AFK members.

    The basic operating conditions and purpose of the AFK are to:

    • coordinate the activities of AFC members;
    • participate in the formation of a positive “image” of factoring as a service;
    • contribute to the popularization and development of factoring (including in the regions), increasing the attractiveness of factoring;
    • act as a link between members of the AFC and government bodies (including acting as a “subject of legislative initiative”);
    • to facilitate the provision by its members of a full range of modern competitive factoring products to clients, primarily small and medium-sized enterprises (including in the regions).

    To achieve the above goals, AFK sets itself the following tasks in a number of main areas of its activities:

    1. Legal direction

    • Development of standards and rules of activity in the factoring market;
    • Providing legal advice (clarification and clarification of various situations, legislation, etc.);
    • Sending requests on behalf of the professional community to government authorities.

    2. Educational direction

    • Development of a quality certificate for factoring market specialists and certification of specialists. To obtain a quality certificate, a specialist from a factoring company/factoring division will need to pass a special exam, the questions of which will reveal knowledge in the field of providing factoring and related services. The presence of a certificate will not be mandatory, but will only become a kind of indicator of knowledge and confirmation of the high qualifications of a specialist.
    • Conducting programs to improve the qualifications of employees of factoring companies.
    • Such programs will be conducted both by members of the AFC (master classes) and by invited teachers from leading economic and legal universities of the Russian Federation.
    • Conducting lectures and seminars (both by members of the AFC and attracted teachers).
    • Conducting online conferences on the AFK website.
    • Release of educational literature with the participation of AFK.
    • Formation of a positive image of factoring;
    • Popularization of factoring;
    • Release of our own magazine about factoring, which will cover the main market events, publish statistics, provide information about members of the Association, and publish interviews with company representatives.

    4. Statistical direction

    • Collection of statistics on the factoring market as a whole;
    • Preparation of analytical reports.

    5. Arbitration court

    In the future framework of the AFK, it is planned to create an Arbitration Court - a special body created for the purpose of promptly resolving disputes between members of the AFK, members of the AFK and their clients, members of the AFK and other organizations.

    The tasks of the Arbitration Court will be:

    • Protection of violated or disputed rights and legitimate interests of AFC members;
    • Promoting customs and ethics business turnover, as well as the preservation and further strengthening of partnership business relations between the disputing parties, despite the disagreements between them.

    6. Development of cooperation between AFK and other associations

    • Development of cooperation with international professional Associations;
    • Development of cooperation with Russian Associations and Unions (bankers, collectors, insurers, etc.).

    AFK's position regarding licensing the activities of factoring companies

    According to the Association of Factoring Companies, it is inappropriate to license the activity of financing against the assignment of a monetary claim, and therefore it is necessary to quickly adopt the draft federal law “On amendments to Article 825 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the recognition of the repeal of Article 10 of the Federal Law “On the Entry into Force part two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation", aimed at abolishing licensing of factoring.

    Main results of JSFC activities (October 2008)

    To date, the Association has developed an Internet site, which should become effective tools interactions between the JSFC, its members and factoring market participants, as well as a number of fundamental documents:

    1. Constitution of the AFC

    The AFC Constitution is the main document defining the rules of interaction between members of the Association, establishing:

    • The procedure for the formation and operation of management and control bodies of the Association: general meeting members, Board, Supervisory Board, President, Audit Commission;
    • Composition and structure, rights and obligations of members of the Association;
    • Requirements for candidates wishing to join the Association;
    • The procedure for joining and leaving (exclusion) from the Association;
    • The procedure for forming and paying membership fees.

    2. Code of honor and professional ethics members of the Association of Factoring Companies (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Honor)

    The purpose of the Code of Honor is to establish standards of professional ethics for members of the Association of Factoring Companies, both increasing trust in members of the AFK and contributing to the sustainable functioning, development and image of the factoring market in the Russian Federation.

    In accordance with the Code of Honor, each member of the AFK is obliged to comply with standards of professional ethics that increase trust and contribute to the development and image of the factoring market. These ethical foundations for the professional activities of AFC members are:

    • Honesty;
    • Integrity;
    • Legality;
    • Confidentiality;
    • Professional competence;
    • Professional conduct;
    • Independence;
    • Information openness.

    The Code of Honor regulates in detail all of the above points, in particular, AFC Members are prohibited from:

    • Artificially lower the price of factoring (factoring services), set prices for factoring significantly lower than average market prices and below the cost of the service provided in order to penetrate the market, gain a place on it, and displace other market participants;
    • Intentionally lure employees of other AFK participants by offering them more favorable conditions work, while it is also prohibited to use during the year the client base of a new employee acquired by him from another member of the AFK;
    • Disseminate deliberately negative information, false information that discredits honor and dignity, or undermines the reputation of other market participants;
    • Disseminate deliberately negative and false information that negatively affects the image of the market as a whole.

