Some people only love you when you stop loving them. "people are free only when they are economically independent" Only when they


free only when
they are economically independent"

We bring to your attention
readers interview with new
manager of the Irkutsk branch
Alfa-Bank Vyacheslav Butakov

Vyacheslav Arnoldovich, it is known that
some things happened at the branch
structural changes. Please,
tell us about their essence.
Are serious
changes in the work of Irkutsk
Alfa-Bank branch related to
your arrival to office
branch manager?

Indeed, in the Irkutsk branch,
as in other branches of Alfa-Bank,
structural ones are running out
changes that are associated with
development of the bank itself and its
branch network. In the process of our
activities, we came to the conclusion
that you can't approach everyone
clients with a single standard
banking technology. IN
result in our branch - on
stage of completion work on
creation of three departments.

The first one
— department for work with large
clients. In the Irkutsk region
about two dozen large
corporations and holdings with
a wide variety of needs for
banking services. This is massive
activity that requires
approaching the enterprise and
involves "piecemeal" work
with every client.

In this regard
provision is made for the creation
mini-additional offices for 4-5 workplaces per
individual enterprises or for
groups of enterprises where
bank representatives could
communicate with major clients
daily mode. I must say
Alpha personal managers
Banks are already operating in Angarsk
electromechanical plant and
Usolyekhimprom. Coming soon
a mini additional office will be created for
a number of enterprises in Usolye.

Second -
middle management department
the client assumes
structuring the client base and
organization of a single
technological chain for all
banking services. Here also
individual work required
because bank clients want
it's not easy to see in him
high-tech settlement
center, but a business partner,
financial intermediary and

And finally
third - management of work with
retail business. This
direction is now active
develops. At the branch in
in the future there will be services for
lending to individuals,
mortgage lending. We
we consider the technology itself
working with individuals and
retail business as sales in
modern store where
a prepared client could
come to the bank and buy a service without
unnecessary red tape and lengthy
collection of documents.

the second part of your question,
the changes taking place are not
associated with the arrival of a new
manager At Alfa-Bank
there is a technology
which no manager can change
can't. The branch has developed its own
traditions at work, and I'm not inclined to them
violate. But where, in my opinion,
any areas are weakened
"technological process"
or business, I will them
"pull up" and develop.

- Which,
in your opinion there should be
Irkutsk development strategy
Alfa-Bank branch?

Occurring structural
changes and determine strategy
development. While we're at
the initial stage of transformation,
it is necessary to bring the bank closer to
major clients in order to become
their business partners, understand them
production and
financial and economic processes
in order to further
help unlock their reserves,
aimed at development

there is a lot of talk about lack of funds
in the Russian banking system. We
along with other banks now
ready to offer clients
significant volumes
"short" money. However, one
from the bank's strategic objectives
is a gradual transition to
long-term lending,
implementation of such areas as
leasing, design and trade

medium and retail business, then
we see our task as expansion
our presence throughout the region,
and not only in Irkutsk and Angarsk.
We intend to offer clients
new high-tech
products and provide them

- Which ones?
in your opinion there should be
priority areas
activities of the branch in the current

— Along with
optimization of the branch structure
Technologies are also developing. Today
we can make a serious
competition for any bank
customer service at stock
market. Developed and implemented at the bank
new product "Alfa-Direct" -
trading securities through
Internet. Presentation of this system
at the branch will take place in the near future
time. "Alpha - Direct" gives
ability to work in
online not only for brokers and everyone
institutional officials
market, but also for the ordinary investor:
anyone can trade on
stock market using
computer and system
"Alfa-Direct", depositing money into
payment system through a bank.
The program is unique in that
allows you to move freely from
one system to another: from RTS1 to
RTS2, on MFB, St. Petersburg
exchange, you can withdraw funds to
foreign exchange market without leaving their office
or apartments, and quickly and

direction will develop
by investing in large
projects, purchase and sale, merger
and business takeovers, too
companies will be offered
mediation in accessing
foreign capital markets. On
in the first stage, most often we
We offer our services as
financial advisor who
analyzes financial
economic condition
enterprises, develops
business development program and
activation of management. If speech
will go about the release securities then we
we can take over the functions
underwriter. This is very interesting
a direction new to the region.