    The Code of Honor is mandatory for all members of the AFC to comply with when carrying out professional activities in the factoring market. Members of the AFK do not have the right to establish for themselves less stringent norms and lower standards of professional ethics than the norms and standards established by the Code of Honor. Compliance with the provisions of the Code of Honor serves as an additional guarantee and evidence of professionalism, reliability and compliance of the activities of a member of the AFK with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally accepted moral standards and business customs.

    3. Exclusive application form for admission to AFK

    When joining the AFC, the candidate fills out a specially designed form where he introduces himself general information about yourself, the main indicators reflecting the company's activities over several years, attaches a motivation letter outlining the reasons that prompted the company (bank) to join the JSFC.

    4. Regulations on the AFK Committees (legal, educational)

    All committees of the AFC are permanent working bodies of the Association, and are created by decision of the Board of the Association.

    The committees carry out their activities in cooperation with management bodies and structural divisions AFK, as well as with professional participants in the factoring market, specialized associations and unions (including international ones).

    The main goals and objectives of the AFC Legal Committee

    • Development and conduct of legal examination of draft regulatory legal acts and proposals on issues related to factoring and trade finance;
    • Development and conduct of legal examination of draft documents of the JSFC establishing or changing the rights and obligations of the members of the JSFC;
    • Analysis and generalization of the practice of application by factoring market participants of civil legislation and financial legislation;
    • Development of recommendations for factoring market participants - members of AFK on the application of civil legislation and financial legislation;
    • Development of standards for factoring market participants - members of AFK;
    • Consideration of other issues related to the activities of the Committee;
    • Advising AFK members on various issues related to law enforcement in the field of factoring;
    • Consulting AFC members on the application of standards and rules of the Association.

    The main goals and objectives of the AFC Educational Committee

    • Developing a coordinated position of the AFC members on resolving issues related to improving the quality of education and the level of qualifications of employees;
    • Development of a “factoring market specialist certificate” and rules for conducting exams for passing this certificate;
    • Development of uniform standards, rules and regulations regarding the development and improvement of the quality of education of employees;
    • Organization and holding of special educational programs(master classes) to improve the skills of employees;
    • Organization and holding by members of the committee of lectures/seminars in the field of "factoring" for students of economic and law universities;
    • Participation in the production of educational literature.

    About the association

    The Association of Factoring Companies (AFC) is a professional public association of participants in the factoring market in the Russian Federation.

    AFK – non-state non-profit organization, uniting legal entities carrying out factoring operations in Russia, as well as organizations whose activities are related to the provision of factoring services.

    Our mission:

    AFK's activities are aimed at creating conditions in Russia under which a client making deliveries on deferred payment terms can receive factoring services, regardless of the industry, the scale of the business and the scope of activity of its customers.

    AFK is a competence center that consolidates information, statistics, promotes best practices and know-how of the factoring market in Russia.

    AFK is a tool for achieving the development goals of the factoring business of its members. AFK members use this tool at its own discretion without prejudice to the interests of other members.

    Our principles:
    • Open dialogue and equal opportunities for all members, regardless of the size and model of their business organization.
    • Maximum service for members.
    • Synergy and pooling of members' resources to solve common problems.
    Our goals:Reducing the risks of running a factoring business in Russia
    • AFK is a center of expertise for regulators, a source and co-author of legislative initiatives on the market.
    • The market is resistant to liquidity compression, fraudulent schemes, procedures risk management Factors are accepted by Clients and Debtors.
    • The market reputation is stable, AFK is informationally open, and is a center of competence for factoring.
    Expansion of the factoring market in Russia
    • Opening new industries for factoring.
    • Increasing awareness of clients and debtors about factoring.
    • State support for factoring.
    • Expanding information exchange and cooperation between Factors on the AFK site.
    • Joint business and information projects members of the AFC.
    • A comprehensive program for promoting factoring in Russia.
    Benefits of membership in AFK

    Direct involvement in the processes of the factoring market, exchange of experience and joint solution of tactical tasks common to all market participants.

    The ability (through the participation of a Factor representative on the AFC Board and/or AFC committees and working groups) to influence the focus of the Association’s initiatives.

    Access to information and communication services of AFK.

    Marketing and information support in promoting Factor on the market in Russia and abroad.

    Increasing the status of the factoring division in the bank, intensifying the business development of the factoring company - a member of the JSFC.

    Participation in AFK today is a real influence on the development strategy and regulation of factoring in Russia, the shortest path to success in the factoring market!