On my
view, it is very important to convey to
understanding of senior managers
level responsible for accepting
decisions in enterprises, to what extent
high level of opportunities
Alfa-Bank in solving these problems.
Everyone knows that the team
"Alfa Group", which
is engaged in investment
business, one of the strongest in
Russia. Teams of similar level in
the country has very few, not a single
the region's enterprise does not have
similar level of competence and

- What
segments of the economy you intend
give preference?

- If
talk about industry
segmentation, then we work with
all industries without exception. That
the same can be said about
segmentation by business scale.

- Support
national art and
charitable activities -
one of the priority areas
cultural and educational
bank activities. Are there any
today new charities
projects in the Irkutsk branch?

— Alfa-Bank
supports the arts of the highest
audition: if it's ballet, then ballet
Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters, if
rock, then Sting or Tina Turner, if
jazz - then Oleg Lundstrem. Understanding
that today is a tour
activities of many theatrical
simply inaccessible to teams,
bank, pursuing educational
goal, invites you to those regions where
its branches are opening, the best
domestic performers.

At the opening
branch in Irkutsk Alfa-Bank
gave the residents of Irkutsk a concert of artists
Mariinsky Theater. Continuing
introduce Siberians to the best
examples of theatrical art,
last fall Alfa-Bank allocated
funds for organizing tours
award-winning theaters
"Golden Mask" in Irkutsk,
which were dedicated to
150th anniversary celebration
academic dramatic
Theater named after N.P. Okhlopkova. Now
we intend to initiate the creation
board of trustees at the theater,
where will the representatives be included?
various areas of business, capable
support interesting initiatives
drama theater

see how interest in
serious music, be it classical
or jazz. It was sold out to a full house
jazz festival held
on the initiative of Alfa-Bank in
Angarsk at the end of May. At the festival
famous musician took part
and composer Igor Butman from
Moscow, musicians from Novosibirsk,
Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk.

support for artists,
the branch provides ongoing assistance
sponsored orphanage. By June 1st,
For Children's Day, we have prepared
nice surprise for the guys.

Vyacheslav Arnoldovich, is it true?
are you from our area? If possible,
tell us a little about yourself.

- Yes, that's true.
I was born on the banks of the Angara, in the village
Fedorovka, Ust-Udinsky district.
Now this village does not exist, during
construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station
was flooded, like the village of Butakovo,
which was founded by my ancestor in the 17th century
Cossack Grigory Butakov, Atolonka
(where the writer Valentin is from
Rasputin), other villages. It's a pity that
the big and beautiful one disappeared
part of the rural Angara region.

hydroelectric power plants are good for
residents of the region, allowing them to have
cheap electricity and
promoting the development of the region,
however, for villagers
Angara region, which then went under
water, it became real
tragedy, which he spoke about in
his works Valentin

graduation from polytechnic
Institute I was assigned
to Vladivostok. To my relatives - and here
I am survived by my parents, brother and
sisters - visited regularly. AND
although the Far East is for real
I fell in love, the circumstances were
so that fate brought me back to
homeland. And I must say, I accepted
this is with great joy.

Worked for
mine, in government, held
first few posts in the city
Partizansk and Primorsky Krai
Council, studied at the Academy
social sciences under the CPSU Central Committee,
defended his Ph.D. dissertation.
Then he took part in the creation
branch of Mezheconomsberbank in
Vladivostok and became his
manager Worked at Inkombank,
V lately was in
deputy positions
Alfa-Bank branch manager
in Vladivostok.

- You have
Do you have a hobby?

- So
It turns out that I have more than one hobby,
and several at once: sports, music,
fishing and hunting. Since Primorye
- the region is rich, then I studied and
hunting and fishing. Hunting -
pleasure in Primorye is seasonal,
but you can go fishing
all year round. Since childhood I
I play volleyball, and recently
For years I became interested in tennis.
In winter, hiking is a must

student days to the present
I've been into rock music for a while now,
I love classical music. WITH
looking forward to arrival
container with my music
collection. I have collected
serious music library of jazz and
classics, where along with modern
CDs preserved vinyl
records that have all been around for a long time
thrown away and, as it turned out, in vain,
today many music lovers
going back to vinyl. Music and everything
everything connected with it is my passion.
- The most difficult art is
the art of managing, he said in his
time Carl Weber. What
qualities, in your opinion, should
possess a head of credit

- Like anyone
leader, he must have,
first of all, competence,
purposefulness, ability
highlight in any situation
main goal, to unite and
mobilize the team for it

- What
represents for you the greatest
value? Or this: what is worth
first place on your personal scale

- If
to think philosophically, then I think
that freedom, in the broadest sense of the word.
The person then feels
it's really good when he
free AND we're talking about not only about
humane political system: people
only really free
when they are independent

one has to hear that
the time has finally come
democracy and freedom. However
absolute majority of the population
lives in poverty today, and this
means complete bondage. We have
examples of other peoples who managed
reach a higher degree
freedom. They even think completely
otherwise, learned to use
economic independence for
own social and
cultural development.

For that,
so that we all become truly
free, need to get
certain historical experience,
change living conditions, as well as
pass laws that would
freedom was defended.


    The author of the expression is L. N. Tolstoy (1828 1910). In a letter (September 2, 1908) to Leonid Andreev: “I think that you need to write (...) only when the thought you want to express is so persistent that it cannot be expressed as best you can.” her,… … Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    CITIZEN! - CITIZEN SPEAK THEN WHEN YOU ARE GOING TO PLAY COCK ON THE PRISON STORY- dial., coarse. An expression of dissatisfaction with the method of address chosen by the interlocutor... Explanatory dictionary of modern colloquial phraseological units and proverbs

    When there were no teeth, they brought nuts. Wed. For half a century he sang beautifully, But he did not always eat beautifully The priests of poetry are the destiny!... But let the poet not think, That we have no gratitude: Only fifty years have passed, Though late, grateful... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    The "If and only if" query redirects here; for other meanings see IFF (disambiguations). ↔ ⇔ ≡ Logical symbols representing if and only if. In logic and related fields such as mathematics and philosophy, then and only then is... ... Wikipedia

    adv. and union. I. adv. 1. interrogative. What time? I'll have to go see her. When? Yes, even the day after tomorrow. Turgenev, Fathers and Sons. When is the meeting? asked Semyon. Friday afternoon. Babaevsky, Cavalier of the Golden Star. || (with the particle “zhe”:... ... Small academic dictionary

    adv. 1. At that time, at one or another moment in the past or future; not now, not now. [Chertokutskaya] went out into the garden to freshen up. As luck would have it, it was a wonderful time then. Gogol, Stroller. Nastya was married to my father at the age of fifteen. Father… … Small academic dictionary

    Wed. For half a century he sang beautifully, But he did not always eat beautifully. The lot of the priests of poetry!... But let the poet not think that we have no gratitude: Only fifty years have passed, Even though it’s late, the grateful world Now gives him dinner, When the squirrel has no teeth. *** By… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Adverb, union then, Toldy Perm., Vyat. exactly, exactly, at that time, about that time; answers when. Then Rus' was under impostors. When you go to the field, then feed the dogs! Then you would have come when there was a need, but now you won’t help. Then come... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    THEN. 1. adv. At that time, at some point in the past or future, not now. “I was living in Switzerland at the time.” A. Turgenev. “Then you had at least pity, at least respect for years... but now!” Pushkin. He seemed to me then terribly learned, smart and... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “WHEN THE YELLOWING FIELDS WORRY”, later verse. L. (1837), which captures rare moments of harmony. the poet’s fusion with nature, with the world and the associated internal state. enlightenment. However, this condition only emphasizes the usual... ... Lermontov Encyclopedia

    adv. when, if; at what time, what day, hour; under what other events. When will you come? And when I get around to it. Whenever you want, at any time. When there is a harvest, then bread is cheap. When it is and when it is not. | At that time, at such and such a time... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Not there and not then. When did World War II begin and where did it end? , Parshev Andrey Petrovich, Stepakov Viktor Nikolaevich. It is generally accepted that the Second world war began with the German attack on Poland on September 1, 1939, and ended on September 2, 1945 after the crushing defeat of the Japanese army. So…
  • Not there and not then: When did World War II begin and where did it end? , Parshev A.P., Stepakov V.N.. It is generally accepted that the Second World War began with the German attack on Poland on September 1, 1939, and ended on September 2, 1945 after the crushing defeat of the Japanese army. So…

I see the meaning of the statement of the great German figure Helmut Schmidt in that markets can only function fully if they have an open market system.

What's happened open market? First of all, this is the freedom of action of the manufacturer, who can produce any product and set any price. But an open market also means freedom of choice for a buyer who can purchase any item. And, of course, the manufacturer needs to find out the desires of the consumer so that his product is in demand and competitive, and to know the consumer’s solvency so that the product can be purchased.

An example is modern phones or tablets. They have become a part of our lives, and are almost irreplaceable. Equipment manufacturers constantly conduct surveys among consumers, use new technologies to improve their product, and then sell it to the buyer, who, of course, will want to purchase a better product.

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In order for a product to be purchased, the seller takes into account the abilities of the population, therefore, if you go to an electrical store, the average price for these devices is not high, which makes it possible for anyone to purchase the product.

Thus, I agree with Helmut Schmidt's statement. He was right when he compared the market to a parachute: if the parachute is open and the manufacturer takes into account the needs of the consumer, then there will be a profit. If the market is closed, this clearly means that unnecessary goods are going on sale, then the entrepreneur will face a very strong blow.

Some people won't appreciate you until you leave. When you no longer give them the support they took for granted, when you no longer write them sweet texts that they ignored, when you no longer welcome them with open arms every time they knock on your door in the middle of the night. , and when you no longer wait on your phone for their call.

Some people don't realize how much you loved them until they can't find anyone else who loves them as much. When they can't find someone who loves everything they're ashamed of, who looks at them as if it's all they need, who makes them feel at home - safe and protected from the chaos of the whole world.

Some people will only try to get your attention when you stop giving it to them. When you stop liking all their posts, calling them in the middle of the day to tell them how much you love them, when you stop buying them those little things they would like and mention in casual conversation, and when you stop dropping everything and rushing to their aid, when they need it.

Some people will only try to win you after they have already lost you. When they realize that you have other options, when they realize that someone else will treat you better than them, when they realize that you are no longer willing to be their option, when they realize how selfish they have been .

Some people will only miss you when you forget them. When you forget to wish them a happy birthday, when you forget their favorite song, their secrets, when you throw away their memories. When you forget how they made you feel.

Some people will only respect you when you leave. When they understand that you sacrificed yourself for them, when they understand how many times you went against yourself to give in to them, when they understand how many times you forgave them over and over again. When they realize that you left because you were sick of it - because they confused your patience and understanding with weakness.

Some people will only love you when you stop loving them. When you no longer miss their touch or the sound of their voice. When they see that you have changed and no longer look at them the same way as before. When you no longer think about them before going to bed. When they are finally ready to open their heart to you after breaking yours into pieces.

Some people will never get the chance to love you again because your heart will belong to someone who doesn't have to lose you to learn how to keep you. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Wings are freedom only when they are open in flight; behind the back they are heaviness.

A person dies when he stops changing, and death is just a formality.

Praise, like gold and diamond, has value only when it is rare.

The wise are wise only because they love. Fools are only stupid because they think they can understand love.

No matter how much we laugh at miracles, while we are strong, healthy and prosperous, but if life is so wedged, so flattened that only a miracle can save us, we believe in this only, exceptional miracle!

They [people] don't want to create their own happiness, they only want to reduce unhappiness.

Children don't remember words - they remember actions. If you lecture a child for an hour and then blow your nose in front of him, he will only remember how you blew your nose.

In youth, a man wants sex, and a woman wants love. In adulthood, he wants love, and she wants sex. And only in old age do they want the same thing: peace.

The misconception of the stingy is that they consider gold and silver to be goods, when they are only means for acquiring goods.

Women are stronger than us. For them there is no nonsense - only the main thing. Life, children, freedom. They see no meaning in eternal life - they continue in children, and that's enough. They are not conquerors - the world already belongs to them, because they are able to create new life.